Research Article |
Corresponding author: Mahmoud S. Abdel-Dayem ( ) Academic editor: Shaun Winterton
© 2020 Agostino Letardi, Mahmoud S. Abdel-Dayem, Hathal M. Al Dhafer.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Letardi A, Abdel-Dayem MS, Al Dhafer HM (2020) New faunal data on lacewings (Insecta, Neuroptera) collected from Saudi Arabia. ZooKeys 936: 111-148.
This study presents new data on the lacewing fauna of Saudi Arabia based on field work performed between 2014 and 2019. Sixty-one lacewing species from 37 genera and seven Neuroptera families were documented. Additionally, two species belonging to Dielocroce and Pseudomallada were identified only to genus level. Three of the identified species are new records to Saudi Arabia (Aspoeckiella gallagheri Hölzel, 2004, Bankisus maculosus Hölzel, 1983, and Nemoleon secundus Hölzel, 2002). Another three species are new to the fauna of the Arabian Peninsula (Mantispa aphavexelte Aspöck & Aspöck, 1994, Omoleon jeanneli Navás, 1936, and Stylascalaphus krueperi van der Weele, 1909). The first reports of eight species are provided after their original description from Saudi Arabia; namely, Creoleon ultimus Hölzel, 983, Cueta amseli Hölzel, 1982, Cu. asirica Hölzel, 1982, Distoleon asiricus Hölzel, 1983, Geyria pallida Hölzel, 1983, Neuroleon delicatus Hölzel, 1983, N. virgineus Hölzel, 1983 and Solter buettikeri Hölzel, 1982 Zoogeographically, most lacewing species documented in the Arabian Peninsula are endemic (26.2%), followed by Afro-syroeremic (23.0%), Afrotropical (18.0%), and Afro-syro-iranoeremic (14.8%) species. Palaearctic species (4.9%) had the lowest contribution.
distribution, endemic, new records, Neuroptera, Saudi Arabia
The Arabian Peninsula is located on the Arabian tectonic plate in northeast Africa, western Asia. Its fauna has different zoogeographical affinities (
Neuroptera is a small group of insects that currently contains ca. 5,800 species in 19 families (
Over the last six years, new faunal unpublished records of lacewings have been gathered in Saudi Arabia. Thus, this study aims to provide new information on this group in Saudi Arabia, with a focus on poorly known and rarely collected species.
The collection of samples was conducted between 2014 and 2019 at different locations in Saudi Arabia. Adult lacewings were captured mainly with light traps (LT), but also pitfall traps (PT), sugar traps (ST), and sweep nets (SW) were utilized. Specimens were preserved by desiccation or in 70% alcohol. They were then deposited in the collections of King Saud University Museum of Arthropods (
For the examined material, the following information were verified: Saudi Province (in bold) followed by a colon (:), the name of the governorate, locality, geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude), elevation (m), date of collection, capture technique(s), collector(s), number of examined specimens followed by sex (if determined) or “ex” (if the specimen sex could not be recognized because the abdomen lost or other reasons). The examined material was arranged by province, governorate, and locality name, in alphabetical order. Then, it was presented in ascending order according to altitude, and chronologically based on month of collection. When the records were from different provinces and governorates, a full stop separate them. A semicolon was used to separate different records. The governorate name was only cited at the beginning if the records were from the same governorate. Labels that had the same locality name, except for slight differences (such as elevation, collection date, collector/s), were listed jointly with the second label, specified with “ibidem”, and followed by a comma and the different data. The global distribution was derived from
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°52.598'N, 41°18.672'E, 892 m, 15 Oct 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; ibidem, 19°51.762'N, 41°18.089'E, 1225 m, 17 Oct 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♂; ibidem, 2 Nov 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; ibidem, 19°50.710'N, 41°18.267'E, 1474 m, 3 Nov 2013, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♂; ibidem, 14 Nov 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 2♂; ibidem, 19°50.411'N, 41°18.686'E, 1611 m, 17 Nov 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♂; ibidem, 19°50.575'N, 41°18.691'E, 1666 m, 3 Apr 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; ibidem, 5 May 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; Wadi Reyam (NE Al Makhwah), 19°50'28"N, 41°22'34"E, 473 m, 7 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♀. Asir Province: Abha, Garf Raydah Nature Reserve, 18°11.749'N, 42°23.345'E, 1614 m, 5 Sep 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♂; ibidem, 18 Nov 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♂; Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.293'N, 42°22.195'E, 1150 m, 4 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♂; ibidem, 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 2♂; ibidem, 11‒13 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♀ (AL). Khamis Mushait, Wadi Ibn Hashbal (14 km N Khamis Mushait), 18°27.34'N, 42°42.53'E, 1926 m, 2 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♂.
Africa: Senegal, Tunisia. Asia: Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. A polycentric Afrotropical species.
This species was previously reported as I. arabica in Al Bahah Province (
Asir Province: Abha, Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 4♀; ibidem, 1♀ (AL).
Africa: Ethiopia. Asia: Israel, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. A possible Afrotropical species.
It was previously reported in the provinces of Al Bahah and Asir (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mandaq, Wadi Tourabah (E An Na’Amah), 20°11'01"N, 41°18'42"E, 1826 m, 6 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 4♀ and 3♂. Asir Province: Abha, Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 8♀; ibidem, 18°10.293'N, 42°22.195'E, 1150 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 9♀ and 2♂; ibidem, 1♀ and 1♂ (AL).
Asia: Saudi Arabia, Yemen. A possible Arabian endemic species.
Pseudomallada arabicus was originally described from Fayfa Mountain in Jizan Province (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mandaq, Wadi Tourabah (E An Na’Amah), 20°11'01"N, 41°18'42"E, 1826 m, 6 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 5♀ and 2♂. Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°51.682'N, 41°18.263'E, 1291 m, 29 Mar 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀; ibidem, 1♀ (AL). Jizan Province: Al Darb, Wadi Reem, 17°52.551'N, 42°16.664'E, 136 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♂.
Africa: Sudan. Asia: Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. A possible Afrotropical species.
It was originally described from the provinces of Al Bahah and Asir (
Asir Province: Rijal Almaa, Wadi Kasan (3 km N Al Hubail), 18°06.981'N, 42°13.939'E, 451 m, 3 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem and I. Rasool leg., 2♀ and 1♂.
Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia. Asia: Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Mongolia, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Yemen. Europe: France, Portugal, Spain. It is a Palaearctic species.
This green lacewing is generally associated with low vegetation in extremely dry-warm biotopes, predominantly in steppes and semidesert-like habitats, and is quite common at light traps (
This species was previously reported in several Saudi provinces: Asir, Al Bahah, Eastern Province, Madinah, Makkah, and Riyadh (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°50'51"N, 41°18'06"E, 1358 m, 9 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♀ and 1♂; ibidem, 19°50.329'N, 41°18.604'E, 1563 m, 29 Mar 2017, ST, 1♂; Wadi Reyam (NE Al Makhwah), 19°50'28"N, 41°22'34"E, 473 m, 7 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 3♀, 1♂ and 1ex. Asir Province: Abha, Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 1 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀; 18°10.293'N, 42°22.195'E, 1150 m; ibidem, 4 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 2♀ and 2♂. Khamis Mushait, Wadi Ibn Hashbal (14 km N Khamis Mushait), 18°27'34"N, 42°42'53"E, 1926 m, 2 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 2♀. Rijal Almaa, Wadi Kasan (2 km N Al Hubail), 18°07.12'N, 42°13.55'E, 489 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 4♀; ibidem, 1♀ (AL). Jizan Province: Al Darb, Wadi Reem, 17°52.551'N, 42°16.664'E, 136 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 21♀ and 12♂, 1♀; ibidem, 1♂ (AL).
