Research Article |
Corresponding author: Xiao Zhang ( ) Academic editor: Netta Dorchin
© 2020 Xingyang Qian, Xiao Zhang.
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Qian X, Zhang X (2020) Two new Geranomyia Haliday (Diptera, Limoniidae) crane flies from Mount Jiulong in China, with an updated key to Chinese species. ZooKeys 953: 105-118.
The genus Geranomyia Haliday, 1833 is globally distributed, with 351 known species, of which 26 occur in China. Herein, an overview of the genus Geranomyia from Mount Jiulong, Zhejiang, China, is presented. Two new species are described and illustrated. Geranomyia jiulongensis sp. nov. and G. subablusa sp. nov. are distinguished from other Geranomyia species by the characters of the thorax and male genitalia. An updated key to the Geranomyia of China is presented.
crane fly, Limoniinae, Limoniini, classification, new species, Zhejiang
Geranomyia Haliday, 1833 is a large genus of 351 described species in the family Limoniidae. It is characterized by the following characters: body small or medium-sized (5–9 mm), flagellum with 12 segments, elongate mouthparts, R1+2 present, R2 commonly present, R4 and R5 fused to margin, only two branches of Rs present as longitudinal elements (R3 and R4+5), two branches of M reaching wing margin, and lobe of gonostylus often with two spines (
The adults of Geranomyia species were often found sucking nectar from flowers (
The habitats of the immature stages have also been extensively investigated. The larvae of G. canadensis was found living on the faces of rock exposures, crawling among algae and diatoms (
Twenty-six species of Geranomyia have been previously recorded from China (
Specimens for this study were collected on Mount Jiulong, Zhejiang, China, in July 2019 by the authors. Adult crane flies were collected by insect net and at artificial light. Genitalic preparations of males were made by macerating the apical portion of the abdomen in cold 10% NaOH for 12–15 hours. Observations and illustrations were made using a ZEISS Stemi 2000-C stereomicroscope. Photographs were taken with a Canon EOS 77D digital camera through a macro lens. Type specimens of known Chinese species deposited in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA (
The morphological terminology mainly follows
1 | Wing patterned with dark brown stigma only | 2 |
– | Wing patterned with many spots besides stigma (Figs |
6 |
2 | Stigma large, covering about 1/2 of distal section of R1 | 3 |
– | Stigma small, covering about 1/3 of distal section of R1 | 4 |
3 | Prescutum with three confluent stripes; ovipositor with tip of hypogynial valve near 1/2 way along cercus | G. contrita (Alexander, 1937) (Guangdong) |
– | Prescutum without stripes; ovipositor with tip of hypogynial valve near 3/4 way along cercus | G. nigra Zhang, Zhang & Yang, 2016 (Gansu, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Guanxi, Yunnan, Taiwan) |
4 | Wing with basal section of CuA1 at fork of M | G. nitida de Meijere, 1911 (Taiwan; Indonesia) |
– | Wing with basal section of CuA1 more than 1/3 of its own length before (Figs |
5 |
5 | Wing with basal section of CuA1 about 3/4 of its length beyond fork of M; lobe of gonostylus with two short spines directly arising from rostral prolongation | G. argentifera (Taiwan, Hainan; Indonesia; Philippines) |
– | Wing with basal section of CuA1 about 1/3 of its length before fork of M; lobe of gonostylus with two long spines arising from a tubercle on rostral prolongation | G. gracilispinosa (Alexander, 1937) (Guangdong; India; Sri Lanka) |
6 | Wing with spots in costal region except stigma small and weak; seams along cord, m-m and basal section of M3 almost invisible | 7 |
– | Wing with spots in costal region large and dark; seams along cord, m-m and basal section of M3 conspicuous (Figs |
9 |
7 | Prescutum with two stripes | G. atrostriata Edwards, 1921 (Taiwan) |
– | Prescutum with three stripes | 8 |
8 | Wing with a few distinct spots at base of R | G. montana de Meijere, 1911 (Taiwan; Indonesia) |
– | Wing without conspicuous spot at base of R | G. sparsiguttata (Alexander, 1937) (Chongqing, Sichuan, Fujian, Yunnan) |
9 | Wing with basal section of CuA1 more than 1/3 of its own length before fork of M (Figs |
10 |
– | Wing with basal section of CuA1 less than 1/4 of its length before or beyond fork of M | 16 |
10 | Lobe of gonostylus with two conspicuous tubercles on rostral prolongation (Fig. |
11 |
– | Lobe of gonostylus with one or no tubercle on rostral prolongation (Fig. |
12 |
