Research Article
Research Article
A new species of the Rana japonica group (Anura, Ranidae, Rana) from China, with a taxonomic proposal for the R. johnsi group
expand article infoHan Wan, Zhi-Tong Lyu, Shuo Qi§, Jian Zhao|, Pi-Peng Li§, Ying-Yong Wang
‡ Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
§ Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang, China
| Shenzhen Shuanghuamu Biological Technology, Shenzhen, China
Open Access


Rana jiulingensis sp. nov., a new species from Hunan and Jiangxi, southeastern China, is described. The new species is assigned to the R. japonica group. The clade comprising R. jiulingensis sp. nov. and R. dabieshanensis from Anhui is the sister taxon of R. omeimontis from Sichuan. Rana jiulingensis sp. nov. can be distinguished by the significant divergences in the 16S and COI genes, and the combination of following morphological characters: body size medium, SVL 48.3–57.8 mm in adult males and 48.2–57.5 mm in adult females; dorsolateral fold straight; digits without circummarginal grooves; dorsal skin smooth; tibio-tarsal articulation reaching forward beyond the tip of snout; heels overlapping; webbing formula of toes: I 1⅓ – 2 II 1⅓ – 2⅓ III 1½ – 2⅔ IV 3 – 1⅓ V; absence of vocal sacs in males; and presence of creamy white nuptial pad with tiny hoar spines on the finger I and reddish tubercles on loreal and temporal regions in breeding males. Furthermore, based on our results and the previous literature, R. zhengi is synonymized with R. sangzhiensis, and a new species group, the Rana johnsi group, is proposed for the R. johnsi and R. sangzhiensis. Currently, the Rana contains 41 recognized species, and the phylogenetic placements of several species remain unresolved.


morphology, phylogeny, Rana jiulingensis sp. nov., Rana sangzhiensis, Rana zhengi


As the type genus of the family Ranidae Batsch, 1796, the concept of the true-frog genus Rana Linnaeus, 1758 has been discussed for a long time (Frost 2020). In a recent phylogenetic analysis (Yuan et al. 2016), Rana sensu lato was considered to be composed of nine clades, namely the subgenera Rana, Amerana Dubois, 1992, Liuhurana Fei, Ye, Jiang, Dubois & Ohler, 2010, Aquarana Dubois, 1992, Lithobates Fitzinger, 1843, Zweifelia Dubois, 1992, Pantherana Dubois, 1992, Pseudorana Fei, Ye & Huang, 1990, and an unnamed monotypic clade containing R. sylvatica (LeConte, 1825). However, this classification is still controversial, especially for the recognitions of the genera Lithobates and Pseudorana (Frost 2020). Nevertheless, the subgenusRana, which is currently well recognized, contains 41 known species distributed from Europe to southeastern Asia. Among them, 23 species occur in China (AmphibiaWeb 2019). Recent researches on this subgenus have discovered new species from China and revised several taxonomic errors, indicating that the diversity and taxonomy of the subgenusRana are still insufficiently understood (Yan et al. 2011; Zhou et al. 2015, 2017; Yuan et al. 2016; Wang et al. 2017; Yang et al. 2017; Zhao et al. 2017).

Based on morphological comparisons and geographical conditions, Fei et al. (2009) proposed three species groups for the Chinese species of the subgenusRana: R. longicrus group, R. chensinensis group, and R. amurensis group. Subsequent phylogenetic analyses have revised several memberships of these groups (Yan et al. 2011; Zhou et al. 2015, 2017; Yuan et al. 2016; Wang et al. 2017; Zhao et al. 2017), and the nomenclature of the R. longicrus group was replaced by the R. japonica group (Yang et al. 2017). Currently, 16 Chinese species are recognized as members of the three species groups. The R. japonica group contains nine species: R. (R.) chaochiaoensis Liu, 1946; R. (R.) chevronta Hu & Ye, 1978; R. (R.) culaiensis Li, Lu & Li, 2008; R. (R.) dabieshanensis Wang, Qian, Zhang, Guo, Pan, Wu, Wang & Zhang, 2017; R. (R.) hanluica Shen, Jiang & Yang, 2007; R. (R.) jiemuxiensis Yan, Jiang, Chen, Fang, Jin, Li, Wang, Murphy, Che & Zhang, 2011; R. (R.) longicrus Stejneger, 1898; R. (R.) omeimontis Ye & Fei, 1993; and R. (R.) zhenhaiensis Ye, Fei & Matsui, 1995. The R. chensinensis group contains four species: R. (R.) chensinensis David, 1875; R. (R.) dybowskii Günther, 1876; R. (R.) huanrenensis Liu, Zhang & Liu, 1993; and R. (R.) kukunoris Nikolskii, 1918. The R. amurensis group has three species: R. (R.) amurensis Boulenger, 1886; R. (R.) coreana Okada, 1928; and R. (R.) luanchuanensis Zhao & Yuan, 2017. However, species groups have not yet been proposed to accommodate the remaining seven species: R. (R.) arvalis Nilsson, 1842; R. (R.) asiatica Bedriaga, 1898; R. (R.) maoershanensis Lu, Li & Jiang, 2007; R. (R.) sauteri Boulenger, 1909; R. (R.) johnsi Smith, 1921; R. (R.) sangzhiensis Shen, 1986; and R. (R.) zhengi Zhao, 1999.

