A monograph on the genus Tetraserica from the Indochinese region (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Sericini)
expand article infoSilvia Fabrizi, Vivian Dalstein, Dirk Ahrens
‡ Centre for Taxonomy and Evolutionary Research; Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Open Access


In this monograph on the Indochinese species of Tetraserica Ahrens, 2004 all species distributed in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, and mainland Malaysia are covered as well as those of the Indian province Mizoram. From this revision, the following new combinations result: Tetraserica gressitti (Frey, 1972), comb. n., T. laotica (Frey, 1972), comb. n., T. satura (Brenske, 1898), comb. n., T. sejugata (Brenske, 1898), comb. n., T. siantarensis (Moser, 1922), comb. n., T. spinicrus (Frey, 1972), comb. n., T. vietnamensis (Frey, 1969), comb. n., and T. wapiensis (Frey, 1972), comb. n. Two new synonyms were found: Tetraserica midoriae Kobayashi, 2017 (syn. n.) = T. laotica (Frey, 1972); T. graciliforceps Liu et al. 2014 (syn. n.) = T. satura (Brenske, 1898). The lectotypes of Tetraserica gestroi (Brenske, 1898), T. miniatula (Moser, 1915), and T. siantarensis (Moser, 1922) are designated. 116 Tetraserica species were recorded from Indochina, among which 88 new species are described: Tetraserica allochangshouensis sp. n., T. allomengeana sp. n., T. allosejugata sp. n., T. angkorthomensis sp. n., T. angkorwatensis sp. n., T. appendiculata sp. n., T. auriculata sp. n., T. bachmaensis sp. n., T. banhuaipoensis sp. n., T. bansanpakiana sp. n., T. bolavensensis sp. n., T. breviforceps sp. n., T. cattienensis sp. n., T. champassakana sp. n., T. constanti sp. n., T. cucphongensis sp. n., T. curviforceps sp. n., T. desalvazzai sp. n., T. doiphukhaensis sp. n., T. doipuiensis sp. n., T. doisuthepensis sp. n., T. dongnaiensis sp. n., T. falciforceps sp. n., T. falciformis sp. n., T. feresiantarensis sp. n., T. filiforceps sp. n., T. fulleri sp. n., T. phukradungensis sp. n., T. geiserae sp. n., T. giulianae sp. n., T. infida sp. n., T. jakli sp. n., T. khaosoidaoensis sp. n., T. kiriromensis sp. n., T. koi sp. n., T. kollae sp. n., T. konchurangensis sp. n., T. kontumensis sp. n., T. loeiensis sp. n., T. lucai sp. n., T. microfurcata sp. n., T. microspinosa sp. n., T. multiangulata sp. n., T. nahaeoensis sp. n., T. nakaiensis sp. n., T. namnaoensis sp. n., T. neouncinata sp. n., T. nonglomensis sp. n., T. nussi sp. n., T. olegi sp. n., T. pahinngamensis sp. n., T. pailinensis sp. n., T. parasetuliforceps sp. n., T. paratonkinensis sp. n., T. petrpacholatkoi sp. n., T. phatoensis sp. n., T. phoupaneensis sp. n., T. pluriuncinata sp. n., T. pseudoliangheensis sp. n., T. pseudoruiliensis sp. n., T. pseudouncinata sp. n., T. quadriforceps sp. n., T. quadrifurcata sp. n., T. rihai sp. n., T. romae sp. n., T. rubrithorax sp. n., T. sapana sp. n., T. semidamadiensis sp. n., T. semipingjiangensis sp. n., T. semiruiliensis sp. n., T. semishanensis sp. n., T. setuliforceps sp. n., T. shanensis sp. n., T. smetsi sp. n., T. margheritae sp. n., T. soppongana sp. n., T. spanglerorum sp. n., T. spinotibialis sp. n., T. subrotundata sp. n., T. tanahrataensis sp. n., T. thainguyensis sp. n., T. trilobiforceps sp. n., T. ululalatensis sp. n., T. umphangensis sp. n., T. vari sp. n., T. veliformis sp. n., T. vientianeensis sp. n., and T. xiengkhouangensis sp. n. A key to the Indochinese Tetraserica species is given and distributions as well as the habitus and male genitalia of all species are illustrated.


Beetles, chafers, Indochina, new species, Tetraserica


While the genus Tetraserica Ahrens, 2004 included earlier only species from Indian subcontinent and Myanmar, Liu et al. (2014) added a significant number of species from China and recently additional species were described by Ahrens and Fabrizi (2016) from northeastern India and by Kobayashi (2017, 2018) from Thailand. Several molecular phylogenetic analyses confirmed the monophyly of Tetraserica (Ahrens & Vogler, 2008; Liu et al. 2015; Eberle et al. 2016). Based on a thorough examination of all type material of Asian mainland Sericini and an assessment of DNA-informed species boundaries (Dalstein et al. 2019) we revise here the taxonomy of the Tetraserica species so far known from Indochina. We found 88 new species, which are described herein. A key to the Indochinese Tetraserica species is given, and their distributions, as well as habitus and male genitalia, are illustrated.

Materials and methods

The terminology and methods used for measurements, specimen dissection, and genital preparation follow Ahrens (2004). Data from specimens examined are cited in the text with original label contents given in quotation marks, multiple labels are separated by a “/”. Male genitalia were glued to a small pointed card attached to the specimen. Descriptions and illustrations of new taxa are based on the holotype or lectotype specimen, while the variation of other specimens is given separately. All descriptions and measurements were made under an Olympus SZX 12 microscope, and all genital and habitus illustrations were made with a digital camera (AxioCam HRc) attached to a stereo microscope (Zeiss Stereo Discovery V20) and Axio Version 4.8 software. The distribution maps were generated using Q-GIS 2.0.1 and Inscape software.

Type specimens and other examined material are deposited in the following institutions or collections:

BPBM Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu (Hawai), USA;

BYU Brigham Young University, Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum Utah, Provo, USA;

CASH coll. A Skale, Hof, Germany;

CF coll. G Frey (at the NHMB), Switzerland;

CNAR coll. A Napolov, Riga, Latvia;

CPPB coll. P Pacholátko, Brno, Czech Republic;

HNHM Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary;

HWML Museum Nebraska University, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA;

ISEA Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Novosibirsk, Russia;

ISNB Institut Royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles, Belgium;

MNHN Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France;

MSNG Museo Civico di Storia Naturale G Doria, Genova, Italy;

MSNM Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milano, Italy;

MZUF Museo Zoologico „La Specola”, Università di Firenze, Italy;

NBAIR National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Bangalore (India);

NHMB Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel, Switzerland;

NHMUK Natural History Museum, London, UK;

NHMW Natural History Museum Vienna, Austria;

NME Naturkundemuseum Erfurt, Germany;

NMPC National Museum Prague (Natural History), Czech Republic;

QSBG Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden, Chang Mai, Thailand;

RMNH Naturalis Biodiversity Centre Leiden, (Netherlands);

SMTD Senckenberg Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany;

UMRM Columbia, University of Missouri, WR Enns Entomology Museum, USA;

UMIC University of Mississippi, USA;

VNMN Vietnam National Museum of Nature, Hanoi (Vietnam);

USNM National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C., U.S.A.;

ZFMK Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum A Koenig, Bonn, Germany;

ZIN Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, St Petersburg, Russia;

ZMAN Universiteit van Amsterdam, Zoologisch Museum Amsterdam (now: Naturalis Leiden), Netherlands;

ZMHB Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany;

ZSM Zoologische Staatssammlung, München, Germany.


Tetraserica Ahrens, 2004

Tetraserica Ahrens, 2004: 168 (type species by original designation: Neoserica gestroi Brenske, 1898); Liu et al. 2014: 83; Ahrens and Fabrizi 2016: 122; Kobayashi 2017: 33, 2018: 57.


Body moderately large to large (6–12 mm), mostly dark brown; ventral surface reddish brown; dorsal surface dull and glabrous.

Labroclypeus subtrapezoidal, wider than long, widest at base, lateral margins moderately convex and convergent to strongly rounded anterior angles, anterior margin weakly sinuate medially, margins moderately reflexed; surface weakly convex, moderately shiny, finely and densely punctate; frontoclypeal suture indistinctly incised, flat and weakly curved medially; ocular canthus short and triangular, impunctate, with a single terminal seta. Frons dull, with sparse, fine punctures, with single erect setae beside each eye. Antenna yellowish, with ten antennomeres; club composed of four antennomeres in male, straight, rarely longer than 1.5 times as the remaining antennomeres combined; club in female composed of three antennomeres, as long as the remaining antennomeres combined. Mentum elevated and slightly flattened anteriorly.

Pronotum moderately wide and strongly convex, lateral margins evenly convex, more strongly narrowed anteriorly towards sharp and slightly produced anterior angles. Anterior margin of pronotum slightly convex, with fine complete marginal line. Posterior angles blunt or strongly rounded. Surface finely and densely punctate, except minute setae glabrous, lateral and lateral anterior margins sparsely setose. Hypomeron not carinate. Scutellum triangular, finely and densely punctate.

Elytra oblong, widest just behind middle, striae distinctly impressed, finely and moderately densely punctate, intervals distinctly convex, with coarse and dense punctures concentrated along striae, with very minute setae in punctures; epipleural edge robust, ending at weakly curved and slightly blunt external apical angle of elytra, epipleura densely setose, apical border with a broad fringe of microtrichomes (100×).

Ventral surface weakly shiny, finely and densely punctate, metasternum sparsely covered with fine, short, or very minute setae, metacoxa glabrous, with a few single setae laterally; abdominal sternites finely and densely punctuate, with a transverse row of coarse punctures, each bearing a robust seta. Mesosternum between mesocoxae as wide as mesofemur. Pygidium weakly convex and dull, densely punctate, without smooth midline, almost glabrous, but with a few longer setae along apical margin; pygidium without strong sexual dimorphism.

Legs moderately wide; femora finely and sparsely punctate; metafemur wide and moderately shiny or dull, anterior margin acute, posterior margin smooth ventrally and only weakly widened in apical half, posterior margin smooth dorsally, with a few short setae basally. Posterior margin of metafemur generally straight or slightly convex. Metatibia moderately wide to wide and moderately long, widest at half of metatibial length, dorsal margin sharply carinate, with two groups of spines; lateral face finely and sparsely punctate; ventral edge finely serrated, with four robust equidistant setae, medial face smooth, apex interiorly near tarsal articulation with a shallow sinuation. Tarsomeres with fine, very dense setae ventrally on distal half, neither laterally nor dorsally carinate, dorsally smooth; metatarsomeres with a strongly serrated ridge ventrally and glabrous; first metatarsomere slightly shorter than two following tarsomeres combined, one third of its length longer than dorsal tibial spine. Protibia short, bidentate; anterior claws symmetrical, basal tooth of both claws bluntly truncate at apex.

Aedeagus: Phallobase with a more or less long median ventral extension (median phallobasal lamina).


Tetraserica differs from closely related genera, Microserica Brenske, 1894 and Trioserica Moser, 1922, by lacking the ventral carina on hypomeron. From Microserica it also differs by lacking the sexual dimorphism of the pygidium, from Trioserica by the bidentate protibia. In contrast to the Microserica, species of Tetraserica are active at night and are attracted by light.


The genus is distributed almost in the entire Oriental region except the southern Indian subcontinent; we know that additional species described by various authors are so far assigned to “Neoserica” from Philippines, Sumatra, and Borneo but that awaits a formal revision (Ahrens 2004).

Key to Indochinese species of Tetraserica Ahrens, 2004 (based on males)

1 Posterior margin of metafemur straight or slightly convex 19
Posterior margin of metafemur with blunt tooth or sharp hook 2
2 Posterior margin of metafemur with blunt tooth 3
Posterior margin of metafemur with sharp hook 12
3 Left paramere long and narrow 4
Left paramere short and stout 8
4 Median lamina of phallobase as long or nearly as long as phallobase 5
Median lamina of phallobase less than ¼ as long as phallobase. Left paramere long and filiform 7
5 Left paramere as long as phallobase or longer, straight and not filiform 6
Left paramere nearly half as long as phallobase, curved externally, filiform T. vietnamensis
Left paramere more than half as long as phallobase. Left paramere split shortly before apex into two filiform but flattened branches T. multiangulata sp. n.
6 Right paramere split in two lobes T. pingjiangensis
Right paramere simple T. semipingjiangensis sp. n.
7 Right paramere shorter than phallobase, its dorsal lobe short and basally directed T. takahashii
Right paramere as long as phallobase, its dorsal lobe long and distally directed T. phoupaneensis sp. n.
8 Dorsal lobe of right paramere short, not exceeding length of ventral one T. maoershanensis
Dorsal lobe of right paramere longer, exceeding length of ventral one 9
9 Left paramere more narrow, dorsal margin weakly and evenly curved T. sculptilis
Left paramere stout, dorsal margin bluntly angulate 10
10 Dorsal lobe of right paramere evenly curved. Apex of left paramere abruptly narrowed at apex T. daqingshanica
Dorsal lobe of right paramere in basal half wide and straight, in apical half curved. Apex of left paramere gently narrowed at apex 11
11 Left paramere one quarter as wide as length of antennal club T. neouncinata sp. n.
Left paramere two thirds as wide as length of antennal club T. pseudouncinata sp. n.
12 Metafemur basally not widened, sharp hook behind basal third of metafemur 13
Metafemur basally strongly widened, sharp hook behind basal quarter of metafemur T. spinicrus
13 Eyes smaller, ratio diameter/interocular distance ≤ 0.59 14
Eyes larger, ratio diameter/interocular distance ≥0.63. Dorsal lobe of right paramere very small and bent basally 17
14 Left paramere with two branches 15
Left paramere simple. Dorsal lobe of right paramere longer than the ventral one 16
15 Left paramere split into a dorsal hook and a basal filiform branch. Dorsal lobe of right paramere much shorter than the ventral one T. kontumensis sp. n.
Left paramere split into two similar branches (lateral view). Dorsal lobe of right paramere longer than the ventral one T. lucai sp. n.
16 Dorsal lobe of right paramere strongly curved, large and directed distally, exceeding ventral lobe by far, at apex with a small additional hook T. liangheensis
Dorsal lobe of right paramere weakly curved, weakly exceeding ventral lobe, at apex without additional hook T. doisuthepensis sp. n.
17 Median lamina of phallobase evenly narrowed from base to apex, sharply pointed at apex. Basal portion of right paramere (lateral view) much wider than apical part T. wandingensis
Median lamina of phallobase wide, abruptly narrowed and rounded at apex. Basal portion of right paramere (lateral view) not wider than apical part 18
18 Right paramere strongly bent at middle (lateral view) T. wiangpapaoana
Right paramere weakly bent at middle (lateral view) T. masumotoi
19 Median lamina of phallobase short, distinctly shorter than phallobase 20
Median lamina of phallobase long, at least subequal to length of phallobase 82
20 Median lamina of phallobase medium in length, approx. three quarter of phallobase length 21
Median lamina of phallobase short, subequal to at maximum half of length of phallobase 37
21 Right paramere at base without spines 22
Right paramere at base with a comb of short spines T. quadriforceps sp. n.
22 Right paramere simple 23
Right paramere with a dorsal and a ventral lobe. Metatibia robust, ratio length/width ca. 1/3.0 35
23 Left paramere simple 24
Left paramere split into two long and narrow filiform lobes 27
24 Right paramere as long as phallobase. Metatibia slender, ratio length/width ca. 1/ 3.4. Median lamina of phallobase evenly wide and rounded at apex T. shunbiensis
Right paramere one third as long as phallobase. Metatibia stouter, ratio length/width ca. 1/ 3.1 26
Right paramere half as long as phallobase 25
25 Left paramere before apex with a blunt lateral tooth. Right paramere slightly shorter than medial phallobasal lamina T. champassakana sp. n.
Left paramere before apex without blunt lateral tooth. Right paramere as long as medial phallobasal lamina T. doipuiensis sp. n.
26 Left paramere nearly straight. Median lamina of phallobase narrowed distally, curved dorsally and with a dorsal tooth at apex T. nahaeoensis sp. n.
Left paramere strongly and evenly curved ventrally. Median lamina of phallobase narrowed distally, curved dorsally and with a dorsal tooth at apex T. pahinngamensis sp. n.
27 Dorsal lobe of left paramere shorter than ventral lobe 28
Dorsal lobe of left paramere distinctly longer than the ventral one. Apex of median phallobasal lamina moderately pointed 32
28 Dorsal lobe of left paramere slightly less than half as long as ventral lobe 29
Dorsal lobe of left paramere slightly more than half as long as ventral lobe T. wapiensis
29 Right paramere distinctly shorter than median lamina of phallobase 30
Right paramere approx. as long as median lamina of phallobase 31
30 Apex of median phallobasal lamina blunt and curved abruptly dorsally. Right paramere bent only once T. kiriromensis sp. n.
Apex of median phallobasal lamina sharply pointed. Right paramere bent twice T. banhuaipoensis sp. n.
31 Right paramere bent twice, slightly narrower in lateral view. Apex of median phallobasal lamina sharply pointed T. matsumotoi
Right paramere bent only once, slightly wider in lateral view. Apex of median phallobasal lamina strongly rounded T. subrotundata sp. n.
32 Dorsal lobe of left paramere a quarter of its length longer than the ventral one. Right paramere narrower (in lateral view) and half as long as median lamina of phallobase 33
Dorsal lobe of left paramere twice as long as the ventral one 34
33 Dorsal lobe of left paramere only little wider than the ventral one, nearly straight in dorsal view. Right paramere bent in an obtuse angle at middle T. loeiensis sp. n.
Dorsal lobe of left paramere distinctly wider than the ventral one, slightly curved (dorsal view). Right paramere bent in a nearly sharp angle at middle T. spanglerorum sp. n.
34 Dorsal lobe of left paramere distinctly exceeding the median lamina of phallobase. Right paramere wider (in lateral view) and little shorter than median lamina of phallobase T. pailinensis sp. n.
Dorsal lobe of left paramere distinctly shorter than the median lamina of phallobase. Right paramere narrower (in lateral view) and distinctly shorter than median lamina of phallobase T. auriculata sp. n.
35 Left paramere split into two long and narrow filiform lobes. Ventral lobe of right paramere longer, dorsal lobe weakly curved T. doisangensis
Left paramere simple. Ventral lobe of right paramere short, dorsal lobe strongly curved 36
36 Left paramere moderately long and wide, not exceeding the median ventral lamina of phallobase; convex at apex T. sigulianshanica
Left paramere long and filiform, widely exceeding the median ventral lamina of phallobase; bluntly widened at apex T. curviforceps sp. n.
37 Eyes of medium size, ratio diameter/interocular distance ≥ 0.59 61
Eyes small, ratio diameter/interocular distance ≤ 0.56 38
38 Dorsal surface of body unicoloured 39
Body blackish brown, pronotum reddish T. rubrithorax sp. n.
39 Left paramere simple 44
Left paramere divided into two lobes at base 40
40 Medial phallobasal lamina at least 1/4 of phallobasal length 41
Medial phallobasal lamina at maximum 1/10 of phallobasal length T. thainguyensis sp. n.
41 Left paramere distinctly shorter than the median ventral lamina of phallobase T. khaosoidaoensis sp. n.
Left paramere (dorsal lobe) at least as long as the median ventral lamina of phallobase 42
42 Dorsal lobe of left paramere as long as the median ventral lamina of phallobase 43
Dorsal lobe of left paramere twice as long as the median ventral lamina of phallobase T. rihai sp. n.
43 Dorsal lobe of left paramere massive and robust. Median phallobasal lamina shortly curved dorsally T. nonglomensis sp. n.
Dorsal lobe of left paramere filiform. Median phallobasal lamina straight and rounded at apex T. nussi sp. n.
44 Phallobase in dorsal view only slightly asymmetric. Left and right parameres simple, without two lobes 45
Phallobase in dorsal view strongly asymmetric 47
45 Left paramere nearly twice as long as narrow median phallobasal lamina 46
Left paramere little longer than large median phallobasal lamina T. laotica
46 Left paramere distinctly longer than phallobase. Right paramere strongly curved ventrally at apex T. satura
Left paramere slightly shorter than phallobase. Right paramere nearly straight (lateral view) T. filiforceps sp. n.
47 Median lamina of phallobase very short, only one quarter of phallobase length 50
Median lamina of phallobase approx. half of phallobase length 48
48 Robust spines on ventral margin of metatibia subequal in length. Phallobase only little produced at right side T. cattienensis sp. n.
Robust spine at middle of ventral margin of metatibia extremely prolonged and s-shaped, exceeding distal margin of metatibia. Phallobase strongly produced at right side 49
49 Median phallobasal lamina wide and blunt at apex, with a dorsal blunt tooth. Left paramere subequal in length with median phallobasal lamina T. bansanpakiana sp. n.
Median phallobasal lamina narrow and sharply pointed at apex, without dorsal tooth. Left paramere distinctly shorter than median phallobasal lamina T. margheritae sp. n.
50 Both parameres long and filiform, curved ventrally at apex T. microspinosa sp. n.
Left paramere long and filiform, weakly curved; right paramere short and slim, strongly bent at middle T. microfurcata sp. n.
Parameres of other shape 51
51 Left paramere short and stout 52
Left paramere long and narrow, more or less straight 54
52 Dorsal lobe of right paramere after basal third strongly curved (dorsal view). Body evenly reddish to dark brown, dorsally only slightly darker 53
Right paramere without dorsal lobe but simple T. doiphukhaensis sp. n.
53 Dorsal lobe of right paramere at apex simply pointed (dorsal view) T. falciformis sp. n.
Dorsal lobe of right paramere at apex with a sharp hook (dorsal view) T. pseudoliangheensis sp. n.
54 Right paramere more or less straight (ventral view). Dorsal surface blackish, ventral surface reddish brown 55
Right paramere strongly u-shaped curved. Body evenly reddish to dark brown T. senohi
55 Right paramere at base not split into two lobes, without spines 56
Right paramere at base split into two short but widely separated lobes, without spines 58
Right paramere at base with divergent spines and a distal separated lobe T. phatoensis sp. n.
56 Right paramere simply pointed. Left paramere narrow, with blunt ventral lobe 57
Right paramere hammer-shaped, with a sharply pointed apical double spine, one directed dorsally, and a larger one ventrally. Left paramere wider, with fine dorsal basal lobe T. romae sp. n.
57 Apical lobe of left paramere narrow. Right paramere inserted only little more basally than the left paramere T. longzhouensis
Apical lobe of left paramere wider. Right paramere inserted much more basally than the left paramere T. olegi sp. n.
58 Ventral metatibial spine normal, distinctly shorter than first metatarsomere. Left paramere moderately long and moderately narrow. Apex of dorsal lobe of right paramere without short setae 59
Ventral metatibial spine extremely elongated, distinctly exceeding first metatarsomere. Left paramere long and narrow, without dorsal subbasal lobe. Apex of dorsal lobe of right paramere with dense short setae T. bachmaensis sp. n.
59 Left paramere with a short dorsal subbasal lobe. Dorsal lobe of right paramere short T. cucphongensis sp. n.
Left paramere without dorsal subbasal lobe 60
60 Dorsal lobe of right paramere long T. falciforceps sp. n.
Dorsal lobe of right paramere short T. geiserae sp. n.
61 Both parameres with dorsal and ventral lobe 62
One or both parameres simple, without two lobes 66
62 Dorsal lobe of right paramere simple, not composed of fine spines 63
Dorsal lobe of right paramere composed of fine spines 65
63 Dorsal lobe of right paramere directed distally 64
Dorsal lobe of right paramere directed basally T. ululalatensis sp. n.
64 Dorsal lobe of left paramere as long as ventral one T. fikaceki
Dorsal lobe of left paramere much shorter than ventral one T. univestris
Dorsal lobe of left paramere much longer than ventral one T. miniatula
65 Dorsal lobe of right paramere shorter, less than 1/3 as long as phallobase T. chiangdaoensis
Dorsal lobe of right paramere longer, half as long as phallobase T. kollae sp. n.
66 Both parameres simple, without two lobes 67
One of parameres complex, with two lobes 72
67 Right paramere distinctly wider (dorsal view) than the left one 68
Right paramere as wide as (dorsal view) the left one 69
68 Dorsolateral tooth at basal quarter of right paramere, right paramere narrower (lateral view) T. damaidiensis
Dorsolateral tooth at basal third of right paramere, right paramere wider (lateral view) T. semidamadiensis sp. n.
69 Left paramere one third as long as phallobase. Median lamina of phallophase not widened at apex T. xiengkhouangensis sp. n.
Left paramere longer 70
70 Left paramere as long as phallobase 71
Left paramere half as long as phallobase T. petrpacholatkoi sp. n.
71 Median lamina of phallophase strongly widened and truncate at apex T. constanti sp. n.
Median lamina of phallophase not widened at apex T. vientianeensis sp. n.
72 Right paramere simple, left one with two lobes 73
Left paramere simple, right one with two lobes 78
73 Right paramere basiventrally strongly widened towards apex, at base with a narrow long basal lobe T. yaoquensis
Right paramere evenly narrowed towards apex 74
74 Dorsal surface dark brown 76
Dorsal surface yellowish brown 75
75 Ventral lobe of left paramere wider, stronger curved ventrally. Dorsal lobe of left paramere bluntly widened before apex T. shanensis sp. n.
Ventral lobe of left paramere narrower, nearly straight (lateral view). Dorsal lobe of left paramere nearly evenly narrowed towards apex T. semishanensis sp. n.
76 Left paramere with a dorsal lobe distant from base 77
Left paramere with dorsal lobe at base, lobe robust (nearly half as long as paramere) and at apex convex T. breviforceps sp. n.
77 Left paramere narrower, with a short fine dorsal lobe before the middle T. trilobiforceps sp. n.
Left paramere shorter and stouter, with a short fine dorsal lobe behind the middle T. phukradungensis sp. n.
78 Left paramere long, slender 79
Left paramere shorter, stouter, almost straight T. wangtongensis
79 Left paramere bent externally. Distal lobe of right paramere short 80
Left paramere bent straight, split shortly before apex. Distal lobe of right paramere long, more than half as long as phallobase T. jakli sp. n.
80 Basal lobe of right paramere short, without spines. Insertion of right parameres lateral T. changjiangensis
Basal lobe of right paramere moderately long, with trichome-like spines. Insertion of right parameres displaced dorsally 81
81 Left paramere half as long as phallobase T. setuliforceps sp. n.
Left paramere as long as phallobase T. parasetuliforceps sp. n.
82 Right paramere basally with brush of robust trichome-like spines 83
Right paramere without brush of spines 102
83 Left paramere composed of two lobes 84
Left paramere simple 88
84 Left paramere long, as long as the ventral distal phallobasal process 85
Left paramere short and trifid, 1/3 as long as the ventral distal phallobasal process 87
85 Ventral lobe of right paramere abruptly and strongly widened at apex, dorsal lobe of right paramere obsolete but with dense trichomes 86
Ventral lobe of right paramere not widened at apex, dorsal lobe of right paramere moderately long and narrow, composed of fine spines T. pluriuncinata sp. n.
86 Ventroapical lobe of right paramere narrower, ventral lobe of left paramere little shorter than the dorsal one T. allochangshouensis sp. n.
Ventroapical lobe of right paramere wider, ventral lobe of left paramere one third as long as the dorsal one T. changshouensis
87 Median lamina of phallobase with a small dorsal preapical tooth. Dorsal lobe of left parameres and median lamina of phallobase distinctly longer than phallobase T. siantarensis (Sumatra)
Median lamina of phallobase without dorsal preapical tooth. Dorsal lobe of left parameres and median lamina of phallobase as long as phallobase T. feresiantarensis sp. n.
88 Left paramere with small lateral basal tooth T. linaoshanica
Left paramere without small lateral basal tooth 89
89 Left paramere split in two filiform branches behind anterior third 90
Left paramere simple 94
90 Median phallobasal lamina convex or simply pointed at apex 91
Median phallobasal lamina bifurcate at apex T. quadrifurcata sp. n.
91 Filiform branches of left paramere long, at least approx. one third of paramere length 92
Filiform branches of left paramere very short, much less than one length of paramere length 93
92 Filiform branches of left paramere approx. one third of paramere length. Median phallobasal lamina most of its distal part narrow T. mengeana
Filiform branches of left paramere approx. two third of paramere length. Median phallobasal lamina evenly narrowed towards apex T. allomengeana sp. n.
93 Distal lobe of right paramere long and robust, strongly curved upward (lateral view), with a strong subapical ventral tooth T. finociliata sp. n.
Distal lobe of right paramere short, weakly curved (lateral view), without ventral tooth T. appendiculata sp. n.
94 Left paramere distinctly longer than phallobase 95
Left paramere as long as phallobase, evenly curved T. sapana sp. n.
95 Left paramere bent twice or entirely curved 100
Left paramere in basal half straight 96
96 Left paramere before apex with tiny tooth or tooth-like process 97
Left paramere before apex without tiny tooth T. konchurangensis sp. n.
97 Median lamina of phallobase straight and strongly narrowed after basal the third 98
Median lamina of phallobase distinctly curved and evenly narrowed from base to apex T. namnaoensis sp. n.
98 Median lamina of phallobase distinctly shorter than left paramere, simply pointed, slightly rounded at apex 99
Median lamina of phallobase approx. as long as left paramere, slightly bifurcate at apex. Preapical tooth of left paramere dorsally and duplicate T. smetsi sp. n.
99 Preapical tooth of left paramere laterally. Left paramere strongly curved T. shangsiensis
Preapical tooth of left paramere dorsally, transformed into a filiform process that is rounded at apex. Left paramere nearly straight T. gressitti
100 Dorsal lobe of right paramere very small 101
Dorsal lobe of right paramere large, nearly as long as ventral lobe T. tonkinensis
101 Left paramere bent twice. Median lamina of phallobase in apical half distinctly narrowed T. xichouensis
Left paramere nearly uniformly curved. Median lamina of phallobase in apical half not narrowed T. paratonkinensis sp. n.
102 Right paramere simple, not composed of two lobes 103
Right paramere composed of two lobes 121
103 Left paramere at base simple 109
Left paramere at base composed of two lobes 104
104 Right paramere at least subequal in length to phallobase, without apical hook ventrally 105
Right paramere approx. one third as long as phallobase, or shorter 107
Right paramere half as long as phallobase. Left paramere longer than phallobase T. koi sp. n.
105 Ventral distal spine of metatibia inserted at apex of metatibia and much shorter than the metatarsomere 1. Basal lobe of left paramere ¼ as long as ventral lobe T. longipenis
Ventral distal spine of metatibia inserted shortly behind middle of ventral margin of metatibia and longer than the long metatarsomere 1 106
106 Basal lobe of left paramere half as long as ventral lobe T. angkhangensis
Basal lobe of left paramere as long as ventral lobe T. giulianae sp. n.
107 Phallobase at right side not strongly produced. Right paramere with a small apical hook ventrally T. tanahrataensis sp. n.
Phallobase at right side strongly produced 108
108 Right paramere without small apical hook. Dorsal lobe of left paramere small T. maerimensis
Right paramere with a small apical hook. Dorsal lobe of left paramere half as long as ventral lobe T. angkorthomensis sp. n.
109 Left paramere over its entire length not split, but simple 112
Left paramere split behind base into two long filiform branches 110
110 Left paramere split behind basal third. Right paramere short and curved T. dongnaiensis sp. n.
Left paramere split in apical half. Right paramere long and straight 111
111 Right paramere split into two narrow branches at apical quarter T. sejugata
Right paramere split into two narrow branches at basal third T. allosejugata sp. n.
112 Left paramere more or less narrow, at middle distinctly narrower than apex of phallobase (lateral view) 113
Left paramere wide over its entire length, at middle nearly as wide as apex of phallobase (lateral view) T. fulleri sp. n.
113 Left paramere strongly bent at base 117
Left paramere straight at base 114
114 Left paramere straight in basal half distinctly wider than in apical half. Right paramere half as long as phallobase T. desalvazzai sp. n.
Left paramere straight in basal half only little wider than in apical half. Right paramere at maximum one third as long as phallobase 115
115 Median lamina of phallobase at apex curved dorsally. Basis of left paramere not extended ventrally T. angkorwatensis sp. n.
Median lamina of phallobase at apex straight. Basis of left paramere strongly extended ventrally 116
116 Right paramere much less than one third as long as left paramere T. pseudoruiliensis sp. n.
Right paramere one third as long as left paramere T. gestroi
117 Left paramere bent downward basally. Median phallobasal lamina simply pointed 118
Left paramere bent upward basally. Median phallobasal lamina widened and sharply truncate at apex T. vari sp. n.
118 Median lamina of phallobase straight. Phallobase at right side not strongly produced 119
Median lamina of phallobase evenly curved ventrally. Phallobase at right side strongly produced T. infida sp. n.
119 Ventral terminal spine of metatibia slightly shorter than first metatarsomere 120
Ventral terminal spine of metatibia distinctly longer than first metatarsomere. Right paramere strongly bent at middle (lateral view) T. spinotibialis sp. n.
120 Right paramere moderately bent at middle (lateral view) T. ruiliensis
Right paramere nearly straight (lateral view) T. semiruiliensis sp. n.
121 Left paramere simple 123
Left paramere composed of two lobes 122
122 Right side of phallobase strongly produced. Dorsal lobe of left paramere as long as ventral one T. soppongana sp. n.
Right side of phallobase not strongly produced. Dorsal lobe of left paramere short, distinctly shorter than ventral one 129
123 Dorsal lobe of right paramere wide, with sickle-shaped, large apical hook T. tianchiensis
Dorsal lobe of right paramere narrow, evenly curved or straight, and sharply pointed 124
124 Left paramere filiform. Right paramere much less than half as long as left paramere T. jinghongensis
Left paramere elongate and robust 125
125 Left paramere with a large triangular dorsomedian extension 126
Left paramere without large dorsomedian extension 127
126 Right paramere slightly more than half as long as left paramere. Split between lobes of right parameres deep, dorsal lobe as long as ventral lobe T. veliformis sp. n.
Right paramere half as long as left paramere. Dorsal lobe of right paramere distinctly shorter than ventral lobe T. umphangensis sp. n.
127 Right paramere a quarter as long as left paramere. Split between lobes of right parameres little deep, dorsal lobe reduced in size T. latefemorata
Right paramere half as long as left paramere. Split between lobes of right parameres deep, dorsal lobe not reduced in size 128
128 Left paramere at middle narrow (lateral view), only little longer than median phallobasal lamina T. bolavensensis sp. n.
Left paramere at middle distinctly widened, distinctly longer than median phallobasal lamina T. nakaiensis sp. n.
129 Dorsal lobe of right paramere triangular and short, sharply pointed T. menglongensis
Dorsal lobe of right paramere convexly widened and elongate T. ruiliana