Pseudomallada Tsukaguchi 1995 is one of the most species-rich genera within the green lacewing family Chrysopidae and is one of the largest in the order Neuroptera (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mandaq, Wadi Tourabah (E An Na’Amah), 20°11'01"N, 41°18'42"E, 1826 m, 6 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♀ and 1♂. Asir Province: Abha, Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha, near Wadi Mashwas), 18°10.293'N, 42°22.195'E, 1150 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 2♀; ibidem, 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀. Jizan Province: Al Darb, Wadi Reem, 17°52.551'N, 42°16.664'E, 136 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 3♀ and 2♂. Riyadh Province: Hawtat Bani Tamim, Ibex Reserve Protected Area (W Hotat Bani Tamim), 23°2107'N, 46°21.36'E, 709 m, 11 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♂.
This species is widely distributed in the Palaearctic region, extending to Afrotropical (Cape Verde, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Yemen) and Oriental (China, India, Nepal) regions.
As reported by
Jizan Province: Al Darb, Wadi Reem, 17°52.551'N, 42°16.664'E, 136 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♂.
Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Eritrea, Libya, Sudan, Tunisia. Asia: Israel, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. A polycentric Afro-syroeremic species.
Practically unknown. Adults were collected on Tamarix sp. in sand dune and coastal dune habitats (
This species was previously reported in Riyadh Province (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mandaq, Wadi Tourabah (E An Na’Amah), 20°11'01"N, 41°18'42"E, 1826 m, 6 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♂. Al Makhwah, Wadi Reyam (NE Al Makhwah), 19°50'28"N, 41°22'34"E, 473 m, 7 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♀ and 1♂;
Africa: widespread, Cabo Verde. Asia: Israel, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. Europe: Greece, Italy, Malta. An eremic Afrotropical species.
This species was previously reported in Makkah Province (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mandaq, Wadi Tourabah (E An Na’Amah), 20°11'01"N, 41°18'42"E, 1826 m, 6 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 2♀. Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°51.682'N, 41°18.263'E, 1291 m, 29 Mar 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀; ibidem, 19°50'51"N, 41°18'06"E, 1358 m, 9 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 4♀ and 2♂; ibidem, 19°50.329'N, 41°18.604'E, 1563 m, 29 Mar 2017, ST, 1♂; 10 km NNW of Al Makhwah, 20°10.750'N, 41°19.072'E, 554 m, 30 Mar 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 2♂; Wadi Reyam (NE Al Makhwah), 19°50'28"N, 41°22'34"E, 473 m, 7 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 7♀ and 8♂. Asir Province: Abha, Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.293'N, 42°22.195'E, 1150 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 3♀ and 3♂, 1♀; ibidem, 1♂ (AL); ibidem, 4 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀; ibidem, 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 2♀. Khamis Mushait, Wadi Ibn Hashbal (14 km N Khamis Mushait), 18°27.34'N, 42°42.53'E, 1926 m, 2, Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀ and 1♂. Rijal Almaa, Wadi Kasan (3 km N Al Hubail), 18°06.981'N, 42°13.939'E, 451 m, 3 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem and I. Rasool leg., 1♀. Jizan Province: Al Darb, Wadi Reem, 17°52.551'N, 42°16.664'E, 136 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 3♀ and 1♂.
Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Senegal, Sudan. Asia: Iran, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. A polycentric Afro-syro-iranoeremic species.
Chrysemosa andresi was recorded in Asir Province (
Jizan Province: Al Darb, Wadi Reem, 17°52.551'N, 42°16.664'E, 136 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀.
Africa: sub-Saharan Africa (widespread) to South Africa, Cabo Verde. Asia: Saudi Arabia, Yemen. A possible Afrotropical species.
The species was previously documented in Asir Province (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mandaq, Wadi Tourabah (E An Na’Amah), 20°11'01"N, 41°18'42"E, 1826 m, 6 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 6♀ and 5♂. Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°50.51'N, 41°18.06'E, 1358 m, 9 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 10♀, 11♂ and 1 ex; ibidem, 14 Apr 2016, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀ and 1♂ (AL); Wadi Reyam (NE Al Makhwah), 19°50'28"N, 41°22'34"E, 473 m, 7 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 6♀, and 24♂. Asir Province: Abha, Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 11‒13 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 2♀ and 1♂; ibidem, 16 Apr 2016, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀ and 1♂ (AL). Khamis Mushait, Wadi Ibn Hashbal (14 km N Khamis Mushait), 18°27.34'N, 42°42.53'E, 1926 m, LT, 2 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀; ibidem, 2 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♂. Rijal Almaa, Wadi Kasan (3 km N Al Hubail), 18°06.981'N, 42°13.939'E, 451 m, 3 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem and I. Rasool leg., 1♀; ibidem, 18°07.12'N, 42°13.55'E, 489 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀; ibidem, 18°06'57"N, 42°13'55"E, 462 m, 12 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♂. Jizan Province: Al Darb, Wadi Reem, 17°52.551'N, 42°16.664'E, 136 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 2♀ and 2♂.
Africa: Burkina Faso, Djibouti, Eritrea, Republic of the Congo, South Africa, Sudan. Asia: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen. A possible Afrotropical species.
This species was previously recorded in the Arabian Peninsula (Yemen: Aden) as Necyla arabica (
Asir Province: Abha, Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♂; ibidem, 1♂ (AL); ibidem, 11‒13 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♂.
Africa: Morocco. Asia: Armenia, China[?], Iran, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Turkey. Europe: widespread in southern Europe. It is a Palearctic species.
Mantispa aphavexelte was previously found in ruderal areas and olive groves. The larvae parasitize spiders and feed on spider eggs (
This study presents the first report for this species in Saudi Arabia. The three males were collected from mountainous Acacia woodlands at an elevation of 1197 m in southwestern Saudi Arabia.
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°51.066'N, 41°18.037'E, 1325 m, 2 Nov 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 2♀; 10 km NNW of Al Makhwah, 20°10.750'N, 41°19.072'E, 554 m, 30 Mar 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀.
Africa: widely distributed in northern Africa. Asia: Israel, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. A polycentric Afro-syroeremic species.
Nodalla eatoni is found in semi-deserts with sparse low vegetation habitats, mainly in the form of isolated spiny dwarf shrubs, surrounded by extensive vegetation-free sandy areas (Aspöck and Aspöck 1983).
The species was previously documented in several localities (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°51.006'N, 41°18.037'E, 1325 m, 5 Mar 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 2♂; ibidem, 2 Nov 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀ and 1♂; ibidem, 19°50'51"N, 41°18'06"E, 1358 m, 9 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♀ and 1♂; ibidem, 19°50.329'N, 41°18.604'E, 1563 m, 2 Nov 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 2♀. Asir Province: Abha, Garf Raydah Nature Reserve, 18°11.749'N, 42°23.345'E, 1614 m, 7 May 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 2♀ and 1♂; ibidem, 18°11.695'N, 42°23.818'E, 1897 m, 5 Nov 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.293'N, 42°22.195'E, 1150 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀; ibidem, 4 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♂.
Africa: throughout northern Africa. Asia: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. A polycentric Afro-syro-iranoeremic species.
The biology of N. saharica is largely unknown, as with other Nodalla species. Adults hide deep inside sparse vegetation or crevices and under stones during the day; at night they are attracted to artificial light sources (
The species was formerly reported in several localities (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°50'51"N, 41°18'06"E, 1358 m, 9 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♂. Asir Province: Abha, Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 16 Apr 2016, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♂ (AL). Jizan Province: Al Darb, Wadi Reem, 17°52.551'N, 42°16.664'E, 136 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀.
Endemic to Saudi Arabia.
The species was previously recorded in Asir Province (
Al Bahah Province: Al Makhwah, Wadi Reyam (NE Al Makhwah), 19°50'28"N, 41°22'34"E, 473 m, 7 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♀.
Africa: widespread in northern Africa, Ethiopia. Asia: Israel, Oman, Saudi Arabia. Polycentric Afro-syroeremic species.
This species lives in deserted mines and caves, normally hiding under stones (
It was previously collected in Riyadh Province (
Al Bahah Province: Al Makhwah, Wadi Reyam (NE Al Makhwah), 19°50'28"N, 41°22'34"E, 473 m, 7 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♀. Asir Province: Rijal Almaa, Wadi Kasan (3 km N Al Hubail), 18°06'57"N, 42°13'55"E, 462 m, 12 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 5♀.
