Research Article |
Corresponding author: Nick V. Grishin ( ) Academic editor: Carlos Peña
© 2014 Kojiro Shiraiwa, Qian Cong, Nick V. Grishin.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Shiraiwa K, Cong Q, Grishin NV (2014) A new Heraclides swallowtail (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) from North America is recognized by the pattern on its neck. ZooKeys 468: 85-135.
Heraclides rumiko Shiraiwa & Grishin, sp. n. is described from southwestern United States, Mexico, and Central America (type locality: USA, Texas, Duval County). It is closely allied to H. cresphontes (Cramer, 1777) and the two species are sympatric in central Texas. The new species is diagnosed by male genitalia and exhibits a nearly 3% difference from H. cresphontes in the COI DNA barcode sequence of mitochondrial DNA. The two Heraclides species can usually be told apart by the shape and size of yellow spots on the neck, by the wing shape, and the details of wing patterns. “Western Giant Swallowtail” is proposed as the English name for H. rumiko. To stabilize nomenclature, neotype for Papilio cresphontes Cramer, 1777, an eastern United States species, is designated from Brooklyn, New York, USA; and lectotype for Papilio thoas Linnaeus, 1771 is designated from Suriname. We sequenced DNA barcodes and ID tags of nearly 400 Papilionini specimens completing coverage of all Heraclides species. Comparative analyses of DNA barcodes, genitalia, and facies suggest that Heraclides oviedo (Gundlach, 1866), reinstated status, is a species-level taxon rather than a subspecies of H. thoas (Linnaeus, 1771); and H. pallas (G. Gray, [1853]), reinstated status, with its subspecies H. P. bajaensis (J. Brown & Faulkner, 1992), comb. n., and Heraclides anchicayaensis Constantino, Le Crom & Salazar, 2002, stat. n., are not conspecific with H. astyalus (Godart, 1819).
Biodiversity, cryptic species, DNA barcodes, Neotropical, Heraclides homothoas , Heraclides melonius , butterfly release, APHIS
Swallowtails (Papilionidae Latreille, [1802]) are arguably the best-known and best-studied butterflies due to their large size, dazzling colors, and elegant shapes. Despite significant research efforts, the family is still plagued with taxonomic difficulties and is rich in evolutionary puzzles (
A multifaceted pattern of speciation resulted in 7 or 8 species of tiger swallowtails (Pterourus glaucus group) in North America (
The Giant Swallowtails (Heraclides cresphontes group sensu Fig.
In 2005, KS collected several specimens of H. cresphontes on lantana flowers near an orange orchard grove in Pauma Valley, San Diego County, California. Comparison with H. cresphontes specimens from Silver Lake, Kosciusko County, Indiana revealed wing pattern differences between California and Indiana populations. Several years ago, with the accumulation of COI DNA barcode sequences in databases, NVG noticed that the only available sequence of H. cresphontes from northeastern USA (
Specimens used in this study were collected in the field under the permit #08-02Rev from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to NVG, or examined in the following collections: Texas A&M University Collection, College Station, TX, USA (TAMU); University of Texas at Austin Insect Collection, Austin, TX, USA (TMMC); National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA (USNM); Colorado State University Collection, Fort Collins, CO, USA (CSUC); The Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, IL, USA (FMNH); American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY, USA (AMNH); McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity; Gainesville, FL, USA (MGCL); San Diego Natural History Museum, San Diego, CA, USA (SDMC); and Los Angeles County Natural History Museum, Los Angeles, CA, USA (LACM) and several private collections. Standard entomological techniques were used for dissection (
Legs (cut with scissors into tiny pieces in lysis buffer), crumbs and pieces of muscle tissue from the thorax of dissected specimens (plucked from the abdomen attachment site), or a distal part of an abdomen (dropped into lysis buffer, and after overnight incubation at 56°C transferred into 10% KOH for genitalia dissection) were used to extract genomic DNA with Macherey-Nagel (MN) NucleoSpin® tissue kit following the manufacturers protocol. The lysis buffer volume was scaled down to 70 μl for legs and volumes of subsequent reagents were proportionally reduced. Genomic DNA was eluted in a total volume of 40-100 μl MN BE buffer (concentration of DNA as measured by Promega QuantiFluor® dsDNA System was from near 0 to 20 ng/μl, mostly around 1 ng/μl, depending on specimen age and storage conditions) and was stored at -20°C.
PCR was performed using Invitrogen AmpliTaq Gold 360 master mix in a 20 μl total volume containing less than 1 ng of temfig DNA (usually 0.5–1 μl of DNA extract) and 0.5 μM of each primer. For legs from freshly collected specimens or those preserved in alcohol, the following primers were used to obtain the complete barcode: LepF: 5’-TGTAAAACGACGGCCAGTATTCAACCAATCATAAAGATATTGG-3’ and LepR: 5’-CAGGAAACAGCTATGACCTAAACTTCTGGATGTCCAAAAAATCA-3’. For older specimens (up to 1960) the following pairs of primers were used: swtl-COIF (forward, 5’-TTATTCAACAAATCATAAAGATATCGGA-3’) – swtl-mCOIR (reverse, 5’-GTTCCKGCYCCATTTTCTAC-3’), or sCOIF (forward, 5’-ATTCAACCAATCATAAAGATATTGG-3’) – smCOIR (reverse, 5’-CCTGTTCCAGCTCCATTTTC-3’), and swtl-mCOIF (forward, 5’-GACTTTTACCCCCTTCTCTAACTC-3’) – swtl-COIR (reverse, 5’-AAAATATAAACTTCAGGATGTCCAAA-3’), to amplify the barcode in two overlapping segments.
