Research Article
Research Article
Two new species of the leafhopper genus Mitjaevia Dworakowska from China (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Typhlocybinae)
expand article infoXiaoxiao Chen, Yuehua Song, Mick D. Webb§
‡ Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang, China
§ The Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom
Open Access


In the present paper, two new species of the leafhopper genus Mitjaevia Dworakowska, 1970 from Guizhou Province China are described and illustrated, i.e., Mitjaevia shibingensis sp. nov. and Mitjaevia dworakowskae sp. nov. A checklist to species of the genus and a key to distinguish the Chinese species of the genus are given and the female valvulae are described and figured for the first time.


Checklist, distribution, Homoptera, identification key, morphology, taxonomy


The leafhopper genus Mitjaevia Dworakowska, 1970 belongs to the tribe Erythroneurini of Typhlocybinae, with Erythroneura amseli Dlabola, 1961 as its type species; seventeen species are known, seven from China (see Checklist). Two new species from Guizhou Province, China are described and illustrated in this paper together with a checklist and key to species from China.

Materials and methods

Specimens for this study were collected by sweep-net. Morphological terminology used follows Dietrich (2005) and Song and Li (2013) and observations and drawings were made using Olympus SZX16 and BX53 microscopes. Habitus photos were taken using a KEYENCE VHX-5000 digital microscope. Body measurements are from the apex of the vertex to the tip of the forewing. All specimens examined are deposited in the collection of the School of Karst Science, Guizhou Normal University, China (GZNU).


Mitjaevia Dworakowska, 1970

Mitjaevia Dworakowska, 1970: 763.

Type species

Erythroneura amseli Dlabola, 1961, by original designation.


Species with distinctive dark brown markings; head distinctly narrower than pronotum; male pygofer with simple dorsal appendage and sometimes ventral appendage; subgenital plate with a series of lateral peg-like setae basally or subbasally and a few macrosetae centrally at midlength; style elongate with subapical extension and variably developed lateral lobe; aedeagus with shaft cylindrical or laterally compressed, with or without processes, with ventral gonopore, basal apodeme variably developed and preatrium distinct.


Palaearctic and Oriental Regions.


Dworakowska (1970: 763–765) gave a detailed description of this genus based on the three included species known at that time; based on subsequently included species a modified description was given by Song et al. (2011: 26–27) and Dmitriev (2020). In addition, the female valvulae are described and figured here for the first time. Although a diagnosis is given above, clearly further studies are needed to elucidate fully the diagnostic characters of the genus and to test if the genus is monophyletic in the light of the observed variation in male genitalia between species.

Checklist to species of the genus Mitjaevia

1 Mitjaevia amseli (Dlabola, 1961: 297, figs 137–141, Erythroneura. Uzbekistan); Dlabola 1964: 248, Afghanistan; Dworakowska 1970: 765, figs 33–44, transferred to Mitjaevia. Kazakhstan; Korolevskaya, 1976: 42–43, figs 7, 8.

2 Mitjaevia atropictila (Ahmed, 1970a: 35; fig. 5: A–F, Erythroneura. Pakistan); Sharma 1984: 33, figs 19–29, transferred to Mitjaevia. India.

3 Mitjaevia aurantiaca (Mitjaev, 1969: 1045; figs 1, 2, Erythroneura. Kazakhstan); Dworakowska 1970: 765, transferred to Mitjaevia; Korolevskaya 1976: 42, figs 9, 10.

4 Mitjaevia aurea Dworakowska, 1994: 118; figs 407–414. India.

5 Mitjaevia bibichanae (Dlabola, 1961: 296, figs 131–135, Erythroneura. Uzbekistan); Korolevskaya 1976: 43–44, figs 11–13, transferred to Mitjaevia. Tadzhikistan.

6 Mitjaevia callosa Dworakowska, 1980: 179; figs 263–272. India.

7 Mitjaevia diana (Distant, 1918: 100, Typhlocyba. India); Dworakowska 1970: 765; 1980: 179, figs 252–262, transferred to Mitjaevia. India, Kazakhstan.

8 Mitjaevia elegantula Dworakowska, 1994: 119; figs 415–425. India.

9 Mitjaevia korolevskayae Dworakowska, 1979: 44; figs 349–358. Vietnam.

10 Mitjaevia maculata (Ahmed, 1970b: 175; fig. 6: A–H, Helionidia. Pakistan); Dworakowska and Viraktamath 1975: 529, transferred to Mitjaevia. India.

