Research Article |
Corresponding author: Hongbin Liang ( ) Academic editor: Achille Casale
© 2020 Sodnomtsog Dorjderem, Hongliang Shi, Hongbin Liang.
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Dorjderem S, Shi H, Liang H (2020) The genus Pterostichus in China III: a brief review of subgenus Chinapterus Berlov (Coleoptera, Carabidae) with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys 953: 61-83.
The subgenus Chinapterus Berlov, 1998 of the genus Pterostichus is briefly reviewed and a new synonym is proposed: Pterostichus singularis Tschitschérine, 1889 = Pterostichus balthasari Jedlička, 1937 syn. nov. Two new species are described: Pterostichus (Chinapterus) lianhuaensis sp. nov. and Pterostichus (Chinapterus) liupanensis sp. nov. Pterostichus przewalskyi Tschitschérine, 1888 is moved from subgenus Sinoreophilus Sciaky, 1996 to Chinapterus, and lectotypes are designated for P. balthasari and P. przewalskyi. A key to four species of the subgenus Chinapterus is provided.
China, Pterostichus, Chinapterus, new synonym, key
The subgenus Chinapterus was erected by
This paper is mainly based on the examination of specimens from China. The majority of specimens examined, including types of new species, are deposited in the collection of the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (
MNHN Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.
The body length (BL) was measured from the apical margin of the labrum to the elytral apex; the body width (BW) was measured along the elytral greatest width (EW). The metepisternum length (ML) was measured along the inner margin; width (MW) was measured along the basal margin. The pronotum width (PW) was measured along its greatest width; basal width (PBW) was measured along its basal margin; apical width (PAW) was measured along its apical margin, pronotum length (PL) was measured along its median line. Elytra length (EL) was measured along the suture from the base of the scutellar to the elytra apex. For the description of the endophallus, all lobes were named based on their homological inferences but not actual locations. The abbreviations used in the endophallus are as follows: gonopore (gp), gonopore lobe (gpl), gonopore piece (gpp), dorsal lobe (dl), left basal lobe (lbl), left apical lobe (lal), and right lobe (rl). Other terms used, dissection techniques, endophallus everting procedures, and photography are consistent with what we adopted in our previous work (
1 | Mesofemur with four or more setae along posterior margin; spermatheca tubular, seminal canal and receptaculum not differentiated, spermathecal canal inserted between midpoint to the apical third of spermatheca | 2 |
– | Mesofemur with two (occasionally three) setae along posterior margin; spermatheca usually with seminal canal and receptaculum differentiated, seminal canal more or less slenderer than receptaculum, OR spermatheca short, seminal canal and receptaculum not differentiated, spermathecal canal inserted near basal fourth of spermatheca | Pterostichus other subgenera |
2 | Metepisternum long, length much greater than the width of anterior margin; hind wing well developed | 3 |
– | Metepisternum short, length subequal to the width of anterior margin; hind wing reduced | 4 |
3 | Pronotum strongly cordate; lateral region between lateral bead and basal fovea flat; apical setigerous pore on the third elytra interval near apical twelfth | sg. Adelosia |
– | Pronotum subquadrate or a little narrowed to the base; lateral region between lateral bead and basal fovea more or less ridged; apical setigerous pore on the third elytra interval near apical sixth | sg. Platysma |
4 | Elytral striae complete | 5 |
– | Elytral striae tangled, interrupted, sinuate or replaced by rows of irregular coarse punctures | 6 |
5 | Elytral microsculpture isodiametric, similar in both sexes; right paramere falciform, apex somewhat elongate | sg. Chinapterus |
– | Elytral microsculpture granular in females, isodiametric in males; right paramere rounded triangular, apex not elongate | sg. Sinoreophilus |
6 | Pronotum with two setae near posterior angle; legs bicolor with reddish brown femora | sg. Plectes |
– | Pronotum with one seta near posterior angle; legs unicolor, black or dark brown | sg. Metallophilus |
Chinapterus Berlov, 1998: 14. Type species: Pterostichus balthasari Jedlička, 1937 [= Pterostichus singularis Tschitschérine, 1889], by original designation.
Body slightly convex. Elytral striae regular, third interval with two or three setigerous pores. Metepisternum slightly wider than length. Mesofemur with four or more setae on ventral surface. Elytral plica absent or indistinct. Right paramere of male genitalia falciform, with somewhat elongated apex. Spermatheca with seminal canal and receptaculum not differentiated.
