Research Article |
Corresponding author: Daniela Pica ( ) Academic editor: Bert W. Hoeksema
© 2015 Daniela Pica, Stephen D. Cairns, Stefania Puce, William A. Newman.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Pica D, Cairns SD, Puce S, Newman WA (2015) Southern hemisphere deep-water stylasterid corals including a new species, Errina labrosa sp. n. (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Stylasteridae), with notes on some symbiotic scalpellids (Cirripedia, Thoracica, Scalpellidae). ZooKeys 472: 1-25.
A number of stylasterid corals are known to act as host species and create refuges for a variety of mobile and sessile organisms, which enhances their habitat complexity. These include annelids, anthozoans, cirripeds, copepods, cyanobacteria, echinoderms, gastropods, hydroids and sponges. Here we report the first evidence of a diverse association between stylasterids and scalpellid pedunculate barnacles and describe a new stylasterid species, Errina labrosa, from the Tristan da Cunha Archipelago. Overall, five stylasterid species are found to host eight scalpellid barnacles from several biogeographic regions in the southern hemisphere (Southern Ocean, temperate South America and the southern Indo-Pacific realms). There is an apparent lack of specificity in this kind of association and different grades of reaction to the symbiosis have been observed in the coral. These records suggest that the association between pedunculate barnacles and hard stylasterid corals has a wide distribution among different biogeographic realms and that it is relatively rare and confined largely to deep water.
Deep-water symbiosis, Scalpellidae , Stylasteridae , new species
Many stylasterid corals, like their shallow-water largely scleractinian counterparts (see e.g.
Such associations between cnidarians and other invertebrates are fairly common. Crustaceans, in particular cirripeds, are most prevalent in shallow water, the latter largely with corals having calcareous skeletons. The most notable include the burrowing barnacles or acrothoracicans (
The general situation in deep water is quite different as it is pedunculate scalpellomorphs rather than sessile balanomorphs that predominate (
The Stylasteridae collections of several European Museums have been studied: MNA – Museo Nazionale dell’Antartide “Felice Ippolito”, Italy; Museo di Storia Naturale of Genova, Italy; BNHM – Natural History Museum of London, United Kingdom; MNHN – Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle of Paris, France; RMNH and ZMA in Naturalis Biodiversity Center of Leiden, Nederland. A number of specimens with pedunculate barnacles on them were examined for further analyses. The coral specimens (dry or preserved in ethanol) were, largely from the South Atlantic Ocean and the Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic region, whereas Stephanohelia corals were from off New Caledonia (South Pacific). The morphology of the specimens and details of the associations were first examined using a stereomicroscope. Selected portions were prepared for the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and photographic analyses. Longitudinal sections of coral branches were cut with an electric grinder in order to study the internal structures. Small portions of the coral were treated with sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes, rinsed with distilled water, and dried, and coated with gold–palladium in a Balzer Union evaporator and examined with a Philips XL20 SEM.
Among a total of about 600 stylasterid colonies observed, only 11 (<2%) belonging to five species revealed the presence of scalpellid barnacles (Table
Five stylasterid species and the eight scalpellids associated with them.
Stylasterid corals | Scalpellomorph barnacles |
Stephanohelia sp. New Caledonia, 550 m |
scalpellid sp. 3 |
Inferiolabiata spinosa Cairns, 1991 Tristan da Cunha, 80–140m |
Arcoscalpellum sp. 2 |
Errina antarctica (Gray, 1872) Off Falkland Islands 79–370 m |
scalpellid sp.1, scalpellid sp. 2 and Ornatoscalpellum cf. gibberum |
Errina fissurata (Gray, 1872) off Daniell Peninsula, Antarctica, 438–610 m |
Trianguloscalpellum sp. and Ornatoscalpellum cf. vanhoeffeni |
Errina labrosa sp. n. Tristan da Chuna, 80–140 m |
Arcoscalpellum sp. 1 |
Colonies with irregular shape, all with commensal polychaetes. Branches polychotomous with gastropores exclusively in the branch axils. Coenosteal texture linear-imbricate. Gastrostyle massive. Dactylopore spines small and without dactylostyles. Male ampullae superficial.
