(C) 2013 David G. Furth. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Citation: Furth DG (2013) Diversity of Alticinae in Oaxaca, Mexico: A preliminary study (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). In: Jolivet P, Santiago-Blay J, Schmitt M (Eds) Research on Chrysomelidae 4. ZooKeys 332: 1–32. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.332.4790
This is a preliminary study of the diversity of the Flea Beetles (Alticinae) of the Mexican state of Oaxaca based on fieldwork by the author in 1991, 1997, and 2010, the literature, and specimens in several institutional collections. The number of genera and species for Mexico as well as for Oaxaca increased significantly from previous studies. There are now 625 species in 90 genera recorded from Mexico with 275 species in 68 genera recorded from Oaxaca. There are 113 species known only from the state of Oaxaca and another 38 species known only from Oaxaca and the surrounding states. Oaxaca has a relatively high diversity as well as a high percentage of endemism. This study also demonstrates the effects of how even a small amount of fieldwork together with extracting specimen data from institutional collections can significantly increase the total faunistic and diversity knowledge of an area. A complete list of the genera and species known from Oaxaca is included.
Este es un estudio preliminar de la diversidad de los Escarabajos Pulga (Alticinae) del estado mexicano de Oaxaca basado en el trabajo de campo por el autor en 1991, 1997, y 2010, la revisión de la literatura y el estudio de varios especímenes en colecciones institucionales. El número de géneros y especies para México y para Oaxaca aumentó significativamente a partir de estudios anteriores. En la actualidad hay 625 especies en 90 géneros registrados para México con 275 especies en 68 géneros registrados de Oaxaca. Hay 113 especies conocidas sólo del estado de Oaxaca, y otras 38 especies conocidas sólo de Oaxaca y los estados circundantes. Oaxaca tiene una diversidad relativamente alta, así como un alto porcentaje de endemismo. Este estudio también demuestra como una pequeña cantidad de trabajo de campo junto con la extracción de datos de especímenes de colecciones institucionales pueden aumentar significativamente el conocimiento sobre la fauna total y la diversidad biológica de una región. Se incluye una lista completa de los géneros y especies conocidas de Oaxaca.
Mexico, Oaxaca, diversity, Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Alticinae, endemism, fieldwork, collections
Although Mexico is the fourteenth largest country in the world (ca. 2, 000, 000 km2) it is the fifth most biodiverse country and is one of the 25 biodiversity hotspots (
Oaxaca is one of the most mountainous and rugged areas in Mexico and it is geologically complex as well (
Mexico and southern USA, depicting the position of the state of Oaxaca.
Oaxaca with the surrounding states and demonstrating the strong geographical constriction of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.
Google Earth view of the Sierra de Juárez mountains with the current study’s home base of Ixtlán de Juárez and some of the collecting localities from the 2010 field trip, especially Santa Catarina Lachatao.
The Sierra de Juárez mountains of Oaxaca with the surrounding smaller mountain systems.
The Sierra de Juárez is one of Oaxaca State’s wettest areas and richest in forest diversity, with perhaps 2000 of the 8000 or more plant species that are found in the state. It is mostly covered by montane cloud forest, but includes tropical evergreen forests and forests of pine, pine-oak and oak. The cloud forest forms a band from 1, 000–1, 400 m in height up to 2, 250 meters along the northern and eastern slopes. The cloud forest climate is cool (14°–20° C) and has mean annual rainfall that exceeds 2, 000 mm and is sometimes much higher. The dominant trees are 20–30 m tall and include evergreen and deciduous species, palms, tree ferns, heather shrubs, vines, and moisture-loving herbs (the facts above were taken from Wikipedia).
As evident from Maps 1 and 2 Oaxaca is positioned in a rather unique biogeographical part of Mexico and, in fact, Central America. It is bordered north and west by the rather dry and deep Rio Balsas (an almost west-east) transect of the state of Guerrero. To the north and east is the southern-most aspect of one of the other major mountain ranges of Mexico, the Sierra Madre Oriental, at that point in Veracruz. The eastern most part of Oaxaca spans the Isthmus of Tehuantepec that borders the state of Chiapas. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec is not mountainous and is distinctly the narrowest part of Mexico where the states of Oaxaca, Veracruz, Chiapas and Tabasco converge. This geographical constriction certainly has an effect on the diversity and distribution of the fauna and flora. Presumably to the south the biodiversity is predominantly Neotropical.
