Research Article |
Corresponding author: Augusto L. Montoya ( ) Academic editor: Ximo Mengual
© 2020 Augusto L. Montoya, Marta Wolff.
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Montoya AL, Wolff M (2020) Description of five new large species of Argentinomyia Lynch-Arribálzaga, and redescription of Talahua fervida (Fluke) (Diptera, Syrphidae, Syrphinae). .
The morphological similarities between five new large Argentinomyia species and Talahua fervida Fluke are characterized and presented. Six new species of Argentinomyia (10–12 mm long) are described: Argentinomyia andina Montoya & Wolff, sp. nov. (Colombia), Argentinomyia choachi Montoya, sp. nov. (Colombia), Argentinomyia quimbaya Montoya & Wolff, sp. nov. (Colombia), Argentinomyia huitepecensis Montoya, sp. nov. (México), Argentinomyia puntarena Montoya, sp. nov. (Costa Rica), and Argentinomyia talamanca Thompson, sp. nov. (Costa Rica). The genus Talahua Fluke is re-diagnosed and, Talahua fervida redescribed. A taxonomic key and a comparison of diagnostic characters are presented. Photographs of head, abdominal and wing maculae patterns, as well as illustrations of male genitalia are provided for species identification.
Endemism, flower flies, hover flies, Neotropical diversity, Mesoamerica, Tropical Andes
Flower flies or hoverflies (Syrphidae) are one of the most diverse families of Diptera with more than 6100 described species worldwide, and ca. 1560 species distributed in the Neotropical region (
Argentinomyia contains 27 valid species distributed from the cloud forests in Northern Central America to low and middle elevations in the Caribbean and Galápagos Islands. The genus is also found in cold Andean forests and Páramo ecosystems in the Tropical Andes, and in lowlands in southeastern of South America. Even though extensive sampling has been done, the genus is apparently absent in the Chilean subregion and, has not been registered in Surinam (
Argentinomyia is distinguished from other genera of Bacchini by the combination of: 1) long antenna, with scape much longer than broad; 2) basoflagellomere oval or slightly elongate; 3) face straight in profile, not produced anteriorly, generally with pollinosity broadly punctuate, tubercle low, usually with transverse grooves dorsally or pollinosity broadly punctuate; 4) metacoxa without posteromedial pile on apical angle; 5) abdomen dark colored, often with variously shaped light-colored yellow, orange to silvery-grey pollinose paired maculae; triangular to quadrate or oval markings on 2nd to 4th abdominal tergite, sometimes including a small macula on 5th tergite, and 6) male genitalia normal size, superior lobes triangular to rectangular, irregular in shape and cercus short (
Talahua is a small Neotropical genus that inhabits the highlands of Colombia and Ecuador (
Talahua can be distinguished from other genera of Bacchini largely by the following combination of characters: 1) antennae relatively short, scape broader than long, nearly equal to pedicel; 2) basoflagellomere large, slightly oval and apically rounded; 3) face slightly receding to perpendicular with a well-rounded tubercle, never with transverse grooves dorsally along tubercle or broadly punctuate; 4) metacoxa with a tuft of pile at posteromedial apical angle; 5) abdomen elongated or with parallel sides, with four to five pairs of large rounded to triangular markings on the terga, always with small macula on 5th tergum; and 6) male genitalia greatly enlarged, with superior lobes, and cerci elongated, surstyli three to four times longer than broad (
Extensive sampling in the cloud forest, high-Andean and Páramo ecosystems in Mesoamerica (México and Costa Rica) and Tropical Andes (Colombia and Ecuador) in the last twenty-five years resulted in the discovery of several new Argentinomyia species including six species, large in body size, that are similar in appearance to Talahua fervida. Therefore, we take the opportunity to describe the new species and provide a full redescription for T. fervida, as well as a taxonomic key, photographs, illustrations, and a comparison of morphological diagnostic characters, including distributional maps to all species.
-specific characters used in the key, descriptions, and drawings largely follows the terminology established by
AMNH American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA (David Grimaldi)
CEUA Colección de Entomología Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia (Marta Wolff)
ECO-TAP-E Colección Entomológica de la Unidad San Cristóbal de las Casas de El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, México (Philippe Sagot and Rémy Vandame)
IAvH Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, Villa de Leyva, Colombia (John César Neita-Moreno)
INBio Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Heredia, Costa Rica (Manuel Zumbado)
QCAZ Departamento de Biología, Pontifica Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador (Álvaro Barragán)
UNAB Museo Entomológico de la Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia (Francisco Serna and Erika Vergara)
USNM National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA (Torsten Dikow)
WIRC Wisconsin Insect Research Collection, Department of Entomology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA (Steven Krauth)
The type series of the new species is comprised of dry pinned material deposited in the CEUA, USNM, INBio, and ECO-TAP-E.
