Citation: Galicia D, Pulido-Flores G, Miranda R, Monks S,Amezcua-Martínez A, Imas-Lecumberri M, Chaves-Illana A, Ariño AH (2014) Hidalgo Fishes: Dataset on freshwater fishes of Hidalgo state (Mexico) in the MZNA fish collection of the University of Navarra (Spain). ZooKeys 403: 97–109. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.403.7149 GBIF key:
Resource Citation: University of Navarra (2014) Hidalgo Fishes: Dataset on freshwater fishes of Hidalgo state (Mexico) in the MZNA fish collection of the University of Navarra (Spain). 7403 data records. Contributed by Galicia D, Miranda R, Monks S, Pulido-Flores G, Ariño AH, Amezcua A, Imas M, Chaves A, Escala MC, Alemán-García B, Escorcia-Ignacio R, Vilches A, Bautista-Hernández CE, Leunda PM, Gaspar S and A López-Morales. Online at, GBIF key: Data Paper ID: doi: 10.3897/zookeys.403.7149
The state of Hidalgo (Mexico) is an important region from the point of view of biodiversity. However, there exists a significant gap in accessible knowledge about species diversity and distribution, especially regarding to freshwater ecosystems. This dataset comprises the sampling records of two projects developed in Hidalgo between 2007 and 2009 about the freshwater fish communities of Tecocomulco lake and rivers belonging to the Metztitlán Canyon Biosphere Reserve. It contains the taxonomic identity (species level) and basic biometric data (total length and weight) as well as date of collection and coordinates of more than 9000 specimens. This dataset is the primary result of the first and unrepeated exhaustive freshwater fish’s survey of Metztitlán Canyon Biosphere Reserve and Tecocomulco lake. It incorporates seven more species to the regional fish fauna, and new exclusive biometric data of ten species. This dataset can be used by studies dealing with, among other interests, North American freshwater fish diversity (species richness, distribution patterns) and biometric analyses, useful for the management and conservation of these areas. The complete dataset is also provided in Darwin Core Archive format.
Occurrence, biometry, freshwater fishes, non-native species, threatened species, conservation, Metztitlán Canyon Biosphere Reserve, Tecocomulco Lake, Mexico
Fauna and flora of Mexico is significant because of its substantial range of climatic conditions. High diversity of freshwater fish is derived from broad transition between temperate and neotropical biota. Of the 504 species known from the country, ca. 271 are endemic (ca. 48 endemics are from binational basins), 168 are at some level of risk, and 25 are believed to be extinct (
Hidalgo is a state in the central area of Mexico and an important region from the point of view of biodiversity of freshwater fishes (
This dataset collection contains the sampling records of two projects about the fish communities of Tecocomulco lake and rivers belonging to the Metztitlán Canyon Biosphere Reserve, developed in 2007–2009 in this state.
The Metztitlán Canyon (Barranca de Metztitlán) Biosphere Reserve, in the northern part of this state, has a high level of endemism in plants and animals because of its geomorphologic origin (
Lake Tecocomulco is the only remaining natural water body in the basin of Gran Cuenca del Valle de México (
Knowledge of species occurrences is the first step to manage and conserve the biodiversity and scarce information related to the distribution, abundance and management actions of threatened species hinder the development of adequate conservation strategies (
Project title: Freshwater fishes of Hidalgo state (Mexico)
Personnel: Rafael Miranda (principal investigator, data collector, collector identifier), David Galicia (researcher, data collector, data manager), Griselda Pulido-Flores (researcher), Scott Monks (researcher), Carmen Escala (researcher), Berenice Alemán-García (data collector), Rafaela Escorcia-Ignacio (data collector), Antonio Vilches (data collector), Christian Elizbeth Bautista-Hernández (data collector), Pedro Manuel Leunda (data collector), Sergio Gaspar (data collector), Andrés López-Morales (field guide, data collector), Ana Amézcua-Martínez (curator), María Imas-Lecumberri (curator), Ángel Chaves-Illana (curator) and Arturo H. Ariño (custodian steward).
Funding: Project CGL2006-02844/BOS from the Plan Nacional de I+D+I (2004–2007), Dirección General de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Gobierno de España. Regional Development Fund (ERDF), project FOMIXHGO-2005-CO1-1 from CONACYT-FOMIX, Hidalgo, Mexico. Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional of the Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación, Gobierno de España (A/6357/06).
