ZooKeys 292: 1–263, doi: 10.3897/zookeys.292.3867
Systematics of the parasitic wasp genus Oxyscelio Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae s.l.), Part I: Indo-Malayan and Palearctic fauna
Roger A. Burks 1,†, Lubomír Masner 2,‡, Norman F. Johnson 1,§, Andrew D. Austin 3,|
1 Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University, 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212, U.S.A.
2 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, K.W. Neatby Building, Ottawa, ON K1A 0C6, Canada
3 Australian Centre for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia

Corresponding author: Roger A. Burks (burks.roger@gmail.com)

Academic editor: M. Buffington

received 18 August 2012 | accepted 12 March 2013 | Published 18 April 2013

(C) 2013 Roger A. Burks. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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The Indo-Malayan and Palearctic species of Oxyscelio (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae s.l.) are revised. A total of 90 species are recognized as valid, 19 of which are redescribed - Oxyscelio acutiventris (Kieffer), Oxyscelio brevinervis (Kieffer), Oxyscelio carinatus (Kieffer), Oxyscelio ceylonensis (Dodd), Oxyscelio consobrinus (Kieffer), Oxyscelio crassicornis (Kieffer), Oxyscelio cupularis (Kieffer), Oxyscelio dorsalis (Kieffer), Oxyscelio excavatus (Kieffer), Oxyscelio flavipennis (Kieffer), Oxyscelio florus Kononova, Oxyscelio foveatus Kieffer, Oxyscelio kiefferi Dodd, Oxyscelio magnus (Kieffer), Oxyscelio marginalis (Kieffer), Oxyscelio naraws Kozlov & Lê, Oxyscelio perpensus Kononova, Oxyscelio rugosus (Kieffer) and Oxyscelio spinosiceps (Kieffer), and 71 which are described as new - Oxyscelio aclavae Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio amrichae Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio anguli Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio angustifrons Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio angustinubbin Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio arcus Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio arvi Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio asperi Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio aureamediocritas Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio bipunctuum Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio brevidentis Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio caesitas Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio capilli Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio capitis Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio cavinetrion Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio chimaerae Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio codae Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio convergens Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio cordis Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio crateris Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio crebritas Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio crustum Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio cuculli Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio cyrtomesos Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio dasymesos Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio dasynoton Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio dermatoglyphes Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio doumao Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio fistulae Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio flabellae Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio flaviventris Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio fodiens Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio fossarum Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio fossularum Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio genae Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio granorum Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio granuli Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio greenacus Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio halmaherae Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio intermedietas Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio jaune Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio jugi Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio kramatos Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio labis Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio lacunae Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio latinubbin Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio latitudinis Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio limae Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio longiventris Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio mesiodentis Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio mollitia Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio nasolabii Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio nodorum Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio noduli Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio nubbin Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio obsidiani Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio ogive Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio operimenti Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio peludo Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio planocarinae Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio praecipitis Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio reflectens Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio regionis Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio sinuum Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio spinae Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio striarum Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio tecti Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio unguis Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio vadorum Burks, sp. n., Oxyscelio vittae Burks, sp. n. and Oxyscelio zeuctomesos. Neotypes are designated for nine species, including the type species O. foveatus Kieffer, Oxyscelio brevinervis (Kieffer), Oxyscelio bifurcatus (Kieffer), Oxyscelio frontalis (Kieffer), Oxyscelio crassicornis (Kieffer), Oxyscelio cupularis (Kieffer), Oxyscelio foveatus Kieffer, Oxyscelio kiefferi Dodd, Oxyscelio magnus (Kieffer) and Oxyscelio marginalis (Kieffer). Oxyscelio bifurcatus (Kieffer) syn. n. and Oxyscelio frontalis (Kieffer) syn. n. are synonymized under Oxyscelio consobrinus (Kieffer). The fauna is divided into 13 species groups, with six species unplaced to a group. A phylogenetic analysis employing 73 morphological characters did not find most of these groups to be monophyletic, but they are retained to aid in specimen identification. Potential biogeographical patterns are discussed, including regional variation in surface sculpture and a morphological link between Sri Lankan and Australian species.


Platygastroidea, Scelionidae, Oxyscelio, Scelioninae, key, revision, database, parasitoid


The genus Oxyscelio Kiefer comprises relatively robust platygastoid wasps that occur across equatorial and east Africa, the south-eastern part of the Palearctic, the Indo-Malayian and Australasian regions. They are relatively easily identified by the fore wing submarginal vein being distant from wing margin, very short marginal vein, virtually absent postmarginal vein, posteriorly rounded vertex, and distinct metascutellum. In addition, many species can be recognised by the pronounced frontal depression on the head which is often rimmed by a carina.

The genus was first erected for a single species from Indonesia, Oxyscelio foveatus, by Kieffer (1907), which he later treated as a subgenus of Chromoteleia Ashmead (Kieffer 1910a) but later raised again to generic rank (Kieffer 1926). Following its original description the status of Oxyscelio and the genera that surround it was particularly confusing. This is clearly evident in the fact that, other than the type species, all taxa described prior to 1930 that are currently accommodated in Oxyscelio were described under other generic names. This situation was resolved by Dodd (1931) who recognized a range of species from the Oriental and Australian regions as being congeneric based on several key characters, the form of the fore wing venation (outlined above) and the structure of the metanotal plate. In so doing he treated Dicroteleia Kieffer, Camptoteleia Kieffer and Xenoteleia Kieffer as junior synomyms of Oxyscelio, and transferred 32 species to that genus including all Australian taxa that he had preciously described under Sceliomorpha Ashmead (sensu Kieffer 1926). This work by Dodd (1931) and his other studies on various scelionid genera around that time provided significant taxonomic stability and are testament to his thoughtful and perceptive approach to discriminating genera and species.

Since the descriptive work of Kieffer and Dodd prior to1920, only three additional species of Oxyscelio have been added to the world fauna (Kozlov and Lê 2000; Kononova 2007). Masner (1976) provided a diagnosis of the genus and key to separate putative related genera, and Johnson (1992) catalogued the world’s species.

The current study is the first of three papers that aim to fully revise the world species of Oyscelio, focusing on describing the large number of new taxa. This first paper deals with the Indo-Malayan and Palearctic species; the second one will treat the Australasian taxa, and the third one the African species. This work has arisen from our Platygastroidea Planetary Biodiversity Inventory (see below) which aims to revise all species on a worldwide basis for a number of important platygastroid genera.

The contributions of the individual authors are as follows; R.A. Burks: character definition, species concept development; key development, imaging, capture of specimen data, manuscript preparation, phylogenetic analysis and illustration; L. Masner: specimen acquisition, and generic overview; N.F. Johnson: generic concept development, software and database development and manuscript preparation; A.D. Austin: initial species concept development, manuscript preparation, and taxonomic overview.

Materials and methods

Specimens examined were provided by the following collections: The American Entomological Institute, Gainesville, Florida, USA (AEIC)1; American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY (AMNH)2; Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra, Australia (ANIC)3; The Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom (BMNH)4; Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes, Ottawa, Canada (CNCI)5; Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Gainesville, FL (FSCA)6; Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles, Belgium (ISNB)7; Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA (MCZC)8; Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France (MNHN)9; C.A. Triplehorn Insect Collection, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (OSUC)10; Queensland Primary Industries Insect Collection, Brisbane, Australia (QDPC)11, Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Australia (QMBA)12, Royal Museum of Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium (RMCA)13; Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, Netherlands (RMNH)14; Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada (ROME)15; South African National Collection of Insects, Pretoria, South Africa (SANC)16; Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine (UASK)17; National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC (USNM)18; Waite Insect and Nematode Collection, Adelaide, Australia (WINC)19. Some specimens will be deposited in other collections where noted, depending on specimen collection agreements: Invertebrate Systematics and Diversity Facility (University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, ISDF)20; Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense (MBBJ)21; Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden (QSBG)22; Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Selangor, Bangi (UKMB)23.

This revision is a product of the Platygastroidea Planetary Biodiversity Inventory, funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (N.F. Johnson, Ohio State University; Andy Austin, University of Adelaide; Principal Investigators). An objective of this project is to use biodiversity informatics resources to accelerate taxonomic work, making real-time collaboration possible. Data associated with specimens examined in this study can be accessed at hol.osu.edu and entering the unique specimen identifier (e.g. OSUC 247918) in the search form. Life science identifiers (LSIDs) can be resolved at http://lsid.tdwg.org (i.e. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 99E3E72E-DA88-4740-9ECB-2D03BCD1DACE).

Terminology. Morphological terminology follows Mikó et al. (2007) except where noted. Antennal terminology follows Bin (1981). Anteclypeus and postclypeus are used sensu Dangerfield et al. (2001). Dorsal epomial carina and vertical epomial carina were mentioned by Masner and Johnson (2007) and are here used as illustrated by Talamas et al. (2011). Ovipositor terminology is used as described by Austin and Field (1997). “Middle genal carina” is the largest carina subparallel to the eye but between the genal carina and the carina immediately encircling the eye; it has proven to be recognizable as homologous (when present) in Oxyscelio. T1 midlobe refers to the raised antero-medial area of T1 that is flanked by depressed lateral areas. This is usually flat and only weakly elevated in Oxyscelio, and therefore is not strictly the same as a T1 horn, but a T1 midlobe can be expressed as a T1 horn.

Surface sculpture terminology referring to repeated sculptural elements follows Eady (1968) when possible, with a novel set of designations and distinctions to increase specificity and descriptive value. Diminutive terms such as “foveolate” and “rugulose” were avoided because of a nearly total lack of criteria for separating them from non-diminutive alternatives. “Major” surface sculpture is here treated as repeated sculptural patterns that interact with seta placement. It does not include non-repeated elements or those which are repeated only once due to bilateral symmetry. Umbilicate-foveate sculpture refers to rounded crater-like sculptural elements, each surrounding a setiferous pit, with each fovea being much larger than its setiferous pit and spatially separated from that pit. Umbilicate-punctate sculpture indicates that no sculptural element accompanies the setiferous pit. Rugose sculpture refers to branching or wrinkling elevations that flank setiferous pits but do not fully surround them. Rugose sculpture can coexist with umbilicate sculpture in the same area of the sclerite, in which case the rugae occur on spaces between umbilicate sculptural elements. Note that “rugose” refers to a distribution of sculptural elements, and therefore can be “irregular” or “regular” even though rugae (the elements themselves) are by definition at least slightly irregular. Where both umbilicate-foveate and umbilicate-punctate sculpture are reported for the same sclerite, this should be interpreted as variable sculpture where some setiferous pits are surrounded by foveae while others are not. Under this scheme, “major” surface sculpture cannot occur in any part of the sclerite that lacks setae.

“Microsculpture” refers to repeated tiny sculptural elements that do not interact with seta placement. Microsculpture can occur on “major” sculptural elements, such as on rugae and on all surfaces of foveae. Punctate microsculpture refers to tiny round pits that do not bear setae. Granulate microsculpture refers to sculpture that is similar to that of leather or skin, with areas enclosed by tiny grooves (= sunken septa). Microsculpture can occur in areas that lack setae.

Sculptural terms for repeated sculpture that are not included in the above categories are 1) “carinae” which refers to elevations that are sharp and not branched or wrinkled, 2) “striae” which refers to repeated elevations that are not sharp and do not branch or exhibit wrinkling. These sculptural elements do not interact with setiferous pit placement, but umbilicate sculpture can occur between them. While alternative logic may suggest that rugose sculpture is better classed within this category, this choice was avoided because rugose sculptural patterns did apparently interact with umbilicate sculptural patterns. For the occipital carina, “crenulate” means that short carinae radiate from the occipital carina. For carinae in general: the carina may be described using the phrase “as a ruga” if it is expressed as a wrinkled and/or irregularly meandering elevation.

Illustrations and data citations.Photographs were taken using one of the following systems: 1) Visionary Digital BK+ Imaging System, November 2010 model, with either a K2 Long Distance Microscope or a 65 mm varifocal lens; 2) Synoptics, Ltd. system using a Leica Z16 APO microscope and a JVC KY-F75U 3-CCD camera; or 3) GT EntoVision Mobile Imaging System. Source photos were stacked using Zerene Stacker version 1.04 or Auto-Montage Pro version 5.01.0005, and enhanced using Adobe Photoshop CS5 or CS6.

Phylogenetic analysis.A New Technology Search at initial level 95 was performed using TNT (Tree analysis using New Technology) version 1.1 (Goloboff et al. 2003, 2008) on a subset of 28 characters that were deemed by the primary author to be phylogenetically valuable (see Appendix III for matrix and characters used). Implied weighting (K=2) was used to produce results with more resolution. Bootstrapping was performed with 1, 000 replicates using the same settings. Bracalba cuneata Dodd was used as an outgroup for the analyses (specimens OSUC 238172, OSUC 238164), chosen because of morphological similarity between Oxyscelio and Bracalba.

Oxyscelio Kieffer




Oxyscelio Kieffer, 1907: 310. Original description. Type: Oxyscelio foveatus Kieffer, by monotypy; Brues 1908: 46 (diagnosis, list of species); Kieffer 1910b: 62, 68 (description, key to subgenera, keyed); Kieffer 1913a: 224 (description); Kieffer 1926: 261, 267 (description, keyed, key to species); Dodd 1931: 72 (diagnosis, synonymy, list of species, key to related groups); Mani 1941: 25 (catalog of species of India); Muesebeck and Walkley 1956: 377 (citation of type species); Masner 1976: 22, 25 (description, keys to separate Baryconus Foerster, Bacalba Dodd, Chromoteleia Ashmead, Oxyscelio Kieffer); De Santis 1980: 311 (catalog of species of Brazil); Galloway and Austin 1984: 7, 8, 13 (list of species described from Australia, keyed); Johnson 1992: 451 (catalog of world species); Austin and Field 1997: 18, 68 (structure of ovipositor system, discussion of phylogenetic relationships, genus misplaced in Baryconini); Lê 2000: 32, 39 (keyed, description); Rajmohana 2006: 116 (keyed); Kononova and Fursov 2007: 61 (description); Kononova and Fursov 2007: 103 (description); Kononova and Kozlov 2008: 21, 190 (description, keyed, key to species of Palearctic region).
Dicroteleia Kieffer, 1908: 92. Original description. Type: Dicroteleia rugosa Kieffer, by monotypy. Synonymized by Dodd (1931); Kieffer 1926: 267, 387 (description, keyed, key to species); Mani 1941: 25 (catalog of species of India); Muesebeck and Walkley 1956: 346 (citation of type species); Baltazar 1966: 179 (catalog of species of the Philippines).
Chromoteleia (Oxyscelio): Kieffer 1910a: 312 (key to species, keyed); Kieffer 1910b: 68, 69 (description, list of species, keyed).
Oxyscelio (Dicroteleia): Kieffer 1910b: 68 (description, list of species, keyed).
Camptoteleia Kieffer, 1913b: 387. Original description. Type: Camptoteleia carinata Kieffer, designated by Kieffer (1926) (key to species of the Philippines). Synonymized by Dodd (1931); Kieffer 1914: 296 (key to species of the Philippines); Kieffer 1916: 64, 171 (key to new species described from the Philippines); Kieffer 1926: 267, 379 (description, keyed, key to species); Baltazar 1966: 177 (catalog of species of the Philippines).
Xenoteleia Kieffer, 1913b: 390. Original description. Type: Xenoteleia flavipennis Kieffer, by monotypy and original designation. Synonymized by Dodd (1931); Kieffer 1926: 270, 427 (description, keyed); Muesebeck and Walkley 1956: 408 (citation of type species); Baltazar 1966: 181 (catalog of species of the Philippines).

Body length: 2.6–7.1 mm.

Head shape in dorsal view: weakly transverse, width approximately 1.5x greatest length; subquadrate. Hyperoccipital carina: absent; present. Occipital carina: present, complete medially; present, broadly interrupted medially. Occipital carina sculpture: crenulate. Ocular ocellar line (OOL): OOL < 0.5 ocellar diameter (OD). Dorsal area of frons: convex, without frontal shelf. Antennal scrobe shape: present, unmargined; scrobe margined by carina. Frons sculpture: umbilicate-punctate, with transverse carinae within scrobe; scrobe largely smooth, otherwise with transverse carinae. Submedian carina: absent. Orbital carina: absent. Inner orbits: diverging ventrally. Interocular space(IOS)/Eye height (EH): IOS distinctly less than EH. Interantennal process: triangular in lateral view. Central keel: absent. Antennal foramen opening: oriented laterally on interantennal process. Facial striae: present. Malar sulcus: present. Compound eye size: not significantly reduced. Compound eye setation: absent. Gena: weakly convex, receding behind posterior orbit; convex, distinctly produced behind eye. Clypeus shape: narrow, slightly convex medially, lateral corner not produced. Apical margin of clypeus: with small median point. Labrum: not visible. Mandibular teeth: apex with 2, acute, subequal teeth. Arrangement of mandibular teeth: transverse. Number of maxillary palpomeres: 4. Shape of maxillary palpomeres: cylindrical. Number of labial palpomeres: 2.

Number of antennomeres in female: 12. Number of antennomeres in male: 12. Insertion of radicle into A1: parallel to longitudinal axis of A1. Shape of A1: more or less cylindrical, not flattened. Length of A3 of female: subequal to length of A2; distinctly longer than A2. Number of clavomeres in female antenna: 7; 0. Claval formula of female antenna: A12-A7/1-2-2-2-2-1; A12-A6/1-2-2-2-2-2-2. Arrangement of doubled multiporous plate sensilla on female clava: in longitudinal pairs. Tyloid distribution on male antenna: A5 only. Shape of male flagellum: filiform.

Mesosoma shape in dorsal view: longer than wide. Mesosoma shape in lateral view: longer than high. Medial portion of transverse pronotal carina: weakly indicated laterally; absent. Posterior apex of pronotum in dorsal view: straight, bifid apically to articulate with tegula. Vertical epomial carina: present. Dorsal epomial carina (lateral portion of transverse pronotal carina of Vilhelmsen et al. 2010): present. Anterior face of pronotum: oblique, visible dorsally, short. Lateral face of pronotum: deeply concave below dorsal pronotal superhumeral sulcus. Netrion: present. Netrion shape: open ventrally. Anterior portion of mesoscutum: vertical, flexed ventrally to meet pronotum. Mesoscutum shape: pentagonal in dorsal view, posterolateral corner rounded. Skaphion: absent. Notaulus: present, percurrent. Parapsidal lines: present; absent. Anteroadmedial lines: present. Scutoscutellar sulcus: well-developed, narrow. Shape of mesoscutellum: quadrate to trapezoidal. Armature of mesoscutellum: absent. Surface of mesoscutellum: convex throughout. Median longitudinal furrow on mesoscutellum: absent. Shape of axillula: small, dorsal margin sinuate. Metascutellum: clearly differentiated. Metascutellar armature: produced medially into short, shallowly bidentate process; produced into broad flattened plate; produced into narrow, flat, apically blunt process. Metascutellar setation: absent; present dorsally and ventrally. Extent of metasomal depression of propodeum: percurrent, extending anteriorly to anterior margin of propodeum. Lateral propodeal projection: well-developed, extending clearly beyond anterior margin of T1. Mesopleural carina: present across sclerite; absent or strongly abbreviated, present only near mid coxa. Mesal course of acetabular carina: projecting as small spur anteriorly, not long enough to intercede between fore coxae. Mesopleural pit: absent. Sternaulus: absent. Posterodorsal corner of mesopleuron: rounded anteriorly.

Number of mid tibial spurs: 1. Number of hind tibial spurs: 1. Dorsal surface of hind coxa: smooth. Hind tibia shape: cylindrical, ecarinate. Trochantellus: present.

