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Corresponding author: Yuxia Yang ( ) Academic editor: Lyubomir Penev
© 2014 Yuxia Yang, Junyan Su, Xingke Yang.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Yang Y, Su J, Yang X (2014) Description of six new species of Lycocerus Gorham (Coleoptera, Cantharidae), with taxonomic note and new distribution data of some other species. ZooKeys 456: 85-107.
Six new species of Lycocerus Gorham are described, L. gracilicornis sp. n. (China: Sichuan), L. longihirtus sp. n. (China: Yunnan), L. sichuanus sp. n. (China: Sichuan), L. hubeiensis sp. n. (China: Hubei), L. napolovi sp. n. (Vietnam: Sa Pa) and L. quadrilineatus sp. n. (Vietnam: Sa Pa), and provided with illustrations of habitus, antennae and aedeagi of male or and antennae, abdominal sternites VIII and genitalia of female. L. rubroniger Švihla, 2011 is synonymized with L. obscurus Pic, 1916. L. hickeri Pic, 1934 and L. obscurus are provided with illustrations of abdominal sternites VIII of female. Nine species are recorded from China for the first time, L. bicoloripennis (Pic, 1924), L. caliginostus Gorham, 1889, L. jendeki Švihla, 2005, L. malaisei (Wittmer, 1995), L. obscurus, L. olivaceus (Wittmer, 1995), L. purpureus Kazantsev, 2007, L. ruficornis (Wittmer, 1995) and L. semiextensus (Wittmer, 1995), and L. ruficornis is also recorded for Myanmar for the first time.
Taxonomy, Lycocerus , new species, synonym, new records, China, Vietnam, Myanmar
Lycocerus Gorham, 1889 sensu lato (
Additionally, L. rubroniger Švihla, 2011 is considered to be a junior synonym of L. obscurus Pic, 1916. Besides, nine species are recorded from China for the first time: L. bicoloripennis (Pic, 1924), L. caliginostus Gorham, 1889, L. jendeki Švihla, 2005, L. malaisei (Wittmer, 1995), L. obscurus, L. olivaceus (Wittmer, 1995), L. purpureus Kazantsev, 2007, L. ruficornis (Wittmer, 1995) and L. semiextensus (Wittmer, 1995), and L. ruficornis is also a first record for Myanmar.
The material is preserved in the following collections, and the primary types were returned to the collections from which they were borrowed or were otherwise deposited in public museums.
CAS California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA;
IZAS Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China;
MCSNG Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “Giacomo Doria”, Genova, Italy;
MHBU Museum of Hebei University, Baoding, China;
MNHN Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France;
NHMB Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Switzerland;
NMPC Narodni muzeum, Praha, Czech Republic;
ZIN Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia.
The genitalia of both sexes and abdominal sternites VIII of females were dissected and cleared in 10% KOH solution, and the female genitalia was dyed with hematoxylin. Habitus photos were taken with a Leica M205 A microscope, multiple layers were stacked using Combine ZM (Helicon Focus 5.3). Line drawings were made with the aid of camera lucida attached to a Leica MZ12.5 stereomicroscope, then edited in CorelDRAW 12 and Adobe Photoshop 8.0.1.
Complete label data are listed for type specimens, using brackets “[ ]” for our remarks and comments, [p] indicating that the following data are printed and [h] that they are handwritten. Quotation marks are used to separate data from different labels and a backslash “\” to separate data from different lines of the same label.
Body length was measured from the anterior margin of the clypeus to the elytral apex and body width across the humeral part of elytra. Morphological terminology of female genitalia follows that of
Antennae (Fig.
China (Yunnan, Sichuan, Hubei); Vietnam (Sa Pa).
This species group could be distinguished from other species of Lycocerus by the characteristic sculpture and pubescence of elytra. The female genitalia of the species are very similar, but each could be differentiated by the structure of aedeagus, abdominal sternite VIII of female, antennae, pronotum and tarsal claws of both sexes.