11 | Prescutum with a narrow brown median stripe; lobe of gonostylus small and short, slightly exceeding clasper of gonostylus | G. radialis (Alexander, 1930) (Zhejiang, Guangxi, Taiwan; Japan) |
– | Prescutum with three broad, dark-brown stripes (Fig. |
G. jiulongensis sp. nov. (Zhejiang) |
12 | Lobe of gonostylus with two long and slender spines, one arising from a large tubercle on rostral prolongation, other one directly arising from rostral prolongation (Fig. |
13 |
– | Lobe of gonostylus not as above | 14 |
13 | Wing with spot at fork of Rs restricted under Sc, cell r3 without spot under R2; lobe of gonostylus with two spines at tip and base of rostral prolongation respectively; distal part of paramere finger-shaped, lateral margin serrated or jagged | G. tenuispinosa (Alexander, 1929) (Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangxi) |
– | Wing with spot at fork of Rs covering Sc and reaching costal margin, cell r3 with a spot under R2 (Fig. |
G. subablusa sp. nov. (Zhejiang) |
14 | Wing with a large spot at middle area of cell cua1 | G. maculata Zhang, Zhang & Yang, 2016 (Taiwan) |
– | Wing without conspicuous spot at middle area of cell cua1 | 15 |
15 | Pleuron of thorax without stripe; spot between first and second large spots in costal region very faint; lobe of gonostylus with rostral prolongation pointed at apex, middle of rostral prolongation with two subequal spines | G. obesistyla (Alexander, 1940) (Sichuan) |
– | Pleuron of thorax with an ill-defined longitudinal stripe; spot between first and second large spots in costal region conspicuous; lobe of gonostylus with rostral prolongation blunt, middle of rostral prolongation with two spines, outer spine a little longer than inner spine | G. suensoniana (Alexander, 1929) (Zhejiang) |
16 | Wing with Sc1 ending at about 1/2 to 2/3 of Rs | 17 |
– | Wing with Sc1 ending at more than 3/4 of Rs | 20 |
17 | Wing with spots on origin of Rs and fork of Sc confluent in cell C or nearly so | G. alpestris (Alexander, 1930) (Taiwan) |
– | Wing with spots on origin of Rs and fork of Sc distinctly separated | 18 |
18 | Wing with many small dots near M and CuA | G. pictorum (Alexander, 1929) (Taiwan; India) |
– | Wing without small dot near M or CuA | 19 |
19 | Prescutum with three broad longitudinal stripes | G. baisensis Zhang, Zhang & Yang, 2016 (Guangxi) |
– | Prescutum without evident markings | G. spectata (Alexander, 1937) (Guangdong) |
20 | Wing heavily patterned, a large spot throughout wing tip, spot on origin of Rs posteriorly bifurcated | G. apicifasciata (Alexander, 1930) (Guangdong, Yunnan, Taiwan) |
– | Wing not as above | 21 |
21 | Wing without conspicuous spot at base | G. kiangsiana (Alexander, 1937) (Jiangxi) |
– | Wing with spot at base | 22 |
22 | Prescutum with a median longitudinal stripe | G. unifilosa (Alexander, 1934) (Taiwan) |
– | Prescutum with three longitudinal stripes | 23 |
23 | Legs uniformly light brownish | G. septemnotata Edwards, 1916 (Taiwan) |
– | Legs pale yellow to brownish yellow, with tibiae and tarsi darker, or femora with tips darker or bases paler | 24 |
24 | Costal region of wing with a small spot in cell C between second and third large spots | G. fremida (Alexander, 1937) (Guangdong) |
– | Costal region of wing without conspicuous spot in cell C between second and third large spots | 25 |
25 | Lobe of gonostylus with two spines | G. subradialis (Alexander, 1937) (Guangdong) |
– | Lobe of gonostylus with one spine | 26 |
26 | Lobe of gonostylus with rostral prolongation small, a very long and slender spine arising from a tubercle on rostral prolongation | G. longispina Zhang, Zhang & Yang, 2016 (Fujian) |
– | Lobe of gonostylus with rostral prolongation long and slender, a long and powerful spine directly arising from rostral prolongation | 27 |
27 | Male hypopygium with posterior margin of tergite nine deeply and narrowly notched; clasper of gonostylus small, slender, and nearly straight | G. bifurcula (Alexander, 1933) (Sichuan) |
– | Male hypopygium with posterior margin of tergite nine emarginate; clasper of gonostylus absent | G. degenerata Zhang, Zhang & Yang, 2016 (Guangxi) |
Prescutum yellow with three broad, dark-brown longitudinal stripes. Pleuron of thorax yellow, with a broad, dark-brown stripe. Wing with seven large spots on costal region; Sc1 ending near fork of Rs, basal section of CuA1 nearly its length before fork of M. Lobe of gonostylus large with an arched rostral prolongation armed with two basal spines arising from two tubercles.