For Mexico’s phanerogamic flora the highest diversity is found along a belt originating in Chiapas, traversing Oaxaca, and continuing to central Veracruz in the east and to Sinaloa and Durango on the west and cloud and evergreen forests are the most diverse per unit area, endemism is prevalent, and Oaxaca has a higher number of species than any state (
The current study is part of a series of publications on the diversity of Alticinae (Flea Beetles) in Mexico (
As discussed in
The data for this study was taken from three primary sources: first, from previously published literature, especially
The Appendix is a combination of older records from the literature, a few collections (USNM, MCZ, NHMB), and new collection records from 8 other institutions above and the author’s field work (DGF 1991, 1997, 2010).
Examination and determination of the specimens was made using a Leica MZ APO binocular dissecting microscope. The digital photos of Figure 10 were produced by Karolyn Darrow using the Visionary DigitalTM imaging system and Adobe PhotoshopTM.
The fieldwork was primarily based out of the Universidad de la Sierra Juárez (USJI) (Figure 11). Alticinae were collected by general and/or host plant-targeted sweeping with a 15 inch diameter aerial insect net using an aspirator. The majority of the field sites were in the vicinity of Santa Catarina Lachatao (SCL) and daily trips were accompanied by Prof. Atilano Contreras Ramos (UNAM), Prof. Jose Arturo Casasola (USJI), and various members of the SCL community (Figure 12). After the fieldwork extensive collection examination and curation was done at the Colección Nacional de Insectos, Instituto de Biología, UNAM (Figure 13, 14)
As a result of a week of fieldwork in Sierra de Juárez of Oaxaca, Mexico, in 2010 and subsequent determination of the specimens collected, as well as examination of several institutional collections, the number of known species of Alticinae of Mexico increased from 524 (
The total number of Alticinae species recorded from Mexico from
The total number of genera recorded from Mexico and Oaxaca based on
The changes in number of species recorded from Mexico versus Oaxaca only, based on
The changes in number of genera of Alticinae recorded only from Oaxaca from
As for the endemism of Oaxaca as demonstrated by the Alticinae, Figure 5 shows that in
A comparison of the number of endemic species of Alticinae from Oaxaca only and from Oaxaca plus the surrounding states as recorded in
Endemic and non-endemic species numbers and percentages as recorded from the current study.
Figure 7 shows the numbers of species (62) and genera (29) collected by the author during fieldwork from different trips to Oaxaca (1991, 1997, 2010). Of these the 2010 collecting trip alone resulted in 49 species and 26 genera. The 1991 collecting trip was 5 days, the 1997 trip 2 days, and the 2010 trip 7 days. Thus, the 2010 trip alone produced 79% of the species and 90% of the genera (Figure 7).
A comparison of the numbers of species/genera recorded from total evidence (literature, collections, author fieldwork), from all fieldwork (1991, 1997, 2010), and from the 2010 field trip alone.
Examining the biogeographical affinities of the Alticinae diversity of Oaxaca at the generic level, i. e, the biogeographic affinities of the 68 genera recorded, there are 6 (9%) genera of Nearctic affinity, 7 (almost 10%) of Cosmopolitan affinity, and 54 (81%) of Neotropical affinity (Figure 8).
The biogeographic affinity of Alticinae genera of Oaxaca. Cosmopolitan genera are those found in several biogeographic regions.
Another way to look at the diversity of the Oaxacan Alticinae is to examine the number of species per genus. As shown in Figure 9 of the 68 genera recorded from Oaxaca there is a high number of genera (26) with only one species and a high number of species (16 + 19 + 23 + 24) or 82 from only one genus, with a trend towards more species from fewer genera.
The number of species per genus of recorded Oaxacan Alticinae.
