Research Article |
Corresponding author: Eliécer Gutiérrez ( ) Academic editor: Kristofer M. Helgen
© 2015 Eliécer Gutiérrez, Ronald H. Pine.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Gutiérrez EE, Pine RH (2015) No need to replace an “anomalous” primate (Primates) with an “anomalous” bear (Carnivora, Ursidae). ZooKeys 487: 141-154.
By means of mitochondrial 12S rRNA sequencing of putative “yeti”, “bigfoot”, and other “anomalous primate” hair samples, a recent study concluded that two samples, presented as from the Himalayas, do not belong to an “anomalous primate”, but to an unknown, anomalous type of ursid. That is, that they match 12S rRNA sequences of a fossil Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus), but neither of modern Polar Bears, nor of Brown Bears (Ursus arctos), the closest relative of Polar Bears, and one that occurs today in the Himalayas. We have undertaken direct comparison of sequences; replication of the original comparative study; inference of phylogenetic relationships of the two samples with respect to those from all extant species of Ursidae (except for the Giant Panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca) and two extinct Pleistocene species; and application of a non-tree-based population aggregation approach for species diagnosis and identification. Our results demonstrate that the very short fragment of the 12S rRNA gene sequenced by Sykes et al. is not sufficiently informative to support the hypotheses provided by these authors with respect to the taxonomic identity of the individuals from which these sequences were obtained. We have concluded that there is no reason to believe that the two samples came from anything other than Brown Bears. These analyses afforded an opportunity to test the monophyly of morphologically defined species and to comment on both their phylogenetic relationships and future efforts necessary to advance our understanding of ursid systematics.
Mitochondrial DNA, phylogenetics, Ursus maritimus , Ursus arctos , Himalayas, yeti, cryptozoology
According to various journalistic accounts (e.g.
Analyses we present herein were based on sequences of the mitochondrial 12S ribosomal RNA gene obtained from GenBank (, some available as part of whole mitochondrial genomes from which we extracted them. GenBank accession numbers of these sequences are as follows: AB302321, AJ428577, AP012559–AP012597, AY012153, EF667005, EU327344, EU497665, FM177759, FM177760, FM177763–FM177765, FN390842–FN390859, FN390861–FN390872, GU573485–GU573491, JX196366–JX196392, KJ155697–KJ155699, KJ155710, KJ155713, KJ155717, KJ155718, KJ155722, KJ155723, KJ607607, L21882, L21884, L21889–L21891, NC011112, NC011116, NC011118, NC003426–NC003428, NC008753, NC009331, NC009968, NC009970, NC009971, U12854, U78349, Y08519, Y08520. We carried out direct comparisons of 12S rRNA sequences of the bear species Ursus maritimus and U. arctos with the two sequences produced and identified by
As an alternative method for taxonomic identification of the focal sequences, we inferred their phylogenetic relationships with respect to complete 12S rRNA sequences of representatives of the bear species Helarctos malayanus (3 sequences), Melursus ursinus (3), Ursus americanus (11), U. arctos (50), U. maritimus (32), U. spelaeus† (33), and U. thibetanus (8). All of these species have been previously recovered in a well-supported monophyletic group sister to the bear species Tremactos ornatus (1) and Arctodus simus† (1), both designated here as outgroups (
Two optimality criteria were used for phylogenetic analyses, Bayesian inference (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML). The Bayesian topology was inferred with MrBayes v. 3. 2 (
Several studies have shown that a non-tree, character-based approach can help in species identifications that could not be accomplished with tree-based methods (
Comparisons of the two sequence fragments of the mitochondrial 12S ribosomal RNA gene produced by
Nucleotide variability of the fragment sequences of the 12S rRNA gene herein analyzed. Differences found in comparisons of the two fragment sequences (104 base-pairs long) produced by
Species | Corresponding positions in complete 12S gene sequences | |||
474 | 478 | 492 | 550 | |
Ursus arctos | T (40); C (9) | A (44); G (5) | A (1); G (48) | T (9); C (40) |
Ursus maritimus | T (1); C (31) | A (32) | G (32) | T (32) |
Focal sequences | T | A | G | T |
The maximum likelihood (ML) analysis recovered the focal sequences in a large haplogroup containing sequences of Ursus maritimus and U. arctos (Figure
The maximum-likelihood tree resulting from the analysis of sequence data for the mitochondrial 12S ribosomal RNA gene under its best–fitting model (GTR + G, ln-likelihood - 3123.29336). Only non-negligible nodal support is indicated. Bootstrap values for the maximum-likelihood analysis are indicated above branches, whereas Bayesian posterior probabilities are indicated below branches. See Acknowledgments for photo credits.