The barcodes of even older specimens (1900–1960) were amplified in four overlapping segments with the following four pairs of Heraclides-specific primers: paeon-COIF (forward, 5’-TCAACAAATCATAAAGATATCGGAAC-3’) – swtl-bCOIR (reverse, 5’-AATCAATTTCCAAATCCTCCAA-3’), swtl-bCOIF (forward, 5’-CCGGCTCATTAATTGGAGATG-3’) – swtl-mCOIR (reverse, 5’-CTGTTCCKCTYCCATTTTCTAC-3’), swtl-mCOIF2 (forward, 5’-TTTTGACTTTTACCCCCTTCTCTAA-3’) – swtl-eCOIR (reverse, 5’-CCTACGGCTCAAACAAATAAAGG-3’), and swtl-eCOIF (forward, 5’-TTCCTCAATTCTTGGRGCAATTA-3’) – swtl-COIR2 (reverse, 5’- AAAATATAAACTTCAGGATGTCCAAAAA -3’). In case of failure, additional primers that match target sequences better were used, as specified in GenBank entries for these sequences (KP173713–KP174107) and barcodes were amplified in more than 4 segments.
For some old specimens (e.g., 1870–1960), amplification of longer DNA segments failed. To obtain their sequences for identification, we developed Heraclides-specific primers for very short, about 100 bp fragments, which we call ID tags. A region in which the two USA Heraclides species differ from each other the most, was selected and the following primers were designed: swtl-ID1F (forward, 5’-TGAGCAAGAATACTAGGAACTTCTCTTA-3’) – swtl-ID1R (reverse, 5’-AATAAAAGCATGAGCTGTAACAATAGTA-3’) to amplify 64 bp sequence from the specimen (together with both primers, the actual product is 120 bp).
The PCR reaction was cleaned up by enzymatic digestion for the whole barcode amplifications, ID tag amplification, and sequences amplified in more than 2 segments, with 4 μl Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (20 U/μl) and 1 ul Exonuclease I (1 U/μl) from New England Biolabs. For sequences obtained in two segments, due to the frequent presence of primer dimers and other short non-specific PCR products, Agencourt Ampure XP beads or Invitrogen E-Gel® EX Agarose Gels (followed by Zymo gel DNA recovery kit) were used to select the DNA products of expected length. Sequences were obtained using the M13 primers (for amplification from LepF and LepR primers): 5’-TGTAAAACGACGGCCAGT-3’ or 5’-CAGGAAACAGCTATGACC-3’ or with primers used in PCR. Sanger sequencing was performed with Applied Biosystems Big Dye Terminator 3.1 kit on ABI capillary instrument in the DNA Sequencing Core Facility of the McDermott Center at UT Southwestern. The resulting sequence traces were proofread in FinchTV <>.
As a result, we obtained complete or partial DNA barcode sequences from 395 Papilionini specimens. Sequences and accompanying specimen data were submitted to GenBank and received accession numbers KP173713–KP174107. Data about these specimens are provided in Suppl. material
Additional DNA sequences for analysis were downloaded from GenBank <> (
Comparison of H. cresphontes male genitalia throughout its range from Canada to Panama reveals two groups (Fig.
Specimens from the eastern North America, from Canada to Florida and central Texas, USA belong to the eastern group. Specimens from other parts of the range from central Texas to California, USA and southwards to Panama belong to the southwestern group. In central Texas, both groups are present. Genitalic differences between groups correlate with the differences in facies (Fig.
Correlation between genitalic and facies differences and geographic distribution suggests that we are dealing with two distinct evolutionary lineages diversified sufficiently to be treated as two taxonomic units. However, these units are mostly allopatric and overlap over narrow range in central Texas. Moreover, in the range of overlap, we see specimens with intermediate characters. Therefore, it was not clear whether to regard these taxonomic units as subspecies, or suggest that the divergence between them is sufficient for biological species.
To address this question, we determined COI mitochondrial DNA barcode sequences for 249 H. cresphontes-like specimens from over 100 localities covering the entire distribution range from Canada to Panama. The results were surprisingly clear-cut. Each specimen fell into one of the two groups: eastern and southwestern (Figs
To put this number in perspective and compare it with divergence in other Papilionini Latreille, [1802], DNA barcode differences between H. androgeus (Cramer, 1775) and H. thersites (Fabricius, 1775), Pt. glaucus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Pt. canadensis (Rothschild & Jordan, 1906), and Papilio polyxenes Fabricius, 1775 and P. zelicaon Lucas, 1852 are 2.9%, 2.1%, and 3.4% respectively. Distances between these species from three Papilionini genera are of the same magnitude as the distance between eastern and southwestern H. cresphontes populations. On the other hand, barcode differences between Papilionini taxa regarded as subspecies are usually within 1.5%, and mostly below 1%. Three percent difference in the barcode suggests (
However, it is conceivable that one of these two barcodes might have evolved not within this species, but could have been introgressed from a different, albeit closely related, species. If that were the case, it is possible that the two H. cresphontes-like taxa are not distinct as species, but one simply experienced introgression from a different species. For instance, many individuals of Erynnis propertius (Scudder & Burgess, 1870) in California carry DNA barcode of E. horatius (Scudder & Burgess, 1870) from eastern USA (
Next, in a quest for the names to apply to the eastern and southwestern species, we analyze names proposed for H. cresphontes, search for type specimens, and stabilize nomenclature by designation of lectotypes and a neotype.
