Research Article |
Corresponding author: Zhiyong Di ( ) Academic editor: Wilson Lourenço
© 2015 Shijin Yin, Yunfeng Zhang, Zhaohui Pan, Shaobin Li, Zhiyong Di.
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Yin S, Zhang Y, Pan Z, Li S, Di Z (2015) Scorpiops ingens sp. n. and an updated key of Scorpiops from China (Scorpiones, Euscorpiidae, Scorpiopinae). ZooKeys 495: 53-61.
A new species, Scorpiops ingens sp. n., from Xizang, is described and illustrated. Scorpiops ingens sp. n. is characterized by yellow-brown color, large size (length of adults above 70.0 mm), small and dense granules on tegument, a pair of small median eyes, 17 external trichobothria (5 eb, 2 esb, 2 em, 4 est, 4 et), and 7 or 8 (usually 7) ventral trichobothria in the pedipalp patella, chela with a length/width ratio average of 2.2 in males and females, pedipalp chela fingers on adult females and males scalloped, pectinal teeth count 6–8, pectinal fulcra absent. With the description of this new species, the number of known species of Scorpiops from China is raised to 12. An updated identification key to Scorpiops from China is presented.
China, Euscorpiidae , scorpion, Scorpiops , Xizang
Recently, the diversity of Scorpiops species from China was highlighted (
Identification and measurements were made using a Motic K700 stereomicroscope with an ocular micrometer. The photos were taken with a Canon (650D) camera. Measurements follow
Holotype male (USTC), China: Xizang, Lhasa banlieue, 26/VII/2014, Zhiyong Di leg. (Ar.-USTC-XZLS1401); paratypes: 1 adult female, 1 immature female, and 1 juvenile male, same data as holotype (Ar.-USTC-XZLS1402–1404) (kept in USTC).
In accordance with the grouping of species proposed by
Comments. There are four close relatives from China distributed near to S. ingens sp. n.: S. hardwickii, S. langxian, S. petersii, and S. pococki. But S. hardwickii, S. langxian, and S. pococki with red-brown to black-brown color, body length no longer than 65 mm. Although S. petersii also above 75.0 mm, its carapace is not densely granulated, granules on its mesosoma are widely spaced, with the distance between them far greater than their size (
The specific name refers to the size of the morphology of the new species.
Based on male holotype and female paratype.
Coloration. Mostly yellow to yellow-brown (Figs
Morphology. Prosoma: Carapace coarse, with sparse and large granules in the area of the front of the eye region, with dense and minute granules in the area of the behind of the eye region; lateral furrow broad and flat; anterior median furrow broad and deep; posterior median furrow deep; anterior margin nearly smooth; posterior and lateral margins and other parts with dense, minute granules (Figs
Mesosoma: Tergites are almost completely densely covered with equal minute granules in male holotype, posterior part with some bigger granules in female paratypes; from tergite II to VI the trace of a median carina first appears and gradually becomes distinct; on tergite VII with a distinct apophysis and two pairs of lateral carinae. Sternum pentagonal (Figs
Metasoma: Tegument coarse. Segments I to V are longer than wide; segments I to V have 10-8-8-8-7 carinae, segments II–IV with a pair of vestigial lateral carinae; all carinae granular; on segment V, ventral carinae with larger serration. Vesicle smooth, with some granules and few setae.
Chelicerae: Tibiae smooth. Movable finger with 4 denticles on dorsal edge and 6 denticles on ventral edge (smaller in female). Fixed finger with 3 denticles on dorsal edge.
Pedipalps: Tegument of femur and patella coarse, tegument of chelae and ventral aspects of femur and patella smooth. Femur with dorsointernal, dorsoexternal, external, ventroexternal, ventrointernal carinae granulated, and internal carinae crenulated. Patella with dorsoexternal, dorsointernal, external, ventrointernal, ventroexternal carinae with large, smooth granules; two small spinoid granules present on the internal aspect. Trichobothrial pattern C, neobothriotaxic; patella with 17 external trichobothria (5 eb, 2 esb, 2 em, 4 est, 4 et) and 7 or 8 (usually 7) ventral trichobothria (Figs
Scorpiops ingens sp. n. Male holotype: 9–11, 15–16. 9–11 Chela (right) dorsal and external, ventral and internal, and external aspects. 15–16 Patella (right) ventral and external aspects. Female paratype (Ar.-USTC-XZLS1402): 12–14, 17–18. 12–14 Chela (left) dorsal and external, ventral and internal, and external aspects. 17–18 Patella (left) ventral and external aspects. The red dots and rings denote trichobothrial patterns of pedipalps, the red ring meaning vestigial.