To illustrate the morphological variation of the herein described species, habitus photographs were created from a series of images taken at different focal depths with a digital camera Olympus OM-D (Olympus Raw Image file in .ORF) using the facilities of the Diptera Collection, Department of Entomology ( at the USNM. Additional photos were taken using a Moticam 3.0 megapixel DFC500 digital camera attached to an Olympus SZX7 stereomicroscope. Final images were combined using the HeliconFocus Pro (version 6.7.1) stacking software. The scale bar was added in Photoshop according to the camera focal aperture used when the photo was taken. Editing was conducted in Adobe Photoshop CC, and the final image plates were prepared in Illustrator CC.
Body length was measured from frons to the posterior end of the abdomen; wing length was measured from wing insertion to the apex of the wing. Measurements were made using a Zeiss Stemi 2000-C stereomicroscope (magnification 6.5–115×) equipped with a stereoscope grid. Measurements of antennal segments are approximations based on the mid-line of the inner surface and are presented in the ratio format scape:pedicel:flagellomere.
For the study of the male genitalia, the structure was dissected. The genitalia were cleared in a KOH solution (approximately 10%) boiling at 37 °C for 10 to 15 minutes. Schema of internal structures were illustrated from digital images taken through the stereomicroscopes. Additional, sketches were produced with a camera Lucida attached to the stereomicroscope. Final drawings were prepared by tracing and vectorizing in Adobe Illustrator CC, and pile was omitted.
The new species are described from males and females collected together in at least one locality, and sexual dimorphic variation reported. Only Argentinomyia choachi Montoya sp. nov. is described from a single female because it markedly differs in the morphological characters from the other species.
With the aim of spanning the entire known distribution of included species, original label information was compiled in a Darwin Core standard-compliant data. Distributional maps were generated using the software QGIS desktop 2.2.0 and an excel .csv file (comma delimited) to plot presence. A digital file with an elevation model (SRTM30 CGIAR-SRTM with 30 seconds resolution) was used in addition to a shapefile with the biogeographic provinces proposed by
The new Argentinomyia species described here are characterized by the scutellum with a deep groove next to the rim (emarginate), face with a well-rounded tubercle, never with transversal grooves dorsally along tubercle or broadly punctuate, metacoxa with a tuft of pile at posteromedial apical angle, wing generally with a brownish macula extensively covering the apex of cells r and m or hyaline, and abdomen with large markings on the terga. The new species are superficially similar to Talahua fervida, differing in the male genitalia.
The new key was modified based on characters provided by
1 | Postpronotum pilose (MCAD fig. 30); male abdomen with four unmodified pregenital segments; tergum 5 usually not visible in dorsal view (MCAD figs 1, 4) (subfamilies Eristalinae, Microdontinae and Pipizinae) | other flower flies |
– | Postpronotum bare; male abdomen with five unmodified pregenital segments; tergum 5 visible in dorsal view (MCAD figs 53-61) (subfamily Syrphinae) | 2 |
2 | Face and/or scutellum partially yellow or yellowish-brown in background color, aedeagus two-segmented | other Syrphinae genera |
– | Face and scutellum entirely black in background color (some species with partly pale face or scutellum), aedeagus unsegmented (Bacchini) | 3 |
3 | Abdomen petiolate, distinctly narrower than thorax (MCAD figs 59, 60); face usually without tubercle, flat, straight or convex | Leucopodella Hull |
– | Abdomen parallel-sided or narrowly oval (MCAD figs 55, 58); face with tubercle | 4 |
4 | Antennal cavity broadly confluent (MCAD fig. 24); metathoracic pleuron with several fine subappressed pile ventral to spiracle; katepisternum with pile patches broadly separated posteriorly, joined anteriorly | Xanthandrus Verrall |
– | Antennal cavity broadly separated (MCAD fig. 23); metathoracic pleuron bare; katepisternum with pile patches usually broadly separated throughout | 5 |
5 | Metasternum greatly reduced to a small diamond (MCAD fig. 34; |
Melanostoma Schiner |
– | Metasternum entire, not reduced (MCAD fig. 35; |
6 |
6 | Antennae shorter, scape broader than long, scape nearly equal to pedicel, basoflagellomere large, slightly oval and apically rounded (Fig. |
Talahua Fluke |
– | Antenna elongate, scape longer than broad; basoflagellomere oval or elongate (MCAD fig. 22); face straight in profile, tubercle low (MCAD fig. 22); mesocoxa bare posteriorly; male genitalia normal size (Argentinomyia Lynch-Arribálzaga sensu lato) | 7 |