Wing size of female: macropterous. Wing size of male: macropterous. Tubular veins in fore wing: present. Bulla of fore wing R: absent. Extent of marginal venation of fore wing: R1 reaching and ending at costal margin; distinct marginal or postmarginal veins present. Origin of r-rs in fore wing: arising before (basad of) R/R1 attains costal margin. Structure of basal vein (Rs+M) in fore wing: spectral. Structure of R in hind wing: elongate, extending to costal margin; abbreviated, not attaining costal margin.

Number of externally visible terga in female: 6. Number of externally visible sterna in female: 6. Number of externally visible terga in male: 8. Number of externally visible sterna in male: 7. Shape of metasoma: acuminate, widest submedially. Laterotergites: present, narrow. Laterosternites: present. T1 of female: raised medially into low, rectangular or subelliptical platform, laterally depressed. Relative size of metasomal segments: T2 distinctly largest; T2 and T3 distinctly larger, subequal in size. Terga with basal crenulae: T1, T2. Sublateral carinae on tergites: present on T1. Median longitudinal carina on metasomal terga: absent. Shape of female T6: flattened. Shape of posterior margin of male T7: straight; incised medially. Anterior margin of S1: protruding anteriorly as short sharp extension of median longitudinal carina. Felt fields: absent. Ovipositor type: Scelio-type (Austin and Field 1997).

Comments. Oxyscelio is a very distinctive genus particularly because of the morphology of the face, vertex and fore wing venation. The genus is highly diverse and comprises in excess of 200 species. It has been collected from a large range of habitats from rainforest, open dry forest, grasslands to more open, dry environments including the malle and semi-arid zone of Australia. Species have been collected using a variety of standard collecting techniques for small parasitic Hymenoptera, but they can be particularly numerous in yellow pantraps, even in closed habitats, indicating that many species may be living close to the ground.

Biology. Although there are a large number of species known from Asia and Australia there are apparently no available rearing records from hosts identified beyond ordinal level (see Kononova and Fursov 2007, for photograph of egg of orthopteran host of Oxyscelio perpensus Kononova). However, given the large size of most species, the diversity of habitats in which they have been collected, and the structure of the ovipositor, we presume that all Oxyscelio species parasitise orthopteran eggs of some type.

Distribution. Oxyscelio has been recorded from Africa (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda), the Indo-Malayan region (Brunei, Christmas Island, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam), the eastern Palearctic (mainland China, Japan, Nepal, South Korea), Australasia and the south-west Pacific (mainland Australia, Tasmania, Fiji, Lord Howe Is., New Britain, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu).

Phylogenetic relationships. Masner (1976) postulated that Oxyscelio is related to Bracalba Dodd, Chromoteleia Ashmead and Baryconus Foerster, and he provided a key to separate them. Based on the structure of the ovipositor system it is unlikely that Baryconus is related to this group of genera given it has a Ceratobaeus-type system, where the other genera all have a Scelio type ovipositor system (Austin and Fields 1997). The molecular phylogenetic study of Murphy et al. (2007) included three of these genera, Oxyscelio, Chromoteleia and Baryconus, and none showed a sister-group relationship to each other, although the support on the branches that linked these genera were far from robust. Two of us (NFJ and ADA) are currently coordinating a significantly expanded molecular analysis of the Platygastroidea involving additional sequence data and a trebling of taxa, and this should help resolved the relationships among these and other genera.

The species level phylogeny generated as a part of this study (Fig. 1) does not always uphold monophyly of the species groups described below. The authors do not see this as a major problem, as the species groups are informal groupings that are not necessarily meant to be strictly monophyletic. They are meant to be useful for species diagnostics, but can be seen as potentially valid alternatives to the included phylogeny.

Figure 1.

Strict consensus phylogram of four most parsimonious trees for Indo-Malayan and Palearctic species of Oxyscelio using TNT New Technology with Implied Weighting. Search with set initial level = 95, best score = 16.98. Bootstrap support values above 50% indicated above branches, found using TNT new technology search (set initial level = 95).

Species Groups of Oxyscelio

For the Indo-Malayan and Palearctic fauna of Oxyscelio we recognize 13 species groups. These groups are discussed below to indicate intuitively our perception of the structure within the genus and to serve as an aid in specimen identification.

Oxyscelio carinatus Species Group

Characteristics: Frontal depression flat or nearly so. Hyperoccipital carina complete as a strong ruga, continuous with the anteriormost genal carina, laterally not connected with occipital carina. Occipital carina complete or incomplete, but without strong lateral corners. Metascutellum with a pair of subapical dorsal setae, concave dorsally, slightly emarginate apically with rounded posterolateral lobes. T7 in males with acuminate posterolateral corners.

Comments: The carinatus-group is very similar to the cuculli-group, but differs in that the hyperoccipital carina is defined by a ruga and in having a deeper frontal depression. The Oxyscelio mesiodentis-complex within the cuculli-group has a much more densely setose and differently shaped metascutellum than in the carinatus-group. The general trend towards sculptural reduction in Philippine species (a more pronounced reduction occurs in species from the Maluku Islands of Indonesia) leads one to consider the possibility that the carinatus-group could be weakly sculptured species of the cuculli-group. However, it does not seem proper to lump these groups without additional data supporting this hypothesis. Another possibility exists, that the carinatus-group could be closely related to the dasymesos-group, as both groups contain species with a setose metascutellum and nearly flat frontal depression.

Includes: Oxyscelio carinatus, Oxyscelio praecipitis, Oxyscelio spinosiceps, Oxyscelio vittae.

Oxyscelio crateris Species Group

Characteristics: Hyperoccipital carina complete, continuous with the anteriormost genal carina, laterally connected with occipital carina by a distinct longitudinal carina or elevation; area between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae slightly sunken and crater-like. Metascutellum about as long as broad, concave dorsally and with little or no median sculpture, rounded apically. T7 in males without posterolateral spines.

Comments:The crateris-group contains a few species with a crater-like area, between the occipital and hyperoccipital carinae, that is fully outlined by carinae. This area also has distinctive sculpture that is different from that of surrounding areas. Some members of the latitudinis-group may have a similarly weakly concave or partially outlined crater-like area as well, but these species have a very different, broad and strongly sculptured metascutellum.

Includes:Oxyscelio cordis, Oxyscelio crateris, Oxyscelio spinae.

Oxyscelio crebritas Species Group

Characteristics: Hyperoccipital carina absent or weakly indicated by rugae, laterally not connected with occipital carina. Occipital carina complete or incomplete, but without strong lateral corners. Frons without oblique flange; frontal depression without transverse carinae or grooves in ventral half. Metascutellum medially concave and smooth or with transverse carinae. T7 in males usually with sharp posterolateral corners, rarely with short spines or without spines.

Comments:The crebritas-group contains many very similar species differing in subtle ways. Most members of this group have a radicle that is darker than the scape, but this feature is variable in many species. The florus-group differs in having longitudinal metascutellar rugae, instead of transverse carinae. The noduli-group is similar but has a much more strongly sculptured frontal depression.

Includes:Oxyscelio amrichae, Oxyscelio asperi, Oxyscelio brevinervis, Oxyscelio capilli, Oxyscelio capitis, Oxyscelio codae, Oxyscelio consobrinus, Oxyscelio crebritas, Oxyscelio excavatus, Oxyscelio genae, Oxyscelio granuli, Oxyscelio jugi, Oxyscelio kiefferi, Oxyscelio lacunae, Oxyscelio longiventris, Oxyscelio mollitia, Oxyscelio reflectens.

Oxyscelio cuculli Species Group

Characteristics: Hyperoccipital carina complete and strong, continuous with the anteriormost genal carina, laterally not connected with occipital carina. Occipital carina complete or incomplete, but without strong lateral corners. Metascutellum concave dorsally and with little or no median sculpture, incised or slightly emarginate apically. T7 in males variable, some species with strong posterolateral spines.

Comments: The cuculli-group has several distinctive species with a sharp hyperoccipital carina and strongly concave frontal depression that is more or less hood-like. There are some other species that possess these traits in less-developed ways, but which can be linked with this group through transformation series. These species make distinction from the crebritas-group and carinatus-group especially difficult. Because of this, it is useful to divide this group into three species complexes that can be more consistently defined:

Oxyscelio convergens Species Complex: Metascutellum long, weakly emarginate, nearly flat, not setose. Anterior portion of metasomal depression long and exposed dorsally; with long and narrowly separated lateral propodeal carinae, often with a median carina between them. Includes:Oxyscelio aureamediocritas, Oxyscelio bipunctuum, Oxyscelio convergens, Oxyscelio kramatos, Oxyscelio marginalis, Oxyscelio vadorum.

Oxyscelio cuculli Species Complex: Metascutellum short, strongly emarginate with dorsally protruding posterolateral corners, not setose. Anterior portion of metasomal depression short and weakly developed, hidden from dorsal view; lateral propodeal carinae short and variably separated anteriorly. Includes:Oxyscelio angustifrons, Oxyscelio cuculli, Oxyscelio granorum, Oxyscelio intermedietas, Oxyscelio nubbin.

Oxyscelio mesiodentis Species Complex: Metascutellum setose dorsally, weakly emarginate and nearly flat. Anterior portion of metasomal depression short, variably sculptured. Includes:Oxyscelio arcus, Oxyscelio brevidentis, Oxyscelio ceylonensis, Oxyscelio crassicornis, Oxyscelio crustum, Oxyscelio doumao, Oxyscelio mesiodentis, Oxyscelio unguis.

Oxyscelio dasymesos Species Group

Characteristics: Hyperoccipital carina incomplete or indicated by poorly defined rugae, laterally not connected with occipital carina. Occipital carina complete or incomplete, but without strong lateral corners. Metasomal depression setose. T7 in males with acuminate posterolateral corners.

Comments:A setose metasomal depression does not occur in any other Asian species of Oxyscelio. The dasymesos-group is otherwise difficult to compare with other Oxyscelio species groups, but it bears some general resemblance to the carinatus-group and crebritas-group.

Includes:Oxyscelio dasymesos, Oxyscelio dasynoton.

Oxyscelio florus Species Group

Characteristics: Hyperoccipital carina absent or indicated by poorly defined rugae, laterally not connected with occipital carina. Occipital carina complete or incomplete, but without strong lateral corners. Frons without oblique flange. Metascutellum with longitudinal rugae and without any strong transverse carinae. T2 without longitudinal depressions or strong curved striae.

Comments:The florus-group contains species that are similar to the crebritas-group in having a dark radicle and uniformly curved occipital carina, but differ in having a rugose metascutellum and a generally longer metasoma. The latitudinis-group is also similar to this group based on most of the above-mentioned features, but differs in having an occipital carina with strong lateral corners.

Includes:Oxyscelio arvi, Oxyscelio dermatoglyphes, Oxyscelio florus, Oxyscelio jaune, Oxyscelio regionis.

Oxyscelio fossarum Species Group

Characteristics: Hyperoccipital carina incomplete or indicated by weak rugae. Occipital carina with sharp protruding lateral corners. T2 with long sublateral depressions.

Comments:The fossarum-group is similar to the foveatus-group, latitudinis-group, and striarum-group, but is distinguished by the T2 depressions that occur in females (and in males of some species). These groups differ in metascutellar form as well, with the fossarum-group having a generally narrower metascutellum. The defining feature of this group can be difficult to discern, but is best verified by finding the strong medial borders of the depressions.

Includes:Oxyscelio aclavae, Oxyscelio acutiventris, Oxyscelio cyrtomesos, Oxyscelio fistulae, Oxyscelio fodiens, Oxyscelio fossarum, Oxyscelio fossularum, Oxyscelio rugosus, Oxyscelio zeuctomesos.

Oxyscelio foveatus Species Group

Characteristics: Hyperoccipital carina incomplete or indicated by weak rugae. Occipital carina with strong lateral corners. Ventral frons with oblique flange. Metascutellum tiny and concave, or broad and convex, or elongate with a smooth channel. T2 without longitudinal depressions or strong curved striae.

Comments:The foveatus-group likely is a non-monophyletic group containing species with an oblique facial flange and an occipital carina with protruding lateral corners, but with none of the defining features of some other species groups. Species with longitudinal T2 depressions, but which would otherwise agree with this group, have been placed in the fossarum-group.Other species with an oblique facial flange occur in the carinatus-group, crateris-group, and cuculli-group, but differ strongly from these species.

Includes:Oxyscelio angustinubbin, Oxyscelio cupularis, Oxyscelio foveatus, Oxyscelio greenacus, Oxyscelio latinubbin, Oxyscelio nasolabii, Oxyscelio operimenti.

Oxyscelio latitudinis Species Group

Characteristics:Lower frons without oblique flange. Hyperoccipital carina incomplete or indicated by weak rugae. Occipital carina with sharp protruding lateral corners. Metascutellum broad, almost always rugose. T2 without sublateral depressions or strong curved striae.

Comments:The latitudinis-group is essentially negatively defined among Oxyscelio that have strong lateral corners of the occipital carina. The best distinctive feature of this group is the broad, rugose metascutellum of most species, but a few have a narrower metascutellum that more closely approaches that of the fossarum-group. Most members of this group have a metallic green luster, but this is lost in some specimens. Except where noted in species descriptions, color seems to be a highly unreliable character for identification of Oxyscelio.

Includes:Oxyscelio dorsalis, Oxyscelio latitudinis, Oxyscelio naraws, Oxyscelio peludo, Oxyscelio perpensus.

Oxyscelio limae Species Group

Characteristics: Hyperoccipital carina incomplete or weakly indicated by rugae. Occipital carina complete medially, without sharp protruding lateral corners. Mesoscutum anteriorly very steep. Postmarginal vein absent. Metascutellum variable but without dorsally protruding posterolateral corners.

Comments:The limae-group contains species from India and Sri Lanka, all with a strongly elevated and anteriorly steep mesoscutum. These species strongly resemble the crebritas-group, but differ in having very short fore wing venation with no sign of a postmarginal vein. Some Australian species, including Oxyscelio montanus (Dodd) strongly resemble this group, but differ in having a short metascutellum with dorsally protruding posterolateral corners. Tiny but sharp and slightly protruding posterolateral corners of T4 or T5 in females of Oxyscelio limae and Oxyscelio anguli indicate that the limae-group may be the closest relative of an otherwise Australian clade containing Oxyscelio montanus and Oxyscelio mirellus (Dodd).

Includes:Oxyscelio anguli, Oxyscelio flaviventris, Oxyscelio limae.

Oxyscelio noduli Species Group:

Characteristics: Hyperoccipital carina absent or weakly indicated by rugae, laterally not connected with occipital carina. Occipital carina complete, but without strong lateral corners. Frons without oblique flange; frontal depression crossed by many carinae. Metascutellum medially concave and smooth.

Comments:The noduli-group contains some species that are resemble the latitudinis-group in metasomal length and frontal depression sculpture, but which have a small and medially smooth metascutellum and an occipital carina without strong lateral corners. The latter features are similar to those in the crebritas-group, and therefore these species may be phylogenetically intermediate between that group and the latitudinis-group. Alternatively, they may be reduced apomorphic members of the latitudinis-group.

Includes:Oxyscelio chimaerae, Oxyscelio nodorum, Oxyscelio noduli.

Oxyscelio ogive Species Group

Characteristics: Hyperoccipital carina incomplete or indicated by rugae. Occipital carina complete medially, but with sharp lateral corners and concave medial sections that meet at a median peak.

Comments:Members of the ogive-group superficially resemble the crebritas-group, but differs in the sinuate occipital carina with sharp lateral corners. It differs from the latitudinis group in having a sharp and rounded submedian carina.

Includes:Oxyscelio cavinetrion, Oxyscelio flabelli, Oxyscelio labis, Oxyscelio ogive, Oxyscelio sinuum.

Oxyscelio striarum Species Group

Characteristics:Hyperoccipital carina incomplete or indicated by rugae. Occipital carina with sharp lateral corners. Metascutellum rugose. T2 (at least) in females with strong curved longitudinal striae submedially that flank a triangular area without striae.

Comments:The striarum-group is similar to the latitudinis-group, but differs in the strong curved striae of T2 and T3 in females. Males may be difficult to recognize, because those of Oxyscelio caesitas reveal that they do not possess these strong striae. They do have slightly more distinct sublateral striae of S2 and S3, but these striae are straight and do not distinctly differ from those of other species groups.

Includes:Oxyscelio caesitas, Oxyscelio striarum.

Species unplaced to group

Oxyscelio flavipennis, Oxyscelio halmaherae, Oxyscelio magnus, Oxyscelio obsidiani, Oxyscelio planocarinae, Oxyscelio tecti.