Legs: Tegument coarse except coxa and trochanter. Trochanter with few granules and setae. Femur dorsal surface densely granular and ventrally smooth, internally with 2 granular carinae. Patella dorsal surface densely granular and ventrally smooth, with dorsoexternal, dorsal and ventroexternal granular carinae. Tibiae with few setae, without spurs. Basitarsus with more setae, and two lateral pedal spurs. Tarsus ventrally with row of spinules. Ungues falcate.
Female and male: coloration and morphology are very similar. Number (left/right) of ventral trichobothria on the pedipalp patellae: two females with 8/7 and 7/7, two males with 7/7. Number of pectinal teeth: two females with 6/6, two males with 7/7 and 7/8. Measurements in Table
Measurements (in mm) of holotype (male, Ar.-USTC-XZLS1401) and paratype (female, Ar.-USTC-XZLS1402) of Scorpiops ingens sp. n.
Scorpiops ingens sp. n. | ||
Holotype | Paratype | |
Total length: | 74.6 | 75.9 |
Carapace: -Length -Anterior width -Posterior width |
8.7 4.9 8.9 |
9.6 5.3 9.8 |
Mesosomal segments: -Length |
22.3 |
24.7 |
Metasomal segment I: -Length -Width -Depth |
4.6 4.0 3.1 |
4.5 4.1 3.2 |
Metasomal segment II: -Length -Width -Depth |
5.1 3.6 3.0 |
5.2 3.7 2.9 |
Metasomal segment III: -Length -Width -Depth |
6.3 3.3 3.0 |
5.5 3.5 3.0 |
Metasomal segment IV: -Length -Width -Depth |
6.8 3.0 3.0 |
6.2 3.3 3.0 |
Metasomal segment V: -Length -Width -Depth |
10.8 3.0 3.0 |
10.6 3.0 3.2 |
Telson: -Length -Width -Depth |
10.0 3.8 3.7 |
9.6 3.6 3.6 |
Pedipalp femur: -Length -Width -Depth |
7.0 3.1 2.6 |
8.1 3.3 2.9 |
Pedipalp patella: -Length -Width -Depth |
7.0 3.1 3.3 |
7.6 3.5 3.6 |
Chela: -Length -Width (manus) -Depth (manus) |
14.3 6.3 4.8 |
14.8 6.4 5.0 |
Movable finger: -Length |
9.0 |
9.4 |
Pectinal teeth (left/right) | 7/7 | 6/6 |
Under stones on a hillside with ruderal vegetation.
China (Xizang).
1 | Fingers of pedipalps are straight or only slightly curved in both sexes | 2 |
– | Fingers of pedipalps are curved in both sexes | 3 |
2 | Ventral trichobothria on patella number 6 (7 rarely), total length 30.0–42.1 mm, pectinal teeth number 4–5, chela length to width ratio about 2.2 | S. jendeki |
– | Ventral trichobothria on patella number 7, total length 40.0–58.0 mm, pectinal teeth number 7–9, chela length to width ratio about 3.3–3.5 | S. leptochirus |
3 | Manus length to width ratio visibly higher than 1 | 4 |
– | Manus with similar length and width | 9 |
4 | Total length more than 65.0 mm | 5 |
– | Total length less than 65.0 mm | 6 |
5 | Ventral patella of pedipalps with 9 trichobothria | S. luridus |
– | Ventral patella of pedipalps with 7 (rarely 6 or 8) trichobothria | S. petersii |
6 | Dorsally flat manus of pedipalps and chela of both sexes, with length/width ratio: 2.1–2.2 (about 2.1 in males and 2.2 in females), total length 40.0–50.0 mm in adults | S. margerisonae |
– | Dorsally round manus of pedipalps or at least the chela of one sex, with length to width ratio higher than 2.2 or total length higher than 50.0 mm | 7 |
7 | Total length less than 40.0 mm | 8 |
– | Total length 45.0–61.0 mm | S. tibetanus |
8 | Chela of pedipalp length to width ratio about 2.6–3.0, dorsal surface of chela of pedipalp coarse | S. lhasa |
– | Chela of pedipalp length to width ratio lower than 2.5, dorsal surface of chela of pedipalp smooth with luster | S. atomatus |
9 | Yellow-brown color, length of adults above 70.0 mm | S. ingens sp. n. |
– | Red-brown color, length of adults under 65.0 mm | 10 |
10 | Pedipalp chela manus almost as long as wide | S. hardwickii |
– | Pedipalp chela manus usually longer than its width | 11 |
11 | Distance between median eyes much more than their diameter | S. langxian |
– | Distance between median eyes only slightly more than their diameter | S. pococki |
We are grateful to Profs. Victor Fet and Wilson R. Lourenço for providing references. Sincere appreciation goes to Mr. Tao Li for the help to collect specimens. This work was supported in part by grants from the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (WK2070000056), the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (30900239 and 81373379) and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (MOST grant no. 2014FY210200).