During herpetofaunal surveys in the Luoxiao Range, which is situated between the Jiangxi and Hunan provinces (Fig. 1), a series of Rana specimens was collected which can be assigned to the R. japonica group based on morphological characteristics. However, detailed examination of these specimens showed significant differences from all known congeners. Additional molecular analysis well supported the morphological identifications, demonstrating that these specimens formed an unnamed lineage within the R. japonica group. Therefore, we describe this series of specimens as a new species. Additionally, as revealed from our results and the previous literature, we suggest that R. zhengi should be synonymized with R. sangzhiensis, and we also propose a new species group, the Rana johnsi group, for the species R. johnsi and R. sangzhiensis.

Figure 1. 

Collecting localities of Rana samples used in this study. Dotted line shows the Luoxiao Range, where five Rana species are recorded. Numbers correspond to the ID in Table 1.

Materials and methods

Sampling and morphological analyses

Eight unnamed specimens were collected from multiple localities of Jiangxi and Hunan provinces. All specimens were fixed in 10% buffered formalin, later transferred to 70% ethanol, and deposited in the Museum of Biology, Sun Yat-sen University (SYS) and Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CIB), PR China. External measurements were made for the unnamed specimens with digital calipers (Neiko 01407A Stainless Steel 6-Inch Digital Caliper, USA) to the nearest 0.1 mm. These measurements are as follows:

SVL snout–vent length (from tip of snout to posterior margin of vent);

HL head length (from tip of snout to the articulation of the jaw);

HW head width (head width at the commissure of the jaws);

SL snout length (from tip of snout to the anterior corner of the eye);

IN internasal distance (distance between nares);

IO interorbital distance (minimum distance between upper eyelids);

ED eye diameter (from the anterior corner of the eye to posterior corner of the eye);

TD tympanum diameter (horizontal diameter of tympanum);

TED tympanum–eye distance (from anterior edge of tympanum to posterior corner of the eye);

HND hand length (from the proximal border of the outer palmar tubercle to the tip of digit III);

RAD radio-ulna length (from the flexed elbow to the proximal border of the outer palmar tubercle);

FTL foot length (from distal end of shank to the tip of digit IV);

TIB tibial length (from the outer surface of the flexed knee to the heel).

The morphological description follows the consistent definition by Fei et al. (2009). Sex and age were determined by examining the gonads. Webbing formula was based on Savage (1975). Comparison characters of known congeners were obtained from the literature (Stejneger 1898; Liu 1946; Liu et al. 1993; Ye et al. 1993, 1995; Lu et al. 2007; Shen et al. 2007; Li et al. 2008; Fei et al. 2009, 2012; Yan et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2017; Zhao et al. 2017) and 80 examined museum specimens listed in the Appendix 1.

DNA Extraction, PCR amplification, and sequencing

A total of 56 muscular samples of Rana were used, encompassing nine samples of the undescribed specimens, and 47 samples from 12 recognized species. All samples were attained from euthanasia specimens and then preserved in 95% ethanol and stored at –40 °C. Genomic DNA were extracted from muscle tissue samples, using DNA extraction kit from Tiangen Biotech (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Two mitochondrion genes, namely partial 16S ribosomal RNA gene (16S) and partial cytochrome c oxidase 1 gene (COI), were amplified. Primers used for 16S were L3975 (5'-CGCCTGTTTACCAAAAACAT-3') and H4551 (5'-CCGGTCTGAACTCAGATCACGT-3') following Simon et al. (1994), and L2A (5'-CCAAACGAGCCTAGTGATAGCTGGTT-3') and H10 (5'-TGATTACGCTACCTTTGCACGGT-3') following Chen et al. (2013), for COI were dgLCO (5'-GGTCAACAAATCATAAAGAYATYGG-3') and dgHCO (5'-AAACTTCAGGGTGACCAAARAAYCA-3') following Meyer et al. (2005). PCR amplifications were processed with the cycling conditions that initial denaturing step at 95 °C for 4 min, 35 cycles of denaturing at 94 °C for 40 s, annealing at 53 °C (for 16S) / 48 °C (for COI) for 40 s and extending at 72 °C for 60 s, and a final extending step at 72 °C for 10 min. PCR products were purified with spin columns and then sequenced with both forward and reverse primers using BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit per the guidelines, on an ABI Prism 3730 automated DNA sequencer by Shanghai Majorbio Bio-pharm Technology Co., Ltd. All sequences were deposited in GenBank (Table 1).

Table 1.

Localities, voucher information, and GenBank numbers for all samples of the genus Rana used in this study (* = type localities).