1 | Pro- and meso-outer tarsal claws each with a basal projection in male | 2 |
– | All claws simple in male | 4 |
2 | Pronotum nearly as long as wide; aedeagus: dorsal fig of each paramere with inner margin nearly arcuate | L. longihirtus sp. n. |
– | Pronotum distinctly longer than wide; aedeagus: dorsal fig of each paramere with inner margin bisinuate | 3 |
3 | Aedeagus: ventral process of each paramere even and nearly straight in lateral view | L. sichuanus sp. n. |
– | Aedeagus: ventral process of each paramere narrowed at base and slightly bent dorsally in lateral view | L. hubeiensis sp. n. |
4 | Pronotum nearly as long as wide, with lateral margins slightly diverging posteriorly | 5 |
– | Pronotum longer than wide, with lateral margins moderately diverging posteriorly | 6 |
5 | Antennae with middle antennomeres widened apically; elytra not darkened at elytral interstices, elytral venation well-developed, distinctly costate | L. hickeri Pic, 1934 |
– | Antennae nearly filiform; elytra darkened at the second elytral interstices, elytral venation slightly developed, not costate | L. gracilicornis sp. n. |
6 | Elytra black at all elytral interstices; pronotum distinctly longer than wide; aedeagus: ventral process of each paramere normal, nearly straight in lateral view, dorsal fig with inner margin nearly straight, outer angle obtuse-angled | L. quadrilineatus sp. n. |
– | Elytra black at the first and second elytral interstices; pronotum slightly longer than wide; aedeagus: ventral process of each paramere flattened and twist in middle in ventral view, distinctly bent dorsally in lateral view, dorsal fig with inner margin distinctly protuberant in middle, outer angle triangular and bent ventrally | L. napolovi sp. n. |
Lycocerus hickeri Pic, 1934: 46.
Athemellus hickeri: Kazantsev, 1999: 119.
Lectotype ♀ (NHMB): [p] “Asia, China”, [p] “coll. Richard \ Hicker, Wien”, [h] “hickeri n. sp.”, [p] “Athemus \ hickeri (Pic) \ det. S. Kasantsev 1996”, [p] “LECTOTYPUS”, [p] “CANTHARIDAE \ CANTH00000915”.
This species was described on the basis of female types, and its locality is not accurate within China. Here the abdominal sternite VIII (Fig.
Holotype ♂ (IZAS): CHINA, Sichuan, Yajiang to 5km of Litang, 2595m, leg. Gan-Yan Yang. Paratypes: CHINA, Sichuan: 2♂♂ (IZAS): Yajiang, Hekou, Shanbeihou, 2838m, 27.V.2009, leg. Gan-Yan Yang; 1♂ (IZAS): Yajiang, 24.V.2009, leg. Feng Yuan; 1♂ (IZAS): Yajiang, Bajiaolou, 29.V.2009, leg. Zhi-Liang Wang [the above are all transliterated from Chinese labels]; 1♂ (NHMB): “CHINA, Sichuan prov., Mts W. Bamei, 3750m, 12.08.2005, leg. S. Murzin”.
China (Sichuan).
Male (Fig.
Head evenly narrowed behind eyes, surface densely and finely punctate, semilustrous, covered with dense, fine, yellowish brown decumbent pubescence; eyes moderately protruding, head width across eyes moderately wider than anterior margin of pronotum; terminal maxillary palpomeres long-triangular, arcuate and sharp at apical one-third length of inner margins; antennae (Fig.
Pronotum nearly as long as wide, widest near posterior margin, anterior margin arcuate, anterior angles rounded, lateral margins slightly diverging posteriorly, posterior angles rectangular, posterior margin slightly arcuate and narrowly bordered, disc moderately convex at posterolateral parts, surface punctate and pubescent like that of head, semilustrous.
Elytra about 5.5 times longer than pronotum, 4.0 times as long as humeral width, which about one-third wider than posterior margin of pronotum, lateral margins nearly parallel, elytral venation slightly developed, not costate.