Heraclides cresphontes type specimens and illustrations. 1–2 possible paralectotype [BMNH] 3 Lambertz original illustration of the lectotype designated herein, specimen apparently lost 4 published engraving of the lectotype (Cramer, 1777) 5–6 neotype ♂ designated herein. Data in text and Supplementary Table
P. cresphontes was described by Pieter
Cramer illustrated two specimens, a female in dorsal and ventral aspects (
Since no Giant Swallowtails are known from Guadeloupe (
We took the following steps to search for the H. cresphontes syntype specimens. First, we studied the literature. In a comprehensive search for the type specimens of Cramer taxa in the Natural History Museum, London (BMNH), John Chainey identified a possible syntype male (specimen number BMNH(E)#665119, Figs
Similar challenges with Cramer type localities and syntypes were encountered by other researchers, so negative results were not surprising. For instance,
As a final resort, we consulted the original drawings by Gerrit Wartenaar Lambertz made for Cramer and used as prototypes for the published engravings. Presently, the drawings are in the library of the Natural History Museum, London (BMNH). One of the drawings for the Volume 2, “A” on the fig #134, reproduced here as Fig.
The above lectotype designation resolves the problem between H. cresphontes and H. melonius, both of which were in the H. cresphontes type series; and for the interest of stability secures traditional usage of these names: H. cresphontes for eastern North America populations, and H. melonius, in accord with its original description (
The two lectotypes designated above unambiguously distinguish H. cresphontes, an eastern US species, from H. melonius and H. thoas. However, with our finding that H. cresphontes is a complex of two sister species, the lectotype, which is apparently lost, may not be sufficient to define the taxon from just a single illustration. While most specimens of the southwestern species differ from the eastern P. cresphontes in neck and wing patterns, its diagnostic characters are found in genitalia and DNA, and thus cannot be confirmed from the illustration alone. Therefore, we proceed with the designation of the neotype in accord with ICZN Article 75.3 (
This neotype designation satisfies all seven provisions of the ICZN code (Art. 75.3.1.–7.) as follows. The neotype is designated to clarify the attribution of the name H. cresphontes to the eastern (and not southwestern) species in accord with traditional usage of the name and the type locality of the lectotype (Art. 75.3.1.) The characters to differentiate H. cresphontes from the southwestern species are listed in the first two paragraphs of the Results section and additionally in the Diagnosis section of the description below (Art. 75.3.2.). The neotype and its labels are shown in Figs
Eight names have been considered synonyms of H. cresphontes by
We consider maxwelli to be an available name according to ICZN Code Art. 45.6.4., because (1) it was published before 1961, (2) the author used the terms “var.” and “variety”, and (3) the publication does not unambiguously reveal that the name is infrasubspecific. The entire description text is very short, cited here: “The triangular spot near the apex of the primaries is entirely filled out with sulphur yellow, giving the specimen a striking tropical appearance. This variety is named after my esteemed friend Mrs. J. B. Maxwell, of Faribault, Minn.” (
The name pennsylvanicus was proposed as a subspecies (
The remaining six names are infrasubspecific according to the Articles 45.5. & 45.6. of the ICZN Code, in agreement with
However, the second one, Papilio cresphontes forma melanurus, is from Mexico: Guerrero, and the facies of the holotype imply that it is the southwestern species, not H. cresphontes. Although its name as originally proposed contains the word “forma”, the text of the description (
Male (n=95, Figs
Female (n=28, Figs
Heraclides rumiko type specimens: 7–8 holotype ♂ 9–10 paratype ♀ NVG-2564, data in text and Supplementary Table