Tetraserica finociliata sp. n.

Figures 1, 47

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Myanmar (Burma) 21 km E Putao, H-550 m Nan S Bon vill., 1-5.5.98 leg S. Murzin & V. Sinaev/ Coll. D. Ahrens/ 215 Sericini Asia spec.” (ZFMK). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “Myanmar (Burma) 25 km E Putao, H-800 m Nan Sa Bon vill., 6-9.5.98 leg S. Murzin & V. Sinaev/ Coll. D. Ahrens” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Myanmar (Burma) 21 km S Putao, H-550 m Nan Sa Bon vill., 1-5.5.98 leg S. Murzin & V. Sinaev/ Coll. D. Ahrens” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 8.9 mm; length of elytra: 6.8 mm; maximum width: 5.4 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.67. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.53. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.77; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 1A–D. Habitus: Fig. 1E.

Figure 1. 

A–E Tetraserica finociliata sp. n. (holotype) F–I T. romae sp. n. (holotype) J–N T. neouncinata sp. n. (holotype) A, F, J aedeagus, left side lateral view D, H, M aedeagus, right side lateral view B, G, K parameres, dorsal view C, L parameres, ventral view E, I, N habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 8.9–10.2 mm; length of elytra: 6.8–7.1 mm; maximum width: 5.4–5.8 mm.


Tetraserica finociliata sp. n. differs from all other Tetraserica species by the long and robust distal lobe of right paramere being strongly curved upwards (lateral view), and having a strong subapical ventral tooth.


The species name (adjective in the nominative singular) is derived from the combined Latin words fino- (fine) and ciliatus (ciliate), with reference to the fine comp of trichomes at the base of the right paramere.

Tetraserica romae sp. n.

Figures 1, 51

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Vietnam-N (Na Hang) 160 km NW Ha Noi, NE env. of Na Hang 26.5-6.6.1996 150–200 m lg. A. Napolov & I. Roma/ CNa Riga” (ZFMK). Paratype: 1 ♂ “X-DA4501 labcode: VD 023 Vietnam: Tuyn Quang pr. SE-E env. of Na Hang, 200–700 m 22°17'30"–22'30"N, 105°26'–28'E, 1-12.v.2010 L. Dembický leg. (VN2/2010 MZM EXPEDITION) Tetraserica sp VI_V1” (ZFMK), 2 ♂♂ “Vietnam-N Tuyen quang pr. SE-E env. of Na Hang 22°17'30"–22'30"N, 105°26'–28'E, 200–700 m L. Dembicky leg., 1.-12.V.2010” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 7.3 mm; length of elytra: 5.3 mm; maximum width: 4.6 mm. Dorsal surface blackish, ventral surface reddish brown. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.46. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.65. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.81; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 1F–H. Habitus: Fig. 1I.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 7.3–8.1 mm; length of elytra: 5.3–5.8 mm; maximum width: 4.6–5.0 mm.


Tetraserica romae sp. n. differs from all other Tetraserica species by the right hammer-shaped paramere, which has a sharply pointed double spine at apex, one directed dorsally, and a larger one ventrally.


The new species is named after one of its collectors, Ilona Roma (noun in genitive singular).

Tetraserica neouncinata sp. n.

Figures 1, 50

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.)- 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 11.iv.-15.v. 2012, 1300–1900 m leg. C. Holzschuh - ZFMK Ankauf 2012” (ZFMK). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “X-DA4582/ X-DA4582 labcode VD049 Laos: Houa Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.)- 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 15-30.iv.2014 leg. C. Holzschuh Ankauf 2014/ Tetraserica spLA_V22/ sp-LA-V22” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Laos-NE, Houa Phan prov., 20°12–13.5'N, 103°59.5’-104°01'E, Ban Saluei- Phou Pane Mt., 1340–1870 m,, M. Brancucci & local coll. leg./ NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague Laos 2009 Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kubáň” (NHMB), 2 ♂♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov., 20°13'09–19"N, 103°59'54"–104°00'03"E, 1480–1510 m, Phou Pane Mt., 22.iv.- 14.v.2008, Vít Kubán leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Myanmar, Mandalay prov. Kyaukpadanng 10.6.2009 From Li Jingke” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 8.8 mm; length of elytra: 7.9 mm; maximum width: 6.1 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.55. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.76. Posterior margin of metafemur with blunt tooth. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.31; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 1J–M. Habitus: 1N.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 8.8–9.8 mm; length of elytra: 7.1–7.9 mm; maximum width: 5.8–6.1 mm.


The new species differs from the similar T. daqingshanica by the dorsal lobe of the right paramere being wide and straight in the basal half and curved in the apical half; the apex of left paramere gently narrows towards apex in T. neouncinata.


The species name (adjective in the nominative singular) is derived from the combined Greek word neo- (new) and Latin word uncinatus, with reference to the uncinated shape of the right paramere.

Tetraserica pseudouncinata sp. n.

Figures 2, 50

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “X-DA4693 labcode: VD086 China, Guangxi A.R., Schiwandashan National Forest Park (forested river valley; at light), 290–360 m, 21°54.4'N, 107°54.2'E, 5-9.iv.2013, M. Fikáček, J. Hájek, J. Růžička leg. Tetraserica spCH_V47/ sp-CH-V47/ X-DA4693“ (ZFMK).


Length of body: 9.3 mm; length of elytra: 6.9 mm; maximum width: 5.9 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.58. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.7. Posterior margin of metafemur with blunt tooth. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.31; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 2A–D. Habitus: Fig. 2E.

Figure 2. 

A–E Tetraserica pseudouncinata sp. n. (holotype) F–J T. falciformis sp. n. (holotype) K–N T. sculptilis Liu et al., 2014 (holotype). A, F, K aedeagus, left side lateral view D, I, M aedeagus, right side lateral view B, G, L parameres, dorsal view C, H parameres, ventral view E, J, N habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Tetraserica pseudouncinata sp. n. differs from T. neouncinata by the left paramere being two thirds as wide as length of the antennal club (rather than one quarter as wide as in T. neouncinata).


The species name (adjective in the nominative singular) is derived from the combined Greek word pseudo- (false) and Latin word uncinatus, with reference to the uncinated shape of the right paramere.

Tetraserica falciformis sp. n.

Figures 2, 48

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Laos, Champassak Prov. Dong Hua Xao NBCA 2 km S of Ban NongLuang, bank of Touay-Guai stream/ 15°4'N, 106°13'E, 800 m, at light, No. 24 1-5.IV.1998, leg. O. Merkl & G. Csorba/ 599 Sericini Asia spec.” (HNHM). Paratypes: 2 ♂♂ “Laos, Champassak Prov. Dong Hua Xao NBCA 2 km S of Ban NongLuang, bank of Touay-Guai stream/ 15°4'N, 106°13'E, 800 m, at light, No. 24 1-5.IV.1998, leg. O. Merkl & G. Csorba” (HNHM, ZFMK), 3 ♂♂ “Laos, Attapeau prov.; Annam Highlands Mts Dong Amphan; NBCA, ca. 1160 m NONG FA (crater lake) env.; 15°05.9'N, 107°25.6'E, St. Jakl lgt, 30.4.-6.5.2010” (NMPC, ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4499 labcode: VD022 Laos, Attapeu prov. Annam Highlands Mts. Dong Amphan NBCA, ca.1160 m NONG FA (crater lake) env. 15°05.9'N, 107°25.6'E, 30.iv-6.v.2010, Jiři Hájek leg. Tetraserica spLA_Annam1/ X-DA4499/ sp-LA-Annam1” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4498 labcode: VD021 Laos, Attapeu prov. Annam Highlands Mts. Dong Amphan NBCA, ca.1160 m NONG FA (crater lake) env. 15°05.9'N, 107°25.6'E, 30.iv-6.v.2010, Jiři Hájek leg. Tetraserica spLA_Annam1/ X-DA4498” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 11.8 mm; length of elytra: 7.5 mm; maximum width: 7 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.53. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.58. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.21; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 2F–I. Habitus: Fig. 2J.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 11.8–12.5 mm; length of elytra: 7.5–9.2 mm; maximum width: 6.4–7.0 mm.


Tetraserica falciformis sp. n. differs in male genital shape from the similar T. sculptilis by having the posterior margin of metafemur straight rather than being blunt or with a tooth; furthermore, the dorsal lobe of the right paramere is markedly curved and strongly widened at base.


The species name (adjective in the nominative singular) is derived from the combined Latin words falcis- (sickle) and formis (of shape), with reference to the sickle-shaped right paramere.

Tetraserica sculptilis Liu, Fabrizi, Bai, Yang & Ahrens, 2014

Figures 2, 56

Tetraserica sculptilis Liu, Fabrizi, Bai, Yang & Ahrens, 2014: 89, fig. 1E–H.

Material examined

Vietnam: 1 ♂ “Vietnam: Vinh Phú: Tam Doa W. Edge of the town. 930 m 20–31 May 1996 B. Hubley R. Bain. ROM 961033/ UV light; scrub growth at 1° forest edge 21°27'N, 105°39'E” (HWML), 1 ♂ “Vietnam, Vinh Phú: Tam Dao Hill Stn. Telecommunications tower, Jan-May 1996 per B. Hubley, ROM 961024” (HWML).

Aedeagus: Fig. 2K–M. Habitus: Fig. 2N.


The species was known only from China (Hubei and Yunnan provinces); it is now recorded for first time from northern Vietnam.

Tetraserica pseudoliangheensis sp. n.

Figures 3, 50

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Laos centr. Khammouan prov. NAKAI env. 4-8.5.1998, Route No 8, alt 560±20 m, N17°42.8, E 105°08.9 (GPS) E. Jendek & O. Šausa leg./ Coll. P. Pacholátko/ 167 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB).


Length of body: 10.1 mm; length of elytra: 7.5 mm; maximum width: 6.3 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.57. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.58. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.89; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 3A–C. Habitus: Fig. 3D.

Figure 3. 

A–D Tetraserica pseudoliangheensis sp. n. (holotype) E–H T. liangheensis Liu et al., 2014 (holotype) I–L T. T. doisuthepensis sp. n. (holotype) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, K aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view D, H, L habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Tetraserica pseudoliangheensis sp. n. differs from T. falciformis by the dorsal lobe of right paramere having a sharp hook at its apex (dorsal view). The species is also rather similar to T. liangheensis Liu et al., 2014; however, in the new species the posterior margin of metafemur does not possess a tooth and the dorsal lobe of the right paramere is much wider at the base.


The species name (adjective in the nominative singular) is derived from the combined Latin words pseudo- (nearly) and the species name liangheensis, with reference to the similarity to T. liangheensis Liu et al., 2014.

Tetraserica liangheensis Liu, Fabrizi, Bai, Yang & Ahrens, 2014

Figures 3, 51

Tetraserica liangheensis Liu, Fabrizi, Bai, Yang & Ahrens, 2014: 103, fig. 6A–D.

Material examined

Laos: 13 ♂♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.)- 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 11.iv.-15.v.2012, 1300–1900 m, leg. C. Holzschuh ZFMK Ankauf 2012” (ZFMK), 4 ♂♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov., 20°13'09–19"N, 103°59'54"–104°00'03"E, 1480–1510 m, Phou Pane Mt., 22.IV.- 14.V.2008, Vít Kubáň leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov., 20°13'09–19"N, 103°59'54"–104°00'03"E, Phu Pane Mt., 1480–1510 m, 17.5.-3.6.2007, Vit Kubáň leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Laos -NE: Houa Phan prov. 20°12.138'N, 104°00621'E, PHU PHAN Mt ~1750 m 17.5- 3.6.2007 Vit. Kubáň leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Laos, 21°09'N, 101°19'E, Louangnamtha pr. Namtha-Muang Sing, 5-31.v.1997, 900–1200 m Vit. Kubáň leg/ coll. P. Pacholátko” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “X-DA3439a labcode VD006 Laos, Xieng Khouang, Phonsavan (30 km NE), Phou Sane Mt. 1400–1600 m 19°38'20"N, 103°20'20"E, 10-30.5.2009 Vit. Kubáň Tetraserica spLA1/ sp-LA-1” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Laos-NE, Houa Phan prov., 20°12–13.5'N, 103°59.5’-104°01'E, Ban Saluei- Phou Pane Mt., 1340–1870 m,, M. Brancucci & local coll. leg./ NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague Laos 2009 Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kubáň” (NHMB), 9 ♂♂ “LAOS-NE, Xieng Khouang prov., 19°37–8'N, 103°20–1'E, 30 km NE Phonsavan Ban Na Lam -> Phou Sane Mt., 1300–1700 m, 10.-30.v.2009, M. Geiser leg./ NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague, Laos 2009, Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kubáň/ 914 Sericini Asia spec.” (NHMB), 7 ♂♂ “LAOS-NE, Xieng Khouang prov., 19°37–8'N, 103°20–1'E, Phonsavan (30 km NE) Phou Sane Mt., 1400–1700 m, 10.-30.v.2009, D. Hauck leg./ NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague, Laos 2009, Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kubáň/ 914 Sericini Asia spec.” (NHMB), 7 ♂♂ “LAOS-NE, Xieng Khouang prov., 19°37–8'N, 103°20'E, Phonsavan (30 km NE) Phou Sane Mt., 1420 m, 10-30.v.2009, Z. Kraus leg./ NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague, Laos 2009, Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kubáň/ 914 Sericini Asia spec.” (NHMB), 5 ♂♂ “LAOS-NE, Xieng Khouang prov., 19°37–8'N, 103°20'E, 30 km NE Phonsavan Ban Na Lam- > Phou Sane Mt., 1300–1500 m, 10.-30.v.2009, M. Brancucci leg./ NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague, Laos 2009, Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kubáň/ 914 Sericini Asia spec.” (NHMB), 1 ♂ “Laos-NE, Houa Phan prov., 20°12–13.5'N, 103°59.5’-104°01'E, Ban Saluei- Phou Pane Mt., 1340–1870 m,, M. Brancucci & local coll. leg./ NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague Laos 2009 Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kubáň” (NHMB), 1 ♂ “Laos-NE, Houa Phan prov., 20°12–13.5'N, 103°59.5’-104°01'E, Ban Saleui- Phou Pane Mt. 1340–1870 m, 15.iv.-15.v.2008; Lao collectors leg./ 911 Sericini Asia spec.” (NHMB), 1 ♂ “X-DA3439b labcode VD007 Laos, Xieng Khouang, Phonsavan (30 km NE), Phou Sane Mt. 1400–1600 m 19°38'20"N, 103°20'20"E, 10-30.5.2009 Vit. Kubáň Tetraserica spLA1” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA2443b labcode VD009 Laos, Xieng Khouang, Phonsavan (30 km NE), Phou Sane Mt. 1400–1600 m 19°38'20"N, 103°20'20"E, 10-30.5.2009 Vit. Kubáň Tetraserica spLA1” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA2443a labcode VD008 Laos, Xieng Khouang, Phonsavan (30 km NE), Phou Sane Mt. 1400–1600 m 19°38'20"N, 103°20'20"E, 10-30.5.2009 Vit. Kubáň Tetraserica spLA1” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA2409 labcode VD005 Laos, Xieng Khouang, Phonsavan (30 km NE), Phou Sane Mt. 1400–1600 m 19°38'20"N, 103°20'20"E, 10-30.5.2009 Vit. Kubáň Tetraserica spLA1” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4505 labcode VD027 Laos, Chiang Tung (Stupa) GH 5 km SE Muang Sing, 750 m, 26.03.-5.04.10 S. Murzin leg. Tetraserica liangheensis” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4504 labcode VD026 Laos, Chiang Tung (Stupa) GH 5 km SE Muang Sing, 750 m, 26.03.-5.04.10 S. Murzin leg. Tetraserica liangheensis” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4508 labcode VD029 Laos, Chiang Tung (Stupa) GH 5 km SE Muang Sing, 750 m, 26.03.-5.04.10 S. Murzin leg. Tetraserica liangheensis” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Haut Mekong Muong Sing 18.IV.1918 R.V. de Salvaza.” (NHMUK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4509 labcode VD030 Laos, Chiang Tung (Stupa) GH 5 km SE Muang Sing, 750 m, 26.03.-5.04.10 S. Murzin leg. Tetraserica liangheensis” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4513 labcode: VD033 LAOS Hua Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt) 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 3-5.iv.2013 leg. C. Holzschuh Tetraserica spLA_V6/ X-DA4513” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4562 labcode: VD042 LAOS Hua Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt) 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 3-5.iv.2013 leg. C. Holzschuh – ZFMK Ankauf 2014 Tetraserica liangheensis/ X-DA45623” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4812 labcode VD101 Laos, Stupa GH, 5 km W Muang Sing, 750 m, 21.1482N 101.1711E, M. Murzin O. Shulga leg. Tetraserica spLA_V60” (ZFMK). Thailand: 1 ♂ “Thai N, Nan prov. 19°13'N, 101°7'E, Doi Phukha N.P. Headq. 22-26.iv.1999, ca 1500 m”, D. Hauck leg./ coll. Pacholátko” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “Thai N, Nan prov., Doi Phu Kha N.P Headq., 19°13'N, 101°7'E, 28.iv.-1.v.1999, M. Riha leg/ coll. P. Pacholátko/ 126 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB). China: 1 ♂ “China: S-Yunnan (Xishuangbanna) 37km NW Jinghong Guo Men Shan (NNNR)/ N22°17.91 E100°38.85 1080 m 26.V.2008 leg. A. Weigel LF” (NME).