Medium size, body length 9.0–15.0 mm. Black, elytra slightly shiny, without metallic luster. Submentum with two long setae on each side. Pronotum cordate or quadrate; basal foveae deep, inner and outer grooves indistinctly separated or outer groove absent; one baso-lateral seta inserted on basal angle. Elytra striae straight and continuous, neither interrupted nor sinuate; interval microsculpture isodiametric, similar in male and female, third interval usually with two or three setigerous pores, fifth interval without pore; ninth interval with umbilical series slightly sparser in the middle than basal and apical areas; elytral plica indistinct; scutellar stria present; basal pore present or not. Metepisternum slightly wider than length. Terminal ventrite of males slightly depressed or without modification. Mesofemur with four or more setae on ventral surface, with a spine near apex; metacoxae with two setae; metatrochanters without seta. Fifth tarsomere with or without setae on ventral side. Apical orifice of aedeagus obviously twisted to left side; apical lamella narrow, short; right paramere falciform, apex more or less elongate and bent; endophallus bent to ventral-left or venter, gonopore opened to the base, with a large cap-like sclerotized gonopore piece (Figs
This subgenus is endemic to China. A total of four species are distributed in Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, and Ningxia.
In its original description (Berlov, 1998), the subgenus Chinapterus was erected based on type species Pterostichus balthasari Jedlička, which was formerly a member of the subgenus Euryperis Motschulsky (Jedlička, 1962) and was subsequently synonymized with Petrophilus Chaudoir (
Among the Chinese subgenera of Pterostichus, Chinapterus is most similar to the subgenera Sinoreophilus and Metallophilus in external appearance, and having the mesofemur with four or more setae near the hind margin, the metepisternum width subequal to its length, but differs in: (1) right paramere falciform, with the apex more or less elongate and bent; (2) elytral microsculpture isodiametric, similar in both sexes (in the other two subgenera, right paramere rounded triangular, apex not elongate, nor slightly bent; elytral microsculpture granular in females, isodiametric in males). Comparisons with other similar subgenera present in the key to subgenera.
Among all subgenera of Pterostichus from China, Chinapterus is doubtless closely related to other five subgenera (Platysma, Adelosia, Metallophilus, Sinoreophilus, Plectes) and shares the following important characters: (1) mesofemur with four or more setae along posterior margin; (2) elytral plica absent or indistinct; (3) metatrochanters without seta; (4) spermatheca tube-like, seminal canal and receptaculum not differentiated. These six subgenera form a monophyletic group (the Platysma group as defined here) supported by synapomorphic characters 1, 2, and 3 (character polarities discussed in this section follow Bousquet, 1999: 32–36). Except for the Chinese fauna, Myosodus, a subgenus centered in the Caucasus, also belongs to this group.
Among the above four characters, characters 1 is exclusive for the Platysma group in Pterostichus and character 4 is plesiomorphic. The undifferentiated spermatheca is unusual in Pterostichus and may suggest a relatively basal position of the Platysma group in the genus. So far as we know, all species of the Platysma group have a distinctive form of the female reproductive tract: spermatheca tube-like, seminal canal and receptaculum not differentiated, spermathecal canal inserted between the midpoint to the apical third of the spermatheca. In contrast, for most subgenera of Pterostichus, the spermatheca is usually very long with the seminal canal and receptaculum differentiated. If not so distinctly differentiated, the seminal canal is at least a little slenderer than the receptaculum, as in the subgenus Orientostichus. Except the Platysma group, only the subgenus Argutor and its relatives (five subgenera from China) have the undifferentiated spermatheca, but their spermathecae are always very short with the spermathecal canal inserted near the basal fourth of spermatheca.
The relationships among subgenera of the Platysma group are quite unclear, and even the monophyly of several subgenera is questioned. The subgenera Platysma and Sinoreophilus can be differentiated by plesiomorphic characters only, while other subgenera are merely defined by one or two apomorphic characters. Except for Adelosia (monotypic) and Plectes (includes two very closely related species), the monophyly of the other four subgenera are difficult to demonstrate.