7 | Basoflagellomere oval or slightly elongate (MCAD fig. 22); face usually with transversal grooves dorsally along tubercle (MCAD fig. 23) and shine (bare) punctuate maculae laterally; scutellum without a deep groove next to the rim; metacoxa without a pile tuft at posteromedial apical angle; abdomen slightly spatulate, oval or with parallel sides, with triangular to quadrate or oval markings | other species of Argentinomyia (not treated here) |
– | Basoflagellomere large, slightly oval and apically rounded (Fig. |
8 |
8 | Antenna brown (Fig. |
Argentinomyia talamanca Thompson, sp. nov. |
– | Antenna orange ventrally; alula and costal cell bare; femur yellow on apical 1/3 or more; second tergum with broad macula | 9 |
9 | Legs extensively yellow (Fig. |
Argentinomyia quimbaya Montoya & Wolff, sp. nov. |
– | Legs black on basal 1/3 or more (Figs |
10 |
10 | Abdomen with a transverse fascia on the third tergum (Fig. |
Argentinomyia huitepecensis Montoya, sp. nov. |
– | Abdomen with a pair of large maculae on the third tergum, slightly touching each other toward the middle; metacoxa yellowish pilose (Figs |
11 |
11 | Metafemur brown basally; coxa black; third and fourth tergum with a pair of quadrangular maculae (Fig. |
Argentinomyia choachi Montoya, sp. nov. |
– | Metafemur yellow basally; coxa orange-brown; third and fourth tergum with a pair of triangular maculae (Figs |
12 |
12 | Face white pollinose and pilose (Fig. |
Argentinomyia puntarena Montoya, sp. nov. |
– | Face yellow pollinose and pilose (Fig. |
Argentinomyia andina Montoya & Wolff, sp. nov. |
Face yellow pollinose and pilose. Metafemur extensively brown, only slightly orange on apical 1/6. Tibiae yellow with a dark ring near the middle, more prominent on the metalegs. Third and fourth tergum with a pair of broad subquadrate maculae, reaching the lateral margin in their full width, fifth tergum with a pair of small maculae in the basal corners. Argentinomyia puntarena sp. nov. is similar to A. andina sp. nov., but differs in having the face white pollinose and pilose; metafemur orange on basal 1/5 and apical 3/5, metatibia extensively brown, only orange brownish on basal 2/3; fifth tergum without maculae.
Colombia, department of Antioquia, Sonsón municipality, Vereda Norí municipal rural settlement, Norí Mountain hill, forest, 05°48.580'N, 75°16.142'E, alt. 2896 m a.s.l.
Male. Head (Fig.
Female. (Fig.
Length (N = 2). Body 11.2–11.5 mm; wing 10.8–11.1 mm.
The specific epithet andina (nominative, adjective feminine) is derived from the Andes South American mountain chain system where the type specimens were collected.
Argentinomyia andina sp. nov. (N = 8) is distributed on the west slope of the Central Cordillera in Northern Colombian Andes (Antioquia) at elevations between 1800–2700 m. a.s.l., in the provinces of Cauca (Fig.
Holotype. COLOMBIA ♂, Antioquia, Sonsón, Norí. Original label: “Colombia, Antioquia, Sonsón, vereda Norí / Norí mountain hill, Forest; 5°48.580'N, 75°16.142'E, 2896 m / 1-12.iv.2018, Malaise trap, Leg. A.L. Montoya and J.P. Carmona / CEUA 103430”. “HOLOTYPE / Argentinomyia andina / Montoya & Wolff 2020” [red, handwritten except first line]”. The holotype is in good condition and deposited at the CEUA, Medellín, Colombia. Paratypes. COLOMBIA • 1 ♂ same data as for holotype (CEUA) but differs on: Net, 2.vii.2018, Leg. J.P. Carmona, J. Sauceda, J. Vallejo (CEUA 103385); 2♂, same, except;, Leg. A.L. Montoya; J. Sauceda; M. Posada (CEUA 103552-53); 1♂, Antioquia, Santa Elena, Vereda El Placer, El Robledal, 6°13.717'N, 75°30.267'E, 2480 m a.s.l., Van Sommeren-Rydon trap baited with fish, 1–5.iii.2007, Leg A. Vélez (CEUA 103551); 1♀, Antioquia, San José de la Montaña, Vereda El Congo, Sector La Laguna, 6°45.827'N, 75°42.104'E, 3100-3200 m a.s.l., Páramo, Van Sommeren-Rydon trap baited with fish, 10-11.ix.2011, Leg. L. Rios (CEUA 69016); 1♀, same, except; 46.013'N, 75°41.979'E, 3100–3183 m a.s.l., Malaise, 4–14.ii.2017, Leg. C. Henao; A. F. Sepúlveda (CEUA 103635); 1♂, Sonsón, Vereda San Francisco, Las Palomas A Mountain hill, 5°43.606'N, 75°15.371'E, 2749 m a.s.l., Forest, Net, 1-12.iv.2018, Leg. A.L. Montoya, J. Carmona (CEUA 103434).
Argentinomyia andina sp. nov. inhabits pristine Andean forest and Páramo ecosystems in Colombia, being particularly abundant in forest.
Argentinomyia andina sp. nov., male genitalia: A whole genitalia including epandrium, cercus, and surstylus, lateral view B epandrium, dorsal view C hypandrium, ventral view. Abbreviations used in male genitalia structures are as follows: Ahp = apex of hypandrium (superior lobes; Cer = cercus; Epd = epandrium; Hyp = hypandrium; Led = aedeagal lobe; Sur = surstyle. Scale bar: 0.05 mm.