Aedeagus: Fig. 3E–G. Habitus: Fig. 3H.


The species was known only from China (Yunnan province); it is now recorded for first time from Laos and Thailand.

Tetraserica doisuthepensis sp. n.

Figures 3, 48

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Thai 24-29-iv.1993 Doi Suthep Pacholátko & Dembický leg./ coll. P. Pacholátko/ 141 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB). Paratype: 1 ♂ “Laos, La Oudomxay 16.6.2005, ex coll. Sabatinelli” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 10.4 mm; length of elytra: 7.6 mm; maximum width: 6.6 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.56. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.63. Posterior margin of metafemur with sharp hook. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/4.14; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 3I–K. Habitus: Fig. 3L.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 10.1–10.4 mm; length of elytra: 7.4–7.6 mm; maximum width: 5.5–6.6 mm.


Tetraserica doisuthepensis sp. n. differs from T. liangheensis Liu et al., 2014 by the dorsal lobe of right paramere being weakly curved, barely exceeding the ventral lobe of right paramere, and in having no additional hook at the apex. The new species differs from T. sculptilis by the stouter left paramere having a bluntly angulate dorsal margin.


The new species is named after the type locality, Doi Suthep (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica trilobiforceps sp. n.

Figures 4, 51

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Laos, 21°09'N, 101°19'E, Louangnamtha pr. Namtha-MuangSing 5-31.v.1997. 900–1200 m, Vit Kubáň leg/ coll. Pacholátko/ 232 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “Laos, 21°09'N, 101°19'E, Louangnamtha pr. Namtha-MuangSing 5-31.v.1997. 900–1200 m, Vit Kubáň leg/ coll. Pacholátko/ 232 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “LAOS north, 5-11.v.1997, 20 km NW Louang Namtha, N21°09.2 E 101°18.7, alt. 900±100 m, M. Štrba & R. Hergovits leg./ coll. P. Pacholátko/ 186 Sericini Asia spec.” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 8.3 mm; length of elytra: 5.8 mm; maximum width: 4.5 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.63. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.64. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.31; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 4A–C. Habitus: 4D.

Figure 4. 

A–D Tetraserica trilobiforceps sp. n. (holotype) E–H T. phukradungensis sp. n. (holotype) I–M T. cucphongensis sp. n. (holotype) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, L aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view K parameres, ventral view D, H, M habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 8.3–8.9 mm; length of elytra: 5.8–6.2 mm; maximum width: 4.5–5.2 mm.


Tetraserica trilobiforceps sp. n. differs from all other Tetraserica species by the left paramere having a dorsal lobe distant from base.


The species name (noun in apposition) is derived from the combined Latin words tri- (three times), lobatus (lobed), and forceps, with reference to the shape of the left paramere.

Tetraserica phukradungensis sp. n.

Figures 4, 51

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ „THAI-NE, Loei prov., Phu Kradung N.P., 16°52'N, 101°49‘E, 16-18.v.1999, 1000 m, D. Hauck leg./ coll. P. Pacholátko” (CPPB).


Length of body: 9.1 mm; length of elytra: 6.9 mm; maximum width: 5.6 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.68. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.63. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.36; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 4E–G. Habitus: Fig. 4H.

Female unknown.


Tetraserica phukradungensis sp. n. differs from T. trilobiforceps sp. n. species by the shorter and stouter left paramere which has a short fine dorsal lobe behind the middle (rather than before the middle as in T. trilobiforceps).


The new species is named after the type locality, Phu Kradung (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica cucphongensis sp. n.

Figures 4, 46

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “N-Vietnam, Cuc Phuong Nat. Park. 21-22.v.1996 Pacholátko & Dembický leg./ coll. P. Pacholátko/ 937 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB).


Length of body: 7.3 mm; length of elytra: 5.5 mm; maximum width: 4.9 mm. Dorsal surface blackish, ventral surface reddish brown. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.48. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.67. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.33; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 4I–L. Habitus: Fig. 4M.

Female unknown.


This species differs from all other Tetraserica species in having a simple left paramere, by the strongly asymmetric phallobase (dorsal view), the very short median lamina of phallobase, and by having the right paramere more or less straight (ventral view).


The new species is named after the type locality, Cuc Phuong (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica geiserae sp. n.

Figures 5, 47

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Tonkin occ. Rég. de Hoa Binh R.P.A. de Cooman 1918/ 1006 Asia Sericini spec.” (MNHN). Paratypes: 3 ♂♂ “Tonkin occ. Rég. de Hoa Binh R.P.A. de Cooman 1918” (MNHN, ZFMK).


Length of body: 7 mm; length of elytra: 4.9 mm; maximum width: 4.3 mm. Dorsal surface blackish, ventral surface reddish brown. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons both glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.46. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.81. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.27; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 5A–C. Habitus: Fig. 5D.

Figure 5. 

A–D Tetraserica geiserae sp. n. (holotype) E–I T. thainguyensis sp. n. (holotype) A, E aedeagus, left side lateral view C, H aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F parameres, dorsal view G parameres distal view D, I habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 7.0–7.1 mm; length of elytra: 4.9–6.2 mm; maximum width: 4.3–5.2 mm.


Tetraserica geiserae sp. n. differs from T. cucphongensis in lacking the dorsal subbasal lobe of the left paramere.


The new species is named in honour of Dr Geiser, Silvia’s oncologist, for all her efforts and care (noun in genitive singular).

Tetraserica thainguyensis sp. n.

Figures 5, 53

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “N. Vietnam: 40 km NE Thainguyen, 300 m, 8.V.1963, leg. O. Kabakov/ 1009 Asia Sericini spec.” (ZIN).


Length of body: 7.6 mm; length of elytra: 7.1 mm; maximum width: 6.3 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.56. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.74. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.32; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 5E–H. Habitus: Fig. 5I.

Female unknown.


Tetraserica thainguyensis sp. n. differs from the similar T. geiserae by having the left paramere very short and split into two lobes.


The new species is named with reference to its occurrence close to Thainguyen (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica xiengkhouangensis sp. n.

Figures 6, 51

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “LAOS-NE, Xieng Khouang prov., 19°37–8'N, 103°20'E, 30km NE Phonsavan Ban Na Lam- > Phou Sane Mt., 1300–1500 m, 10.-30.v.2009, M. Brancucci leg./ NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague, Laos 2009, Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kubáň/ 914 Sericini Asia spec.” (NHMB). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “LAOS-NE, Xieng Khouang prov., 19°37–8'N, 103°20'E, Phonsavan (30km NE) Phou Sane Mt., 1420 m, 10-30.v.2009, Z. Kraus leg./ NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague, Laos 2009, Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kubáň/ 914 Sericini Asia spec.” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 8.6 mm; length of elytra: 6.5 mm; maximum width: 5.3 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.68. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.73. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.62; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 6A–C. Habitus: Fig. 6D.

Figure 6. 

A–D Tetraserica xiengkhouangensis sp. n. (holotype) E–H T. doisangensis Kobayashi, 2017 (Thailand: Doi Inthanon) I–M T. curviforceps sp. n. (holotype) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, L aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view K parameres, ventral view D, H, M habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 8.6–8.7 mm; length of elytra: 6.3–6.5 mm; maximum width: 5.2–5.3 mm.


Tetraserica xiengkhouangensis sp. n. differs from the similar T. damaidiensis by having the right paramere distinctly not wider (dorsal view) than the left one, and the left paramere short, one third as long as phallobase.


The new species is named with reference to its occurrence in the Xieng Khouang province (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica doisangensis Kobayashi, 2017

Figures 6, 48

Tetraserica doisangensis Kobayashi, 2017: 38, figs 4, 13.

Material examined

1 ♂ “Ban Angkhai alt. 750 m Samoeng Distr. Chiangmai pref. Thailand 15-20-V-1998 K. Masumoto leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA 4639 labcode VD079 THAILAND, Chiang Mai Doi Inthanon NP Vachirathan Fall 700 m Malaise Trap, 18°32.31'N, 98°36.048'E, 9-16.iii.2007, Y. Areeluck leg. T1808, Tetraserica spTH_V39/ X-DA4639/ sp-TH-V39” (QSBG), 1 ♂ “NW Thailand 9-16.V. 1991 MAE HONG SON Ban Huai Po 1600 m leg. P. Pacholátko/ coll. P. Pacholátko/ TS67/ 157 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “N THAILAND: Angkhai village, Samoeng Dist., Chiang Mai Prov., 9-11.v.1999 K. Masumoto leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA 4640 labcode VD073 THAILAND, Chiang Mai Doi Inthanon NP Vachirathan Fall 700 m Malaise Trap, 18°32.31'N, 98°36.048'E, 9-16.iii.2007, Y. Areeluck leg. T1808, Tetraserica spTH_V39/ X-DA4639” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “N-Thailand Ban Mai [Huai] Po 9.-16.5.1991 L. Horak lgt./ Coll. Milan Nikodym Praha” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Chiang Mai N. Thailand V 1985 N. Koyama leg./ Ex coll. Takeshi Matsumoto (formerly Itoh) via coll. D. Ahrens” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “NW Thailand, 19.19N, 97.59E, Mae Hong Son, 1991 Ban Huai Po, 1600–2000 m 17.-23.5., L. Dembický leg.” (NHMW).

Aedeagus: Fig. 6E–G. Habitus: Fig. 6H.

Tetraserica curviforceps sp. n.

Figures 6, 47

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov., 20°13'09–19"N, 103°59'54"–104°00'03"E, 1480–1510 m, Phou Pane Mt., 22.iv.- 14.v.2008, Vít Kubán leg./ sp51” (ZFMK). Paratypes: 6 ♂♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov., 20°13'09–19"N, 103°59'54"–104°00'03"E, 1480–1510 m, Phou Pane Mt., 22.iv.- 14.v.2008, Vít Kubáň leg.” (ZFMK), 4 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov., 20°13'09–19"N, 103°59'54"–104°00'03"E, 1480–1510 m, Phou Pane Mt., 22.IV.- 14.V.2008, Vít Kubáň leg.” (ZFMK), 7 ♂♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov., 20°13'09–19"N, 103°59'54"–104°00'03"E, 1480–1510 m, Phou Pane Mt., 22.4.- 14.5.2008, Vít Kubáň leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.)- 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 11.iv.-15.v.2012, 1300–1900 m, leg. C. Holzschuh ZFMK Ankauf 2012/13” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4511 labcode: VD031 LAOS: Houa Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.) 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 3-5.v.2013, leg. C. Holzschuh Tetraserica spLA_V17/ X-DA4511” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4566 labcode: VD044 LAOS: Houa Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.) 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 15-30.iv.2014, leg. C. Holzschuh - ZFMK Ankauf 2014 Tetraserica spLA_V17/ X-DA4566” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4570 labcode: VD045 LAOS: Houa Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.) 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 15-30.iv.2014, leg. C. Holzschuh - ZFMK Ankauf 2014 Tetraserica spLA_V17/ X-DA4570/ sp-LA-V17” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4577 labcode: VD047 LAOS: Houa Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.) 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 15-30.iv.2014, leg. C. Holzschuh - ZFMK Ankauf 2014 Tetraserica spLA_V17/ X-DA4577/ sp-LA-V17” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4583 labcode: VD050 LAOS: Houa Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.) 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 15-30.iv.2014, leg. C. Holzschuh - ZFMK Ankauf 2014 Tetraserica spLA_V17/ X-DA4583” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4588 labcode: VD052 LAOS: Houa Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.) 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 1.-2.v.2014, leg. C. Holzschuh - ZFMK Ankauf 2014 Tetraserica spLA_V17/ X-DA4588” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4593 labcode: VD055 LAOS: Houa Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.) 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 6-14.iv.2014, leg. C. Holzschuh - ZFMK Ankauf 2014 Tetraserica spLA_V17/ X-DA4570/ sp-LA-V17” (ZFMK), 5 ♂♂ “Laos-NE, Houa Phan prov., 20°12–13.5'N, 103°59.5’-104°01'E, Ban Saleui-> Phou Pane Mt. 1340–1870 m, 15.iv.-15.v.2008; Lao collectors leg.” (NHMB), 1 ♂ “Laos-NE, Houa Phan prov., 20°12–13.5'N, 103°59.5'–104°01'E, Ban Saluei- Phou Pane Mt., 1340–1870 m,, M. Brancucci & local coll. leg./ NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague Laos 2009 Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kubáň” (NHMB).


Length of body: 6.5 mm; length of elytra: 5.4 mm; maximum width: 4.4 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.56. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.52. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.45; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 6I–L. Habitus: Fig. 6M.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 6.5–7.8 mm; length of elytra: 5.4–6.0 mm; maximum width: 4.4–4.8 mm.


Tetraserica curviforceps sp. n. differs from T. sigulianshanica Liu et al., 2014 by the distinctly finer and longer parameres. From T. doisangensis Kobayashi, 2017 it differs by the narrow median phallobasal apophysis and the strongly curved dorsal lobe of the right paramere.


The species name (noun in apposition) is derived from the combined Latin words curvus (curved) and forceps, with reference to the shape of the curved right paramere.

Tetraserica miniatula (Moser, 1915)

Figures 7, 56

Neoserica miniatula Moser, 1915: 171.

Tetraserica miniatula: Ahrens and Fabrizi 2016: 125.

Type material examined

Lectotype (here designated): ♂ “Pegu India/ Neoserica miniatula Type ♂ Moser” (ZMHB). Paralectotype: 1 ♀ “Pegu India/ Neoserica miniatula Type ♀ Moser” (ZMHB).

Redescription. Length of body: 8.0 mm; length of elytra: 5.8 mm; maximum width: 4.8 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.72. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.62. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.07; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Female: Antennal club with three antennomeres, as long as remaining antennomeres combined. Eyes smaller than in male, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.64. Pygidium flat.

Aedeagus: Fig. 7A–C. Habitus: Fig. 7D.

Figure 7. 

A–D Tetraserica miniatula (Moser, 1915) (syntype) E–H T. univestris Ahrens & Fabrizi, 2016 sp. n. (holotype) I–L T. jinghongensis Liu et al., 2014 (holotype) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, K aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view D, H, L habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Tetraserica univestris Ahrens & Fabrizi, 2016

Figures 7, 51

Tetraserica univestris Ahrens & Fabrizi, 2016: 128, figs 10Q–S, 31G.

Material examined

1 ♂ “INDIA: Kolasib, Mizoram; 24°13'N, 92°40'E, K. Sreedevi

25.iv.2014” (NBAIR).


The species was described from Assam (India). This is the first record from Mizoram state (India).

Aedeagus: Fig. 7E–G. Habitus: Fig. 7H.

Tetraserica jinghongensis Liu, Fabrizi, Bai, Yang & Ahrens, 2014

Figures 7, 50

Tetraserica jinghongensis Liu, Fabrizi, Bai, Yang & Ahrens, 2014: 100, fig. 5A–D.

Material examined

4 ex. “China: S-Yunnan (Xishuangbanna) 37 km NW Jinghong Guo Men Shan (NNNR)/ N22°17.91 E100°38.85 1080 m 26.V.2008 leg. A. Weigel LF” (NME).

Aedeagus: Fig. 7I–K. Habitus: Fig. 7L.


This species has been recorded only from China (Yunnan Province) and Thailand (Kobayashi 2017).

Tetraserica bachmaensis sp. n.

Figures 8, 46

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “X-DA4699 labcode: VD088, VIETNAM Tua Thien Hue Prov. Bach Ma Nat. Park, surr. Hotel Morin (1350–1400 m), 23-28.V.2014, legit L. Bartolozzi, G. Chelazzi, A. Bandinelli, S. Banbi, F. Fabiano, (n° Magazz. 2978) Tetraserica sp VI_V49/ sp VI-V49/ 935 Sericini Asia spec.” (VNMN).


Length of body: 10.1 mm; length of elytra: 7.6 mm; maximum width: 6.9 mm. Dorsal surface blackish, ventral surface reddish brown. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons both glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.56. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.56. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.68; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length. Ventral metatibial spine extremely elongated, distinctly exceeding first metatarsomere.

Aedeagus: Fig. 8A–C. Habitus: Fig. 8D.

Figure 8. 

A–D Tetraserica bachmaensis sp. n. (holotype) E–H T. pluriuncinata sp. n. (holotype) I–L T. chiangdaoensis Kobayashi, 2017 (Thailand, Chiang Dao) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, K aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view D, H, L habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Tetraserica bachmaensis sp. n. differs from the similar T. sigulianshanica Liu et al., 2014 and T. curviforceps sp. n. by its shorter median phallobasal lamina.


The new species is named after the type locality, Bach Ma National Park (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica pluriuncinata sp. n.

Figures 8, 53

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “NE Thailand 1-15.[v.]1991. Mae Hong Son, Ban Huai Po, 800–1600 m, S. Bily leg.” (ZFMK). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “NW Thailand, Mae Hong Son, 9-16.V.1991 Ban Huai Po 1600 m leg. P. Pacholátko/ coll. P. Pacholátko/ TS135/ 146 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB), 7 ♂♂ “NW Thailand, 19.19N, 97.59E, Mae Hong Son, 1991 Ban Huai Po, 1600–2000 m 17.-23.5., L. Dembický leg.” (NHMW, ZFMK).


Length of body: 7.6 mm; length of elytra: 5.9 mm; maximum width: 5 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.77. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.52. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.38; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 8E–G. Habitus: Fig. 8H.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 7.6 mm; length of elytra: 5.8–5.9 mm; maximum width: 4.8–5 mm.


Tetraserica pluriuncinata sp. n. differs from T. bachmaensis by the left paramere being split into two long branches (or lobes) and by having much longer median phallobasal apophysis.


The species name (adjective in the nominative singular) is derived from the combined Greek word pluris (higher) and Latin word uncinatus (hooked), with reference to the pluri-hooked shape of the right paramere.

Tetraserica chiangdaoensis Kobayashi, 2017

Figures 8, 50

Tetraserica chiangdaoensis Kobayashi, 2017: 41, figs 8, 17.

Material examined

1 ♂ “X-DA4842 labcode VD102 Thailand, Chiang Dao Hill Resort (100 km N of Chiang Mai) 600 m,, S. Murzin leg. Tetraserica spTH_V53/ X-DA 4842/ 925 Sericini Asia spec.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “DA2072/ 835092/ 835092 X-DA2072 Thailand Chiang Mai Pr. 114 km N Chiang Mai Highway station, 700 m, leg. S. Murzin” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4543 labcode VD041 Thailand, Chiang Dao Hill Resort (100 km N of Chiang Mai) 600 m, 28-31.v.2009, S. Murzin leg., Tetraserica spTH_V15/ X-DA4543” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4741 labcode VD093 Thailand, Chiang Dao Hill Resort 600 m, 19.55779N 99.0766E, 28.iv.-5.v.2011, M. Murzin, O. Shulga leg., Tetraserica spTH_V53/ X-DA4714” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4770 labcode: VD097, LAOS, Stupa GH, 5km W Muang Sing, 750 m, 21.1482N 101.1711E,, M. Murzin, O. Shulga leg. Tetraserica spLA_V56” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4846 labcode VD103 Thailand, Chiang Dao Hill Resort (100 km N of Chiang Mai) 600 m,, S. Murzin leg. Tetraserica spTH_V53/ X-DA 4846” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4863 labcode VD104 Thailand, Chiang Dao Hill Resort (100 km N of Chiang Mai) 600 m,, S. Murzin leg. Tetraserica spTH_V53/ X-DA 4863” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4864 labcode VD105 Thailand, Chiang Dao Hill Resort (100 km N of Chiang Mai) 600 m,, S. Murzin leg. Tetraserica spTH_V53/ X-DA 4864” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4884 Thailand N: Chiang Dao Hill Resort (100 km N of Chiang Mai) 600 m 2009 S. Murzin leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4887 Thailand N: Chiang Dao Hill Resort (100 km N of Chiang Mai) 600m 2009 S. Murzin leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4916 Thailand N: Chiang Dao Hill Resort (100 km N of Chiang Mai) 600 m 2009 S. Murzin leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4919 Thailand N: Chiang Dao Hill Resort (100 km N of Chiang Mai) 600 m 2009 S. Murzin leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4930 Thailand N: Chiang Dao Hill Resort (100 km N of Chiang Mai) 600 m 2009 S. Murzin leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4959 Thailand N: Chiang Dao Hill Resort (100 km N of Chiang Mai) 600 m 2009 S. Murzin leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4936 Thailand N: Chiang Dao Hill Resort (100 km N of Chiang Mai) 600 m 2009 S. Murzin leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4937 Thailand N: Chiang Dao Hill Resort (100 km N of Chiang Mai) 600 m 2009 S. Murzin leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “THAI-NE, Loei prov., Phu Kradung N.P., 16°52'N, 101°49'E, 16-18.v.1999, 1000m, D. Hauck leg./ coll. P. Pacholátko/ 128 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “Thailand, Nam Nao, Phetchabua; 16°5'N, 101°40'E; 19.V.1999; leg. K. Masumoto” (ZFMK).

Aedeagus: Fig. 8I–K. Habitus: Fig. 8L.

Tetraserica sapana sp. n.

Figures 9, 51

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Vietnam bor. Pr. Hoang lien son SA PA V.1990, J Picka lgt./ 908 Sericini Asia spec.” (NHMB).


Length of body: 8.8 mm; length of elytra: 7.1 mm; maximum width: 5.5 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.6. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.31. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/4.91; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 9A–D. Habitus: 9E.

Figure 9. A–E 

Tetraserica sapana sp. n. (holotype) F–I T. setuliforceps sp. n. (holotype) J–M T. parasetuliforceps sp. n. (holotype) A, F, J aedeagus, left side lateral view D, H, L aedeagus, right side lateral view B, G, K parameres, dorsal view C parameres, distal view E, I, M habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Tetraserica sapana sp. n. is similar to T. pluriuncinata sp. n. in shape of male genitalia but differs from the latter by the shorter and simpler left paramere and the presence of trichome-like spines on the dorsal lobe of the right paramere.


The new species is named after the type locality, Sa Pa (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica setuliforceps sp. n.

Figures 9, 56

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “NW Thailand, 19.19N, 97.59E, Mae Hong Son, 1991 Ban Huai Po, 1600–2000 m 9–16.5., L. Dembický leg./ 130 Sericini Asia spec.” (NHMW). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “NW Thailand, 19.19N, 97.59E, Mae Hong Son, 1991 Ban Huai Po, 1600–2000 m 17.-23.5., L. Dembický leg.” (NHMW), 1 ♂ “NW Thailand: 7-12.V., Mae Hong Son distr. 1996 Soppong-pai; 19°27’, 98°20’, J. Horák lgt.; 1500 m leg./ coll. Pacholátko” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “NW Thailand 9.-16.V. Mae Hong Son 1991, Ban Huai Po, 1600 m, leg. P. Pacholátko/ coll. P. Pacholátko” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “NW THAI 7-14.V. DOI SUTHEP PUI 1300–1500 m 1992 leg. P. Pacholátko/ coll. P. Pacholátko” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “THAI 24-29.lV.1993, DOI SUTHEP Pacholátko & Dembicky leg/ coll. P. Pacholátko” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 7.5 mm; length of elytra: 5.9 mm; maximum width: 4.6 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.59. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.68. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.33; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 9F–H. Habitus: Fig. 9I.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 6.7–8.5 mm; length of elytra: 4.9–6.0 mm; maximum width: 4.5–5.0 mm.


Tetraserica setuliforceps sp. n. resembles T. changjiangensis Liu et al., 2014 in the shape of aedeagus but it differs by the distinctly longer dorsal lobe of right paramere, which also bears trichome-like spines, and by the nearly straight left paramere.


The species name (noun in apposition) is derived from the combined Latin words setulus (with small setae) and forceps, with reference to the setae present on the right paramere.

Tetraserica parasetuliforceps sp. n.

Figures 9, 49

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “THAILAND, Prov. Tak, Doi Mussoi, 800 m a.V. 2010, leg. T. Ihle 16°45, 309'N, 98°55, 404'E/ 901 Sericini Asia spec.” (NME).


Length of body: 7.6 mm; length of elytra: 6 mm; maximum width: 4.9 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.63. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.73. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 9J–L. Habitus: Fig. 9M.

Female unknown.


Tetraserica parasetuliforceps sp. n. differs from T. setuliforceps sp. n. by the longer parameres, with the left paramere being as long as phallobase.


The species name (noun in apposition) is derived from the combined Greek prefix para- (near) and the species name setuliforceps, with reference to the similarity to the previous species.

Tetraserica kollae sp. n.

Figures 10, 48

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “INDIA: Kolasib, Mizoram; 24°13'N, 92°40'E; K. Sreedevi 25.iv.2014/ 942 Sericini Asia spec.” (NBAIR). Paratype: 1 ♂ “INDIA: Kolasib, Mizoram; 24°13'N, 92°40'E; K. Sreedevi 25.iv.2014” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 7.5 mm; length of elytra: 5.6 mm; maximum width: 4.8 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.67. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.48. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.21; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 10A–D. Habitus: Fig. 10E.

Figure 10. A–E 

Tetraserica kollae sp. n. (holotype) F–I T. jakli sp. n. (holotype) A, F aedeagus, left side lateral view D, H aedeagus, right side lateral view B, G parameres, dorsal view C parameres, ventral view E, I habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 7.5–7.8 mm; length of elytra: 5.6–5.8 mm; maximum width: 4.8–4.9 mm.


Tetraserica kollae sp. n. is very similar to T. brahmaputrae Ahrens, 2004 in the shape of the genitalia; it differs from it by having a wider dorsal lobe of the right paramere, which is inserted more laterally on the right side, as well as the more strongly curved distal lobe of the right paramere.


The new species is named after Dr Kolla Sreedevi, collector of the new species (noun in the genitive singular).

Tetraserica jakli sp. n.

Figures 10, 49

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Laos, Attapeau prov.; Annam Highlands Mts Dong Amphan; NBCA, ca. 1160 m NONG FA (crater lake) env.; 15°05.9'N, 107°25.6'E; St. Jakl lgt, 30.4.-6.5.2010/ 1012 Asia Sericini sp. “ (ZFMK).