Neck pattern, male genitalia, and morphometrics. a–d H. rumiko, paratype, Mexico: Baja California Sur: Buena Vista, 1-Oct-1981, leg. D. Faulkner & F. Andrews, genitalia KS017 [SDMC] A–D H. cresphontes, USA: Georgia: Clark Co. July 2009, genitalia KS009 E Morphometric measurements performed on genitalia and facies and plotted in two dimensions. Horizontal axis is a weighted average of the three genitalic measures: 0.6*”U-B Angle” + 0.2* (B−A)/(C−B) + 0.2*G/H. “U-B Angle” is measured in radians. Vertical axis is a weighted average of the four facies measures: 0.15*”YL” + 0.4*F/P + 0.4*T/V + 0.05 W/D, where “YL” is equal to 0 or 1, if yellow line on the neck is separated into spots or continuous, respectively. Measured distances are indicated on the illustrations. Each of the two (genitalic and facies) linear combinations of measures completely segregates H. rumiko (red points) from H. cresphontes (blue points) specimens (not from central Texas) with a hiatus. Even a single measure “U-B Angle” identifies all specimens correctly, except #12, which has a brachium strongly curved dorsad. Specimen localities: H. cresphontes: 1. GA: Clark Co.; 2. NY: Niagra Co., Lockport; 3. NC: Carteret Co.; 4. IN: Kosciusko Co., Silver Lake; 5. WI: Sauk Co., Sauk City; 6. LA: St. John Pa., Edgard; 7. AR: Osceola; 8. OK: Marshall Co., Lake Texoma; 9. FL: Okeechobee Co., Fort Drum; 10. OH: Montgomery Co., Dayton; 11. PA: York Co., Pinchot State Park. H. rumiko: 12. AZ: Maricopa Co., North Phoenix; 13. AZ: Santa Cruz Co., Sycamore Canyon; 14. CA: Imperial Co.; 15. MX: Veracruz, Fortin de las Flores; 16. MX: Oaxaca, Yangul; 17. Costa Rica: Puntarenas, San Antonio; 18. MX: Tamaulipas, Gomez Farias; 19. MX: Colima, Colima; 20. MX: Sonora; 21. MX: Yukatan, Merida; 22. MX: Morelos, Rancho Viejo; 23. MX: BCS, Buena Vista; 24. MX: Jalisco, Ajajic; 25. CA: San Diego Co., La Jolla; 26. MX: Quintana Roo, nr. X-Can; 27. TX: Val Verde Co., Del Rio; 28. CA: San Diego Co., Pauma Valley. Central Texas specimens are from Bexar (33–38, 42–48), Williamson (39–41), Travis (31, 32), Bastrop (30), and Brazos (29) Counties. Voucher codes for these specimens are: 29. NVG-2236; 30. -2299; 31. -2300; 32. -2174; 33. -2192; 34. -2196; 35. -2205; 36. -2209; 37. -2210; 38. -2216; 39. -2301; 40. -2225; 41. -2229; 42. -2191; 43. -2197; 44. -2204; 45. -2208; 46. -2211; 47. -2215; 48. -2218. Species (color on the plot) is assigned to central Texas specimens by COI barcode. See Supplementary Table
Female genitalia. a–i H. rumiko paratypes [TAMU]: a USA: TX: Cameron Co., Las Palomas WMA, Tucker Unit, 24-Oct-2001, leg. J. & F. Preston, DNA voucher NVG-2238, genitalia NVG140320-79 b, c USA: TX: Hidalgo Co., Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, 13-Oct-1968, leg. R. O. Kendall & C. A. Kendall, NVG-2163 | NVG140320-04 d–f USA: TX: Cameron Co., World Wildlife Management Area nr. Santa Maria, 14-Nov-1971, leg. R. O. Kendall & C. A. Kendall, NVG-2195 | NVG140320-36 g Honduras: Escuela Agrícola Panamericana, 30 km SE Tegucigalpa, 1-May-1985, leg. Vascones, NVG-2221 | NVG140320-62 h Mexico: Durango: Tlahualilo, 20-Aug-1935, leg. C. S. Rude, NVG-2230 | NVG140320-71; i Mexico: Tamaulipas: Cd. Monte, Los Arcos Ct., 8-May-1978, leg. R. O. Kendall & C. A. Kendall, NVG-2185 | NVG140320-26 A–D H. cresphontes, USA: MO: A, B Phelps Co., Mark Twain National Forest, DeWitt Pond, N37.8367 W91.9385, 25-May-2006, J. C. Abbott, NVG-2293 | NVG140403-21 [TMMC] C, D Montgomery Co., NVG-2242 | NVG140320-83 [TAMU]. Ventrolateral view is shown in c, e, B, D (e is left-right inverted), others are in ventral view. All images are to scale shown under a, except f, which is half the size with scale shown to the right.
Facies differences between H. rumiko (left, r) H. cresphontes (right, c) indicated by red triangles and lines. These differences are as follows. 1) Dark spot on forewing: (r) almost always large; (c) variable, but often weak and sometimes absent 2) Forewing margin: (r) often straight with smaller or absent marginal spots; (c) strongly scalloped with yellow marginal spots at dips between veins 3) Forewing submarginal yellow spots: (r) smaller rarely more than three; (c) frequently larger, more than three 4) Thorax with: (r) yellow line running from head through patagia to tegulae; (c) spots instead of the line, or just few yellow scales. 5) Abdomen: (r) usually with a fainter dark band; (c) often with solid dark band 6) Inner edge of black discal band on ventral hindwing: (r) mostly straight; (c) usually curved 7) Tail: (r) mostly narrow and relatively longer; (c) typically rounder and wide, shorter. H. rumiko is usually smaller than H. cresphontes, despite being a southern taxon. Due to significant seasonal and individual variation, none of these characters is fully reliable and exceptions exist. The head-neck-thorax line vs. spots (Fig.
Variation in male genitalia. Left lateral view of genital ring (uncus, brachium, dorsolateral sclerite, tegumen, vinculum and saccus) is shown, valvae, aedeagus and last tergum with pseuduncus are removed. H. cresphontes and H. rumiko localities are shown in blue circles and red disks, respectively.