All tarsal claws simple.
Abdominal sternite IX long-triangular. Aedeagus (Figs
Female. Unknown.
Body length (males): 8.0–10.0 mm; width: 2.0–2.2 mm.
This specific name is derived from Latin gracilis (narrow) + cornu (horn), referring its antennomeres III–XI nearly parallel-sided.
This species is similar to L. hickeri Pic, but the antennae filiform, with antennomeres III–XI nearly parallel-sided; elytral venation less developed and the second elytral interstices darkened.
Holotype ♂ (MHBU): CHINA, Yunnan, Yunlong, Tianchi Nat. Res., 9.VII.2011, leg. Hao-Yu Liu. Paratype: 1♂ (MHBU): same data as holotype. [Both transliterated from Chinese labels].
China (Yunnan).
Male (Fig.
Head evenly narrowed behind eyes, surface densely and finely punctate, semilustrous, covered with dense, fine, yellowish brown decumbent pubescence; eyes moderately protruding, head width across eyes moderately wider than anterior margin of pronotum; terminal maxillary palpomeres long-triangular, arcuate and sharp at apical one-third length of inner margins; antennae (Fig.
Pronotum nearly as long as wide, widest near posterior margin, anterior margin arcuate, anterior angles rounded, lateral margins slightly diverging posteriorly, posterior angles rectangular, posterior margin slightly arcuate and narrowly bordered, disc moderately convex at posterolateral parts, surface punctate and pubescent like that of head, semilustrous.
Elytra about 5.8 times longer than pronotum, 4.0 times longer than humeral width, which about one-third wider than posterior margin of pronotum, lateral margins nearly parallel, elytral venations moderately developed, slightly costate.
Pro- and meso-outer tarsal claws each with a basal projection.
Abdominal sternite IX long-triangular. Aedeagus (Figs
Female. Unknown.
Body length (males): 8.0–9.0 mm; width: 1.8–2.0 mm.
This specific name is derived from Latin longus (long) and hirtus (hairy), referring to its aedeagus: dorsal fig of each paramere covered with long pubescence along apical margin.
This species is similar to L. gracilicornis sp. n., but the antennomeres III–VIII widened apically, nearly long-triangular; elytral venation moderately developed, slightly costate; aedeagus: dorsal fig of each paramere evenly narrowed apically, inner margin arcuate, apical margin around with long pubescence.
Holotype ♂ (IZAS): CHINA, Sichuan, Mt. Emei, Xixiangchi, 1800–2000m, 12.VII.1957, leg. Zong-Yuan Wang. Paratypes: CHINA, Sichuan: 1♂ (IZAS): Mt. Emei, Jiulaodong, 1800–1900m, 26.VII.1957, leg. Ke-Ren Huang; 1♀ (IZAS): same locality, 31.VII.1957, leg. You-Cai Yu; 1♀ (IZAS): same locality, 30.VII. 1957, leg. You-Cai Yu; 1♀ (IZAS): same locality, 14.VIII.1957, leg. Zong-Yuan Wang [the above are all transliterated from Chinese labels]; 1♂ (NHMB): “CHINA, Sichuan prov., 70km West Chengdu, Qingcheng Hou Shan mts., 30°44'N, 103°08'E, 1500m, 8.–14.VI.2005, leg. S. Murzin”.
China (Sichuan).
Male (Fig.
Head evenly narrowed behind eyes, surface densely and finely punctate, semilustrous, covered with dense, fine, yellowish brown decumbent pubescence; eyes strongly protruding, head width across eyes distinctly wider than anterior margin of pronotum; terminal maxillary palpomere long-triangular, nearly truncate and sharp at apical one-third length of inner margin; antennae (Fig.
Pronotum distinctly longer than wide, widest near posterior margin, anterior margin rounded, anterior angles rounded, lateral margins moderately diverging posteriorly, slightly sinuate at anterior portion, posterior angles rectangular, posterior margin slightly arcuate and narrowly bordered, disc moderately convex at posterolateral parts, surface punctate and pubescent like that of head, semilustrous.