The genus Stephanohelia is monospecific (
Stephanohelia praecipua Cairns, 1991.
318–793 m.
New Zealand and New Caledonia.
Three colonies of sample MNHN IK 2010-152: expedition MUSORSTOM 4 N/O Vauban, Sta. CP194, 18°53’ S, 163°22’ E, New Caledonia, 550 m depth 19 September 1985 (in ethanol).
Coral colonies arborescent, up to 8 cm long and 7 cm wide, with the basal branches up to 1.5 cm in diameter (Figure
Gastropores are circular, 100-175-230 µm in diameter, occurring exclusively at branching axils (Figure
The female ampullae are round, superficial, 600-820-900 µm in diameter, and have a smooth surface (Figure
The characteristic shape of the colonies with polychotomous branching, the presence of the gastropores exclusively at branch axils, the large gastrostyles and the absence of the ring palisade and the dactylostyles are characteristic for Stephanohelia. This species differs from the type species, S. praecipua, mainly in the gastrostyle shape. In fact, S. praecipua has a gastrostyle characterised by a main basal shaft with a very expanded midsection and a slender tip. The scarcity of the analysed material is insufficient to enable the description of a new species.
Colonies commonly associated with a commensal polychaete. Gastropores and dactylopores randomly distributed. Coenosteal texture linear- or reticulate-imbricate. Gastrostyles are present but a ring palisade is usually absent. Tabulae often present. Dactylopore spines with a primarily abcauline dactylotome. Dactylostyles present. Ampullae superficial.
The genus Inferiolabiata includes four species (
Errina labiata Moseley, 1879.
80–2100 m.
Tristan da Cunha Archipelago, South Africa, Antarctica and Sub-Antarctic area, New Zealand.
Inferiolabiata spinosa
BNHM 1977.8.10.2: two broken colonies and seven fragments, Discovery Expedition Sta. 6, Tristan da Cunha, 3 miles N 30° E of Settlement, 80–140 m depth, 1 February 1926 (in ethanol).
The genus Inferiolabiata consists of only four species: I. labiata (Moseley, 1879), I. lowei (Cairns, 1983a), I. spinosa Cairns, 1991 and I. africana Cairns & Zibrowius, 2013. Our specimens match I. spinosa described from New Zealand and South Africa (
This is the first record of I. spinosa from the Atlantic and together with Errina labrosa sp. n. (see below), it is part of the only known stylasterid fauna reported from Tristan da Cunha Archipelago.
Gastropores and dactylopores randomly distributed. Coenosteal texture reticulate-granular and linear-imbricate. Lower gastropore lip present in some specimens. Gastrostyles present but ring palisade usually absent. Dactylopore spines represented by up to two types and varying in shape and dimension. Dactylopore spines with a primarily adcauline dactylotome. Dactylostyles rarely present. Ampullae superficial and deep.
The genus Errina includes 25 Recent species and one extinct species (
Millepora aspera Linnaeus, 1767.
6–1772 m.
North Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea, Galápagos, South Africa, Antarctica and Sub-Antarctic area, New Zealand, Japan and Tristan da Cunha Archipelago.
BNHM 1977.8.10.20: two colonies, Discovery Expedition, Sta. WS 248, Falkland Islands 52°40'00"S 58°30'00"W, 210-242 m depth, 20 July 1928, (preserved in ethanol); BNHM 1977.8.10.17: five broken colonies, Discovery Expedition, Sta. WS 841, 54°11’S 60°23"W, 200-370 m depth, 6 February 1932 (preserved in ethanol); BNHM 1977.8.10.34: 3 broken colonies and fragments, Discovery Expedition, Sta. WS 85, Falkland Islands, 52°09'00"S 54°14'00"W, 79 m depth, 25 March 1927 (dry).