Study area descriptions/descriptor: The state of Hidalgo is located in east central Mexico, at the intersection of the Mexican Neovolcanic Belt, the central highland plateau (Mesa Central) and the Sierra Madre Oriental. Rivers of Hidalgo, part of the Pánuco, Tuxpan and Cazones basins, flow into the Gulf of Mexico. Fishes in the region are relatively diverse and contain Neotropical and Nearctic species, suggesting that this is a transition zone between the two ecozones (
The Metztitlán Canyon Biosphere Reserve (Hidalgo, Mexico, Figure 1b) covers an area of approximately 96000 ha and was designated as a biosphere reserve in 2000. The reserve is situated in the rain shadow of the Sierra Madre Oriental, producing an arid climate and receiving just one quarter of the rainfall of nearby areas located at higher elevations within the Sierra Madre Oriental.
Study area. Locations of sampling points (black dots) in a Lake Tecocomulco and b Metztitlán Canyon Biosphere Reserve.
Lake Tecocomulco (Figure 1a) is the only remaining natural water body in the basin of Gran Cuenca del Valle de Mexico. Its surface varies from 7 to 15 km2, depending on the quantity of seasonal rainfall. The lake has turbid and shallow waters, normally with 15–20 m maximum depth, reaching 3 m during some rainy seasons. Sodium, bicarbonates and sulphates are the dominant ions and smaller proportions of calcium, magnesium and chlorine are present (
Data published through: GBIF:
General taxonomic coverage description: All specimens are identified to species level with the help of authoritative literature (
Relative abundance of families. a Number of species and b percentage of specimens per family recorded in the dataset.
Species and specimens of fish in HidalgoFFishes dataset. Information about threatened category according to IUCN and additional characteristics are provided.
Family | Species | n | Threatened category | Ecological affinity | Zoogeographic origin |
Cyprinidae | Cyprinus carpio | 302 | Introduced | ||
Tampichthys ipni | 465 | Primary | Neartic | ||
Characidae | Astyanax mexicanus | 843 | Least Concern | Primary | Neotropical |
Ictaluridae | Ictalurus punctatus | 1 | Primary | Translocated | |
Ictalurus sp. | 18 | Primary | Neartic | ||
Cichlidae | Herichthys pantostictus | 786 | Vulnerable A1c, B1+2c | Secondary | Neotropical |
Amatitlania nigrofasciata | 12 | Secondary | Translocated | ||
Oreochromis aureus × Oreochromis niloticus | 439 | Introduced | |||
Atherinopsidae | Menidia jordani | 342 | Peripheral | Translocated | |
Mugilidae | Agonostomus monticola | 39 | Least Concern | Peripheral | Atlantic |
Goodeidae | Goodea atripinnis | 5 | Least Concern | Secondary | Neotropical |
Girardinichthys viviparus | 1265 | Critically Endangered A1ce+2ce, B1+2abc | Secondary | Neotropical | |
Poeciliidae | Pseudoxiphophorus jonesii | 390 | Secondary | Neotropical | |
Poecilia mexicana | 71 | Secondary | Neotropical | ||
Poeciliopsis gracilis | 3230 | Secondary | Translocated | ||
Xiphophorus helleri | 891 | Secondary | Translocated | ||
Xiphophorus birchmanni | 1 | Secondary | Neotropical | ||
Xiphophorus birchmanni × Xiphophorus malinche | 3 | Secondary | Neotropical | ||
Xiphophorus malinche | 2 | Secondary | Neotropical |
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Atheriniformes, Ciprinodontiformes, Ostariophysi, Perciformes
Family: Mugilidae, Cichlidae, Characidae, Cyprinidae, Goodeidae, Ictaluridae, Atherinopsidae, Poeciliidae
Species: Agonostomus monticola, Amatitlania nigrofasciata, Astyanax mexicanus, Cyprinus carpio, Girardinichthys viviparus, Goodea atripinnis, Herichthys pantostictus, Oreochromis aureus × Oreochromis niloticus, Ictalurus punctatus, Ictalurus sp., Menidia jordani, Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliopsis gracilis, Pseudoxiphophorus jonesii, Tampichthys ipni, Xiphophorus birchmanni, Xiphophorus birchmanni × Xiphophorus malinche, Xiphophorus helleri, Xiphophorus malinche
Common names: Mountain mullet, Convict cichlid, Mexican tetra, Common carp, Chapultepec splitfin, Blackfin goodea, Chairel cichlid, Channel catfish, NA, Mesa silverside, Shortfin molly, Porthole livebearer, Barred killifish, Lantern minnow, Sheepshead swordtail, Green swordtail, Highland swordtail, Tilapia.
General spatial coverage: Hidalgo State, East-Central Mexico. Barranca de Metztitlán Biosphere Reserve (20.23–20.75N; 98.95–98.38W) and Lake Tecocomulco (19.83–19.90N; 98.44–98.35W)
Coordinates: 19°49'48"N and 20°45'0"N Latitude; 98°57'0"W and 98°20'60"W Longitude.
