Research Article |
Corresponding author: Guo-Xin Zhou ( ) Academic editor: Pavel Stoev
© 2020 Ji-Rui Wang, Zhi-Hong Xu, Guo-Xin Zhou.
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Wang J-R, Xu Z-H, Zhou G-X (2020) Description of a new species of Aleuroclava Singh, 1931 (Hemiptera, Aleyrodidae) infesting Schima superba from China. ZooKeys 991: 121-128.
A new whitefly species, Aleuroclava schimae Wang, sp. nov. infesting leaves of Schima superba (Parietales, Theaceae) is described and illustrated from Zhejiang, China. Puparia of the new species are elliptical, broad at the transverse molting suture region and broadly truncate posteriorly. Thoracic and caudal tracheal pores are discernible. In life, the puparia are covered by a thin layer of white wax.
Aleuroclava schimae sp. nov., instar, morphology, new species, puparia, taxonomy, whitefly
The whitefly genus Aleuroclava Singh, 1931 is represented by 124 species worldwide, of which 38 species are from China (
Schima superba (Parietales, Theaceae) is an economically and ecologically important woody tree of China. It is a dominant tree species in the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests of southern China (
Puparia of the new species were collected on leaves of Schima superba from Zhejiang, Thousand Island Lake (hereafter TIL) and Gutianshan Nature Reserve, Shuangxikou village, China. No adult emergence was noticed during rearing of puparia for two weeks. Puparia were mounted following
Puparia small in size, elliptical or subelliptical. Margin with one row of teeth. Submarginal area not separated from dorsal disc, with papillae-like markings in some species, dorsum generally with tubercles. Thoracic tracheal folds and pores not discernible; caudal furrow and pore distinct. Vasiform orifice generally notched posteriorly; operculum cordate, nearly filling orifice; lingual hidden.
: China, Zhejiang, Zhejiang, Chun’an, Thousand Island Lake, 1 puparium on slide, on Schima superba, 6. vi. 2016, 29°31.21'N, 118°52.41'E, leg. JR Wang. Deposited in the Insect Collections of
Puparium. Covered by a thin layer of white wax (Fig.
Schima superba Gardner & Champ (Parietales, Theaceae) (Figs
China: Zhejiang.
Puparia were found on the lower surface of leaves; 10–40 per leaf (Figs
The species is named after the host plant, Schima superba.
Puparia of the new species are elliptical in outline, broad at the transverse moulting suture region, truncate posteriorly (Figs
Puparium of A. schimae sp. nov. resembles that of A. tianmuensis in body shape, size and colour, but differs in having horizontal posterior end (curved in A. tianmuensis), and in lacking median tubercles on abdominal segments II-VI. It differs from Aleuroclava similis (Takahashi) in colour of puparium, and from A. trivandricus Dubey & Sundararaj in colour and thoracic tracheal pores not deeply inset at the margin. It also differs from A. hikosanensis (Takahashi) from the characteristic of the median area of each abdominal segment.
We express our deep gratitude to Dr Anil Kumar Dubey (Zoological Survey of India) for editing and helpful suggestions for improvement of the manuscript. The comments by the other two reviewers, Chiun-Cheng KO (Department of Entomology, National Taiwan University) and Maurice Jansen (Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority) are also appreciated. This research was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31930073, 31601884) and the Research and Development Fund of Zhejiang A&F University (2017FR041), China.