Figure 10 illustrates a few representatives of Alticinae genera and species that demonstrate presumed endemism and significant affinities of the biogeographical elements and distributional extensions in Oaxaca. Sphaeronychus OM sp. 2. (Figure 10A) represents one of two probable new species in a genus known from Brazil (25 species), one each from Ecuador and Peru, and only 2 known species from Central America. Allochroma OM sp. 1 (Figure 10B) is a probably new species representing a Neotropical genus with 11 known species from Mexico (
Examples of newly recorded Alticinae from the current study: A Sphaeronychus OM sp. 2 B Allochroma OM sp. 1 C Deuteraltica OM sp.1 D Hypolampsis OM sp. 2 E Disonycha nigrita F Trichaltica zapotensis G New Genus H Phyllotreta aeneipennis.
View of the cloud forest environment of Sierra de Juárez mountains from the Universidad de la Sierra Juárez campus.
A view of typical Bromeliad-dominant cloud forest (many trees covered by Tillandsia usneoides (Linnaeus) (L.) Bromeliaceae) around Santa Catarina Lachatao with some of the 2010 collecting team (right to left: Jose Arturo Casasola, Atilano Contreras-Ramos, a local guide, Diana X. Munn).
Entrance to the Instituto de Biología (UNAM) where the Mexican National Insect Collection is housed.
Compactors of the Mexican National Collection (UNAM, IB).
As indicated in the Introduction and evident from Maps 1–4, Mexico is geographically positioned rather uniquely between North America and South America and with a large diversity of landscapes, climates, and microhabitats; these are reflected in its diversity of flora and fauna. The southern state of Oaxaca is an interesting reflection of this diverse Mexican geography and its habitats with its own set of special features.
The data in
The three expert field collecting trips by the author in 1991, 1997, and 2010 were of different lengths and, in the case of 1991, at somewhat different seasons. In each case at least one day was spent collecting in the general vicinity of Oaxaca City, but the 1991 and 2010 field trips overlapped considerably geographically. Therefore, the increase in recorded Alticinae diversity for Oaxaca is due to the addition of a significant number of institutional collections examined as well as the intensive 7 days of fieldwork in 2010.
As mentioned above in the Introduction several previous studies of various members of the flora and fauna have demonstrated the high levels of endemism in southern Mexico, especially in Oaxaca. Again, the current study with its increased examination of institutional collections and additional targeted field collecting demonstrated a very large increase (almost 10 times) in apparent endemic species when limited to those only recorded from the state of Oaxaca. Of course, some of this is the result of the fact that many of these species could not be determined to species; therefore, only recorded as Oaxaca, and may either be new to science or previously rarely collected and they may in fact have somewhat broader distribution outside Oaxaca. However, when endemism is extended to the states directly surrounding Oaxaca, a more conservative and probably more realistic demonstration of Oaxacan Alticinae species endemism is revealed of 55%. Of these 41% (113 species) are currently known to be restricted to the state of Oaxaca and 14% (38 species) are known from Oaxaca and the surrounding states.
As mentioned above, one of the objectives of this study is to demonstrate how a variety of research strategies provides a comprehensive account of the diversity for particular region through a combination of researching historical literature, examination of historical collections, and fieldwork. Figure 7 illustrates this on the left-hand histogram through the total results of this study of Oaxacan species and genera of Alticinae. However, to demonstrate the effectiveness of targeted expert fieldwork the middle histogram bars show the 1991 (5 days), 1997 (2 days) and 2010 fieldwork by the author combined and those on the right-hand show the Alticinae diversity captured only for the more extensive (7 day) trip in 2010. The 2010 fieldwork produced 79% of the species and 90% of the genera collected during the author’s fieldwork. However, this may also reveal something about seasonality for collecting Alticinae in Oaxaca; that is, it is best earlier in the season (July rather than August), especially because the majority of collecting in 1991 was in the Sierra de Juárez, like in 2010.
As demonstrated in Figure 9 it is interesting to review the Alticinae taxa of Oaxaca and to note how many species are represented in each genus. For 26 genera (38%) there is only a single species known, whereas there is one genus that has 24 species (9 %) and 82 species (30%) in 4 genera (6%) are represented by single genera. At this time it is not evident the exact cause of this, yet it is still of interest to see this U-shaped curve of species to genera.