Key to Indo-Malayan and eastern Palearctic species of Oxyscelio
1 Metasomal depression setose (Figs 163, 167): Oxyscelio dasymesos Species Group 2
Metasomal depression not setose (Fig. 141) 3
2 Metascutellum dorsally setose (Fig. 167) Oxyscelio dasynoton Burks, sp. n.
Metascutellum not dorsally setose (Fig. 163) Oxyscelio dasymesos Burks, sp. n.
3 Metascutellum setose dorsally (Figs 83, 128, 140, 364, 405) 4
Metascutellum not setose dorsally (Figs 146, 236, 255) 16
4 Metascutellum dorsally nearly flat, apically convex (Fig. 364) Oxyscelio peludo Burks, sp. n.
Metascutellum dorsally concave, apically emarginate (Figs (Figs 83, 128, 140, 405) 5
5 Frontal depression flat or nearly so; submedian carina absent or indicated only dorsally by a weak elevation or short carina (Figs 84, 379, 406). Philippines: Oxyscelio carinatus Species Group 6
Frontal depression deeply concave; submedian carina strong, extending laterally to form a protruding hood-like structure (Figs 59, 142, 317) Oxyscelio mesiodentis Species Complex 9
6 Small and tooth-like oblique flange present between antennal foramina and eye (Fig. 406) Oxyscelio spinosiceps (Kieffer)
Ventral frons without oblique flange (Figs 84, 379) 7
7 Mesoscutum anteriorly tall and very steep, almost at a right angle (Fig. 377). Metascutellum with many (>5) dorsal setae (Fig. 378) Oxyscelio praecipitis Burks, sp. n.
Mesoscutum sometimes anteriorly weakly curved, not nearly at a right angle (Fig. 430). Metascutellum with 2-4 dorsal setae (Figs 83, 431) 8
8 Radicle darker than scape (Fig. 84). Female: fore wing long enough to reach to or beyond T6 (Fig. 85) Oxyscelio carinatus (Kieffer)
Radicle same color as scape (Figs 430, 432) . Female: fore wing not long enough to reach T6 (Fig. 433) Oxyscelio vittae Burks, sp. n.
9 Straight, vertical facial carina present extending dorsoventrally alongside antennal foramen (Fig. 317). Male: submedian carina with a small protrusion medially that intercedes between pedicels when antenna at rest (Figs 60, 320) 10
Vertical facial carina absent (Figs 142, 182). Male: submedian carina without median protrusion (Fig. 127) 11
10 1st metatarsomere over 1.1x as long as metatarsomeres 2–5 combined. Body long: females over 4 mm, males over 3.4 mm Oxyscelio mesiodentis Burks, sp. n.
1st metatarsomere less than 1.1x as long as metatarsomeres 2–5 combined Body short: females less than 4 mm, males less than 3.3 mm Oxyscelio brevidentis Burks, sp. n.
11 Female: T1 midlobe with 5 straight and anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (as in Fig. 85). Male: A5 tyloid carina-like, not expanded (as in Fig. 136); T7 always with sharp and elongate posterolateral corners (Fig. 144) 12
Female: T1 midlobe with 4 anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (Figs 37, 98), or with an irregular curved set of carinae that are difficult to discern medially (Figs 183, 422, 425). Male: A5 tyloid expanded, teardrop-shaped or sinuate (Figs 36, 99, 424); T7 with rounded or sharp posterior corners, but these not narrow and elongate (Figs 37, 425) 13
12 Occipital carina connected to hyperoccipital carina by a median carina (as in Fig. 356) Oxyscelio crassicornis (Kieffer)
Occipital carina not connected to hyperoccipital carina (Fig. 140) Oxyscelio crustum Burks, sp. n.
13 Postmarginal vein absent or very short: less than 1/3 stigmal vein length. Female: A4 longer than broad (Fig. 180) Oxyscelio doumao Burks, sp. n.
Postmarginal vein long: more than 1/3 stigmal vein length. Female: A4 usually as broad or broader than long (Figs 35, 96; exception: Oxyscelio unguis, Figs 420, 423) 14
14 Medial mesoscutum with longitudinal rugae posteriorly (Fig. 97). Male: T1 midlobe with 3 longitudinal carinae Oxyscelio ceylonensis (Dodd)
Medial mesoscutum without longitudinal rugae (Figs 34, 421). Male: T1 midlobe with 4 or 5 longitudinal carinae (Figs 37, 425) 15
15 Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum forming a strong arch in lateral view (Fig. 32). Female: T1 midlobe longitudinal carinae in pairs (with no median carina) but not broadly separated medially (as in Fig. 37) Oxyscelio arcus Burks, sp. n.
Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum not forming such a steep arch (Fig. 420). Female: T1 midlobe longitudinal carinae in two broadly separated pairs with sometimes an irregular or split median carina between the pairs (Fig. 422) Oxyscelio unguis Burks, sp. n.
16 Hyperoccipital carina indicated by a sharp carina but not connected to occipital carina laterally (Figs 58, 146, 318) 17
Hyperoccipital carina absent, indicated by one or more rounded rugae (Figs 11, 39), or connected to occipital carina laterally (Figs 132, 403) 27
17 Ventral frons with oblique flange between antennal foramen and eye (Fig. 347) Oxyscelio nubbin Burks, sp. n.
Ventral frons without oblique flange between antennal foramen and eye (Fig. 237) 18
18 Netrion smooth centrally, with only two rows of foveae peripherally (Fig. 312). Frontal depression nearly flat (Fig. 314) Oxyscelio marginalis (Kieffer)
Netrion with additional foveae centrally or crossed by rugae (Fig. 145, 235). Frontal depression deeply concave (Fig. 147, 274, 428) 19
19 Metascutellum narrowing posteriorly, truncate or very slightly emarginate apically (Figs 23, 273, 427) 20
Metascutellum deeply divided apically (Figs 49, 146) 22
20 Lateral propodeal carinae broadly separated anteriorly (as in Fig. 181). T1 midlobe with 6 longitudinal carinae. Gena roughly sculptured, without granulate sculpture (Fig. 22) Oxyscelio angustifrons Burks, sp. n.
Lateral propodeal carinae narrowly separated anteriorly (Figs 275, 427). T1 midlobe with 4 or 5 longitudinal carinae. Gena with extensive granulate sculpture or nearly smooth (Fig. 272, 426) 21
21 Metasomal depression strongly sculptured (Fig. 427). Gena without middle carina or ruga (Fig. 427) Oxyscelio vadorum Burks, sp. n.
Metasomal depression not sculptured (Fig. 275). Gena with middle carina or ruga (Fig. 272) Oxyscelio kramatos Burks, sp. n.
22 T1 midlobe with 5 or more anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (Fig. 49). Occipital carina with a sharply narrowed median peak (Fig. 49). Female: metasomal depression with complete median carina (Fig. 51); A3-A6 longer than broad Oxyscelio aureamediocritas Burks, sp. n.
T1 midlobe with 4 anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (Fig. 148). Occipital carina without median peak (Fig. 146). Female: metasomal depression often with sculpture, but not a complete median carina (Fig. 256); at least A6 broader than long (Fig. 253) 23
23 Metasomal depression with a pair of anterior areoles separated by a tiny median carina. Male: submedian carina with a small protrusion medially, separating pedicels when antenna at rest (as in Fig. 320) Oxyscelio bipunctuum Burks, sp. n.
Metasomal depression smooth or with only a single median areole anteriorly (Fig. 256). Male: submedian carina without protrusion medially (as in Fig. 147) 24
24 Metascutellum narrowing apically, with posterolateral corners slightly convergent (Fig. 117) Oxyscelio convergens Burks, sp. n.
Metascutellum not narrowing apically, posterolateral corners not convergent (Fig. 146) 25
25 Mesoscutellum without granulate sculpture (Fig. 146). Propodeal carinae anteromedially broadly separated (as in Fig. 97) Oxyscelio cuculli Burks, sp. n.
Mesoscutellum posterolaterally with some granulate sculpture (Figs 236, 255–256). Propodeal carinae anteromedially narrowly separated (Fig. 256) 26
26 Mesoscutellum lacking granulate sculpture medially, but posterolaterally with granulate microsculpture (Figs 255–256). Propodeum anteriorly relatively long, its carinae anteromedially not expanded, proceeding for a long distance anteriorly before reaching anterior rim (Fig. 256) Oxyscelio intermedietas Burks, sp. n.
Mesoscutellum uniformly sculptured, with strong granulate microsculpture (Figs 236). Propodeum anteriorly shorter, its carinae expanded (Fig. 238) Oxyscelio granorum Burks, sp. n.
27 Ventral frons with oblique carina-like or tooth-like flange between antennal foramen and eye (Figs 7, 335, 361) 28
Ventral frons without flange or carina between antennal foramen and eye (Figs 134, 291) 37
28 Female: club not expanded or compact (Fig. 6). Males unknown Oxyscelio aclavae Burks, sp. n.
Specimen male, or female with an expanded and compact antennal club (Fig. 284) 29
29 Metascutellum dorsally convex (Figs 246, 360) 30
Metascutellum dorsally flat or concave (Figs 152, 226, 400) 31
30 Metascutellum deeply triangularly emarginate apically (Fig. 360). Female: T5, T6 not nearly parallel-sided (Fig. 362) Oxyscelio operimenti Burks, sp. n.
Metascutellum nearly truncate apically (Fig. 246). Female: T5, T6 very narrow, nearly parallel-sided (Fig. 248) Oxyscelio greenacus Burks, sp. n.
31 T2 with sublateral longitudinal depressions (as in Fig. 217) Oxyscelio rugosus (Kieffer)
T2 without sublateral depressions (Fig. 403) 32
32 Hyperoccipital carina connected laterally with occipital carina (Figs 400, 403). Female: T6 terminating in an elongate, sharp spine (Fig. 402). Male: T7 with rounded posterior corners (Fig. 403) Oxyscelio spinae Burks, sp. n.
Hyperoccipital carina not distinctly connected with occipital carina laterally (Fig. 334). Female: T6 not terminating in elongate spine (Fig. 336). male: T7 with sharp posterior corners 33
33 Metascutellum longer than broad, with a narrow median channel (Fig. 285) Oxyscelio latinubbin Burks, sp. n.
Metascutellum broader than long, with a median fovea or set of rugae (Figs 226, 334) 34
34 T1 midlobe with 3 anteriorly separate longitudinal carinae (Fig. 336) Oxyscelio nasolabii Burks, sp. n.
T1 midlobe with 5 or more anteriorly separate longitudinal carinae, or T1 without separate longitudinal carinae (Figs 29, 152) 35
35 Metascutellum narrow and tiny, smooth medially (Fig. 152) Oxyscelio cupularis (Kieffer)
Metascutellum large and broad, rugose medially (Figs 27, 226) 36
36 Frontal depression crossed by 1 (faint) transverse carina (Fig. 227). Female: T1 midlobe with strong anterior horn and no longitudinal carinae Oxyscelio foveatus Kieffer
Frontal depression with 3 or more transverse carinae dorsally (Fig. 28). Female: T1 midlobe without anterior horn, with 6 strong and complete longitudinal carinae (Fig. 29) Oxyscelio angustinubbin Burks, sp. n.
37 Occipital carina with sharp, protruding lateral corners (Figs 155–156) 38
Occipital carina rounded laterally, without lateral corners (Figs 381–382) 69
38 Mesoscutellar rim medially sharply incised (Fig. 123) Oxyscelio cordis Burks, sp. n.
Mesoscutellum apically convex, straight, or broadly concave posteriorly, but rim not incised (Fig. 289) 39
39 Propodeum forming a complete, roughly sculptured arch protruding over the base of T1 (Figs 435, 438) Oxyscelio zeuctomesos Burks, sp. n.
Propodeum with at most a slight arch anteriorly, not protruding over the base of T1 (Fig. 289) 40
40 Occipital carina medially flat, with sharp dorso-lateral corners, distinctly indicated throughout (Fig. 375) Oxyscelio planocarinae Burks, sp. n.
Occipital carina absent or convex medially 41
41 Netrion anteriorly deeply concave (Fig. 196) 42
Netrion not concave (Fig. 351) 43
42 Occipital carina and submedian carina acuminate medially (Figs 89–90). Metascutellum extending beyond anterior margin of propodeum (Fig. 89) Oxyscelio cavinetrion Burks, sp. n.
Occipital carina absent medially (Fig. 197), submedian carina rounded medially (Fig. 198). Metascutellum very tiny, hardly extending beyond anterior margin of propodeum (Fig. 197) Oxyscelio flavipennis (Kieffer)
43 Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum smooth and shiny, head and mesosoma without granulate sculpture (Figs 352, 415). Seram 44
Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum, if nearly smooth, then strongly granulate (Fig. 328) 45
44 Mesoscutal median carina absent (Fig. 352) Oxyscelio obsidiani Burks, sp. n.
Mesoscutal median carina present (Fig. 415) Oxyscelio tecti Burks, sp. n.
45 Metascutellum elongate, extending past propodeal apex (Fig. 307) Oxyscelio magnus (Kieffer)
Metascutellum not elongate, not extending past propodeal apex (Figs 289, 356) 45
46 Occipital carina submedially concave, medially acuminate or with a strongly convex middle section (Figs 356, 396). Submedian carina acuminate medially (Fig. 357). Oxyscelio ogive Species Group 47
Occipital carina and submedian carina absent medially or uniformly rounded medially (Figs 65, 130) 50
47 Metascutellum rugose medially, without transverse carinae (Figs 193, 396) 48
Metascutellum smooth medially, or with transverse carinae (Figs 279, 356) 49
48 Mesoscutellum with many strong longitudinal rugae (Fig. 396). Occipital carina with a strong median peak or arch (Fig. 396) Oxyscelio sinuum Burks, sp. n.
Mesoscutellum without longitudinal rugae (Fig. 193). Occipital carina rounded medially (Fig. 193) Oxyscelio flabelli Burks, sp. n.
49 Fore wing not long enough to reach beyond T5 in females (Fig. 358). Occipital carina with a sharp peak medially (Fig. 356) Oxyscelio ogive Burks, sp. n.
Fore wing long enough to reach middle of T6 in females. Occipital carina weakly sinuate, with a weaker median peak (Fig. 281) Oxyscelio labis Burks, sp. n.
50 Males (metasoma with 8 externally visible terga, the 8th small and directed posteriorly) 51
Females (metasoma with 6 externally visible terga on dorsal surface of metasoma, last pair of terga held internally unless ovipositor system extruded) 59
51 T1 midlobe with 6 or more anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (Fig. 69) 52
T1 midlobe with 5 or fewer anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (Fig. 224) 54
52 Head with depression extending from median ocellus to submedian carina (Fig. 251). Halmahera Oxyscelio halmaherae Burks, sp. n.
Head without such a depression (Fig. 67) 53
53 Mesoscutellum with granulate sculpture (Fig. 179). Body brownish. the Philippines Oxyscelio dorsalis (Kieffer)
Mesoscutellum without granulate sculpture (Fig. 65). Body metallic blue. Christmas Island Oxyscelio caesitas Burks, sp. n.
54 T7 with bluntly rounded posterior corners that are not tapering (Fig. 132) Oxyscelio crateris Burks, sp. n.
T7 with tapering posterior corners (Fig. 224) 55
55 Interantennal process elongate (Fig. 190) Oxyscelio fistulae Burks, sp. n.
Interantennal process not elongate (Fig. 155) 6
56 A11 longer than broad (Fig. 224) Oxyscelio fossularum Burks, sp. n.
A11 broader than long (Figs 292, 331) 57
57 Propodeum forming an interrupted arch over the base of T1, with metascutellum resting in the interruption (Fig. 159) Oxyscelio cyrtomesos Burks, sp. n.
Propodeum not forming an arch over base of T1 (Fig. 332), metascutellum not so closely associated with propodeum 58
58 Metascutellum with a smooth median area or with branched rugae (Fig. 332) Oxyscelio naraws Kozlov & Lê
Metascutellum with straight ruga (Fig. 293) Oxyscelio latitudinis Burks, sp. n.
59 T2 with strong, curved and parallel sublateral striae, the medial ones without setae between them (Figs 66, 413); triangular anteromedian area present between the two sets of striae, setose and slightly raised (Fig. 413). Oxyscelio striarum Species Group 60
T2 with weaker longitudinal rugae or striae, with setae between all of them, and with no raised triangular area medially (Fig. 330) 61
60 Body metallic blue. Mesoscutellar apex concave (Fig. 65) Oxyscelio caesitas Burks, sp. n.
Body brownish. Mesoscutellar apex straight or weakly convex (Fig. 411) Oxyscelio striarum Burks, sp. n.
61 T2 and anterior part of T3 with sublateral longitudinal depressions, these medially bordered by a strong carina or unusually strong ruga (Fig. 217). Oxyscelio fossarum Species Group 62
T2 and T3 without sublateral longitudinal depressions (Fig. 330) 66
62 Mesoscutellum with granulate sculpture (Fig. 156) 63
Mesoscutellum without granulate sculpture (Fig. 211) 65
63 Metascutellum tongue-shaped; propodeum forming a long arch over base of T1, with a narrow median break (Fig. 156) Oxyscelio cyrtomesos Burks, sp. n.
Metascutellum broader and subrectangular or apically emarginate; propodeum forming only a very short arch anteriorly, this not overhanging base of T1 and without median break (Figs 215, 221) 64
64 Fore wings long enough to reach middle of T4 (Fig. 217). T1 midlobe without longitudinal carinae anteriorly (Fig. 217) Oxyscelio fossarum Burks, sp. n.
Fore wings long enough to reach middle of T5 or beyond. T1 midlobe with longitudinal carinae anteriorly (Fig. 222) Oxyscelio fossularum Burks, sp. n.
Note: Unknown females of Oxyscelio fistulae would key to this couplet, but should be distinguished in having an elongate interantennal process (as in Fig. 190).
65 T5, T6 elongate and nearly parallel-sided (Fig. 213). Fore wings long enough to reach middle of T4 Oxyscelio fodiens Burks, sp. n.
T5, T6 moderately broad and tapering, not nearly parallel-sided (Fig. 9). Fore wings long enough to reach middle of T5 Oxyscelio acutiventris (Kieffer)
66 Metascutellum broad, medially rugose (Fig. 285). Oxyscelio latitudinis Species Group 67
Metascutellum narrow, medially smooth (Fig. 131) Oxyscelio crateris Burks, sp. n.
67 T5, T6 elongate and nearly parallel-sided (Fig. 290) Oxyscelio latitudinis Burks, sp. n.
T5, T6 moderately broad and tapering, broader and not nearly parallel-sided (Figs 330, 372) 68
68 Metascutellum very broad, with a median incision (Fig. 370) Oxyscelio perpensus Kononova
Metascutellum about as long as broad, convex or truncate apically (Figs 328, 330) Oxyscelio naraws Kozlov & Lê
69 Frontal depression crossed by many (>5) transverse carinae or grooves along its entire length, or with many dorsal transverse carinae that are discontinuous medially but reaching the midpoint from both sides (Figs 102, 343). (Fig. 342). Oxyscelio noduli Species Group 70
Frontal depression almost entirely smooth, with fewer than 5 carinae, these either complete or broadly interrupted (Fig. 134) 72
70 Fore wings long enough to reach middle of T6. Metascutellum completely smooth aside from peripheral carina (Fig. 342). T1 midlobe with a very slight, indistinct anterior horn (Fig. 344) Oxyscelio noduli Burks, sp. n.
Fore wings long enough to reach middle of T5. Metascutellum with some central sculpture (Figs 101, 338). T1 midlobe with a strong anterior horn (Fig. 340) 71
71 Body yellowish. Metascutellar apex weakly emarginate (Fig. 101) Oxyscelio chimaerae Burks, sp. n.
Body dark greenish-brown. Metascutellar apex convex (Fig. 338) Oxyscelio nodorum Burks, sp. n.
72 Mesosoma anteriorly very tall and steep, descending at a right angle (Figs 16, 294). India, Sri Lanka. Oxyscelio limae Species Group 73
Mesosoma more weakly curved, not descending at a right angle. Widespread 75
73 Mesoscutum without extra carinae between median carina and notauli (Fig. 18) Oxyscelio anguli Burks, sp. n.
Mesoscutum with extra set of carinae between median carina and notauli, anteriorly with 5 longitudinal carinae (Figs 201, 298) 74
74 Metasoma yellow; metascutellum tiny, not extending over base of T1; T1 midlobe with 5 separate longitudinal carinae in females and no smooth elevation(Fig. 201) Oxyscelio flaviventris Burks, sp. n.
Metasoma black or dark brown; metascutellum large, extending partially over base of T1 (Fig. 298). T1 midlobe with smooth elevation anteriorly in females, this interrupting the carinae (Fig. 296) Oxyscelio limae Burks, sp. n.
75 Metascutellum nearly flat and with some rugae or weak irregular sculpture centrally, without transverse carinae (Fig. 173). Oxyscelio florus Species Group 76
Metascutellum concave, smooth centrally or with one or more sharp transverse carinae (Fig. 137). Oxyscelio crebritas Species Group 80
76 Mesoscutellum with granulate sculpture (Fig. 39) Oxyscelio arvi Burks, sp. n.
Mesoscutellum without granulate sculpture (Fig. 260) 77
77 Upper frons with one or more extra carinae parallel to submedian carina (Figs 174, 206) 78
Upper frons without additional carinae parallel to submedian carina (Figs 261, 389) 79
78 Fore wings long enough to reach middle of T4 or T5. Mesoscutellum with median carina (Fig. 205) Oxyscelio florus Kononova
Fore wings long enough to reach apex of T5 or middle of T6. Mesoscutellum without median carina (Fig. 173) Oxyscelio dermatoglyphes Burks, sp. n.
79 Mesosoma in known specimen yellow (Fig. 259); mesofemoral depression crossed by 3 carinae Oxyscelio jaune Burks, sp. n.
Mesosoma in known specimens black (Fig. 387); mesofemoral depression crossed by more than 5 carinae Oxyscelio regionis Burks, sp. n.
80 Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum entirely granulate (Fig. 242) 81
At least mesoscutum with areas that are not granulate (Figs 137, 264) 82
81 Gena granulate (Fig. 241) Oxyscelio granuli Burks, sp. n.
Gena without granulate sculpture (Fig. 63) Oxyscelio brevinervis (Kieffer)
82 Mesoscutellum with extensive granulate sculpture laterally (Figs 230, 264) 83
Mesoscutellum without granulate sculpture (Fig. 137) 85
83 Weak median carina present along occiput (Fig. 232). Gena with very strong middle carina (Fig. 229) Oxyscelio genae Burks, sp. n.
Occiput without median carina (Fig, 264). Middle genal carina not very strong (Fig. 263) 84
84 Male (females unknown): T1 midlobe with 3 longitudinal carinae. Philippines Oxyscelio kiefferi Dodd
T1 midlobe with 4 longitudinal carinae (Fig. 268). Oxyscelio jugi Burks, sp. n.
85 Middle genal carina angled towards posterior genal carina (Fig. 381) 86
Middle genal carina parallel with eye margin (Fig. 133) 87
86 Female: T1 midlobe without anterior elevation, longitudinal carinae distinct (Fig. 383). Male: T7 with rounded posterior corners (Fig. 386) Oxyscelio reflectens Burks, sp. n.
Female: T1 midlobe with smooth elevation rendering anterior carinae uncountable (Fig. 79). Male: T7 with sharp posterior corners (Fig. 81) Oxyscelio capitis Burks, sp. n.
87 Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area rugose or with very short carinae that do not cross it, not crossed by long straight carinae (Figs 42, 282) 88
Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area crossed by long straight carinae, or smooth centrally (Figs 10, 133) 90
88 Submedian carina not defined (as in Fig. 251) Oxyscelio lacunae Burks, sp. n.
Submedian carina sharp, well-defined (Fig. 134) 89
89 Male (females unknown): T1 midlobe with 4 anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (Fig. 187). A5 tyloid carina-like, not expanded. Philippines Oxyscelio excavatus (Kieffer)
Male (see Figs 42–45 for females): T1 midlobe with 3 anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (as in Fig. 138). A5 tyloid expanded, sinuate or comma-shaped (as in Fig. 385) Oxyscelio asperi Burks, sp. n.
90 Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression dense and very numerous, arising only from tiny pits that are not bordered by a carina (Fig. 70) Oxyscelio capilli Burks, sp. n.
Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression more sparsely distributed, arising from foveae that are bordered by a carina dorsally (Fig. 133) 91
91 Medial mesoscutum and mesoscutellum with transverse rugae (Fig. 11). Female: T6 apex sharply acuminate (Fig. 13) Oxyscelio amrichae Burks, sp. n.
Medial mesoscutum and mesoscutellum without transverse rugae (Fig. 137). Female: T6 apex rounded. (Fig. 135) 92
92 Male, T1 midlobe with 5 anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (Fig. 305) 93
Female, or T1 midlobe with 4 or fewer anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (Fig. 138) 94
93 Occipital carina absent medially; medial mesoscutum strongly sculptured, with strong longitudinal elevation between median carina and notaulus (Fig. 301) Oxyscelio longiventris Burks, sp. n.
Occipital carina complete medially; medial mesoscutum weakly sculptured, without elevation between median carina and notaulus (Fig. 323) Oxyscelio mollitia Burks, sp. n.
94 Female: Fore wings not long enough to reach past T4 (Fig. 302) Oxyscelio longiventris Burks, sp. n.
Specimen male, or female with fore wings long enough to reach middle of T5 (Fig. 107) 95
95 Female: T1 midlobe with smooth elevation anteriorly, obscuring anterior carinae; T6 longer than broad (Figs 107, 325) 96
Female: T1 midlobe with 5 separate carinae anteriorly, or T6 broader than long (Fig. 135). (Males cannot be reliably keyed past this couplet) 97
96 Mesofemoral depression crossed by more than 5 carinae (Fig. 322). Female: A5 longer than broad Oxyscelio mollitia Burks, sp. n.
Mesofemoral depression crossed by at most 5 carinae (Fig. 104). Female: A5 broader than long Oxyscelio codae Burks, sp. n.
97 Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum shiny, with weak sculpture that appears melted; sculpture of posterior portion of medial mesoscutum umbilicate-punctate (Figs 111, 115). Philippines Oxyscelio consobrinus (Kieffer)
Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum not shiny, with strong sculpture; sculpture of posterior portion of medial mesoscutum umbilicate-foveate, with no punctate areas (Fig. 137). Widespread, but absent from Philippines Oxyscelio crebritas Burks, sp. n.
Species descriptions