Length of body: 7.3 mm; length of elytra: 5.6 mm; maximum width: 4.8 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.5. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.78. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.86; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 10F–H. Habitus: Fig. 10I.

Female unknown.


The shape of aedeagus of T. jakli sp. n. is somewhat similar to that of T. ferrugata (Blanchard, 1850) from the Himalayas; the left paramere of the new species is, however, distinctly longer and distinctly split into two short filiform branches at apex.


The new species is named after its collector, St. Jakl (noun in genitive singular).

Tetraserica appendiculata sp. n.

Figures 11, 46

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “X-DA4795 labcode: VD100, LAOS, Stupa GH, 5 km W Muang Sing, 750 m, 21.1482N 101.1711E,, M. Murzin, O. Shulga leg. Tetraserica spLA_V59/ sp-LA-v59/ X-DA4795” (ZFMK). Paratype: 1 ♂ “Laos, 21°09'N, 101°19'E, Louangnamtha pr. Namtha->Muang Sing, 5-31.v.1997, 900-Vit. Kubáň leg. -1200 m/ Coll. P. Pacholátko/ LS57” (CPPB).


Length of body: 8.8 mm; length of elytra: 6.5 mm; maximum width: 5.3 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.65. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.52. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.21; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 11A–D. Habitus: Fig. 11E.

Figure 11. A–E 

Tetraserica appendiculata sp. n. (holotype) F–I T. allomengeana sp. n. (holotype) J–M T. quadrifurcata sp. n. (holotype) A, F, J aedeagus, left side lateral view D, H, L aedeagus, right side lateral view B, G, K parameres, dorsal view C parameres, ventral view E, I, M habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 7.8–8.8 mm; length of elytra: 5.9–6.5 mm; maximum width: 5.0–5.3 mm.


The shape of aedeagus of T. appendiculata sp. n. is very similar to that of T. mengeana Liu et al., 2014; the new species differs in having one filiform sub-branch of the left paramere reduced, being much shorter than the width of principal branch at apical third.


The species name (adjective in the nominative singular) is derived from the Latin word appendiculus (small appendage), with reference to the small appendix of the paramere.

Tetraserica allomengeana sp. n.

Figures 11, 46

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.)- 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 11.iv.-15.v.2012, 1300–1900 m leg. C. Holzschuh - ZFMK Ankauf 2012/ sp 34 Silvia” (ZFMK). Paratypes: 4 ♂♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.)- 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 11.iv.-15.v.2012, 1300–1900 m leg. C. Holzschuh - ZFMK Ankauf 2012” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.)- 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 11.iv.-15.v.2012, 1300–1900 m, leg. C. Holzschuh ZFMK Ankauf 2012/13” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.) 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 11.iv.-15.v.2012, 1300–1900 m, leg. C. Holzschuh - ZFMK Ankauf 2012/2013/ sp 88 Silvia” (ZFMK), 6 ♂♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov., 20°13'09–19"N, 103°59'54"–104°00'03"E, 1480–1510 m, Phou Pan (Mt.) 22.IV.- 14.V. 2008, Vit Kubáň leg.” (ZFMK), 2 ♂♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov., 20°13'09–19"N, 103°59'54"–104°00'03"E, Phu Pane Mt., 1480–1510 m, 22.4.- 14.5.2008, Vit Kubáň leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Laos-NE, Houa Phan prov., 20°12–13.5'N, 103°59.5'–104°01'E, Ban Saleui- Phou Pane Mt. 1340–1870 m, 15.iv.-15.v.2008; Lao collectors leg./ 911 Sericini Asia spec. “ (NHMB), 1 ♂ “Laos, 24-30.iv.1999, Louangphrabang pr., 20°33–4'N, 102°14'E, Ban Song Cha (5km W), 1200m, Vít Kubáň leg./ 202 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “Laos-NE, Houa Phan prov., 20°13'09–19"N, 103°59'54’’ – 104°00'03"E, 1480–1550 m, Phou Pane Mt.,, Zdeněk Kraus leg./ NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague Laos 2009 Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kubán” (NHMB).


Length of body: 8.9 mm; length of elytra: 6.6 mm; maximum width: 5.0 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.7. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.65. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.36; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 11F–H. Habitus: Fig. 11I.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 8.1–9.1 mm; length of elytra: 5.6–6.9 mm; maximum width: 4.8–5.3 mm.


The shape of aedeagus of T. allomengeana sp. n. is very similar to that of T. mengeana Liu et al., 2014; the new species differs by the filiform branches of left paramere being approximately two thirds of the paramere length, and by having the median phallobasal lamina evenly narrowed towards apex, rather than being narrow for most of its distal part as in T. mengeana.


The species name (adjective in the nominative singular) is derived from the combined Greek word allo- (other) and the species name mengeana, with reference to the similarity to T. mengeana.

Tetraserica quadrifurcata sp. n.

Figures 11, 50

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Cambodia: Kirirom Nat. Park, h = 650 m, 11°18'6"N, 104°5'40"E, 9-16.XII.1999 leg. M. & S. Murzin/ coll. D. Ahrens/ 117 Sericini Asia spec.” (ZFMK). Paratype: 1 ♂, 1 ♀ “Thailand, Khao Yai; at light, 15.VII.1991; leg. M. Tanida” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 8.9 mm; length of elytra: 6.8 mm; maximum width: 5.6 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.62. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.67. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.33; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 11J–L. Habitus: 11M.


Length of body: 8.9–9.8 mm; length of elytra: 6.8–7.0 mm; maximum width: 5.5–5.6 mm. Female: Eyes as large as in male; antennal club composed of four antennomeres, basal joint of club one quarter as long as club.


Tetraserica quadrifurcata sp. n. differs from all other Tetraserica species by its long median phallobasal apophysis having the median phallobasal lamina bifurcate at apex.


The species name (adjective in the nominative singular) is derived from the combined Latin prefix quadri (four) and furcata (forked), with reference to the shape of doubly bifurcate parameres.

Tetraserica siantarensis (Moser, 1922), comb. n.

Figures 12, 50

Neoserica siantarensis Moser, 1922: 104.

Type material examined

Lectotype (here designated): ♂ “Fort de Kock (Sumatra) 920 m Januari 1922 leg. E. Jacobson/ Neoserica siantarensis Mos. [handwritten by Moser] det. J. Moser 1926 [handwritten by curator?]” (ZMAN). Paralectotype: 1 ♀ “Fort de Kock (Sumatra) 920 m Januari 1922 leg. E. Jacobson/ Neoserica siantarensis Mos.[handwritten by Moser]/ det. J. Moser 1926 [handwritten by curator?]” (ZMAN).

Additional material examined

2 ♂♂, 1 ♀ “Malaysia W, Kelantan 40 km N of Gua Musang Gunung Berangkat Kampong Riek; 1100 m, Petr Cechovsky lgt.” (NME), 1 ♂, 1 ♀ “W-Sumatra Payakumbuh Sarilamak env. 15.-16.2.91 Jezevec lgt.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Indonesia W, Sumatra, Harau Valley, Payakumbuh near Bukit Tinggi, XI.1993-IV.1994, Sarimudanas leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂, 1 ♀ “Indonesia Sumatra Utara Sungei Kopas II, ca 60 km E Pematangsiantar ca. 300 m, Sekundärwald 25.03.1997, leg.C U. P. Zorn” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “I-W. Sumatra 600 m Paykumbuh 6-10.1. Harau vill. env. St. Jakl lgt.1991” (ZFMK), 1 ♂, 1 ♀ “Sumatra Utara Aek Bum b. Rantanprabat 11/12.2.96 lg. Zorn” (ZFMK), 2 ♂♂ “Malaysia 10-16.iv.1999 Kelantan prov. Kampong Raja env. Lgt. Mir. Janalik” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Indonesien Sumatra Aceh-Prov. Umg. Kotacane Ketambe 15.-22. Januar 2016 leg. Horst Rudolph” (Coll. H. Rudolph), 1 ♂ “Indonesien/Sumatra Sindar Raya LF Simaraopa 350 m NN 24. Februar 1993 leg. Horst Rudolph” (Coll. H. Rudolph).

Diagnostic description

Body length: 8.8 mm, length of elytra: 7.2 mm, width: 6.0 mm.

Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye three times as wide as long. Antennal club 1.1 times as long as remaining antennomeres combined. Eyes moderately large; ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.69. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.59. Metafemur dull, anterior margin acute, without submarginal serrated line; anterior row of setae-bearing punctures absent; posterior margin with a blunt tooth. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.7; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 12A–C. Habitus: Fig. 12D.

Figure 12. 

A–D Tetraserica siantarensis (Moser, 1922) (lectotype) E–H Tetraserica feresiantarensis sp. n. (holotype) I–L T. rubrithorax sp. n. (holotype) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, K aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view D, H, L habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Tetraserica feresiantarensis sp. n.

Figures 12, 47

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Malaysia: Hulu Perak, Bangunan Camp c/o Kampung Semelor (E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor), 230 m a.s.l., 10-19/VII/2007 L. Bartolozzi legit/ Museo Zoologico “La Specola” num. Mag. 2814/ 916 Sericini Asia spec.” (MZUF). Paratypes: 2 ♂♂ “Malaysia: Hulu Perak, Bangunan Camp c/o Kampung Semelor (E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor), 230 m a.s.l., 10-19/VII/2007 L. Bartolozzi legit/ Museo Zoologico “La Specola” num. Mag. 2814” (MZUF, ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Malaysia: Hulu Perak, Bangunan Camp c/o Kampung Semelor (E schore Lake Tasek-Temengor), 101°26'16"E, 5°30'18"N, 230 m 29.VI-4.VII.2008/ L. Bartolozzi, G. Mazza, F. Cianferoni, F. Fabiano (num. Mag. 2847)” (MZUF), 1 ♂ “S Thailand: Betong Gunung Cang dun vill. Yala dist., J. Horák leg./ 159 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “S. Thailand 25.4.1992 Betong S. Bily leg.” (NHMB).


Length of body: 8.9 mm; length of elytra: 6.3 mm; maximum width: 5.9 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.63. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.71. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.68; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 12E–G. Habitus: Fig. 12H.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 8.9–9.5 mm; length of elytra: 6.3–7.2 mm; maximum width: 5.8–5.9 mm.


Tetraserica feresiantarensis sp. n. differs from the very similar T. siantarensis Moser, 1915 by the median lamina of phallobase having no dorsal preapical tooth and the dorsal lobe of left parameres and median lamina of phallobase being as long as phallobase, rather than being distinctly longer as in T. siantarensis.


The species name (adjective in the nominative singular) is derived from the combined Latin words fere- (nearly) and the species name siantarensis, with reference to the similarity to T. siantarensis (Moser).

Tetraserica rubrithorax sp. n.

Figures 12, 51

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Myanmar N (Burma), H-550 m, 21 km E Putao, Nan Sa Bon vill., leg S. Murzin & V. Sinaev 1-5.5.98/ coll D. Ahrens/ 427 Sericini Asia spec.” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 6.9 mm; length of elytra: 5 mm; maximum width: 3.9 mm. Body blackish brown, pronotum reddish. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.43. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.42. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.08; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 12I–K. Habitus: Fig. 12L.

Female unknown.


Tetraserica rubrithorax sp. n. differs from all other known Tetraserica species by having the body blackish brown and pronotum reddish.


The species name (noun in apposition) is derived from the combined Latin words rubus (red) and thorax, with reference to the red pronotum of the species.

Tetraserica falciforceps sp. n.

Figures 13, 48

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.)- 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 11.iv.-15.v. 2012, 1300–1900 m leg. C. Holzschuh - ZFMK Ankauf 2012/ sp 37 Silvia Indochina” (ZFMK). Paratypes: 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.)- 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 11.iv.-15.v. 2012, 1300–1900 m leg. C. Holzschuh - ZFMK Ankauf 2012 “ (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.)- 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 1300–1900 m 01.-31.5.2011, leg. C. Holzschuh - ZFMK Ankauf 2012” (ZFMK), 4 ♂♂ “C. Vietnam: Thanhhoa prov., Langchan, 300 m, 17.-18.IV.1963, leg. O. Kabakov” (ZIN, ZFMK), 1 ♂ “N Vietnam 1986 prov. Ha son binh Hoa Binh 5.-7.7. V. Shliva lgt.” (NHMB).


Length of body: 6.9 mm; length of elytra: 5.1 mm; maximum width: 4.5 mm. Dorsal surface blackish, ventral surface reddish brown. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.44. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.44. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.8; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 13A–C. Habitus: Fig. 13D.

Figure 13. 

A–D Tetraserica falciforceps sp. n. (holotype) E–H T. olegi sp. n. (holotype) A, E aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F parameres, dorsal view D, H habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.


Length of body: 6.9–7.5 mm; length of elytra: 5.1–5.9 mm; maximum width: 4.5–5.2 mm. Female: Eyes as large as in male; antennal club composed of three joints, short, as long as remaining antennomeres combined.


Tetraserica falciforceps sp. n. is rather similar to T. sigulianshanica Liu et al., 2014 in shape of the aedeagus; the new species differs by the straight left paramere not being widened at apex and by the longer and widely arched dorsal lobe of the right paramere.


The species name (noun in apposition) is derived from the combined Latin words falcis (sickle) and forceps, with reference to setae present to the sickle-shaped right paramere.

Tetraserica olegi sp. n.

Figures 13, 50

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “N. Vietnam: 40 km NE Thainguyen, 300 m, 14.V.1963, leg. O Kabakov” (ZIN).


Length of body: 6.8 mm; length of elytra: 5.6 mm; maximum width: 0.1 mm. Dorsal surface blackish, ventral surface reddish brown. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.42. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.56. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.14; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 13E–G. Habitus: Fig. 13H.

Female unknown.


The new species is very similar to the Chinese species T. longzhouensis Liu et al., 2014, but differs by the wider apical lobe of its left paramere.


The new species is named after Oleg N Kabakov (1928–2009).

Tetraserica smetsi sp. n.

Figures 14, 51

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B., Cambodia, Pursat prov., Phnom Samkos W.S. forest edge, light trap 14.iv.2005 Leg. K. Smets & I. Var” (ISNB). Paratypes: 2 ♂♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. Cambodia (Pursat Prov.) Phnom Samkos wild life Sanctuary, light trap Forest Edge & Primary 14-IV-2005 Leg. K. Smets & I. Var” (ISNB), 7 ♂♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. Cambodia, Pursat prov. Phnom Samkos W.S. Pramaoy Forest Edge 15-IV-2005, Light Trap Leg. K. Smets & I. Var” (ISNB, ZFMK).


Length of body: 9.4 mm; length of elytra: 6.9 mm; maximum width: 5.8 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.65. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.79. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.78; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 14A–C. Habitus: Fig. 14D.

Figure 14. 

A–D Tetraserica smetsi sp. n. (holotype) E–H T. shangsiensis Liu et al., 2014 (Vietnam: Tay Yen Tu Nat. Res.) I–L T. namnaoensis sp. n. (holotype) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, K aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view D, H, L habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 9.3–9.4 mm; length of elytra: 6.6–6.9 mm; maximum width: 5.7–5.8 mm.


Tetraserica smetsi sp. n. is very similar to T. shangsiensis Liu et al., 2014 in shape of the aedeagus. The new species differs from the latter by the median lamina of phallobase being approximately as long as left paramere and slightly bifurcate at apex, as well as the preapical tooth of the left paramere being dorsally positioned and duplicate. In T. shangsiensis the median lamina of phallobase is distinctly shorter than left paramere, simply pointed, and slightly rounded at apex.


The new species is named after one of its collectors, K Smets (noun in genitive singular).

Tetraserica shangsiensis Liu, Fabrizi, Bai, Yang & Ahrens, 2014

Figures 14, 51

Tetraserica shangsiensis Liu, Fabrizi, Bai, Yang & Ahrens, 2014: 112, fig. 8I–L.

Material examined

Vietnam: 1 ♂ “N-Vietnam Tam Dao Vinh Phu Prov. 21°27'18"N, 105°38'58"E, 1050–1200 m 2.-6.VI.1999 leg. Fabrizi, Jäger, Ahrens/ coll. D. Ahrens” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “N-Vietnam, Thal Nguyen Prov., vic. Ngoc Thanh, Me Linh (IEBR station), 12.V.2012, 21°23'3"N, 105°42'44"E, 60–80 m, leg. A. Skale” (CASH), 2 ♂♂ “N-Vietnam, Bac Giang Prov., Tay Yen Tu Nat. Res., Thanh So’n, N21°12.812’ E106°45.846’, 86 m 18.5-21.5.2016 leg. A. Skale” (CASH, ZFMK), 1 ♂ “C-Vietnam: Kon Tum Province, surroundings Kon Plong, 1120 m 14°37, 350'N, 108° 17, 651E/ leg. L. Bartolozzi, S. Bambi, A. Badinelli, V. Sbordoni- at light 4-7.V.2016 (Mag. 3078)” (MZUF), 2 ♂”C Vietnam: Thua Thien-Hue Prov., A Luoi District, Sao La Nature Reserve (600–650 m) 16.077°N 107.488°E/ 20-27.V.2017 L. Bartolozzi, E. Orbach, V. Sbordoni, S. Banbi, A. Bandinelli leg. at light (numero Mag. 3089)” (MZUF, ZFMK), 4 ♂♂ “Vietnam, N, Ninh Binh Pr., 90 km SW Hanoi Cuc Phuong NP, primat rescue centre, 25.IV./ 2012, 190 m, 20°14'24"N, 105°42'53"E, leg. A. Weigel, light trap/ collection NATURKUNDE MUSEUM ERFURT” (NME), 1 ♂ “N-Vietnam, Tonkin /Tam Dao/ Vinh Phu Prov. 2-11.6.1985, Vít Kubáň leg./ Coll. P. Pacholátko/ VS38” (CPPB). Laos: 1 ♂ “Laos centr., Khammouan prov. NAKAI env., 4-8.5.1998, Route No 8, alt. 560±20 m N17°42.8, E 105°08.9 (GPS), E. Jendek & O. Šausa leg.” (CPPB), 3 ♂♂ “Laos, Sekong prov., ca. 12 km S. Sekong TAD FAEK waterfalls (at light) 15°14.7'N, 106°45.1'E, 118 m, Jiři Hájek leg. 8+12.v.2010” (NMPC), 1 ♂ “Khouang 1944/ Indo Chine Coll. Dussault” (NHMB).

Aedeagus: Fig. 14E–H. Habitus: Fig. 14H.


The species was recorded from China only, and it is here reported from Vietnam and Laos.

Tetraserica namnaoensis sp. n.

Figures 14, 51

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Thailand, Nam Nao, Phetchabua; 16°5'N, 101°40'E; 19.V.1999; leg. K. Masumoto” (ZFMK). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “Thailand, Nam Nao, Phetchabua; 16°5'N, 101°40'E; 19.V.1999; leg. K. Masumoto” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Laos Bolikhamxai pr., 18°16'N, 103°11'E, 70 km NEE Vientiane, 27-30.iv.1997, 150 m, Vít Kubáň leg./ Coll. P. Pacholátko/ LS52/ 190 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “X-DA4881 labcode VD107 Thailand, Chiang Dao Hill Resort (100 km N of Chiang Mai) 600 m, 28.v-, S. Murzin leg, / Tetraserica spTH_63/ sp THV63” (ZFMK), 4 ♂♂, 1 ♀ “Laos P.D.R.: Xieng Khowang 14-20.May. 1994, K. Miura leg./ coll D. Ahrens” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Thai 17-24/5.91 Chiang Dao mts. 19.25'N, 98.52E lgt. D. Kral 1000 m” (NMPC), 1 ♂ “Laos. Xieng Khouang 29.IV.1919. R.V. de Salvazza” (NHMUK).


Length of body: 9.3 mm; length of elytra: 7.3 mm; maximum width: 5.5 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.77. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.83. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.67; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 14I–K. Habitus: Fig. 14L.


Length of body: 9.3–11.0 mm; length of elytra: 7.3–8.2 mm; maximum width: 5.5–6.8 mm. Female: Eyes as large as in male; antennal club composed of three joints, short, as long as remaining antennomeres combined.


Tetraserica namnaoensis sp. n. is very similar to T. shangsiensis Liu et al., 2014 and T. smetsi sp. n. in shape of the aedeagus. The new species differs from these two species by the median lamina of its phallobase being distinctly curved and evenly narrowed from the base to apex, rather than being straight and strongly narrowed after the basal third.


The new species is named after the type locality, Nam Nao (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica konchurangensis sp. n.

Figures 15, 48

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “C-Vietnam Gia Lai Province, Kon Chu Rang Nature Reserve, surroundings HQ, about 900 m 14°28, 450'N, 108°32, 401'E/ leg. L. Bartolozzi, S. Bambi, A. Badinelli, V. Sbordoni- at light 8-12.V.2016 (n° Mag. 3078)/ 238 Sericini Asia spec.” (VNMN). Paratypes: 5 ♂♂ “C-Vietnam Gia Lai Province, Kon Chu Rang Nature Reserve, surroundings HQ, about 900 m 14°28, 450'N, 108°32, 401'E/ leg. L. Bartolozzi, S. Bambi, A. Badinelli, V. Sbordoni- at light 8-12.V.2016 (n° Mag. 3078) (MZUF, ZFMK), 1 ♂ “S-Vietnam, 14.10N 108.30E 40 Km NW of An Khe Buon Luoi, 620–750 m 28.3-12.4.1995 Pacholátko & Dembický leg./ (coll.Pacholátko)” (CPPB)


Length of body: 9.8 mm; length of elytra: 7.5 mm; maximum width: 6.1 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.66. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.78. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.18; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 15A–C. Habitus: Fig. 15D.

Figure 15. 

A–D Tetraserica konchurangensis sp. n. (holotype) E–H T. angkorwatensis sp. n. (holotype) I–L T. koi sp. n. (holotype) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, K aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view D, H, L habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 8.6–9.8 mm; length of elytra: 6.5–7.5 mm; maximum width: 5.5–6.1 mm.


Tetraserica konchurangensis sp. n. is very similar to T. shangsiensis Liu et al., 2014, T. namnaoensis sp. n., and T. smetsi sp. n. in shape of the aedeagus. Tetraserica konchurangensis sp. n. differs from all three by the left paramere lacking a tiny tooth before the apex.


The new species is named with reference to its occurrence in the Kon Chu Rang Nature Reserve (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica angkorwatensis sp. n.

Figures 15, 47

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. Cambodia: Siem Reap prov. Forest S of Angkor Wat 26-IV-2005, Light Trap, Leg K. Smets & I. Var/ 904 Sericini Asia spec.” (ISNB). Paratypes: 4 ♂♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. Cambodia: Siem Reap prov. Forest S of Angkor Wat 26-IV-2005, Light Trap, Leg K. Smets & I. Var” (ISNB, ZFMK).


Length of body: 7.5 mm; length of elytra: 5.9 mm; maximum width: 4.9 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.68. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.79. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.07; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 15E–G. Habitus: Fig. 15H.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 7.5–7.8 mm; length of elytra: 5.8–5.9 mm; maximum width: 4.9–5.0 mm.


Tetraserica angkorwatensis sp. n. is rather similar to T. gestroi (Brenske, 1898) in shape of aedeagus; the new species differs by having the median lamina of the phallobase curved at its apex dorsally, while the base of the left paramere is not extended ventrally.


The new species is named after the type locality, Angkor Wat (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica koi sp. n.

Figures 15, 48

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Thailand (S) Prov. Chumphon, ca 5 km S von Phato 06.VII.2008 leg. M Langer/ 1000 Asia Sericini spec.” (ZFMK). Paratypes: 1 ♂, 1 ♀ “Thailand (S) Prov. Chumphon, ca 5 km S von Phato 06.VII.2008 leg. M Langer” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 7 mm; length of elytra: 5.4 mm; maximum width: 4.5 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.48. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.39. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.25; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 15I–K. Habitus: Fig. 15L.


Length of body: 7.0–8.4 mm; length of elytra: 5.4–6.1 mm; maximum width: 4.5–4.8 mm. Female: Eyes as large as in male; antennal club composed of three antennomeres, as long as remaining antennomeres combined.


Tetraserica koi sp. n. differs from all other species with the left paramere composed of two lobes at its base, by the right paramere being half as long as phallobase, and the left paramere longer than phallobase.


The new species is named in honour of Prof Dr Ko, Silvia’s oncologist and director of the Johanniter Hospital in Bonn, for all his efforts and care (noun in genitive singular).

Tetraserica fulleri sp. n.

Figures 16, 47

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Thailand. Nakhon ratchasima: Khao Yai NP. 700–800 m; 21 Apr 1990 U.V. light EF♀90020E E. Fuller/ 1014 Asia Sericini spec.” (UMIC). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “Thailand. Nakhon ratchasima: Khao Yai NP. 700–800 m; 21 Apr 1990; UV light EF♀90020E E. Fuller” (ZFMK), 3 ♂♂ “Thailand: Nahon Nayok Khao Yai N.P. Lum Ta Kong 14°25.565'N, 101°23.442'E, 726 m; malaise; 19-26.iv.07 Wirat Sukho leg. T2127” (QSBG), 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀ “Thailand: Nahon Nayok Khao Yai N.P. Lum Ta Kong View Point 14°25.565'N, 101°23.442'E, 726 m; Malaise trap; 12-19.iv.07; Wirat Sukho leg. T2124” (QSBG).


Length of body: 9.1 mm; length of elytra: 7.1 mm; maximum width: 5.5 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.53. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.73. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.25; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 16A–D. Habitus: Fig. 16E.

Figure 16. A–E 

Tetraserica fulleri sp. n. (holotype) F–I T. tonkinensis (Moser) (lectotype) J–N T. paratonkinensis sp. n. (holotype) A, F, J aedeagus, left side lateral view D, H, M aedeagus, right side lateral view B, G, K parameres, dorsal view C, L parameres, ventral view E, I, N habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.


Length of body: 8.4–9.8 mm; length of elytra: 6.5–7.3 mm; maximum width: 5.2–5.8 mm. Female: Eyes as large as in male; antennal club composed of three antennomeres, as long as remaining antennomeres combined.