Africa: spread throughout North Africa, Kenya, Sudan. Asia: Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. Polycentric Afro-syroeremic species.
It was previously collected in Al Madinah Province (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al Asfal, Al-Hamadah, 20°10.750'N, 41°19.072'E, 554 m, 30 Mar 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀.
Africa: widespread in North Africa, Sudan, Somalia. Asia: Israel, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. A possible polycentric Afro-syroeremic species.
It was previously collected in Asir, Hail and Makkah provinces (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al Asfal, Al-Hamadah, 20°10.750'N, 41°19.072'E, 554 m, 30 Mar 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♂; 10 km NNW of Al Makhwah, 19°50.47'N, 41°22.40'E, 630 m, 31 Mar 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 5♀ and 4♂. Riyadh Province: Hotat Bani Tamim, Ibex Reserve Protected Area, (W Hotat Bani Tamim), 23°21.07'N, 46°21.36'E, 709 m, 11 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 33♀ and 26♂; ibidem, 1♀ and 1♂ (AL). Riyadh, NW Al Uyaynah, 24°53.33'N, 46°17.40'E, 761 m, 10 Apr 2016, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 2♀; ibidem, 1♀ (AL).
Asia: Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Yemen. A Syro-iranoeremic species.
This species was formerly reported in Asir, Makkah and Riyadh provinces (
♀. Riyadh Province: Hotat Bani Tamim, Ibex Reserve Protected Area, (W Hotat Bani Tamim), 23°21.07'N, 46°21.36'E, 709 m, 11 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀.
This listed female specimen was collected at an elevation of 709 m among a huge number of D. elegans in sandy Acacia woodlands at low elevation in central Saudi Arabia. It might be D. berlandi (Navás 1936), but the poor condition of the specimen preserved in alcohol resulted in our identification only to the genus level.
Riyadh Province: Al Aflag, Farshet Sheaal (NW Al Naifiyah), 22°25.496'N, 46°34.544'E, 606 m, LT, 10 Apr 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; ibidem, 22°24.381'N, 46°35.594'E, 596 m, LT, 12 Apr 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♂; Wadi Ghaihab (33 km N Layla), 22°19.601'N, 46°24.808’E, 460 m, LT, 10 Apr 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♂. Al Zulfi, Rawdhat Al Sabalah, 26°21.522'N, 44°59.011'E, 664 m, LT, 19 May 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 2♂. Hotat Bani Tamim, Ibex Reserve Protected Area, (W Hotat Bani Tamim), 23°21.07'N, 46°21.36'E, 709 m, 11 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 2♀ and 9♂; ibidem, 1♀ and 1♂ (AL). Ramah, Rawdat Khuraim (100 km NE Riyadh), 25°25.943'N, 47°13.863'E, 572 m, 15 May 2012, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀ and 1♂; ibidem, 25°22.986'N, 47°16.712'E, 559 m, 28 Apr 2012, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 3♂. Riyadh, Wadi Hanifa, 24°54.422'N, 46°10.903'E, 809 m, LT, 22 Apr 2017, M. Abdel-Dayem et al. leg., 3♂.
Africa: widespread in North Africa, Mauritania, Sudan. Asia: Afghanistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen. A polycentric Afro-syro-iranoeremic species.
This species was previously collected in Hail, Madinah, Makkah, and Riyadh provinces (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°52.596'N, 41°18.672'E, 892 m, 21 Apr 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al., 1♀; Wadi Reyam (NE Al Makhwah), 19°50'28"N, 41°22'34"E, 473 m, 7 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♀ and 1♂. Riyadh Province: Al Aflag, Farshet Sheaal (NW Al Naifiyah), 22°25.543'N, 46°34.543'E, 589 m, 15 Oct 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀. Ramah, Rawdat Khuraim (100 km NE Riyadh), 25°25.943'N, 47°13.863'E, 572 m, 28 Aug 2012, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem et al. leg., 1♂.
Arica: Kenya, Sudan. Asia: Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. A polycentric Afro-syro-iranoeremic species.
This species was previously reported in Al Bahah Province (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°52.596'N, 41°18.672'E, 892 m, 23 Aug 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg. 2♂. Asir Province: Rijal Almaa, Wadi Kasan (3 km N Al Hubail), 18°07.12'N, 42°13.55'E, 467 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, 1♀ and 1♂. Jizan Province: Al Darb, Wadi Reem, 17°52.551'N, 42°16.664'E, 136 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀.
Africa: Egypt. Asia: Israel, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. A Syroeremic species.
This species was previously reported in Makkah Province (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Wadi Reyam (NE Al Makhwah), 19°50'28"N, 41°22'34"E, 473 m, 7 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♀.
Africa: Egypt, Sudan. Asia: Israel, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. An Afro-syroeremic species.
This species was previously reported in Asir Province (
Asir Province: Abha, Garf Raydah Nature Reserve, 18°11.695'N, 42°23.818'E, 1897 m, 28 Apr 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀.
Asia: Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen. Endemic to the Arabian Peninsula.
C. speciosa has been widely reported in Saudi Arabia (
Riyadh Province: Hotat Bani Tamim, Ibex Reserve Protected Area, (W of Hotat Bani Tamim), 23°21.07'N, 46°21.36'E, 709 m, 11 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 2♀ and 2♂; ibidem, 1♀ and 2♂ (AL).
Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia. Asia: Oman, Saudi Arabia. A polycentric Afro-syroeremic species.
This species is poorly known and is usually reported in savannah habitats (
Riyadh Province: Hotat Bani Tamim, Ibex Reserve Protected Area, (W of Hotat Bani Tamim), 23°21.07'N, 46°21.36'E, 709 m, 11 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 8♀ and 14♂; ibidem, 2♀ and 2♂ (AL).
Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates. An endemic species to the Arabian Peninsula.
This record is one of the five published localities where this species was collected in Riyadh Province (
Riyadh Province: Al Quwaiiyah, Rawdhat Al Harmaliyah, 24°17.433'N, 45°08.493'E, 796 m, 17 Apr 2015, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem et al. leg. 1♂; 24°17.864’N, 45°08.746’E, 786 m, 19 Apr 2015, PT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem et al. leg. 1♂.
Widespread in southern Palearctic region. Africa: Algeria, Tunisia. Asia: Saudi Arabia. An Afro-syroeremic species.
Lopezus fedtschenkoi is associated with desert biotopes.
It was reported in Riyadh Province (
Riyadh Province: Al Quwaiiyah, Rawdhat Al Harmaliyah, 24°17.433’N, 45°08.493'E, 796 m, 25 Aug 2015, SW, M.S. Abdel-Dayem et al. leg. 1♂. Al Zulfi, Rawdhat Al-Sabalah, 26°22.056'N, 44°59.136'E, 671 m, 29 Aug 2015, PT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem et al. leg. 1♂.
Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia. Asia: Israel, Iran, Iraq, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen. A polycentric Afro-syro-iranoeremic species.
This species is associated with desert biotopes.
This species was reported in the Eastern, Madinah, and Riyadh provinces (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°50.329'N, 41°18.604'E, 1563 m, 29 Mar 2017, ST, 1♂; Wadi Reyam (NE Al Makhwah), 19°50'28"N, 41°22'34"E, 473 m, 7 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 9♀ and 7♂; ibidem, 1♀ and 1♂ (AL).
An endemic species to Saudi Arabia.
This study presents the first report of this species after the original description from Riyadh Province, based on two males (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°50'51"N, 41°18'06"E, 1358 m, 9 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♂.
Africa: Egypt, Sudan. Asia: Israel, Saudi Arabia. An Afro-syroeremic species.