Within the genus Errina our specimens match Errina antarctica as described by
Madrepora fissurata
Errina fissurata
Labiopora fissurata
Errina (Eu-Errina) fissurata
Errina (Eu-Errina) antarctica
Errina (Errina) fissurata
Errina antarctica
MNA 3070, MNA 3071: two colonies, Cruise Carbonant 2002, Sta. 24, 72°30'456"S, 174°05'552"E, 438 m depth, 13 January 2002 (in ethanol); MNA 3079, MNA 3080, MNA 3081, MNA 3082, MNA 3086: a total of five colonies, Cruise Tangaroa 2004, Sta. 77, 72°07'47"S, 172°42'36"E, 499 m depth, 14 February 2004 (dry); BNHM 1977.8.10.26: one colony, Discovery Expedition, Sta. 1948, 60°49'24"S, 52°40'00"W, 490–610 m depth, 4 January 1937 (in ethanol).
Specimens consist of up to 16.4 cm long broken branches of uniplanar colonies, all lacking the base (Figure
Errina fissurata Gray, 1872. a Colony. SEM micrographs of b apical branch c–d reticulate-granular coenosteal texture e gastrostyle f bifurcating spines of gastrostyle g different type of pores: gastropore (black arrow), large dactylopore spine (yellow arrow), small dactylopore spine (orange arrow) and large round pore (red arrow) h large dactylopore spine (yellow arrow), small dactylopore spines (orange arrows) and large round pore (red arrow) i large adcauline dactylopore spines j dactylostyles k small dactylopore spine l female ampulla m male ampulla.
The colour of the coenosteum is pale orange (Figure
The gastropores and dactylopores are scattered over the coenosteum (Figure
The coenosteum surface contains two kinds of dactylopores, with either large or small spines, which protrude perpendicularly from it (Figure
Large round pores (50–90 µm in diameter) almost flush with the coenosteum. They are scattered over the coral surface between the dactylopore spines (Figures
The colonies present sexual dimorphism in both size and position of the ampullae. The female colonies have round ampullae (up to 1 mm in diameter) that protrude from the coenosteum surface (Figure
In the Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic region 11 Errina species have been recorded (
Our specimens compare favourably with samples described by
BNHM 1977.8.10.2: four branches of a single colony, Discovery Expedition Sta 6, Tristan da Cunha, 3 miles N 30° E of Settlement, 80–140 m depth, 1 February1926 (in ethanol).
MNA 3085: two colonies, Cruise Icefish 2004 (dry); MNA 3087: several fragments (dry).
The new species has a characteristic abcauline lip, ring palisade and one type of dactylopore with very elongated spines.
The holotype (Figure
Errina labrosa sp. n. a–b Holotype. SEM micrographs of c spiny branch apex with gastropores and dactylopores uniformly distributed d middle portion of the colony e lateral view of the colony branch with gastropores are aligned and surrounded by the dactylopores f superficial coenosteum without pore g texture reticulate-granular h gastropore with lip i gastropore without lip.
The gastropores and the dactylopores are predominantly concentrated on the terminal branches (Figure
The coenosteum is white-cream in colour and the texture is reticulate-granular with poorly-defined granules (Figure
The gastropores are circular in shape (Figures
Dactylopores are of one kind. In the apical branches they are adcauline and bordered by well-defined spines (Figures
The ampullae (Figures
Among the 25 known species of Errina, the only two other species having a gastropore lip, ring palisade and one type of dactylopore, as in our species, are E. cheilopora Cairns, 1983 and E. reticulata Cairns, 1991. The gastropore lip of these two species projects over the gastropore (
Errina was reported earlier from Tristan da Cunha by
From the Latin word labrum (meaning lip) for the characteristic abcauline lip of the gastropores.
The stylasterid Errina fissurata is reported as host for two different scalpellids (Table
Errina fissurata. a Specimen with Trianguloscalpellum sp. b SEM of Trianguloscalpellum sp. c specimen with Ornatoscalpellum cf. vanhoeffenid peduncular plates in cavity in coral coenosteum e SEM of where a barnacle was detached (yellow arrow) next to a superficial bump (white arrow) f peduncular scales in a bump g young barnacles one with peduncle in a dactylopore (arrow).