11 Mitjaevia nanaoensis Chiang & Knight, 1990: 223; fig. 18: 1–7. China.

12 Mitjaevia narzikulovi Korolevskaya, 1976: 43; figs 1–6. Tadzhikistan.

13 Mitjaevia notata (Ahmed & Khokhar, 1971: 70; fig. 4a–f, Helionidia. Pakistan); Dworakowska 1980: 179, transferred to Mitjaevia. India.

14 Mitjaevia protuberanta Song, Li & Xiong, 2011: 27; figs 1–10. China.

15 Mitjaevia shibingensis sp. nov. China.

16 Mitjaevia sikkimensis Dworakowska, 1994: 119; figs 426–434. India.

17 Mitjaevia dworakowskae sp. nov. China.

18 Mitjaevia tappana Chiang & Knight, 1990: 224; fig. 19: 1–7. China.

19 Mitjaevia wangwushana Song, Li & Xiong, 2011: 29; figs 11–19. China.

Key to species of Mitjaevia from China (males)

1 Aedeagus with process 2
Aedeagus without process 3
2 Processes arising from aedeagal shaft subbasally (Figs 42, 43) M. protuberanta
Processes arising from aedeagal shaft subapically (Figs 44, 45) M. wangwushana
3 Aedeagus with shaft cylindrical, evenly tapered from base to apex (Figs 20, 34) 4
Aedeagus with shaft laterally compressed, abruptly tapered subapically to apex (Figs 45, 49) 5
4 Style lateral lobe small (Fig. 18); aedeagal shaft tapered to narrowly rounded apex in lateral view (Fig. 20) M. shibingensis sp. nov.
Style lateral lobe large (Fig. 31); aedeagal shaft tapered to acute apex in lateral view (Fig. 34) M. dworakowskae sp. nov.
5 Subgenital plate with few long macrosetae; aedeagus as in Figs 48, 49 M. nanaoensis
Subgenital plate with several long macrosetae; aedeagus as in Figs 46, 47 M. tappana

Mitjaevia shibingensis sp. nov.

Figs 1–7, 15–27


Vertex pale yellow, with pair of small black apical spots and two irregular markings at sides of coronal suture (Figs 1, 3). Face pale brownish yellow, anteclypeus with apical half dark brown; frontoclypeus with brownish black patches at sides basally (Fig. 4). Pronotum mostly dark brown, with pair of symmetrical brownish yellow oval impressed patches medially, showing brownish yellow near anterior margin (Figs 1, 3). Scutellum orange yellow, with brown irregular elliptical spot at base medially (Figs 1, 3). Forewing with orangey and gray patches (Fig. 6).

Figures 1–14. 

Species of Mitjaevia 1–7 Mitjaevia shibingensis sp. nov. 1 habitus, dorsal view 2 habitus, lateral view 3 head and thorax, dorsal view 4 face 5 style and connective, ventral view, aedeagus lateral view 6 forewing 7 hindwing 8–14 Mitjaevia dworakowskae sp. nov. 8 habitus, dorsal view 9 habitus, lateral view 10 head and thorax, dorsal view 11 face 12 style and connective, ventral view, aedeagus lateral view 13 forewing 14 hindwing.

Abdominal apodemes small, not extended to hind margin of 3rd sternite (Fig. 15). Male genitalia with subgenital plate relatively short, broadened basally, provided with two long macrosetae at midlength on lateral surface and numerous peg-like setae along dorsal margin basally to near midlength; several microsetae scattered on apical portion (Fig. 17). Style elongate, with subapical extension laterally, lateral lobe moderately large (Fig. 18). Aedeagal shaft narrow tapered to narrowly rounded apex in lateral view, gonopore arising near midlength on ventral surface; basal apodeme reduced; preatrium well developed (Figs 19, 20). Connective moderately broadly Y-shaped, central lobe well developed (Fig. 21). Female 7th sternite as in Fig. 24. Valvula I elongate, curved dorsad and evenly tapered from base to apex, finely strigate along dorsal margin of apical 1/5 (Fig. 25). Valvulae II elongate, slightly expanded blade-like to near apex, thereafter tapered to down-turned apex, with few dorsal roundish teeth distally on right branch (Fig. 26). Valvula III tapered distally to narrowly rounded apex (Fig. 27).

Figures 15–27. 

