Research Article |
Corresponding author: Yan-Li Che ( ) Academic editor: Eliana Cancello
© 2019 Lu Qiu, Zong-Qing Wang, Yan-Li Che.
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Qiu L, Wang Z-Q, Che Y-L (2019) New and little known Latindiinae (Blattodea, Corydiidae) from China, with discussion of the Asian genera and species. ZooKeys 867: 23-44.
A new Latindiinae, Brachylatindia xui gen. et sp. nov., is described and illustrated from Tibet, China. The new genus Beybienkonus gen. nov. is established to include Beybienkonus acuticercus (Bey-Bienko, 1957), comb. nov. The Asian Latindiinae is discussed with a total of six genera included. A checklist of Asian species and a key to the Asian genera of Latindiinae are provided.
Brachylatindia, Beybienkonus, Homopteroidea, Ipolatta, Ctenoneura
In the Orthopteran catalogue (
Three Asian genera were historically included in Latindiinae (
Since Latindiinae species are small and unnoticeable, specimens are difficult to obtain. Recently, we obtained some living individuals and specimens from Yunnan and Tibet, China. All materials were collected from the rotten wood. We thus take this opportunity to carefully study them and report upon this little known subfamily from China. The status of Homopteroidea and Ipolatta are reconsidered, and a checklist of the Latindiinae species from Asia as well as a key to the Asian genera are provided.
The specimens from China are all deposited in the Institute of Entomology, Southwest University, Chongqing, China (SWU). We also examined specimens of the Homopteroidea collection in Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford, UK (
The definition of Latindiinae here follows that of
The genital segments of the examined specimens were dipped in 10% NaOH and observed in glycerine jelly using a Motic K400 stereomicroscope and a Leica M205A stereomicroscope. Venation drawings were made with the aid of Adobe Photoshop CS6, a Leica M205A stereomicroscope and a Motic K400 stereomicroscope. Photographs of the habitus and characters were made using a Leica M205A stereomicroscope. All photographs were modified in Adobe Photoshop CS6.
For pairing and comparison, we selected seven samples representing different morphologies and genders from different locations to sequence their COI genes. The COI sequences are deposited in the National Center for Biotechnology Information GenBank (accession numbers MN116495, MN116496, MN116497, MN116498, MN116499, MN116500, MN116501). The extraction procedure was according to the Hipure Tissue DAN Mini Kit. Total DNA was stored at -20 °C. Primers for the amplifications are COI-F3 (5’-CAACYAATCATAAAGANATTGGAAC-3’) and COI-R3 (5’-TAAACTTCTGGRTGACCAAARAATCA-3’). The amplification conditions were as follows: initial denaturation at 98 °C for 2 min, followed by 35 cycles of 10s at 98 °C, 10s for 51 °C, and 15s for 72 °C, with final extension of 2 min at 72 °C. Laboratory reagents were provided by TsingKe Co, Ltd., China. All voucher specimens are deposited at SWU. The genetic divergence value was quantified based on the Kimura 2-parameter (K2P) distance model (
Here designated: Brachylatindia xui sp. nov.
Small, brachypterous, smooth but with sparse micro spines. Head oval, ocelli absent; pronotum roundly triangular, meso- and meta- notum somewhat reduced; front femur type C2, tarsal claws simple, arolia present; male with a gland at the centre of 4th tergum; subgenital plate of female valved.
This new genus resembles Gapudipentax Lucañas, 2018, but it can be readily distinguished from the latter by the following characters: 1) head sub-oval, while head triangular in Gapudipentax; 2) pronotum triangular with rounded edges, smooth, with indistinct micro setae, while pronotum pentagonal with rounded edges, distinct pubescent in Gapudipentax; 3) male with subtriangular tegmen, while male with subquadrate tegmen in Gapudipentax; 4) front femur with two long apical spine at hind margin, while front femur without any long apical spines in Gapudipentax; 5) tarsal claw not serrated, while tarsal claw serrated in Gapudipentax; and 6) male with tergal gland, while male without tergal gland in Gapudipentax.