Elytra about 4.7 times longer than pronotum, 3.7 times longer than humeral width, which about one-third wider than posterior margin of pronotum, lateral margins nearly parallel, elytral venations moderately developed, slightly costate.
Pro- and meso-outer tarsal claws each with a basal projection.
Abdominal sternite IX long-triangular. Aedeagus (Figs
Female. Similar to the male, but eyes less protruding; antennae (Fig.
Body length (both sexes): 8.0–10.0 mm; width: 1.8–2.0 mm.
This specific name is derived from its locality, Sichuan Province, China.
This species is similar to L. hubeiensis sp. n., but differs from the latter by the antennae of female much narrower, antennomeres III about twice as long as wide at apices; aedeagus: ventral process of each paramere even and nearly straight in lateral view; abdominal sternite VIII of female with the portion between middle and lateral emarginations of posterior margin obtuse-angled at apex.
Holotype ♂ (MHBU): CHINA, Hubei, Dalaoling Nat. Res., 1200m, 9.VII.2011, leg. Xue-Song Guan. Paratypes: CHINA, Hubei: 1♀ (MHBU): Dalaoling Nat. Res., 1200m, 9.VII.2011, leg. Xiao-Long Yang; 1♀ (MHBU): same data, 10.VII.2011; 1♂ (MHBU): Badong, Lvcongpo, 1700m, 18.VII.2006, leg. Jun-Hua Wan; 1♀ (MHBU): Badong, Tiansanping, 1500m, 14.VII.2006, leg. Ping Hu; 1♀ (MHBU): Shennongjia, Bajiaomiao, 900–1300m, 17.VII.2003, leg. Yuan He; 1♀ (MHBU): same locality, 19.VII.2003, leg. Jun Ma; 1♂ (MHBU): Shennongjia, Wenshui Forestry, 1700–2000m, 20.VII.2003, leg. Hua He; 1♀ (MHBU): Wufeng, Houhe, 21.VII.2002, leg. Ying Shi; 1♀ (IZAS): Xingshan, Longmenhe, 1300m, 15.VI.1993, leg. Jian Yao; 1♀ (IZAS): same locality, 1350m, 18.VII.1993, leg. Xiao-Lin Chen; 1♀ (IZAS): same locality, 1400m, 22.VII.1993, leg. Shi-Mei Song; 1♀ (IZAS): same locality, 1670m, 23.VII.1993, leg. Xing-Ke Yang. [All are transliterated from Chinese labels].
China (Hubei).
Male (Fig.
Head evenly narrowed behind eyes, surface densely and finely punctate, semilustrous, covered with dense, fine, yellowish brown decumbent pubescence; eyes strongly protruding, head width across eyes distinctly wider than anterior margin of pronotum; terminal maxillary palpomere long-triangular, nearly truncate and sharp at apical one-third length of inner margin; antennae (Fig.
Pronotum distinctly longer than wide, widest near posterior margin, anterior margin rounded, anterior angles rounded, lateral margins moderately diverging posteriorly, slightly sinuate at anterior portion, posterior angles rectangular, posterior margin slightly arcuate and narrowly bordered, disc moderately convex at posterolateral parts, surface punctate and pubescent like that of head, semilustrous.
Elytra about 5.3 times longer than pronotum, 3.7 times longer than humeral width, which about one-third wider than posterior margin of pronotum, lateral margins nearly parallel, elytral venations moderately developed, slightly costate.
Pro- and meso-outer tarsal claws each with a basal projection.
Abdominal sternite IX long-triangular. Aedeagus (Figs
Female. Similar to male, but eyes less protruding; antennae (Fig.
Body length (both sexes): 7.5–11.0 mm; width: 1.5–2.3 mm.
This specific name is derived from its locality, Hubei Province, China.
