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Corresponding author: Koraon Wongkamhaeng ( ) Academic editor: Charles Oliver Coleman
© 2015 Koraon Wongkamhaeng, Jaruwat Nabhitabhata, Prawit Towatana.
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Wongkamhaeng K, Nabhitabhata J, Towatana P (2015) Corophiine amphipods of the genera Chelicorophium and Paracorophium from the lower Gulf of Thailand (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Corophiidae, Corophiinae). ZooKeys 505: 35-50.
Two species of corophiine amphipods from Songkhla Lake, in the lower Gulf of Thailand, are described and illustrated. Chelicorophium madrasensis (Nayar, 1950), found in the mangrove forest, has not previously been observed in Thai waters. Paracorophium angsupanichae sp. n. is characterized by its chelate male gnathopod 2, obtuse palm with subrectangular distomedial elevation, and urosomites 1-3 free. This is the first record of the genus Chelicorophium and Paracorophium in Thai waters. All specimens are deposited in the Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Natural History Museum, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand and the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin.
Crustacea, Amphipoda, new species, taxonomy, Thai waters
The subfamily Corophiinae was established by Bousfield and Hoover in
Amphipods were collected from Songkhla Lake (Figure
Paracorophium Stebbing, 1899.
Labrum symmetrically incised, labium normal,with innerlobes. Maxilla 1: inner lobe small, palp 2-articulate. Maxilliped: inner margin of outer lobe with several slender spines. Mandible: molar triturative, incisor toothed, palp 3-articulate. Rostrum short, coxa 4 without distoposterior lobe, coxa 5 as long as coxa 4. Accessory flagellum absent. Gnathopod 1 subchelate, gnathopod 2 merochelate, distally chelate, parachelate or subchelate. Basis of pereopods 5-7 not lobed. Peduncle of uropod 1 with distoventral strong tooth. Uropod 3 very short, biramous, rami unisegmented. Telson short, fleshy, entire, bearing 2 distal corner teeth. Oostegyts narrow, coxal gills simple. Sexual dimorphism present (gnathopod 2).
Corophium excavatum Thomson, 1884 (type by monotypy)
Paracorophium excavatum (G.M. Thomson, 1884); Paracorophium lucasi Hurley, 1954; Paracorophium chelatum (G. Karaman, 1979); Paracorophium hartmannorum Andres, 1979; Paracorophium chilensis Varela, 1983; Paracorophium brisbanensis Chapman, 2002; Paracorophium nana Myers, 2009. Paracorophium angsupanichae sp. n. (this study).
Holotype. ♂, THAILAND, Lower Gulf of Thailand, Middle Songkhla Lake (7°28'36"N, 100°24'6"E), 23 October 2014, leg. K. Wongkamhaeng, PSUZC-CR-0350. Allotype, ♀ collected with holotype; PSUZC-CR-0351; Paratypes, collected with holotype PSUZC-CR-0352 (5♂; 5♀) and ZMB28473 (3 ♂;3♀)
Based on male holotype. Body length 1.75 mm (from tip of rostrum to apex of telson). Body compressed, smooth, urosomites 1-3 free. Head, lateral cephalic lobe rounded. Antenna 1 sparsely setose, short, one third of body length, ratios of peduncular articles 1—3 5:6:3; accessory flagellum absent; primary flagellum 7-articulate, bearing 4-6 aesthetascs. Antenna 2, sparsely setose; flagellum 6-articulate. Upper lip (labrum) symmetrically incised distally. Lower lip (labium), inner lobes well developed. Mandible, both similar, left incisor 3-dentate, right incisor 4-dentate; left and right lacinia mobilis armed with 3 and 4 teeth respectively; ratios of palp article 1-3 5:8:6. Maxilla 1, inner plate short; outer plate with 9 bifid robust setae; palp 2-articulate, second article with 9 distal robust setae. Maxilla 2, inner lobe with distal and marginal plumose setae; outer lobe with 13 fine setae. Maxilliped, inner plate exceeding palp article 1, oblique, with 8 basal setae, 7 apical plumose setae and 2 apical robust setae; outer plate not reaching apex of palp article 2, with 9 marginal robust setae and 2 fine apical setae; palp 4-articulate; ratios of peduncular articles 1-4 3:7:4:2.
Pereon. Gnathopod 1 subchelate, smaller than gnathopod 2; coxal plate trapezium-shaped, produced anteriorly with 7 fine setae on anteroventral corner and 2 robust setae on posterior margin; length ratio of articles from basis to dactylus 3:1:1:3:2:1; basis slender, broader distally, with anterodistal setae and posteromarginal setae; ischium short, subrectangular; merus subtriangular with posteromarginal setae; carpus long, with plumose setae on both margins; propodus subtriangular, palm oblique with a defining robust seta. Gnathopod 2 chelate; coxal plate subquadrate; length ratio of articles from basis to dactylus 8:3:7:6:12:6; basis robust, expanded distally; merus subtriangular, distal angle produced with a group of very long plumose setae on anterior margin; carpus medially expanded, bearing dense setae on posterior margin; propodus suboval, narrowing distally with a weak subdistal excavation on posterior margin, anterior margin sparsely setose, palm obtuse with subrectangular distomedial elevation bearing 4 robust setae; dactylus overlapping palm, expanded medially with 3 fine setae and 1 distal seta. Pereopod 3 slender; coxal plate deeper than long, slightly expanded ventrally, beset with marginal setae; length ratio of articles from basis to dactylus 6:2:6:2:5:2; basis slender; ischium short; merus slightly produced anterodistally, anterior margin lined with 9 long setae and short posterodistal setae; carpus and propodus slender, lined with marginal setae on both sides; dactylus curved. Pereopod 4 similar to pereopod 3; length ratio of articles from basis to dactylus 6:2:4:2:3:1; basis slender, with long fine setae on posterior margin; merus slightly produced anterodistally; carpus suboval with a weak subdistal excavation, with setae on both margins; propodus long and narrow, sparse setae; dactylus long and thin with one seta. Pereopod 5–7 progressively longer, in the length ratio 2:3:4. Pereopod 5 coxa bilobed; length ratio of articles from basis to dactylus 8:2:4:3:4:1; basis oval, sparsely setose; merus and carpus subequal with anteromarginal setae; propodus slender with 3 marginal robust setae; dactylus curved. Pereopod 6 coxa bilobed; length ratio of articles from basis to dactylus 9:2:4:4:5:1; basis oval, posterodistally excavated, lined with 10 plumose setae; merus subrectangular with a median robust seta and distal setae; carpus subrectangular with distal robust setae; propodus slender with 3 marginal setae; dactylus long and curved. Pereopod 7 coxa subtriangular; basis suboval, posterodistally excavated; merus – propodus slender with marginal and distal robust setae; dactylus tapering to pointed tip.