The species was previously reported in several localities (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°52.598'N, 41°18.672'E, 892 m, 23 Aug 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♂; ibidem, 14 Nov 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 2♀; 19°51.762'N, 41°18.089'E, 1225 m, 23 Oct 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 3♀ and 2♂; ibidem, 2 Sep 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀ and 2♂; ibidem, 17 Oct 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 4♀ and 3♂; ibidem, 15 Nov 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 3♂; ibidem, 19°51.066'N, 41°18.037'E, 1325, 23 Aug 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 5♀ and 11♂; ibidem, 2 Sep 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 3♀ and 4♂; ibidem, 17 Oct 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀ and 1♂; ibidem, 19°50'51"N, 41°18'06"E, 1358 m, 9 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♂; ibidem, 19°50.710'N, 41°18.267'E, 1474 m, 23 Aug 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 9♀ and 7♂; ibidem, 2 Sep 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 3♀ and 2♂; ibidem, 17 Oct 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀ and 2♂; ibidem, 19°50.411'N, 41°18.686'E, 1611 m, 23 Aug 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 5♀ and 9♂; ibidem, 2 Sep 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀ and 1♂. Asir Province: Abha, Garf Raydah Nature Reserve, 18°11.749'N, 42°23.345'E, 1614 m, 24 Feb 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀ and 2♂; ibidem, 5 Sep 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 2♀ and 2♂; ibidem, 18°11.766'N, 42°24.315'E, 2285 m, 6 Jun 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; ibidem, 31 Jul 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 5♀ and 1♂; ibidem, 11–13 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♂.
Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. An endemic species to the Arabian Peninsula.
Unknown, possibly a pit builder in arid biotopes, like congeners.
This record is the second locality published for Saudi Arabia, with it being previously collected in Asir Province (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°52.598'N, 41°18.672'E, 892 m, 26 Jan 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♂; ibidem, 19°50.575'N, 41°18.691'E, 1666 m, 27 Jul 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀. Asir Province: Abha, Garf Raydah Nature Reserve, 18°11.749'N, 42°23.345'E, 1614 m, 6 Jun 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀ and 2♂; ibidem, 18°11.884'N, 42°24.435'E, 2387 m, 6 Jun 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.293'N, 42°22.195'E, 1150 m, 1 Apr 2017, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., LT, 2♀ and 4♂; ibidem, 1♀ and 1♂ (AL); ibidem, 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 7♀ and 8♂. Rijal Almaa, Wadi Kasan (2 km N Al Hubail), 18°07.12'N, 42°13.55'E, 489 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀.
This species is endemic to Saudi Arabia.
Unknown, possibly a pit builder in arid biotopes, like congeners.
These records represent new localities, with this species previously being collected in Al Bahah Province (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, 10 km NNW of Al Makhwah, 20°10.750'N, 41°19.072'E, 554 m, 30 Mar 2017, LT, S.A. El-Sonbati leg., 2♀ and 1♂; Wadi Reyam (NE Al Makhwah), 19°50'28"N, 41°22'34"E, 473 m, 7 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♂. Jizan Province: Al Darb, Wadi Reem, 17°51.56'N, 42°16.21'E, 139 m, 3 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 2♀ and 3♂. Riyadh Province: Hotat Bani Tamim, Ibex Reserve Protected Area (W Hotat Bani Tamim), 23°21.07'N, 46°21.36'E, 709 m, 11 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 2♀ and 5♂. Ramah, Rawdat Khuraim (100 km NE Riyadh), 25°23.13'N, 47°16.45'E, 550 m, 9 Apr 2016, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♂ (AL).
Africa: Egypt, Djibouti, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia; Asia: Afghanistan, Cyprus, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Yemen. Europe: Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, North Macedonia. It is a Palaearctic species.
This antlion species is common in deserts and steppe-like habitats on the southern edge of the Western Palaearctic. C. lineosa larvae construct pits by digging traps in exposed conditions (
This species was previously documented in various Saudi provinces, including Asir, Al Bahah, Eastern Province, Jizan, Madinah, and Riyadh (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al Asfal, Al Hamadah, 20°10.750'N, 41°19.072'E, 554 m, 30 Mar 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀; 10 km NNW of Al Makhwah, 20°10.750'N, 41°19.072'E, 554 m, 30 Mar 2017, LT, S.A. El-Sonbati leg., 1♂. Asir Province: Abha, Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.293'N, 42°22.195'E, 1150 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 6♀ and 5♂; ibidem, 4 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀ and 2♂; ibidem, 1♀ and 1♂ (AL); ibidem, 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 26♀ and 5♂. Rijal Almaa, Wadi Kasan (2 km N Al Hubail), 18°06.981'N, 42°13.939'E, 451 m, 3 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem and I. Rasool leg., 1♀; ibidem, 18°07.12'N, 42°13.55'E, 489 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 5♀. Jizan Province: Al Darb, Wadi Reem, 17°52.551'N, 42°16.664'E, 136 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀. Riyadh Province: Hotat Bani Tamim, Ibex Reserve Protected Area, (W Hotat Bani Tamim), 23°21.07'N, 46°21.36'E, 709 m, 11 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 2♀ and 1♂.
Africa. North Africa (widespread), sub-Saharan Africa, Niger, Madagascar. Asia: Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. A polycentric Afro-syroeremic species.
Cueta pallens is possibly a pit builder in arid biotopes, like congeners.
This species was previously reported in Makkah and Riyadh provinces (
Asir Province: Abha, Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀.
Africa: North Africa (widespread), Cabo Verde (islands: widespread). Asia: Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. An Afrotropical species.
The larvae are pit-builders that are associated with sandy shorelines and wide, dry sand-covered habitats (
This species was previously collected in Asir and Al Bahah provinces (
Asir Province: Abha, Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 11–13 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♀. Khamis Mushait, Wadi Ibn Hashbal (14 km N Khamis Mushait), 18°27.34'N, 42°42.53'E, 1926 m, 2 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♂.
Africa: northern Africa (widespread). Asia: Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. Europe: Greece. A polycentric Afro-syroeremic species.
Myrmeleon fasciatus inhabits very warm and xeric biotopes, including deserts. The larva builds pits in sheltered areas, such as beneath overhangs and cavities of sedimentary rocks, in very fine detritus or sand (
This species was previously reported in Al Bahah, Madinah, and Riyadh provinces (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°51.762'N, 41°18.089'E, 1225 m, 17 Oct 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 2♀; ibidem, 19°50.411'N, 41°18.686'E, 1611 m, 20 Apr 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; Asir Province: Abha, Garf Raydah Nature Reserve, 18°11.749'N, 42°23.345'E, 1614 m, 7 May 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♂; ibidem, 31 Jul 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; ibidem, 18°11.618'N, 42°23.420'E, 1772 m, 31 Jul 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; ibidem, 18°11.679'N, 42°23.691'E, 1851 m, 31 Jul 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♂; ibidem, 26 Aug 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀, 1♂; 18°11.695'N, 42°23.818'E, 1897 m, 31 Jul 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 2♂; ibidem, 18°11.884'N, 42°24.435'E, 2387 m, 31 Jul 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 2♀; Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha, near Wadi Mashwas), 18°10.293'N, 42°22.195'E, 1150 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀; ibidem, 4 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀; ibidem, 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 3♀; 11–13 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♀ and 1♂; ibidem, 16 Apr 2016, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 2♂ (AL).
Asia: Oman, Yemen. An endemic species of the Arabian Peninsula.
This study presents the first report of the species in Saudi Arabia. The specimens were collected from rocky areas with Acacia woodlands, Barbary fig shrublands, and O. europaea communities at different elevations (1150‒2387 m) in the mountains of southwestern Saudi Arabia.
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°52.596'N, 41°18.672'E, 892 m, 21 Apr 2014, LT, H. Al Dhafer et al. leg. 1ex.
Africa: Ethiopia, Kenya. An Afrotropical species.
This study presents the first report of the species in Saudi Arabia and Arabian Peninsula. The listed specimen was collected in mountainous Acacia woodlands at an elevation of 892 m in southwestern Saudi Arabia.