The new species, Errina labrosa is observed in association with Arcoscalpellum sp. 1 (Figure
a–b Peduncle of Arcoscalpellum sp. 1 not covered by coenosteum of Errina labrosa sp. n. c–d Peduncle of Arcoscalpellum sp. 2 not covered by coenosteum in Inferiolabiata spinosa and SEM micrograph of same species e scalpelline sp. 2 concentrated in the basal portion in Errina antarctica f peduncle Ornatoscalpellum cf. gibberum attached to but free of coral skeleton in Errina antarctica g circular bumps with little depressions on the top in Errina antarctica h scalpelline sp. 3 with peduncle fully and lower margin of capitulum partially covered by the calcareous skeleton of Stephanohelia sp.
Three different scalpellids are found in association with three different specimens of Errina antarctica: scalpellid sp.1 on specimens BNHM 1977.8.10.17, scalpellid sp.2 on BNHM 1977.8.10.20 (Figure
The stylasterid Stephanohelia sp. has been observed to host a single unidentified scalpellid, sp.3 (Figure
In all cases the barnacles are attached through living tissue of the stylasterids, where their cyprid larvae had settled.
The Stylasteridae of the South Atlantic Ocean, between the Antarctic and the Tropic of Capricorn, with a total of 22 known species, are poorly known (
Associations between cirripeds and cnidarians are fairly common in both shallow and deep water, involving numerous species of coral-associated barnacles. These include inconspicuous burrowing barnacles or acrothoracicans (
Subclass Cirripedia Burmeister, 1834 (those previously known associated with shallow as well as deep-water stylastrid corals, plus the scalpellids (Table
Superorder Acrothoracica Gruvel, 1905
Order Lithoglyptida Kolbasov, Newman & Høeg, 2009
Family Lithoglyptidae Aurivillius, 1892
Armatoglyptes stirni (Turquier, 1987), off Strait of Gibraltar (Cape Spartel), in Errina aspera (L.) and other corals, 90–390 m (
Lithoglyptes s.l. in Paraerrina decipiens Brock, 1942 from Mauritius (
Order Cryptophialida Kolbasov, Newman & Høeg, 2009
Family Cryptophialidae Gerstaecker, 1866
Australophialus pecorus Turquier, 1985, off Strait of Gibraltar (Cape Spartel), in Errina aspera (L.) ~200 m and other corals between 20–390 m (
Australophialus tomlinsoni (Newman & Ross, 1971), off Ross Sea and Antarctic Peninsula, in skeletons of Errina sp. and other invertebrates, ~400 m (
Superorder Thoracica Darwin, 1854
Order Scalpelliformes Buckeridge & Newman, 2006
Family Scalpellidae Pilsbry, 1907
Three species unidentified to genus herein, two on Errina antarctica, off Falkland Is. 79–370 m and one on Stephanohelia sp. New Caledonia 500 m.
Subfamily Scalpellinae Pilsbry, 1907
Ornatoscalpellum gibberum (Aurivillius, 1892), off Tierra del Fuego on Errina cf. antarctica (Gray, 1872), 250 m (
Ornatoscalpellum cf. gibberum (Aurivillius, 1892) on Errina antarctica off Falkland Is, 79–370 m (
Ornatoscalpellum cf. vanhoeffeni (Gruvel, 1907) on Errina fissurata off Daniell Peninsula, Antarctica 438–610 m (
Subfamily Arcoscalpellinae Zevina, 1978
Trianguloscalpellum sp., on E. fissurata (Gray, 1872) from off Daniell Peninsula, Antarctica 438–610 m (
Arcoscalpellum sp. 1 and 2, one on E. labrosa sp. n., the other on Inferiolabiata spinosa Cairns, 1991, all from Tristan da Chuna, 80–140 m (
Order Sessilia Lamarck, 1818
Suborder Verrucomorpha Pilsbry, 1916
Family Verrucidae Darwin, 1854
Verruca s.l. on Errina dabneyi (De Pourtalès, 1871) from Açoc Seamount at 400 m (
Suborder Balanomorpha Pilsbry, 1916
Family Pachylasmatidae Utinomi, 1968
Pachylasma giganteum (Philippi, 1836), Strait of Messina to off W. Africa, facultative with Errina aspera (L.), at shelf break, 150–200 m (
Family Archaeobalanidae Newman & Ross, 1976
Solidobalanus enbergi (Pilsbry, 1921) shallow water, facultative on a stylasterid; possibly a senior synonym or sibling of Armatobalanus nefrens (see
Armatobalanus nefrens (Zullo, 1963) shallow water, generally in Stylaster californicus (Verrill, 1866) and Errinopora pourtalesi (Dall, 1884).