Tetraserica fulleri sp. n. differs from all other Tetraserica species in having long parameres and a long median phallobasal lamina, and by the simple left paramere being wide for its entire length (at middle nearly as wide as apex of phallobase; lateral view).


The new species is named after its collector, E Fuller (noun in genitive singular).

Tetraserica paratonkinensis sp. n.

Figures 16, 50

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. Vietnam, Hoang Lien N.P. 22°21'00"N, 103°46'20"E, 1-5.vii.2013 night collecting Leg. J. Constant & J. Bresseel, I.G.: 32.454/ 234 Sericini Asia spec.” (ISNB). Paratype: 1 ♂ “N Vietnam, (Tonkin) pr. Vinh Phu 1990 Tam Dao, 6-9.v. P. Pacholátko leg./ coll. P. Pacholátko/ VS80” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “Vietnam N (Sa Pa) Lao Cai Prov., 250 km from Hanoi bearin 31°, Sa Pa vill. Env. Hoang Lien Son Nat. Res., 27.5.-3.6.1998 1250 m leg. A. Naplolov” (CNAR).


Length of body: 9.5 mm; length of elytra: 7.4 mm; maximum width: 6.3 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.63. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.47. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.69; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 16J–M. Habitus: Fig. 16N.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 9.5–10.2 mm; length of elytra: 7.1–7.4 mm; maximum width: 5.8–6.3 mm.


Tetraserica paratonkinensis sp. n. is very similar to T. xichouensis Liu et al., 2014 in shape of aedeagus, but differs by the left paramere being nearly uniformly curved and the median lamina of phallobase that is not narrowed in its apical half.


The species name (adjective in the nominative singular) is derived from the combined Greek word para- (close to) and the species name tonkinensis, with reference to the similarity with T. tonkinensis (Moser).

Tetraserica tonkinensis (Moser, 1908)

Figures 16, 51

Neoserica tonkinensis Moser, 1908: 328.

Tetraserica tonkinensis: Liu, Fabrizi, Bai, Yang & Ahrens, 2014: 109, fig. 7E–H.

Material examined

3 ♂♂ “Tonkin Montes Mauson April, Mai 2-3000’ H. Frustorfer” (MNHN), 2 ♂♂ “Tonkin Montes Mauson April, Mai 2-3000’ H Frustorfer” (CF, ZMHB).


The species was revised and redescribed in Liu et al. (2014).

Aedeagus: Fig. 16F–H. Habitus: Fig. 16I.

Tetraserica quadriforceps sp. n.

Figures 17, 51

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Vietnam N 1989 Tam Dao 12-24.5. Vinh Phu prov. Stranad Jan leg.” (ZFMK). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. C Vietnam, Tam Dao N.P. 21°31'N 105°33'E, 25-30.vii.2011, Malaise trap, Leg. J: Costant & J. Bresseel, I.G.: 31.933, GTI project” (ISNB), 1 ♂ “N-Vietnam (Tonkin) pr. Vinh Phu, Tam Dao. 6-9.V.1990 Vít. Kubáň leg.”/ Coll. Milan Nikodým, Praha/ 726 Sericini Asia spec.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “N. Vietnam, 900 m Tam Dao 13-24.5 1989 A. Olexa/ Fereiwilliger Museumsverain (Basel) 1989” (NHMB), 1 ♂ “N-Vietnam, (Tonkin) Tamdao 12-24.5.1989 PACHOLÁTKO leg./ coll. P. Pacholátko/ VS21/ 242 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “Vietnam, Tam dao 27.5.-2.6.1986 Vinh phu prov. Jan Horák lgt.” (NHMB), 2 ♂♂ “N-Vietnam 5-10.VI.1989 Tam Dao Brantlová lgt.” (NHMB), 1 ♂ “N. Vietnam: Vinh Phu prov., Tam Dao 900 m, 14.V.1962 leg. O. Kabakov” (ZIN).


Length of body: 9.9 mm; length of elytra: 7 mm; maximum width: 6.1 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.65. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.26. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.6; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 17A–D. Habitus: Fig. 17E.

Figure 17. A–E 

Tetraserica quadriforceps sp. n. (holotype) F–I T. allochangshouensis sp. n. (holotype) J–M T. changshouensis Liu et al., 2014 (holotype) A, F, J aedeagus, left side lateral view D, H, L aedeagus, right side lateral view B, G, K parameres, dorsal view C parameres, ventral view E, I, M habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 8.0–9.9 mm; length of elytra: 6.2–7.0 mm; maximum width: 5.0–6.1 mm.


Tetraserica quadriforceps sp. n. differs from all other Tetraserica species with a median lamina of the phallobase that is longer than the half-length of phallobase (but not exceeding the length of it), and by the right paramere having a comb of short spines at base. The shape of aedeagus resembles that of T. changshouensis Liu et al., 2014, but the medial phallobasal lamina is much shorter and the apex of the right paramere less strongly widened.


The species name (noun in apposition) is derived from the combined Latin prefix quadri (four) and forceps, with reference to the four branches of the parameres.

Tetraserica allochangshouensis sp. n.

Figures 17, 46

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Tonkin Montes Mauson April, Mai 2-3000’ H. Frustorfer/ 1005 Asia Sericini spec.” (MNHN). Paratype: 1 ♂ “Tonkin Montes Mauson April, Mai 2-3000’ H. Frustorfer” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 8.8 mm; length of elytra: 6.6 mm; maximum width: 5.6 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.56. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.5. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.27; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 17F–H. Habitus: Fig. 17I.

Female unknown.


The new species is close to the Chinese species T. changshouensis Liu et al., 2014, but differs by the narrower ventroapical lobe of right paramere and the longer ventral lobe of left paramere.


Length of body: 8.2–8.8 mm; length of elytra: 6.5–6.6 mm; maximum width: 5.0–5.6 mm.


The species name (adjective in the nominative singular) is derived from the combined Greek prefix allo- (other) and the species name changshouensis, with reference to the similarity to T. changshouensis.

Tetraserica changshouensis Liu, Fabrizi, Bai, Yang & Ahrens, 2014

Figures 17, 47

Tetraserica changshouensis Liu, Fabrizi, Bai, Yang & Ahrens, 2014: 112, fig. 8E–H.

Material examined

1 ♂ “China, S- Guizhou, 30.V.-11.VI. Yaorenshan For. Park 25°55'N, 107°58'E, 1100 m Jaroslav Turna leg., 2001” (ZFMK).

Aedeagus: Fig. 17J–L. Habitus: Fig. 17M.

Tetraserica dongnaiensis sp. n.

Figures 18, 47

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Museum Leiden Viet Nam (Dong Nai Prov.) Cát Tiên N.P.: along Dong trail, 9.iv-19.v.2007. Leg. C. van Achterberg, R. de Vries, E. Gassó, Miracle & Nguyen Than Mahn/ humid lowland forest; in malaise traps; 250 m. 11°26'20.6"N, 107°25'42"E/ 960 Sericini Asia spec.” (RMNH). Paratypes: 4 ♂♂ “Museum Leiden Viet Nam (Dong Nai Prov.) Cát Tiên N.P.: along Dong trail, 9.iv-19.v.2007. Leg. C. van Achterberg, R. de Vries, E. Gassó, Miracle & Nguyen Than Mahn/ humid lowland forest; in malaise traps; 250 m. 11°26'20.6"N, 107°25'42"E” (RMNH, ZFMK), 2 ♂♂ “Museum Leiden Viet Nam (Dong Nai Prov.) Cát Tiên N.P.: along Dong trail, 1.iv-13.v.2007. Leg. May Phu Quy, Nguyen Than Mahn/ humid lowland forest; in malaise traps; 250 m, 11°26'20.6"N, 107°25'42"E” (RMNH).


Length of body: 10 mm; length of elytra: 7.5 mm; maximum width: 6.4 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.62. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.61. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.36; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 18A–C Habitus: Fig. 18D.

Figure 18. 

A–D Tetraserica dongnaiensis sp. n. (holotype) E–H T. phatoensis sp. n. (holotype) A, E aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F parameres, dorsal view D, H habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 9.1–10.5 mm; length of elytra: 6.9–7.9 mm; maximum width: 5.8–6.8 mm.


Tetraserica dongnaiensis sp. n. differs from all other Tetraserica species that have long median phallobasal lamina with simple left and simple right parameres at base (without brush of spines), by the left paramere being split behind basal third into two filiform branches, and the right paramere being short and curved.


The new species is named with reference to its occurrence in the Dong Nai province (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica phatoensis sp. n.

Figures 18, 49

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Thailand, Chumphon prov., 27.iii-14.iv.1996 Pha To env. 9°48’ 98”47, P. Průdek leg./ coll. P. Pacholátko/ 150 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB).


Length of body: 8.3 mm; length of elytra: 6.1 mm; maximum width: 5.3 mm. Dorsal surface blackish, ventral surface reddish brown. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.43. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/0.04. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.07; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 18E–G. Habitus: Fig. 18H.

Female unknown.


Tetraserica phatoensis sp. n. differs from all other Tetraserica species with very short median lamina of the phallobase (one quarter of phallobase length) and a long and narrow, more or less straight, left paramere, and by the right paramere having divergent spines at the base and a separate lobe distally.


The new species is named after the type locality, Pha To (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica masumotoi Kobayashi, 2017

Figures 19, 50

Tetraserica masumotoi Kobayashi, 2017: 40, figs 6, 15.

Material examined

1 ♂ “NW Thailand, 19.19N, 97.59E, Mae Hong Son, 1991 Ban Huai Po, 1600–2000 m, 17-23.5., L. Dembický leg./ 600 Sericini Asia spec.” (NHMW), 1 ♂ “N-Thailand Ban Mai [Huai] Po 9.-16.5.1991 L. Horak lgt./ Coll. Milan Nikodym Praha” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Thailand 9.-16.5.1991 Mae Hong Son Ban Huai Po 1600–2000 m J. Horak lgt./ coll. Milan Nikodym, Praha” (ZFMK).

Redescription. Length of body: 8.5 mm; length of elytra: 6 mm; maximum width: 5.3 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.63. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.56. Posterior margin of metafemur with sharp hook. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.29; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 19A–C. Habitus: Fig. 19D.

Figure 19. 

A–D Tetraserica masumotoi Kobayashi, 2017 (Thailand, Mae Hong Son) E–H T. wiangpapaoana Kobayashi, 2017 (Thailand, Doi Inthanon) I–L T. spinotibialis sp. n. (holotype) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, K aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view D, H, L habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Tetraserica wiangpapaoana Kobayashi, 2017

Figures 19, 55

Tetraserica wiangpapaoana Kobayashi, 2017: 41, figs 7, 16.

Material examined

1 ♂ “X-DA2306 labcode: VD002 Thailand N.: Doi Inthanon Nat. Res., 1250m 22-31.v.2008, S. Murzin leg. Tetraserica spTHAIx1/ X-DA2306/ sp-THAIx1V” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Thai 24-29.IV.1993, DOI SUTHEP Pacholátko & Dembický leg.”/ coll. P. Pacholátko/ 142 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “NW Thai, 7-14.V.1992, DOI SUTHEP PUI 1300–1500 m leg. P. Pacholátko/ coll. P. Pacholátko/ 137 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “Thailand: 29.5.-5.6.1989 Dai [Doi] Inthanon, Lichtfalle, Bang Khun Klang 1200 m 98°32'E, 18°32'N, Chantaramongkol & Malicky leg.” (ZSM), 3 ♂♂ “N-Thailand V.1990 Doi Inthanon lg. Malicky” (ZSM), 1 ♂ “836048 Thailand N. Thailand: Doi Inthanon Nat. Res., 1250 m, 22-31.v.2008, S. Murzin leg. Tetraserica spTHAIx1” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “836046 Thailand N. Thailand: Doi Inthanon Nat. Res., 1250m 22-31.v.2008, S. Murzin leg. Tetraserica spTHAIx1” (ZFMK).

Redescription. Length of body: 9.5 mm; length of elytra: 7.6 mm; maximum width: 5.6 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.67. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.42. Posterior margin of metafemur with sharp hook. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/4.23; basal group of dorsal spines at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 19E–G. Habitus: Fig. 19H.

Tetraserica spinotibialis sp. n.

Figures 19, 56

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “NW Thailand, 9-16.V. MAE HONG SON. 1991 Ban Huai Po 1600 m leg. P. Pacholátko/ coll. P. Pacholátko/ 918 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “NW Thailand, 1-8.V. MAE HONG SON 1992 BAN SI LANG 1200 m J. HORAK LEG./ coll. P. Pacholátko” (ZFMK), 4 ♂♂ “NW Thailand, 19.19N, 97.59E Mae Hong Song, 1991 Ban Huai Po, 1600–2000 m 17.-23.5., L. Dembicky leg.” (NHMW, ZFMK), 2 ♂♂ “NW Thailand, 19.19N, 97.59E Mae Hong Song, 1991 Ban Si Lang, 1200 m 23.-31.5., L. Dembicky leg.” (NHMW), 1 ♂ “N-Thailand Ban Mai [Huai] Po 9.-16.5.1991 L. Horak lgt./ Coll. Milan Nikodym Praha” (ZFMK), 3 ♂♂, 1 ♀ “Birmania Lashio VI-53 Bentoglio” (MSNM).


Length of body: 9 mm; length of elytra: 5.8 mm; maximum width: 5.8 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.71. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.72. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.05; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length. Ventral terminal spine of metatibia distinctly longer than first metatarsomere.

Aedeagus: Fig. 19I–K. Habitus: Fig. 19L.


Length of body: 9.0–9.9 mm; length of elytra: 5.8–7.0 mm; maximum width: 5.5–5.8 mm. Female: Eyes as large as in male; antennal club composed of three antennomeres, as long as remaining antennomeres combined.


Aedeagus of Tetraserica spinotibialis sp. n. resembles that of T. ruiliensis Liu et al., 2014 in shape. The new species differs by the ventral terminal spine of metatibia being distinctly longer than first metatarsomere, as well as by the right paramere being more strongly bent in the middle in lateral view.


The species name (adjective in the nominative singular) is derived from the combined Latin words spina and tibialis, with reference to the strongly developed spine of the mesotibia.

Tetraserica vari sp. n.

Figures 20, 53

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. Cambodia, Pursat Prov., Phnom Samkos W.S., forest edge, light trap 14.iv.2005 Leg. K. Smets & I. Var” (ISNB). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B., Cambodia, Pursat Prov., Phnom Samkos, W.S. Pramaoy, edge forest, Light trapping/ 16-XI-2005 Leg. K. Smets & I. Var” (ISNB), 1 ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. Cambodia Kirirom N. P. Light Trap Pine forest, 21 IV 2005 Leg. Smets & I. Var” (ISNB), 2 ♂♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B., Cambodia, Pursat Prov., Phnom Samkos Wildlife Pramaoy 16.XI.2005 forest edge, Light trapping, Leg. K. Smets & I. Var” (ISNB), 3 ♂♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B., Cambodia, Pursat prov. Phnom Samkos W.S., forest edge, light trap 14.iv.2005 Leg. K. Smets & I. Var” (ISNB, ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. Cambodia (Pursat Prov.) Phnom Samkos wild life Sanctuary, light trap Forest Edge & Primary 14-IV-2005 Leg. K. Smets & I. Var” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. Cambodia, Pursat Prov Phnom Samkos W.S., Pramaoy Forest Edge 15-IV-2005, Light Trap Leg. K. Smets & I. Var” (ISNB), 1 ♂ “E Thailand, 5-13.5. Chanthaburi Dist. Khao Soi Dao, 1998, M. Knížek lgt./ coll. P. Pacholátko” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “Cambodia, Cardamom Mts., near Pramuoy village, 12°16'N, 103°01'E, 270 m, Dry Dipterocarp and Gallery Forest, 24-25.ii.2000, leg. M. Nuss/ Staatl. Museum für Tierkunde Dresden/ 118 Sericini Asia spec.” (SMTD).


Length of body: 10.4 mm; length of elytra: 8 mm; maximum width: 6.6 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.66. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.69. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.62; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 20A–C. Habitus: Fig. 20D.

Figure 20. 

A–D Tetraserica vari sp. n. (holotype) E–H T. constanti sp. n. (holotype) I–L T. vientianeensis sp. n. (holotype) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, K aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view D, H, L habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 10.4–11.2 mm; length of elytra: 8.0–8.1 mm; maximum width: 6.6–6.9 mm.


Tetraserica vari sp. n. differs from all other Tetraserica species in having a long median phallobasal lamina, a basally bent left paramere, and the median phallobasal lamina widened and sharply truncated at its apex.


The new species is named after one of its collectors, I Var (noun in genitive singular).

Tetraserica constanti sp. n.

Figures 20, 48

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. Cambodia - 8 km north of Sre Noi (road to Along Vaeng)/ Light trap 29.V.2003 Leg. J. Constant & K. Smets/ 926 Sericini Asia spec.” (ISNB). Paratype: 1 ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. Cambodia (Siem Road prov) Kbal Spean, Light Trap 28 V 2005 Leg Var & Grootaert” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 9.8 mm; length of elytra: 7.5 mm; maximum width: 6.5 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.63. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.79. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.57; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 20E–G. Habitus: Fig. 20H.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 9.8–10.2 mm; length of elytra: 7.3–7.5 mm; maximum width: 6.2–6.5 mm.


Tetraserica constanti sp. n. is very similar to T. vari sp. n. in the shape of aedeagus but differs by the distinctly shorter median phallobasal lamina and parameres.


The new species is named after one of its collectors, J Constant (noun in genitive singular).

Tetraserica vientianeensis sp. n.

Figures 20, 54

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Laos Bolikhamxai pr., 18°16'N, 103°11'E, 70 km NEE Vientiane 27-30.iv.1997, 150 m, Vít Kubáň leg./ coll. P. Pacholátko/ 197 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB).


Length of body: 8.3 mm; length of elytra: 6 mm; maximum width: 4.9 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.64. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.65. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.93; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 20I–K. Habitus: Fig. 20L.

Female unknown.


Tetraserica vientianeensis sp. n. differs from the similar T. constanti sp. n. by the basally straight and unbent left paramere, and by the median lamina of phallophase which is not widened at apex.


The new species is named with reference to its close occurrence to the city of Vientiane (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica breviforceps sp. n.

Figures 21, 47

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Laos, Sekong Prov. ca. 12 km S Sekong TAD FAEK Waterfalls (at light) 15°14, 7'N, 106° 45, 1'E, 118m, Jiři Hájek leg., 8+12.v.2010/ 207 Sericini Asia spec.” (NMPC). Paratype: 1 ♂ “Laos centr., Khammouan prov. NAKAI env. 4-8.5.1998, Route No 8, alt. 560 ± 20 m, N17°42.8, E 105°08.9 (GPS), E Jendek & O Šauša leg./ coll. P Pacholátko” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “Laos, Sekong Prov. ca. 12 km S Sekong TAD FAEK Waterfalls (at light) 15°14, 7'N, 106° 45, 1'E, 118 m, Jiři Hájek leg. 8+12.v.2010/ 207 Sericini Asia spec.” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 8 mm; length of elytra: 6 mm; maximum width: 5.6 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.74. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/2.08. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.44; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 21A–C. Habitus: Fig. 21D.

Figure 21. 

A–D Tetraserica breviforceps sp. n. (holotype) E–H T. nahaeoensis sp. n. (holotype) I–L T. champassakana sp. n. (holotype) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, K aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view D, H, L habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 8.0–9.2 mm; length of elytra: 6.0–6.5 mm; maximum width: 5.5–5.6 mm.


Tetraserica breviforceps sp. n. differs from all other Tetraserica species with its short parameres and very short median phallobasal lamina, and by the left paramere having a robust (nearly half as long as paramere), subsphaerical, and apically convex dorsal lobe at its base.


The name of the new species (noun in apposition) is derived from the combined Latin words brevis (short) and forceps, with reference to the short parameres.

Tetraserica nahaeoensis sp. n.

Figures 21, 49

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. THAILAND (loei), Na-Haeo (field res stat) 15-19.V.2003 Light trap Leg. J. Constant, K. Smets & P. Grootaert/ 143 Sericini Asia spec.” (ISNB). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. THAILAND (loei), Na-Haeo (field res stat) 15-19.V.2003 Light trap Leg. J. Constant, K. Smets & P. Grootaert” (ISNB), 1 ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. THAILAND (Loei Prov.) Na-Haeo (Field Res. St.) 15-19.V.2003 Light trap Leg Constant & K. Smets” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. THAILAND (Loei) Na-Haeo (edge pond) Light trap 17.V.2003 Leg. J. Constant, K. Smets” (ISNB), 1 ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. Thailand, Loei Na Haeo 22/V/2000 Station Leg. P. Grootaert” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. Thailand (Loei) Na Haeo 23/05/1998 Leg. P. Grootaert” (ISNB), 1 ♂ “Thai 21-26.V.1993, Namuang Pacholátko & Dembicky leg./ coll. P. Pacholátko/ TS92” (CPPB).


Length of body: 9.6 mm; length of elytra: 6.9 mm; maximum width: 6 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.55. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.77. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.12; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 21E–G. Habitus: Fig. 21.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 8.4–9.6 mm; length of elytra: 6.5–6.9 mm; maximum width: 5.9–6.0 mm.


Tetraserica nahaeoensis sp. n. differs from all other Tetraserica species in having a moderately long median phallobasal lamina being narrowed distally, curved dorsally, and having a dorsal tooth at apex; simple left parameres, the shorter right paramere (being one third as long as phallobase), the nearly straight left paramere.


The new species is named after the type locality, Na-Haeo (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica champassakana sp. n.

Figures 21, 46

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Laos, Champassak Prov., Dong Hua Xao NBCA bank of Nam Phak river, 15°59'N, 105°55'E/ 280 m, at light, No. 14, 28-29.III.1998 leg. O Merkl & G Csorba” (HNHM). Paratype: 1 ♂ “Laos, Champassak Prov., Dong Hua Xao NBCA bank of Nam Phak river, 15°59'N, 105°55'E/ 280 m, at light, No. 14, 28-29.III.1998 leg. O Merkl & G Csorba” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 8.8 mm; length of elytra: 5.9 mm; maximum width: 5.3 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.5. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.73. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.93; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 21I–K. Habitus: Fig. 21L.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 7.2–8.8 mm; length of elytra: 5.4–5.9 mm; maximum width: 4.5–5.3 mm.


Tetraserica champassakana sp. n. is rather similar to T. nahaeoensis sp. n. in the shape of the aedeagus but differs by the longer right paramere being half as long as phallobase.


The new species is named with reference to its occurrence in Champassak province (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica cattienensis sp. n.

Figures 22, 46

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Museum Leiden Viet Nam (Dong Nai Prov.) Cát Tiên NP: Ficus trail. 9-26.iv.2007. leg. May Phu Quy, Nguyen Than Mahn/ humid lowland forest; in malaise traps; 250 m 11°26'20, 6"N, 107°25'42"E” (RMNH). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “Museum Leiden Viet Nam (Dong Nai Prov.) Cát Tiên N.P.: Ficus trail. 9-26.iv.2007. leg. May Phu Quy, Nguyen Than Mahn/ humid lowland forest; in malaise traps; 250 m 11°26'20, 6"N, 107°25'42"E” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Museum Leiden Viet Nam (Dong Nai Prov.) Cát Tiên N.P.: Ficus trail. 10.iv-15.v.2007. Leg. May Phu Quy, Nguyen Than Mahn/ humid lowland forest; in malaise traps; 250 m. 11°26'20, 6"N, 107°25'42"E” (RMNH), 1 ♂ “S Vietnam, 1-5.5.1994 Nam Cat Tien Nat. park P. Pacholátko & L. Dembický leg./ coll. P. Pacholátko/VS 118” (CPPB).


Length of body: 8.4 mm; length of elytra: 6 mm; maximum width: 5 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.67. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.61. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.35; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 22A–C. Habitus: Fig. 22D.

Figure 22. 

A–D Tetraserica cattienensis sp. n. (holotype) E–H T. multiangulata sp. n. (holotype) A, E aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F parameres, dorsal view D, H habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 7.9–8.4 mm; length of elytra: 5.9–6 mm; maximum width: 4.9–5.0 mm.


Tetraserica cattienensis sp. n. differs from all other Tetraserica species in having a straight or slightly convex posterior margin of the metafemur, small eyes, and the short median phallobasal lamina being half as long as phallobase. From the similar T. bansanpakiana sp. n. and T. margheritae sp. n., T. cattienensis sp. n. differs by the robust spines on the ventral margin of metatibia being subequal in length.


The new species is named after the type locality, Cát Tiên NP (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica multiangulata sp. n.

Figures 22, 49

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “N. Vietnam: 40 km NE Thainguyen, 300 m, 14.V.1963, leg. O. Kabakov” (ZIN).


Length of body: 7.6 mm; length of elytra: 6 mm; maximum width: 4.5 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.53. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.5. Posterior margin of metafemur with blunt tooth. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.31; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 22E–G. Habitus: Fig. 22H.

Female unknown.


Tetraserica multiangulata sp. n. differs by all other Tetraserica species by the blunt tooth at the posterior margin of metafemur, by the long and narrow left paramere, by the median lamina of phallobase being as long or nearly as long as phallobase, and by the left paramere being more than half as long as phallobase; furthermore, the left paramere is split shortly before the apex into two filiform but flattened branches.


The name of the new species (adjective in the nominative singular) is derived from the combined Latin words multi (numerous) and angulatus (angled), with reference to the parameres being bent numerous times.

Tetraserica tanahrataensis sp. n.

Figures 23, 51

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Malaysia-W, Pahang, 30 km E of IPOH, 1500 m Camerons Highlands, TANAHRATA, 7-9.i.1999, P. Čechovský leg./ 928 Sericini Asia spec.” (ZFMK). Paratype: 1 ♂ “X-DA0347 labcode: VD1, Malaysia-W, Kelantan Road between Kampong Raja and Gua Musang, 04°63'N, 101°, 45'E/ 04°88'N, 101°95'E, 1-28.iv.2006, P. Cechovsky leg. Tetraserica sp?1/ X-DA0347/ sp-MA1” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA3135 Malaysia: Pahang, Tanah Rata (at light), 4°28'20"N, 101°22'42"E, 8.iii.2010, leg. P. Sipek H. Sipkova” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Malaysia, Pahang Cameron Highlands, 2 km S Tanah Rata on Tapah road,/ montane rainforest at light No 93 29.III.1995 O. Merkl & I. Szikossy” (HNHM).