We here redefine the subgenus Chinapterus and assign P. przewalskyi together with two new species very closely related to it into the subgenus for the following similarities: metepisternum length subequal to its basal width and right paramere falciform, apex rather elongated and bent. These two apomorphic characters may support the subgenus Chinapterus and can clearly differentiate it from all other related Chinese subgenera. However, the monophyly of Chinapterus is still questioned, because the elongate right paramere is also present in other subgenera of the Platysma group, including part of Platysma and all members of Myosodus. Moreover, P. singularis and P. przewalskyi do not look similar in their general appearances, and simply from the shape of right paramere, the former species is more similar to some species of Platysma while the latter is more like Myosodus. Nevertheless, the present definition of the subgenus Chinapterus is good for convenient taxa recognition at present. Under this, all Chinese Pterostichus species with multisetose mesofemora can be assigned to each subgenus. We expected an in-depth phylogenetic study will propose a better and more objective assignment of subgenera in the future.
When the present study on Chinapterus was conducted, we examined all Pterostichus species belonging to the Platysma group from China. We found that, P. lanista (Tschitschérine), P. militaris (Tschitschérine), and P. peilingi Jedlička should be moved into the subgenus Sinoreophilus for the following characters: mesofemur with four or more setae along posterior margin; elytra striae regular; metepisternum short, length subequal to the width of anterior margin; right paramere short and straight.
1 | Smaller size (9.0–11.0 mm); pronotum nearly quadrate, lateral margins slightly rounded before middle; elytra basal pore usually absent; males without modification on terminal ventrite; right paramere slightly elongate; Qilian mountain range | P. singularis Tschitschérine |
– | Larger size (12.0–14.0 mm); pronotum more or less cordate, lateral margins strongly rounded before middle; elytra basal pore always present; male terminal ventrite shallowly depressed and rugose; right paramere strongly elongate | 2 |
2 | Pronotal basal fovea depressed between inner and outer grooves, forming deep and wide basal fovea; femora reddish brown; elytra third interval usually with two setigerous pores, occasionally with three pores but all adjacent to second stria | P. przewalskyi Tschitschérine |
– | Pronotal basal fovea convex between inner and outer grooves, outer groove rudimentary, forming narrow basal fovea; femora black; elytra third interval with three or more setigerous pores, the basal one adjacent to third stria | 3 |
3 | Pronotum lateral margins strongly sinuate before basal angles; fifth tarsomere with one or two pairs of setae ventrally; apex of right paramere slightly angulate at dorsal-apical end. Gansu, Lianhua Shan | P. lianhuaensis sp. nov. |
– | Pronotum lateral margins near straight before basal angles; fifth tarsomere glabrous ventrally; apex of right paramere completely rounded. Ningxia, Liupan Shan | P. liupanensis sp. nov. |
Pterostichus singularis
Tschitschérine, 1889: 188 (holotype in
Pterostichus balthasari
Jedlička, 1937: 47 (lectotype in
Pterostichus singularis Tschitschérine, Amdo, pres du fleuve Tay-tong-che (= Qinghai, Datong River). Pterostichus balthasari Jedlička, Gansu: Liangchow (= Gansu, Wuwei City).
of Pterostichus singularis Tschitschérine, male (
Habitus of Pterostichus (Chinapterus) singularis Tschitschérine. 1 Holotype of P. singularis Tschitschérine, male (
1 female (MNHN) [Fig.
male genitalia of Pterostichus (Chinapterus) singularis Tschitschérine. 7–9 Endophallus, LT: Pass Xining-Guide (
Femora black. Pronotum quadrate; lateral margins slightly rounded before middle, nearly straight before basal angles; basal angles rounded, or slightly rectangular with an indistinct denticle; basal fovea depressed between outer and inner grooves; elytral basal pore usually absent, third interval usually with two setigerous pores; fifth tarsomere with one or two pairs of fine setae ventrally; right paramere falciform, apex acicular or triangular.