Family Pyrgomatidae Gray, 1825
?Pyrgoma sp. on Stylaster ramosus Broch, 1947 from Tanzania, shallow water, possibly a pyrgomatid, but not likely a Pyrgoma species as presently known.
?Pyrgoma sp. on Stylaster scabiosus Broch, 1935 from Mauritius, shallow water, possibly a pyrgomatid, but not likely a Pyrgoma species as presently known.
Family Balanidae Leach, 1806
Balanus nubilus Darwin, 1854, intertidal and shallow water, occasionally all but overgrown by a Stylaster sp. in British Columbia.
Only two previously recorded cases of associations between scalpellomorphs and cnidarians provided with a hard calcareous skeleton are known, one illustration of Ornatoscalpellum gibberum (Aurivillius, 1892) on Errina sp., likely E. antarctica (
The scapellids reported here have been found in different positions on the stylasterid colonies and also in different stages of development. On the colony of E. fissurata and E. antarctica a morphological reaction to the presence of the symbiont has been observed. In fact, the cirriped induces or allows the production of a calcareous collaret surrounding the lower portion of its peduncle. A similar arrangement was reported by
It was observed that when a cirriped accidentally detaches or dies, the hydroid partially plugs the gall with skeleton material which remains clearly visible as a bump-like scar. On the internal face of the bump the peduncular scales of the barnacle are still visible (Figures
Several scalpellid individuals in different early stages of growth were found on colonies of E. fissurata. The cyprid larvae settled on the peduncle of established individuals as well as directly on the coral surface. In the latter case the cyprid larvae may settle inside dactylopore openings.
The study of the Stylasteridae corals from European museum collections did not only reveal various associations between stylasterid corals and pedunculate barnacles, but also allowed the description of Errina labrosa sp. n., which also participated in this association.
Overall, eight scalpellid species are recorded in association with five stylasterid coral species belonging to at least three genera. Our study suggests a lack of host specificity in this association. In fact, several barnacle species are found to be associated with Errina fissurata and E. antarctica, but it appears that in a single host coral colony only a single barnacle species can be represented. Although no specific association has been found, different grades of reaction to the symbiosis have been recorded in the coral. In E. labrosa and I. spinosa no reaction has been observed, while in E. fissurata and Stephanohelia sp. the coenosteum covered the peduncles of both observed barnacles species. Errina antarctica shows both kinds of interaction. This suggests that the reaction of stylasterid corals depends on the barnacle species, but because a wide range of sizes (ages) of each species was not available, further investigations are needed to test this hypothesis. The symbiosis between stylasterid corals and scalpellid barnacles, albeit relatively rare, is largely confined to vulnerable marine ecosystems of the Southern Ocean (
We want to thank Dr. Stefano Schiaparelli (Museo Nazionale dell’Antartide Felice Ippolito, Genova), Dr. Andrew Cabrinovic (Natural History Museum, London), Dr. Bert W. Hoeksema (Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden) and Dr. Aude Andouche (Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris) for access to the coral collections. We thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments, which greatly improved this manuscript. This research received support to the first author for her visit to BNHM (London) and NBC (Leiden) from the SYNTHESYS Project financed by the European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 Integrating Activities Programme.