This species is similar to L. sichuanus sp. n. in the aedeagus, but differs from the latter by the antennae of female much wider, antennomeres III about 1.6 times longer than wide at apices; aedeagus: ventral process of each paramere narrowed at base and slightly bent dorsally in lateral view; abdominal sternite VIII of female with the portion between middle and lateral emarginations of posterior margin rounded at apex.
Holotype ♂ (ZIN): “Vietnam N, (Sa Pa), Lao Cai prov., 250km from Hanoi bearing 310#, Sa Pa vill. env., Hoang Lien Son Nat. Res., 1250-1300m, 15.-21.6.1998, leg. A. Napolov”.
Vietnam (Sa Pa).
Male (Fig.
Head evenly narrowed behind eyes, surface densely and finely punctate, semilustrous, covered with dense, fine, yellowish brown decumbent pubescence; eyes strongly protruding, head width across eyes distinctly wider than anterior margin of pronotum; terminal maxillary palpomere long-triangular, nearly truncate and sharp at apical one-third length of inner margin; antennae (Fig.
Pronotum distinctly longer than wide, widest near posterior margin, anterior margin rounded, anterior angles rounded, lateral margins moderately diverging posteriorly, slightly sinuate at anterior portion, posterior angles rectangular, posterior margin slightly arcuate and narrowly bordered, disc moderately convex at posterolateral parts, surface punctate and pubescent like that of head, semilustrous.
Elytra about 5.3 times longer than pronotum, 4.0 times longer than humeral width, which about one-third wider than posterior margin of pronotum, lateral margins nearly parallel, elytral venations moderately developed, slightly costate.
All tarsal claws simple.
Abdominal sternite IX long-triangular. Aedeagus (Figs
Female. Unknown.
Body length (male): 9.0 mm; width: 1.5 mm.
Patronymic, dedicated to its collector, Alexander Napolov (Riga, Latvia).
This species could be easily distinguished from others by its aedeagus: ventral process of each paramere slightly flattened and twist in middle in ventral view, distinctly bent dorsally in lateral view, dorsal fig with a longitudinal ridge in middle of basal portion, membranous between inner margin and the ridge.
The left mesoleg and right metatarsomeres II–V of the holotype are missing.
Holotype ♂ (ZIN): “N. Vietnam, Sa Pa env., 1200m, 20.V.1999, leg. Ozlov”. Paratypes: 1♀ (ZIN): same data as holotype; 1♀ (ZIN): “ВЬЕТНАМ [Vietnam] горы, у ША-ПА [Sa Pa], 1600–2000m, 5.6.1963г, Каьакое [Kabakov]”.
Vietnam (Sa Pa).
Male (Fig.
Head evenly narrowed behind eyes, surface densely and finely punctate, semilustrous, covered with dense, fine, yellowish brown decumbent pubescence; eyes strongly protruding, head width across eyes distinctly wider than anterior margin of pronotum; terminal maxillary palpomere long-triangular, nearly truncate and sharp at apical one-third length of inner margin; antennae (Fig.
Pronotum slightly longer than wide, widest near posterior margin, anterior margin rounded, anterior angles rounded, lateral margins moderately diverging posteriorly, slightly sinuate at anterior portion, posterior angles rectangular, posterior margin slightly arcuate and narrowly bordered, disc moderately convex at posterolateral parts, surface punctate and pubescent like that of head, matt.
Elytra about 4.3 times longer than pronotum, 3.5 times longer than humeral width, which about one-third wider than posterior margin of pronotum, lateral margins nearly parallel, elytral venations well-developed, moderately costate.
All tarsal claws simple.
Abdominal sternite IX long-triangular. Aedeagus (Figs
Female. Similar to the male, but eyes less protruding; antennae (Fig.
Body length (both sexes): 8.5–10.0 mm; width: 2.0–2.2 mm.
The specific name is derived from Latin quadrus (four) and linea (stripe), referring to its elytra darkened at all of the four elytral interstices.