Length of body: 9.6 mm; length of elytra: 7.4 mm; maximum width: 6.1 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.53. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.48. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.25; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 23A–C. Habitus: Fig. 23D.

Figure 23. 

A–D Tetraserica tanahrataensis sp. n. (holotype) E–H T. microspinosa sp. n. (holotype) I–L T. microfurcata sp. n. (holotype) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, K aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view D, H, L habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 9.6–9.9 mm; length of elytra: 7.4–7.5 mm; maximum width: 6.0–6.1 mm.


Tetraserica tanahrataensis sp. n. is rather similar to T. mengeana Liu et al., 2014 in the general shape of the aedeagus; the new species differs by lacking trichome-like spines at the base of the right paramere, and the less strongly curved left paramere, which is nearly straight in the basal two thirds.


The new species is named after the type locality, Tanahrata (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica microspinosa sp. n.

Figures 23, 50

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “N Vietnam - Lao Cai province, Van Ban district: Van Ban Nature Reserve- (~1000 m)- 23-26.V.2011/ L. Bartolozzi, S. Bambi, F. Fabiano, E. Orbach leg./ 934 Sericini Asia spec.” (VNMN).


Length of body: 7.5 mm; length of elytra: 5.8 mm; maximum width: 5 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.46. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.61. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.58; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 23E–G. Habitus: Fig. 23H.

Female unknown.


Tetraserica microspinosa sp. n. differs from all Tetraserica species in having a very short median phallobasal lamina and by having both parameres long and filiform.


The name of the new species (adjective in nominative singular) is derived from the combined Greek and Latin words micros (small) and spinosus (with spines), with reference to a small spine-like tooth on the left paramere.

Tetraserica microfurcata sp. n.

Figures 23, 49

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Laos, 1-16.V.1999, Louangpharabang pr., 23°33–4'N, E102°14'E, Ban Song Cha (5km W), 1200 m, Vít Kubáň leg./ coll. P. Pacholátko” (CPPB). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “Vietnam: Cuc phong, Ninh binh, 3-10.V.1966 Exp. Gy. Topál / Nr. 268 beaten from bushes near creek” (ZFMK), 1 ♀ “Vietnam: Cuc phong, Ninh binh, 3-10.V.1966 Exp. Gy. Topál / Nr. 252 singled material” (HNHM), 1 ♂ “Vietnam: Cuc phong, Ninh binh, 6-18.V.1966 Topál/ Nr. 387 from trap in soil” (HNHM).


Length of body: 8.6 mm; length of elytra: 6.5 mm; maximum width: 5.3 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.57. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.38. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.43; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 23I–K. Habitus: Fig. 23L.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 7.6–8.6 mm; length of elytra: 5.5–6.5 mm; maximum width: 4.5–5.3 mm.


Tetraserica microfurcata sp. n. differs from the similar T. microspinosa sp. n. by the weakly curved, long and filiform left paramere, which is split in apical quarter into two fine branches, as well as the short and slim right paramere being strongly bent at middle.


The name of the new species (adjective in nominative singular) is derived from the combined Greek and Latin words micros (small) and furcatus (forked), with reference to the superficial split of the left paramere into two filiform branches.

Tetraserica takahashii Kobayashi, 2017

Figures 24, 54

Tetraserica takahashii Kobayashi, 2017: 36, figs 3, 12.

Material examined

1 ♂ “X-DA4503 labcode: VD025/ Vietnam, Quang Binh prov. 1 km N of Cha Lo, 400 m Vietnam-Laos border area 17°41'22"N, 105°45'45"E, 11.-24.iv.2010 L. Dembický leg. (VN1/ 2010 MZM EXPEDDITION) Tetraserica spVI_V3/ X-DA4503/ sp-VI-V2” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4502 labcode: VD024/ Vietnam, Quang Binh prov. 1km N of Cha Lo, 400 m Vietnam-Laos border area 17°41'22"N, 105°45'45"E, 11-24.iv.2010 L. Dembický leg. (VN1/ 2010 MZM EXPEDDITION) Tetraserica spVI_V3/ X-DA4502” (ZFMK), 3 ♂♂ “Vietnam, Quang Binh prov. 1 km N of Cha Lo, 400 m Vietnam-Laos border area 17°41'22"N, 105°45'45"E, L Dembický leg. 11-24.iv.2010” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 9 mm; length of elytra: 6.8 mm; maximum width: 6.3 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.58. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.55. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.17; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 24A–C. Habitus: Fig. 24D.

Figure 24. 

A–D Tetraserica takahashii Kobayashi, 2017 (Vietnam: Cha Lo) E–H T. ululalatensis (holotype) I–L T. infida sp. n. (holotype) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, K aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view D, H, L habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Tetraserica ululalatensis sp. n.

Figures 24, 51

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Malaysia W, Kelantan 30 km NW of Gua Musang Ulu Lalat Mt. 800–1000 m Kampong Sungai om Petr Cechovsky lgt.” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 7.6 mm; length of elytra: 6.0 mm; maximum width: 4.7 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.72. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.62. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.1; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 24E–G. Habitus: Fig. 24H.

Female unknown.


Tetraserica ululalatensis sp. n. differs from similar T. fikaceki Liu et al., 2014 by the dorsal lobe of right paramere being directed basally, and the ventral lobe of left paramere being extremely long rather than short.


The new species is named after the type locality, Ulu Lalat Mt (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica infida sp. n.

Figures 24, 47

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Birmania Ruby M/ Doherty” (NHMUK). Paratype: 1 ♀ “Birmania Ruby Mes/ Doherty/ Fry Coll. 1900.100.” (NHMUK).


Length of body: 7.3 mm; length of elytra: 5.4 mm; maximum width: 4.6 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.56. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.52. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.85; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 24I–K. Habitus: Fig. 24L.


Length of body: 7.3–8.1 mm; length of elytra: 5.4–6.6 mm; maximum width: 4.6–5.0 mm. Female: Antennal club with three antennomeres, as long as remaining antennomeres combined; eyes as large as in male.


Tetraserica infida sp. n. strongly resembles T. maerimensis Kobayashi, 2018; the new species differs from the latter by the simple left paramere not being divided into dorsal and ventral lobes.


The name of the new species (adjective in nominative singular) is derived from the combined Latin prefix in- (non-) and adjective fidus (split), with reference to its unsplit left paramere.

Tetraserica bansanpakiana sp. n.

Figures 25, 47

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “NW Thailand, 25.iv-7.v.1996, Chiang Mai prov., BAN SAN PAKIA Sv. Bílý leg., 1700 m/ coll. P. Pacholátko/ 131 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “Thai-N, 1.-19.5.1998, Chiang Mai prov., BAN SAN PAKIA, Bednařik leg., 1400 m/ coll. P. Pacholátko” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Thai-N 1-15.v.1998, Chiang Mai prov., 19°19'N, 98°50'E, SAN PAKIA, 1400 m, Vít Kubáň leg./ coll. P. Pacholátko/ 125 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB), 2 ♂♂ “Thai, 17.-24.V.1991, Chiang Dao, 1000 m, 19°25'N, 98°52'E, Vit Kubaň leg./ Thailand “Thanon Thong Chai” D. Král & V. Kubáň” (ZFMK), 3 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀ “Thailand 17.-24.V.1991 Chiang Dao 1000m 98°52'E, 19°25'N, V. Kuban lg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀ “Thailand 10.-16.V.1991 Chiang Dao 600 m 19°24'N, 98°55'E, V. Kuban lg.” (ZFMK), 3 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀ “Thailand 9.-14.V.1991 Chiang Dao 350 m 19°22'N, 98°57'E, V. Kuban lg.” (ZFMK), 3 ♂♂, 1 ♀ “Thailand bor. Chiang Dao env. 21.5.-4.6.1995, lgt. Snizek M.” (ZFMK), 1 ♀ “Thailand bor. Chiang Mai, 56 km NW, 99°25', 19°05', 7-14.6.1995, lgt. Snizek M.” (ZFMK), 3 ♂♂ “Thai 17-24/5.91 Chiang Dao mts. 19.25'N, 98.52E, lgt. D. Kral, 1000 m” (NMPC), 1 ♂ “839467 Tetraserica spTHAI_DE09_1 Thailand L. Dembicky 9.-13.5.2009 Doi Chiang Dao env. Chiang Mai Prov. 19°24'45"N, 98°51'30"E, 1200 m” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 6.9 mm; length of elytra: 4.6 mm; maximum width: 4.1 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.41. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.6. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.2; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length. Robust spine at middle of ventral margin extremely prolonged and s-shaped, exceeding distal margin of metatibia.

Aedeagus: Fig. 25A–C. Habitus: Fig. 25D.

Figure 25. 

A–D Tetraserica bansanpakiana sp. n. (holotype) E–H T. margheritae sp. n. (holotype) A, E aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F parameres, dorsal view D, H habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.


Length of body: 6.9–8.5 mm; length of elytra: 4.6–5.9 mm; maximum width: 4.1–5.1 mm. Colour may vary from dark brown to nearly entirely yellowish brown with dark head. Female: Antennal club with three antennomeres, as long as remaining antennomeres combined; eyes as large as in male; pygidium flat; robust spines on ventral margin of metatibia subequal in length.


The new species differs from all other Tetraserica species by the robust metatibial spine in middle of ventral margin being extremely elongate and s-shaped, exceeding distal margin of metatibia.


The new species is named after the type locality, Ban San Pakia (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica margheritae sp. n.

Figures 25, 51

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Thailand bor. Chiang Mai, 56 km NW 99°25'E, 19°05'N, 7-14.6.1995 lgt. Snizek M./ 943 Sercini Asia spec.” (ZFMK). Paratype: 1 ♂ “Thailand bor. Chiang Mai, 56km NW 99°25'E, 19°05'N, 7-14.6.1995 lgt. Snizek M./ 943 Sercini Asia spec.” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 7.3 mm; length of elytra: 6.1 mm; maximum width: 4.6 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.44. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.62. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.83; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length. Robust spine at middle of ventral margin extremely prolonged and s-shaped, exceeding distal margin of metatibia.

Aedeagus: Fig. 25E–G. Habitus: Fig. 25H.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 7.1–7.3 mm; length of elytra: 4.8–6.1 mm; maximum width: 4.5–4.6 mm.


Tetraserica margheritae sp. n. differs from the externally similar T. bansanpakiana sp. n. by the median phallobasal lamina being narrower and sharply pointed at apex, also by having a dorsal tooth and the left paramere being distinctly shorter than median phallobasal lamina.


The new species is named after Silvia’s mother, Margherita (noun in genitive singular).

Tetraserica maerimensis Kobayashi, 2018

Figures 26, 51

Tetraserica maerimensis Kobayashi, 2018: 57.

Material examined

1 ♂ “N Thailand 12-14.V.1990 Doi Inthanon lg Malicky / Zoologische Staatssammlung München/ 113 Sericini Asia spec.” (ZSM), 16 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀ “Thailand: 29.5.-5.6.1989 Dai [Doi] Inthanon, Lichtfalle, Bang Khun Klang 1200 m 98°32'E, 18°32'N, Chantaramongkol & Malicky leg.” (ZSM), 16 ♂♂, 11 ♀♀ “N-Thailand 25.-29.5.1990 Doi Inthanon leg. Malicky” (ZSM), 25 ♂♂, 6 ♀♀ “N-Thailand V.1990 Doi Inthanon lg. Malicky” (ZSM), 1 ♂ “N-Thailand 1.-17.VII.1990 Doi Inthanon leg. Malicky” (ZSM), 34 ♂♂, 6 ♀♀ “N-Thailand 12.-14.V.1990 Doi Inthanon leg. Malicky” (ZSM), 1 ♂ “NW Thailand, 19.19N, 97.59E Mae Hong Song, 1991 Ban Huai Po, 1600–2000 m 17.-23.5., L. Dembicky leg.” (NHMW), 1 ♂ “X-DA2309/ X-DA2309 labcode: VD003 Thailand N.: Doi Inthanon Nat. Res. 1250 m 22-31.v.2008 S. Murzin Tetraserica spThaix2/ sp-ThaiX2” (ZFMK), 1 ♀ “X-DA2322/ X-DA2322 labcode: VD004 Thailand N.: Doi Inthanon Nat. Res. 1250 m 22-31.v.2008 S. Murzin Tetraserica spThaix2” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “THAI 28-31/5 1995 19.27N 98.20E Soppong 1500 m Vít Kubáň leg./ coll. P. Pacholátko/ TS29/ 140 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB), 4 ♂♂ “THAILAND, CHIANG MAI Chiang Mai, Doi Sutheppui, Natn. Park (1300 m) 1-2.6.1984 Matti Hämäiäinen leg./ MUSEUM LEIDEN Ex. Coll. M. Hämäiäinen acq. 2002” (RMNH), 2 ♂♂ “Thailand 7.-12.5.1996 Mae Hong Son prov. Soppong 1500 m 19°27'N; 98°20'E, lgt. S. Becvar” (ZFMK), 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀ “N. Thailand Mae Hong Son Pref. Soppong Pai Dist. Alt. 1290 m 20-21.V.1998 K. Masumoto leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “N-Thailand Ban Mai [Huai] Po 9.-16.5.1991 L. Horak lgt./ Coll. Milan Nikodym Praha” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “836053/ 836053 Thailand N. Doi Inthanon Nat. Res. 1250 m 22-31.v.2008 leg. S. Murzin Tetraserica spTHAIx2” (ZFMK).

Aedeagus: Fig. 26A–C. Habitus: Fig. 26D.

Figure 26. 

A–D Tetraserica maerimensis Kobayashi, 2018 (Thailand, Doi Inthanon) E–I T. soppongana sp. n. (holotype) J–M T. longipenis Liu et al., 2014 (holotype) A, E, J aedeagus, left side lateral view C, H, L aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, K parameres, dorsal view G parameres, ventral view D, I, M habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Tetraserica soppongana sp. n.

Figures 26, 53

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “THAI 1-8.V.1993 SOPPONG PAI 1800 m Pacholátko & Dembický leg./ Coll. P. Pacholátko/ 160 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB). Paratype: 1 ♂ “THAI 28-31/5.1995 19.27N 98.20E SOPPONG 1500m Vít Kubáň leg./ Coll. P. Pacholátko/ TS49/ 472 Sericini Asia spec.” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 6.9 mm; length of elytra: 5 mm; maximum width: 4 mm. Body yellowish brown, head dark, antenna yellow. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.71. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.55. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.4; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 26E–H. Habitus: Fig. 26I.

Female unknown.


No significant size variation between types.


Tetraserica soppongana sp. n. differs from all other Tetraserica species in having a long median phallobasal lamina, the right paramere composed of two lobes and having no brush of spines at the base of the right paramere, by the left paramere being composed of two lobes, the right side of phallobase strongly produced, and the dorsal lobe of left paramere as long as ventral one.


The new species is named after the type locality, Soppong (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica longipenis Liu, Fabrizi, Bai, Yang & Ahrens, 2014

Figures 26, 49

Tetraserica longipenis Liu, Fabrizi, Bai, Yang & Ahrens, 2014: 98, fig. 4I–L.

Material examined

Vietnam: 1 ♂ “N-VIETNAM Cao Bang Prov., vic. Vin Den, Nui Pia Oac Nat. Res.06.-10.V.2013, 22°33‘53“N, 105°52‘53"E, 900–1300 m A. Skale“ (ZFMK). Thailand: 1 ♂ “Mt. Doi Ku Sath-an, Na Noi Nan. N. Thailand 16/V/93 S. Ohmomo leg./ coll. D. Ahrens” (ZFMK). Laos: 1 ♂ “LAOS north, 24-30.V.1997, 20 km NWLouang Namtha, N 21°09.2, E 101°18.7, alt. 900±100 m, E. Jendek & O. Šauša leg./ (Coll. P. Pacholátko)” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “LAOS, N 21°09.2, 101°19 E, Louangnamtha pr., Namtha-Muang Sing, 5-31.v.1997, 900–1200 m Vít Kubáň leg./ Coll. P. Pacholátko” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “ X-DA4512 labcode: VD032 LAOS Hua Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt) 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 3-5.iv.2013 leg., C. Holzschuh Tetraserica spLA_V5/ X-DA4512” (ZFMK).

Aedeagus: Fig. 26J–L. Habitus: Fig. 26M.


This species was known from southern China and Thailand (Kobayashi 2017), and it is recorded here from Vietnam and Laos for the first time.

Tetraserica angkhangensis Kobayashi, 2017

Figures 27, 47

Tetraserica angkhangensis Kobayashi, 2017: 42, figs 9, 18.

Material examined

Myanmar: 1 ♂ “Burma (Myanmar) SW: Shan state Taunggyi J. Rejsek 1-18.6.1997/ coll. D Ahrens/ Sericini Asia spec. 214” (ZFMK), 8 ♂♂ “Burma (Myanmar) SW: Shan state Taunggyi J. Rejsek 1-18.6.1997/ coll. D Ahrens” (ZFMK), 4 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀ “Burma (Myanmar) SW: Shan state Taunggyi J. Reysek [sic!] 1-18.6.1997/ coll. D Ahrens” (ZFMK).

Aedeagus: Fig. 27A–C. Habitus: Fig. 27D.

Figure 27. 

A–D Tetraserica angkhangensis Kobayashi, 2017 (Myanmar, Taunggyi) E–H T. giulianae sp. n. (holotype) I–L T. yaoquensis Liu et al., 2014 (holotype) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, K aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view D, H, L habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.


This species was described from Thailand, and is recorded from Myanmar for the first time.

Tetraserica giulianae sp. n.

Figures 27, 56

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Shan States Mandets/ 1001 Asia Sericini spec.” (MNHN).


Length of body: 7.8 mm; length of elytra: 5.9 mm; maximum width: 4.8 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.56. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.64. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.08; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length. Ventral distal spine of metatibia inserted shortly behind middle of ventral margin of metatibia and longer than the long metatarsomere 1.

Aedeagus: Fig. 27E–G. Habitus: Fig. 27H.

Female unknown.


Tetraserica giulianae sp. n. is similar to T. angkhangensis Kobayashi, 2017 in shape of the aedeagus, but the new species differs by the basal lobe of left paramere being as long as the ventral lobe, rather than half its length.


The new species is named in honour of our friend Giuliana Caturegli (Rome) (noun in genitive singular).

Tetraserica yaoquensis Liu, Fabrizi, Bai, Yang & Ahrens, 2014

Figures 27, 55

Tetraserica yaoquensis Liu, Fabrizi, Bai, Yang & Ahrens, 2014: 98, fig. 4E–H.

Material examined

Laos: 1 ♂ “Laos, 21°09'N, 101°19'E, Louangnamtha pr. Namtha-Muang Sing, 5-31.v.1997, 900–1200 m Vit. Kubáň leg/ coll. P. Pacholátko/ 198 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “X-DA4627 labcode: VD066 LAOS, Stupa GH, 5 km W Muang Sing, 750 m, 21.1482N 101.1711E,, M. Murzin, O. Shulga leg. Tetraserica spLA_V35” (ZFMK).

Aedeagus: Fig. 27I–K. Habitus: Fig. 27L.


This species was described from Yunnan, China, and it is recorded from Laos for the first time.

Tetraserica gressitti (Frey, 1972), comb. n.

Figures 28, 48

Tetraserica gressitti Frey, 1972: 198, fig. 60.

Type material examined

Paratypes: 1 ♂, 1 ♀ “Viet Nam DiLinh (Dijiring) 1200 m, 22-28.IV.60/ at light/ L.W. Quate/ Paratype Neoserica gressitti G. Frey 1971” (CF), 1 ♂, 1 ♀ “Viet Nam DiLinh (Dijiring) 1200 m, 27.IX-14.X.1960/ Light trap/ L.W. Quate Collector/ Paratype Neoserica gressitti G. Frey 1971” (CF).

Additional material examined

1 ♂ “Vietnam Djiring, 900m 24.IV.1960” (BPBM), 1 ♂ “S Vietnam: Lam Dong Prov., Cát-Tien Distr., Cát-Tien National Park, Headquarter area (120 m. a.s.l) 11-15.VI.2015 at light/ legit L. Bartolozzi, G. Chelazzi, S. Bambi, F. Fabiano, E. Orbach, V. Sbordoni (numero magazzino 3023)/ 235 Sericini Asia spec.” (MZUF), 1 ♂ “S VIETNAM 1-15.5.1994 Nam Cát Tian –Nat. park, P. Pacholátko & L. Dembický leg./ coll. P. Pacholátko” (CPPB), 2 ♂♂ “Museum Leiden Viet Nam (Dong Nai Prov.) Cát-Tian N. P.: near guesthouse. 13-v-2007. leg. E. Gassó Miracle & Nguyen Than Mahn/ secondary humid lowland forest; light trap (ML), 18-20 hrs11°26'20.6"N, 107°25'42"E” (RMNH), 1 ♂ “Museum Leiden Viet Nam (Dong Nai Prov.) Cát-Tien N.P.: Dong trail; near guesthouse 16.v.2007. leg. E. Gassó Miracle & Nguyen Than Mahn/ humid lowland forest; light trap (ML), 19-21:30 hrs; 11°26'20.6"N, 107°25'42"E” (RMNH), 2 ♂♂ “Museum Leiden Viet Nam (Dong Nai Prov.) Cát-Tien N.P.: Botanical Garden. 13-20.v.2007. leg. C. van Achterberg, R. de Vries & E. Gassó Miracle/ mixed bamboo and wood forest; in malaise traps; 250 m, 11°26'20.6"N, 107°25'42"E” (RMNH), 1 ♂ “S. Vietnam (Cat Tien) 120 km NNE Ho Chi Minh, Cat Tien Nat. Park 27.6.-10.7.1995 leg. A. Napolov” (CNAR).


Length of body: 9.3 mm; length of elytra: 6.8 mm; maximum width: 6 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.61. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.79. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.88; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 28A–C. Habitus: Fig. 28D.

Figure 28. 

A–D Tetraserica gressitti (Frey, 1972) (paratype) E–I T. loeiensis sp. n. (holotype) A, E aedeagus, left side lateral view C, H aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F parameres, dorsal view G parameres, dorsal view D, I habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.

Tetraserica loeiensis sp. n.

Figures 28, 48

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B., THAILAND (loei), Na-Haeo (field res stat) 15-19.V.2003 Light trap Leg. J. Constant, K. Smets & P. Grootaert/ 66V sp.” (ISNB). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B., THAILAND (loei), Na-Haeo (field res stat) 15-19.V.2003 Light trap Leg. J. Constant, K. Smets & P. Grootaert” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4647 labcode: VD075, THAILAND: Loei Ruea NP behind checkpoint 691 m Malaise trap, 17°27.829'N, 101°21.360'E,, Patikhom Tumtop leg. T2514, Tetraserica spTH_V66/ X-DA4647” (QSBG).


Length of body: 7.5 mm; length of elytra: 5.6 mm; maximum width: 5 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.56. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.8. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.91; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 28E–H. Habitus: Fig. 28I.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 7.5–7.7 mm; length of elytra: 5.5–5.6 mm; maximum width: 4.7–5.0 mm.


Tetraserica loeiensis sp. n. is rather similar to T. matsumotoi Kobayashi, 2017 and T. wapiensis (Frey, 1972) in shape of the aedeagus; the new species differs from both by the dorsal lobe of left paramere which is distinctly longer than the ventral one.


The new species is named with reference to its occurrence in Loei province (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica subrotundata sp. n.

Figures 29, 53

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. Cambodia (Pursat Prov.) Phnom Samkos wild life Sanctuary, light trap Forest Edge & Primary 14-IV-2005 Leg. K Smets & I Var/ 903 Sericini Asia spec. “ (ISNB). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. Cambodia, Pursat Prov. Phnom Samkos W.S. Pramaoy, forest edge, 13-IV-2005, Light Trap Leg. K Smets & I Var/ Sericini Asia spec. 905” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. Cambodia, Pursat Prov. Phnom Samkos W.S. Pramaoy, forest edge, 13-IV-2005, Light Trap Leg. K Smets & I Var” (ISNB).


Length of body: 7.1 mm; length of elytra: 5.5 mm; maximum width: 4.8 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.57. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.83. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.15; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 29A–C. Habitus: Fig. 29D.

Figure 29. 

A–D Tetraserica subrotundata sp. n. (holotype) E–H T. matsumotoi Kobayashi, 2017 (Thailand: Chom Thong) I–L T. kiriromensis sp. n. (holotype) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, K aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view D, H, L habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 7.1–8.1 mm; length of elytra: 5.5–5.8 mm; maximum width: 4.7–4.8 mm.


Tetraserica subrotundata sp. n. is rather similar to T. matsumotoi Kobayashi, 2017 in shape of the aedeagus; the new species differs by the right paramere being bent only once and being slightly wider in lateral view, and the apex of median phallobasal lamina strongly rounded instead of sharply pointed.


The name of the new species (adjective in nominative singular) is derived from the combined Latin prefix sub- (under) and adjective rotundatus (rounded), with reference to the shape of the medial apical phallobasal lamina of the aedeagus.

Tetraserica matsumotoi Kobayashi, 2017

Figures 29, 51

Tetraserica matsumotoi Kobayashi, 2017: 34, figs 1, 10.