Abdomen with a pair of large quadrangular maculae on the third and fourth tergum, sometimes slightly touching toward the middle. Legs black, metafemur only slightly yellow in the extreme apex. Coxae black. Metacoxa yellowish pilose. Argentinomyia choachi sp. nov. is similar in appearance to the female of Argentinomyia andina sp. nov. but in A. andina sp. nov. the third and fourth tergum have a pair of short rounded basal maculae; metafemur is extensively brown, only slightly orange on apical 1/6; all coxae yellow.
Colombia, department of Cundinamarca, Choachí municipality, La Victoria. 4°32.721'N, 73°55.884'E, 2450 m a.s.l.
Female. Head (Fig.
Male. Unknown.
Length (N = 1). Body, 11.5–12.3 mm, wing, 10.2–10.4 mm.
The specific epithet “choachi” is a noun in apposition and refers to the name of the town where the type specimen was collected. Coachí is a Muiscas word derived from “Ch-igua-chía”, which means the window where the moon peeked, received the poetic name of “Window of the moon” (according to Miguel Triana). The Muiscas were indigenous people who inhabit the “Altiplano Cundiboyacense” formed by high plains on the eastern Cordillera in Colombian Andes between the departments of Cundinamarca and Boyacá, where the species was collected.
Argentinomyia choachi sp. nov. (N = 1) is present on the western slope of Oriental Cordillera in Colombia (Cundinamarca) at 2240 m. a.s.l., inhabiting cloud forest in the provinces of North Andean Páramo (Fig.
Holotype. COLOMBIA ♀, Cundinamarca, Choachí, La Victoria. Original label: “Colombia, Cundinamarca, Choachí, Vereda La Victoria / 4°32.721'N, 73°55.884'E, 2450 m a.s.l., Net / 18.iv.2011, Leg. J. Pérez (UNAB 5156)”. “HOLOTYPE / Argentinomyia choachi / Montoya 2020” [red, handwritten except first line]”. The holotype is in good condition and deposited at the UNAB.
Second tergum with a broad macula reaching apical 1/2. Third tergum with a short rounded basal fascia. Metacoxa black pilose. Argentinomyia huitepecensis sp. nov. is similar to A. puntarena sp. nov., but differs from it by having the antenna oval, longer than wide, orange ventrally; alula and costal cell bare; pro- and mesofemur yellow; metafemur orange on basal 1/5 and apical 3/5; pro, meso- and metabasitarsomere I–II yellow. Argentinomyia huitepecensis sp. nov. is also similar to A. talamanca sp. nov. a species with the antenna brown; alula and costal cell extensively microtrichose; femur extensively brown; the second tergum with a pair of small maculae on basal 1/5 (see ‘diagnostic features’ under each species or key).
México, department of Chiapas, San Cristóbal municipality, L.C. Huitepec 16°41.252'N, 92°35.979'E, 2520 m a.s.l.
Male. Head (Fig.
Female. (Fig.
Length (N = 5). Body 12.5–12.8 mm; wing 11.4–11.7 mm.
The specific epithet huitepecensis (noun in the genitive case) is derived from the Mixtec (native language spoken in México) word “Huitztli” which means: thorns, “Tépeltque” means: hill, combined with the Latin suffix -ensis, meaning from a place. The name is given in reference to the Huitepec Ecological Reserve where the species was collected.
Argentinomyia huitepecensis sp. nov. (N = 7) is the northernmost distributed species of the larger Argentinomyia, recorded on the western slope of the Chiapas-Guatemalan Highlands, and inhabiting cloud forest at an elevation between 1800 to 2400 m. a.s.l. The species is exclusively known from the province of Chiapas Highlands (Fig.
Holotype. MÉXICO ♂, Chiapas, San Cristóbal, L.C. Huitepec. Original label: “Mexico, Chiapas, San Cristóbal, L.C. Huitepec / 16°41.252'N, 92°35.979'E, 2520 m a.s.l., 5.x.2010 / wpt 12, P. Sagot, no 6, collect #4301, ECO-SC-E 4925”. “HOLOTYPE / Argentinomyia huitepecensis / Montoya 2020” [red, handwritten except the first line]”. The holotype is in good condition and deposited at the ECO-SC-E, Chiapas, México. “Identified as Argentinomyia sp. 16 by P. Sagot”. Paratypes. MÉXICO • 1 ♂ same data as for holotype (ECO-SC-E) but differs on: 16°41.255'N, 92°35.979'E, 2450 m a.s.l., 20.xi.2009, wpt 30, P. Sagot, no 16, collect #2504 (ECO-SC-E 24471), sp. 16; 1♂, 2450 m a.s.l., 13.i.2010, wpt 25, P. Sagot, no 8, collect #2950. 1♀, 2400 m a.s.l., 20.xi.2009. wpt 30, no 16, collect #2504 (ECO-SC-E 24472); 1♂, 12.x.2010, wpt 13, P. Sagot, no 48, collect #2504 (ECO-SC-E 24471), sp. 16; 1♂, 2560 m a.s.l., 12.x.2010, wpt 13, P. Sagot, no 48, collect #4413 (ECO-SC-E), sp. 16; 1♂, 2310 m a.s.l., 4.i.2011, wpt 34, P. Sagot, collect #4925 (ECO-SC-E), sp. 10; 1♀, 2390 m a.s.l., 31.x.2010, wpt 9, P. Sagot, no 6, collect #4539 (ECO-SC-E) sp. 10.