Female. Body length 3.75–5.3 mm (n=20).

Radicle color: same color as scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: longer than broad. A5: longer than broad. Antennal club: not formed, segments not compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: crossed by many tiny furrows. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: with oblique tooth-like flange (facial nubbin). Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: present, broad throughout its length. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: rugose. Microsculpture of gena antero-ventrally: granulate. Microsculpture of gena postero-ventrally: granulate. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: not indicated medially. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate. Occipital carina medially: sinuate, concave medial to corners, but without a median peak. Lateral corners of occipital carina: sharp and protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: strong. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; irregularly rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: punctate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: punctate. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 2. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: convex or straight. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: smooth. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae antero-medially: strongly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: meeting for only a short distance medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Forewing apex: reaching middle of T5; reaching apex of T5.

T1 midlobe: obscured by other raised sculpture. T1: with small rounded anterior bulge, not reaching metascutellum. T2: with long sublateral depressions. T6: broader than long. Apical flange of T6: not exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: granulate.

Male. Unknown.


Female: Antennal club not formed, flagellomeres widely separated. Face with oblique expanded flange between antennal foramen and eye. Metascutellum longer than broad, with central smooth channel.


Latin noun, genitive case, intended to mean “clubless.” Refers to the long and well-separated apical flagellomeres.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: THAILAND: Chanthaburi Prov., inside youth camp, T3345, Khao Khitchakut National Park, 12°50.570'N, 102°07.220’E, 12m, 8.IX–15.IX.2008, malaise trap, Suthida & Charoenchai, OSUC 368762 (deposited in QSBG). Paratypes: (78 females) BRUNEI: 2 females, OSUC 376633, 376655 (BMNH). INDONESIA: 28 females, OSUC 257096, 376652-376654, 376658, 376661 (BMNH); OSUC 368943, 368955, 368957, 368963, 369074, 369083 (CNCI); OSUC 240914, 247845, 247854, 247865, 257074 (MBBJ); OSUC 228684-228686, 228697, 228700, 241815, 247834, 247839 (OSUC); OSUC 257059, 257061, 257070 (ROME). MALAYSIA: 20 females, OSUC 202717 (AEIC); OSUC 376580, 376587, 376589, 376592, 376594, 376599, 376603, 376606-376607, 376610, 376613 (BMNH); OSUC 369323, 369334 (CNCI); OSUC 376748-376749 (MCZC); OSUC 381324, 453782, 453787, 453794 (OSUC). SRI LANKA: 1 female, OSUC 268123 (USNM). THAILAND: 27 females, OSUC 335869 (BMNH); OSUC 368757-368758, 368768 (CNCI); OSUC 320372, 320407, 322089, 335911, 352472-352475 (OSUC); OSUC 335116, 335118-335119, 336027, 336045, 336119, 352476, 361337, 361340, 361349, 361364, 361366, 361374 (QSBG); OSUC 335144, 335830 (WINC).


Females of Oxyscelio aclavae are frequently collected, but males are unknown. This species can be easily recognized by the lack of an antennal club in females, in which the apical flagellomere is at least partially white, and by the oblique flange near the antennal foramen. A12 in most specimens is entirely white, but it is only partially white in some smaller specimens. A long metascutellum and similar oblique facial flange also occurs in Oxyscelio latinubbin, which may be closely related to Oxyscelio aclavae if the T2 longitudinal depressions prove homoplastic.

Figures 2–7.

Oxyscelio aclavae sp. n., paratype female (OSUC 352476) 2 Head and mesosoma, lateral view. Paratype female (OSUC 335830) 3 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view. Paratype female (OSUC 247834) Head, anterior view. Paratype female (OSUC 369083) 5 Metasoma, dorsal view. Paratype female (OSUC 257059) 6 Antennae 7 Ventral frons, oblique view; arrow indicates oblique flange. Morphbank24

Oxyscelio acutiventris (Kieffer)




Figures 8–9; Morphbank 25
Trichanteris acutiventris Kieffer, 1916: 176 (original description); Kelner-Pillault 1958: 152 (type information).
Dicroteleia acutiventris (Kieffer): Kieffer 1926: 387, 388 (generic transfer, description, keyed).
Oxyscelio acutiventris (Kieffer): Dodd 1931: 74 (generic transfer).

Female. Body length 4.25 mm (n=1).

Radicle color: same color as scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: longer than broad. A5: longer than broad. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 3-5 complete transverse carinae. Submedian carina: weak, shallow and rounded or formed by ledge. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: present, broad throughout its length. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: granulate. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: granulate. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated by rugae. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate. Occipital carina medially: absent. Lateral corners of occipital carina: sharp and protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: weak. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: absent. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: roundly concave. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 3. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: flat. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: with scattered rugae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: weakly emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: foveate or rugose. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: strongly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: meeting for only a short distance medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching middle of T5.

T1 midlobe: obscured by other raised sculpture. T1: with long anterior bulge, reaching metascutellum. T2: with long sublateral depressions. T6: longer than broad. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of T6: granulate.

Male. Unknown.


Female: Frontal depression crossed by a few carinae. Mesoscutellum without granulate sculpture. Metascutellum subrectangular, rugose. Fore wings long enough to reach middle of T5. T6 apically narrow but not sharply acuminate. T1 with a well-developed anterior horn with anteriorly obscure longitudinal carinae. T2 with long sublateral depressions bordered medially by strong carinae.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female, Trichanteris acutiventris: PHILIPPINES: Laguna Prov., Luzon Isl., Mount Makiling, no date, Baker, Museum Paris EY0000003996 (deposited in MNHN).

Figures 8–9.

Oxyscelio acutiventris (Kieffer), holotype female (Museum Paris EY0000003996) 8 Body, lateral view 9 Body, dorsal view. Morphbank25


Female. Body length 3.9–4.45 mm (n=17).

Radicle color: darker than scape. Scape color: Brown. A4: broader than long; as long as broad. A5: broader than long. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 3 or more broadly interrupted transverse carinae. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated by rugae. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate. Occipital carina medially: absent. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: weak. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: present. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; transversely rugose. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; irregularly rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 2. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: 3-5; more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: 3-5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: straight, unbranched carina present. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: weakly emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: weakly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching apex of T5; reaching middle of T6.

T1 midlobe: with 5 longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: longer than broad; as long as broad. Apical flange of T6: not exposed apically. Metasomal apex: tapering to a sharp point. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: granulate.

Male. Body length 3.4–4.5 mm (n=20). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: longer than broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 4 longitudinal carinae; with 5 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.


Both sexes: Middle genal carina subparallel with eye margin. Hyperoccipital carina indicated by rugae. Mesoscutellum without granulate sculpture. Metascutellum concave dorsally, smooth aside from some transverse carinae. Female: A4, A5 not longer than broad. T1 midlobe with 5 longitudinal carinae. T6 acuminate apically. Male: A11 slightly longer than broad. T1 midlobe with 4 or 5 longitudinal carinae. T7 with short, sharp and protruding posterolateral corners. Oxyscelio amrichae is very similar to Oxyscelio jugi in that both have an acuminate T6, but Oxyscelio amrichae differs in lacking granulate sculpture on the mesoscutellum. It can also be recognized by its usually reddish color.


Named in honor of Ruth Amrich, a dedicated and skilled entomologist.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: INDONESIA: Aceh Auto. Prov., Sumatra Isl., Ketambe Research Station, 1° rainforest / young forest / terrace 3 closed canopy, IIS 900011, Gunung Leuser National Park, 03°41'N, 97°39’E, 350m, II-1990, malaise trap, C. Darling, OSUC 247976 (deposited in MBBJ). Paratypes: (16 females, 40 males) BRUNEI: 1 female, 8 males, OSUC 376630-376631, 376634-376636, 376638-376639, 376642, 376656 (BMNH).INDONESIA: 9 females, 32 males, OSUC 361276, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112234 (BMNH); OSUC 247842, 247973, 257050, 257077, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112236, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112237, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112238, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112241, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112242 (MBBJ); OSUC 228742, 228746, 240916, 240918, 240927, 247849, 247864, 248899, 251439, 257425, 361274 (OSUC); OSUC 228711, 228713, 240915, 240928, 240932, 247855, 247859-247860, 247966, 247968-247969, 247972, 257054-257055, 257422, 257424, 257429, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112240, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112249 (ROME). MALAYSIA: 7 females, 1 male, OSUC 376581, 376591, 376593, 376596-376598, 376604 (BMNH); OSUC 369063 (CNCI).

Figures 10–15.

Oxyscelio amrichae sp. n., paratype female (OSUC 247855) 10 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 11 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view. Paratype female (OSUC 240927) 12 Head, anterior view. Paratype female (ROMEnt Spec. No. 112240) 13 Metasomal apex, dorsal view. Paratype male (OSUC 228746) 14 Antenna 15 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank26


Female. Body length 4.75–5.75 mm (n=12).

Radicle color: same color as scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: broader than long; as long as broad. A5: broader than long. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: without transverse or oblique carinae below submedian carina. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: rugose; umbilicate-punctate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated by rugae. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate; with transverse carinae. Occipital carina medially: uniformly rounded. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: strong. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: present. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; transversely rugose. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-punctate; transversely rugose. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: absent; granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent; granulate. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; irregularly rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: granulate. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 3. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: flat. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: with scattered rugae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: convex or straight. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: strongly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: absent. Fore wing apex: reaching middle of T4.

T1 midlobe: obscured by other raised sculpture. T1: with small rounded anterior bulge, not reaching metascutellum. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: longer than broad. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: absent.

Male. Body length 4.65–4.7 mm (n=2).A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: longer than broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 5 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.


Both sexes: Hyperoccipital carina indicated by rugae; occipital carina complete. Mesosoma very tall and steep anteriorly, descending at a right angle. Medial mesoscutum without distinct carinae between notauli and median mesoscutal carina. Mesoscutellum with some granulate sculpture posterolaterally. Metascutellum extending over base of T1, with many longitudinal carinae or rugae. Female: Fore wing long enough to reach middle of T4. T1 midlobe with an elevation obscuring carinae anteriorly. T6 slightly longer than broad. Male: A11 longer than broad. T1 midlobe with 4 longitudinal carinae. T7 with sharp, protruding posterolateral corners. Males of Oxyscelio anguli are difficult to separate from those of Oxyscelio limae, but have a slightly longer flagellum, more granulate sculpture, and a slightly broader metascutellum.


Latin noun, genitive case, meaning “corner.” Refers to the slightly protruding corners of some metasomal terga.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: SRI LANKA: Uva Prov., Moneragala Dist., 15km E Uda Walawe, 06°27'N, 80°28’E, 31.VII-3.VIII.1993, K. V. Krombein, J. W. Norden & B. B. Norden, OSUC 268177 (deposited in ISDF).Paratypes: SRI LANKA: 12 females, 2 males, OSUC 369090, 369160 (CNCI); OSUC 268098-268099, 268101, 268103, 268122, 268127-268128, 268130, 268142, 268147, 268164, 268279 (USNM).

Figures 16–21.

Oxyscelio anguli sp. n., paratype female (OSUC 268128) 16 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 17 Head, anterior view.Paratype female (OSUC 268142) 18 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view. Paratype female (OSUC 268130) 19 Metasoma, dorsal view. Paratype male (OSUC 268279) 20 Antenna 21 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank27


Female. Body length 2.95–3.1 mm (n=2).

Radicle color: same color as scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: broader than long. A5: broader than long. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: present. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 3 or more broadly interrupted transverse carinae. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: hood-like, protruding over pedicel when antenna at rest. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: absent. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: complete, continuous with anterior genal carina. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: irregularly rugose. Occipital carina medially: sinuate, concave medial to corners, but without a median peak. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: strong. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; longitudinally rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent; granulate. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 4. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: weakly emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: foveate or rugose. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: strongly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching beyond T6.

T1 midlobe: with 6 or more longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: broader than long. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of T6: absent.

Male. Body length 2.95–3.35 mm (n=2). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: broader than long. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 6 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.


Both sexes: Frons without elevation between antennal foramen and eye. Hyperoccipital carina present, continuous with anterior genal carina. Metascutellum narrowing posteriorly and only very slightly emarginate apically, without dorsal setae. Propodeum without median carina; lateral propodeal carinae broadly separated anteriorly. Female: T1 midlobe with 6 longitudinal carinae. T6 rounded apically. Male: A11 broader than long. T1 midlobe with 6 longitudinal carinae. T7 with acuminate posterolateral corners. The posteriorly narrowing metascutellum and large number of T1 midlobe carinae can be used to easily distinguish this rarely collected species from other members of the cuculli-group.


Latin noun in apposition to the generic name, meaning “narrow frons.” Refers to the very narrow upper frons.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: INDONESIA: Kalimantan Barat Prov., Cabang Panti Research Station, 1° rainforest / alluvial light gap, IIS 910122, Gunung Palung National Park, 01°15'S, 110°05’E, 100–400m, 15.VI–15.VIII.1991, malaise trap, Darling & Rosichon, OSUC 247962 (deposited in MBBJ). Paratypes: (2 females, 2 males) BRUNEI: 1 female, OSUC 376627 (BMNH). INDONESIA: 1 female, 2 males, OSUC 464006 (CNCI); OSUC 257046 (MBBJ); OSUC 247847 (ROME).


The gena in Oxyscelio angustifrons lacks any strong carina between the anterior one (continuous with the hyperoccipital carina) and the posterior genal carina. This state differs from that of most other species of Oxyscelio, but nearly all Oxyscelio have strong variation in the distinctness of carinae in this part of the gena.

Figures 22–25.

Oxyscelio angustifrons sp. n., holotype female (OSUC 247962) 22 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 23 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 24 Head, anterior view. Paratype male (OSUC 247847) 25 Antenna. Morphbank28


Female. Body length 4.15–4.35 mm (n=4).

Radicle color: same color as scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: longer than broad. A5: longer than broad. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 3 or more broadly interrupted transverse carinae; with 3-5 complete transverse carinae. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: with oblique tooth-like flange (facial nubbin). Malar area at mouth corner: with one carina. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated by rugae. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: present as a weak elevation. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate. Occipital carina medially: absent. Lateral corners of occipital carina: sharp and protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: strong. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; irregularly rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae.

Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 3. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: 3-5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: weakly emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: strongly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: absent. Fore wing apex: reaching middle of T5.

T1 midlobe: with 6 or more longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: longer than broad. Apical flange of T6: not exposed apically. Metasomal apex: tapering to a sharp point. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of T6: granulate.

Male.Body length 4.25 mm (n=1). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: longer than broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 5 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.


Both sexes: Face with a narrow oblique flange between antennal foramen and eye. Metascutellum not convex, not emarginate posteriorly. Female: Antennal club formed. A4 longer than broad. Fore wing long enough to reach middle of T5. T1 without anterior horn, midlobe with 6 longitudinal carinae. Male: A11 longer than broad. T1 midlobe with 5 longitudinal carinae. T7 with weakly acuminate posterolateral corners. Oxyscelio angustinubbin is similar to Oxyscelio foveatus and some other species with a broad metascutellum and oblique flange between the antennal foramen and eye. It is distinctive in entirely lacking a T1 horn in females, and can be recognized through several additional sculptural features. Especially, the oblique facial flange is much narrower than that the broad sculptured flange of Oxyscelio foveatus.


Compound noun meaning “narrow nubbin.” Refers to the smaller than usual, smooth oblique flange between the antennal foramen and the eye.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: INDONESIA: Sulawesi Utara Prov., “Edwards”, Toraut, Bogani Nani Wartabone (Dumoga-Bone) National Park, 680m, 26.IV-7.VI.1985, J. H. Martin, OSUC 58667 (deposited in BMNH).Paratypes: INDONESIA: 3 females, 1 male, OSUC 376617 (BMNH); OSUC 369233, 369291, 369298 (CNCI).


The known male exhibits a narrower, more apically rounded metascutellum than in the females.

Figures 26–31.