Zoological Museum of the University of Navarra (MZNA, Pamplona, Spain) was established in the 1980 to curate the scientific research materials of the former Zoology and Ecology and now Environmental Biology department. Its climate-controlled storage facilities hold more than two million specimens, including several type series.
The Museum is a Data Provider for the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and is an Affiliate to the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). The Museum is also in charge of the curation and management of the Natural History Collections of the School of Science of the University of Navarra (Spain).
Parent collection identifier: 850b564a-f762-11e1-a439-00145eb45e9a
Collection name: Peces de México
Collection identifier: 28c1c18b-64d8-4691-acdb-73e5653292f8
Specimen preservation method: Alcohol
Curatorial unit: 6453 with an uncertainty of 0 (observation)
Curatorial unit: 950 with an uncertainty of 0 (jar)
Method step description: The processing diagram is shown in Figure 3. Specimens were sampled and processed in the field following the procedure described in the Sampling description section. All the captured specimens where measured, weighted and identified (sex and species) before being released. Some individuals were selected for a deeper study in laboratory and euthanized by an overdose of anaesthesia. Preservation was made directly in the field in 70% ethyl alcohol. Once in the laboratory, all the material was subject of an exhaustive taxonomic revision and field data were corrected accordingly. Project dataset was then incorporated to MZNA database (Zootron v4.5,
Hidalgo freshwater fishes collection flowchart. The diagram shows all the steps followed from the field sampling to the publishing of the data.
Study extent description: The state of Hidalgo is located in east central Mexico, at the intersection of the Mexican Neovolcanic Belt, the central highland plateau (Mesa Central) and the Sierra Madre Oriental (Figure 1). Rivers of Hidalgo, part of the Pánuco, Tuxpan and Cazones basins, flow into the Gulf of Mexico. The region is characterized by extreme variation in local ecological systems and a high diversity of flora and fauna, produced by geographic isolation of local populations. The study region is part of the Priorities Hydrologic Region of Mexico because the area is impacted by activities of humans and exhibits high levels of biodiversity (
Sampling description: Fourty three localities along the Amajac and Metztitlán rivers and Tecocomulco lake were sampled (Collecting permit SGPA/DGVS/060804/06) using a back-pack electrofishing unit (300-600 V, 0.2-2 A) in November 2007 and May 2008. Fish were anaesthetized with tricaine methanesulfonate (MS-222; Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) before being sexed, measured (total length, in mm) and weighed (g). Majority of specimens were returned to their habitat. Voucher specimens were euthanized by an overdose of anaesthesia and transported to the laboratory for taxonomic identification and study (Figure 3).
Quality control description: Specimens are deposited in the Zoological Museum of the University of Navarra (MZNA, Pamplona, Spain), in the Colección de la Universidad del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH, Pachuca, Mexico) and in the Texas A&M University, Rosenthal Lab. (A&M, Texas, EEUU).
The taxonomic identity of all the species and hybrids was verified in the laboratory by R. Miranda and D. Galicia using suitable literature (
Unique collections’ accession numbers were assigned to each specimen. Other validation procedures, including geographic coordinates format, and congruence between collection and identification dates were checked with DARWIN_TEST (v3.3,
Dataset description: Dataset comprises 7403 registries with information of 38 elements of the DwC standard: id, modified, institutionCode, collectionCode, ownerInstitutionCode, basisOfRecord, catalogNumber, occurrenceRemarks, recordedBy, individualCount, sex, preparations, disposition, eventDate, verbatimEventDate, continent, country, stateProvince, locality, verbatimElevation, minimumElevationInMeters, maximumElevationInMeters, verbatimCoordinates, decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, geodeticDatum, coordinateUncertaintyInMeters, pointRadiusSpatialFit, identifiedBy, scientificName, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, specificEpithet, scientificNameAuthorship. Also, a Measurement or Facts extension is included with additional biometric information of the specimens: length (total and with sword in the case of swordtail fishes) and weight.
Object name: Darwin Core Archive Freshwater fishes of Hidalgo State (Mexico) in the MZNA fish collection of the University of Navarra (Spain)
Character encoding: UTF-8
Format name: Darwin Core Archive format
Format version: 1.0
Publication date of data: 2014-01-24
Language: English
Licenses of use: This dataset [Freshwater fishes of Hidalgo State (Mexico) in the MZNA fish collection of the University of Navarra (Spain)] is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License:
Metadata language: English
Date of metadata creation: 2014-03-25
Hierarchy level: Dataset