ID Species Localities Voucher no. 16S COI
1 R. jiulingensis China: Jiangxi: Mt Guanshan * SYS a005519 MT408985 MT418647
2 R. jiulingensis China: Jiangxi: Mt Guanshan * SYS a006999 MT408994 MT418656
3 R. jiulingensis China: Jiangxi: Mt Wugong SYS a002584 MT408964 MT418626
4 R. jiulingensis China: Jiangxi: Mt Wugong SYS a002585 MT408965 MT418627
5 R. jiulingensis China: Hunan: Mt Mufu SYS a005511 MT408984 MT418646
6 R. jiulingensis China: Hunan: Mt Dawei SYS a006451 MT408989 MT418651
7 R. jiulingensis China: Hunan: Mt Dawei SYS a006494 MT408990 MT418652
8 R. jiulingensis China: Hunan: Mt Dawei SYS a006495 MT408991 MT418653
9 R. jiulingensis China: Hunan: Mt Dawei SYS a006496 MT408992 MT418654
10 R. amurensis China: Heilongjiang: Taiyang Island SYNU 11100267 KF020589 KF020603
11 R. amurensis China: Liaoning, Zhangwu SYNU 11100268 KU343216 KU343216
12 R. arvalis Germany: Lower Saxony No voucher AY147938 /
13 R. asiatica China: Xinjiang: 47tuan KIZ XJ0251 KX269200 /
14 R. chaochiaoensis China: Sichuan: Zhaojue * SYS a001815 MT409007 MT418669
15 R. chaochiaoensis China: Sichuan: Zhaojue * SYS a001816 MT408957 MT418619
16 R. chensinensis China: Shaanxi: Huxian * KIZ RD05SHX01 KX269186 JF939080
17 R. chensinensis China: Henan: Mt Yawu SYS a002392 MT408962 MT418624
18 R. chensinensis China: Henan: Mt Yawu SYS a002393 MT408963 MT418625
19 R. coreana South Korea MMS 223 KX269202 MF149928
20 R. coreana China: Shandong: Mt Kunyu SYNU 08090641 MT409004 MT418666
21 R. culaiensis China: Shandong: Mt Culai * KIZ SD080501 KX269190 JF939082
22 R. culaiensis China: Shandong: Mt Culai * SYNU 08090549 MT409006 MT418668
23 R. culaiensis China: Jiangxi: Mt Wugong SYS a002634 MT408966 MT418628
24 R. culaiensis China: Jiangxi: Shanggao SYS a002641 MT408967 MT418629
25 R. culaiensis China: Jiangxi: Mt Meiling SYS a004239 MT408971 MT418633
26 R. dabieshanensis China: Anhui: Dabie Mountains area * AHU 2016R001 MF172963 /
27 R. dybowskii Russia: Primorye: Khasanskii MSUZP-IVM-1d KX269188 /
28 R. dybowskii China: Jilin: Mt Laoling SYNU 11070163 MT409005 MT418667
29 R. hanluica China: Hunan: Mt Yangming * SYS a001137 MT408956 MT418618
30 R. hanluica China: Hunan: Mt Bamian SYS a004086 MT408969 MT418631
31 R. hanluica China: Hunan: Mt Badagong SYS a004298 MT408973 MT418635
32 R. hanluica China: Hunan: Mt Yunshan SYS a004359 MT408977 MT418639
33 R. hanluica China: Hunan: Mt Xuefeng SYS a007216 MT408999 MT418661
34 R. hanluica China: Hunan: Suining SYS a007250 MT409000 MT418662
35 R. hanluica China: Hunan: Mt Shunhuang SYS a007259 MT409001 MT418663
36 R. hanluica China: Guizhou: Mt Leigong SYS a002233 MT408959 MT418621
37 R. hanluica China: Guizhou: Mt Fanjing SYS a004346 MT408976 MT418638
38 R. hanluica China: Jiangxi: Mt Jinggang SYS a004033 MT408968 MT418630
39 R. hanluica China: Jiangxi: Mt Qiyun SYS a004087 MT408970 MT418632
40 R. hanluica China: Guangxi: Longsheng SYS a002286 MT408960 MT418622
41 R. hanluica China: Guangxi: Mt Dupangling SYS a005087 MT408980 MT418642
42 R. hanluica China: Guangdong: Renhua SYS a007100 MT408998 MT418660
43 R. huanrenensis China: Liaoning: Huanren * SYNU 07040035 KF204642 KX139725
44 R. huanrenensis China: Liaoning: Huanren * y-d20130058 KT588071 KT588071
45 R. japonica Japan: Isumi-shi: Chiba Prefecture KIZ YPX11775 KX269220 JF939101
46 R. japonica Japan: Isumi-shi: Chiba Prefecture NNRj AB728192 /
47 R. jiemuxiensis China: Hunan: Jiemuxi * SYS a004318 MT408975 MT418637
48 R. jiemuxiensis China: Hunan: Jiemuxi * SYS a004319 MT409008 MT418670
49 R. johnsi Vietnam: Lam Dong: Loc Bao ABV 00203 KX269182 /
50 R. kukunoris China: Qinghai: Qinghai Lake * KIZ CJ06102001 KX269185 JF939073
51 R. kukunoris China: Sichuan: Hongyuan SYS a006652 MT409009 MT418671
52 R. kukunoris China: Sichuan: Hongyuan SYS a006653 MT408993 MT418655
53 R. longicrus China: Taiwan:Taipei * Not given AB058881 /
54 R. longicrus China: Taiwan: Miaoli: Xiangtianhu NMNS 15022 KX269189 /
55 R. longicrus China: Fujian: Mt Yashu SYS a005905 MT408987 MT418649
56 R. longicrus China: Jiangxi: Mt Magu SYS a007038 MT408996 MT418658
57 R. longicrus China: Jiangxi: Mt Qiyun SYS a002355 MT408961 MT418623
58 R. longicrus China: Jiangxi: Mt Jiulian SYS a004487 MT408978 MT418640
59 R. longicrus China: Jiangxi: Mt Sanbai SYS a005892 MT408986 MT418648
60 R. longicrus China: Jiangxi: Suichuan SYS a007097 MT408997 MT418659
61 R. longicrus China: Guangdong: Renhua SYS a000735 MT408954 MT418616
62 R. longicrus China: Guangdong: Mt Nankun SYS a000754 MT408955 MT418617
63 R. longicrus China: Guangdong: Pu’ning SYS a004605 MT408979 MT418641
64 R. longicrus China: Guangdong: Mt Tonggu SYS a005218 MT408981 MT418643
65 R. longicrus China: Guangdong: Yingde SYS a007519 MT409003 MT418665
66 R. maoershanensis China: Guangxi: Mt Maoershan * SYNU 08030061 HQ228162 /
67 R. maoershanensis China: Guangxi: Mt Maoershan * SYNU 08030062 HQ228163 /
68 R. luanchuanensis China: Henan: Luanchuan * KIZ 047452 / MF149923
69 R. luanchuanensis China: Henan: Luanchuan * KIZ 047393 / MF149924
70 R. omeimontis China: Sichuan: Mt Emei * SYS a005304 MT408982 MT418644
71 R. omeimontis China: Sichuan: Mt Emei * SYS a005305 MT408983 MT418645
72 R. sangzhiensis China: Hunan: Mt Tianping * SYS a004286 MT408972 MT418634
73 R. sangzhiensis China: Hunan: Mt Tianping * SYS a004299 MT408974 MT418636
74 R. zhengi China: Sichuan: Hongya: Zhangcun * SCUM 0405190CJ KX269206 MF149929
75 R. zhengi China: Sichuan: Hongya: Zhangcun * KIZ YP06057 DQ289104 /
76 R. sauteri China: Taiwan: Kaohsiung * SCUM 0405175CJ KX269204 /
77 R. shuchinae China: Sichuan: Zhaojue CIB HUI040009 KX269210 /
78 R. zhenhaiensis China: Zhejiang: Hangzhou SYNU 08040100 KF020599 KF020613
79 R. zhenhaiensis China: Zhejiang: Zhenhai * KIZ 0803271 KX269218 JF939065
80 R. zhenhaiensis China: Zhejiang: Fenghua SYS a006208 MT408988 MT418650
81 R. zhenhaiensis China: Jiangxi: Mt Tongbo SYS a001952 MT408958 MT418620
82 R. zhenhaiensis China: Jiangxi: Mt Guanshan SYS a007000 MT408995 MT418657
83 R. zhenhaiensis China: Jiangxi: Mt Yangjifeng SYS a007422 MT409002 MT418664