This species can be easily distinguished from other species by the elytra darkened at all elytral interstices, elytral venation well-developed; all claws simple in male, pro- and meso-outer and inner tarsal claws each with a basal projection in female; aedeagus: dorsal fig of each paramere not narrowed apically.
Cantharis bicoloripennis Pic, 1924: 478.
Athemus (s. str.) bicoloripennis:
Holotype: 1 ♂ (MNHN): [p]“MUSEUM PARIS \ SIKKIM \ DARDJILING \ HARMAND 1890”, [h]“Det. M. Pic (Digoin) \ Cantharis \ bicoloripennis \ n. sp.”, [h]“Athemus \ bicoloripennis \ (Pic) \ det. W. Wittmer”, [p]“HOLOTYPUS”.
CHINA, Xizang: 1 ♂ (IZAS): Nyalam, Zham, 2200m, 28.VI.1975, leg. Zi-Qing Wang; 1 ♂, 1 ♀ (HBUM): Zham, 5.–6.VII.2004, leg. Yi-Bin Ba & Ai-Min Shi.
China (new record: Xizang); Nepal, India (
Lycocerus caliginostus Gorham, 1889: 110.
Lycocerus vittaticollis Champion, 1926: 255. [Synonymized by
Lectotype of Lycocerus caliginostus: 1♀ (MNHN): without locality data, [h]“Lycocerus \ caliginosus \ Gorh.”, [p] “TYPE”.
Paratype of Lycocerus vittaticollis: 1♀ (NHMB): [p]“Birmah \ Ruby-mines”, [p]“Doherty”, [p]“Frey Coll. \ 1905.100.”, [p]“♀”, [p]“Para \ type”, [p]“Lycoerus \ (?) vittaticollis, \ Champ. ”, [p]“E.M.M. 1926 \ det. G.C.C.”, [h]“L. \ vittaticollis \ Champ. \ det. W. Wittmer”, [h]“Athemus \ caliginosus (Gorh.) \det. S. Kazantsev 1996”, [p]“CANTHARIDAE \ CANTH00002784”, [p]“Naturhistorisches \ Museum Basel \ Coll. W. Wittmer”.
CHINA, Yunnan: 1♀ (IZAS): Menghai, Nannuoshan, 1100–1500m, 27.IV.1957, leg. Guang-Ji Hong; 1♀ (IZAS): Xiaomengyang, 850m, 3.V.1957, leg. Panfilov; 1♂ (IZAS): same data, 2.IV.1957, leg. Ling-Chao Zang; 1♂ (IZAS): Menghai, Nannuoshan, 1250m, 24.IV.1957, leg. Panfilov; 1♂ (IZAS): Xishuangbanna, Mengsong, 1600m, 23.IV.1958, leg. Fu-Ji Pu; 1♀ (IZAS): same data, 25.IV.1958, leg. Chun-Pei Hong; 1♀ (IZAS): same data, leg. Yi-Ran Zhang; 1♀ (IZAS): same data, 22.IV.1958, leg. Xu-Wu Meng; 1♀ (IZAS): same data, 23.IV.1958, leg. Shu-Yong Wang; 1♂ (IZAS): same data, 22.IV.1958, leg. Shu-Yong Wang; 1♂ (IZAS): Cheli, Shihuiyao, 750m, 27.IV.1958, leg. Panfilov; 1♀ (IZAS): Simao, 1300m, 31.IV.1957, leg. Bushchik.
China (new record: Yunnan); Laos, Thailand, Myanmar (
Lycocerus jendeki Švihla, 2005: 94, figs 48–51.
Holotype: 1♂ (NMPC): [p]“Laos north, 5–11.V.1997, \ 20 km NW Louang Namtha, \ N21°09.2, E 101°18.7, \ alt. 900±100 m, \ E. Jendek & O. Šauša leg.”, [p]“HOLOTYPUS \ Lycocerus \ jendeki sp. nov. \ V. Švihla det. 2005”.