Body small, smooth, sexual dimorphism indistinct, both brachypterous. Male: head longer than width, oval, vertex not exposed. Ocelli absent. Pronotum triangular with rounded edges, with indistinct and micro setae. Meso- and meta- notum reduced, narrowed, median of both slightly extended. Tegmina reduced, reaching only up to the middle of the 2nd tergum; wing reduced, very small (flightless). Front femur type C2, apex without spine; mid- and hind femora each with a spine at apex and a spine at apical portion of hind margin. Tarsomere 1 longer than the rest of tarsomeres combined. Pulvulli absent. Tarsal claws simple, symmetrical. Arolia present. Abdomen with 4th tergum specialised, with a gland medially. Supra-anal plate trapezoidal, with large hyaline area, apex concave; paraprocts hooked at apical portions; cerci each with a small spine at apex. Subgenital plate symmetrical; styli simple, similar. Genitalia complex, with long and robust genital hook (L3), R2 elongate.
Female: similar to male. Tegmina reduced. Metanotum normal, wings absent. Supra-anal plate subtriangular, apex emarginated. Subgenital plate valved, medial slit entire, through the apex to the base.
China (Tibet).
Brachys (Greek for short) + latindia refers to a Latindiinae cockroach with brachypterous tegmina.
Holotype, male (SWU): CHINA: Tibet (= Xizang): Upper Zayü (= Shangchayu) Town [上察隅镇], Zayü (= Chayu) County [察隅县], Nyingchi (= Linzhi) City [林芝市], alt. 1900 m, 9.VII.2016, Hao Xu et Jian-Yue Qiu leg. Paratype: 1 nymph (SWU), same data as holotype.
As for the genus (vide supra).
Male (holotype). General: measurements (mm): body length (vertex to abdomen tip): 6.2, pronotum length × width: 2.2 × 3.0, tegmen length: 2.1. Size small, brownish yellow, tegmina and wings reduced (Fig.
Similar to the adult, but body densely pubescent (Fig.
Individuals were collected from the rotten wood (H. Xu et J.-Y. Qiu, pers. comm.) (Fig.
China (Tibet) (Fig.
This new species is named after Dr. Hao Xu, one of the collectors of this new species, for his efforts in collecting this cockroach.
1 female (SWU), CHINA: Tibet: Jialongba [加龙坝], Suotong Village [索通村], Guxiang Township [古乡], Bomê (= Bomi) County [波密县], Nyingchi City [林芝市], alt. 2300 m, 23.VII.2016, Jian-Yue Qiu et Hao Xu leg.
Body small, brownish yellow (Fig.
This species was collected from the rotten wood from the forest of Guxiang, Bomi (H. Xu et J.-Y. Qiu, pers. comm.) (Fig.
China (Tibet) (Fig.
This species is similar to the male of Brachylatindia xui sp. nov., but its front femur has a right-angle protrusion near the base (Fig.
Beybienkonus acuticercus (Bey-Bienko, 1957) comb. nov.
This new genus is unique by having two robust spines on each hind femur and one curved robust spine at the apex of each hind tibia in male. The hind legs of male are robust. Apex of each cercus with a long spine in both sexes. Both brachypterous and macropterous types are present in this genus.
Body large for Latindiinae, smooth; both brachypterous and macropterous types are present.
Head longer than width, oval, vertex slightly exposed. Ocelli represented as two white spots. Pronotum semi-oval, smooth. Meso- and meta- notum slightly reduced, median not extended. Tegmina reduced, reaching up to half of abdomen; wing reduced, small and elongate (flightless). Front femur type C1; mid- and hind femora each with a spine at apex and two spines at apical portion of hind margin, the two spines of hind femur well developed, robust. Hind tibia with a robust long spine and a thin long spine at apex. Tarsomere 1 longer than the rest of tarsomeres combined. Pulvulli absent. Tarsal claws simple, symmetrical; arolia absent. Abdomen without tergal modification. Supra-anal plate narrowly triangular, with large hyaline area medially, apex with two rounded lobes; paraprocts simple; cerci smooth dorsad, setose ventrad, each with a long spine at apex. Subgenital plate symmetrical; styli simple, similar. Genitalia with small genital hook (L3), right phallomere large.