Phylogenetic analyses

For phylogenetic analyses, 26 additional sequences from all known Chinese congeners of the subgenusRana (except R. (R.) chevronta) and an out-group sequence of R. (Liuhurana) shuchinae Liu, 1950 were obtained from GenBank and incorporated into our dataset. Detailed information of these materials is shown in Table 1 and Figure 1. DNA sequences were aligned respectively by the Clustal W algorithm with default parameters (Thompson et al. 1997). For GenBank sequences that lack information for part of the segments, we filled the blank sites with “N”. The aligned data was trimmed for allowing no gap positions and default parameters in Gblocks version 0.91b (Castresana 2000). All newly obtained sequences were deposited in GenBank (Table 1). PartitionFinder2 was used to test the best partitioning scheme and jModelTest v2.1.2 was used to test the best fitting nucleotide substitution models, resulting in the best fit models for the partitions of COI and 16S as GTR + I + G. Sequenced data were analyzed using Bayesian inference (BI) in MrBayes 3.2.4 (Ronquist et al. 2012), and maximum likelihood (ML) in RaxmlGUI 1.3 (Silvestro and Michalak 2012). Two independent runs were conducted in a BI analysis, each of which was performed for 10,000,000 generations and sampled every 1000 generations with the first 25% samples discarded as burn-in, resulting in a potential scale reduction factor (PSRF) of <0.005. In ML analysis, the bootstrap consensus tree inferred from 1000 replicates was used to represent the evolutionary history of the taxa analyzed. Pairwise distances were respectively calculated b in MEGA 6 using the uncorrected p-distance model.


Morphological comparison

The unnamed specimens from Jiangxi and Hunan are assigned to the Rana japonica group based on the following combined characteristics: digits without circummarginal grooves, and dorsolateral fold distinct, extending straight from the posterior margin of the upper eyelid to above the groin. Therefore, we compare the new species with the species of the R. japonica group.