Riyadh Province: Ramah, Rawdat Khuraim (100 km NE Riyadh), 25°25.943'N, 47°13.863'E, 572 m, 28 Aug 2012, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1ex; ibidem, 28 Aug 2012, SW (on Rhazya stricta), M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1ex; ibidem, 24 Sept 2012, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1ex; ibidem, 25°22.986'N, 47°16.712'E, 559 m, 28 Aug 2012, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1ex; ibidem, 9 Sep 2012, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 2ex.
Africa: Egypt (including Sinai), Sudan. Asia: India, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates. It is an Afro-syro-iranoeremic species.
This species was previously recorded in Baha, Makkah, and Riyadh provinces (Hölzel, 1982). The listed specimens were collected from sandy areas dominated with Rhazya stricta and Acacia ehrenbergiana at elevations of 572‒559 m in central Saudi Arabia.
Riyadh Province: Hotat Bani Tamim, Ibex Reserve Protected Area, (W Hotat Bani Tamim), 23°21.07'N, 46°21.36'E, 709 m, 11 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀; ibidem, 1♀ (AL).
Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates. An Arabian endemic species.
This species was originally described from Eastern Province (Hölzel 1983). The new locality listed here represents a distributional extension for this species. The specimens were collected in sandy areas with Acacia woodlands at an elevation of 709 m in central Saudi Arabia.
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°50'51"N, 41°18'06"E, 1358 m, 9 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 2♀ and 2♂. Asir Province: Khamis Mushait, Wadi Ibn Hashbal (14 km N Khamis Mushait), 1926 m, 18°27.34'N, 42°42.53'E, 2 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1ex. Jizan Province: Al Darb, Wadi Reem, 17°52.551'N, 42°16.664'E, 136 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 2♀.
Iran, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates. A possible Syro-iranoeremic species.
This species was previously recorded in Asir, Al Bahah, and Makkah provinces (Hölzel 1983). The listed specimens were collected from Acacia woodlands in the lowlands and highlands (136‒1926 m elevation) of southwestern Saudi Arabia.
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°50.411'N, 41°18.686'E, 1611 m, 17 Nov 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 4♀; Wadi Reyam (NE Al Makhwah), 19°50'28"N, 41°22'34"E, 473 m, 7 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 2♀ and 3♂. Asir Province: Abha, Garf Raydah Nature Reserve, 18°11.749'N, 42°23.345'E, 1614 m, 20 Oct 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; ibidem, 18°11.679'N, 42°23.691'E, 1851 m, 20 Oct 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀ and 1♂. Rijal Almaa, Wadi Kasan (2 km N Al Hubail), 18°07.12'N, 42°13.55'E, 489 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀ and 1♂; ibidem, 1♀ (AL). Jizan Province: Al Darb, Wadi Reem, 17°51.56'N, 42°16.21'E, 139 m, 17°52.551'N, 42°16.664'E, 136 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀; ibidem, 3 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀.
Asia: An endemic species to Saudi Arabia.
This is the first report of this species since it was first described from Asir and Jizan Provinces (Hölzel 1983). The specimens were collected in sandy and rocky areas with Acacia woodlands and Barbary fig shrublands at different elevations (136‒1614 m) in southwestern Saudi Arabia.
Riyadh Province: Hotat Bani Tamim, Ibex Reserve Protected Area, (W Hotat Bani Tamim), 23°21.07'N, 46°21.36'E, 709 m, 11 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♂.
Africa: Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia. Asia: Iran, Iraq, Israel, Oman, Saudi Arabia. A polycentric Afro-syro-iranoeremic species.
It was previously reported in Eastern, Madinah, and Riyadh provinces (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°52.598'N, 41°18.672'E, 892 m, 3 Mar 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♂; ibidem, 19°51.762'N, 41°18.089'E, 1225 m, 21 Apr 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 2♀; ibidem, 19°50'51"N, 41°18'06"E, 1358 m, 9 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 2♀; ibidem, 19°50.575'N, 41°18.691'E, 1666 m, 20 Apr 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀. Asir Province: Abha, Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.293'N, 42°22.195'E, 1150 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 2♀; ibidem, 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 2♀ and 1♂; ibidem, 1♀ (AL). Khamis Mushait, Wadi Ibn Hashbal (14 km N Khamis Mushait), 18°27.34'N, 42°42.53'E, 1926 m, 2 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀. Rijal Almaa, Wadi Kasan (3 km N Al Hubail), 18°06.981'N, 42°13.939'E, 451 m, 3 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem and I. Rasool leg., 1♀ and 1♂; ibidem, 18°07.12'N, 42°13.55'E, 489 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 5♀ and 1♂. Jizan Province: Al Darb, Wadi Reem, 17°52.551'N, 42°16.664'E, 136 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 2♀ and 2♂. Riyadh Province: Hotat Bani Tamim, Ibex Reserve Protected Area, (W Hotat Bani Tamim), 23°21.07'N, 46°21.36'E, 709 m, 11 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 5♀.
Africa: Egypt, Sudan. Asia: Israel, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. A polycentric Afro-syroeremic species.
This species was previously reported in the provinces of Asir, Al Bahah, Jizan, and Makkah (
Al Bahah Province: Al Makhwah, Wadi Reyam (NE Al Makhwah), 19°50'28"N, 41°22'34"E, 473 m, 7 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♀. Asir Province: Rijal Almaa, Wadi Kasan (2 km N Al Hubail), 18°07.12'N, 42°13.55'E, 489 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀.
Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cote d’Ivoire, Mali. Asia: Saudi Arabia, Yemen. An Afrotropical species.
Neuroleon modestus occurs in grass savannas and grassy vegetation in cultivated areas (
This species was reported by
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°52.598'N, 41°18.672'E, 892 m, 3 Mar 2015, LT, M. Mostafa et al. leg., 1♀; ibidem, 19°51.762'N, 41°18.089'E, 1225 m, 21 Apr 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♂; ibidem, 19°50'51"N, 41°18'06"E, 1358 m, 9 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 2♀.
Africa: Burkina Faso, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Sudan. Asia: Saudi Arabia, Yemen. An Afrotropical species.
This species was previously reported in Al Bahah and Asir provinces (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°51.682'N, 41°18.263'E, 1291 m, 29 Mar 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♂. Asir Province: Rijal Almaa, Wadi Kasan (3 km N Al Hubail), 18°06.981'N, 42°13.939'E, 451 m, 3 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem and I. Rasool leg., 5♀ and 1♂; ibidem, 18°07.12'N, 42°13.55'E, 489 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 17♀ and 1♂; ibidem, 1♀ and 1♂ (AL). Jizan Province: Al Darb, Wadi Reem, 17°52.551'N, 42°16.664'E, 136 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♂; ibidem, 17°51.56'N, 42°16.21'E, 139 m, 3 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♂. Riyadh Province: Riyadh, NW Al Uyaynah, 24°53.33'N, 46°17.40'E, 761 m, 10 Apr 2016, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 2♀ and 1♂ (AL).
Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Sudan, Tunisia. Asia: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Israel, Iran, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. Europe: Greece, North Macedonia. A polycentric Afro-asianeremic species.
Neuroleon tenellus is not well known and is usually documented in arid habitats. The larvae have not been documented (
The species was previously documented in Eastern Province and Riyadh provinces (
Al Bahah Province: Al Makhwah, Wadi Reyam (NE Al Makhwah), 19°50'28"N, 41°22'34"E, 473 m, 7 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 4♀ and 1♂; ibidem, 1♀ and 1♂ (AL).
Asia: An endemic species to Saudi Arabia.
This study presents the first record of this species after the original description from Makka Province (Hölzel 1983). The listed specimens were collected from sandy areas with Acacia woodlands at low elevation of 473 m in southwestern Saudi Arabia.