Genbank accession KP173713, 658 base pairs:
In addition to the holotype, barcodes and ID tags were obtained for 110 paratypes: 93 full-length barcodes (658 to 664 bp), 3 partial barcodes (443 bp) and 14 ID tags (64 bp), see Suppl. material
Holotype: ♂, has the following three rectangular labels: white printed - || USA: TEXAS: Duval Co. | Benavides, CR306, 1.8 mi | W of SH339, 27.6075° −98.4415° | ovum collected 19-Apr-2014 | on Zanthoxylum fagara, adult ecl. | 30-May-2014 Grishin N.V. ||; white printed - || DNA sample ID: | NVG-2565 | c/o Nick V. Grishin ||; red printed - || HOLOTYPE ♂ | Heraclides rumiko Shiraiwa & Grishin ||. Pupal exuvia and larval head capsules are stored with the holotype. The holotype is illustrated in Figs
35 specimens from Texas (mostly central) possessed DNA barcodes of H. rumiko, but many displayed morphological characters somewhat intermediate between those of H. rumiko and H. cresphontes. These specimens with full data are listed in Suppl. material
USA: Texas: Duval Co., Benavides, CR306, 1.8 mi west of SH339, latitude 27°36'27", longitude −98°26'29.4", elevation 124 m. This locality is at the sharp bend of the County Road 306, where several shrubs of Colima (Zanthoxylum fagara [L.] Sarg.) are growing by a fence. The egg that developed into the holotype was found on one of these shrubs.
The species is named to honor the wife of the first author. Pronounced as ’roo(as in rue)-mee(as in meek)-koh(as in cod). The stress is on the first syllable. The name is a noun in apposition.
H. rumiko is recorded from the southwestern United States (mostly southern regions of four states: CA, AZ, NM, and TX) to Panama (DNA barcode data obtained for specimens from Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama). The northernmost barcoded specimen is from northeastern Colorado. In Mexico, H. rumiko tends to be absent from deserts and high mountains, but is found elsewhere (
In the 1960s, H. rumiko began expanding its distribution in California northward, and by the 1980s, it has reached central California (
H. rumiko belongs to the genus Heraclides Hübner, [1819] (type species H. thoas), because it possesses simple, smooth, U-shaped juxta, which is a synapomorphy for the genus. H. rumiko is in the subgenus Heraclides Hübner, [1819] (type species H. thoas), because its uncus is shaped as two paired (i.e., uncus dorsad, brachium ventrad) horn-like processes, similarly to H. thoas, and the harpe lacks a spine directed distad and separated at the end on its ventral surface. H. rumiko is from the cresphontes group because the harpe is rounded, without sharp spines. These taxonomic attributions are also supported by the DNA barcode distances and trees (Fig.
Female genitalia are very variable in both species (Fig.
Larva eats egg shell upon hatching (Fig.
Pupa, 26–36mm in length (Fig.
In south Texas (e.g., near the type locality in Duval County), H. rumiko larvae are found on small to medium size Colima shrubs, Zanthoxylum fagara [L.] Sarg (Fig.
COI DNA barcode distances within Papilionini in a form of a BioNJ (Dereeper et al. 2008) dendrogram built using fraction of nucleotide differences between sequences as distance. The scale bar corresponding to about 1% difference in sequences is shown above the tree. Sequences obtained in this work are with “NVG-” number (see Supplementary Table
COI DNA barcode trees. Trees of representative sequences of Papilionini reconstructed with different methods: a Bayesian inference using MrBayes (alignment partitioned by codon position, nst=6, rates=invgamma, ratepr=variable), posterior probabilities are indicated by the nodes b Maximum likelihood method RAxML (-m GTRGAMMA), bootstrap values are indicated. Posterior probabilities are shown by the nodes (omitted within species). Names of different species are shown in different colors. Sequences obtained in this work are those with “NVG-” number (see Supplementary Table
COI DNA-barcodes. Relationships between Heraclides specimens from the cresphontes, thoas and paeon groups in a form of RAxML (
Localities of H. cresphontes and H. rumiko specimens with available DNA barcode information. Color of circles corresponds to species: H. cresphontes - blue (based on 112 DNA COI barcode sequences, 103 obtained in this work); H. rumiko - red (based on 183 barcodes, 146 obtained in this work), split red/blue circles mark localities where both H. cresphontes and H. rumiko were recorded. Type localities for taxa with available names are indicated with a corresponding name followed by “TL”. We treat Papilio cresphontes var. maxwelli Franck, 1919 & Papilio cresphontes pennsylvanicus F. Chermock & R. Chermock, 1945 as junior subjective synonyms of H. cresphontes. Countries and states (for USA and Mexico) with records are labeled.