Male. Body length 5.0–5.3 mm, wing length 5.3–5.5 mm, mouthparts length 2.2–2.3 mm.
Head (Fig.
Thorax (Fig.
Abdomen (Fig.
Hypopygium (Fig.
Female. Body length 5.5–6.4 mm, wing length 5.0–5.8 mm, mouthparts length 2.0–2.5 mm. Similar to male, but tenth tergite (Fig.
Holotype : male (QAU), China: Zhejiang, Suichang, Mount Jiulong, Luohanyuan (28°23'24"N, 118°51'00"E, 517 m), 2019.VII.26, Xingyang Qian. Paratypes: 10 males 5 females (QAU), same data as holotype. 1 female (QAU), China: Zhejiang, Suichang, Mount Jiulong, Longkoucun (28°18'11"N, 118°56'42"E, 305 m), 2019.VII.24, Xingyang Qian. 1 male 5 females (QAU), China: Zhejiang, Suichang, Mt. Jiulong, Xikengli (28°20'10"N, 118°55'00"E, 732 m), 2019.VII.25, Xingyang Qian. 1 male (QAU), China: Zhejiang, Suichang, Mount Jiulong, Yanping (28°22'23"N, 118°53'48"E, 667 m), 2019.VII.26, Xingyang Qian. 1 female (QAU), China: Zhejiang, Suichang, Mount Jiulong, Zuobieyuan (28°17'10"N, 118°46'42"E, 640 m), 2019.VII.28, Xingyang Qian.
China (Zhejiang).
The species is named after the type locality, Mount Jiulong.
This species is very similar to G. radialis but can be distinguished by the prescutum of the thorax having three broad, dark-brown stripes (Fig.
Prescutum yellow with three broad, brown longitudinal stripes. Pleuron of thorax yellow, with a broad brown stripe. Wing with seven large spots on costal region, with second and third spots combined between C and Sc; Sc1 ending about 2/5 of Rs; basal section of CuA1 more than 2/3 of its own length before fork of M. Lobe of gonostylus large with a large rostral prolongation armed with two long, slender spines, one arising from a large fleshy tubercle, other one directly arising from rostral prolongation.
Male. Body length 6.2–6.5 mm, wing length 6.0–6.3 mm, mouthparts length 2.4–2.5 mm.
Head (Fig.
Thorax (Fig.
Abdomen (Fig.
Hypopygium (Fig.
Female. Body length 6.0–7.0 mm, wing length 6.0–6.5 mm, mouthparts length 2.3–2.5 mm. Similar to male, but tenth tergite (Fig.
Holotype : male (QAU), China: Zhejiang, Suichang, Mount Jiulong, Luohanyuan (28°23'24"N, 118°51'00"E, 517 m), 2019.VII.26, Xingyang Qian. Paratypes: 4 males 10 females (QAU), same data as holotype. 2 males 2 females (QAU), China: Zhejiang, Suichang, Mount Jiulong, Longkoucun (28°18'11"N, 118°56'42"E, 305 m), 2019.VII.24, Xingyang Qian.
China (Zhejiang).
The name of the new species refers to the G. ablusa (Alexander, 1967), as the two species are very similar morphologically.
This species is very similar to G. ablusa from India but can be distinguished from it by the femora being uniformly brownish yellow (Fig.
Geranomyia nigra:
: male (
China (Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang, Guangxi, Taiwan).
Limonia (Geranomyia) suensoniana:
: male (
China (Zhejiang).
We are very grateful to Jon K. Gelhaus, Sigitas Podenas, David G. Furth, Yan Li, and Qifei Liu for their great help with the study of type material from the