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°51.066’N, 41°18.037’E, 1325, 20 Apr 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♂. Asir Province: Abha, Garf Raydah Nature Reserve, 18°11.749'N, 42°23.345'E, 1614 m, 6 Jun 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♂; ibidem, 31 Jul 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; ibidem, 20 Oct 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; ibidem, 18°11.618'N, 42°23.420'E, 1772 m, 31 Jul 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; ibidem, 18°11.679'N, 42°23.691'E, 1851 m, 6 Jun 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀ and 3♂; ibidem, 20 Oct 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; ibidem, 18°11.766'N, 42°24.315'E, 2285 m, 6 Jun 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; ibidem, 31 Jul 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♂; ibidem, 18°11.884'N, 42°24.435'E, 2387 m, 28 Apr 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; ibidem, 6 Jun 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 2♀ and 1♂; ibidem, 18°12.095'N, 42°24.536'E, 2578 m, 6 Jun 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; ibidem, 20 Oct 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.293'N, 42°22.195'E, 1150 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀; ibidem, 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 16 Apr 2016, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♂; ibidem, 1♀ (AL). Riyadh Province: Hotat Bani Tamim, Ibex Reserve Protected Area, (W Hotat Bani Tamim), 23°21.07'N, 46°21.36'E, 709 m, 11 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀ and 2♂.
Asia: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen. An endemic species to the Arabian Peninsula.
The listed records present further localities in Saudi Arabia from where this species has been recently described.
It was previously reported in Asir and Al Bahah provinces in southwestern Saudi Arabia (Hölzel 1983). The listed specimens were collected from rocky areas with Acacia woodlands, Barbary fig shrublands, and juniper forest at high elevations (1150‒2387 m) in southwestern Saudi Arabia, and in sandy areas with Acacia woodlands at an elevation of 709 m in the central regions of Saudi Arabia.
Al Bahah Province: Al Mandaq, Wadi Tourabah (E of An Na’Amah), 20°11'01"N, 41°18'42"E, 1826 m, 6 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♀. Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°52.598'N, 41°18.672'E, 892 m, 2 Mar 2015, LT, A. Mostafa leg., 1♂; ibidem, 19°50'51"N, 41°18'06"E, 1358 m, 9 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♀. Asir Province: Abha, WSW of Abha, Garf Raydah Nature Reserve, 18°11.749'N, 42°23.345'E, 1614 m, 5 Nov 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; ibidem, 18°11.679'N, 42°23.691'E, 1851 m, 6 Jun 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀. Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.293'N, 42°22.195'E, 1150 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♂; ibidem, 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 2♀ and 3♂; ibidem, 16 Apr 2016, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♂; ibidem, 1♂ (AL). Rijal Almaa, Wadi Kasan (2 km N Al Hubail), 18°07.12'N, 42°13.55'E, 489 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♂. Riyadh Province: Hotat Bani Tamim, Ibex Reserve Protected Area, (W Hotat Bani Tamim), 23°21.07'N, 46°21.36'E, 709 m, 11 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀ and 1♂.
Africa: Ethiopia, Sudan. Asia: Cyprus, Israel, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey. A polycentric Afro-syroeremic species.
Mainly unknown, associated with arid environments (
This species was previously recorded in the mountains of southwestern Saudi Arabia, from Al Bahah and Makkah provinces (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al Asfal, Al-Hamadah, 20°10.750'N, 41°19.072'E, 554 m, 30 Mar 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 5♀ and 1♂; ibidem, 1♀ and 1♂ (AL); Wadi Reyam (NE Al Makhwah), 19°50'28"N, 41°22'34"E, 473 m, 7 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♀ and 4♂.
Asia: Oman, Yemen. An endemic species to the Arabian Peninsula.
This study presents the first report in Saudi Arabia, with this species recently being described from Oman and Yemen (Hölzel, 2002). The listed specimens were collected from foothill Acacia woodlands at elevations of 473‒554 m in southwestern Saudi Arabia.
Asir Province: Abha, Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 16 Apr 2016, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1ex. (AL).
Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia. Asia: Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Oman, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen. A polycentric Afro-syro-iranoeremic species.
This species was previously recorded in east and southwest Saudi Arabia, in Eastern Province and Makkah provinces, respectively (
Asir Province: Abha, Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 1 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 2♀.
Asia: Israel, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria. Syro-iranoeremic species.
The larvae possibly inhabit sandy soils, like congeners.
This species was previously reported in central (Riyadh Province) and southwestern (Makkah Province) Saudi Arabia (
Asir Province: Khamis Mushait, Wadi Ibn Hashbal (14 km N Khamis Mushait), 18°27.34'N, 42°42.53'E, 1926 m, 2 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♂.
Africa: Egypt, Senegal, Sudan, Tunisia. Asia: Afghanistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen. Europe: Spain. A widespread polycentric Afro-syro-iranoeremic species.
The larva possibly inhabits sandy soils, like congeners.
It was previously recorded in central Saudi Arabia, in Riyadh Province (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al Asfal, Al-Hamadah, 20°10.750'N, 41°19.072'E, 554 m, 30 Mar 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀. Asir Province: Khamis Mushait, Wadi Ibn Hashbal (14 km N Khamis Mushait), 18°27.34'N, 42°42.53'E, 1926 m, 2 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀.
Asia: Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia. A Syro-iranoeremic species.
The larva possibly inhabits sandy soils, like congeners.
It was documented in northern and southwestern Saudi Arabia, in Tabouk, Asir and Riyadh provinces (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°50'51"N, 41°18'06"E, 1358 m, 9 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♀ and 1♂. Asir Province: Khamis Mushait, Wadi Ibn Hashbal (14 km N Khamis Mushait), 18°27.558'N, 42°42.876'E, 1926 m, 2 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♂.
Asia: An endemic species to Saudi Arabia.
The larva possibly inhabits sandy soils, like congeners.
This study presents the first report of this species after the original description, based on one male and one female collected in Al Bahah Province in southwestern Saudi Arabia (Hölzel 1983). The listed male specimens were collected in sandy and rocky areas with Acacia woodlands at elevations of 1358‒1926 m in the highlands of southwestern Saudi Arabia.
Al Bahah Province: Al Mandaq, Wadi Turubah, 20°14.369'N, 41°15.234'E, 1757 m, 3 Jun 2012, H. Al Dhafer et al. leg., 3♀. Asir Province: Al Magardah, Wadi Al Talalie, 18°59.840'N, 41°43.910'E, 242 m, 1 Jun 2012, B. Kondratiff and H. Al Dahfer leg., SW, 1♀. Rijal Almaa, Wadi Kasan (3 km N Al Hubail), 18°06.981'N, 42°13.939'E, 451 m, 3 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem and I. Rasool leg., 1♂; ibidem, 18°06'57"N, 42°13'55"E, 462 m, 12 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi et al. leg., 1♀ (AL); ibidem, 18°07.12'N, 42°13.55'E, 489 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 3♂. Jizan Province: Al Darb, Wadi Reem, 17°52.551'N, 42°16.664'E, 136 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀.
Africa: widespread, including Cabo Verde and Madagascar. Asia: Israel, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen. Europe: Italy. An Afrotropical species.
It is commonly collected with light traps in open savannah areas that are sometimes cultivated or grazed by cattle (
This species was previously reported in Eastern Province, Jizan, and Riyadh provinces (Hölzel 1983). The specimens were collected in sandy areas with Acacia woodlands at elevations of 136‒1757 m in southwestern Saudi Arabia.
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°52.598'N, 41°18.672'E, 892 m, 24 Apr 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; ibidem, 23 Aug 2014, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀.
Africa: Algeria, Morocco (
This species is a new listing for fauna in the Arabian Peninsula. The listed female specimens were collected in sandy areas with Acacia woodlands at an elevation of 892 m in southwestern Saudi Arabia.
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°57.686'N, 41°18.262'E, 607 m, 9 Apr 2019, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀. Jizan Province: Al Darb, Wadi Reem, 17°51.56'N, 42°16.21'E, 139 m, 3 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♂.
Asia: Oman, United Arab Emirates. An endemic species to the Arabian Peninsula.
This study presents the first report of this species in Saudi Arabia, which was originally described from Oman and the United Arab Emirates (
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature Reserve, 19°50.51'N, 41°18.06'E, 1358 m, 14 Apr 2016, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀. Riyadh Province: Hotat Bani Tamim, Ibex Reserve Protected Area (W Hotat Bani Tamim), 23°21.07'N, 46°21.36'E, 709 m, 11 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 2♂ (AL). Riyadh, Wadi Hanifa, 24°54.422'N, 46°10.903'E, 809 m, LT, 22 Apr 2017, M. Abdel-Dayem et al. leg., 1♀ and 2♂.