Oxyscelio angustinubbin sp. n., holotype female (OSUC 58667) 26 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 27 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 28 Head, anterior view 29 Metasoma, dorsal view. Paratype male (OSUC 369233) 30 Antenna 31 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank29


Female. Body length 3.45–3.95 mm (n=14).

Radicle color: same color as scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: broader than long. A5: broader than long. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 3 or more broadly interrupted transverse carinae. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: granulate. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: granulate. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: complete, continuous with anterior genal carina. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: with transverse carinae; irregularly rugose. Occipital carina medially: sinuate, concave medial to corners, but without a median peak. Lateral corners of occipital carina: sharp and protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: weak. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-punctate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; longitudinally rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 4. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: with scattered rugae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: with many dorsal setae. Metascutellar apex: weakly emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: weakly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: one or more areoles present. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching middle of T6.

T1 midlobe: with 4 longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: broader than long. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: absent.

Male. Body length 3.4–3.6 mm (n=5). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: broader than long. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 4 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with no distinct corners.


Both sexes: Frons without elevation between antennal foramen and eye. Hyperoccipital carina present, continuous with anterior genal carina. Medial mesoscutum with strong sculpture, but without longitudinal rugae. Metascutellum with dorsal setae. Female: A4, A5 broader than long T1 with 4 longitudinal carinae. Male: A5 tyloid expanded. A11 broader than long. Frontal depression without tooth-like median protrusion dorsally. T1 midlobe with 4 longitudinal carinae. T7 without protruding posterolateral corners. Oxyscelio arcus is very similar to Oxyscelio ceylonensis and Oxyscelio unguis. It differs from them both in sculpture and body shape, and in other features such as T1 midlobe carinae and the apex of T7.


Latin noun, genitive case, meaning “arch.”

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: THAILAND: Phitsanulok Prov., mixed deciduous forest, T920, Thung Salaeng Luang National Park, 16°50.563'N, 100°51.757'E, 481m, 12.IX–13.IX.2006, pan trap, Pongpitak & Pranee, OSUC 361931 (deposited in QSBG). Paratypes: (12 females, 7 males) INDONESIA: 3 females, OSUC 369077, 369079 (CNCI); ROMEnt Spec. No. 112246 (ROME). THAILAND: 10 females, 7 males, OSUC 368627, 368690, 368745, 464056 (CNCI); OSUC 224350, 247657336161, 352486, 361962 (OSUC); OSUC 247624, 254743, 336708, 361285-361286, 368520 (QSBG); OSUC 285223, 336707 (WINC).

Figures 32–37.

Oxyscelio arcus sp. n., paratype female (OSUC 368627) 32 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 33 Propodeum, posterior view. Paratype female (OSUC 285223) 34 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view. Paratype female (OSUC 369077) 35 Head, anterior view. Paratype male (OSUC 254743) 36 Antenna 37 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank30


Female. Body length 4.35–4.45 mm (n=3).

Radicle color: same color as scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: longer than broad. A5: longer than broad. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 1 complete transverse carina. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: absent (replace with question mark). Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: rugose; umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated by rugae. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate. Occipital carina medially: uniformly rounded. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: strong. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: granulate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: granulate. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 3. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: 3-5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: convex. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: convex or straight. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: strongly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching apex of T4.

T1 midlobe: obscured by other raised sculpture. T1: with long anterior bulge, reaching metascutellum. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: longer than broad. Apical flange of T6: not exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: granulate.

Male. Unknown.


Female: Upper frons without additional carinae dorsal to submedian carina, but frontal depression with sharply arched carinae ventral to submedian carina. Hyperoccipital carina indicated by rugae. Mesoscutellum with granulate sculpture posterolaterally. Mesofemoral depression crossed by more than 3 carinae below speculum. Mesopleuron along anteroventral edge of femoral depression with rows of weak pits or foveae that are separated by a broad smooth strip. Metascutellum subrectangular, with scattered rugae. T1 midlobe with strong anterior horn. T2 without sublateral depressions or curved striae. T6 longer than broad, tapering to a rounded apex. Oxyscelio arvi is very similar to Oxyscelio florus and the Taiwanese species Oxyscelio dermatoglyphes, but differs in mesosomal sculpture. It is unique in having a smooth strip interrupting the rows of setae along the anterior edge of the femoral depression.


Latin noun, genitive case, meaning “field.”

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: JAPAN: Tochigi Pref., Honshu, Nishi-nasuno, National Grassland Research Institute (NGRI), 500m, 10.VIII.1989, sweeping, M. J. Sharkey, OSUC 368989 (deposited in CNCI). Paratypes:JAPAN: 2 females, OSUC 368990 (CNCI); OSUC 368988 (OSUC).

Figures 38–41.

Oxyscelio arvi sp. n., paratype female (OSUC 368988) 38 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 39 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 40 Head, anterior view 41 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank31


Female. Body length 3.35–3.6 mm (n=6).

Radicle color: darker than scape. Scape color: Brown. A4: longer than broad. A5: broader than long; as long as broad. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 2 complete transverse carinae. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with one carina. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: not indicated medially. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate. Occipital carina medially: uniformly rounded. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: strong. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-punctate; irregularly rugose. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; irregularly rugose. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: absent. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; irregularly rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 2. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: convex or straight. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: foveate or rugose. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: strongly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching middle of T5.

T1 midlobe: with 5 longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: longer than broad. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of T6: granulate.

Male:Body length 3.15–3.5 mm (n=6). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: longer than broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 3 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.


Both sexes: Middle genal carina weak, subparallel with eye margin. Hyperoccipital carina absent. Mesoscutellum without granulate sculpture. Metascutellum tiny, concave dorsally, smooth aside from some transverse carinae. Metapleuron not crossed by carinae above lower metapleural area, instead with rough irregular sculpture. Female: A4, A5 longer than broad. T1 midlobe with 5 longitudinal carinae. T6 longer than broad. Male: A11 longer than broad. A5 tyloid expanded, sinuate or teardrop-shaped. T7 with short, sharp and protruding posterolateral corners. Oxyscelio asperi is very similar to Oxyscelio crebritas, but is entirely dark brown in color, lacks straight carinae on the metapleuron, and has at most one straight carina crossing the mesofemoral depression. It is also distinctive within the crebritas-group in having relatively long A4 and A5.


Latin noun (2nd declension: asperum, -i), genitive case, meaning “uneven landscape.” Refers to the unusual and irregular metapleural sculpture.

Link to distribution map. [http://hol.osu.edu/map-full.html?id=275569]

Associations. Unspecified association Uncaria Schreber: [Rubiales: Rubiaceae]

Material examined.

Holotype, female: INDONESIA: Maluku Prov., Ceram (Seram) Isl., Solea, VIII-1987, malaise trap, M. C. Day, OSUC 368934 (deposited in BMNH). Paratypes: INDONESIA: 6 females, 6 males, OSUC 368924-368928, 368932, 368935, 368937 (CNCI); OSUC 368929, 368931, 368933, 368936 (OSUC).


Oxyscelio asperi is known only from Seram, and was initially assessed as just a regionally dark form of Oxyscelio crebritas. It is recognized as distinct on strength of the metapleural and mesopleural sculpture.

Figures 42–47.

Oxyscelio asperi sp. n., holotype female (OSUC 368934) 42 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 43 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 44 Metasoma, dorsal view. Paratype female (OSUC 368924) 45 Head, anterior view. Paratype male (OSUC 368933) 46 Antenna 47 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank32


Female. Body length 3.45 mm (n=1).

Radicle color: darker than scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: longer than broad. A5: longer than broad. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 3 or more broadly interrupted transverse carinae. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: hood-like, protruding over pedicel when antenna at rest. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: complete, continuous with anterior genal carina. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: crenulate; umbilicate-punctate. Occipital carina medially: convex, with a sharp median peak. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: weak. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally rugose. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; irregularly rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from tiny pits. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 3. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: deeply emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: smooth. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: weakly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: one or more areoles present. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: median carina present. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching beyond T6.

T1 midlobe: with 5 longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: broader than long. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of T6: absent.

Male. Unknown.


Female: A4, A5 longer than broad. Frons without elevation between antennal foramen and eye. Hyperoccipital carina present, continuous with anterior genal carina. Metascutellum deeply emarginate. Metasomal depression elongate, with median carina; lateral propodeal carinae narrowly separated anteriorly. T1 midlobe with 5 longitudinal carinae. T6 rounded apically. Oxyscelio aureamediocritas is similar to Oxyscelio convergens and other species with a sculptured and conspicuous metasomal depression, and with the flagellum in females having an elongate A4 and A5 and weakly developed club. It differs in having a propodeal median carina. Although males of this species are unknown, patterns of variation in other species of Oxyscelio suggest that males may lack the median propodeal carina.


Latin noun in apposition to the generic name, based on “The Golden Mean” coined by Horace. Refers to the median propodeal carina and general golden color of the holotype.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: THAILAND: Phetchabun Prov., Hell, evergreen forest, T1329, Nam Nao National Park, 16°44.402'N, 101°34.560'E, 883m, 27.XI-4.XII.2006, malaise trap, N. Hongyothi, OSUC 280518 (deposited in QSBG).

Figures 48–51.

Oxyscelio aureamediocritas sp. n., holotype female (OSUC 280518) 48 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 49 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 50 Head, anterior view 51 Propodeum, posterior view. Morphbank33


Female. Body length 3.75–3.8 mm (n=2).

Radicle color: darker than scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: broader than long. A5: broader than long. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: present. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 3 or more broadly interrupted transverse carinae. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: absent. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: absent (replace with question mark). Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-punctate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: complete, continuous with anterior genal carina. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-punctate. Occipital carina medially: uniformly rounded; absent. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: weak. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent; granulate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: granulate. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from tiny pits. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 3; 4. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: 3-5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: 3-5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: deeply emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: smooth. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: weakly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: median carina present. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching beyond T6.

T1 midlobe: with 4 longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: broader than long. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of T6: absent.

Male. Body length 3.55–3.65 mm (n=2). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: longer than broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: present. Median lobe of T1: with 4 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with no distinct corners.


Both sexes: Frons without elevation between antennal foramen and eye. Hyperoccipital carina present, continuous with anterior genal carina. Metascutellum deeply emarginate. Metasomal depression elongate, with a pair of areoles separated by a short median carina; lateral propodeal carinae narrowly separated anteriorly. Female: A4, A5 broader than long. T1 midlobe with 4 longitudinal carinae. T6 rounded apically. Male: Frontal depression with tooth-like median protrusion dorsally. T1 midlobe with 4 longitudinal carinae. T7 without distinct posterolateral corners. Oxyscelio bipunctuum differs from other species of the Oxyscelio convergens-complex in having a median protrusion dorsomedially from the frontal depression in males. This character also occurs in some species of the Oxyscelio mesiodentis-complex, but these species do not otherwise strongly resemble Oxyscelio bipunctuum.


Latin noun, 4th declension, plural genitive case. Refers to the two small areoles on the metasomal depression.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: INDIA: Tamil Nadu St., Palni (Pulney) Hills, Kodaikanal, 6500ft, V-1953, P. S. Nathan, OSUC 369048 (deposited in CNCI). Paratypes: INDIA: 2 females, 2 males, OSUC 376572-376575 (BMNH).

Figures 52–55.

Oxyscelio bipunctuum sp. n., paratype female (OSUC 376572) 52 Head and mesosoma, lateral view. Holotype female (OSUC 369048) 53 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 54 Head, anterior view 55 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank34


Female. Body length 2.7–3.75 mm (n=18).

Radicle color: same color as scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: broader than long. A5: broader than long. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: without transverse or oblique carinae below submedian carina. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: hood-like, protruding over pedicel when antenna at rest. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: rugose; umbilicate-punctate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: complete, continuous with anterior genal carina. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: irregularly rugose. Occipital carina medially: uniformly rounded. Lateral corners of occipital carina: sharp and protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: weak. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; longitudinally rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 3; 4. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: foveate. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: with many dorsal setae. Metascutellar apex: weakly emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: strongly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: one or more areoles present. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching apex of T6; reaching beyond T6. 1st metatarsomere less than 1.1x as long as metatarsomeres 2–5 combined.

T1 midlobe: with 4 longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: broader than long. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: absent.

Male. Body length 2.7–3.25 mm (n=18). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: broader than long; as long as broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: present. Median lobe of T1: with 4 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.


Both sexes: Face with vertical elevation between antennal foramen and eye. Hyperoccipital carina present, continuous with anterior genal carina. Medial mesoscutum and mesoscutellum with many strong longitudinal rugae. Metascutellum with dorsal setae. Lateral propodeal carinae strongly diverging. Female: A4, A5 broader than long. T1 with 4 longitudinal carinae. Male: A5 tyloid expanded. Frontal depression with tooth-like median protrusion dorsally. T1 midlobe with 3 longitudinal carinae. T7 without distinct posterolateral corners. Oxyscelio brevidentis and Oxyscelio mesiodentis are very similar, but differ mainly in the lateral propodeal carinae and size-related features, with metatarsomere length being the best diagnostic feature.


Latin noun, genitive case, meaning “short tooth.”

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: THAILAND: Ubon Ratchathani Prov., Rong Khi Noi (Rong Hi Noy), T1476, Pha Tam National Park, 15°40.021'N, 105°30.448'E, 240m, 1.I-7.I.2007, malaise trap, Thongkam & Pakdee, OSUC 285222 (deposited in QSBG). Paratypes: THAILAND: 20 females, 22 males, OSUC 247882, 247908 (BMNH); OSUC 317879, 320406, 368721, 368764, 464019, 464024, 464026, 464045, 464059-464060 (CNCI); OSUC 247598, 247899, 247909, 247921, 257385, 285228, 335631 (OSUC); OSUC 247649, 257401, 317861, 317869, 317873, 320384, 322083, 335547, 335986, 352453, 352455, 352487, 361186, 361200-361204, 361206, 361960 (QSBG); OSUC 247910, 285227, 320393 (WINC).


The strong similarity between Oxyscelio brevidentis and Oxyscelio mesiodentis may indicate that they are really one species attacking a wide variety of hosts, but it seems best to verify this possibility before combining these two species.

Figures 56–61.

Oxyscelio brevidentis sp. n., paratype female (OSUC 317861) 56 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 57 Metasoma, dorsal view. Paratype female (OSUC 352487) 58 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view. Paratype female (OSUC 257385) 59 Head, anterior view Paratype male (OSUC 352455) 60 Antenna. Paratype male (OSUC 247910) 61 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank35

Oxyscelio brevinervis (Kieffer)




Figures 62–63; Morphbank 36
Camptoteleia brevinervis Kieffer, 1916: 171, 175 (original description, keyed); Kieffer 1926: 380, 384 (description, keyed).
Oxyscelio brevinervis (Kieffer): Dodd 1931: 74 (generic transfer).

Female. Unknown.

Male. Body length 3.4–3.45 mm (n=3).

Radicle color: same color as scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: longer than broad.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 3-5 complete transverse carinae. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena antero-ventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena postero-ventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated by rugae. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate; irregularly rugose. Occipital carina medially: uniformly rounded. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: strong. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; irregularly rugose. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: granulate. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: granulate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: granulate. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 2. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: 3-5; more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: convex or straight. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae; smooth. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present.

Median lobe of T1: with 4 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.


Male: A11 longer than broad. Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum granulate. Metascutellum concave dorsally, smooth medially. Postmarginal vein present. T1 midlobe with 4 longitudinal carinae. T7 with short, sharp and protruding posterolateral corners.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Neotype, male: PHILIPPINES: Laguna Prov., Mount Makiling (Maquiling), no date, Baker, OSUC 268270 (deposited in USNM). Other material: PHILIPPINES: 2 males, OSUC 436884 (BMNH); OSUC 268251 (USNM).


The type material of Camptoteleia brevinervis Kieffer, collected from Mindanao (Butuan) in the Philippines, could not be found after an extensive search of collections known to house Kieffer type material. The neotype of Camptoteleia brevinervis is presently designated to clarify the taxonomic status of the species. It was selected because of its collection locality, its short stigmal vein relative to the postmarginal vein, and for its long flagellomeres.

Figures 62–63.

Oxyscelio brevinervis sp. n., neotype male (OSUC 268270) 62 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 63 Head, anterior view. Morphbank36


Female. Body length 4.6–4.85 mm (n=2).

Radicle color: same color as scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: longer than broad. A5: longer than broad; as long as broad. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 3 or more broadly interrupted transverse carinae. Submedian carina: weak, shallow and rounded or formed by ledge. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: present, broad throughout its length. Middle genal carina: absent. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: absent (replace with question mark). Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: absent; umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated by rugae. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate. Occipital carina medially: absent. Lateral corners of occipital carina: sharp and protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: weak. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: roundly concave. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from tiny pits. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 4. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: flat. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: with scattered rugae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched; straight, unbranched carina present. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: weakly emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: strongly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching middle of T4; reaching apex of T4.

T1 midlobe: obscured by other raised sculpture. T1: with long anterior bulge, reaching metascutellum. T2: with strong set of curved striae. T6: longer than broad. Apical flange of T6: not exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of T6: granulate.

Male. Body length 4.3–4.35 mm (n=3). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: longer than broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 5 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.


Both sexes: Mesoscutellum without granulate areas. Metascutellum nearly square, rugose. Female: T1 with a strong anterior horn. T2 and T3 with long, approximated curved striate that for much of their length are not separated by setal pits. Fore wings long enough to reach middle or nearly to apex of T4. Male: A11 longer than broad. T1 midlobe with 6 or more longitudinal carinae. T7 with sharp, protruding posterolateral corners.


Latin noun in apposition, meaning “blueness.”

Link to distribution map.


Material Examined. Holotype, female: CHRISTMAS ISLAND: East-West Park Track, 10°30'S, 105°35'E, 13.IV–28.IV.1989, malaise trap, J. C. Cardale, ANIC DB 32-021000 (deposited in ANIC). Paratypes: CHRISTMAS ISLAND: 1 female, 3 males, OSUC 442266-442269 (ANIC).


Oxyscelio caesitas is the only known species of Oxyscelio with any metallic blue luster. It is also the only member of the striarum-group in which males are definitively known. These male specimens do not exhibit the distinctive curved T2 and T3 striae found in females.

Figures 64–69.

Oxyscelio caesitas sp. n., holotype female (ANIC Database no. 32 021000) 64 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 65 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 66 Metasoma, dorsal view.Paratype female (OSUC 442266) 67 Head, anterior view. Paratype male (OSUC 442269) 68 Antenna 69 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank37


Female. Body length 3.6–4.95 mm (n=20).

Radicle color: darker than scape. Scape color: Yellowish; Brown. A4: broader than long. A5: broader than long. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 2 complete transverse carinae. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated by rugae. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate. Occipital carina medially: uniformly rounded. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: strong. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: present. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; irregularly rugose. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; irregularly rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from tiny pits. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 2. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: 3-5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: weakly emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: smooth. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: strongly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching middle of T6.

T1 midlobe: with 5 longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: broader than long. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of T6: absent.

Male. Body length 3.5–4.6 mm (n=20). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: longer than broad; as long as broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 3 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.


Both sexes: Middle genal carina subparallel with eye margin. Hyperoccipital carina indicated by rugae. Mesoscutellum without granulate sculpture. Metascutellum concave dorsally, smooth aside from some transverse carinae. Female: A5 broader than long. T1 midlobe with 5 longitudinal carinae. T6 rounded apically. Mesopleuron, along ventral margin of femoral depression, with many fine setae arising from tiny pits, some of these setae arising from the femoral depression itself. Male: A11 longer than broad. T1 midlobe with 3 longitudinal carinae. T7 with short, sharp and protruding posterolateral corners that are very widely separated. Oxyscelio capilli is very similar to Oxyscelio crebritas, and males of these two species (plus some others) are very difficult to separate due to variation in what constitute reliable diagnostic features for other species. Females of Oxyscelio capilli can be recognized by the extensive setation along the ventral edge of the femoral depression, which also occurs in Oxyscelio reflectens and some other species of Oxyscelio.