Antenna orange ventrally, oval, longer than wide. Costal cell hyaline, bare basally. Alula bare medially. Pro- and mesofemur yellow. Metafemur orange on basal 1/5 and apical 3/5. Probasitarsomere, meso- and metabasitarsomere I–II yellow. Second tergum with a broad macula reaching apical 1/3. Third tergum with a broad macula, short in fourth. Sternite fourth to fifth black pilose. Argentinomyia puntarena sp. nov. is similar in appearance to Argentinomyia talamanca sp. nov., but in A. talamanca sp. nov. the antenna is brown; alula and costal cell are extensively microtrichose; femur is extensively brown; the second tergum has a pair of small maculae on basal 1/5 (see ‘diagnostic features’ under each species or key).
Costa Rica, department of Puntarenas, Coto Brus municipality, Sendero entre Estación Tres Colinas y Laguna Seca, 9°1.279'N, 82°, 50.337'E, 2100–2550 m a.s.l.
Male. Head (Fig.
Female. (Fig.
Length (N = 4). Body 12.4–12.6 mm; wing 11.3–11.5 mm.
The specific epithet puntarena is a noun in apposition and refers to the province where the type series was collected.
Argentinomyia puntarena sp. nov. (N = 5) is distributed through the west slope of the Talamanca Cordillera in Costa Rica (Puntarenas, San José) at an elevation between 1000 to 2550 m. a.s.l., in the province of Puntarena-Chiriquí (Fig.
Holotype. COSTA RICA ♂, Puntarenas, Coto Brus, Sendero entre Estación Tres Colinas y Laguna Seca. “Original label: “Costa Rica: Puntarenas, Coto Brus, Sendero entre / Estación Tres Colinas y Laguna Seca / 9°1.279'N, 82°50.337'E (L.S. 344300_565800), 2100–2550 m a.s.l. /24.vii.2000, Manual, A. Picado Leg., #59166 (INBio 000311623)”. “HOLOTYPE / Argentinomyia huitepecensis / Montoya 2020” [red, handwritten except the first line]”. The holotype is in good condition and deposited at the INBio museum, in Costa Rica. “identified as Argentinomyia sp. 16 by Thompson”. Paratypes. COSTA RICA • 1 ♂, Puntarenas, Monteverde, San Luis, 10°16.644'N, 84°47.271'E (L.S. 250850_449250), 1000-1350 m a.s.l., 7.iv.1995, Fuentes #4801 (INBio CRI002202643); 1♀, San José, San Gerardo de Dota, Sevegre Lodge near Rio Sevegre, 9°33.000'N, 83°48.000'E (L.S. 387400_482700), 2200 m a.s.l., 18–21.viii.1995, A.L. Norrbom (USNM ENT 00036925); 1♀, same data as for preceding, 2000–2500 m a.s.l., 22.ii.1992, Tachinidae and Syrphidae course (INBio CRI000406820); 1♀, Farm Zacatales, 2100 m a.s.l., 8–10.viii.1995, M.A. Zumbado, #6280 (INBio CRI002427774).
Argentinomyia puntarena sp. nov. and Argentinomyia talamanca sp. nov. can be confused or mistakenly identified as Xanthandrus mexicanus Curran, 1930 due to the superficial similarity of these species. However, X. mexicanus can be distinguished by the presence of the antennal cavity broadly confluent (synapomorphy for Xanthandrus); the central portion of epistoma moderately prominent; the face entirely white pollinose and pilose; the pleura black with white pollinosity; metaepisternum with some fine subappressed long pile (distinctive of Xanthandrus); the abdomen oval, wide and flat, opaque, with yellow-orange triangular maculae on second to the fourth tergum, and the male genitalia with surstylus elongated, apically widened (
Legs extensively yellow. Tegula yellow pilose and the halter entirely yellow. Abdomen with four pairs of lateral broad yellow maculae. Argentinomyia quimbaya sp. nov. is similar in appearance to Argentinomyia andina sp. nov., but in A. andina sp. nov. the legs are extensively brown, metafemur only slightly orange on apical 1/6. Tibiae yellow with a dark ring near the middle. Fifth tergum with a pair of small maculae in the basal corners (see ‘diagnostic features’ under each species or key).