Life history: eggs and 1st instar caterpillars. a–x H. rumiko types, USA: TX: Duval Co., Benavides A–I H. cresphontes, USA: TX: Denton Co., Grapevine Lake, Murrell Park a–j, A–C ova; k–x, D–I 1st instar caterpillars; 1 mm scale shown on panels d, p and H refers to all images except a, which shows a typical position for an egg on a fresh leaf. In Figs
Life history: 2nd and 3rd instar caterpillars. a–r H. rumiko, USA: TX: Duval Co., Benavides A–K H. cresphontes, USA: TX: Denton Co., Grapevine Lake, Murrell Park a–k, A–E 2nd and k–r, F–K 3rd instar caterpillars; 0.5 cm scale shown on panels m and K refers to all images. Sexes and voucher numbers (where available) and dates: a–c paratype ♀ NVG-2564, 25-Apr-2014 d–f paratype ♀ NVG-2563, 25-Apr-2014 g–i larva #7 (died), 29-Apr-2014 j–k paratype ♂ NVG-2559, 25-Apr-2014 l–o paratype ♂ NVG-2559, 27-Apr-2014 p–r paratype ♀ NVG-2564, 29-Apr-2014 A–B, F–K ♂ NVG-2760, 22-Jun-2014 (A–B), 24-Jun-2014 (F–H), 26-Jun-2014 (I–K) C–E ♀ NVG-2741, 16-Jun-2014.
Life history: 4th and 5th instar caterpillars. a–n H. rumiko, USA: TX: Duval Co., Benavides A–K H. cresphontes, USA: TX: Denton Co., Grapevine Lake, Murrell Park a–e, A–F 4th and f–n, G–K 5th instar caterpillars; 1 cm scale shown on panels c and I refers to all images. Sexes and voucher numbers (where available) and dates: a–b, f–n is the same individual (larva #2, died, shown in Fig.
Life history: 5th instar caterpillars and prepupae. a–j H. rumiko, USA: TX: Duval Co., Benavides A–K H. cresphontes, USA: TX: Denton Co., Grapevine Lake, Murrell Park a–h, A–J 5th instar caterpillars and i–j, K prepupae; 1 cm scale shown on panels a and K refers to all images. Sexes and voucher numbers (where available) and dates: a–c larva #2, died (shown in Fig.
Life history: pupae. a–l H. rumiko types, USA: TX: Duval Co., Benavides A–F H. cresphontes, USA: TX: Denton Co., Grapevine Lake, Murrell Park; 1 cm scale shown on panels b and l refers to all images. Sexes and voucher numbers (where available) and dates: a–c holotype ♂ NVG-2565, 17-May-2014 d–f paratype ♂ NVG-2559, 17-May-2014 g–i paratype ♀ NVG-2563, 17-May-2014 j–l paratype ♀ NVG-2564, 17-May-2014 (adult Figs
Foodplants most commonly used by Heraclides caterpillars. a–c Zanthoxylum fagara [L.] Sarg (Colima, Lime Prickly-ash), USA: TX: Duval Co., Benavides, 19-Apr-2014, used by H. rumiko A–C Zanthoxylum clava-herculis L. (Hercules’s club, Pepperwood), USA: TX: Denton Co., Grapevine Lake, Murrell Park, 26-Apr-2014, used by H. cresphontes.
Speculations about origins of the H. cresphontes group species. Left panel: Ancestor of H. cresphontes might have originated in eastern North America (red area), speciating from a more southern H. thoas. During Pleistocene, glaciation and cooler climate (blue arrows) forced H. cresphontes ancestor south through two possible paths: to Mexico and to Florida-Caribbean islands (red arrows). Resulting populations got isolated and differentiated into four species. Right panel: With retreat of glaciation (blue arrows), eastern H. cresphontes moved back to eastern North America; southwestern H. rumiko moved north through west and east Mexico; H. melonius got trapped and speciated further in Jamaica. H. homothoas probably evolved in northern South America arriving from the Caribbean islands through Trinidad and moved north to Costa Rica thus overlapping with H. rumiko in distribution.
Subgenera of Heraclides. To gain better understanding of Heraclides taxonomy, we determined new and retrieved available COI DNA barcodes for a number of species and subspecies from the Tribe Papilionini. The resulting distance dendrogram and trees are shown in Figs
Species in the genus Heraclides group into five prominent clades that can be treated as subgenera (Fig.
Subgenus Heraclides. Species with available barcode sequences in the subgenus Heraclides can be partitioned into five species groups. The cresphontes group includes four species: H. cresphontes, H. rumiko, H. homothoas, and H. melonius. Relationships between them are statistically unresolved, but the tree topology is reasonable. H. melonius splits out first, in agreement with its isolation in Jamaica and more significant differences in genitalia of both sexes: e.g., long pseuduncus (H. melonius was originally described as a subspecies of H. thoas), harpe with a terminal knob, vestigial labella postvaginalis, and much enlarged vestibular figs. H. rumiko is a sister to H. cresphontes in accord with pronounced similarities between these two species.
Analysis of the thoas group revealed that the Cuban taxon is very distant from the rest, showing more than 5% difference in COI barcodes, a difference much larger than the divergence within the cresphontes group falling within 3.5% (Figs
In agreement with
The machaonides group consists of two species: H. machaonides (Esper, 1796) and very distant from it H. andraemon Hübner, [1823] with its three subspecies: nominate, H. a. bonhotei (Sharpe, 1900), and H. a. tailori (Rothschild & Jordan, 1906), which are rather close to each other in DNA barcodes (within 1.5%). Limited divergence in DNA is consistent with morphological similarities, and these three taxa are best treated as subspecies of H. andraemon.
