Research Article |
Corresponding author: Hao Yu ( ) Corresponding author: Shuqiang Li ( ) Academic editor: Yuri Marusik
© 2020 Jianshuang Zhang, Hao Yu, Shuqiang Li.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Zhang J, Yu H, Li S (2020) New cheiracanthiid spiders from Xishuangbanna rainforest, southwestern China (Araneae, Cheiracanthiidae). ZooKeys 940: 51-77.
Four new species of the genus Cheiracanthium C.L. Koch, 1839 from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China are described: C. daofeng Yu & Li, sp. nov. (♂♀), C. duanbi Yu & Li, sp. nov. (♂♀), C. gou Yu & Li, sp. nov. (♂), and C. wuquan Yu & Li, sp. nov. (♀). In addition, Sinocanthium Yu & Li, gen. nov., is described with the type species S. shuangqiu Yu & Li, sp. nov. A key to cheiracanthiid genera distributed in East and Southeast Asia is provided.
key to genera, new genus, new species, Oriental Region, taxonomy
Cheiracanthiidae Wagner, 1887 is a relatively large spider family with twelve genera and 354 valid species distributed worldwide, except for the Polar Regions (
Xishuangbanna, which lies between 21°08'–22°36'N and 99°56'–101°50'E, is in southwestern China and shares a border with Myanmar in the southwest and Laos in the southeast. Xishuangbanna is a biodiversity hotspot, and a large number of new taxa across a wide variety of spider families have been discovered in this region recently (
During the examination of spiders collected from 2006 to the present in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden in Menglun Town, four species recognized as new to science are described here and are temporarily placed in Cheiracanthium sensu lato. The fifth species is not readily assignable to any of the existing genera; thus, we established a new genus to accommodate it. Detailed morphological descriptions and diagnoses of the new taxa are given. The body and the copulatory organs are photographed and illustrated for each species. An identification key to cheiracanthiid genera occurring in East and Southeast Asia is provided.
Specimens were collected by fogging, pitfall trapping, and hand collecting from the canopy, tree trunks, and leaf litter in the tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden and preserved in 75 or 95% ethanol. All type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (
Specimens were examined using a LEICA M205C and an Olympus SZX7 stereomicroscope. Further details were studied under a CX41 compound microscope. Male and female copulatory organs were examined and illustrated after dissection. Left male palps are illustrated, unless otherwise indicated (photos of the right palp were horizontally mirrored in the figures to allow easier comparison with other species). Epigynes were removed and cleared in lactic acid or warm 10% potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution. Some vulvae were imaged after being embedded in Arabic gum. Images were captured with a Canon EOS 70D digital camera mounted on an Olympus CX41 compound microscope and assembled using Helicon Focus 6.80 image stacking software. All measurements were obtained using an Olympus SZX7 stereomicroscope and are given in millimetres. Eye diameters are taken from the widest distance. The total body length does not include chelicerae or spinnerets. Leg lengths are given as total length (femur, patella + tibia, metatarsus, tarsus). Most of the terminology in the text and figure legends follows
A atrium
AAM atrial anterior margin
AER anterior eye row
AL abdomen length
ALE anterior lateral eyes
AME anterior median eyes
AME–AME distance between AMEs
AME–ALE distance between AME and ALE
APM atrial posterior margin
AW abdomen width
C conductor
CD copulatory duct
CF cymbial fold
CI carapace index
CL carapace length
CL/CW carapace length / carapace width
CLL clypeal length
CO copulatory opening
CS cymbial spur
CW carapace width
DTA dorsal tibial apophysis
E embolus
EB embolic base
FD fertilisation duct
LL total length of leg I
LL/CL leg I / carapace length
MA median apophysis
MOQ median ocular quadrangle
MOQA MOQ anterior width
MOQP MOQ posterior width
OAL ocular area length
OAW ocular area width
PER posterior eye row
PLE posterior lateral eyes
PME posterior median eyes
