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Corresponding author: Jong-Seok Park ( ) Academic editor: Jan Klimaszewski
© 2019 Su-Ho Choi, Donald S. Chandler, Jong-Seok Park.
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Choi S-H, Chandler DS, Park J-S (2019) Porongurup, a new genus of pselaphine staphylinid beetles from Western Australia (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae, Faronitae). ZooKeys 881: 13-22.
A new genus and three new species of pselaphine staphylinid beetles, supertribe Faronitae, from Western Australia are described as follows: Porongurup gen. nov. is based on Porongurup angulatus sp. nov., with the two additional new species, Porongurup clarkei sp. nov. and Porongurup tenuis sp. nov. Illustrations of their habitus, and major diagnostic characters as well as a distribution map are included. A key to the species is provided.
biodiversity, biogeography, Faronini, taxonomy
The supertribe Faronitae consists of 29 genera worldwide, with 13 genera being found in Australia and New Zealand (
In the collections of Faronitae being examined as part of a treatment of the fauna of Australia, 31 specimens were segregated into three species that shared a combination of discrete diagnostic characters, with that combination separating them from all other known faronite genera and supporting the creation of a new genus. This new genus can be recognized by the following combination of characters: rostrum with linear frontal sulcus, abdominal segment VI approximately twice as long as V, and the male genitalia have the median lobe of the male genitalia elongate and narrow, culminating in an acute apex. The included species of this genus are known only from the southwestern corner of Western Australia.
The two faronite genera known from extreme southwestern Australia, Porongurup gen. nov. and Nornalup, are apparently restricted to this area, which is known as a global biodiversity hotspot that has a climatically isolated flora and fauna (
Thirty-one specimens were examined from the following collections: Field Museum of Natural History (
Porongurup angulatus sp. nov., herein designated.
Members of this genus are easily separated from other faronite genera by the following combination of characters: rostrum with linear frontal sulcus (Fig.
Small body size, 1.6–2.0 mm. Body yellowish to reddish brown. Head. Head with distinct narrow frontal sulcus, and distinct vertexal foveae (Fig.
Antennae of Porongurup angulatus sp. nov. A male B female. Antennae of P. clarkei sp. nov. C male D female. Antennae of P. tenuis sp. nov. E male F female. Male head dorsal view G P. angulatus sp. nov. H P. clarkei sp. nov. I P. tenuis. sp. nov. Female head dorsal view J P. angulatus sp. nov. K P. clarkei sp. nov. L P. tenuis sp. nov. Scale bar: 0.1 mm. *The distinctness and position of the vertexal foveae may be affected by the angle of view and condition of the specimens.
Porongurup gen. nov. is named for Porongurup National Park, where one of the species was collected. Gender: Masculine.
Western Australia.
Male specimens have larger eyes than females (Fig.
Based on the thoracic foveal system and the longer abdominal segment VI, Porongurup gen. nov. is closest to the genus Nornalup Park & Chandler, 2017. However, all specimens of Porongurup gen. nov. do not have a median metasternal foveae (Fig.
1 | Antennomere III subquadrate, as long as wide (Fig. |
Porongurup angulatus sp. nov. |
– | Antennomere III rectangular, longer than wide (Fig. |
2 |
2 | Median lobe of male genitalia with small articulated extension apically (Fig. |
P. clarkei sp. nov. |
– | articulated extension of median lobe of male genitalia absent (Fig. |
P. tenuis sp. nov. |
Holotype. Australia: Western Australia (WA): 1♂, aedeagus dissected and mounted in euparal on clear plastic card, “AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: Porongurup N.P., Wansborough Walk at The Pass, 450 m, 34°40.69'S, 117°51.245'E, 6 VIII 2004, karri forest (Eucalyptus diversicolor), mostly young-growth; FMHD#2004-147, Berlese, leaf & log litter, A. Newton & M. Thayer 1116”. Paratypes (N = 12; 6 males, 6 females). Australia: Western Australia: 1♀ (FMNH, slide mounted), 40 km ESE Manjimup, Cup Road, 6 VII 1980, FMHD# 80-400, karri bark litter, S. & J. Peck; 1♂1♀ (UNHC, 1♀ slide mounted), 1♂ aedeagus dissected and mounted in Euparal on clear plastic card, Windy Harbour, 27 km S Northcliffe, 8 VII 1980, coastal scrub litter, S. & J. Peck; 1♂2♀ (FMNH, 1♀ slide mounted), Avon Valley N.P., 1.3 km from entrance, 420 m, 31°38.79'S, 116°17.94'E, 27 VII–13 VIII 2004, marri-jarrah (Eucalyptus calophylla-E. marginata) woodland; FMHD#2004-103, flight intercept trap, A. Newton & M. Thayer, 1102; 1♂ (CBNUIC, slide mounted), Walpole-Nornalup N.P., Giant Tingle Tree area, 190 m, 34°58.88'S, 116°47.42'E, 2 VIII 2004, tingle-Allocasuarina-karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) forest; FMHD#2004-132, Berlese, leaf & log litter, Newton, Thayer, Clarke 1110; 1♂1♀ (CBNUIC), 1♂ aedeagus dissected and mounted in Euparal on clear plastic card, 54 km SE Manjimup, 22 VI/26 VI 1980, S. &J. Peck. jarrah forest litter; 1♂ (FMNH), aedeagus dissected and mounted in Euparal on clear plastic card, Pemberton, Brockman N.P., 19 VII 1980, FMHD#80-406, karri base & fungi litter, S. & J. Peck; 1♂ (FMNH), aedeagus dissected and mounted in Euparal on clear plastic card, Warren N.P., Bicentennial Tree vic., 120 m, 34°29.73'S, 115°58.62'E, 30 VII–10 VIII 2004, karri forest (Eucalyptus diversicolor); FMHD#2004-114, flight intercept trap, Newton, Solodovnikov, Thayer 1105; 1♀ (UNHC) Avon Valley N.P., Governor’s Drive, 1.2 km from Forty-one Mile Rd., 260 m, 31°36.57'S, 116°15.04'E, 27 VII 2004, Eucalyptus wandoo woodland; FMHD#2004-102, Berlese, leaf & log litter, A. Solodovnikov, D. Clarke et al. 1101.