CHINA, Yunnan: 1♂ (IZAS): Simao, Rd. Kunluo, 1350m, 11.V.1957, leg. Fu-Ji Pu; 1♀ (IZAS): Xishuangbanna, Meng’a, 1050–1080m, 10.V.1958, leg. Shu-Yong Wang.
China (new record: Yunnan); Laos.
Athemus (s. str.) malaisei Wittmer, 1995: 277, figs 144–145, 195.
Holotype: 1♂ (NHMB): [p]“N. E. Burma \ Kambaiti, 7000 ft \ 24/5 1934 \ R. Malaise”, [h]“malaisei”, [p]“HOLOTYPE”, [p]“Naturhistorisches \ Museum Basel \ coll. W. Wittmer”.
CHINA, Yunnan: 1♂ (IZAS): 60km E tengchong, 2200m, 19.–22.V2006, leg. S. Murzin & I. Shokhin; 1♂ (CAS): Longling County, Longjiang Township, Xiaoheishan Forest Reserve, Guchengshan, 2020m, N24.82888°/E098.76001°, 26.V.2005, stop# 2005-030A, D.H.Kavanaugh & C.E. Griswold collectors [CASENT 6004806]; 1♂ (CAS): same data [CASENT 1035946]; 1♂ (CAS): same data [CASENT 1035947]; 1♀ (CAS): same data [CASENT 1035948]; 1♀ (CAS): Longyang County, Bawan Township, Nankang Yakou just N of pass, N24.83178°/E098.76472°, 2180m, 25.V.2005, stop# 2005-029B, D.H. Kavanaugh & C.E. Griswold collectors [CASENT 1035849].
China (new record: Yunnan); Myanmar.
Lycocerus obscurus Pic, 1916: 13.
Lycocerus obscurus var. diversus Pic, 1916: 13. [Synonymized by
Lycocerus rubroniger Švihla, 2011: 12, Figs 13, 64–66. syn. n.
Lectotype of Lycocerus obscurus: 1♀ (MNHN): [h] “Xieng Khuang” [LAOS, Xieng Khouang]. Paralectotypes: 2♀♀(MNHN): same data as lectotype; 1♀ (MNHN): “X. K.”; 1♀ (MNHN): “Xieng Khuang \ 17-III-1919 \ R. Vitalis de Salvaza”.
Lectotype of Lycocerus obscurus var. diversus: 1♀ (MNHN): [h]“Xieng Khuang \ ex Vitalis”, [h]“L. obscurus v. \ diversus Pic ”, [h]“type”, [h]“obscurus \ v. diversus”, [p]“TYPE”, [h]“LECTOTYPUS \ L. obscurus v. \ diversus Pic \ S. Kazantsev det.”.
CHINA, Guangxi: 2♂♂, 2♀♀ (IZAS): Jingxi, 840m, 1.IV.1998, leg. Chun-Sheng Wu.
Female. Similar to male, but eyes less protruding; antennae shorter, extending to basal one-third length of elytra; pronotum wider; abdominal sternite VIII (Fig.
Body length (both sexes): 10.0–12.5 mm; width: 2.5–3.0 mm.
China (new record: Guangxi); Laos (
Based on the examination of the types of Lycocerus obscurus Pic, 1916 and some additional material at our disposal, we found no difference between it and L. rubroniger Švihla, 2011, which was presented with an adequate photo of the habitus and illustrations of aedeagus in the original publication. Therefore, L. rubroniger is synonymized with L. obscurus here, and provided with the supplementary description and illustration of abdominal sternite VIII of female.
Athemus (s. str.) olivaceus Wittmer, 1995: 219, Fig. 57.
Holotype: 1♂ (NHMB): [h]“Shillong \ Assam”, [h]“26.4.1971 \ T. Sen Gupta”, [h]“Athemus s.str. \ olivaceus \ Wittm. \ det. W. Wittmer”, [p]“HOLOTYPUS”, [p]“Naturhistorisches \ Museum Basel \ coll. W. Wittmer”, [p]“CANTHARIDAE \ CANTH00001639”.