Material examined

1 ♂ “Thailand occ. bor. 24-28.04.1991 Chom Thong Jan Farkač leg./ NHM Basel/ 104 Sericini Asia spec.” (NHMB), 1 ♂ “Thailand occ. bor. 24-28.04.1991 Chom Thong Jan Farkač leg.” (NHMB), 3 ♂♂ “NE Thailand. 23-27.4.1991 Chom Thong S. Bily leg.” (NHMB, ZFMK), 1 ♂ “a. 200, Klong Wang Chao, Kamphaeng P Thai., 24-27.V.2005 Takakuwa, M. leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “N- THAILAND: Angkhai village, Samoeng Dist. Chiang Mai Prov., 9-11.v.1999 K. Masumoto leg./ coll. Dirk Ahrens” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “N. Thailand: Chiang Mai Pref., Ban Angkhai, Samoeng Dist., 750 m, 15.-20.V.1998 K. Masumoto leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4660/ X-DA4660 labcode: VD079 THAILAND Chiang Dao Hill Resort 600 m, 19.55779N 99.0766E, 28.iv.-5.v.2011, M. Murzin, O. Shulga leg. Tetraserica spTH_V43” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4720/ X-DA4720 labcode: VD094 THAILAND Chiang Dao Hill Resort 600 m, 19.55779N 99.0766E, 28.iv.-5.v.2011, M. Murzin, O. Shulga leg. Tetraserica spTH_V54” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4722/ X-DA4722 labcode: VD095 THAILAND Chiang Dao Hill Resort 600 m, 19.55779N 99.0766E, 28.iv.-5.v.2011, M. Murzin, O. Shulga leg. Tetraserica spTH_V43” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4727/ X-DA4727 labcode: VD096 THAILAND Chiang Dao Hill Resort 600 m, 19.55779N 99.0766E, 28.iv.-5.v.2011, M. Murzin, O. Shulga leg. Tetraserica spTH_V43” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4869 labcode VD106 Thailand, Chiang Dao Hill Resort (100 km N of Chiang Mai) 600 m,, S. Murzin leg. Tetraserica spTH_V43/ X-DA4869” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4956 labcode VD108 Thailand, Chiang Dao Hill Resort (100 km N of Chiang Mai) 600 m,, S. Murzin leg. Tetraserica spTH_V43/ X-DA4956” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “THAI, 9.-13.IV.1991 THIMONGHTA 350 m 15 02'N, 98 35'E, P. Pacholátko leg./ coll. P. Pacholátko” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “N- THAILAND III.1992 3 km W Ban Rai 170 km NW Bankok 150 m NN lg. Malicky/ Zoologische Staatssammlung München” (ZSM), 13 ♂♂ “Thailand 9.-14.V.1991 Chiang Dao 350 m 19°22'N, 98°57'E, V. Kuban lg./ coll. Milan Nikodym, Praha “ (ZFMK), 2 ♂♂ “Thailand 26.-28.V.1991 Palong 750 m 19°55'N, 99°06'E, Vit Kuban lgt./ coll. Milan Nikodym, Praha” (ZFMK), 5 ♂♂ “N-Thailand 25.-29.5.1990 Doi Inthanon leg. Malicky” (ZSM), 1 ♂ “a. 200 m, Klong Wang Chao Kamphaeng P Thai., 24-27.V.2005 Takakuwa, M. leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “W-Thailand: Pu Nam Long, Hot Spring, 100 km NW of Kanchaburi; 06-8.V.1993 leg. T. Itoh “ (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Thai 9-14.5.1991 Chiang Dao 350 m 19°22'N, 98°57'E, D. Kral lgt.” (NMPC), 1 ♂ “Thai 26/4- 4-6/5.91 Umphang 500 m 16°04'N, 98°53'E, David Kral lgt.” (NMPC), 1 ♂ “835112/ 835112 – Thailand 100 km N Chiang Mai, Chiang Dao hill Resort leg. S. Murzin – Tetraserica Thaisp5” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “NW Thailand, 19.19N, 97.59E, Mae Hong Son, 1991, Ban Huai Po, 1600–2000 m 17.-23.5. L. Dembický leg.” (NHMB), 1 ♂ “Haut Mekong Muong Sing 18.IV.1918 R.V. de Salvaza.” (NHMUK), 3 ♂♂ “THA, Phitsanulok, 45 km E Phit-sanulok, Thung 16°51'18"N/ 100°40'19"E, 155 m, 06.05.2012 1/2012 leg. E. u. J. Hüttinger” (NME).

Aedeagus: Fig. 29E–G. Habitus: Fig. 29H.

Tetraserica kiriromensis sp. n.

Figures 29, 48

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B., Cambodia, Kirirom N.P. 21.iv.2005 Pine forest, Light Trap, Leg. K Smets & I Var” (ISNB). Paratypes: 2 ♂♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B., Cambodia, Kirirom NP, 21.iv.2005, Pine forest, Light Trap, Leg. K Smets & I Var” (ISNB, ZFMK).


Length of body: 8.4 mm; length of elytra: 5.8 mm; maximum width: 5.4 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.5. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.69. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.29; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 29I–K. Habitus: Fig. 29L.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 7.5–8.6 mm; length of elytra: 5.8–6.4 mm; maximum width: 5.0–5.9 mm.


Tetraserica kiriromensis sp. n. is rather similar to T. matsumotoi Kobayashi, 2017 in shape of aedeagus; the new species differs by the right paramere being distinctly shorter than median lamina of phallobase; also the apex of median phallobasal lamina is blunt and curved abruptly dorsally (rather than being straight and sharply pointed).


The new species is named after the type locality, Kirirom National Park (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica angkorthomensis sp. n.

Figures 30, 46

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. CAMBODIA (Siem Riep Prov) Angkor Thom 26-V-2003 Light Trap Leg. Constant & K. Smets/ 938 Sericini Asia spec.” (ISNB).


Length of body: 7.9 mm; length of elytra: 5.6 mm; maximum width: 5.6 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.41. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.79. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.08; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 30A–C. Habitus: Fig. 30D.

Figure 30. 

A–D Tetraserica angkorthomensis sp. n. (holotype) A aedeagus, left side lateral view C aedeagus, right side lateral view B parameres, dorsal view D habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Tetraserica angkorthomensis sp. n. differs from the very similar T. kiriromensis sp. n. by the distinctly shorter right paramere and wider and longer dorsal lobe of left paramere which is directed more distally rather mesally.


The new species is named after the type locality, Angkor Thom (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica pailinensis sp. n.

Figures 31, 50

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “X-DA4506 labcode: VD028 Cambodia Pailin 200 m, 11-16.v.2009, S. Murzin leg. Tetraserica spCA_V4/ X-DA4506/ sp-CA-V4” (ZFMK). Paratype: 1 ♂ “835104/ 835104 Cambodia Pailin 270 m 6-16.v.2008 S. Murzin leg. Tetraserica sp CA2sp1” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 8.5 mm; length of elytra: 6.5 mm; maximum width: 5 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.5. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.88. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.46; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 31A–C. Habitus: Fig. 31D.

Figure 31. 

A–D Tetraserica pailinensis sp. n. (holotype) E–H T. banhuaipoensis sp. n. (holotype) I–L T. nussi sp. n. (holotype) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, K aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view D, H, L habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 8.0–8.5 mm; length of elytra: 5.9–6.5 mm; maximum width: 5.0–5.4 mm.


Tetraserica pailinensis sp. n. is similar to T. loeiensis sp. n. in shape of aedeagus; T. pailinensis sp. n. differs from the latter by the dorsal lobe of the left paramere being twice as long as the ventral one.


The new species is named after the type locality, Pailin (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica banhuaipoensis sp. n.

Figures 31, 47

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “NW Thailand, 9.-16.V. MAE HONG SON 1991 Ban Huai Po 1600 m leg. P. Pacholátko/ coll. P. Pacholátko/ 151 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “NW Thailand, 9.-16.V. MAE HONG SON 1991 Ban Huai Po 1600 m leg. P. Pacholátko/ coll. P. Pacholátko” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “THAI: 29.IV.1993, PAI City; Pacholatko & Dembicky leg./ coll. Pacholátko/ 155 Sericini Asia spec.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “THAI: 29.IV.1993, PAI City; Pacholatko & Dembicky leg./ coll. Pacholátko” (CPPB).


Length of body: 8.5 mm; length of elytra: 6.4 mm; maximum width: 5.6 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.56. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.71. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.07; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 31E–G. Habitus: Fig. 31H.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 6.0–8.5 mm; length of elytra: 4.7–6.4 mm; maximum width: 4.2–5.6 mm.


Tetraserica banhuaipoensis sp. n. is similar to T. matsumotoi Kobayashi, 2017 and T. kiriromensis sp. n. in shape of the aedeagus. T. banhuaipoensis sp. n. differs from T. matsumotoi by having the right paramere distinctly shorter than median lamina of phallobase; from T. kiriromensis it differs by the sharply pointed apex of median phallobasal lamina and the right paramere being bent twice.


The new species is named after the type locality, Ban Huai Po (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica nussi sp. n.

Figures 31, 49

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Cambodia 3. Cardamom Mts., near Cham Kar Chhrey, 12°20'N, 103°01'E, 350 m, Dry Riverine in evergreen forest, 6.iii.2000, leg. M. Nuss/ Staatl. Museum für Tierkunde Dresden/ 119 Sericini Asia spec.” (SMTD). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. Cambodia, Pursat prov. Phnom Samkos W.S. Pramaoy, forest edge 13-IV-2005, Light Trap Leg. K. Smets & I. Var” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. Cambodia, Pursat prov. Phnom Samkos W.S. Pramaoy Forest Edge 15-IV-2005, Light Trap Leg. K. Smets & I. Var” (ISNB), 1 ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B. Cambodia, Pursat prov. Phnom Samkos W.S. Pramaoy, forest edge 13.iv. 2005, Light Trap Leg. K. Smets & I. Var” (ISNB).


Length of body: 8 mm; length of elytra: 5.8 mm; maximum width: 5.4 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.54. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.68. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.38; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 31I–K. Habitus: Fig. 31L.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 8.0–8.1 mm; length of elytra: 5.7–5.8 mm; maximum width: 4.9–5.4 mm.


Tetraserica nussi sp. n. is very similar to T. subrotundata sp. n. in shape of aedeagus, but differs by the much shorter parameres and median phallobasal lamina; the dorsal lobe of left paramere is as long as the ventral one (and not shorter as in T. subrotundata) and the apex of phallobase is strongly asymmetric (dorsal view).


The new species is named after one of its collectors, M Nuss (noun in genitive singular).

Tetraserica khaosoidaoensis sp. n.

Figures 32, 48

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “E Thailand, 5.-13.5. Chanthaburi Dist. Khao Soi Dao, 1998, J. Horák leg./ coll. P Pacholátko/ 129 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB). Paratype: 1 ♂ “E Thailand, 5.-13.5. Chanthaburi Dist. Khao Soi Dao, 1998, M Knížek lgt./ coll. P Pacholátko” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 7.4 mm; length of elytra: 5.6 mm; maximum width: 4.6 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.54. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.68. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 32A–C. Habitus: Fig. 32D.

Figure 32. 

A–D Tetraserica khaosoidaoensis sp. n. (holotype) E–H T. pahinngamensis sp. n. (holotype) I–L T. wapiensis (Frey, 1972) (paratype) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, K aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view D, H, L habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 7.4–7.8 mm; length of elytra: 5.5–5.6 mm; maximum width: 4.6–4.8 mm.


Tetraserica khaosoidaoensis sp. n. is very similar to T. nussi sp. n. in shape of the aedeagus; but differs by the distinctly shorter right paramere as well as the only slightly bent right paramere.


The new species is named after the type locality, Khao Soi Dao (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica pahinngamensis sp. n.

Figures 32, 49

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “X-DA4631 labcode: VD068 THAILAND Chaiyaphum Pa Hin Ngam NP Dry evergreen forest near stream 461m Malaisie trap, 15°40, 569'N, 101°26.705'E,, Katae Sa-nog & Buakaw Adnafai leg., T2479, Tetraserica spTH_V36/ X-DA4631/ sp-TH-V36” (QSBG). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “Thailand Chaiyaphum Pa Hin Ngam NP Dipterocarp forest 15°38.099'N, 101°23.921'E, 698 m Malaisie trap, 1.-7.ii.2007, Katae Sa-nog & Buakaw Adnafai T1644” (QSBG), 1 ♂ “X-DA4630 labcode: VD067 THAILAND Chaiyaphum Pa Hin Ngam NP Dry evergreen forest near stream 461m Malaisie trap, 15°40, 569'N, 101°26.705'E,, Katae Sa-nog & Buakaw Adnafai leg., T2479, Tetraserica spTH_V36/ X-DA4630” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4679 labcode: VD081 THAILAND Chaiyaphum Pa Hin Ngam NP Dry evergreen forest near stream 461m Malaisie trap, 15°40, 569'N, 101°26.705'E,, Katae Sa-nog & Buakaw Adnafai leg., T2479, Tetraserica spTH_V36/ X-DA4679” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4680 labcode: VD082 THAILAND Chaiyaphum Pa Hin Ngam NP Dry evergreen forest near stream 461m Malaisie trap, 15°40, 569'N, 101°26.705'E,, Katae Sa-nog & Buakaw Adnafai leg., T2479, Tetraserica spTH_V36/ X-DA4680” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4682 THAILAND Chaiyaphum Pa Hin Ngam NP Deciduous forest 357m Malaise trap 15°39.966'N, 101°27.198'E, Katae Sa-nog & Buakaw Adnafai leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4683 THAILAND Chaiyaphum Pa Hin Ngam NP Deciduous forest 357m Malaise trap 15°39.966'N, 101°27.198'E, Katae Sa-nog & Buakaw Adnafai leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4684 THAILAND Chaiyaphum Pa Hin Ngam NP Deciduous forest 357 m Malaise trap 15°39.966'N, 101°27.198'E, Katae Sa-nog & Buakaw Adnafai leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4685 THAILAND Chaiyaphum Pa Hin Ngam NP Deciduous forest 357 m Malaise trap 15°39.966'N, 101°27.198'E, Katae Sa-nog & Buakaw Adnafai leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4695 THAILAND Chaiyaphum, Pa Hin Ngam NP, Deciduous forest near stream 398 m, Malaise trap 15°40.232'N, 101°26.942'E, Katae Sa-nog & Buakaw Adnafai leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4701 THAILAND Chaiyaphum Pa Hin Ngam NP Deciduous forest 357m Malaise trap 15°39.966'N, 101°27.198'E, Katae Sa-nog & Buakaw Adnafai leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4707 THAILAND Chaiyaphum Tat Tone NP Streamside at Tat Fah waterfall 242m Malaise trap 15°56.463'N, 102°05.953'E, Tawit Jaruphan & Orawan Budsawong leg. 26.iii.-2.iv.2007” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Thailand, Prov. Prachin Buri, Sakaerat Ecol. Research Institute,/ No. 25 at light 1.VI.2001 E. Horaváth & Gy. Sziráki” (HNHM).


Length of body: 8.1 mm; length of elytra: 6.4 mm; maximum width: 5.1 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.52. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.92. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.87; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 32E–G. Habitus: Fig. 32H.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 7.6–8.9 mm; length of elytra: 5.6–6.9 mm; maximum width: 4.9–5.8 mm.


Tetraserica pahinngamensis sp. n. is very similar to T. wapiensis (Frey, 1972) in shape of aedeagus, differing by the left paramere being simple rather than divided into two long and narrow filiform lobes.


The new species is named with reference to its occurrence in the Pa Hin Ngam National Park (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica wapiensis (Frey, 1972), comb. n.

Figures 32, 54

Neoserica wapiensis Frey, 1972: 203, fig. 66.

Type material examined

Paratype: 1 ♂ “Süd Laos, Wapi, 1967/ Paratype Neoserica wapiensis G. Frey 1971” (CF).

Additional material examined

Thailand: 1 ♂ “Thail.: Ko Samui Coral Cove; Light 0-10 NN 23.4.1991/ leg. F. Hieß/ Coll. Dirk Ahrens” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “836978/ 836978 Thailand Phetchabun Nam Nao NP Hill evergreen forest 838 m Leng Janteab leg. Tetraserica TIGERsp1” (QSBG), 1 ♂ “836987/ 836987 Thailand Phetchabun Nam Nao NP Hill evergreen forest 838 m Noopean Hongyothi leg. Tetraserica TIGERsp1b” (QSBG), 1 ♂ “X-DA2449 labcode: VD010 THAILAND Petchabun Nam Nao NP Hill evergreen forest 838 m 16°44.387'N, 101°34.531'E,, Noopean Hongyothi leg. T2433, Tetraserica TIGER sp1” (QSBG), 1 ♂ “X-DA4646 labcode: VD074 THAILAND Petchabun Nam Nao NP Hill evergreen forest 838 m Malaise trap, 16°44.387'N, 101°34.531E,, Leng Jantaleb leg. T2438, Tetraserica spTH_V41” (QSBG), 1 ♂ “X-DA4650 labcode: VD077 THAILAND Petchabun Nam Nao NP Hill evergreen forest 838m Malaise trap, 16°44.387'N, 101°34.531E,, Noopean Hongyothi leg. T 2436, Tetraserica spTH_V41/2” (QSBG), 1 ♂ “X-DA4651 labcode: VD078 THAILAND Petchabun Nam Nao NP Hill evergreen forest 838 m Malaise trap, 16°44.387'N, 101°34.531E,, Noopean Hongyothi leg. T2436, Tetraserica spTH_V42” (QSBG), 1 ♂ “X-DA4676 labcode: VD080 THAILAND Petchabun Nam Nao NP Hill evergreen forest 838 m Malaise trap, 16°44.387'N, 101°34.531E,, Noopean Hongyothi leg. T2430, Tetraserica spTH_V42” (QSBG), 1 ♂ “X-DA4690 labcode: VD084 THAILAND Petchabun Nam Nao NP Hill evergreen forest 834m Malaise trap, 16°44.371'N, 101°34.549'E,, Leng Jantaleb leg. T2429, Tetraserica spTH_V41” (QSBG), 1 ♂ “X-DA4708 labcode: VD090 THAILAND Petchabun Nam Nao NP Hill evergreen forest 883m Malaise trap, 16°44.402'N, 101°34.560'E,, Leng Jantaleb leg. T2431, Tetraserica spTH_V41” (QSBG), 1 ♂ “X-DA4709 labcode: VD091 THAILAND Petchabun Nam Nao NP Hill evergreen forest 883 m Malaise trap, 16°44.402'N, 101°34.560'E,, Leng Jantaleb leg. T2431, Tetraserica spTH_V42” (QSBG), 1 ♂ “X-DA4710 labcode: VD092 THAILAND Petchabun Nam Nao NP Hill evergreen forest 883 m Malaise trap, 16°44.402'N, 101°34.560'E,, Leng Jantaleb leg. T2431, Tetraserica spTH_V42” (QSBG), 1 ♂ “X-DA4711 labcode: VD092 THAILAND Petchabun Nam Nao NP Hill evergreen forest 883 m Malaise trap, 16°44.402'N, 101°34.560'E,, Leng Jantaleb leg. T2431, Tetraserica spTH_V42” (ZFMK). Laos: 1 ♂ “LAOS, SEKONG prov. Ca. 12 km S Sekong TAD FAEK waterfalls (at light) 15°14.7'N, 106°45.1'E, 118 m Jiři Hájek leg. 8.+12.v.2010/ 956 Sericini Asia spec.” (NMPC).


Length of body: 7.5 mm; length of elytra: 5.5 mm; maximum width: 4.8 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.45. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.67. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.58; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 32I–K. Habitus: Fig. 32L.


This species was originally described from Laos, and is now reported from Thailand.

Tetraserica auriculata sp. n.

Figures 33, 46

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “X-DA4700 labcode: VD089 CAMBODIA Sihanouk-ville 20–40 m, 20.-30.iv.2008, S. Murzin leg. Tetraserica spCA_V50/ X-DA4700/ sp-CA-V50” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 8.1 mm; length of elytra: 6.6 mm; maximum width: 5.4 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.5. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.73. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 33A–C. Habitus: Fig. 33D.

Figure 33. 

A–D Tetraserica auriculata sp. n. (holotype) E–H T. semipingjiangensis sp. n. (holotype) I–L T. laotica (Frey, 1972) (holotype) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, K aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view D, H, L habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Tetraserica auriculata sp. n. is similar to T. pailinensis sp. n. in shape of aedeagus, from which it differs by the dorsal lobe of the left paramere being distinctly shorter than the median lamina of phallobase and the right paramere being narrower (in lateral view) and distinctly shorter than median lamina of phallobase. In T. pailinensis sp. n. the dorsal lobe of left paramere is distinctly exceeding the median lamina of phallobase and the right paramere is wider (in lateral view) and a little shorter than median lamina of phallobase.


The name of the new species (adjective in nominative singular) is derived from the Latin adjective auriculatus (ear-shaped), with reference to the ear-shaped median apical lamella of phallobase.

Tetraserica semipingjiangensis sp. n.

Figures 33, 50

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “N THAILAND III.1992, 3 km W Ban Rai 170 km NW Bankok 150 m NN lg. Malicky/ Zoologische Staatssammlung München” (ZSM).


Length of body: 9.6 mm; length of elytra: 7.1 mm; maximum width: 6.3 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.5. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.72. Posterior margin of metafemur with blunt tooth. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.13; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 33E–G. Habitus: Fig. 33H.

Female unknown.


Tetraserica semipingjiangensis sp. n. differs from T. pingjiangensis Liu et al., 2014 by the simple right paramere, which is not split in two lobes.


The species name (adjective in the nominative singular) is derived from the combined Latin words semi (half) and the species name pingjiangensis, with reference to the similarity to T. pingjiangensis.

Tetraserica laotica (Frey, 1972), comb. n.

Figures 33, 49

Neoserica laotica Frey, 1972: 202, fig. 65.

Tetraserica midoriae Kobayashi, 2017: 38, figs 5, 14, syn. n.

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Laos, V 1967 Ban-Van-Eue/ Type Form1 Neoserica laotica G. Frey 1971” (CF). Paratypes: 1 ♀ “Laos, V 1967 Ban Van Eua/ Paratype Neoserica laotica G. Frey 1971” (CF), 1 ♀ “Laos: Sedone Prov. Pakse, 15.V.1965/ Paratype Neoserica laotica G. Frey 1971” (CF).

Additional material examined

1 ♂ “Laos: Vientiane Prov. Ban Van Eue 31.V.1966” (BPBM), 1 ♂ “Laos: Vientiane Prov. Ban Van Eue 13-15.IV.1965” (BPBM), 1 ♂ “LAOS Bolikhamxai pr. 18°16 N, 103°11 E 70 Km NEE Vientiane 27-30.iv.1997, 150 m, Vít Kubáň leg./ coll. P Pacholátko” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “LAOS Bolikhamxai pr. 18°16 N, 103°11 E 70 Km NEE Ventiame 2-3.iv.1997, 150 m, Vít Kubáň leg./ coll. P Pacholátko” (CPPB), 2 ♂♂ “Laos, Bolikhamsay Prov. Phou Khao Kuay NBCA Tad Leuk Waterfall, 280 m/ at light No 46, 11-12.IV.1998 leg. O Merkl & G Csorba” (HNHM).


Length of body: 9.8 mm; length of elytra: 6.9 mm; maximum width: 5.6 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.48. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.73. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.06; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 33I–K. Habitus: Fig. 33L.


The shape of genitalia of the type specimens of T. midoriae Kobayashi, 2017 is virtually identical with that of the holotype of Tetraserica laotica (Frey, 1972). Two female paratype specimens (1 ♀ “Laos, V 1967 Ban Van Eua/ Paratype Neoserica laotica G. Frey 1971” (CF), 1 ♀ “Laos: ban Van Heue 20km E of Phou-kow-kuei, 1-15V.1965/ Paratype Neoserica laotica G. Frey 1971” (CF),) do not belong to this species, as they have both a carinate hypomeron, and are likely to be assigned to the genus Maladera.

Tetraserica ruiliensis Liu, Fabrizi, Bai, Yang & Ahrens, 2014

Figures 34, 54

Tetraserica ruiliensis Liu, Fabrizi, Bai, Yang & Ahrens, 2014: 113, fig. 9A–D.

Material examined

2 ♂♂ “NW Thailand, 1-7.V.1992, Mae Hong Song Ban Si Lang 1000m, S. Bily leg.” (NHMB), 1 ♂ “Thailand bor. Occ. 30.04.-14.05.1991 Mae Hong Son env. Ban Huai Po, 1800 m Jan Farkac leg.” (NHMB), 1 ♂ “Birmania N.S.S. Lashio 1939 G. Salsone/ MSN Milano” (MSNM), 1 ♂ “S Vietnam, 1-15. 5. 1994 Nam Cat Tien-Nat. park, P. Pacholátko & L. Dembický leg. / coll. P. Pacholátko” (CPPB), 3 ♂♂ “S Vietnam, (Cat Tien) 120 km NNE Ho Chi Minh, Cat Tien Nat. Park, 7.-21.6.1995 lg. A. Napolov” (CNAR, ZFMK), 1 ♂ “S. Vietnam (Cat Tien) 120 km NNE Ho Chi Minh, Cat Tien Nat. Park 8.-17.7.1995 leg. A. Napolov” (CNAR), 1 ♂ “Museum Leiden Viet nam (Dong Nai Prov.) Cat Tien N.P.: near guesthouse, 13-v-2007. Leg. E. Gassó Miracle & Nguyen Than Mahn/ secondary humid lowland forest; light trap (ML), 18–20 hrs, 11°26'20.6"N, 107°25'42"E” (RMNH), 5 ♂♂ “Museum Leiden Viet nam (Dong Nai Prov.) Cat Tien N.P.: Botanical Garden, 13-20.v.2007. Leg. C. van Achterberg, R. de Vries & E. Gassó Miracle/ mixed bamboo and wood forest; in malaise trap, 250 m, 11°26'23.8"N, 107°25'44"E” (RMNH), 3 ♂♂ “Museum Leiden Viet nam (Dong Nai Prov.) Cat Tien N.P.: Eco trail, 17-v-2007. Leg. E. Gassó Miracle & Nguyen Than Mahn/ primary lowland forest; light trap (ML), 19:30 -21:30 hrs, 11°26'54.9"N, 107°26'30.9"E” (RMNH), 1 ♂ “Museum Leiden Viet nam (Dong Nai Prov.) Cat Tien N.P.: Eco trail, 14-20.v.2007. Leg. C. van Achterberg, R. de Vries & E. Gassó Miracle/ primary humid lowland forest; in malaise trap, 250 m, 11°26'54.9"N, 107°26'30.9"E” (RMNH), 2 ♂♂ “S Vietnam: Lam Dong Prov., Cat Tien Distr. Nam Cat Tien National Park, Headquarter area (120 m a.s.l.) 11-15.VI.2015 at light/ legit L. Bartolozzi, G. Chelazzi, S. Bambi, F. Fabiano, E. Orbach, V. Sbordoni (n. Magazzino 3023)” (MZUF).