The new species differs from Rana dabieshanensis in the following characters: head length significantly larger than head width, HW/HL 0.82 in males and 0.85 in females (vs almost equal); supratympanic fold absent (vs distinct); tympanum diameter significantly smaller than eye diameter with TD/ED = 0.63–0.87 (vs equal); relative toe lengths I < II < III < V < IV (vs I < II < V < III < IV); toe webbing formula I 1⅓ – 2 II 1⅓ – 2⅓ III 1 ½ – 2⅔ IV 3 – 1⅓ V (vs I 2 – 1 II 2+ – 1+ III 3 – 2 IV 2 – 2+ V); and nuptial pad creamy white in breeding males (vs gray-blackish).

The new species differs from R. omeimontis as follows: body size smaller, SVL = 48.2–57.5 mm in adult females (vs 61.7–70.3 mm in females); head length significantly larger than head width, HW/HL = 0.82 in males and 0.85 in females (vs head length slightly larger than head width, HW/HL = 0.94 in males and 0.92 in females); and supernumerary tubercles present below the bases of each finger (vs absent).

The new species further differs from R. hanluica as follows: supratympanic fold absent (vs present); toe webbing formula I 1⅓ – 2 II 1⅓ – 2⅓ III 1 ½ – 2⅔ IV 3 – 1⅓ V (vs I 1⅓ – 1⅔ II 1 – 2 III 1⅓ – 2½ IV 2⅓ – 1 V); reddish tubercles present on loreal and temporal regions in breeding males (vs absent, but white horny spines present around loreal and temporal regions, upper eyelids, and snout in breeding males). The new species differs from R. longicrus in having: internarial distances larger than interorbital distances (vs smaller) and toe webbing formula I 1⅓ – 2 II 1⅓ – 2⅓ III 1 ½ – 2⅔ IV 3 – 1⅓ V (vs I 1⅔ – 2⅓ II 1½ – 2⅔ III 1⅔ – 3½ IV 3⅓ – 1½ V); from R. zhenhaiensis: supratympanic fold absent (vs present), dorsolateral fold extending straight from posterior margin of upper eyelid to above groin (vs dorsolateral fold slightly curved above tympanum), two outer metacarpal tubercles distinctly separated (vs merged at base), tibio-tarsal articulation reaching forward beyond tip of snout (vs around nostril), and nuptial pad creamy white in breeding males (vs gray or gray-brownish); from R. culaiensis: dorsolateral fold extending straight from posterior margin of upper eyelid to above groin (vs dorsolateral fold slightly curved above tympanum), and tibio-tarsal articulation reaching forward beyond tip of snout (vs at nostril); from R. jiemuxiensis: dorsolateral fold extending straight from posterior margin of upper eyelid to above groin (vs dorsolateral fold slightly curved above tympanum), head length significantly larger than head width (vs slightly larger), internarial distances larger than interorbital distances (vs smaller), and two outer metacarpal tubercles distinctly separated (vs merged at base); from R. chaochiaoensis: supratympanic fold absent (vs present), internarial distances larger than interorbital distances (vs smaller), and toe webbing formula I 1⅓ – 2 II 1⅓ – 2⅓ III 1 ½ – 2⅔ IV 3 – 1⅓ V (vs I 1 – 1⅔ II 1⅓ – 2 III 1½ – 2½ IV 2⅔ – 1 V); from R. japonica: outer metacarpal tubercles present (vs absent), tibio-tarsal articulation reaching forward beyond tip of snout (vs reaching or beyond tip of snout in males, reaching at center of eye or beyond nostril in females), nuptial pad creamy white and divided into three parts (vs nuptial pads grayish brown or yellowish brown and divided into two parts).

From Rana chevronta, which lacks molecular data, the new species can be distinguished by its larger body size, SVL = 48.3–57.8 mm in adult males (vs 39.7–44.0 mm), head length significantly larger than head width (vs almost equal), relative finger lengths I < II < IV < III (vs II < IV < I < III), and nuptial pad creamy white and divided into three parts in breeding males (vs purplish gray and undivided).

Phylogenetic analyses

The ML and BI analyses resulted in essentially identical topologies and are integrated in Figure 2, in which the major nodes are sufficiently supported with the Bayesian posterior probabilities (BPP) >0.95 and the bootstrap supports (BS) for maximum likelihood analysis >85. The pairwise distances based on COI and 16S genes among all samples are given in the Supplementary material, Tables S1 and S2, respectively.

Figure 2. 

Bayesian inference and maximum-likelihood phylogenies based on mitochondrial 16S and COI genes.