Africa: Egypt. Asia: Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates. Europe: Greece. An Asianeremic species.
It is frequently collected by light traps; adults tend to inhabit steppe-like habitats, and rocky grasslands with long stalks (
The species was previously reported in Asir, Madinah, and Riyadh provinces (Hölzel 1983). The listed specimens were collected with light traps in mountainous areas and sandy areas with Acacia woodlands at elevations of 709‒1358 m in southwestern and central Saudi Arabia, respectively.
Al Bahah Province: Al Mekhwah, Shada Al-A’Ala Nature, 19°51.066'N, 41°18.037'E, 1325 m, 24 Feb 2014, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♂; ibidem, 19°50.51'N, 41°18.06'E, 1358 m, 14 Apr 2016, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀ (AL). Asir Province: Abha, WSW of Abha, Garf Raydah Nature Reserve, 18°11.749'N, 42°23.345'E, 1614 m, 24 Mar 2014, LT, S.A. El-Sonbati leg., 1♀; ibidem, 5 Sep 2015, LT, Al Dhafer et al. leg., 1♀; Wadi Marabah (WSW Abha), 18°10.18'N, 42°22.12'E, 1197 m, 16 Apr 2016, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♂ (AL). Rijal Almaa, Wadi Kasan (2 km N Al Hubail), 18°07.12'N, 42°13.55'E, 489 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, D. Baiocchi leg., 1♀. Jizan Province: Al Darb, Wadi Reem, 17°52.551'N, 42°16.664'E, 136 m, 5 Apr 2017, LT, M.S. Abdel-Dayem leg., 1♀.
Asia: Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. An endemic species to the Arabian Peninsula.
The listed records for this species extend existing published Saudi Arabian localities from Gizan, based on a single female specimen (Hölzel 1983). The listed specimens were collected in rocky and sandy areas with Acacia woodlands and rocky areas with Barbary fig shrub communities at elevations of 136‒1358 m in southwestern Saudi Arabia.
Between 2014 and 2019, specimens of 61 lacewing species belonging to seven families were collected in Saudi Arabia. Also, two species belonging to Dielocroce and Pseudomallada were identified only to genus level. The families included are: Ascalaphidae (5 species), Berothidae (3 species), Chrysopidae (10 species), Hemerobiidae (1 species), Mantispidae (2 species), Myrmeleontidae (36 species), and Nemopteridae (6 species). This list includes six new species records for the country. Of these, three species are new records to the Arabian Peninsula: Mantispa aphavexelte Aspöck & Aspöck, Omoleon jeanneli Navás, and Stylascalaphus krueperi (van der Weele). The other three are new records to Saudi Arabia only: Aspoeckiella gallagheri Hölzel, Bankisus maculosus Hölzel and Nemoleon secundus (Hölzel). Notably, Mantispa aphavexelte was recorded close to the southern boundary of its distributional range. This study also provides the first record for eight species since their original description: Creoleon ultimus Hölzel, Cueta amseli Hölzel, C. asirica Hölzel, Distoleon asiricus Hölzel, Geyria pallida Hölzel, Neuroleon delicatus Hölzel, Neuroleon virgineus Hölzel, and Solter buettikeri Hölzel.
Many of the lacewing species documented in this study are characteristic of fauna from eremial bioregions (47.5%; Fig.
A large number of species are endemic to Saudi Arabia and the Arabian Peninsula (16 spp., 26.2%). Creoleon ultimus Hölzel, Cueta asirica Hölzel, Neuroleon delicatus Hölzel, N. virgineus Hölzel, Podallea arabica Aspöck & Aspöck, and Solter buettikeri Hölzel, are known as endemic to Saudi Arabia. Ten species are endemic to the Arabian Peninsula, being distributed in Oman, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen: Aspoeckiella gallagheri Hölzel, Bankisus maculosus Hölzel, Centroclisis speciosa Hölzel, Cueta amseli Hölzel, Distoleon asiricus Hölzel, Geyria pallida Hölzel, Iranoleon arabicus Hölzel, Nemoleon secundus (Hölzel), Pseudomallada arabicus (Hölzel), and Tmesibasis larseni Hölzel. The southwestern region of Saudi Arabia is particularly rich in insect species (
According to
Despite a large number of studies existing on the lacewing fauna of the Arabian Peninsula (
We thank Daniele Baiocchi, Gianluca Magnani, and Pierpaolo Rapuzzi for allowing us to study specimens collected during their research. Thanks to Davide Badano (Università degli studi di Genova, Genoa, Italy) for providing suggestions, identifications, and information. We thank the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, for funding this research (RGP–1438–082).
Family | Species | This study |
Ascalaphidae | Ascalaphus dicax Walker, 1853 | |
Ascalaphidae | Ascalaphus festivus (Rambur, 1842) | + |
Ascalaphidae | Aspoeckiella gallagheri Hölzel, 2004 | + |
Ascalaphidae | Bubopsis hamata (Klug in Ehrenberg, 1834) | + |
Ascalaphidae | Stylascalaphus krueperi (van der Weele, 1909) | + |
Ascalaphidae | Tmesibasis larseni Hölzel, 1983 | + |
Berothidae | Nodalla eatoni (McLachlan, 1898) | + |
Berothidae | Nodalla saharica (Esben-Petersen, 1920) | + |
Berothidae | Podallea arabica Aspöck & Aspöck, 1981 | + |
Chrysopidae | Brinckochrysa alfierii (Navás, 1926) | + |
Chrysopidae | Brinckochrysa chlorosoma (Navás, 1914) | + |
Chrysopidae | Brinckochrysa plagata (Navás, 1929) | |
Chrysopidae | Chrysemosa andresi (Navás, 1915) | + |
Chrysopidae | Chrysemosa mosconica (Navás, 1931) | |
Chrysopidae | Chrysemosa sodomensis (Hölzel, 1982) | |
Chrysopidae | Chrysopa sogdianica McLachlan in Fedchenko, 1875 | |
Chrysopidae | Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens, 1836) | + |
Chrysopidae | Chrysoperla mutata (McLachlan, 1898) | |
Chrysopidae | Italochrysa asirensis Hölzel, 1980 | |
Chrysopidae | Italochrysa bimaculata Hölzel, 1980 | + |
Chrysopidae | Italochrysa pittawayi Hölzel, 1988 | |
Chrysopidae | Italochrysa stigmatica (Rambur, 1838) | |
Chrysopidae | Pseudomallada amseli (Hölzel, 1980) | + |
Chrysopidae | Pseudomallada arabicus (Hölzel, 1995) | + |
Chrysopidae | Pseudomallada healdi (Navás, 1926) | |
Chrysopidae | Pseudomallada nicolainus (Navás, 1929) | |
Chrysopidae | Pseudomallada phlebius (Navas, 1927) | |
Chrysopidae | Pseudomallada spadix (Hölzel, 1988) | + |
Chrysopidae | Pseudomallada venosus (Rambur, 1838) | + |
Chrysopidae | Suarius alisteri (Navás, 1914) | |
Chrysopidae | Suarius caviceps (McLachlan, 1898) | |
Chrysopidae | Suarius gobiensis (Tjeder, 1936) | |
Chrysopidae | Suarius mongolica (Tjeder, 1936) | |
Chrysopidae | Suarius walsinghami walsinghami Navás, 1914 | |
Coniopterygidae | Aleuropteryx arabica Meinander, 1977 | |
Coniopterygidae | Aleuropteryx vartianorum Aspöck & Aspöck, 1967 | |
Coniopterygidae | Coniopteryx deserta Meinander, 1979 | |
Coniopterygidae | Coniopteryx mucrogonarcuata Meinander, 1979 | |
Coniopterygidae | Coniopteryx ressli Rausch & Aspöck, 1978 | |
Coniopterygidae | Coniopteryx venustula Rausch & Aspöck, 1978 | |
Coniopterygidae | Coniopteryx wittmeri Meinander, 1979 | |
Coniopterygidae | Cryptoscenea serrata (Meinander, 1979) | |
Coniopterygidae | Hemisemidalis pallida (Withycombe, 1924) | |
Coniopterygidae | Nimboa macroptera Aspöck & Aspöck, 1965 | |
Hemerobiidae | Hemerobius reconditus Navás, 1914 | |
Hemerobiidae | Micromus sjostedti van der Weele, 1910 | + |
Hemerobiidae | Sympherobius fallax Navás, 1908 | |
Hemerobiidae | Wesmaelius navasi (Andréu, 1911) | |
Hemerobiidae | Wesmaelius saudiarabicus Hölzel, 1988 | |
Mantispidae | Afromantispa nana (Erichson, 1839) | + |
Mantispidae | Mantispa aphavexelte Aspöck & Aspöck, 1994 | + |
Mantispidae | Mantispa scabricollis McLachlan in Fedchenko, 1875 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Acanthaclisis mesopotamica Hölzel, 1972 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Bankisus maculosus Hölzel, 1983 | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Centroclisis cervina (Gerstaecker, 1863) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Centroclisis distincta (Rambur, 1842) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Centroclisis speciosa Hölzel, 1983 | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Creoleon cervinus Hölzel, 1983 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Creoleon cinerascens (Navás, 1912) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Creoleon desertus Hölzel, 1982 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Creoleon elegans Hölzel, 1968 | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Creoleon griseus (Klug in Ehrenberg, 1834) | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Creoleon neftanus Navás, 1930 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Creoleon neurasthenicus (Navás, 1913) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Creoleon parvulus Hölzel, 1983 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Creoleon persicus Hölzel, 1972 | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Creoleon pullus Hölzel, 1983 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Creoleon