PME–PME distance between PMEs
PME–PLE distance between PME and PLE
PMT promarginal teeth
PTA prolateral tibial apophysis
R receptacle
RMT retromarginal teeth
RTA retrolateral tibial apophysis
STL sternum length
STW sternum width
TL total body length
A DNA barcode was also obtained for species delimitation and matching of different sexes. A partial fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (CO1) gene was amplified and sequenced using the primers LCOI1490 (5’-GGTCAACAAATCATAAAGATATTG-3’) and HCOI2198 (5’-TAAACTTCAGGGTGACCAAAAAAT-3’). For additional information on extraction, amplification, and sequencing procedures, see
Species | Voucher code | Sex | GenBank accession number | Sequence length |
C. daofeng sp. nov. | YHCH010 | ♂ | MT449426 | 664bp |
YHCH021 | ♀ | MT478102 | 665bp | |
C. duanbi sp. nov. | YHCH030 | ♂ | MT478103 | 665bp |
YHCH029 | ♀ | MT478104 | 665bp | |
C. gou sp. nov. | YHCH016 | ♂ | MT477871 | 665bp |
C. wuquan sp. nov. | YHCH020 | ♀ | MT477870 | 664bp |
S. shuangqiu sp. nov. | YHCH011 | ♀ | MT478105 | 665bp |
1 | Trochanters not notched; epigynal atrium absent or reduced ( |
Calamoneta |
– | Trochanters notched ( |
2 |
2 | Small-sized spiders (less than 4 mm) | Summacanthium |
– | Medium to large-sized spiders, usually larger than 4 mm (Figs |
3 |
3 | Fragile cheiracanthiids with a slender body and greenish colour ( |
Calamopus |
– | Yellow or brownish spider, sometimes with reddish or dark brown head, carapace not flattened, abdomen ventrally without distinct colour pattern (Figs |
4 |
4 | Copulatory ducts absent; atrium located anteriorly, with delimited margin posteriorly (Fig. |
Sinocanthium gen. nov. |
– | Copulatory ducts distinct, with variable shapes, lengths and courses; atrium located posteriorly or centrally, usually rebordered anteriorly and laterally (Figs |
Cheiracanthium sensu lato |
1 | Trochanters not notched; cymbium without spur ( |
Calamoneta |
– | Trochanters notched ( |
2 |
2 | Small-sized spiders (less than 4 mm); abdomen ventrally with a scape-shaped bulge, bulge laterally with chitinized pits ( |
Summacanthium |
– | Medium- to large-sized spiders, usually larger than 4 mm; abdomen unmodified (Figs |
3 |
3 | Fragile cheiracanthiids with a slender body and greenish colour ( |
Calamopus |
– | Yellow or brownish spider, sometimes with reddish or dark brown head, carapace not flattened, abdomen ventrally without distinct colour pattern (Figs |
Cheiracanthium sensu lato |
Comments. The debate on the group’s limits and internal structure of this family remains open (
Mello-Leitão 1942 (Cheiracanthium is considered a senior synonym of Chiracanthops,
Benoit, 1977: 80 (type species: H. wilma Benoit, 1977);
Aranea punctoria Villers, 1789, type locality: Europe.
The genus Cheiracanthium currently includes 215 extant species that are widespread in the Old World and represent 61% of the total number of Cheiracanthiidae species (
♂ (IZCAS-Ar 34741), China, Yunnan Province, Xishuangbanna, Mengla County, Menglun Town, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, seasonal tropical primary rainforest, 21°54.725'N, 101°13.261'E, elevation ca. 734 m, 8.VIII.2007, Guo Zheng leg. Paratype: 1♀ (IZCAS-Ar 34742), same data as holotype.
China, Yunnan Province, Xishuangbanna, Mengla County, Menglun Town, 1♂ (YHCH010), Baka Village, 21°57.703'N, 101°12.062'E, elevation ca. 736 m, 5.VIII.2012, Guo Zheng leg.; 1♀ (YHCH021), Bubang Village, monsoon forest, 21°36.827'N, 101°34.847'E, elevation ca. 690 m, 12.VIII.2012, Guo Zheng leg.
The specific name is derived from the Chinese pinyin ‘dāo fēng’, which means ‘blade point’, referring to the narrow, sharp conductor which is shaped like a blade; noun in apposition.
Males of the new species can be easily distinguished from the congeners by the blade-shaped pointed conductor with a sharp tip and by the embolar tip extending to the apex of the cymbium (Figs
Palp of Cheiracanthium daofeng sp. nov., male holotype. A Prolateral view B ventral view C retrolateral view. Abbreviations: C = conductor; CF = cymbial fold; CS = cymbial spur; DTA = dorsal tibial apophysis; E = embolus; EB = embolic base; MA = median apophysis; RTA = retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bar: 0.2 mm.