Biogeographically it is not surprising that 81% of the genera of Alticinae in Oaxaca show a Neotropical affinity. Other Coleoptera groups also show a strong Neotropical affinity in Mexico overall such as for the species of Curculionidae (41%) (
In this particular study the 2010 expert fieldwork was done only in one relatively small area of this large tropical state (Oaxaca), i. e., Sierra de Juárez. Given the fact that Oaxaca has many other kinds of habitats and geography (see Maps) one would expect the actual Alticinae diversity to be significantly greater. When other areas of Oaxaca are sampled and even more research collections examined this fact will certainly be realized.
The flora and fauna of Oaxaca is truly diverse demonstrated here by the Alticinae, but the people and culture of Oaxaca is also especially diverse and endemic as can be experienced in the annual festival celebrating this cultural diversity – the Guelaguetza (Figure 15).
Guelaguetza festival, 2010, in Oaxaca City, performers of the indigenous ethnic group pictured here are from the Pinotepa Nacional people from southern Oaxaca.
I would like to thank the following persons for access to specimens: Cheryl Barr (University of California Berkeley); Charles Bellamy (California Department of Food & Agriculture, Sacramento); Shawn Clark (Brigham Young University, Provo); Lee Hermann (American Museum of Natural History, New York); Lynn Kimsey (University of California, Davis); Alexander Konstantinov (National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.); Norman Penny (California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco); Edward Riley (Texas A & M University, College Station); Sharon Shute (Natural History Museum, London); Eva Sprecher-Übersax (Naturhistorisches Museum Basel). For help with the digital photographs of specimens in Figure 10I would like to thank Karie Darrow and for help with the other figures, maps, appendix, and other technical advice I am very grateful to Floyd Shockley, both from my department. I am also grateful to Diana X. Munn from my museum for assistance during the field trip of 2010 and for the Resumen. For funding for the 2010 fieldwork in Oaxaca I thank the National Museum of Natural History’s (Smithsonian Institution) Small Grants Program.
For help and collaboration with access to the Mexican National Insect Collection (Universidad Autonóma de México, Instituto de Biología) as well as with collecting and export permits I am especially gratefull to Atilano Contreras-Ramos, Joaquin Bueno, Silvia Santiago, Santiago Zaragoza; Jose Arturo Casasola (Universidad de la Sierra Juárez, Ixtlán, Oaxaca) for various special arrangements and logistics during much of the 2010 fieldwork. And to the officials and people of Santa Catarina Lachatao a special thanks for allowing our group to work in their municipality.