The Rana samples representing the new species are grouped in a distinct and robust monophyletic lineage with high support (BPP = 1.00 and BS = 100) and low divergence (mean 0.3%, ranging 0.0–0.6% in COI, and mean 0.1%, ranging 0.0–0.5% in 16S); they form a separate evolutionary lineage within the R. japonica group. This lineage from Jiangxi and Hunan is close to R. dabieshanensis from Anhui and R. omeimontis from Sichuan. The smallest genetic distance between this lineage and a previously recognized species is 3.4–4.0% in COI (with R. omeimontis) and 1.6–2.0% in 16S (with R. dabieshanensis), which are significant when compared to all other recognized species (e.g. 2.8–3.6% in COI between R. longicrus and R. culaiensis; 1.2–1.3% in 16S between R. dabieshanensis and R. omeimontis).

Therefore, based on the significant morphological differences and phylogenetic divergence, these specimens from Jiangxi and Hunan represent a distinct evolutionary lineage and are described as a new species, Rana jiulingensis sp. nov.

Taxonomic account

Rana (Rana) jiulingensis Wan, Lyu & Wang, sp. nov.


SYS a005519 (Fig. 3), adult male, collected by Zhi-Tong Lyu, Jian Wang and Hai-Long He on 14 September 2016 from Guanshan Nature Reserve (28.5535N, 114.5878E; ca 300 m a.s.l.), Yifeng County, Jiangxi province, PR China.

Figure 3. 

Morphological features of the adult male holotype SYS a005519 of Rana jiulingensis sp. nov. in life. A dorsolateral view B dorsal view C ventral view D grey nuptial pad E left hand F left foot.


Seven adult specimens. Females SYS a002584–2585 collected by Jian Zhao on 8 May 2014 from Mt Wugong (27.4607N, 114.2059E; ca 1100 m a.s.l.), Anfu County, Jiangxi province. Male SYS a005511 collected by Zhi-Tong Lyu, Jian Wang and Hai-Long He on 13 September 2016 from Mt Mufu (28.9750N, 113.8304E; ca 1200 m a.s.l.), Pingjiang County, Hunan province. Males SYS a006494, SYS a006495/CIB 110014, and females SYS a006451, 6496, collected by Zhi-Tong Lyu on 5–6 August 2017 from Mt Dawei (28.4250N, 114.0805E; ca 800 m a.s.l.), Liuyang City, Hunan province.


The specific name jiulingensis is in reference to the type locality, Guanshan Nature Reserve in Jiuling Mountains.

Suggested common name

Jiuling Mountains Brown Frog (in English), Jiu Ling Shan Lin Wa (九岭山林蛙 in Chinese)


Rana jiulingensis sp. nov. is distinguished by the following morphological characteristics: (1) body medium-sized, SVL = 48.3–57.8 (51.7 ± 4.3, n = 4) mm in adult males, 48.2–57.5 (50.8 ± 4.4, n = 4) mm in adult females; (2) head length significantly larger than head width; (3) supratympanic fold absent; (4) dorsolateral fold distinct and thin, extending straight from posterior margin of upper eyelid to above groin; (5) internarial distances larger than interorbital distances; (6) tympanum diameter significantly smaller than eye diameter, TD/ED = 0.63–0.87; (7) fingers without circummarginal grooves, unwebbed, relative finger lengths I < II < IV < III; (8) presence of supernumerary tubercles below the bases of each finger, presence of three separated metacarpal tubercles; (9) toes without circummarginal grooves, toe webbing formula: I 1⅓ – 2 II 1⅓ – 2⅓ III 1 ½ – 2⅔ IV 3 – 1⅓ V, relative toe lengths I < II < III < V < IV; (10) tibio-tarsal articulation reaching forward beyond tip of snout; (11) heels overlapping; (12) dorsal skin smooth, flanks smooth with few granules; (13) absence of vocal sacs in males; (14) breeding males possess creamy white nuptial pad with tiny hoar spines on the finger I, divided into three parts; (15) presence of reddish tubercles on loreal and temporal regions in breeding males.

Description of holotype

SYS a005519, adult male, SVL 57.8 mm. Head length significantly larger than head width (HW/HL = 0.85); snout pointed and projecting; nostril closer to tip of snout than eye; canthus rostralis distinct; internasal distance slightly larger than interorbital distance; tympanum rounded, smaller than eye (TD/ED = 0.72); tympanic rim prominent; pupil horizontal; loreal region concave, sloping outwards; vomerine teeth present; tongue deeply notched posteriorly; vocal sacs absent.

Forearms 0.19 of SVL and hand 0.26 of SVL; fingers slender, without web but with narrow fringe; tip of fingers rounded, not expanded, without circummarginal grooves; relative finger lengths I < II < IV < III; subarticular tubercles significantly prominent, rounded; distinct, small, rounded supernumerary tubercles below the bases of each finger; inner metacarpal tubercle indistinct, ovoid, partly covered by nuptial pad; two outer metacarpal tubercles distinctly separated, slightly larger, long elliptic; nuptial pad with tiny spines on the finger I, divided into three parts, the basal one around the inner metacarpal tubercle and partly covering it, the largest one from the edge of the basal one to the subarticular tubercle of finger I, the smallest one extending from the edge of the biggest one to the tip of finger I.