CHINA, Yunnan: 1♂, 2♀♀ (IZAS): Gongshan, Dulong, Kongdang, 21.V.2007, leg. Yan-Lei Li.
China (new record: Yunnan); India.
Lycocerus purpureus Kazantsev, 2007: 54 [replacement name for Athemus (Andrathemus) purpurascens Wittmer, 1978, nec Pic, 1911].
Athemus (Andrathemus) purpurascens Wittmer, 1978: 155, Fig. 5. [Preoccupied by Cantharis purpurascens Pic, 1911: 143, synonymized with Lycocerus rubripennis (Hope, 1831)].
Holotype: 1♂ (NHMB): [p]“Dechhi Paka 3300m \ 19.-20.5.” [p]“Nat.-Hist. Museum \ Basel-Bhutan \ Expedition 1972”, [h]“Athemus subg. \ Andrathemus \ purpurascens \ Wittm. \ det. W. Wittmer”, [p]“HOLOTYPUS”, [p]“CANTHARIDAE \ CANTH00001271”.
CHINA, Xizang: 1♂, 1♀ (IZAS): Nyingtri, 3050m, 3.VIII.1983, leg. Yin-Heng Han.
China (new record: Xizang); Bhutan (
Athemus (s. str.) ruficornis Wittmer, 1995: 232, Figs 77, 180.
Holotype: 1♂ (NHMB): [p]“THAI, 10.-16.V.1991 \ Chiang Dao 600m \ 15°24’N 98°55’E \ Vit Kubáň leg.”, [p]“Thailand 91 \ Thanon Thong Chai \ D. Král & V. Kubáň”, [h]“A. \ ruficornis \ Wittm. \ det. W. Wittmer”, [p]“HOLOTYPUS”, [p]“CANTHARIDAE \ CANTH00002524”.
CHINA, Yunnan: 1♂ (IZAS): Xishuangbanna, Meng’a, 1050–1080m, 2.V.1958, leg. Shu-Yong Wang; 1♀ (IZAS): Xishuangbanna, Xiaomengyang, 850m, 8.VII.1957, leg. Ling-Chao Zang. [MYANMAR]: 2♂♂ (MCSNG): Burma, Tenasserim, Thagalà, IV.1887, Fea.
China (new record: Yunnan); Myanmar (new record); Thailand.
Athemus (Andrathemus) rubripennis Pic:
Athemus (Andrathemus) semiextensus Wittmer, 1995: 264, Figs 123–124.
Holotype: 1♂ (NHMB): [p]“E-Nepal \ Koshi \ M. Brancucci”, [p]“Gufa-Gorza \ 2800-2100m \ 4.VI.1985”, [h]“REM \ 94 \ 4.7”, [h]“Athemus s.str. \ semiextensus \ Wittm. \ det. W. Wittmer”, [p]“HOLOTYPUS”, [p]“CANTHARIDAE \ CANTH00001301”.
CHINA, Xizang: 1♂ (IZAS): Droma, 2800m, 8.VI.1961, leg. Lin-Yao Wang; 1 ♀ (IZAS): same data, 7.VI.1961; 1 ♂ (IZAS): same data, 5.VI.1961; 1 ♀ (IZAS): same data, 6.VI.1961.
China (new record: Xizang); India, Bhutan, Nepal (
We are grateful to the late Dr. Michel Brancucci not only for providing a chance to the first author to visit and study in the Naturhistorisches Museum Basel for one year, but also for providing valuable suggestions in studying the taxonomy of Cantharidae. Also, we thank Dr. Vladimir Švihla (NMPC), Dr. David H. Kavanaugh (CAS), Dr. Boris A. Korotyaev (ZIN), Dr. Roberto Poggi (MCSNG) and Mr. Antoine Mantilleri (MNHN) for their kind help in accessing the cantharid collections under their charges.
The present study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 31172135, 41401064), the Knowledge Innovation of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Nos. KSCX2-EW-G-4, KSCX2-EW-Z-8) and the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (No. C2013201261).