BL 9.2–10.8 mm, BW 3.9–4.4 mm. Robust, black, elytra shiny. Head large; frons smooth or very sparsely punctate; genae short, less than one-third length of eyes; eyes small, slightly prominent. Pronotum quadrate; widest before middle, PW/HW = 1.26–1.43, PW/PL = 1.37–1.50; lateral margins slightly rounded from apical angles to the middle, nearly straight before basal angles, mid-lateral seta present at apical third; basal margin slightly wider than apical margin, PBW/PAW = 1.07–1.20; basal angles rounded or slightly rectangular with an indistinct denticle, not protruding outward; basal fovea with inner and outer grooves faintly defined and partly fused, forming deep depression between them, outer groove slightly shorter than inner one; basal foveal area coarsely punctate; middle area between two basal foveae smooth or very sparsely punctate; area between outer groove and lateral margin slightly convex, forming a weak carina; disc convex, smooth, transversely rugose in some specimens. Elytra oblong, EL/EW = 1.33–1.47; basal ridge slightly oblique; shoulder rounded, basal ridge and lateral margin forming an obtuse angle, humeral tooth absent; apical plica absent; basal setigerous pores usually absent, occasionally present in one elytron or both elytra; scutellar striae short, apex free or connected to first stria; intervals feebly convex; microsculpture similar in both sexes, finely isodiametric; third interval often with two setigerous pores on posterior half, adjacent to second stria, sometimes one or two additional pores present; umbilical series on ninth interval sparse in middle, composed of 14–17 pores; striae moderately deep, distinctly punctate. Ventral side. Proepisternum sparsely punctate near inner margin, rugose throughout; mesepisternum very sparsely punctate; metepisternum nearly smooth; terminal or penultimate ventrite of males not modified. Tarsomere 5 with one or two pairs of setae ventrally; metatarsomeres without distinct outer furrow. Male genitalia. Ventral margin of median lobe near straight at middle, slightly bent downwards near apex; apical orifice opened left-dorsally (Figs
This species prefers living in open habitat like the alpine meadows of the Qilian mountains between 3000 m and 4000 m, but a few specimens were also found on the edge of Picea forest at ca. 2600 m.
Pterostichus singularis Tschitschérine was described based on a single male from “Amdo, pres du fleuve Tay-tong-che”, referring to what is now the valley of the Datong River in Menyuan County. Thus, the three specimens we examined from different collections are not type specimens but only subsequently determined by
Pterostichus balthasari Jedlička was described based on five specimens from “Liangchow” without an original fixation for holotype. In the collection of
Comparing with specimens of P. singularis determined by Tschitschérine, the types of P. balthasari are nearly identical but the basal angles of the pronotum are more rounded and the type locality is further north. We studied specimens from several localities of the Qilian mountains and found that the northern population (Wushaoling, Lenglongling, Datong Shan) usually has a rounded or a slightly rectangular pronotal basal angle, but the southern population (Laji Shan) generally has a rectangular basal angle of the pronotum;however, a few specimens from Laji Shan also have rounded pronotal basal angles. Moreover, there is no significant difference in the male genitalia between the different localities, both for the median lobe and right paramere. Thus, we synonymize P. balthasari with P. singularis.
This species is widely distributed in the eastern section of the Qilian mountain range and is sometimes locally abundant. We studied many specimens from the five branches of the Qilian mountain range: Wushaoling, Lenglongling, Daban Shan, Datong Shan, and Laji Shan. In addition to the above variations of the basal angle, three more variations exist geographically or individually as follows:
(1) elytral dorsal pores on third interval. For ca. two-thirds of the examined specimens, two setigerous pores are present on the third elytral interval. For the other one-third, one or two additional pores are present anterior to the first pore or between the first and second pores.
(2) elytra basal pore. For most specimens there is no basal pore on the elytra, but occasionally, a basal pore is present on one elytron or on both elytra. The proportion of individuals with elytra basal pores is larger in the population from Laji Shan than in the others.
(3) shape of right paramere. The length of the right paramere varies individually as well as geographically. Statistically, the northeastern populations (Wushaoling, Lenglongling, Datong Shan) have a longer right paramere with the apex usually more elongate and acicular as in Figs
Pterostichus przewalskyi
From the original description, the type localities are “Amdo: près des rivières Tala-tchu et By-tchu, aux sources du Jangtsekiang”. By-tchu refers to the Buqu River in Qumarlêb County of Qinhai Province, and Tala-tchu probably refers to the Derqu River in Chindu County, but the detailed locality was not labeled for any examined type so the precise type locality for the lectotype is unclear.
of Pterostichus przewalskyi Tschitschérine (designated herein), male (
1 female (
Femora reddish brown. Pronotum cordate; lateral margins strongly sinuate before basal angles; basal angles right-angled, clearly pointed outwards. Elytral basal fovea depressed between inner and outer grooves; basal pore present; third interval often with two setigerous pores. Fifth tarsomere glabrous ventrally; right paramere strongly elongate and bent, apex rounded, not declined to dorsum.