Latin noun, genitive case, meaning “hair.” Refers to the unusually extensive setation of the mesopleuron ventrally.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: INDONESIA: Sulawesi Utara Prov., Toraut, Bogani Nani Wartabone (Dumoga-Bone) National Park, 1000m, 9.V-16.V.1985, J. S. Noyes, OSUC 369179 (deposited in BMNH). Paratypes:INDONESIA: 82 females, 26 males, OSUC 368916-368922, 368948-368953, 368959, 368962, 369180-369181, 369183-369195, 369197-369209, 369212-369216, 369220, 369222-369224, 369226, 369229-369232, 369235, 369237-369239, 369242, 369245, 369247-369250, 369252, 369255-369256, 369263-369264, 369267-369269, 369273, 369277, 369282, 369295, 369299, 369301, 369303-369305 (CNCI); OSUC 436897-436901, 436903, 58669-58670 (OSUC); OSUC 436885-436890, 436892-436896, 436902, 436904-436907 (WINC).


There are two distinct size fractions of specimens included in this species, but these variants exhibit no other apparent differences.

Figures 70–75.

Oxyscelio capilli sp. n., paratype female (OSUC 368951) 70 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 71 Mesosoma, dorsal view 72 Head, anterior view 73 Metasoma, dorsal view. Paratype male (OSUC 58670) 74 Antenna 75 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank38


Female. Body length 3.05–3.25 mm (n=3).

Radicle color: darker than scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: broader than long. A5: broader than long. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 2 complete transverse carinae. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: without striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: curving towards genal carina dorsally. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated by rugae. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate. Occipital carina medially: uniformly rounded. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: with slight bulge projecting anteriorly towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: strong. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: present. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; longitudinally rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 2. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: flat. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: with scattered rugae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: convex or straight. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: strongly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching apex of T5.

T1 midlobe: obscured by other raised sculpture. T1: with long anterior bulge, reaching metascutellum. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: longer than broad; as long as broad. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: absent.

Male.Body length 2.9–3.05 mm (n=2). A5 tyloid: expanded, teardrop-shaped or sinuate. A11: broader than long. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 4 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.


Both sexes: Middle genal carina angled towards genal carina dorsally. Metascutellum flat but with one or more transverse carinae. Female: A4, A5 broader than long. T1 midlobe with well-developed anterior horn. Male: A11 broader than long. A5 tyloid expanded, sinuate or teardrop-shaped. T7 with short, sharp and protruding posterolateral corners. Oxyscelio capitis is very similar to Oxyscelio reflectens, but is smaller-bodied, with a relatively larger head, a flat metascutellum, a T1 horn in females, and acuminate posterolateral corners on T7 in males.


Latin noun, genitive case, meaning “head.” Emphasizes the large head of this species.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: THAILAND: Kanchanaburi Prov., Khong Kraborg, T3431, Khuean Srinagarindra National Park, 14°29.972'N, 98°53.035'E, 210m, 4.IX–11.IX.2008, malaise trap, Boonnam & Phumarin, OSUC 335910 (deposited in QSBG). Paratypes: THAILAND: 2 females, 2 males, OSUC 247918, 335919 (OSUC); OSUC 247958, 335922 (QSBG).

Figures 76–81.

Oxyscelio capitis sp. n., holotype female (OSUC 335910) 76 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 77 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 78 Head, anterior view. Paratype female (OSUC 335922) 79 Metasoma, dorsal view. Paratype male (OSUC 247958) 80 Antenna 81 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank39

Oxyscelio carinatus (Kieffer)




Figures 82–87; Morphbank 40
Camptoteleia carinata Kieffer, 1913b: 387 (original description, keyed); Kieffer 1914: 296 (keyed); Kieffer 1916: 171 (keyed); Kieffer 1926: 380 (description, keyed).
Oxyscelio carinatus (Kieffer): Dodd 1931: 74 (generic transfer); Masner 1976: 23 (type information).
Camptoteleia kiefferi Benoit: Kelner-Pillault 1958: 150 (unnecessarily proposed replacement name, rejected by Baltazar (1966)).

Female. Body length 6.3–7.1 mm (n=8).

Radicle color: darker than scape. Scape color: Brown. A4: broader than long; as long as broad. A5: broader than long. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: flat. Frontal depression sculpture: without transverse or oblique carinae below submedian carina. Submedian carina: weak, shallow and rounded or formed by ledge. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: without striae; with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: absent. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: absent (replace with question mark). Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated by rugae. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate. Occipital carina medially: absent. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: strong. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: absent. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: obliquely rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 2; 3. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: 3-5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: with many dorsal setae. Metascutellar apex: deeply emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: strongly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: one or more areoles present. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: median carina present. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching apex of T6; reaching beyond T6.

T1 midlobe: with 5 longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: irregularly areolate. T6: broader than long. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of T6: absent.

Male. Body length 3.15–3.25 mm (n=3). A5 tyloid: expanded, teardrop-shaped or sinuate. A11: longer than broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 4 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.


Both sexes: Frons without elevation between antennal foramen and eye; frontal depression flat. Hyperoccipital carina defined by ruga, but continuous with anterior genal carina. Metascutellum with dorsal setae. Metasomal depression extensively sculptured; lateral propodeal carinae broadly separated anteriorly. Female: A4, A5 broader than long. T1 midlobe with 5 longitudinal carinae. Male: T1 midlobe with 4 longitudinal carinae. T7 with sharp posterolateral corners. Oxyscelio carinatus is very similar to Oxyscelio spinosiceps, but differs in having weaker mesoscutal and scutellar sculpture, and in lacking a flange between the antennal foramen and eye.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female, Camptoteleia carinata: PHILIPPINES: Laguna Prov., Los Baños, no date, Baker, USNM Type No. 70472 (deposited in USNM). Other material: PHILIPPINES: 8 females, 3 males, OSUC 149521 (AEIC); OSUC 369057 (CNCI); OSUC 240936, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112206, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112212, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112218, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112220, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112225, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112684, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112685 (ROME); OSUC 268272 (USNM).

Figures 82–87.

Oxyscelio carinatus (Kieffer), holotype female (USNM Type No. 70472) 82 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 83 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 84 Head, anterior view. Female (OSUC 369057) 85 Metasoma, dorsal view. Male (ROMEnt Spec. No. 112220) 86 Antenna 87 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank40


Female. Body length 3.5 mm (n=1).

Radicle color: darker than scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: longer than broad. A5: broader than long. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 3-5 complete transverse carinae. Submedian carina: weak, shallow and rounded or formed by ledge. Submedian carina medially: with sharp peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: without striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: present, broad throughout its length. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: present. Hyperoccipital carina: not indicated medially. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: with transverse carinae. Occipital carina medially: divided into concave halves, meeting at median peak. Lateral corners of occipital carina: sharp and protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: strong. Netrion surface anteriorly: inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-punctate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; longitudinally rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 2. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: weakly emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: weakly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: one or more areoles present. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching middle of T5; reaching apex of T5.

T1 midlobe: with 4 longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: broader than long. Apical flange of T6: not exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of T6: granulate.

Male. Body length 3.3–3.55 mm (n=8). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: longer than broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 4 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.


Both sexes: Occipital carina complete as a distinct carina, but medial portions concave and meeting at a peak. Mesoscutellum with a few flattened longitudinal carinae. Netrion concave anteriorly. Metascutellum tiny, dorsally concave. Female: A4, A5 broader than long. Fore wings long enough to reach middle or apex of T5. T1 midlobe without anterior horn. Male: A11 longer than broad. Fore wings long enough to reach middle of T5. T7 with short, sharp and protruding posterolateral corners. Oxyscelio cavinetrion is very similar to Oxyscelio flavipennis, but has a shorter metasoma which lacks the anterior T1 horn in females, and a differently shaped metascutellum.


Compound noun intended to mean “concave netrion.”

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: PHILIPPINES: Basilan Prov., Basilan Island, no date, Baker, OSUC 268260 (deposited in USNM). Paratypes: PHILIPPINES: 1 female, 10 males, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112682 (ROME); OSUC 268224, 268234-268235, 268238, 268240, 268246, 268258, 268262, 268266, 268271 (USNM).

Figures 88–93.

Oxyscelio cavinetrion sp. n., paratype female (OSUC 268262) 88 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 89 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view. Holotype female (OSUC 268260) 90 Head, anterior view 91 Metasoma, dorsal view. Paratype male (OSUC 268271) 92 Mesosoma, dorsal view 93 Metasomal apex, dorsal view. Morphbank41

Oxyscelio ceylonensis (Dodd)




Figures 94–99; Morphbank 42
Sceliomorpha ceylonensis Dodd, 1920: 349 (original description); Masner 1965: 96 (type information).
Oxyscelio ceylonensis (Dodd): Dodd 1931: 75 (generic transfer); Masner 1976: 24 (description).

Female. Body length 2.9–3.65 mm (n=20).

Radicle color: same color as scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: broader than long; as long as broad. A5: broader than long. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 3 or more broadly interrupted transverse carinae. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: rugose; umbilicate-punctate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: absent; umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: granulate. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: complete, continuous with anterior genal carina. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: with transverse carinae; irregularly rugose. Occipital carina medially: uniformly rounded; sinuate, concave medial to corners, but without a median peak. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: strong. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; longitudinally rugose. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; longitudinally rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: granulate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: granulate. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 3. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: with scattered rugae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: with many dorsal setae. Metascutellar apex: weakly emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: strongly diverging; weakly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent; one or more areoles present. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching apex of T5; reaching beyond T6; reaching middle of T6. T1 midlobe: with 4 longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: broader than long. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: absent.

Male. Body length 3.1–3.55 mm (n=8). A5 tyloid: expanded, teardrop-shaped or sinuate. A11: broader than long; as long as broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 3 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with no distinct corners.


Both sexes: Frons without elevation between antennal foramen and eye. Hyperoccipital carina present, continuous with anterior genal carina. Medial mesoscutum and mesoscutellum with many strong longitudinal rugae. Metascutellum with dorsal setae. Female: A4, A5 broader than long. T1 with 4 longitudinal carinae. Male: A5 tyloid expanded. Frontal depression without tooth-like median protrusion dorsally. T1 midlobe with 3 longitudinal carinae. T7 without distinct posterolateral corners. Oxyscelio ceylonensis is very similar to Oxyscelio unguis, but differs chiefly in the longitudinal rugae mentioned here.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female, Sceliomorpha ceylonensis: SRI LANKA: 67-25, no date, Thwaites, B.M. TYPE HYM. 9.509 (deposited in BMNH). Paratypes: SRI LANKA: 3 females, OSUC 376673-376675 (BMNH). Other material: (33 females, 10 males) CHINA: 1 female, OSUC 268209 (USNM). INDIA: 3 females, OSUC 376565-376566, 376577 (BMNH). MALAYSIA: 2 females, OSUC 376746, 376751 (MCZC). NEPAL: 18 females, 9 males, OSUC 369129-369138, 369140-369145, 369147, 369150-369157, 369159, 369174 (CNCI). SRI LANKA: 5 females, ANIC DB 32-020126 (ANIC); OSUC 442262 (BMNH); OSUC 369091 (CNCI); OSUC 268172, 268174 (USNM). THAILAND: 1 female, OSUC 247605 (OSUC). VIETNAM: 3 females, 1 male, OSUC 119941 (OSUC); OSUC 277390, 277411, 281583 (RMNH).


The lateral propodeal carinae exhibit strong variation in Oxyscelio ceylonensis, being narrowly separated and subparallel in some specimens (especially those from Nepal) and strongly divergent in others. This variation did not prove consistent enough to serve as a convincing feature for species separation.

Figures 94–99.

Oxyscelio ceylonensis (Dodd), female (OSUC 268172) 94 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 95 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view. Female (OSUC 369091) 96 Head, anterior view. Female (OSUC 268174) 97 Propodeum, posterior view. Female (OSUC 369174) 98 Metasoma, dorsal view. Male (OSUC 369134) 99 Antenna. Morphbank42


Female. Body length 3.4 mm (n=1).

Radicle color: same color as scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: longer than broad. A5: longer than broad. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: present. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: crossed by many tiny furrows. Submedian carina: weak, shallow and rounded or formed by ledge. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated by rugae. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate. Occipital carina medially: uniformly rounded. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: strong. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-punctate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-punctate; irregularly rugose. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: granulate. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 3. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: 3-5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: weakly emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: strongly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching middle of T5.

T1 midlobe: obscured by other raised sculpture. T1: with small rounded anterior bulge, not reaching metascutellum. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: longer than broad. Apical flange of T6: not exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: granulate.

Male. Unknown.


Female: A4 longer than broad. Frontal depression crossed by many carinae that are interrupted medially. Submedian carina weak, not accompanied by extra carinae dorsally. Hyperoccipital carina indicated by rugae; occipital carina without distinct lateral corners. Mesoscutellum with granulate sculpture. Mesofemoral depression crossed by few (not more than 5) carinae below speculum. Metascutellum subrectangular, smooth centrally. T1 midlobe with very strong anterior horn. T2 without sublateral depressions or curved striae. Fore wings long enough to reach middle of T5. T6 slightly longer than broad.


Latinized noun, genitive case. Refers to the mix of distinctive features in this species.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: MALAYSIA: Sabah St., rainforest edge, Danum Valley Protection Forest Reserve, 25.X–11.XII.1986, malaise trap, P. J. Eggleton, OSUC 369320 (deposited in BMNH).


Oxyscelio chimaerae exhibits an unusual mix of features that agree with the noduli-group; it is the only known member of that group from outside Sulawesi.

Figures 100–103.

Oxyscelio chimaerae sp. n., holotype female (OSUC 369320) 100 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 101 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 102 Head, anterior view 103 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank43


Female.Body length 3.6–3.9 mm (n=20).

Radicle color: darker than scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: broader than long; as long as broad. A5: broader than long. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 3-5 complete transverse carinae. Submedian carina: weak, shallow and rounded or formed by ledge. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated by rugae. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate. Occipital carina medially: absent. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: strong. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: present. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; irregularly rugose. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; transversely rugose. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: absent; granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; irregularly rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 2. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: 3-5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: convex or straight. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: strongly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching middle of T5; reaching apex of T5.

T1 midlobe: obscured by other raised sculpture. T1: with small rounded anterior bulge, not reaching metascutellum. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: longer than broad. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of T6: absent.

Male. Body length 3.25–3.5 mm (n=6). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: longer than broad; as long as broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 3 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.


Both sexes: Middle genal carina subparallel with eye margin. Hyperoccipital carina indicated by rugae. Mesoscutellum without granulate sculpture. Metascutellum concave dorsally, smooth aside from some transverse carinae. Female: A5 broader than long. T1 midlobe with a small anterior horn obscuring the longitudinal carinae. T6 rounded apically but longer than broad. Male: A11 longer than broad. T1 midlobe with 3 longitudinal carinae. T7 with short, sharp and protruding posterolateral corners that are curved and not widely separated. Oxyscelio codae is distinguished from most members of the crebritas-group in having a long T6 in females. Males of Oxyscelio codae are especially difficult to distinguish from those of Oxyscelio capilli, another species from Sulawesi. They differ in that Oxyscelio codae has a more elongate, tapering metasoma in which T7 is rounded apically, with acuminate apical projections angled slightly towards one another. In Oxyscelio capilli, the metasoma is usually shorter and broader, with T7 more truncate apically, and with the inner margins of the acuminate apical projections being at right angles and not angled towards one another.


Vulgar Latin noun, genitive case, meaning “tail.” Refers to the mildly elongate metasoma.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: INDONESIA: Sulawesi Utara Prov., Toraut, forest, Bogani Nani Wartabone (Dumoga-Bone) National Park, 9.V–16.V.1985, malaise trap, J. S. Noyes, OSUC 58664 (deposited in BMNH).Paratypes: INDONESIA: 22 females, 6 males, OSUC 369218-369219, 369225, 369228, 369236, 369240-369241, 369243-369244, 369253-369254, 369259, 369261, 369266, 369270, 369272, 369274, 369286, 369289-369290, 369293, 369296, 369302 (CNCI); OSUC 368947, 369258, 369265, 369284, 369292 (OSUC).

Figures 104–109.

Oxyscelio codae sp. n., paratype female (OSUC 369292) 104 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 105 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view. Paratype female (OSUC 369286) 106 Head, anterior view. Paratype female (OSUC 369293) 107 Metasoma, dorsal view. Paratype male (OSUC 369284) 108 Antenna. Paratype male (OSUC 369259) 109 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank44

Oxyscelio consobrinus (Kieffer)




Figures 110–115; Morphbank 45
Camptoteleia consobrina Kieffer, 1916: 171, 173 (original description, keyed); Kieffer 1926: 380, 382 (description, keyed); Kelner-Pillault 1958: 150 (type information).
Camptoteleia bifurcata Kieffer, 1916: 64, 172 (original description, keyed); Kieffer 1926: 380, 381 (description, keyed); Muesebeck and Walkley 1956: 339 (citation of type species). syn. n.
Camptoteleia frontalis Kieffer, 1916: 171, 175 (original description, keyed); Kieffer 1926: 380, 384 (description, keyed). syn. n.
Oxyscelio consobrinus (Kieffer): Dodd 1931: 75 (generic transfer).
Oxyscelio bifurcatus (Kieffer): Dodd 1931: 74 (generic transfer).
Oxyscelio frontalis (Kieffer): Dodd 1931: 75 (generic transfer).

Female. Body length 3.4–4.1 mm (n=14).

Radicle color: darker than scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: broader than long. A5: broader than long. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 2 complete transverse carinae. Submedian carina: weak, shallow and rounded or formed by ledge. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated by rugae. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate. Occipital carina medially: uniformly rounded. Lateral corners of occipital carina: sharp and protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: strong. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: present. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; longitudinally rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 2. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: 3-5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: weakly emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: strongly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching middle of T5.

T1 midlobe: with 5 longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: broader than long. Apical flange of T6: not exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: granulate.

Male. Body length 3.3–3.6 mm (n=13). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: longer than broad; as long as broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 3 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.

Diagnosis. Both sexes: Middle genal carina subparallel with eye margin. Hyperoccipital carina indicated by rugae. Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum with very weak sculpture, giving them a melted appearance. Metascutellum concave dorsally, smooth aside from some transverse carinae. Female: A4, A5 not longer than broad. Antennal club very large. T1 midlobe with 5 longitudinal carinae. T6 rounded apically. Male: A11 slightly longer than broad. T1 midlobe with 3 longitudinal carinae. T7 with short, sharp and protruding posterolateral corners. Oxyscelio consobrinus is very similar to Oxyscelio crebritas, but differs in having much weaker sculpture on the mesoscutum and mesoscutellum.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female, Camptoteleia consobrina: PHILIPPINES: Mindanao Isl., Butuan Chartered City, no date, Baker, Museum Paris EY0000003995 (deposited in MNHN). Neotype, female, Oxyscelio bifurcatus: PHILIPPINES: Negros Oriental Prov., 7km W Valencia, Cuernos de Negros Mountain, 700m, 17.V–25.V.1987, D. C. Darling, OSUC 369051 (deposited in CNCI). Neotype, male, Oxyscelio frontalis: PHILIPPINES: Negros Oriental Prov., 7km W Valencia, 1° forest edge, ROM 873068, Cuernos de Negros Mountain, 09°17'N, 123°15'E, 700m, 22.VIII-31.VIII.1987, malaise trap/pan trap, D. C. Darling & E. Mayordo, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112696 (deposited in ROME). Other material: PHILIPPINES: 13 females, 19 males, OSUC 448562 (BMNH); OSUC 369050 (CNCI); OSUC 228722, 251435, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112211, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112213, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112215, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112221, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112222, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112223, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112224, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112226, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112231, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112232, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112680, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112689, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112691, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112693, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112695 (ROME); OSUC 268225-268226, 268230, 268233, 268237, 268242-268244, 268250, 268254-268255, 268265, 268273 (USNM).