This species can be distinguished from Porongurup clarkei sp. nov. by the smaller size of the male genitalia (Fig.
Length 1.7–1.9 mm (Fig.
This species name refers to the sub-apically angulate parameres of the male genitalia.
Specimens of this species were collected using flight intercept traps, or were taken by sifting leaf, bark, log, or fungus in Eucalyptus forests.
Holotype. Australia: Western Australia (WA): 1♂, aedeagus dissected and mounted in Euparal on clear plastic card, “AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: Stirling Range N.P., Toolbrunup Peak Track, 480–520 m, 34°23.4'S, 118°03.3'E, 5 VIII 2004, Eucalyptus forest & mallee; FMHD#2004-146, Berlese, leaf & log litter, Clarke & Grimbacher 1115”. Paratypes (N = 11; 7 males, 4 females). Australia: Western Australia: 1♂2♀ (FMNH, 1♀ slide mounted), Stirling Range N.P., Toolbrunup Peak Track, 430–485m, 34°23.5'S, 118°03.65'E, 5 VIII 2004, mallee Eucalyptus; FMHD#2004-145, Berlese, water-washed soil, 0–18 cm, D. Clarke 1114; 5♂ (UNHC), 1♂ aedeagus dissected and mounted in Euparal on clear plastic card, Porongorup N.P., Bolganup Creek, 12 VI 1980, Berlese, bark & fungi karri tree bases, S. &J. Peck; 1♂ (CBNUIC, aedeagus dissected and mounted in Euparal on clear plastic card, Stirling Range N.P., Toolbrunup Tr. WA, 10 VI 1980, Berlese, rotted logs & moss, S. & J. Peck, SBP47; 1♀(FMNH), Stirling Range N.P., Toolbrunup Tr. WA, 10 VI 1980, Berlese, fungi on Euc. Trunks, S. & J. Peck, SBP45; 1♀(UNHC), Porongorup N.P., Bolganup Creek, 12 VI 1980, Berlese, bark & fungi on karri tree bases, S. & J. Peck, SBP53.
This species can be distinguished from Porongurup angulatus sp. nov. by antennomere 3 being longer than wide (Fig.
Length 1.6–1.9 mm (Fig.
This species is named for one of the collectors of the holotype, the staphylinid specialist Dave J. Clarke.
Western Australia (Fig.
Specimens of this species were collected by sifting leaf, log, bark, moss or fungus litter in Eucalyptus forests, or were taken by Berlese funnel water-washed soil.
Holotype. Australia: Western Australia (WA): 1♂, aedeagus dissected and mounted in Euparal on clear plastic card, “AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: Walpole-Nornalup N.P., 1.4 km NE Mandalay Beach, 20 m, 34°59.76'S, 116°32.94'E, 3–9 VIII 2004, mixed forest on old dunes; FMHD#2004-140, flight intercept trap, A. Newton, M. Thayer, A. Solodovnikov 1112”. Paratypes (N = 5; 1 male, 4 females). Australia: Western Australia: 1♂(FMNH), elytra and aedeagus dissected in micro vial, Mt. Clare, 12 km, W Walpole, 20 XII 1976, JKethley, FM#76-517, Ber. #151, Euc. cornuta litter; 1♀(FMNH), Walpole-Nornalup N.P., Anderson Rd. near Valley of the Giants Rd., 120 m, 34°59.48'S, 116°52.35'E, 2 VIII 2004, tingle-Allocasuarina-karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) forest; FMHD#2004-137, Berlese, leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer, et al. 1111; 1♀ (CBNUIC, slide mounted), Walpole-Nornalup N.P., Giant Tingle Tree area, 190 m, 34°58.88'S, 116°47.42'E, 2–9 VIII 2004, tingle-Allocasuarina-karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) forest; FMHD#2004-130, flight intercept trap, Newton, Solodovnikov, Thayer, 1110; 2♀ (1, UNHC; 1 FMNH), Walpole N.P. Hilltop Rd., 21 VI 1980, Berlese, karri & tingle tree litter, S. & J. Peck.
This species can be distinguished from Porongurup angulatus sp. nov. by the elytra being as long as wide (Fig.
Length 1.8–2.0 mm (Fig.
This species name refers to the elongate slender parameres of the male genitalia.
Western Australia (Fig.
Specimens of this species were collected using flight intercept traps, or by sifting leaf or log litter.
This work was supported by a research grant of the Chungbuk National University in 2017, and a grant from the National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR), funded by the Ministry of Environment (MOE) of the Republic of Korea (NIBR201839201).