Male. Holotype (Figs
Cheiracanthium daofeng sp. nov., female paratype and male holotype. A Epigyne, intact, ventral view B epigyne, cleared, ventral view C vulva, cleared, dorsal view D vulva, cleared and embedded in Arabic gum, dorsal view E male habitus, dorsal view F male habitus, lateral view G female habitus, dorsal view H female habitus, ventral view. Abbreviations: A = atrium; AAM = atrial anterior margin; CD = copulatory duct; CO = copulatory opening; FD = fertilization duct; R = receptacle. Scale bars: 0.2 mm (A–D); 1 mm (E–H).
Palp (Figs
Female. Distinctly larger and darker than male. Paratype (Fig.
Epigyne (Figs
Known only from the type locality, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China.
♂ (IZCAS-Ar 34743, YHCH030), China, Yunnan Province, Xishuangbanna, Mengla County, Menglun Town, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, G213 roadside, Anogeissus acuminata plantation, 21°53.748'N, 101°17.084'E, elevation ca. 620 m, 1.V.2019, Zhigang Chen leg. Paratype: 1♀ (IZCAS-Ar 34744, YHCH029), Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, 21°54.007'N, 101°16.395'E, elevation ca. 620 m, 10.V.2019, Zilong Bai leg.
The specific name is derived from the Chinese pinyin ‘duǎn bì’, which means ‘short dagger’, and refers to the dagger-shaped retrolateral tibial apophysis; noun in apposition.
The male of C. duanbi sp. nov. can be distinguished from all other Cheiracanthium species, except C. exquestitum (
Palp of Cheiracanthium daofeng sp. nov., male holotype. A Prolateral view B ventral view C retrolateral view. Abbreviations: C = conductor; CF = cymbial fold; CS = cymbial spur; E = embolus; EB = embolic base; MA = median apophysis; PTA = prolateral apophysis; RTA = retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.
Male. Holotype (Figs
Cheiracanthium duanbi sp. nov., female paratype and male holotype. A epigyne, intact, ventral view B epigyne, cleared, ventral view C vulva, cleared, dorsal view D vulva, cleared and embedded in Arabic gum, dorsal view E male habitus, dorsal view F male habitus, lateral view G female habitus, dorsal view H female habitus, ventral view. Abbreviations: A = atrium; AAM = atrial anterior margin; CD = copulatory duct; CO = copulatory opening; FD = fertilization duct; R = receptacle. Scale bars: 0.2 mm (A–D); 1 mm (E–H).
Palp (Figs
Female. Distinctly larger and darker than male. Paratype (Figs
Epigyne (Fig.
Known only from the type locality, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China.
♂ (IZCAS-Ar 34746, YHCH016), China, Yunnan Province, Xishuangbanna, Mengla County, Menglun Town, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, 48 km landmark in the reserve, seasonal rainforest, 21°58.704'N, 101°19.748'E, elevation ca. 1088 m, 12.VIII.2011, Guo Zheng leg.
The specific name is derived from the Chinese pinyin ‘gōu’, which means ‘hook’, and refers to the curved distal tip of the cymbial spur which is shaped like a hook; noun in apposition.
Males of this new species can be easily distinguished from all other Cheiracanthium species by the structure of the palp. The retrolateral tibial apophysis consists of a thin distal half and a wide basal half. The cymbial spur is partly membranous proximally and sclerotized distally with the distal tip blunt and thick, hook-shaped (Figs
Cheiracanthium gou sp. nov., male holotype. A Flipped right palp, prolateral view B left palp, ventral view C left palp, retrolateral view D habitus, dorsal view E habitus, ventral view F habitus, lateral view. Abbreviations: C = conductor; CS = cymbial spur; DTA = dorsal tibial apophysis; E = embolus; EB = embolic base; MA = median apophysis; RTA = retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bars: 0.2 mm (A–C); 1 mm (D–F).
Male. Holotype (Fig.
Palp (Figs
Female. Unknown.
According to the
Known only from the type locality, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China.
♀ (IZCAS-Ar 34747, YHCH020), China, Yunnan Province, Xishuangbanna, Mengla County, Menglun Town, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, 48 km landmark in the reserve, seasonal rainforest; 21°58.704'N, 101°19.748'E, elevation ca. 1088 m, 12.VIII.2011, Guo Zheng leg.
The specific name is derived from the Chinese pinyin ‘wǔ quān’, which means ‘five loops’, and refers to the coiled copulatory ducts, forming five entwined coils; noun in apposition.