List of genera and species names, species authors for Alticinae currently known from Oaxaca. Also listed in the columns are the known distribution in Mexican states outside of Oaxaca (see list below) for these standard state abbreviations), the sources for any records found by the author in various institutional collections (see Methods for abbreviations), and records from the author’s fieldwork indicated as DGF1991, DGF1997, DGF2010. OM sp.1 indicates a morphospecies name (one that cannot currently be associated with any already described species) found by the author in Oaxaca, Mexico, i.e., OM. Taxon names with a “?” afterwards have some question as to the correct determination of this species. A species with a “?” after the state acronym means that there is some question as to the certainty of the locality from that state. Author names for genera can be found in
Taxon | Distribution | Literature source | Collections source | Author fieldwork |
Acallepitrix OM sp. 1 | UCB | |||
Acanthonycha OM sp. 1 | UCB | |||
Acrocyum sallei Jacoby | OAX | |||
Alagoasa acutangula (Jacoby) | CHIS, COL, DGO, GRO, JAL, MEX, MOR, NL, OAX, VER | MCZ, USNM, UCB | ||
Alagoasa bipunctata (Chevrolat) | CHIS, DF, OAX, SLP, VER, YUC | MCZ, USNM, UCB | ||
Alagoasa ceracollis (Say) | CHIS, DGO, MOR, OAX, VER | USNM | ||
Alagoasa chevrolati (Baly) | OAX, VER, YUC | MCZ | ||
Alagoasa clypeata (Jacoby) | CHIS, DGO, HGO, MICH, OAX, TAB, VER | USNM, UCB | ||
Alagoasa decemguttatus (Fabricius) | CHIH, CHIS, COL, DGO, GRO, JAL, MEX, MOR, NAY, OAX, QROO, SON, TAB, VER | MCZ, USNM, UCB, UCD, BYU | ||
Alagoasa extrema (Harold) | MOR, OAX, TAB, VER | MCZ, USNM | ||
Alagoasa fimbriata (Forster) | GRO, MICH, MOR, OAX | MCZ, USNM | ||
Alagoasa hoegei (Jacoby) | OAX, VER | |||
Alagoasa infirma (Jacoby) | OAX, VER | |||
Alagoasa lateralis (Jacoby) | COL, GRO, JAL, MEX, MICH, MOR, NAY, OAX | MCZ, USNM | ||
Alagoasa longicollis (Jacoby) | OAX | |||
Alagoasa seriata (Baly) | GRO, MOR, OAX, PUE, VER | MCZ, NHMB, UCB | ||
Alagoasa tehuacana Bechyné | JAL, PUE | USNM, BYU, CAS, UCB | ||
Alagoasa violaceomarginata (Jacoby) | OAX | |||
Alagoasa virgata (Harold) | CHIH, CHIS, COL, DGO, GRO, JAL, MEX, MOR, NAY, PUE, OAX, SIN, SLP, TAB, VER | MCZ, USNM, NHMB | ||
Alagoasa OM sp. 1 | UCB | |||
Alagoasa OM sp. 2 | UCB, UCD | |||
Alagoasa OM sp. 3 | UCB | |||
Allochroma balyi Clark | OAX | BYU | ||
Allochroma godmani Jacoby | OAX, VER | |||
Allochroma hoegei Jacoby | DGO, OAX, VER | MCZ | ||
Allochroma semipunctatum Jacoby | OAX | |||
Allochroma OM sp. 1 | BYU | |||
Altica bimarginata (Say) | DGO, GRO, OAX, VER | MCZ | ||
Altica patruelis Harold | DF, GRO, GTO, MEX, MICH, OAX ?, PUE, TAB, VER | MCZ, USNM | ||
Altica rugicollis Jacoby | CHIH, OAX | MCZ | ||
Altica OM sp. 1 | UCB | |||
Asphaera abdominalis (Chevrolat) | AGS, CHIH, CHIS, COAH, COL, DF, DGO, GRO, GTO, HGO, JAL, MEX, MICH, MOR, NL, OAX, SIN, SLP, TAMPS, VER, ZAC | MCZ, USNM, CAS, UCB | ||