Colombia, department of Caldas, Manizales municipality, Corregimiento Las Palmas, Parque Rio Blanco, 5°5.017'N, 75°25.133'E, 2782 m a.s.l.
Male. Head (Fig.
Female. (Fig.
Length (N = 2). Body 11.8–12.3 mm; wing 11.5–11.9 mm.
The specific epithet quimbaya (noun in the genitive case) refers to the indigenous people who inhabit the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes in pre-Colombian times, between the departments of Caldas and Risaralda. The name also refers to the Flora and Fauna Sanctuary (SFF, acronym in Spanish) Otún Quimbaya, where part of the type series was collected.
Argentinomyia quimbaya sp. nov. (N = 2) is distributed on the western slope of the Central Cordillera of Colombia (in two very neighbouring Andean states, Caldas and Risaralda) at an elevation between 2700 to 2782 m. a.s.l. in the provinces of Cauca (Fig.
Holotype. COLOMBIA ♂, Colombia, Caldas, Manizales, Corregimiento Las Palmas, Parque Rio Blanco. Original label: “Colombia, Caldas, Manizales, Corregimiento Las Palmas / Parque Rio Blanco, 5°5.017'N, 75°25.133'E, 2782 m a.s.l. / Net, 18.ii.2006, Leg. B.J. and F.C. Thompson (USMN ENT 000035733)”. “HOLOTYPE / Argentinomyia quimbaya / Montoya & Wolff 2019 [red, handwritten except first line]”. The holotype is in good condition and deposited at the USMN in Washington D.C., USA. Paratype. COLOMBIA • 1 ♀, Risaralda, Otún Quimbaya, Peña Bonita, El Jordán 4°44.617'N, 75°31.494'E, 2640–2800 m a.s.l., Van Sommeren-Rydon- Chicken entrails, 13–14.iv.2011, N. Uribe (CEUA 87109).
Antenna brown, rounded, as long as wide; face opaque, white pollinose and pilose. Wing, alula and, costa cell extensively microtrichose, except for extensive bare areas on basal half (cells, sc, r1, dm, and bm); costal cell brownish, calypter and border whitish, fringe plumula and, halter yellow, knob white. Femora and tarsi extensively brown. Abdomen, second tergum with a pair of small narrow maculae reaching basal 1/5; third and fourth tergum with basomedial maculae, reaching 2/5 and 1/5, respectively; fifth sternite black pilose. Argentinomyia talamanca sp. nov. is similar in appearance to Argentinomyia puntarena sp. nov., but in A. puntarena sp. nov. the antenna is orange ventrally, oval, longer than broad; costal cell hyaline, bare basally; alula bare medially; pro- and mesofemur yellow; metafemur orange on basal 1/5 and apical 3/5; pro-, meso- and metabasitarsomere I–II yellow; second tergum with a broad maculae reaching the apical 1/3; third tergum with a broad macula, short in the fourth; sternite fourth to fifth black pilose (see ‘diagnostic features’ under each species or key).
Costa Rica, department of Cartago, Rio Macho muncipality, Estación Ojo de Agua, 9°36'2.23"N, 83°45'43.31"E, 3000 m a.s.l.
Male. Head (Fig.
Female. (Fig.
Length (N = 4). Body 10.5–11.4 mm; wing 9.2–9.8 mm.
The noun in apposition ‘Talamanca’ refers to the cordillera where the species was collected in Costa Rica.
Argentinomyia talamanca sp. nov. (N = 21) is distributed through the Talamanca Cordillera in Costa Rica (Cartago, Limón, Puntarenas, San José) at an elevation between 2400 to 3600 m. a.s.l. in the province of Puntarena-Chiriquí (Fig.