Mitjaevia shibingensis sp. nov. 15 abdominal apodemes 16 male pygofer, lateral view 17 subgenital plate, lateral view 18 style 19 aedeagus, ventral view 20 aedeagus, lateral view 21 connective 22 male pygofer dorsal appendage 23 male pygofer dorsal appendage 24 female 7th sternite 25 valvula I 26 valvulae II 27 valvula III.


Body length, males 2.6–2.8 mm, females 2.7–2.8 mm.

Specimen examined

Holotype ♂: China, Guizhou Prov., Shibing, 27 V 2019, coll. Zhouwei Yuan, Chao Tan and Xiaowei Yuan. Paratypes: 14♂♂, 55♀♀, same data as holotype.


This species has a similar shaped aedeagus to M. korolevskayae but the style has a preapical extension (“heel”) and a smaller lateral lobe.


The new species is named after its type locality: “Shibing”, Guizhou Province.

Mitjaevia dworakowskae sp. nov.

Figs 8–14, 28–41


Vertex light yellow, with two pairs of irregular black preapical spots distributed symmetrically (Figs 8, 10). Face milky yellow, anteclypeus with central area brownish; frontoclypeus with brownish black patches at sides basally (Fig. 11). Pronotum mostly black, with pair of symmetrical pale-yellow oval impressed patches medially, also showing pale yellow near anterior margin (Figs 8, 10). Scutellum milky yellow, with longitudinal black stripe between scutellar suture and apex (Figs 8, 10). Forewing with brown and brownish yellow patches (Fig. 13).

Abdominal apodemes small, not extended beyond hind margin of 3rd sternite (Fig. 28). Male genitalia with subgenital plate laterally with 3 macrosetae at midlength and three more distal shorter macrosetae, dorsal peg-like setae restricted to central part (Fig. 30). Style elongate with preapical extension on inner surface, lateral lobe large (Figs 31, 32). Aedeagal shaft narrow slightly sinuate and tapered to acute apex in lateral view with gonopore arising near midlength of ventral surface; basal apodeme reduced (Figs 33, 34). Connective broadly Y-shaped, central lobe slender (Fig. 35). Female 7th as in Fig. 38. Valvulae as in previous species (Figs 39–41).

Figures 28–41. 

Mitjaevia dworakowskae sp. nov. 28 abdominal apodemes 29 male pygofer lobe, lateral view 30 subgenital plate 31 style 32 style 33 aedeagus, ventral view 34 aedeagus, lateral view 35 connective 36 pygofer dorsal appendage 37 pygofer dorsal appendage 38 female 7th sternite 39 valvula I 40 valvulae II 41 valvula III.


Body length, males 2.3–2.4 mm, females 2.4–2.5 mm.

Specimen examined

Holotype ♂: China, Guizhou Prov., Shibing, 27.V.2019, coll. Zhouwei Yuan, Chao Tan and Xiaowei Yuan. Paratypes: 14♂♂, 19♀♀, same data as holotype.


This species can be distinguished by the narrow and slightly sinuate aedeagal shaft in lateral view and the style with a subapical extension on the inner surface with a greatly enlarged lateral lobe.


This species is named for Dr Irina Dworakowska in recognition of her immense contribution to taxonomy of World Typhlocybinae.

Figures 42–49. 

Species of Chinese Mitjaevia 42, 43 M. protuberanta Song, Li & Xiong 42 aedeagus, ventral view 43 aedeagus, lateral view 44, 45 M. wangwushana Song, Li & Xiong 44 aedeagus, ventral view 45 aedeagus, lateral view 46, 47 M. tappana Chiang & Knight 46 aedeagus, ventral view 47 aedeagus, lateral view 48, 49 M. nanaoensis Chiang & Knight 48 aedeagus, ventral view 49 aedeagus, lateral view (Figs 42–45, from original; Figs 46–49, redrawn from Chiang and Knight 1990).


We thank Chandra Viraktamath for critically reading an early draft of the ms. The study was partly supported by the Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Foundation ([2018]1411), the Guizhou Science and Technology Support Project ([2019]2855), the Science and Technology Project of Guiyang City ([2020]7–18), the Training Program for High-level Innovative Talents of Guizhou Province ([2016]4020), the Program for Academician Workstation in Guiyang University ([2019]5605), The World Top Discipline Program of Guizhou Province: Karst Ecoenvironment Sciences (No.125 2019 Qianjiao Keyan Fa) and the Project for Regional Top Discipline Construction of Guizhou Province: Ecology in Guiyang University (Qian Jiao Keyan Fa [2017]85).


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