The female of the new species is similar to those of C. japonicum Bösenberg & Strand, 1906 (
Cheiracanthium wuquan sp. nov., female holotype. A Habitus, dorsal view B habitus, ventral view C epigyne, intact, ventral view D epigyne, cleared, ventral view E vulva, cleared, dorsal view F epigyne, cleared and embedded in Arabic gum, ventral view G vulva, cleared and embedded in Arabic gum, dorsal view. Abbreviations: A = atrium; AAM = atrial anterior margin; CD = copulatory duct; CO = copulatory opening; FD = fertilization duct; R = receptacle. Scale bars: 1 mm (A, B); 0.2 mm (C–G).
Cheiracanthium spp., left palp, ventral view. A C. daofeng sp. nov., male holotype B C. duanbi sp. nov., male holotype C C. gou sp. nov., male holotype. Abbreviations: C = conductor; CF = cymbial fold; CS = cymbial spur; E = embolus; EB = embolic base; MA = median apophysis; RTA = prolateral tibial apophysis; RTA = retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.
Female. Holotype (Fig.
Epigyne (Figs
Male. Unknown.
Due to the large and long, ovoid receptacles and the slender copulatory duct encircling the anterior part of the receptacles, we justifiably place C. wuquan sp. nov. in Cheiracanthium sensu stricto. Until now, five Cheiracanthium species from China are known from males only: C. antungense Chen & Huang, 2012, C. echinulatum Zhang, Zhang & Yu, 2018, C. gobi Schmidt & Barensteiner, 2000, C. ningmingense Zhang & Yin, 1999, and C. chayuense Li & Zhang, 2019 (
Known only from the type locality, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China.
Cheiracanthium spp., left palp, retrolateral view. A C. daofeng sp. nov., male holotype B C. duanbi sp. nov., male holotype C C. gou sp. nov., male holotype. Abbreviations: C = conductor; CF = cymbial fold; CS = cymbial spur; DTA = dorsal tibial apophysis; E = embolus; EB = embolic base; MA = median apophysis; RTA = retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.
Cheiracanthium spp., left palp, dorsal view. A C. daofeng sp. nov., male holotype B C. duanbi sp. nov., male holotype C C. gou sp. nov., male holotype. Abbreviations: CF = cymbial fold; CS = cymbial spur; DTA = dorsal tibial apophysis; PTA = prolateral tibial apophysis; RTA = retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.
Sinocanthium shuangqiu Yu & Li, sp. nov.
The generic name is derived from its similarity to Cheiracanthium and the Latin adjective Sino- for Chinese referring to the distribution region of the genus. The gender is neuter.
Sinocanthium gen. nov. resembles Cheiracanthium by the similar habitus (Figs
Sinocanthium shuangqiu sp. nov., female holotype. A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, ventral view C epigyne, intact, ventral view D epigyne, cleared, ventral view E vulva, cleared, dorsal view F epigyne, cleared and embedded in Arabic gum, ventral view G vulva, cleared and embedded in Arabic gum, dorsal view. Abbreviations: A = atrium; AAM = atrial anterior margin; APM = atrial posterior margin; CO = copulatory opening; FD = fertilization duct; R = receptacle. Scale bars: 1 mm (A, B); 0.2 mm (C–G).
Same as for the species.
Type species only.
Based on the original figures and text descriptions of the epigynes, Cheiracanthium sensu lato can be further divided into at least four or five different taxa (
♀ (IZCAS-Ar 34745, YHCH011), China, Yunnan Province, Xishuangbanna, Mengla County, Menglun Town, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, 48 km landmark in the reserve, seasonal rainforest; 21°58.704'N, 101°19.748'E, elevation ca. 1088 m, 12.VIII.2011, Guo Zheng leg.
The specific name is derived from the Chinese pinyin ‘shuāng qiú ‘, which means ‘double ball’, and refers to the two bulb-shaped receptacles; noun in apposition.
The new species is easily distinguished from other cheiracanthiids by the epigyne, which has a fan-shaped fovea that is rebordered posteriorly and by the absence of copulatory ducts.
Female. Holotype (Fig.
Epigyne (Fig.
Male. Unknown.
Known only from the type locality, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China.
We thank Yuri M. Marusik (Magadan, Russia), Mikhail M. Omelko (Vladivostok, Russia), and Alireza Zamani (Turku, Finland) for providing constructive comments on the manuscript. Sarah Crews checked the English of an earlier draft. This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China to Hao Yu (NSFC-31702006) and Shuqiang Li (NSFC-31530067), the Natural Science Foundation of Guizhou Province to Hao Yu ([2020]1Y081), PhD grant from Guizhou Normal University to Jianshuang Zhang (11904/0517069), and Guizhou Education University Academic Discipline Project (2019YLPYXKB01).