The Bayesian inference (BI) analysis yielded an even less resolved tree (topology not shown; but see nodal supports overimposed on ML tree in Figure
The application of the non-tree-based population aggregation analysis (
The molecular data obtained and analyzed by
Our phylogenetic analyses do not provide evidence to rule out the possibility that the focal sequences might belong to Ursus arctos. Although in the ML analysis the focal sequences were recovered within a haplogroup with part of the sequences of U. maritimus, this haplogroup received negligible support. If we consider only relationships that received either moderate or strong nodal support, then not even the haplogroups containing sequences of U. arctos and U. maritimus would be distinguished from each other. This is an expected result considering that male-mediated dispersal and sex-biased gene flow have been reported between U. arctos and U. maritimus (
Based on different methods,
Because financial and human resources are limited, it is necessary that they are invested in addressing well-founded scientific questions. If further resources were to be invested in determining the taxonomic identity of the bear populations from the Himalayas, the first step should be to obtain nuclear sequence data from museum specimens from that region. A query through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF; indicated that at least 16 museum specimens identified as being of Ursus arctos from the Himalayas and nearby areas are housed in four North American and one European institution, namely the American Museum of Natural History, the Field Museum, the Museum of Comparative Zoology of Harvard University, the National Museum of Natural History, and the Natural History Museum of Geneva. Because many institutions do not yet share their data through GBIF, we expect that more specimens are readily available. Pyrosequencing has made the use of museum specimens to obtain large amounts of DNA sequence data a common, reliable practice (see
Although it is necessary to employ data obtained from multiple, independently inherited sources (e.g. sequence data from mtDNA and nDNA from different chromosomes) in order to reliably infer interspecific phylogenetic relationships, the gene tree resulting from our analyses provides insights on species monophyly and interspecific relationships that might be useful in planning future studies on bear systematics. In this regard, it is noteworthy that by using the 12S rRNA gene, we were able to analyze more individuals per species than has been done in previous studies, thus allowing us to assess both whether a deeper sampling enables detection of relationships previously unreported and to test whether morphologically defined species are recovered as monophyletic. We limit our discussion to relationships that received non-negligible support from either of the two analyses conducted.
Four out of the seven species of our ingroup were recovered in monophyletic haplogroups, the exceptions being Ursus arctos, U. maritimus, and U. thibetanus. The fact that neither of the first two species was recovered as monophyletic might result from possible ancestral polymorphism or past hybridization events (see
With regard to interspecific relationships, in congruence with results from numerous previous studies (e.g.
Despite conflicting results among studies that have looked at interspecific phylogenetic relationships, we believe that further efforts on ursid systematics should also focus on assessing geographic variation, phylogeographic patterns of widespread species, and taxonomy. The hypothetical non-monophyletic nature of Ursus thibetanus, exposed in our results, represents an example of the kinds of problems meriting attention by taxonomists. The use of DNA from museum specimens and techniques such as Restriction site Associated DNA (RAD) tags that gather data from throughout genomes could significantly advance our understanding of this recent carnivore radiation, including clarification of the taxonomic position of nominal forms that have never been subjected to a modern systematic revision.
Beverly Morey assisted with the manuscript. Franziska Bauer, two anonymous reviewers, and the editor provided helpful comments that improved the quality of the manuscript. The first author received support from the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, through a Peter Buck Postdoctoral Fellowship. We thank the following authors, some of them credited by their Wikipedia user names, for allowing free use of their bear photographs through Wikipedia: user Connormah (Helarctos malayanus; Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License), Greg Hume (Ursus americanus), Francis C. Franklin (U. arctos; Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported [CCASAU3]), Alan Wilson (U. maritimus; CCASAU3), user Ra’ike (U. spelaeus; CCASAU3), user Asiir (Melursus ursinus; Public Domain).