The weak sculpture of Oxyscelio consobrinus, which can resemble melted plastic, is a distinctive trait common to many Philippine species. Recently collected specimens of this species have indicated that this was not an artefact of any unusual collecting or preservation methods.

The type material of Camptoteleia bifurcata Kieffer, collected from Mindanao (Butuan) in the Philippines, could not be found after an extensive search of collections known to house Kieffer type material. The neotype of Camptoteleia bifurcata is presently designated to clarify the taxonomic status of the species. It was selected because of its collection locality, and because it resembles Kieffer’s (1916) description in having a shiny mesosoma. In assigning a neotype for Camptoteleia bifurcata, we presumed that Kieffer (1916) was mistaken in his description of the fore wing venation. The “forked submarginal vein” seems to refer to the strongly tilted venation in which only the postmarginal vein closely approaches the anterior wing margin (the marginal vein is distant from the wing margin). This state is variable in many species of Oxyscelio, and therefore likely only indicates that a postmarginal vein is present. Females of Oxyscelio consobrinus can have a variably emarginate metascutellum, with extreme cases seeming bifurcate. This, and the description of the thorax as shiny, leads us to conclude that the lost type series of Camptoteleia bifurcata represented specimens of Oxyscelio consobrinus corresponding to the above criteria, which proved to fit within intraspecifc variation.

Camptoteleia frontalis Kieffer was described from the same locality as Oxyscelio consobrinus. Kieffer (1916) did mention a male specimen of Oxyscelio bifurcatus, but he did not discuss its mesoscutal surface sculpture. The type material of Camptoteleia frontalis could not be found after an extensive search of collections known to house Kieffer type material. The neotype of Camptoteleia frontalis is presently designated to clarify the taxonomic status of the species. It was selected because of its collection locality, and the relatively rough sculpture of the specimen (relative to other Philippine specimens, which are not roughly sculptured compared with most mainland Asian specimens). Mesoscutal surface sculpture in male Oxyscelio consobrinus is variable. Kieffer also described the metascutellum of Oxyscelio frontalis as bilobed, and therefore in assigning a neotype we conclude that Oxyscelio frontalis was a male Oxyscelio consobrinus with relatively rough surface sculpture, a broad metascutellum having an emarginate apex, and with the marginal vein in close contact with the anterior wing margin.

Figures 110–115.

Oxyscelio consobrinus (Kieffer), holotype female (Museum Paris EY0000003995) 110 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 111 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 112 Head, anterior view 113 Metasoma, dorsal view. Paratype male (OSUC 268233) 114 Antennae 115 Mesosoma, dorsal view. Morphbank45


Female. Body length 3.5–3.75 mm (n=19).

Radicle color: same color as scape; darker than scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: longer than broad. A5: longer than broad. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent; present. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 3 or more broadly interrupted transverse carinae. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: hood-like, protruding over pedicel when antenna at rest. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent; present. Hyperoccipital carina: complete, continuous with anterior genal carina. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: with transverse carinae; irregularly rugose. Occipital carina medially: convex, with a sharp median peak. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: weak. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; longitudinally rugose. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; longitudinally rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 3; 4. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: weakly emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: weakly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: one or more areoles present. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching apex of T5; reaching apex of T6; reaching beyond T6.

T1 midlobe: with 4 longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: broader than long. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: absent.

Male. Body length 3.35–3.65 mm (n=20). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: longer than broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 4 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with rounded but projecting lobe-like corners.


Both sexes: Frons without elevation between antennal foramen and eye. Hyperoccipital carina present, continuous with anterior genal carina. Metascutellum narrowing posteriorly, but deeply incised. Metasomal depression elongate, with extensive sculpture; lateral propodeal carinae narrowly separated anteriorly. Female: A4, A5 longer than broad. T1 midlobe with 4 longitudinal carinae. T6 rounded apically. Male: All flagellomeres longer than broad. T1 midlobe with 4 longitudinal carinae. T7 with rounded posterolateral corners.


Latin participle, meaning “converging.” Does not change spelling under different genders. Refers to the posteriorly convergent mesoscutellar sculpture.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: TAIWAN: Taiwan Prov., Pingtung Co., Kenting National Park, 230m, V-1991, pan trap, Starr & Wu, OSUC 368789 (deposited in CNCI). Paratypes: TAIWAN: 18 females, 38 males, OSUC 368776, 368778-368780, 368782-368783, 368785-368786, 368788, 368790, 368792-368794, 368796-368799, 368801, 368803-368804, 368806-368807, 368814-368824, 368826-368827, 368830-368831, 368833, 368836-368837, 368839, 368842-368844, 368846 (CNCI); OSUC 199585-199586 (FSCA); OSUC 368781, 368800, 368809, 368811, 368841, 368845 (OSUC); OSUC 439690, 439692, 439954 (TARI).


Oxyscelio convergens belongs to a set of species with an elongate metasomal depression (the median portion of the propodeum anterior to the propodeal foramen), and with an elongate, posteriorly narrowing but deeply incised metascutellum. The metasomal depression is extensively sculptured in these species. The anterior portion of the lateral propodeal carina, laterally bordering the metasomal depression, is also conspicuously long in these species.

Figures 116–121.

Oxyscelio convergens sp. n., holotype female (OSUC 368789) 116 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 117 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 118 Head, anterior view 119 Metasoma, dorsal view. Paratype male (OSUC 368781) 120 Antenna 121 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank46


Female. Body length 4.5 mm (n=1).

Radicle color: same color as scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: longer than broad. A5: longer than broad. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 3 or more broadly interrupted transverse carinae. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: granulate. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: present. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated by rugae. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: present as a distinct carina. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate. Occipital carina medially: divided into concave halves, meeting at median peak. Lateral corners of occipital carina: sharp and protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: weak. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: granulate. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: incised. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 3. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: with scattered rugae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: convex or straight. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: strongly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: meeting for only a short distance medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching middle of T6.

T1 midlobe: with 6 or more longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: longer than broad. Apical flange of T6: not exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: granulate.

Male. Unknown.


Female: A4, A5 longer than broad. Frons without flange between antennal foramen and eye. Hyperoccipital carina present, continuous with an anterior genal carina, connected with occipital carina by a distinct longitudinal carina. Mesoscutellum without granulate sculpture. T1 midlobe with 6 or more longitudinal carinae. T6 strongly narrowed by not sharply pointed. The overall body shape recalls Oxyscelio crateris, which otherwise differs in having granulate mesoscutellar sculpture.


Latin noun, genitive case, meaning “heart.” Refers to mesoscutellar shape.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: THAILAND: Nan Prov., office 9, T3239, Doi Phu Kha National Park, 19°12.252'N, 101°04.697'E, 1350m, 1.X–8.X.2007, malaise trap, Charoen & Nikom, OSUC 368750 (deposited in QSBG).


Oxyscelio cordis is very unusual in having a posteriorly incised mesoscutellum, a feature that is otherwise found in some Australian species.

Figures 122–125.

Oxyscelio cordis sp. n., holotype female (OSUC 368750) 122 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 123 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 124 Head, anterior view 125 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank47

Oxyscelio crassicornis (Kieffer)




Figures 126–128; Morphbank 48
Camptoteleia crassicornis Kieffer, 1916: 171, 174 (original description, keyed); Kieffer 1926: 380, 385 (description, keyed).
Oxyscelio crassicornis (Kieffer): Dodd 1931: 75 (generic transfer).

Female. Unknown.

Male. Body length 3.35 mm (n=1).

Radicle color: darker than scape. Scape color: Brown. A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: longer than broad; as long as broad.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: without transverse or oblique carinae below submedian carina. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: hood-like, protruding over pedicel when antenna at rest. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: present. Hyperoccipital carina: complete, continuous with anterior genal carina. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate. Occipital carina medially: convex, with a sharp median peak. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: strong. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; irregularly rugose. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; irregularly rugose. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 3. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: with scattered rugae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: with many dorsal setae. Metascutellar apex: weakly emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: one or more areoles present. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present.

Median lobe of T1: with 5 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.


Male: Frons without elevation between antennal foramen and eye. Frontal depression without tooth-like median protrusion dorsally. Hyperoccipital carina present, continuous with anterior genal carina; occipital carina complete medially and connected to hyperoccipital carina by a weak median carina. Metascutellum with dorsal setae. Metasomal depression elongate, with a single areole strongly defined by a posterior carina; lateral propodeal carinae narrowly separated anteriorly. T1 midlobe with 5 longitudinal carinae. T7 with sharp, narrowly protruding posterolateral corners.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Neotype, male: PHILIPPINES: Negros Oriental Prov., 7km W Valencia, 1° forest edge, ROM 873058, Cuernos de Negros Mountain, 09°17'N, 123°15'E, 700m, 13.VI–19.VI.1987, malaise trap/pan trap, D. C. Darling & E. Mayordo, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112210 (deposited in ROME). Other material: PHILIPPINES: 1 male, OSUC 149520 (AEIC).


The type material of Camptoteleia crassicornis Kieffer, collected from Mount Makiling, Luzon, in the Philippines, could not be found after an extensive search of collections known to house Kieffer type material. The neotype of Camptoteleia crassicornis is presently designated to clarify the taxonomic status of the species. It was selected because it possesses a convex mesosoma and discernably posteriorly carinate head as specified by Kieffer (1916). This choice presumes that Kieffer (1916) overlooked the metascutellar setae and misinterpreted the postmarginal vein. However, no other examined Philippine specimens bear close resemblance to Kieffer’s description. Our concept of Oxyscelio crassicornis indicates that it is very close to Oxyscelio crustum.

Figures 126–128.

Oxyscelio crassicornis (Kieffer), neotype male (ROMEnt Spec. No. 112210) 126 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 127 Head anterior view 128 Body, dorsal view. Morphbank48


Female. Body length 4.65 mm (n=1).

Radicle color: same color as scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: longer than broad. A5: longer than broad. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 3 or more broadly interrupted transverse carinae. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: present, broad throughout its length. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: granulate. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: complete, continuous with anterior genal carina. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: present as a distinct carina. Area between vertex and occipital carina: irregularly rugose. Occipital carina medially: convex, with a sharp median peak. Lateral corners of occipital carina: sharp and protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: weak. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; transversely rugose. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: granulate. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; transversely rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: granulate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: granulate. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from tiny pits. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 3. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: 3-5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: deeply emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: weakly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching middle of T6.

T1 midlobe: with 5 longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: longer than broad. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: absent.

Male. Body length 3.8–4.5 mm (n=10). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: longer than broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 5 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with no distinct corners.


Both sexes: Frons without flange between antennal foramen and eye. Hyperoccipital carina present, continuous with an anterior genal carina, connected with occipital carina by a distinct longitudinal carina. Mesoscutellum with granulate sculpture. Metascutellum weakly emarginate or apically incised, posterior corners narrow. Female: A4, A5 longer than broad. T6 strongly narrowed but not sharply pointed. Male: A11 not longer than broad. T7 with weakly rounded lobes posterolaterally.


Latin noun, genitive case, meaning “crater.” Refers to the outlined concave area on the dorsal part of the occiput.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: THAILAND: Chiang Mai Prov., Doi Phaluang, T2846, Doi Phahompok National Park, 20°00.966'N, 99°09.579'E, 1449m, 13.VII–20.VII.2007, malaise trap, P. Wongchai, OSUC 336014 (deposited in QSBG). Paratypes: (12 males) MALAYSIA: 2 males, OSUC 369012-369013 (CNCI). THAILAND: 10 males, OSUC 368749, 464036-464037 (CNCI); OSUC 322088, 322115 (OSUC); OSUC 322130, 352921, 368545, 368548 (QSBG); OSUC 322129 (WINC).

Figures 129–132.

Oxyscelio crateris sp. n., holotype female (OSUC 336014) 129 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 130 Head, posterodorsal view 131 Body, dorsal view. Paratype male (OSUC 322129) 132 Body, dorsal view. Morphbank49


Female. Body length 3.25–5.6 mm (n=20).

Radicle color: darker than scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: broader than long. A5: broader than long. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 3-5 complete transverse carinae. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: not indicated medially; indicated by rugae. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate. Occipital carina medially: uniformly rounded. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: strong. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: steep; not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent; present. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; longitudinally rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 2. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: 3-5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: convex or straight. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: strongly diverging; weakly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching middle of T5; reaching apex of T5; reaching apex of T6; reaching beyond T6; reaching middle of T6.

T1 midlobe: with 5 longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: broader than long. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: absent; granulate.

Male. Body length 2.95–4.75 mm (n=20). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: broader than long; as long as broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 3 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.


Both sexes: Middle genal carina subparallel with eye margin. Hyperoccipital carina absent or indicated by rugae. Mesoscutellum strongly umbilicate-foveolate, without granulate sculpture. Metascutellum concave dorsally, smooth aside from some transverse carinae. Female: A5 broader than long. T1 midlobe with 5 longitudinal carinae or a slight anterior bulge. T6 rounded apically and not longer than broad. Mesopleuron, along ventral margin of femoral depression, with only a few setae, these arising from foveae. Male: T1 midlobe with 3 longitudinal carinae. T7 with short, sharp and protruding posterolateral corners.


Latin noun in apposition to the generic name, meaning “common.”

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: THAILAND: Sakon Nakhon Prov., nr. office, dry evergreen, T2494, Phu Phan National Park, 16°48.618'N, 103°53.476'E, 526m, 4.VI-10.VI.2007, malaise trap, W. Kongnara, OSUC 336709 (deposited in QSBG). Paratypes: (134 females, 187 males, 1 unknown) INDONESIA: 15 females, 51 males, OSUC 376615 (BMNH); OSUC 368960, 369082, 369182, 369196, 369221, 369251, 369281, 369288, 369297, 369300 (CNCI); OSUC 228687, 228706, 228741, 228743-228745, 247961, 251438, 257045, 257047-257048, 257057, 257087, 257426, 464003-464004 (MBBJ); OSUC 228690, 228717, 228725, 228734-228735, 241816, 247814, 247817, 247819, 247833, 248891, 257419, 453947-453948, 464002, 58663 (OSUC); OSUC 228693-228694, 228707, 228718-228719, 240917, 247835, 247940, 257033, 257049, 257078, 257086, 257088, 464001, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112243, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112247, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112248, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112260 (ROME); OSUC 448565-448566, 448591, 448593, 453946 (WINC). LAOS: 8 females, 5 males, OSUC 368865-368866, 368871, 368879, 368892-368893, 368895, 368900, 368902-368904, 368907, 464009 (CNCI). MALAYSIA: 24 females, 37 males, 1 unknown, OSUC 376584-376585, 376600-376601, 376665-376666 (BMNH); OSUC 369011, 369014-369016, 369018, 369020, 369023-369025, 369028, 369066, 369307-369314, 369316-369319, 369321-369322, 369326, 369328, 369330-369332, 463991, 463993, 463995 (CNCI); OSUC 376743, 376745 (MCZC); OSUC 398961, 453761, 453770, 453780, 453790-453792 (OSUC); OSUC 436908-436921 (WINC).NEPAL: 7 females, 2 males, OSUC 238924 (BMNH); OSUC 369139, 369149, 369166, 369169, 369172-369173, 369177-369178 (CNCI). SINGAPORE: 1 female, 1 male, OSUC 376758-376759 (MCZC). TAIWAN: 1 female, 10 males, OSUC 368775, 368777, 368784, 368787, 368795, 368802, 368808, 368812, 368828-368829, 368849 (CNCI). THAILAND: 78 females, 73 males, OSUC 320403, 335200, 352496, 361368, 361370 (BMNH); OSUC 368609, 368619, 368678, 368692, 368694, 368702, 368706, 368708-368711, 368716-368717, 368719, 368727-368728, 368734, 368738, 368755-368756, 368759-368760, 462829-462830, 464014, 464016-464017, 464031-464033, 464035, 464038-464039, 464041, 464043, 464053 (CNCI); OSUC 251434, 280509, 280517, 285203, 320394, 320414, 322096, 335169, 335199, 335202, 335217, 335632, 336088-336090, 336164, 336780, 352495, 352497-352498, 352500, 352517, 352520-352522, 352526-352527, 352911, 352914-352915, 361293-361295, 361348, 361353, 361360, 361367, 361928, 361937, 368522 (OSUC); OSUC 224373, 237455, 247623, 252042, 257383, 257387, 280499, 280514-280515, 285200, 285218, 309713, 317856, 317867, 317878, 317887-317890, 320392, 320395, 320409, 320415-320417, 322072, 322097, 322131, 335072, 335146-335148, 335213-335216, 335937, 335984-335985, 336023, 336120, 336124, 336126-336127, 336761, 336782, 352499, 352501, 352516, 352518-352519, 352525, 352528, 352913, 361214, 361217, 361277, 361332, 361335, 361344, 361347, 361359, 361371-361372, 361934, 361936, 361965, 368504, 368515 (QSBG); UCRC ENT 135263 (UCRC). VIETNAM: 8 males, OSUC 369102, 369104-369105, 369110, 369124-369125 (CNCI); OSUC 240935, 352920 (ROME).


Oxyscelio crebritas is one of the most commonly collected species of Oxyscelio. It exhibits some partially geographically correlated variation across its broad range. This includes variation in strength and number of carinae along the gena, metasomal length, wing color, and strength of sculpture. While it is possible to separate most females into three main variants in Thailand, Vietnam, and Borneo based on T1 midlobe sculpture, genal sculpture, and wing color, many males could not be definitively assigned to any of these forms. Nearly identical specimens collected from other areas were also difficult to distinguish from these forms. It is therefore possible that Oxyscelio crebritas represents a complex of sibling species. Regional variants should be more closely studied to test this. For the purposes of this revision, they were combined into a single species to avoid presenting a large number of named species that could hardly be identified.

Figures 133–138.

Oxyscelio crebritas sp. n., paratype female (OSUC 335200) 133 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 134 Head, anterior view. Paratype female (OSUC 320403) 135 Metasoma, dorsal view. Paratype male (OSUC 320416) 136 Antenna 137 Mesosoma, dorsal view. Paratype male (OSUC 322096) 138 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank50


Female. Body length 3.25–3.4 mm (n=4).

Radicle color: darker than scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: longer than broad. A5: longer than broad. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: without transverse or oblique carinae below submedian carina. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: without striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: complete, continuous with anterior genal carina. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate; irregularly rugose. Occipital carina medially: uniformly rounded. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: strong. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; transversely rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 3. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: with scattered rugae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: with many dorsal setae. Metascutellar apex: weakly emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: weakly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: one or more areoles present. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching apex of T5; reaching middle of T6.

T1 midlobe: with 5 longitudinal carinae; obscured by other raised sculpture. T1: without anterior bulge; with small rounded anterior bulge, not reaching metascutellum. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: broader than long; as long as broad. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded; tapering to a sharp point. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: absent.

Male. Body length 3.1–3.35 mm (n=). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: broader than long; as long as broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 5 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.