Asphaera abdominalis var. | UCB | |||
Asphaera cyanopsis Harold | DF, DGO, OAX, SLP, TAB, VER | MCZ, USNM | ||
Asphaera icteridera (Harold) | CHIS, DGO, GRO, MOR, OAX, VER | USNM | DGF 2010 | |
Asphaera mexicana (Harold) | CHIS, DGO, GRO, MICH, MOR, NAY, OAX, VER | MCZ, USNM, UCB, UCD | ||
Asphaera polita Jacoby | OAX, TAB, VER | MCZ | ||
Asphaera reichei (Harold) | CHIS, DF, OAX, SLP, VER | USNM | ||
Asphaera OM sp. 1 | AMNH | |||
Asphaera OM sp. 2 | USNM | |||
Blepharida bryanti Furth | CHIS, OAX | |||
Blepharida flavocostata Jacoby | GRO, MEX, MICH, MOR, OAX, PUE | |||
Blepharida godmani Jacoby | CHIS, OAX, VER | |||
Blepharida melanoptera (Fall) | MICH, OAX, SON | |||
Blepharida mexicana Jacoby | OAX, VER | |||
Blepharida punctatissima Jacoby | CHIS, OAX, VER | |||
Blepharida quatuordecimpunctata Jacoby | CHIS, OAX, VER | |||
Blepharida rhois (Forster) | CHIH, COAH, DGO, GRO, HGO, NL, OAX, PUE, QRO, SLP, TAMPS | |||
Blepharida trifasciata Jacoby | OAX | |||
Blepharida unami Furth | OAX, PUE | |||
Blepharida verdea Furth | GRO, MOR, OAX | |||
Cacoscelis flava Clark | OAX, TAMPS | USNM | ||
Cacoscelis varians (Jacoby) | OAX, TAB, VER | |||
Capraita conspurcata (Jacoby) | CHIS, DF, DGO, GRO, GTO, HGO, MEX, MICH, MOR, OAX, PUE, VER | MCZ, USNM | DGF 2010 | |
Capraita maculata (Harold) | CHIS, GRO, JAL, MEX, MOR, OAX, VER, YUC | MCZ | ||
Centralaphthona fulvipennis ? Jacoby | VER ? | MCZ, UCB | ||
Centralaphthona mexicana Jacoby | COAH, DGO, GRO | MCZ: BYU | ||
Centralaphthona obscuripennis (Jacoby) | GRO, MOR | USNM, CAS | DGF 1991, DGF 2010 | |
Centralaphthona semipuncata Jacoby | JAL, VER | MCZ, UCB | DGF 1991 | |
Chaetocnema balyi Jacoby | COAH, DF | MCZ, CAS, CDFA, BYU, UCB | ||
Chaetocnema capitata Jacoby | DGO, GTO | MCZ | DGF 2010, DGF 1991 | |
Chaetocnema cephalotes Jacoby | PUE, SIN | NHMB, AMNH, UCB | ||
Chaetocnema confinis Crotch | DF | USNM, BYU, CDFA | ||
Chaetocnema fulvicornis Jacoby | DGO, GRO, GTO | DGF 2010 | ||
Chaetocnema fulvilabris Jacoby | GRO, MOR, VER | UCB, USNM | ||
Chaetocnema minuta Melsheimer | CAS, UCB | DGF 2010 | ||
Chaetocnema OM sp. 1 | DGF 2010 | |||
Chaetocnema OM sp. 2 | BYU | |||
Chaetocnema OM sp. 3 | DGF 2010 | |||
Chaetocnema OM sp. 4 | BYU | |||
Chrysogramma septempunctata Jacoby | DGO, MOR, OAX, PUE | USNM | ||
Chrysogramma trifasciata Jacoby | OAX | |||
Cyrsylus recticollis Jacoby | CHIS, TAB, VER | USNM, TAMU | ||
Deuteraltica longicornis (Jacoby) | CHIS | USNM, TAMU | ||
Deuteraltica OM sp. 1 | TAMU | |||
Dibolia championi Jacoby | OAX, VER | USNM | ||
Dinaltica OM sp. 1 | BYU | |||
Dinaltica OM sp. 2 | USNM | |||
Dinaltica OM sp. 3 | BYU | DGF 2010 | ||
Dinaltica OM sp. 4 | DGF 2010 | |||
Diphaltica nitida (Jacoby) | CHIS, DF, DGO, MICH, OAX, TAB, VER | MCZ, USNM | ||
Diphaltica OM sp. 1 | CAS | |||
Diphaulaca aulica (Olivier) | UCB | DGF 1997 | ||