Subgenus Calaides. While we have not performed detailed analysis of other subgenera in Heraclides, we notice and correct two inconsistencies between the current taxonomy and similarities of DNA barcodes in the subgenus Calaides (Figs
Discrepancy between barcodes and morphology. Generally, we see excellent agreement of the DNA barcode trees (Figs
To summarize the nomenclature of the H. cresphontes group, we provide a synonymic list of its species. Name combination from the original description is used for each synonym (= subjective synonyms; =† objective synonyms; =‡ unavailable names) and for species is given after “|”. Format of the data: reference to the description | category of a primary type (HT holotype, ST syntypes, LT lectotype, NT neotype) - type locality; collection where primary types are stored. Inferred information is placed in brackets []. Type locality is given as a geographic position, not verbatim from the original description.
Genus Heraclides Hübner, [1819]
Verz. bekannt. Schmett. (2): 83-84. Type species: Papilio thoas Linnaeus, 1771; designated by Scudder (1875) Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci., Boston 10(2): 187, no. 517
Subgenus Heraclides Hübner, [1819]
=†Thoas Swainson, 1833
Zool. Illustr. (2)3(26): pl. 121, unnumbered text. Type species: Papilio thoas Linnaeus, 1771; by tautonymy
cresphontes species group
Heraclides cresphontes Cramer, [1777] | Pap[ilio]. Equ[es]. Achiv[us]. Cresphontes | Eastern Giant Swallowtail
Uitl. Kapellen 2(14): 106-107, pl. 165 f. A ♀ D&V, pl. 166 f. B ♂ D (LT) | NT - USA: NY: Brooklyn; USNM
=†Heraclides Oxilus Hübner, [1819]
Verz. bek. Schmett. (2): 83 (replacement name for H. cresphontes)
=‡Papilio cresphontes ab. (nov.) lurida Schultz, 1908
Entomol. Z. 22(23): 92 | ST - “North America”; ?; assignment to H. cresphontes is speculative
=‡Papilio thoas cresphontes ab. luxuriosa Reiff, 1911
Z. wiss. InsektBiol. 7(5/6): 159 | HT - USA: MI: Detroit; MCZ
=‡Papilio cresphontes ab. intacta Strand, 1918
Soc. Ent. 33(12): 47; referred to Seitz (1907) Gross-Schmett. Erde 5: pl. 7 f. a [2] | ST - ?; ?
= Papilio cresphontes var. maxwelli Franck, 1919
Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 14(1): 3, f. 2 ♂ D (HT) | HT - USA: FL: Pinellas Co., St. Petersburg; USNM
=‡Papilio cresphontes f. forsythae Gunder, 1933
Can. Ent. 65(8): 171 | HT - USA: FL: Miami-Dade Co., Florida City; AMNH
= Papilio cresphontes pennsylvanicus Chermock & Chermock, 1945
Proc. Penn. Acad. Sci. 19: 38-39 | HT - USA: PA: Centre Co., State College; CMNH
Heraclides rumiko Shiraiwa & Grishin, 2014 | Heraclides rumiko | Western Giant Swallowtail
ZooKeys 468: 85–135 | HT - USA: TX: Duval Co., Benavides; USNM
=‡Papilio cresphontes forma melanurus Hoffmann, 1940
An. Inst. Biol. Univ. Méx. 11(2): 633-634 | ST - Mexico, Guerrero; AMNH
Heraclides homothoas (Rothschild & Jordan, 1906) | Papilio homothoas | False Giant Swallowtail
Novit. Zool. 13(3): 561-562, no. 67 | ST - Venezuela: Ciudad Bolivar, Lower Orinoco; BMNH
Heraclides melonius (Rothschild & Jordan, 1906) | Papilio thoas melonius | Jamaican Giant Swallowtail
Novit. Zool. 13(3): 556, no. 66a | HT - Jamaica; BMNH
The Giant Swallowtail H. cresphontes is one of the largest butterflies in the United States, found mainly in the eastern US, from southern Canada to Florida and central Texas (Figs
We follow
First, divergence within each of the three genera is already very significant, reaching 10% sequence difference in the COI DNA barcode. In recent work on Lycaenidae, new criteria were proposed to delineate genera, i.e., “genera can be recognized as those lineages that originated in the late Miocene (older than 5 Myr)” (
Second, each of the three Papilionini genera can be further divided into meaningful subgenera to denote finer groupings of species that correlate with phylogeny and morphology. For instance, in Heraclides, our analysis supports five subgenera (Fig.
Third, the most important utility about using the three genera instead of Papilio s.l. is the gain of a taxonomic hierarchy level to describe complex phylogenetic relationships within Papilionini. When Papilio s.l. is used, it equates to the tribe (tribe = one genus) and we essentially lose a classification level and thus the ability to describe the finer phylogenetic structure of the tree by names. For all these reasons, we think that the simple three-genus system of the native New World Papilionini will stand the test of time.