BL 12.0–13.4 mm, BW 4.8–5.6 mm. Robust, black, femora reddish brown except black apex; elytra slightly shiny. Head large, frons smooth or very sparsely punctate; genae short, less than one-third length of eyes; eyes prominent. Pronotum cordate; widest slightly before middle, PW/PL = 1.33–1.41; lateral margins largely rounded before the middle, strongly sinuate before basal angles; one mid-lateral seta present at apical third; basal margin slightly wider than apical margin, PBW/PAW = 1.02–1.12; basal angles rectangular, clearly protruding outwards; basal foveae deep, inner and outer grooves faintly defined, inner groove straight, distant from basal margin, outer groove shorter than inner one, extending to basal margin; basal fovea depressed between inner and outer grooves, coarsely punctate in basal fovea; area between outer groove and lateral margin hardly convex; disc convex, smooth, slightly transversely rugose; apical angle rounded, not protruding. Elytra oblong, EL/EW = 1.42–1.45; basal ridge slightly oblique; shoulder rounded, basal ridge and lateral margin forming an obtuse angle, humeral tooth small and obtuse; apical plica indistinct; basal setigerous pores present; scutellar striae complete; intervals slightly convex; microsculpture similar in both sexes, finely isodiametric; third interval usually with two setigerous pores, at basal two-fifths and two-thirds respectively, occasionally with one or three pores on one elytron, all adjacent to second stria; ninth interval with umbilical series regularly arranged, slightly sparser in the middle; striae deep, indistinctly punctate. Fifth tarsomere glabrous ventrally; meso- and metatarsomere I and II with outer groove. Terminal ventrite shallowly depressed and finely rugose in males. Male genitalia. Ventral margin of median lobe nearly straight at middle, gradually bent downwards near apex; apical orifice opening left-dorsally; apical lamella small, rounded triangular, length sub-equal to basal width, apex rounded (Figs
This hygrophilous species tends to live in wet habitats such as wetlands or the banks of seasonal streams on alpine meadows.
This species was described based on an unspecified number of specimens from “Amdo: près des rivières Tala-tchu et By-tchu” collected by Przewalsky in 1884. In the collection of
: male (
Habitus of Pterostichus (Chinapterus) spp. 24 Lectotype of P. przewalskyi, male (
Femora black; pronotum cordate, lateral margins strongly sinuate before basal angles, which clearly pointed outwards; basal foveae convex between inner and outer grooves; elytral basal pore present, third interval often with three setigerous pores; fifth tarsomere with one or two pairs of fine setae ventrally; right paramere strongly elongated and bent, apex slightly bent to dorsum, angulate at dorso-apical end.
BL 12.3–13.6 mm, BW 5.0–5.5 mm. Robust, black, femora completely black, elytra slightly shiny. Head large, frons smooth or very sparsely punctate; genae short, less than one-third length of eyes; eyes prominent. Pronotum cordate; widest slightly before middle, PW/PL = 1.31–1.40; lateral margins largely rounded before middle, strongly sinuate before basal angles; one mid-lateral seta present at apical one-third; basal margin slightly wider than apical margin, PBW/PAW = 1.02–1.13; basal angles rectangular, clearly protruding outwards; basal foveae narrow and deep, inner groove well present, apex reaching basal third of pronotum, outer groove obsolete; basal fovea convex between inner and outer grooves, not convex between outer groove and lateral margin, basal foveal area coarsely punctate; disc convex, smooth, finely transversely rugose on basal half; apical angles rounded, not protruding. Elytra oblong, EL/EW = 1.36–1.46; basal ridge slightly oblique; shoulder rounded, basal ridge and lateral margin forming an obtuse angle, humeral tooth small and obtuse; apical plica indistinct; basal setigerous pores present; scutellar striae complete; intervals slightly convex, microsculpture similar in both sexes, finely isodiametric; third interval usually with three setigerous pores, the basal one at basal seventh, adjacent to third stria, the apical two at basal two-fifths and two-thirds respectively, all adjacent to second stria, occasionally with four or five pores on one elytron; ninth interval with umbilical series regularly arranged, slightly sparser in middle; striae deep, indistinctly punctate. Fifth tarsomere with one or two pairs of setae ventrally; meso- and metatarsomere I and II with outer groove. Terminal ventrite shallowly depressed and finely rugose in males. Male genitalia. Ventral margin of median lobe near straight at middle, gradually bent downwards near apex; apical orifice opened left-dorsally; apical lamella small, rounded triangular, length subequal to basal width, apex rounded, weakly bent to left (Figs
The name of the new species refers to its type locality, Lianhua mountain.