Diphaulaca aulica cordobae Barber | CHIS, GRO, GTO, HGO, JAL, MEX, MICH, MOR, NAY, OAX, PUE, QROO, SLP?, TAB, TAMPS, VER, YUC | MCZ, USNM, BYU, UCB | ||
Diphaulaca wagneri Harold | CHIS, GRO, OAX, YUC | NHMB | DGF 2010 | |
Disonycha discoidea abbreviata Melsheimer | DGO, MEX, MOR, OAX | MCZ | ||
Disonycha antennata Jacoby | COL, DGO, GRO, JAL, MEX, MICH, MOR, OAX, VER | USNM | ||
Disonycha brevilineata Jacoby | DGO, GRO, JAL, MOR, OAX | MCZ, CAS | ||
Disonycha brunneofasciata Jacoby | GRO, PUE, SLP | USNM, UCB | ||
Disonycha caroliniana (Fabricius) | DGO, NL, OAX, SIN, VER | USNM | ||
Disonycha collata (Fabricius) |
Disonycha dorsata Harold | MOR, OAX, TAB, VER, YUC | MCZ, USNM, BYU | ||
Disonycha figurata Jacoby | AGS, CHIH, CHIS, COAH, COL, DF, DGO, GRO, GTO, JAL, MEX, MICH, MOR, NAY, OAX, SIN, TAB, VER, YUC | MCZ, USNM, NHMB, UCB | ||
Disonycha fumata fumata LeConte | BC, CHIH, CHIS, DGO, GRO, HGO, JAL, MEX, MICH, MOR, NL, OAX, PUE, SLP, SON, TAB, VER, ZAC | USNM | ||
Disonycha glabrata (Fabricius) | BC, BCS, CAMP, CHIS, COL, DGO, GRO, JAL, MOR, NAY, OAX, PUE, SIN, SON, TAB, TAMPS, YUC, VER | MCZ, USNM, CAS, UCB, UCD | DGF 2010 | |
Disonycha guatemalensis Jacoby | CHIS, GRO, MOR, OAX, VER? | USNM | DGF 2010 | |
Disonycha hoegei Jacoby | VER, OAX | |||
Disonycha leptolineata texana Schaeffer | DGO, GRO, JAL, MOR, NL, OAX, QROO, TAMPS, YUC | USNM, CAS | ||
Disonycha maculipes Jacoby | CHIS, VER | USNM, AMNH, CAS, UCB | ||
Disonycha militaris Jacoby | TAB, VER, YUC | USNM, UCB | ||
Disonycha nigrita Jacoby | UCB | DGF 2010 | ||
Disonycha pluriligata LeConte | BC, CHIH, DGO, JAL, NAY, SIN, SLP, SON, VER | MCZ, UCB | ||
Disonycha politula Horn | AGS, CAMP, CHIH, DF, DGO, GRO, GTO, HGO, JAL, MEX, MOR, OAX, PUE, QRO, SLP, SON, TAMPS, VER, ZAC | MCZ, USNM | ||
Disonycha quinquelineata (Latreille) | CHIS, COL, GRO, OAX, QROO, TAB, TAMPS, VER | MCZ, USNM | ||
Disonycha scriptipennis (Jacoby) | CHIS, COL, DGO, GRO, MOR, NAY, OAX, YUC | USNM, NHMB | ||
Disonycha subaenea Jacoby | DGO, GRO, MOR, OAX | MCZ, USNM | ||
Disonycha teapensis Blake | OAX, SLP, TAB | NHMB | ||
Disonycha OM sp. 1 | CDFA | |||
Distigmoptera suturalis (Jacoby) | GRO, OAX | NHMB | ||
Dysphenges OM sp. 1 | DGF 2010 | |||
Egleraltica OM sp. 1 | BYU, UCB | |||
Epitrix cucumeris (Harris) | DGO, GRO, MOR, PUE, VER | MCZ, USNM, ZSMC, CDFA, UCB | DGF 1991, DGF 2010 | |
Epitrix fasciata Blatchley | CHIH, DGO, NL, TAMPS | USNM | DGF 2010 | |
Epitrix robusta Jacoby | GRO | DGF 2010, DGF 1997 | ||
Epitrix rufula Weise | DF, GRO, MOR | USNM, UCB | DGF 2010 | |
Epitrix OM sp.1 | UCB | |||
Epitrix OM sp.2 | DGF 2010 | |||
Epitrix OM sp.3 | CDFA | DGF 2010 | ||
Epitrix OM sp.4 | DGF 2010 | |||
Genaphthona transversicollis (Jacoby) | CHIS, JAL, OAX, PUE | USNM, BYU, CDFA, UCB | DGF 1997 | |
Glenidion flexicaulis Schaeffer | TAMPS, YUC | USNM, TAMU | ||
Glyptina nivialis Horn | MOR | USNM | DGF 2010 | |