Holotype. COSTA RICA ♂, Cartago, Rio Macho, Estación Ojo de Agua. Original label: “Costa Rica, Cartago, Rio Macho, Estación Ojo de Agua, 9°36'2.23"N, 83°45'43.31"E, (L.S. 396700_482200), 3000 m a.s.l., 25.vii.1999, A. Pinto Leg., #62964 (INBio 003321800)”. “HOLOTYPE / Argentinomyia talamanca / Thompson 2020” [red, handwritten except first line]”. The holotype is in good condition and deposited at the INBio museum, in Costa Rica. “Identified as Xanthandrus 75-10 by Thompson 1971”. Paratypes. COSTA RICA• 1♂, Cartago, Rio Macho, Estación Ojo de Agua, A orillas de la carretera Interamericana, 9°36'2.23"N, 83°45'43.31"E, (L.S. 396700_482200), 3000 m a.s.l.,, A. Pinto. Libre, #46825 (INBio 0003321799); same data except: 1♂,, B. Gamboa #62964, (INBio 0002566220); 1♀, #46825 (INBio 0002566223); 1♀, 9°35'5.48"N, 83°44'14.01"E, 2850 m a.s.l., 11.xii.1997, E. Alfaro, #48829 (INBio CRI002525323); 1♀, Sendero a Torre 47, 9°35'44.84"N, 83°44'37.94"E, 2960 m a.s.l., 26.iii.1997, A. Picado, #45541 (INBio CRI002537729); 1♂, Sendero a Torre 46, 2760 m a.s.l., 9°33'4.23"N, 83°43'45.13"E, 12.iv.1997, B. Gamboa, #46759 (INBio CRI002565331); 1♂, Cartago, Estación Cuericí, El mirador, 4km al E. Villa Mills, Subparamo, 9°31'6.97"N, 83°33'12.55"E, 2900 m a.s.l., 7.xii.1996, A. Picado, #45170 (Collector # 489, 900-093) (INBio CRI002462385); , 1♀, #45170 (INBio CRI002462383); 1♀, sendero Cerro Cuericí, Limite P.N. Chiripo, 9°31'24.05"N, 83°30'15.03"E (L.S. 396700_482200), 3050 m a.s.l., 5.i.1996, A. Picado, #6799 (INBio CRI002367564); 1♂, camino la Auxiliadora, 3.5km E de Villa Mills, 9°32'47.29"N, 83°42'31.97"E, 2700 m a.s.l., 8.vii.1996, A. Picado, #7721 (INBio CRI002467120); 1♂, Cartago, Cerro Urán, 9°30'5.70"N, 83°30'56.31"E, 3600 m a.s.l., 1.v.1997, A. Picado, #46214 (INBio CRI002504307); 1♂, Limón, La Amistad, Bratsi, Cerrito en Fila Dudu-Apri, 9°16'12.31"N, 83°2'53.69"E (L.S. 356400_566000), 3100 m a.s.l.,, Manual, A. Picado, #59164 (INBio 000311588); 1♂, sendero Circular, 9°17'44.79"N, 83°2'35.59"E (L.S. 340258_577465), 2406 m a.s.l.,, Libre, D. Rubi, #74159 (INBio 0003724228); 1♂, #74159 (INBio 0003724233). Puntarenas, 5 km, S. Rincón, 15.iii.1973, E.W. Barrows (1♀); 1♀, San José, Barva, i.1997, FCT group (USNM ENT 00036927); 1♂, San José, Estación Cerro de la Muerte, Km 92, Carretera Interamericana, 9°34'22.79"N, 83°44'45.87"E (L.S. 390300_491700 #57449), 3140 m a.s.l., 24.iii.2000, M.A. Zumbado (INBio 0003168749); 1♂, San José, Cerro de la Muerte, 6 km, W. Villa Mills, Inter-Am. Hwy., 9°34'30.93"N, 83°37'47.69"E, 3340 m a.s.l., on flower of Compositae, 2.v.1972, E. R. Heithaus (Collector # 489, 900-093) (INBio 15810, dissected); on flower of Rosaceae, 25.viii.1971, E. R. Heithaus (Collector # 830) (1♀, INBio 4788, identified as Xanthandrus 75-10 Thompson); 1♂, San José, Los Santos, Camino a Providencia de Dota, 9°37'0.44"N, 83°50'19.14"E, 2900 m a.s.l., 18.i.1997, M. Segura, #45294 (INBio CRI002535232); 1♂, San José, PamAn Hwy, Km 89, Cerro de la Muerte, Las Torres, 9°34'N, 83°45'E, 3367 m a.s.l., 18-19.viii.1995, A.L. Norrbom (USNM ENT 00036926).
Argentinomyia talamanca sp. nov. is only known from the Talamanca Cordillera in Costa Rica.
Talahua Fluke, 1945: 22. Type species, Melanostoma fervidum Fluke, 1945 by original designation. Described as subgenus of Melanostoma.
Melanostoma fervidum:
Talahua fervidum:
Talahua fervida:
Talahua fervida
Holotype. ♂, ECUADOR, Bolívar, Hda. Talahua. Original label: “ECUADOR, Bolivar, Hda. [Hacienda] Talahua, 3100 m a.s.l., 28.iv.1939, F.M. Brown & H. Brown collectors, AMNH”. / Melanostoma / (Talahua) / fervidum / Fluke” [red, handwritten except first line]”. The holotype is deposited at the AMNH in New York, USA. Paratype 3 ♂, same information as holotype, deposited in the AMNH, USNM, and WIRC (,
(modified from
(modified from
Female. (Fig.
Talahua fervida is exclusively restricted to the Tropical Andes of Central and Occidental Cordillera in Colombia (Antioquia, Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Tolima) to Central Cordillera in Ecuador (Bolívar, Sucumbios). The species has a mountainous distribution in the biogeographical provinces of Cauca, Magdalena and North Andean Páramo (Fig.