Tibia 0.63 of SVL and foot 0.88 of SVL; heels overlapping when hindlimbs flexed at right angles to axis of body; tibio-tarsal articulation reaching forward beyond the tip of snout when hindlimb stretched along the side of the body; relative toe lengths I < II < III < V < IV; toes webbing formula: I 1⅓ – 2 II 1⅓ – 2⅓ III 1 ½ – 2⅔ IV 3 – 1⅓ V; absence of lateral fringes on the lateral edges of toes I and V; subarticular tubercles oval and distinct; inner metatarsal tubercle large, ovoid, outer metatarsal tubercle small.

Dorsal skin smooth with sparse tiny granules; several small tubercles on flank; supratympanic fold absent; dorsolateral fold distinct and thin, extending straight from posterior margin of upper eyelid to above groin; several tiny granules on the skin of loreal and temporal regions; ventral surface smooth, large flattened tubercles densely arranged on the rear of thigh and around vent.

Coloration of holotype

In life, dorsal surface yellowish brown with few black spots; black speckles forming a linear stripe between eyelids; dorsolateral fold intermittently edged with black on two sides; loreal region yellowish; temporal region yellowish, slightly tinged with grey; tiny granules on loreal and temporal regions reddish; dorsal forelimbs and hindlimbs reddish with indistinct greenish grey transverse bars. Throat yellowish; chest and belly creamy white; ventral surface of forelimbs and hindlimbs flesh color; nuptial pad creamy white; tubercles around vent yellowish.

In preservative, dorsal surface turns grey with black spots and light grey patches; limbs taupe with brown transverse bars. Ventral surface white, with greyish mottling on throat and belly; ventral surface of limbs beige; hands and toe webs dark grey.


Measurements of type series specimens are given in Table 2. Coloration of dorsal skin varies from brown to yellowish brown (Fig. 4). Black edges on dorsolateral fold indistinct in all paratypes. SYS a006495 and 6496 with V-shaped mark. The number of transverse bars ranges from two to five on forearms, three or four on thigh, and three to six on tibia.

Table 2.

Measurements (in mm) of the type series of Rana jiulingensis sp. nov. (* = holotype).

SYS a005519* SYS a005511 SYS a006494 SYS a006495 SYS a002584 SYS a002585 SYS a006451 SYS a006496
Sex Male Male Male Male Female Female Female Female
SVL 57.8 51.6 48.3 49.1 57.5 48.4 49.4 48.2
HL 21.6 19.3 18.4 17.7 22.3 18.9 18.2 19.4
HW 18.4 17.0 15.7 12.6 19.3 16.1 15.5 15.8
SL 7.8 7.5 7.3 7.5 8.1 7.1 7.2 7.4
IN 4.1 3.8 3.5 3.2 4.2 3.6 4.1 4.1
IO 3.4 2.7 3.0 3.1 3.6 3.4 3.3 3.3
ED 6.3 5.5 5.2 5.0 5.2 4.4 4.7 4.6
TD 4.6 3.5 3.3 3.9 4.5 3.7 3.2 3.4
TED 1.9 2.0 1.7 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.6
HND 15.0 14.0 14.0 12.5 15.3 13.9 13.2 12.5
RAD 11.2 11.2 9.0 9.3 10.5 10.4 10.9 10.1
FTL 50.7 44.2 41.7 42.8 47.6 43.8 44.3 41.1
TIB 36.6 30.4 29.5 30.7 36.1 31.8 31.8 29.0
Figure 4. 

Variations of Rana jiulingensis sp. nov. A, B dorsolateral view and ventral view of male paratype SYS a006495 C male paratype SYS a006496 D male paratype SYS a00511.

Distribution and ecology

Currently, Rana jiulingensis sp. nov. is known from Guanshan Nature Reserve in the Jiuling Mountains and Mount Wugong in the Wugong Mountains of northwestern Jiangxi, and Mount Mufu and Mount Dawei in the Mufu Mountains of northeastern Hunan. This suggests that its geographic distribution is the central and northern parts of the Luoxiao Range (Fig. 1). All individuals were found on the surface of paths or on the bush leaves beside paths in subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests. Males SYS a005511 and 5519, which were collected in mid-September, bear a well-developed nuptial pad, while males SYS a006494 and 6495, collected in early August, are without a nuptial pad. This suggests that the breeding season of this species might begin in September.


All recognized species of the subgenusRana from China (except for R. chevronta) are included in our work for morphological and molecular analyses. Four monophyletic clades are supported by high values (BPP = 1.00 and BS > 85, respectively) in the phylogenetic tree. Three of them correspond to the morphologically recognized R. japonica group, R. chensinensis group, and R. amurensis group. The fourth, unnamed monophyletic clade includes R. johnsi, R. sangzhiensis, and R. zhengi. Within this unnamed clade, R. sangzhiensis and R. zhengi cluster together with significant support (BPP = 1.00 and BS = 100) and little divergence (0.0–0.4% in COI and 0.0–0.4% in 16S), which is consistent with the original morphological identification by Zheng et al. (1997). Therefore R. zhengi is considered a synonym of R. sangzhiensis. Furthermore, all species of this clade were morphologically previously assigned to Pseudorana (Fei et al. 2009). Thus, based on the phylogenetic relationships and morphological similarities, this monophyletic clade is proposed as a new species group, the Rana johnsi group. For the remaining species, their exact placements remain unresolved due to the insignificant support. Further study of these species is needed, and new species groups might be proposed for these outcast species.