Similar to brachypterous male. Tegmina more reduced, not exceeding the half of abdomen, wing much more reduced, very small (flightless). Hind legs not as robust as male, spines normal, not enlarged. Supra-anal plate subtriangular, apex emarginated, margin setose, ventral surface setose. Subgenital plate valved, medial slit entire through the apex to the base.
Body relatively narrowed. Pronotum oval, small. Tegmina and wings fully developed exceeding the end of abdomen (capable of flight). The remaining characters similar to the brachypterous female.
China (Yunnan and Tibet).
Named after Bey-Bienko G.Y., the Russian entomologist, who first reported the type species Beybienkonus acuticercus (Bey-Bienko, 1957) comb. nov. from Yunnan, China.
Ctenoneura acuticerca
Bey-Bienko, 1957: 896 (original description);
CHINA: Yunnan: 5 males (brachypterous), 3 females (macropterous), 10 females (brachypterous), and more than 30 nymphs (under rearing): around Mangyun Township [芒允乡], Yingjiang County [盈江县], Dehong Prefecture [德宏景颇族自治州], 24°34'N, 97°45'E, alt. ca. 800–1300 m, 27.II–11.III.2018, Gui-Chang Liu (local people) leg.; Tibet: 3 females (brachypterous): Gelin Village [格林村], Bengbeng Township [背崩乡], Medog County [墨脱县], Nyingchi City [林芝市], alt. 1600 m, 15.VII.2016, Hao Xu et Jian-Yue Qiu leg. (all in SWU).
Brachypterous male. General: measurements (mm): body length (vertex to abdomen tip): 10.1–10.6, pronotum length (midline) × width (the widest points): 3.1–3.2 × 4.6–4.8, tegmen length: 4.9–5.1, tegmen width: 2.7–2.8. Size small, body smooth, brownish yellow (Fig.
Beybienkonus acuticercus (Bey-Bienko, 1957), comb. nov., individuals from Yunnan A head, brachypterous male, ventral view B pronotum, brachypterous male, dorsal view C pronotum, macropterous female, dorsal view D part of the hind leg, male E part of the hind leg, female F front femur, male G tarsal claw, male H cercus, male, dorsal view I cercus, male, ventral view. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.
Measurements (mm): body length: 8.9–10.5, pronotum length × width: 3.0–3.2 × 4.5–4.7, tegmen length: 4.4–4.7, tegmen width: 2.5–2.7. Generally similar to the brachypterous male, but eyes slightly smaller than that of the male, antennae shorter than the body length (Fig.
Tegmina and wings of Beybienkonus acuticercus (Bey-Bienko, 1957), comb. nov., individuals from Yunnan A tegmen, macropterous female B wing, macropterous female C tegmen, brachypterous male D wing, brachypterous male E tegmen, brachypterous female F wing, brachypterous female. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.
Beybienkonus acuticercus (Bey-Bienko, 1957), comb. nov., individuals from Yunnan A supra-anal plate, male, ventral view B subgenital plate, male, ventral view C genitalia, male, original position D genitalia, male (dissected) E supra-anal plate, female, dorsal view F subgenital plate, female, ventral view. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.
Habitats of Latindiinae from China A habitat of Brachylatindia xui gen. et sp. nov., Shangchayu, Chayu, Tibet B habitat of Brachylatindia sp., Guxiang, Bomi, Tibet C–D habitat of Beybienkonus acuticercus (Bey-Bienko, 1957), comb. nov., Motuo, Tibet D a living B. acuticercus (Bey-Bienko, 1957), comb. nov., found in rotten wood. All photographs by Hao Xu.