Pleon. Pleopods 1–3 well developed; peduncles subrectangular with 2 retinaculae, longer than broad; rami unequal, inner ramus longer than outer ramus. Epimeron 1–3 subquadrate; epimeron 2 bearing 7 plumose setae. Uropod 1 not extending beyond ends of other uropods; peduncle longer than rami, fringed with robust setae, peduncular apex bearing a posteroventral process; outer and inner ramus subequal, both rami lined with a row of robust setae, distal margins rounded and bearing several robust setae. Uropod 2 peduncle subequal to rami; outer ramus slightly longer than inner one, both rami with apical robust setae and outer ramus bearing medial robust setae. Uropod 3, peduncle subequal to rami subequal to outer ramus, which is slightly longer than inner one, bearing 4 apical setae; inner ramus with 2 fine apical setae and 1 robust seta. Telson subtrapezoidal, broader than long, each distal margin with distal spine.
Female (allotype). Total body length 2.6 mm (from tip of rostrum to apex of telson). Sexually dimorphic characters: Antenna 1 flagellum with 5 articles, last 2 articles bearing aesthetascs. Gnathopod 2 coxa much deeper than wide; basis elongate, expanded distally; merus subtriangular with a long plumose setae on anterior margin; carpus subrectangular, bearing long plumose setae on posterior margin; propodus elongate with posterior plumose marginal setae, palm poorly developed with 2 robust setae; dactylus curved.
The species is named in honor of Professor Dr. Saowapa Angsupanich of Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, who contributed to the study of the ecosystem in Songkhla Lake.
Paracorophium angsupanichae sp. n. is characterized by male gnathopod 2 chelate and shares this character with Paracorophium chelatum in the Palau Islands, in the southern Pacific Ocean, east of the Philippines. Both amphipods inhabit freshwater environments above tidal influence. However, P. chelatum has the following characters (
(modified from
Lower Gulf of Thailand, Songkhla Lake (09°18'39.5"N, 99°46'46.4"E), mangrove forest, 1 Feb 2012, leg. R. Puttapreecha, PSUZC-CR-0353 (4♂; 5♀), ZMB28474 (2♂; 2♀)
Madras Coast, India.
Body subcylindrical; urosomites 1–3 free. Head, rostrum short, not exceeding anterior head lobes; inferior antennal sinus deeply regressed. Antenna 1 slender, one third of body length; peduncle article 1 setose; primary flagellum 12-articulate. Antenna 2 strongly developed in both sexes, much longer than antenna 1; peduncle setose along ventral margin; peduncular segment 4 with strong bidentate posterodistal process; segment 5 shorter, without median tooth; flagellum 3-articulate;
Lower lip (Labium), inner lobe well developed, mandibular lobes medium. Mandible both similar, incisor 3 dentate; left and right lacinia mobilis armed with 2 and 3 dentate respectively; first article of palp with long pilous seta. Maxilla 1, palp longer than outer plate. Maxilla 2, inner lobe shorter than outer lobe; both bearing distal and marginal plumose setae; Maxilliped, inner plate short, apex subacute, inner margin with marginal setae; outer plate reaching apex of palp article 2, setose along both sides; palp segments 2-4 with marginal setae.
Pereon. Gnathopod 1 subchelate-rectipalmate; merus and carpus bearing posteriomarginal plumose setae. Gnathopod 2 merus as long as carpus, with long plumose setae along posterior margin; dactylus tridentate. Pereopods 3 and 4 alike, basis broad (glandular); dactylus subequal to propodus. Pereopod 5 short, basis setose along posterior margin; carpus short, bearing two rows of robust setae along posterior margin. Pereopod 6 basis sparsely setose; carpus short not elongate, bearing two rows of robust setae along posterior margin; dactyl short. Pereopod 7 elongate; basis posteriorly strongly setose on both margins; ischium – carpus sparsely setose; propodus with marginal and distal setae.
Pleon. Urosomites 1-3 free. Uropods 1 and 2 peduncles slightly broadening distally; rami short, straight; outer ramus beset with robust setae. Uropod 3, ramus subequal to peduncle, apically setose. Telson short, truncate, broader than long.
Female. No sexual differences.
Indian Ocean and Songkhla Lake (current study).
The authors would like to thank Mrs. Ratchanee Puttapreecha (Southern Marine and Coastal Resources Research Center) for providing specimens for this study. We are grateful to the Marine and Coastal Resources Institute for the use of their laboratory facilities. The senior author would also like to thank Professor Dr. Saowapa Angsupanich, as she has been a source of inspiration for this work. In addition, we would also like to thank Dr. Azman Abdul Rahim for producing the map. This work was supported by the Prince of Songkla University Research Fund (National Budget) year 2013 (COR5805635).