Within the Rana japonica group, the genetic divergences among three species, R. longicrus, R. zhenhaiensis, and R. culaiensis, are relatively closer than other species. Additionally, the validations of these species have been supported by the morphological examinations (Li et al. 2008; Fei et al. 2009). Anuran frogs are suggested with conservative phenotypes (Cherry et al. 1978). Cryptic species, which are morphologically identical but genetically differentiated, are also common in most species complexes (e.g. Yan et al. 2011; Kuraishi et al. 2013; Xiong et al. 2015; Lyu et al. 2019, 2020). With remarkable morphological diversity, but relatively smaller genetic differentiation, R. longicrus, R. zhenhaiensis, and R. culaiensis show a special situation. This suggests that an integrative taxonomic approach is especially important in delimitation of anuran species, and that reliance solely on morphological or molecular evidence would be misleading.

The discovery of Rana jiulingensis sp. nov. increases the diversity of the genus Rana in the Luoxiao Range to five species (Fig. 1). This situation indicates that the Luoxiao Range has the greatest diversity of Rana species in southern China and may be key to speciation of the genus Rana.


We thank the Hunan Badagongshan National Nature Reserve, Fujian Yashushan Nature Reserve, Jian Wang, Chun-Lin Liao, Hai-Long He, Zhao-Chi Zeng, Yu-Long Li, and Zheng-Yan Zhou for their help with the fieldwork. We thank Zhen-Hua Liu, Zi-Chen Zhou, Yang Chen, and Robert Forsyth for their help in polishing the manuscript. We thank Angelica Crottini and two anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions on our work. This work was supported by the Project of Comprehensive Scientific Survey of Luoxiao Mountains Region of Ministry of Science and Technology, China (no. 2013FY111500), the Project of Scientific Investigation on the Amphibian, Reptilian and Avian Animals in Jiangxi Jiulianshan National Nature Reserve, the Project of Animal Diversity Survey and Monitoring System Construction of Guangdong Shimentai National Nature Reserve, and the Project of Survey of Terrestrial Vertebrate Diversity in Guangdong Danxiashan National Nature Reserve.


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Appendix 1

Specimens examined

Rana chaochiaoensis (3): China: Sichuan: Zhaojue County (type locality): SYS a001815–1816, 1831.

Rana chensinensis (2): China: Henan: Mt Yawu: SYS a002392–2393.

Rana culaiensis (4): China: Jiangxi: Mt wugong: SYS a002634; Shanggao County: SYS a002641;Mt Meiling: SYS a004239,4241.

Rana hanluica (35): China: Hunan: Mt Yangming (type locality): SYS a001137–1147; Mt Bamian: SYS a004086; Mt Badagong: SYS a004298; Mt Yunshan: SYS a004358–4359; Mt Xuefeng: SYS a007216; Suining County: SYS a007250–7251; Mt Shunhuang: SYS a007259–7260; Guizhou: Mt Leigong: SYS a002233; Mt Fanjing: SYS a004346; Jiangxi: Mt Jinggang: SYS a004195–4196; Mt Qiyun: SYS a004087; Guangxi: Longsheng County: SYS a002284–2288; Mt Dupangling: SYS a005086–5088; Guangdong: Renhua County: SYS a007009–7100.

Rana jiemuxiensis (2): China: Hunan: Jiemuxi Nature Reserve (tpye locality): SYS a004318–4319.

Rana kukunoris (7): China: Sichuan: Hongyuan County: SYS a006652–6654; Maoxian County: SYS a005381–5384.

Rana longicrus (18): China: Fujian: Mt Yashu: SYS a005892, 5905; Guangdong: Renhua County: SYS a000732–0735, 5624–5625; Mt Nankun: SYS a000754, 4589, 5579; Yingde City: SYS a00 7519; Pu’ning City: SYS a004605; Mt Tonggu: SYS a005808; Jiangxi: Mt Qiyun: SYS a002355; Mt Jiulian: SYS a004487; Mt Magu: SYS a007038; Suichuan County: SYS a007097.

Rana omeimontis (5): China: Sichuan: Mt Emei (type locality): SYS a005304–5305; Anzhou District: SYS a005393; Guizhou: Qixingguan District: SYS a007294–7295.

Rana zhenhaiensis (7): China: Zhejiang: Fenghua District: SYS a006208, 7506–7507; Jiangxi: Mt Tongbo: SYS a001951–1953; Guanshan Nature Reserve: SYS a007000.

Supplementary material

Supplementary material 1 

Tables S1, S2

Han Wan, Zhi-Tong Lyu, Shuo Qi, Jian Zhao, Pi-Peng Li, Ying-Yong Wang

Data type: Tables for genetic distances

Explanation note: Table S1. Pairwise distances based on COI gene among all sample used in this study. Table S2. Pairwise distances based on 16S gene among all sample used in this study.

This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited.
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