Aedeagus: Fig. 34A–C. Habitus: Fig. 34D.

Figure 34. 

A–D Tetraserica ruiliensis Liu et al., 2014 (holotype) E–H T. pseudoruiliensis sp. n. (holotype) A, E aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F parameres, dorsal view D, H habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Tetraserica pseudoruiliensis sp. n.

Figures 34, 54

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ 1 ♂ “BURMA (Myanmar) SW Shan state INLE lake - NYAUNGSHWE J. Rejsek 7.-16.6.1997/ coll. Dirk Ahrens/ 148 Sericini Asia spec.” (ZFMK). Paratypes: 8 ♂♂ “NW Thailand, 30.4.1992, Mae Hong Song 350 m, S. Bily leg./ NHM Basel/ 121 Sericini Asia spec.” (NHMB), 1 ♂ “X-DA4637/ X-DA4637 labcode: VD071, THAILAND, Chiang Dao Hill Resort 600 m, 19.55779N 99.0766E,, M. Murzin, O. Shulga leg., Tetraserica spTH_V38/ sp LAV8” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “NW Thailand: MAE HOG SON 29.-30.4.1992 J. Horak leg./ coll. P. Pacholátko” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “THAI, 9.-14.V.1991 CHIANG DAO 350m 19°22’ N 98°57'E, Vit Kubáň leg./ Thailand 91 “Thanon Thong Chai” D. Kral & V. Kubáň/ coll. P. Pacholátko” (CPPB), 4 ♂♂ “NE Thailand, 28.4.1991, Mae Hong Son S. Bily leg.” (NHMB), 16 ♂♂ “Thailand 9.-14.V.1991 Chiang Dao 350 m 19°22'N, 98°57'E, V. Kuban lg./ coll. Milan Nikodym, Praha” (ZFMK), 17 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀ “Thailand 9.-16.5.1991 Mae Hong Son Ban Busi Po 1600–2000 m J. Horak lgt./ coll. Milan Nikodym, Praha” (ZFMK), 25 ♂♂, 28 ♀♀ “Thai 9-14.5.1991 Chiang Dao 350 m 19°22'N, 98°57'E, D. Kral lgt.” (NMPC), 1 ♂ “X-DA4604/ X-DA4604 labcode: VD061, LAOS, Stupa GH, 5km W Muang Sing, 750 m, 21.1482N 101.1711E,, M. Murzin, O. Shulga leg. Tetraserica spLA_V34” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4605/ X-DA4605 labcode: VD062, LAOS, Stupa GH, 5km W Muang Sing, 750 m, 21.1482N 101.1711E,, M. Murzin, O. Shulga leg. Tetraserica spLA_V34” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4610/ X-DA4610 labcode: VD063, LAOS, Stupa GH, 5km W Muang Sing, 750 m, 21.1482N 101.1711E,, M. Murzin, O. Shulga leg. Tetraserica spLA_V34” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4612/ X-DA4612 labcode: VD064, LAOS, Stupa GH, 5km W Muang Sing, 750 m, 21.1482N 101.1711E,, M. Murzin, O. Shulga leg. Tetraserica spLA_V34” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4623/ X-DA4623 labcode: VD065, LAOS, Stupa GH, 5km W Muang Sing, 750 m, 21.1482N 101.1711E,, M. Murzin, O. Shulga leg. Tetraserica spLA_V34” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4636/ X-DA4636 labcode: VD070, LAOS, Stupa GH, 5 km W Muang Sing, 750 m, 21.1482N 101.1711E,, M. Murzin, O. Shulga leg. Tetraserica spLA_V38” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4519/ X-DA4519 labcode: VD035, LAOS NW, h=750 m 5 km W Muang Sing Chiang Tung (Stupa), GH 9-14.VI.2010, S. Murzin Tetraserica spLA_V8” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4520/ X-DA4520 labcode: VD036, LAOS NW, h=750 m 5 km W Muang Sing Chiang Tung (Stupa), GH 9-14.VI.2010, S. Murzin Tetraserica spLA_V8” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4529/ X-DA4529 labcode: VD038, LAOS NW, h=750 m 5 km W Muang Sing Chiang Tung (Stupa), GH 9-14.VI.2010, S. Murzin Tetraserica spLA_V8” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4536/ X-DA4536 labcode: VD035, LAOS NW, h=750 m 5 km W Muang Sing Chiang Tung (Stupa), GH 9-14.VI.2010, S. Murzin Tetraserica spLA_V8” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4732 LAOS Stupa GH, 5km W Muang Sing, 750 m, 21.1482N 101.1711E M. Murzin, O. Shulga leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4735 LAOS Stupa GH, 5 km W Muang Sing, 750 m, 21.1482N 101.1711E M. Murzin, O. Shulga leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “X-DA4738 LAOS Stupa GH, 5km W Muang Sing, 750 m, 21.1482N 101.1711E M. Murzin, O. Shulga leg.” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 10.5 mm; length of elytra: 7.8 mm; maximum width: 6.4 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.51. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.56. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.75; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 34E–G. Habitus: Fig. 34H.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 10.0–10.5 mm; length of elytra: 7.2–7.8 mm; maximum width: 6.1–6.4 mm.


Tetraserica pseudoruiliensis sp. n. differs from the similar T. gestroi (Brenske, 1898) by the right paramere which is much less than one third as long as left paramere. The new species differs from T. ruiliensis Liu et al., 2014 by the left paramere being straight rather than bent at the base.


The species name (adjective in the nominative singular) is derived from the combined Greek prefix pseudo- (false) and the species name ruiliensis, with reference to the similarity to T. ruiliensis Liu et al.

Tetraserica semiruiliensis sp. n.

Figures 35, 51

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “E Thailand, Chanta Buri, Pawa Kaeng Hang Naw, Khao Krok; 300 m; 25.-26.IV.1997; leg. Sadahiro Ohmomo” (ZFMK). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “E Thailand, Chanta Buri, Pawa Kaeng Hang Naw, Khao Krok; 300 m; 25.-26.IV.1997; leg. Sadahiro Ohmomo” (ZFMK), 4 ♂♂ “E Thailand, Chanta Buri, Houw Tabmon Rayong; Khao Chamao; 400 m; 28.IV.1997” (ZFMK), 2 ♂♂ “E Thailand, 5.-13.5- Chanthaburi Dist, Khao Soi Dao, 1998 J. Horák leg/ coll. P. Pacholátko” (CPPB), 2 ♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B., Cambodia, Pursat pr., Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary, Pramaoy, 16.XI.2005, forest edge, light trapping Leg. K. Smets & I. Var” (ISNB), 5 ♂♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B., Cambodia, Pursat Prov Phnom Samkos W.S. Pramaoy Forest Edge, 15-IV-2005, Light Trap Leg. K. Smets & I. Var” (ISNB), 4 ♂♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B., Cambodia, Pursat prov. Phnom Samkos W.S., forest edge, light trap 14.iv.2005 Leg. K. Smets & I. Var” (ISNB), 3 ♂♂ “Coll. I. R. Sc. N. B., Cambodia (Pursat Prov.) Phnom Samkos wildlife Sanctuary, light trap Forest Edge & Primary 14-IV-2005 Leg. K. Smets & I. Var” (ISNB).


Length of body: 10 mm; length of elytra: 7.1 mm; maximum width: 5.9 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.59. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.84. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.84; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 35A–C. Habitus: Fig. 35D.

Figure 35. 

A–D Tetraserica semiruiliensis sp. n. (holotype) E–I T. gestroi (Brenske, 1898) (lectotype) J–M T. desalvazzai (holotype) A, E, J aedeagus, left side lateral view C, H, L aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, K parameres, dorsal view G parameres, ventral view D, I, M habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 9.5–10.0 mm; length of elytra: 6.5–7.1 mm; maximum width: 5.5–5.9 mm.


Tetraserica semiruiliensis sp. n. differs from the similar T. ruiliensis Liu et al., 2014 by the nearly straight right paramere (lateral view), which is moderately bent at middle (lateral view) in T. ruiliensis.


The species name (adjective in the nominative singular) is derived from the combined Latin prefix semi- (half) and the species name ruiliensis, with reference to the similarity to T. ruiliensis Liu et al.

Tetraserica gestroi (Brenske, 1898)

Figures 35, 47

Neoserica gestroi Brenske, 1898: 347.

Tetraserica gestroi: Ahrens 2004: 168.

Type material examined

Lectotype (here designated): ♂ “Teinzo Birmania Fea Maggio 1886/ ♂/ Serica gestroi Type Brsk./ Typus/ Gestroi Brsk./ S. Gestroi Brsk. typus!” (MSNG). Paralectotypes: 2 ♂♂ “Teinzo Birmania Fea Maggio 1886/ Gestroi Type Brsk./ ♂” (MSNG), 1 ♀ “Teinzo Birmania Fea Maggio 1886/ ♀/ Gestroi Type Brsk./ gestroi Brs.” (ZMHB).


Length of body: 9.5 mm; length of elytra: 7.1 mm; maximum width: 6.4 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.51. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.68. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.8; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 35E–H. Habitus: Fig. 35I.

Female: Antennal club with three antennomeres, as long as remaining antennomeres combined. Exes smaller than in male, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.55. Pygidium flat.

Tetraserica desalvazzai sp. n.

Figures 35, 47

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Haut Mekong Nam Tha 9.IV.1918. R.V. de Salvazza/ Brit Mus. 1921-89./ 1019 Asia Sericini spec.” (NHMUK). Paratype 1 ♂ “Haut Mekong Weng Vai 23.V.1918, R.V. de Salvazza/ Brit Mus. 1921-89./ 1019 Asia Sericini spec.” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 7.6 mm; length of elytra: 6.0 mm; maximum width: 4.7 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.72. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.62. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.1; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 35J–L. Habitus: Fig. 35M.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 7.6–9.1 mm; length of elytra: 6.0–6.5 mm; maximum width: 4.7–5.0 mm.


Tetraserica desalvazzai sp. n. is rather similar to T. gestroi, from which the new species differs by the left paramere being straight at base, and both parameres being generally more robust.


The new species is named after the collector, RV de Salvazza (noun in genitive singular).

Tetraserica phoupaneensis sp. n.

Figures 36, 51

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “LAOS-NE, Houa Phan prov., 20°11–13'N, 103°59'–104°01'E, Ban Saluei -> Phou Pane Mt.,, 1300–1900 m, Michael Geiser leg./ NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague, Laos 2009, Expedition: M Brancucci, M Geiser, Z Kraus, D Hauck, V Kubáň/ 912 Sericini Asia spec.” (NHMB).


Length of body: 8.3 mm; length of elytra: 5.9 mm; maximum width: 4.5 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.54. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.6. Posterior margin of metafemur with blunt tooth. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.5; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 36A–C. Habitus: Fig. 36D.

Figure 36. 

A–D Tetraserica phoupaneensis sp. n. (holotype) E–H T. vietnamensis (Frey, 1972) (holotype) I–L T. nonglomensis sp. n. (holotype) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, K aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view D, H, L habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.

Female unknown.


Tetraserica phoupaneensis sp. n. is similar to T. vietnamensis (Frey, 1972); the new species differs by the left paramere being as long as phallobase and by the right paramere having a longer basal lobe which is directed distally. In T. vietnamensis the left paramere is only half as long as phallobase, and the right paramere has no basal lobe.


The new species is named after the type locality, Mt Phou Pane (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica vietnamensis (Frey, 1969), comb. n.

Figures 36, 51

Neoserica vietnamensis Frey, 1969: 109, fig. 2b.

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Dalat S. Vietnam/ Typus/ Typus Neoserica vietnamensis n.sp. G. Frey 1967” (CF). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “Dalat 1966 S. Vietnam/ Paratype/ Neoserica vietnamensis ♂ n. sp. G. Frey 1967” (CF).

Additional material examined

1 ♂ “Dalat 1966 S. Vietnam/ Neoserica vietnamensis Frey” (CF), 1 ♂ “Museum Leiden Viet Nam (Dak Lak Prov.) Chu Yang Sin N.P.: 6–8 km S of Dam construction-site. Leg. C. van Achterberg, R. de Vries & E. Gassó Miracle/ primary evergreen forest near stream; in malaise traps; 750 m, 12°26'26.3"N, 108°19'5"E” (RMNH), 1 ♂ “S Vietnam, 12.03N 108.27E 12 km N of Dalat-Lang Bian, 1580–1750 m, 17-21.iv.1999, Pacholátko & Dembický leg./ coll. P. Pacholátko/ VS 72” (CPPB).


Length of body: 10.5 mm; length of elytra: 7.9 mm; maximum width: 6.1 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.55. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.69. Posterior margin of metafemur with blunt tooth. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.06; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 36E–G. Habitus: Fig. 36H.

Tetraserica nonglomensis sp. n.

Figures 36, 51

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “S LAOS, Attapu, Nong Lom (lake), 18-30.iv.1999 800 m, 15°02N, 106°35'E, E Jendek & O Šauša leg./ Coll. P Pacholátko/ 196 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB).


Length of body: 8 mm; length of elytra: 6.3 mm; maximum width: 5 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.56. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.88. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/2.73; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 36I–K. Habitus: Fig. 36L.

Female unknown.


Tetraserica nonglomensis sp. n. is rather similar to T. breviforceps sp. n.; T. nonglomensis sp. n. differs by the much longer, robust dorsal lobe of left paramere.


The new species is named after the type locality, Nong Lom Lake (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica satura (Brenske, 1898), comb. n.

Figures 37, 47

Neoserica satura Brenske, 1898: 345.

Tetraserica graciliforceps Liu, Fabrizi, Bai, Yang & Ahrens, 2014: 103, fig. 6E–H, syn. n.

Type material examined

Syntypes: 3 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀ “Hte Birmanie Mines des Rubies 1200–2300 m Doherty 1890/ satura type Brsk.” (MNHN).

Additional material examined

1 ♂ “N THAILAND, Mae Hong Son Pref, Soppong Pai Dist. Alt 1290 m 20-21.V.1998 leg. K Masumoto/ coll. Dirk Ahrens” (ZFMK).

Aedeagus: Fig. 37A–C. Habitus: Fig. 37D.

Figure 37. 

A–D Tetraserica satura (Brenske, 1898) (holotype of T. graciliforceps) E–I T. filiforceps sp. n. (holotype) J–M T. spanglerorum sp. n. (holotype) A, E, J aedeagus, left side lateral view C, H, L aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, K parameres, dorsal view G parameres, ventral view D, I, M habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.


The holotype of Tetraserica graciliforceps Liu et al., 2014 is virtually identical with the male syntypes of Tetraserica satura (Brenske, 1898) in shape of parameres; therefore the former is assigned a junior synonym of T. satura.

Tetraserica filiforceps sp. n.

Figures 37, 48

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov., 20°13'09–19"N, 103°59'54"–104°00'03"E, 1480–1510 m, Phou Pan (Mt.) 22.IV.-14.V.2008, Vit Kubáň leg.” (ZFMK). Paratypes: 3 ♂♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov., 20°13'09–19"N, 103°59'54"–104°00'03"E, 1480–1510 m, Phou Pan (Mt.) 22.IV.- 14.V. 2008, Vit Kubáň leg.” (ZFMK), 2 ♂♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov., 20°13'09–19"N, 103°59'54"–104°00'03"E, 1480–1510 m, Phou Pan (Mt.) 22.iv.- 14.v. 2008, Vit Kubáň leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “ Laos-NE: Houa Phan prov., 20°13'09–19"N, 103°59'54"–104°00'03"E, 1480–1510 m, Phou Pan (Mt.), 22.4.-14.5. 2008, Kubáň” (ZFMK), 3 ♂♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov., 20°13'09–19"N, 103°59'54"–104°00'03"E, Phu Pane Mt., 1480–1510 m, 22.4.- 14.5.2008, Vit Kubáň leg.” (ZFMK), 2 ♂♂ “NE-Laos: Houa Phan prov., 20°13'09–19"N, 103°59'54"–104°00'03"E, Phu Pane Mt., 1480–1510 m, 17.5.-3.6.2007, Vit Kubáň leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “N-Vietnam (Tonkin) pr. Vinh Phu 1990 Tam Dao 17.-21.V. leg. P. Pacholátko/ coll. P. Pacholátko/ VS81/ 236 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “X-DA4581/ X-DA4581 labcode: VD 048 Laos: Houa Phan prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.) 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 15.-30.iv.2014 leg. C. Holzschuh - ZFMK Ankauf 2014/ Tetraserica spLA_V21/ sp-LA-V21” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “ Laos: Houa Phan Prov.; Ban Saleui, Phou Pan (Mt.) - 20°12'N, 104°01'E, 11.iv.-15.v.2012 leg. C. Holzschuh ZFMK Ankauf 2012/13” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Sapa 11-18.6. N. Vietnam A. Olexa 1990” (NHMB), 1 ♂ “Vietnam N 1990 SaPa 11-19.VI. 1500 m Hoang Lien Son Prov. Strnad Jan lgt.” (NHMB), 1 ♂ “Vietnam N (Sa Pa) Lao Cai Prov., 250 km from Hanoi bearin 31°, Sa Pa vill. Env. Hoang Lien Son Nat. Res., 27.5.-3.6.1998 1250 m leg. A. Naplolov” (CNAR), 1 ♂ “LAOS-NE, Houa Phan prov., 20°11–13'N, 103°59–104°01'E, Ban Saluei- > Phou Pane Mt.,, 1300–1900 m, Michael Geiser leg./ NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague, Laos 2009, Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kubáň/ 914 Sericini Asia spec.” (NHMB), 1 ♂ “LAOS-NE, Houa Phan prov., 20°13'09–19"N, 103°59'54"–104°00'03"E, 1480–1550 m, Phou Pane Mt.,, Zdeněk Kraus leg./ NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague, Laos 2009, Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kubáň/ 914 Sericini Asia spec.” (NHMB), 1 ♂ “LAOS-NE, Xieng Khouang prov., 19°37–8'N, 103°20–1'E, 30 km NE Phonsavan Ban Na Lam -> Phou Sane Mt., 1300–1700 m, 10-30.v.2009, M. Geiser leg./ NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague, Laos 2009, Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kubáň/ 914 Sericini Asia spec.” (NHMB), 2 ♂♂ “Vietnam N (Sa Pa) Lao Cai Prov., 250 km from Hanoi bearin 31°, Sa Pa vill. Env. Hoang Lien Son Nat. Res., 25.VI.-5.VII.1998 1250 m leg. A. Naplolov” (CNAR).


Length of body: 9.1 mm; length of elytra: 6.6 mm; maximum width: 5 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.53. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.43. Metatibia moderately long and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.58; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 37E–H. Habitus: Fig. 37I.

Female unknown.


Length of body: 9.1–9.2 mm; length of elytra: 6.6–7.1 mm; maximum width: 5.0–5.9 mm.


Tetraserica filiforceps sp. n. differs from the very similar T. satura (Brenske, 1898) by the left paramere, which is slightly shorter than phallobase, and the right paramere which is nearly straight (lateral view).


The name of the new species (noun in apposition) is derived from the combined Latin words filum (string/ filament) and forceps, with reference to the filiform parameres.

Tetraserica spanglerorum sp. n.

Figures 37, 51

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “THAILAND: Nkn. Ratcha. Prov. Nakhon Ratchasima 60 km S. 2-4 Mar 1971, P & P Spangler/ Sakaerat Expt. Sta. 14°30'N, 101°55'E, 300–600 meters/ collected at white light trap/ 910 Sericini Asia spec.” (USNM). Paratypes: 11 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀ “THAILAND: Nkn. Ratcha. Prov. Nakhon Ratchasima 60 km S., 2-4 Mar 1971, P & P Spangler/ Sakaerat Expt. Sta. 14°30'N, 101°55'E, 300–600 meters/ collected at white light trap” (USNM, ZFMK).


Length of body: 7.8 mm; length of elytra: 6.3 mm; maximum width: 5.4 mm. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.54. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.88. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.14; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 37J–L. Habitus: Fig. 37M.


Length of body: 7.7–7.8 mm; length of elytra: 5.7–6.3 mm; maximum width: 5.2–5.4 mm. Female: Antennal club with three antennomeres, as long as remaining antennomeres combined; eyes as large as in male; pygidium flat.


The shape of the aedeagus in Tetraserica spanglerorum sp. n. is similar to that of T. loeiensis sp. n.; T. spanglerorum sp. n. differs by the dorsal lobe of left paramere being distinctly wider than the ventral one and slightly curved (dorsal view); also its right paramere is bent in a nearly sharp angle at the middle.


The new species is named after its collectors, P & P Spangler (noun in genitive case, plural).

Tetraserica shanensis sp. n.

Figures 38, 50

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Burma (Myanmar) SW Shan state Taunggyi J. Rejsek 1.-18.6.1997/ coll. Dirk Ahrens/ 213 Sericini Asia spec.” (ZFMK). Paratypes: 3 ♂♂ “Burma (Myanmar) SW Shan state Taunggyi J. Rejsek 1.-18.6.1997/ coll. Dirk Ahrens” (ZFMK), 2 ♂♂, 6 ♀♀ “Burma (Myanmar) SW Shan state Taunggyi J. Reysek [sic!] 1.-18.6.1997” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 7.1 mm; length of elytra: 4.9 mm; maximum width: 4.1 mm. Body yellowish brown, head darker. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.71. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.57. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.18; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 38A–C. Habitus: Fig. 38D.

Figure 38. 

A–D Tetraserica shanensis sp. n. (holotype) E–H T. semishanensis sp. n. (holotype) I–L T. sejugata (Brenske, 1898) (Myanmar, Ruby Mines) A, E, I aedeagus, left side lateral view C, G, K aedeagus, right side lateral view B, F, J parameres, dorsal view D, H, L habitus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Habitus not to scale.


Length of body: 7.1–8.3 mm; length of elytra: 4.9–5.6 mm; maximum width: 4.1–4.4 mm. Female: Antennal club with three antennomeres, as long as remaining antennomeres combined; eyes as large as in male; pygidium weakly convex at apex.


Tetraserica shanensis sp. n. differs from all other Tetraserica species in having evenly long spines on ventral margin of metatibia, and in the colour of the dorsal surface being yellowish brown.


The new species is named with reference to its occurrence in the Shan state (adjective in the nominative singular).

Tetraserica semishanensis sp. n.

Figures 38, 55

Type material examined

Holotype: ♂ “Birmania, S. S. S. Palaing, 1450 m. VI-1936 R. Perego/ MSN Milano” (MSNM). Paratypes: 1 ♂ “THAI 1-8.V.1993 SOPPONG PAI 1800 m Pacholátko & Dembický leg./ Coll. Pacholátko” (CPPB), 1 ♂ “THAI 1-8.V.1993 SOPPONG PAI 1800 m Pacholátko & Dembický leg./ Coll. Pacholátko/ 475 Sericini Asia spec.” (CPPB), 9 ♂♂ “NW Thailand, 19.19N, 97.59E, Mae Hong Son, 1991, Ban Huai Po, 1600–2000 m 17.-23.5. L. Dembický leg./ NHM Wien” (NHMW, ZFMK), 1 ♂, 1 ♀ “NW Thailand, 9.-16.51991 Mae Hong Son Ban Huai Po, 1600–2000 m J. Horak leg.” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “Thailand bor. Hang Dong 6.1990. lgt. Wimmer” (ZFMK), 2 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀ “Thailand centr. Pa-Sak Fl. –IX.80 Rhetchabun- 600 m.” (ZFMK).


Length of body: 7.6 mm; length of elytra: 5.1 mm; maximum width: 4.4 mm. Body yellowish brown, head darker. Surface of labroclypeus and disc of frons glabrous. Smooth area anterior to eye twice as wide as long. Eyes moderately large, ratio of diameter/interocular width: 0.68. Ratio of length of metepisternum/metacoxa: 1/1.59. Metatibia short and wide, ratio width/length: 1/3.09; basal group of dorsal spines of metatibia at first third of metatibial length.

Aedeagus: Fig. 38E–G. Habitus: Fig. 38H.


Length of body: 7.1–7.6 mm; length of elytra: 5.0–5.1 mm; maximum width: 4.1–4.4 mm. Female: Antennal club with three antennomeres, as long as remaining antennomeres combined; eyes as large as in male; pygidium weakly convex at apex.


Tetraserica semishanensis sp. n. differs from the similar T. shanensis sp. n. by the narrower, nearly straight ventral lobe of left paramere (lateral view) and the dorsal lobe of left paramere being nearly evenly narrowed towards apex (rather than bluntly widened before apex, as in T. shanensis).


The species name (adjective in the nominative singular) is derived from the combined Latin words semi- (half) and the species name shanensis, with reference to the similarity to T. shanensis sp. n.

Tetraserica sejugata (Brenske, 1898), comb. n.

Figures 38, 50

Serica sejugata Brenske, 1898: 323.

Type material examined

Syntype: 1 ♂ “H.te Birmanie Mines des Rubis 1200_2300 m Doherty 1890/ ♂/ E. brenske 1896/ sejugata Type Brsk./ Museum Paris ex Coll. R. Oberthur/ Type” (MNHN).

Additional material examined

1 ♂ “H.te Birmanie Mines des Rubis 1200_2300 m Doherty 1890/ Museum Paris ex Coll. R. Oberthur/ 120 Sericini Asia spec.” (MNHN), 1 ♂ “H.te Birmanie Mines des Rubis 1200_2300 m Doherty 1890/ Museum Paris ex Coll. R. Oberthur” (MNHN), 1 ♂ “Birmah Rubymse / Doherty/ Fry Coll. 1905-100” (NHMUK).


Length of body: 8.4 mm; length of elytra: 6.2 mm; maximum wi