Measurements (mm): body length: 9.2–9.4, total length: 10.9–12.5, pronotum length × width: 2.3–2.6 × 3.2–3.6, tegmen length: 8.9–10.1, tegmen width: 2.9–3.1 (Figs
Large nymphs light brownish yellow, sub-transparent, densely pubescent (Fig.
Flat, rounded, with only two eggs, dense serrations present at the keel (Fig.
Individuals were captured from rotten wood, or under the barks of the rotten wood (Fig.
Recently we obtained abundant living individuals of Ctenoneura acuticerca from Yingjiang, Yunnan. These roaches were captured from the same locality in the rotten woods. We noticed that this species displays polymorphism. Most individuals are brachypterous, while individuals were very rarely macropterous in the material we examined (Fig.
After a carefully study of Ctenoneura acuticerca, we readily confirmed that this species should be excluded from the genus Ctenoneura by the winged female, the complex male genitalia with genital hook, and the simplified venation without intercalary vein; and it does not belong to any of the other genera in Corydiidae. We herein establish genus Beybienkonus gen. nov. to accommodate C. acuticerca. Thus, Beybienkonus acuticercus (Bey-Bienko, 1957), comb. nov. is proposed.
In Asia, Latindiinae genera were poorly recorded.
Homopteroidea Shelford currently contains eight species, all of which are restricted to Southeast Asia (Fig.
Ipolatta Karny only contains one species, via. Ipolatta paradoxa Karny, 1914, the type specimen is reported from Assam (Karny 1914) (Fig.
Homopteroidea Shelford, 1906
Homopteroidea biramiata Roth, 1995 Indonesia; Malaysia
Homopteroidea brachyptera Roth, 1995 Indonesia
Homopteroidea maculata Hanitsch, 1929 Indonesia; Malaysia; Philippine
Homopteroidea minor Hanitsch, 1933 Malaysia; Indonesia
Homopteroidea nigra Shelford, 1906 Malaysia; Indonesia
Homopteroidea nodipennis (Karny, 1926) Malaysia; Indonesia
Homopteroidea shelfordi Hanitsch, 1925 Malaysia; Indonesia
Homopteroidea aberrans (Hanitsch, 1928) Indonesia; Malaysia
Ipolatta Karny, 1914
Ipolatta paradoxa Karny, 1914 India (Assam)
Sinolatindia Qiu, Che et Wang, 2016
Sinolatindia petila Qiu, Che & Wang, 2016 China (Yunnan)
Gapudipentax Lucañas, 2018
Gapudipentax guiting Lucañas, 2018 Philippines (Sibuyan)
Brachylatindia Qiu, Wang & Che, gen. nov.
Brachylatindia xui Qiu, Wang & Che, sp. nov. China (Tibet)
Beybienkonus Qiu, Wang & Che, gen. nov.
Beybienkonus acuticercus (Bey-Bienko, 1957), comb. nov. China (Yunnan, Tibet)
1 | Right tegmen usually with a hyaline presutural zone | Homopteroidea |
– | Right tegmen without hyaline presutural zone | 2 |
2 | Tegmina veinless, or with indistinct venation | 3 |
– | Tegmina with distinct venation | 4 |
3 | Tegmina horny, veinless | Ipolatta |
– | Tegmina somewhat hyaline, venation absent in male, indistinct in female | Gapudipentax |
4 | Arolia absent, male without tergal modification | 5 |
– | Arolia present, male with tergal modification | Brachylatindia |
5 | Body large, smooth, tarsal claws simple, apex of cerci with a distinct long spine | Beybienkonus |
– | Body small, pubescent, tarsal claws serrated, apex of cerci without a long spine | Sinolatindia |
We sincerely thank Dr. Hao Xu (Hunan Agricutural University, Changsha), Dr. Jian-Yue Qiu (SWU) and Mr. Gui-Chang Liu (Yingjiang, Yunnan) for their field works. Latindiinae species are very difficult to find; without their help, this work would not have been finished. We are also grateful to Dr. John Richard Schrock (Department of Biological Sciences, Emporia State University) for revising the manuscript before submission. We thank Amoret Spooner and Katherine Child (all