This species is similar to P. przewalskyi in having a large body size, lateral margins of the pronotum strongly sinuate before basal angles, but differs from the latter in: (1) femora completely black; (2) basal foveae convex between inner and outer grooves; (3) elytra third interval usually with three pores, the basal one adjacent to the third stria; (4) fifth tarsomere with one or two setae ventrally. In P. przewalskyi, femora reddish brown; basal foveae of pronotum depressed between inner and outer grooves; elytral third interval usually with two pores, if with three the basal one adjacent to the second stria; fifth tarsomere glabrous ventrally. The male genitalia of these two species are very similar, with small differences in: (1) apical lamella of aedeagus weakly bent to left in P. lianhuaensis sp. nov. (Fig.
We noticed that this new species only has very minute differences from P. przewalskyi in the male genitalia. However, considering the stable gaps between their features (especially the external characters) and distributions, we decide to establish a new species but not a new subspecies. A similar situation is also present in the next new species, P. liupanensis. Several external differences among these three species are generally of interspecific level in other Pterostichus groups, such as the shape of the pronotum base and basal fovea, chaetotaxy on elytral third interval, and setae on the fifth tarsomere.
: male (
male genitalia of Pterostichus (Chinapterus) spp. 30–33 P. przewalskyi; 30–31 median lobe of aedeagus, dorsal and left lateral view, Lectotype (
Femora black; pronotum near quadrate, lateral margins near straight before basal angles, which weakly pointed outward and with a small denticle; basal foveae convex between inner and outer grooves; elytral basal pore present, third interval usually with three setigerous pores; fifth tarsomere glabrous ventrally; right paramere strongly elongated and bent, apex rounded, not bent to dorsum.
BL 12.4–13.2 mm, BW 4.8–5.1 mm. Robust, black, femora black, elytra slightly shiny. Head large, frons smooth or very sparsely punctate; genae short, less than one-third length of eyes; eyes prominent. Pronotum near quadrate; widest slightly before middle, PW/PL = 1.33–1.37; lateral margins largely rounded before middle, nearly straight before basal angles; one mid-lateral seta present at apical one-third; basal margin slightly wider than apical margin, PBW/PAW = 1.12–1.16; basal angles rectangular, weakly protruding outwards, with a small denticle; basal foveae narrow and deep, inner groove obviously present, apex reaching basal third of pronotum, outer groove obsolete; basal fovea convex between inner and outer grooves, not convex between outer groove and lateral margin, basal foveal area coarsely punctate; disc convex, smooth, finely transversely rugose at basal half; apical angle rounded, not protruding. Elytra oblong, EL/EW = 1.46–1.52; basal ridge slightly oblique; shoulder rounded, basal ridge and lateral margin forming an obtuse angle, humeral tooth small and obtuse; apical plica indistinct; basal setigerous pores present; scutellar striae complete; intervals slightly convex, microsculpture finely isodiametric in males; third interval with three setigerous pores, the basal one at basal seventh, adjacent to third stria, the apical two at middle and apical fourth respectively, all adjacent to second stria; ninth interval with umbilical series regularly arranged, slightly sparser in middle; striae deep, indistinctly punctate. Fifth tarsomere glabrous ventrally; meso- and meta-tarsomeres I and II with outer groove. Terminal ventrite shallowly depressed and rugose in males. Male genitalia. Ventral margin of median lobe near straight at middle, obviously bent downwards near apex; apical orifice opened left-dorsally; apical lamella small, rounded triangular, length sub-equal to basal width, apex rounded (Figs
male genitalia of Pterostichus (Chinapterus) spp. 42–46 Apex of median lobe, dorsal left view 42 P. przewalskyi, LT: Serxü (
Only known from the Liupan Shan mountain range, Jingyuan County, Ningxia Huizu Autonomous Region (Map
The new species is similar to P. lianhuaensis sp. nov. in having a large body size, black femora, narrow pronotum basal fovea, elytra third interval usually with three pores, but differs from the latter by having: (1) pronotum lateral margins nearly straight before basal angles; and (2) fifth tarsomere glabrous ventrally. In P. lianhuaensis sp. nov., pronotum lateral margins strongly sinuate before basal angles; fifth tarsomere with one or two pairs of setae ventrally. The male genitalia of the new species is very similar to that of P. przewalskyi, with small differences in: (1) ventral margin of aedeagus more distinctly bent downwards near apex in lateral view in P. liupanensis sp. nov. (Fig.
female genitalia of Pterostichus (Chinapterus) spp. 58, 59 Female reproductive system 58 P. singularis, LT: Pass Xining-Guide (
We thank Dr. Ilia Kabak and Dr. Igor Belousov (St. Petersburg) for taking photographs of the holotype of Pterostichus singularis, and Dr. Boris Kataev (