ultimus Hölzel, 1983 | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Cueta amseli Hölzel, 1982 | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Cueta asirica Hölzel, 1982 | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Cueta clara Hölzel, 1981 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Cueta divisa (Navás, 1912) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Cueta genialis Hölzel, 1988 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Cueta lineosa (Rambur, 1842) | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Cueta modesta Hölzel, 1972 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Cueta pallens (Klug in Ehrenberg, 1834) | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Cueta paula Hölzel, 1983 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Cueta pusilla Hölzel, 1983 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Cueta striata Kimmins, 1943 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Cueta virgata (Klug in Ehrenberg, 1834) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Distoleon asiricus Hölzel, 1983 | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Distoleon laticollis (Navás, 1913) | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Fadrina formosa (Hölzel, 1981) | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Ganguilus flavipennis (Navás, 1932) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Ganguilus oblitus (Navás, 1914) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Ganguilus pallescens Navás, 1912 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Ganguilus pulchellus (Banks, 1911) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Gepella modesta Hölzel, 1968 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Gepus cunctatus Hölzel, 1982 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Gepus invisus Navás, 1912 | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Geyria arabica Hölzel, 1983 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Geyria lepidula (Navás, 1912) | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Geyria pallida Hölzel, 1983 | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Geyria saharica Esben-Petersen, 1920 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Goniocercus klugi (Kolbe, 1898) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Goniocercus walkeri (McLachlan, 1894) | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Iranoleon arabicus Hölzel, 1982 | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Iranoleon darius Hölzel, 1972 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Isoleon arabicus Hölzel, 1972 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Lopezus arabicus Hölzel, 1972 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Lopezus fedtschenkoi (McLachlan in Fedchenko, 1875) | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Macronemurus delicatulus Morton, 1926 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Mesonemurus harterti Navás, 1919 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Myrmecaelurus acerbus (Walker, 1853) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Myrmecaelurus laetus (Klug in Ehrenberg, 1834) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Myrmecaelurus lepidus (Klug in Ehrenberg, 1834) | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Myrmecaelurus lobatus Navás, 1912 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Myrmecaelurus luridus Hölzel, 1983 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Myrmecaelurus obscurus Hölzel, 1983 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Myrmecaelurus parvulus Hölzel, 1982 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Myrmecaelurus peterseni Kimmins, 1943 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Myrmecaelurus philbyi Kimmins, 1943 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Myrmecaelurus pittawayi Hölzel, 1983 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Myrmecaelurus saudiarabicus Hölzel, 1982 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Myrmeleon alternans Brullé in Webb & Berthelot, 1839 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Myrmeleon caliginosus Hölzel & Ohm, 1983 | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Myrmeleon fasciatus (Navás, 1912) | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Myrmeleon hyalinus Olivier, 1811 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Myrmeleon pellucidus Hölzel, 1988 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Myrmeleon vittatus Olivier, 1811 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Myrmeleon wismanni (Navás, 1936) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Naya palpalis (Klapálek, 1914) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Nemoleon secundus (Hölzel, 2002) | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Neuroleon amseli Hölzel, 1983 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Neuroleon asirensis Hölzel, 1983 | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Neuroleon delicatus Hölzel, 1983 | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Neuroleon erato Hölzel, 1972 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Neuroleon gracilis (Navás, 1926) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Neuroleon leptaleus (Navás, 1912) | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Neuroleon lugubris (Navás, 1926) | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Neuroleon modestus (Navás, 1912) | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Neuroleon nubilatus (Navás, 1912) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Neuroleon pardalice (Banks, 1911) | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Neuroleon parvus Kimmins, 1943 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Neuroleon taifensis Kimmins, 1943 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Neuroleon tenellus (Klug in Ehrenberg, 1834) | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Neuroleon virgineus Hölzel, 1983 | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Noaleon limbatellus (Navás, 1913) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Nophis flava Hölzel, 1972 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Nophis luteus Hölzel, 1972 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Nophis teillardi Navás, 1912 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Omoleon jeanneli Navás, 1936 | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Palpares angustus McLachlan, 1898 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Palpares cephalotes (Klug in Ehrenberg, 1834) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Palpares papilionoides (Klug in Ehrenberg, 1834) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Palpares venustus Hölzel, 1988 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Parapalpares dispar (Navás, 1912) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Phanoclisis longicollis (Rambur, 1842) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Pseudoformicaleo gracilis (Klug in Ehrenberg, 1834) | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Quinemurus cinereus Kimmins, 1943 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Solter buettikeri Hölzel, 1982 | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Solter hardei Hölzel, 1968 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Solter pallidus Hölzel, 1982 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Solter parvulus Hölzel, 1988 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Solter propheticus Hölzel, 1980 | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Solter tenellus Hölzel, 1988 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Solter vartianae Hölzel, 1967 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Solter virgilii Navás, 1931 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Solter wittmeri Hölzel, 1982 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Stenares irroratus Navás, 1912 | + |
Myrmeleontidae | Subgulina lineata (Navás, 1913) | |
Myrmeleontidae | Syngenes arabicus Kimmins, 1943 | |
Myrmeleontidae | Tomatarella markli Kimmins, 1952 | |
Nemopteridae | Afghanocroce vartianorum Hölzel, 1968 | |
Nemopteridae | Croce aristata (Klug, 1838) | + |
Nemopteridae | Croce schmidti (Navas, 1927) | |
Nemopteridae | Dielocroce baudii (Griffini, 1895) | |
Nemopteridae | Dielocroce berlandi (Navás, 1936) | + |
Nemopteridae | Dielocroce chobauti (McLachlan, 1898) | + |
Nemopteridae | Dielocroce elegans (Alexandrov-Martynov, 1930) | + |
Nemopteridae | Dielocroce necrosia (Navás, 1913) | |
Nemopteridae | Halter halteratus (Forskål, 1775) | + |
Nemopteridae | Halter nutans Navás, 1910 | |
Nemopteridae | Necrophylus arenarius Roux, 1833 | |
Sisyridae | Sisyra nigra (Retzius, 1783) | |
Sisyridae | Sisyra nilotica Tjeder, 1957 |