Both sexes: Frons without elevation between antennal foramen and eye. Hyperoccipital carina present, continuous with anterior genal carina; occipital carina incomplete medially. Metascutellum with dorsal setae. Metasomal depression elongate, with a single areole strongly defined by a posterior carina; lateral propodeal carinae narrowly separated anteriorly. Female: A4, A5 longer than broad. T1 midlobe with 5 longitudinal carinae. Male: Frontal depression without tooth-like median protrusion dorsally. T1 midlobe with 5 longitudinal carinae. T7 with sharp, narrowly protruding posterolateral corners. Among members of the Oxyscelio mesiodentis-complex, Oxyscelio crustum is distinctive in having relatively weak surface sculpture. The propodeal areole and usually amber color can also help in distinguishing this species. It is very similar to the Philippine species Oxyscelio crassicornis, but lacks the median carina present between the hyperoccipital and occipital carinae in that species


Latin noun in apposition to the generic name, meaning “pie.” Suggested by the crinkly appearance of the surface sculpture.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: MALAYSIA: Sabah St., rainforest edge, Danum Valley Protection Forest Reserve, 25.X–11.XII.1986, malaise trap, P. J. Eggleton, OSUC 369329 (deposited in BMNH). Paratypes: (3 females, 86 males) BRUNEI: 1 male, OSUC 376632 (BMNH). INDONESIA: 1 female, 37 males, OSUC 376659, 376662 (BMNH); OSUC 369081, 369084 (CNCI); OSUC 247843, 273320, 352906, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112252, ROMEnt Spec. No. 112259 (MBBJ); OSUC 228689, 247841, 247960, 247963, 257034, 257036, 257052-257053, 257420-257421, 257423, 257428 (OSUC); OSUC 228740, 240925, 240929, 247848, 247851-247852, 247861, 247863, 247967, 248898, 251432, 251436-251437, 251440, 257080, 361272, 361720 (ROME). MALAYSIA: 46 males, OSUC 203136 (AEIC); OSUC 376582 (BMNH); OSUC 368956, 369021-369022 (CNCI); OSUC 376750 (MCZC); OSUC 381323, 453754-453760, 453762, 453765-453766, 453769, 453773-453775, 453777, 453779, 453781, 453783-453786, 453793, 453796-453798, 453800-453802, 453804-453805, 453807-453809, 453811-453815 (OSUC); OSUC 448590 (WINC). THAILAND: 2 females, 4 males, OSUC 368491 (BMNH); OSUC 309264, 352529 (OSUC); OSUC 352459, 361363 (QSBG); OSUC 361215 (WINC).

Figures 139–144.

Oxyscelio crustum sp. n., paratype female (OSUC 352529) 139 Head and mesosoma, lateral view. Paratype female (OSUC 240929) 140 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 141 Propodeum, posterior view. Holotype female (OSUC 369329) 142 Head, anterior view. Paratype male (OSUC 273320) 143 Antenna 144 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank51


Female. Body length 2.6–3.75 mm (n=20).

Radicle color: same color as scape; darker than scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: broader than long. A5: broader than long. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent; present. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 3 or more broadly interrupted transverse carinae. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: hood-like, protruding over pedicel when antenna at rest. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: complete, continuous with anterior genal carina. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: irregularly rugose. Occipital carina medially: sinuate, concave medial to corners, but without a median peak. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: with slight bulge projecting anteriorly towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: weak. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; transversely rugose. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; transversely rugose. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; longitudinally rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 3; 4. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: weakly emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: weakly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: one or more areoles present. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching apex of T6; reaching middle of T6.

T1 midlobe: with 4 longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: broader than long. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: absent.

Male. Body length 2.95–3.8 mm (n=20). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: broader than long. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 4 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.


Both sexes: Frons without elevation between antennal foramen and eye. Hyperoccipital carina present and sharp, continuous with anterior genal carina. Mesoscutellum without granulate sculpture. Metascutellum without dorsal setae. Propodeum without median carina; lateral propodeal carinae narrowly separated anteriorly. Female: T1 midlobe with 4 longitudinal carinae. T6 rounded apically. Male: A11 broader than long. T1 midlobe with 4 longitudinal carinae. T7 with acuminate posterolateral corners. Oxyscelio cuculli is similar to Oxyscelio granorum, but is usually smaller and has strongly foveate surface sculpture. Additionally, these species differ in A11 length and in shape of the T7 apex in males.


Latin noun, genitive case, meaning “hood.”

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: THAILAND: Trang Prov., Nam Tok Ton Yai, Khao Chong Mountain, 07°32'50"N, 99°47'20"E, 65m, 10.II.2005, malaise trap/pan trap, D. Yanega, UCRC ENT 149528 (deposited in UCRC).Paratypes: (77 females, 92 males) INDIA: 1 female, OSUC 376567 (BMNH). INDONESIA: 11 males, OSUC 228679, 240912, 247846, 248892, 257032 (MBBJ); OSUC 228678, 228680, 228682, 228692, 228733, 257062 (ROME). LAOS: 1 male, OSUC 368889 (CNCI). MALAYSIA: 1 female, 2 males, OSUC 369032, 369041 (CNCI); OSUC 381322 (QSBG). NEPAL: 2 females, OSUC 369167, 369176 (CNCI). SRI LANKA: 3 females, 1 male, OSUC 369085, 369094-369095 (CNCI); OSUC 442265 (QMBA). TAIWAN: 3 females, 7 males, OSUC 368791, 368805, 368810, 368825, 368847 (CNCI); OSUC 439689, 439691, 439693, 439697, 439699 (TARI). THAILAND: 65 females, 69 males, OSUC 335813, 335828, 361912-361913 (BMNH); OSUC 335812, 361917, 361919, 361964, 368597, 368611-368614, 368623, 368628, 368633, 368638, 368677, 368679, 368688, 368704, 368707, 368722-368723, 368725, 368730-368732, 368739-368741, 368769-368772, 368840, 464025 (CNCI); OSUC 237453, 247614, 247647, 247651-247652, 247655, 247892, 257391, 257393, 267440-267441, 280516, 285202, 285221, 285232-285236, 317877, 320376, 320383, 320410, 322118, 322125, 335090, 335800-335801, 335913, 352485, 352507-352508, 352510, 352910, 352916, 361211, 361213, 361219, 361297, 361358, 361907-361909, 361920, 361948 (OSUC); OSUC 237460, 247919, 251433, 257390, 257397, 257402, 280507, 280510-280511, 285220, 317863, 317866, 317870, 317876, 317886, 320386-320387, 320390, 320418, 322121, 322128, 335516, 335815, 335833, 335837, 335916, 336631, 336712, 336715, 336735, 361187, 361341, 361362, 361914-361916, 361933, 361939, 361941, 361955-361956, 368490, 368514, 368523-368524, 368526, 368536, 368544 (QSBG); OSUC 335806, 335811, 361910-361911 (WINC). VIETNAM: 2 females, 1 male, OSUC 277461, 277531 (RMNH); OSUC 352918 (ROME).

Figures 145–150.

Oxyscelio cuculli sp. n., paratype female (OSUC 352910) 145 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 146 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view. Paratype female (OSUC 247614) 147 Head, anterior view. Paratype female (OSUC 352510) 148 Metasoma, dorsal view. Paratype male (OSUC 247647) 149 Antenna. Paratype male (OSUC 228733) 150 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank52

Oxyscelio cupularis (Kieffer)




Figures 151–154; Morphbank 53
Camptoteleia cupularis Kieffer, 1914: 296, 298 (original description, keyed); Kieffer 1916: 171 (keyed); Kieffer 1926: 380, 384 (description, keyed).
Oxyscelio cupularis (Kieffer): Dodd 1931: 75 (generic transfer).

Female. Body length 5.15–5.3 mm (n=2).

Radicle color: same color as scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: longer than broad. A5: longer than broad. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 2 oblique interrupted carinae. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: with sharp peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: with oblique tooth-like flange (facial nubbin). Malar area at mouth corner: without striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: present, broad throughout its length. Middle genal carina: absent. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: not indicated medially. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate. Occipital carina medially: sinuate, concave medial to corners, but without a median peak. Lateral corners of occipital carina: sharp and protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: strong. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: granulate. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 2. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: 3-5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: convex or straight; weakly emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: strongly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching apex of T4.

T1 midlobe: obscured by other raised sculpture. T1: with small rounded anterior bulge, not reaching metascutellum. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: longer than broad. Apical flange of T6: not exposed apically. Metasomal apex: rounded. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: granulate.

Male. Unknown.


Female: Antennal club formed. A4, A5 longer than broad. Face with oblique expanded flange between antennal foramen and eye. Metascutellum tiny, subrectangular.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Neotype, female: PHILIPPINES: Laguna Prov., Mount Makiling (Maquiling), no date, Baker, OSUC 268223 (deposited in USNM). Other material: PHILIPPINES: 1 female, OSUC 268259 (USNM).


The type material of Camptoteleia cupularis Kieffer, collected from Mount Makling, Luzon, in the Philippines, could not be found after an extensive search of collections known to house Kieffer type material. The neotype of Camptoteleia cupularis is presently designated to clarify the taxonomic status of the species. It was selected because of its collection locality and because it agrees with Kieffer’s (1914) description in having a long metasoma, poorly sculptured and shiny mesoscutum, and cupuliform metascutellum.

Figures 151–154.

Oxyscelio cupularis (Kieffer), holotype female (OSUC 268223) 151 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view. Female (OSUC 268259) 152 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 153 Head, anterior view 154 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank53


Female. Body length 4.05–4.4 mm (n=4).

Radicle color: same color as scape. Scape color: Yellowish. A4: broader than long; as long as broad. A5: broader than long. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 3-5 complete transverse carinae. Submedian carina: strong, formed by a sharp raised carina. Submedian carina medially: with sharp peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: without striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated by rugae. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: present as a weak elevation. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate. Occipital carina medially: sinuate, concave medial to corners, but without a median peak. Lateral corners of occipital carina: sharp and protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: weak. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: absent; granulate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: granulate. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: granulate. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 3. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: more than 5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: 3-5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent. Metascutellar apex: convex or straight. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: absent. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: strongly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: absent. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: meeting for only a short distance medially. Postmarginal vein: absent. Fore wing apex: reaching middle of T5; reaching apex of T5.

T1 midlobe: with 6 or more longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with long sublateral depressions. T6: longer than broad. Apical flange of T6: not exposed apically. Metasomal apex: tapering to a sharp point. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of T6: granulate.

Male. Body length 3.5–4.2 mm (n=8). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: longer than broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 6 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with rounded but projecting lobe-like corners.


Both sexes: Mesoscutellum laterally granulate. Metascutellum long and tongue-shaped. Propodeum forming a nearly complete arch over the base of T1, but with a narrow break along middle of the arch. Female: A4, A5 broader than long. T1 midlobe with 6-7 longitudinal carinae. T2 with sublateral depressions. T6 strongly tapering to a narrow point. Male: A11 slightly broader than long. T1 midlobe with 5 longitudinal carinae. T7 with sharp, protruding posterolateral corners. Oxyscelio cyrtomesos is very similar to Oxyscelio zeuctomesos, but differs in development of the propodeal arch.


Compound noun based on Greek, meaning “convex middle.” Refers to the way that the propodeum arches medially over the base of T1.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: INDONESIA: Kalimantan Barat Prov., Cabang Panti Research Station, 1° rainforest / alluvial light gap, IIS 910122, Gunung Palung National Park, 01°15'S, 110°05'E, 100–400m, 15.VI–15.VIII.1991, malaise trap, Darling & Rosichon, OSUC 247938 (deposited in MBBJ). Paratypes: (5 females, 10 males) INDONESIA: 2 females, 8 males, OSUC 228695, 247818, 247824, 247955-247956 (MBBJ); OSUC 247825, 247829, 247937, 247964, 257060 (ROME). MALAYSIA: 3 females, 2 males, OSUC 376583 (BMNH); OSUC 463990 (CNCI); OSUC 453799, 453803, 453806 (OSUC).

Figures 155–159.

Oxyscelio cyrtomesos sp. n., holotype female (OSUC 247938) 155 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 156 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 157 Metasoma, dorsal view. Paratype female (OSUC 247829) 158 Head, anterior view. Paratype male (OSUC 247964) 159 Body, dorsal view. Morphbank54


Female. Body length 3.7–4.3 mm (n=9).

Radicle color: same color as scape. Scape color: Yellowish; Brown. A4: longer than broad. A5: longer than broad; as long as broad. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: present. Frontal depression: concave. Frontal depression sculpture: with 2 complete transverse carinae. Submedian carina: weak, shallow and rounded or formed by ledge. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: present. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: parallel to eye margin. Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: absent. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: absent. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated by rugae. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: present as a weak elevation. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate; irregularly rugose. Occipital carina medially: absent. Lateral corners of occipital carina: sharp and protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: weak. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-punctate; irregularly rugose. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-punctate; transversely rugose. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: absent. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: absent. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate; transversely rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: absent. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: absent. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 3. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: 3-5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: smooth or with transverse carinae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: absent; with many dorsal setae. Metascutellar apex: deeply emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: present. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: weakly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: one or more areoles present. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching middle of T6.

T1 midlobe: with 6 or more longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: with straight longitudinal striae or rugae. T6: broader than long. Apical flange of T6: not exposed apically. Metasomal apex: tapering to a sharp point. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate; longitudinally striate or rugose. Microsculpture of T6: absent.

Male.Body length 3.1–4.15 mm (n=20). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: longer than broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 5 longitudinal carinae; with 6 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.


Both sexes: Metascutellum deeply emarginate with rounded apical margin, not dorsally setose. Propodeum setose in metasomal depression, with an anterior subrectangular areole. Female: T1 midlobe with 6 longitudinal carinae. T6 apically tapering to a sharp point. Male: A11 longer than broad. T1 midlobe with 5-6 longitudinal carinae. T7 with sharp, protruding posterolateral corners.


Greek noun meaning “medial setae.” Refers to the setose metasomal depression.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: INDONESIA: Kalimantan Barat Prov., Cabang Panti Research Station, RR6, 1° rainforest / sandstone closed canopy, IIS 910136, Gunung Palung National Park, 01°15'S, 110°05'E, 100m, 17.VI-29.VI.1991, canopy malaise trap, Darling, Rosichon & Sutrisno, OSUC 257091 (deposited in MBBJ). Paratypes: (8 females, 28 males) BRUNEI: 1 female, OSUC 376648 (BMNH). INDONESIA: 5 females, 24 males, OSUC 376651 (BMNH); OSUC 228703, 228731, 228747, 241813, 247840, 251429-251430 (MBBJ); OSUC 228691, 228701-228702, 228704, 228732, 228739, 240920, 247815-247816, 248922 (OSUC); OSUC 228699, 247837, 247933, 247957, 257039, 257041, 257064, 257066, 257068, 257071, 257079 (ROME). MALAYSIA: 2 females, 4 males, OSUC 376578 (BMNH); OSUC 369315, 369324-369325, 463994 (CNCI); OSUC 453767 (OSUC).

Figures 160–165.

Oxyscelio dasymesos sp. n., paratype female (OSUC 247933) 160 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 161 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 162 Head, anterior view. Paratype female (OSUC 376648) 163 Metasoma, dorsal view. Paratype male (OSUC 228732) 164 Antenna 165 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank55


Female. Body length 4.1 mm (n=2).

Radicle color: darker than scape. Scape color: Brown. A4: longer than broad. A5: longer than broad; as long as broad. Antennal club: formed, segments compact.

Interantennal process: not elongate. Median longitudinal elevation in frontal depression: absent. Frontal depression: flat. Frontal depression sculpture: without transverse or oblique carinae below submedian carina. Submedian carina: weak, shallow and rounded or formed by ledge. Submedian carina medially: without peak. Concavity across dorsal part of frontal depression: absent. Depression extending ventrally from median ocellus: absent. Upper frons: not hood-like. Malar area near antennal foramen: without carina or expansion. Malar area at mouth corner: with radiating striae. Smooth strip along posterior side of malar sulcus: absent or not consistently broad. Middle genal carina: absent. Direction of middle genal carina dorsally: absent (replace with question mark). Major sculpture of gena anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Major sculpture of gena posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate; rugose. Microsculpture of gena anteroventrally: granulate. Microsculpture of gena posteroventrally: granulate. Median carina extending posteriorly from hyperoccipital carina: absent. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated by rugae. Lateral connection between hyperoccipital and occipital carinae: absent. Area between vertex and occipital carina: umbilicate-foveate. Occipital carina medially: uniformly rounded. Lateral corners of occipital carina: not protruding.

Lateral pronotal area: without bulge projecting towards anterior pit. Epomial corner: weak. Netrion surface anteriorly: not inflexed. Mesoscutum anteriorly: not steep. Mesoscutal median carina: present and complete. Longitudinal carina between median carina and notauli: absent. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Major sculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum anteriorly: absent. Microsculpture of medial mesoscutum posteriorly: granulate. Major sculpture of mesoscutellum: umbilicate-foveate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum medially: granulate. Microsculpture of mesoscutellum laterally: granulate. Mesoscutellar apex: convex or straight. Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression: arising from rows of foveae. Number of carinae crossing speculum above femoral depression: 3. Number of carinae crossing femoral depression: 3-5. Mesepimeral sulcus pits: more than 5. Metascutellum dorsally: concave. Metascutellar sculpture dorsally: with scattered rugae. Median carina of metascutellum: absent or branched. Metascutellar setae: with many dorsal setae. Metascutellar apex: deeply emarginate. Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area: crossed by carinae. Metasomal depression setae: present. Lateral propodeal carinae anteromedially: weakly diverging. Anterior areoles of metasomal depression: one or more areoles present. Anterior longitudinal carinae in metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal areas: separated medially. Postmarginal vein: present. Fore wing apex: reaching apex of T6.

T1 midlobe: with 5 longitudinal carinae. T1: without anterior bulge. T2: irregularly areolate. T6: broader than long. Apical flange of T6: exposed apically. Metasomal apex: tapering to a sharp point. Major sculpture of T6: umbilicate-punctate. Microsculpture of T6: granulate.

Male. Body length 3.75–3.8 mm (n=3). A5 tyloid: carina-like, not expanded. A11: longer than broad. Median tooth of frontal depression: absent. Median lobe of T1: with 6 longitudinal carinae. Metasomal apex: with acuminate lateral corners.


Both sexes: Metascutellum deeply emarginate with rounded apical margin, dorsally setose. Propodeum setose in metasomal depression, with an anterior subrectangular areole. Female: T1 midlobe with 5 longitudinal carinae. T6 apically tapering to a sharp point. Male: A11 longer than broad. T1 midlobe with 5 longitudinal carinae. T7 with sharp, protruding posterolateral corners. Oxyscelio dasynoton is similar to Oxyscelio dasymesos but has a broader, setose metascutellum and differs in surface sculpture.


Compound noun based on Greek, intended to mean “hairy back.” Refers to the setose metascutellum and metasomal depression.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Holotype, female: PHILIPPINES: Laguna Prov., Luzon Isl., Mount Makiling, 1927, OSUC 268276 (deposited in USNM). Paratypes: PHILIPPINES: 1 female, 3 males, OSUC 369054, 369056 (CNCI); OSUC 268208, 268268 (USNM).

Figures 166–171.

Oxyscelio dasynoton sp. n., holotype female (OSUC 268276) 166 Head and mesosoma, lateral view 167 Head and mesosoma, dorsal view 168 Head, anterior view 169 Metasoma, dorsal view. Paratype male (OSUC 369056) 170 Antenna 171 Metasoma, dorsal view. Morphbank56