COLOMBIA: Antioquia, Bello, San Félix, Las Baldías, 6°20.029'N, 75°39.263'E, 2950–3150 m a.s.l., Net, 22.ii.2015; A. L. Montoya Leg. (1 ♀, CEUA 92108); Belmira, Páramo Santa Inés, Cabaña Cabildo Verde, El Morro-Alto de La Gallina, 6°40.167'N, 75°40.136'E, 3247 m a.s.l., Net in Clusia cf. brachycarpa Cuatrec., 4–14.ii.2017, A. L. Montoya; J. Sanchez; E. Orozco-G Leg. (1 ♂, CEUA 95345); Medellín, Corregimiento San Sebastián de Palmitas, Vereda La Volcana, High part, 6°21.232'N, 75°40.883'E, 2569–2650 m a.s.l., Van Sommeren-Rydon trap baited with fish, 22.ix.2011, L. Ríos-M Leg (1 ♀, CEUA 93328); San José de la Montaña, Vereda El Congo, Sector La Laguna, 6°46.013'N, 75°41.979'E, 3100–3183 m a.s.l., Net, 21–, C. Henao; A. F. Sepúlveda Leg (1 ♀, CEUA 98074); Sonsón, San Francisco, Las Palomas A Mountain hill, 5°43.924'N, 75°15.444'E, 2749 m a.s.l., Forest, Net, 1-12.ix.2018, A.M. Echeverry, J. Vallejo Leg. (1 ♀, CEUA 103636); Boyacá, Flora and Fauna Sanctuary Iguaque, Ravien Carrizal, Cabaña Mamarramos, Lagunillas, 5°41.783'N, 73°26.516'E, 2850–3380 m a.s.l. (IAvH, in Gutiérrez et al. 2006). ECUADOR: Sucumbios, Santa Barbara, 0°37.868'N, 77°31.207'E, 3023 m a.s.l., 14.iii.1994, Gonorre Leg (1 ♂, QCAZ 103712).
Adults of Talahua fervida are found in highland ecosystems including cloud forests of the Andesand Páramo from 1800 to 3350 m a.s.l. The species has been associated with flowers of Clusia cf. brachycarpa Cuatrec (Clusiaceae Lindl.), but the immature stages are unknown.
The new Argentinomyia species described here can be distinguished from its congeners by the combination of the following characters: the basoflagellomere large, slightly oval and apically rounded; face with a well-rounded tubercle, never with transversal grooves dorsally along tubercle or broadly punctuate laterally; scutellum with a deep groove next to the rim (emarginate); metacoxa with pile posteromedial on apical angle; abdomen elongated or parallel sides with large markings. Talahua fervida differs from the new species by having the male genitalia large, including the surstyle, superior lobes, and cerci elongated, character recognized by
The new Argentinomyia species described here as well as Talahua fervida inhabit the Andean cloud forests and Páramo in Mesoamerica (México and Costa Rica) and Tropical Andes (Colombia and Ecuador) including five biogeographical provinces, which have been commonly referred to as hotspots of biodiversity (Maps 1, 2 and 3) (
Their restricted distribution, the local abundance and the fact that most species inhabit Protected and Conserved Areas suggest their vulnerability as proposed for several syrphid groups (see
In consequence and given that only one Neotropical species has been assessed in the IUCN Red List (
Thanks are due to F. Christian Thompson (Department of Entomology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., USA) for his continuous support to my formation and for allowing me to study the flower flies housed in the USNM collection. I’m very thankful to the collection curators and researchers, in particular to Philippe Sagot for facilitating access to the material to his cure. I sincerely thank Torsten Dikow for all the valuable help during my internship at the Smithsonian Institution. Thank are due to everyone who collects this invaluable material, especially to the members of the Entomology Group, University of Antioquia (GEUA). This study was supported by funding provided by the FONDO NACIONAL DE FINANCIAMIENTO PARA LA CIENCIA LA TECNOLOGÍA Y LA INNOVACIÓN "FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS" and COLCIENCIAS (Convocatorias 712–2015, 745–2016) to the project “Las moscas de las flores (Diptera, Syrphidae) como bioindicadoras de la calidad del ambiente en los ecosistemas altoandinos del noroccidente de Colombia” and COLFUTURO Ph.D. Grant (Becas Colciencias Doctorados Nacionales, convocatoria 647 de 2014). The project was partially financed by a grand of the GLOBAL GENOME INITIATIVE, Grant Number: 801-0000-302357-332002-6100-XXXX-4120-33GGI2018GRANTE-BUENAVENTURAE. Thanks are also due to the Samuel Wendell Williston Diptera Research Foundation for financial assistance to attend the 8th International Congress of Dipterology in Potsdam, Germany, where the first advance of this work was presented. Thanks are due to Ximo Mengual and the reviewers Andrew Young and Menno Reemer for helpful comments and suggestions that enriched the manuscript. Thanks to Elizabeth Orozco García for all her support, dedication and for teaching me to fly to achieve my dreams, you are unique. Special thanks to Paula Rozo, who contacted me with Juanita Roca and Álvaro Espinel, who kindly welcomed me at their home during the internship in Washington D.C. and made this experience productive and unforgettable.
Table S1
Data type: occurrence