In contrast to genus, species is a more objective biological category. A number of species concepts has been proposed (
While hybridization experiments followed by fitness measurements in hybrids and backcrosses may be decisive in delineating species boundaries, phenotypic differences and genetic divergence are used as more practical criteria. If two populations of the same species have spent significant time in isolation, mutations randomly accumulating in them are likely to cause incompatibilities upon interbreeding, leading to speciation. Some mutations may also cause phenotypic effects, allowing researchers to recognize species by morphological characters. Gene regions rich in neural mutations, such as the COI barcode, are used as yardsticks to estimate divergence between populations. Larger divergence between populations indicates higher chance of speciation. No universal threshold for divergence to mean speciation is possible. Recently formed species may have identical DNA barcodes. High barcode variability within population may lead to conspecific individuals with large barcode differences. To derive sensible conclusions, comparison of barcode variation within and between populations is necessary. Since similar evolutionary mechanisms frequently occur in related organisms, evaluation of barcode variability across the genus is desirable. Finally, correlation between DNA differences and morphological differences is most effective for delineation of species.
In many animals, allopatric populations of the same species characterized by measurable morphological differences, such as those in shapes and colors, are frequently named as subspecies. Typically, subspecies diverged in morphology very recently. Therefore, differences between their DNA barcodes are small compared to those between species. Some of these subspecies are on a path to speciation. Given longer time, and thus more mutations accumulating in the DNA barcode, reproductive incompatibility between these populations will arise. Random extinctions of various populations prune phylogenetic tree and lead to formation of discrete clades that form various clusters. Comparative analysis of these clades and clusters suggests taxonomic hypotheses.
We applied these ideas to selected Neotropical representatives of the tribe Papilionini (Fig.
DNA barcodes of H. cresphontes and H. rumiko show less than 0.5% difference within each species, but differ by 2.9% between them (Figs
Distribution ranges of H. cresphontes and H. rumiko overlap in central Texas, mostly from Austin to Houston and San Antonio. The two species almost certainly hybridize where they meet. We see that some individuals from the overlap zone show intermediate characteristics and are probable hybrids (Fig.
Ultimately, there is no proof, but a hypothesis—or prediction—that we think has a better chance of standing the test of time. Given all the information we assembled, our bet is on the species (and not subspecies) status of H. rumiko, which offers a treatment more consistent with how other Papilionini are currently classified (
As a summary, we observe three levels of differentiation at and near the species level. First, there are clusters of populations with small genetic differences between them (mostly within 1% in COI barcodes, sometimes no difference at all), but certain geographic differences in wing patters. These populations could be defined as subspecies. Next, there are groups with larger genetic differences (typically above 2% in COI barcodes, but could be less), frequently characterized by measurable differences in genitalia. These groups could be called species. Finally, several mostly allopatric species characterized by closely related phenotypes form very distinct genotypic groups (usually more than 5% in COI barcodes) could be termed a superspecies. All these levels are seen in Heraclides (Fig.
The 3% difference in DNA barcodes of H. cresphontes and H. rumiko suggests that the two species diverged between 1 and 3 million years ago (
In our medium-scale barcoding study we didn’t see any significant invasion of H. cresphontes and H. rumiko into each other’s ranges (Fig.
“Giant Swallowtail” is one of the species used in butterfly release ceremonies across the US. USDA lists H. cresphontes as one of the nine species of butterflies that can be transported across state lines and released into the wild under a permit (
Qian Cong is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Student Research fellow. We thank Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (Natural Resources Program Director David H. Riskind) for the permit #08-02Rev making research based on material collected in Texas State Parks possible. We are grateful to Edward G. Riley (Texas A & M University insect collection, College Station, TX), Brian Harris, Robert K. Robbins, and John M. Burns (National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC), James R. Reddell (University of Texas at Austin Insect Collection, Austin, TX), Paul A. Opler (Colorado State University Collection, Fort Collins, CO), Rebekah Shuman Baquiran (The Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, IL), David Grimaldi and Lesley Thayer (American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY), Andrew D. Warren (McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, Gainesville, FL), John Chainey, David Lees, and Blanca Huertas (Natural History Museum, London, UK), Michael Wall and Jim Berrian (San Diego Natural History Museum, San Diego, CA), and Brian Brown (Los Angeles County Natural History Museum, Los Angeles, CA), for facilitating access to the collections under their care, loans of specimens, and stimulating discussions; to Rob de Vos (Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, Netherlands) for search for possible H. cresphontes syntypes; to Jonathan P. Pelham for fruitful discussions, encouragement and assistance in obtaining difficult to find papers; to Delano Lewis for help and generously sharing his expert knowledge of Heraclides swallowtails; to Bill Dempwolf, Dale Clark, Jim P. Brock, and Mark Walker for Heraclides specimens much needed for the analysis; to Jeremy Kuhn for Papilionidae legs, data and specimens; to Floyd and June Preston for collecting H. homothoas in Venezuela over 60 years ago and flawlessly storing the specimens in glassine envelopes for all these years; to Gerardo Lamas for the photographs of a possible H. cresphontes syntype, discussions, and advice; to Michelle Warren, who generously provided H. rumiko eggs from her home in San Diego for rearing; to Paul Opler for all the help, encouragements, review of the manuscript, and corrections; and to Brian Banker for reading the manuscript, information, and edits, and to the reviewers for helpful comments and suggestions. Without everyone’s help, we would have never finished this work.
Supplementary Table 1
Data type: specimen data.
Explanation note: Data for specimens with DNA sequences determined in this study.