Heikertingerella OM sp. 1 | DGF 2010 | |||
Heikertingerella OM sp. 2 | BYU | |||
Heikertingerella OM sp. 3 | UCB | |||
Heikertingerella OM sp. 4 | UCB | |||
Hemiphyrnus elongatus Jacoby | OAX, TLAX, VER | |||
Hemiphyrnus sulcatipennis (Jacoby) | GRO, MEX, OAX | NHMB, BMNH | ||
Hemiphyrnus sydneyae Gilbert & Andrews | BYU | |||
Hemiphyrnus tenuicornis Jacoby | HGO, OAX | MCZ | ||
Hypolampsis OM sp. 1 | UCB | |||
Hypolampsis OM sp. 2 | BYU, USNM | |||
Hypolampsis OM sp. 3 | BYU | |||
Hypolampsis OM sp. 4 | BYU | |||
Hypolampsis OM sp. 5 | USNM | |||
Iphitroides nigrocinctus Jacoby | GRO | CAS | ||
Kuschelina laeta (Perbosc) | TAMPS, VER | MCZ, USNM, UCB | ||
Kuschelina modesta (Jacoby) | CHIH, CHIS, DF, DGO, GRO, GTO, HGO, MEX, MOR, OAX, PUE, SLP, TLAX, VER | MCZ, USNM | DGF 2010 | |
Leptophysa hirtipennis (Jacoby) | OAX, VER | USNM | ||
Longitarsus columbicus ? Harold | GRO | MCZ | DGF 2010 | |
Longitarsus mexicanus Csiki | DF, DGO, GRO, GTO, HGO, MEX, MICH, MOR, PUE | MCZ, NHMB, USNM, UCB | DGF 1997 | |
Longitarsus varicornis Suffrian | TAB, VER | UCB | ||
Longitarsus OM sp. 1 | BYU | |||
Longitarsus OM sp. 2 | UCB | DGF 1997 | ||
Longitarsus OM sp. 3 | CAS | |||
Longitarsus OM sp. 4 | UCB | |||
Longitarsus OM sp. 5 | UCB | |||
Longitarsus OM sp. 6 | USNM | |||
Luperaltica longicornis (Jacoby) | CHIS, COL?, MOR?, OAX? | USNM | ||
Luperaltica sylvia (Bechyne & Bechyne) | USNM, UCB | DGF 1997, DGF 2010 | ||
Luperaltica viridipennis (Jacoby) | OAX | |||
Luperaltica OM sp. 1 | USNM | |||
Luperaltica OM sp. 2 | BYU | |||
Luperaltica OM sp. 3 | BYU, USNM | |||
Luperaltica OM sp. 4 | BYU | |||
Lupraea frontalis (Jacoby) | OAX | USNM | ||
Lupraea fulvicollis ? Jacoby | VER | MCZ | DGF 2010 | |
Lupraea guatemalensis (Jacoby) | CHIS, GRO, MOR, VER | BYU, CDFA, USNM, UCB | ||
Lupraea semifulva (Jacoby) | CHIS, OAX | USNM | ||
Lupraea smithi (Jacoby) | GRO, MOR | USNM | DGF 2010 | |
Lupraea OM sp. 1 | BYU | |||
Lupraea OM sp. 2 | UCB | |||
Lupraea OM sp. 3 | UCD | |||
Lysathia jacobyi (Csiki) | DF, GTO, OAX, TAB, ZAC | USNM | ||
Lysathia occidentalis (Suffrian) | YUC | ZSMC, UCB | ||
Macrohaltica patruelis (Harold) | DF, DGO, GTO, MEX, MICH, MOR, OAX, PUE, VER | USNM | ||
Macrohaltica OM sp. 1 | UCB | |||
Margaridisa managua ? (Bechyné) | DGO, SLP | USNM | DGF 2010 | |
Monomacra cupreata (Jacoby) | OAX | |||
Monomacra hoegei (Jacoby) | OAX, VER | |||
Monomacra mexicana (Jacoby) | OAX, VER | |||
Monomacra tibialis (Olivier) | OAX | USNM | ||
Monomacra violacea (Jacoby) | CHIS, VER | USNM, BYU, CAS, UCB | DGF 2010 | |
Monomacra OM sp. 1 | UCB | |||
Monomacra OM sp. 2 | USNM | |||
Neothona sp. | JAL, MICH, OAX, VER | USNM | ||
Neothona OM sp. 1 | DGF 2010 | |||
Neothona OM sp. 2 | USNM, UCB | |||
Nesaecrepida infuscata (Schaeffer) | CAMP, COL, GRO, JAL, MICH, OAX, TAB, TAMPS, VER | USNM, ZSMC, UCB | ||
Notozona histrionica Baly | OAX, VER | MCZ | ||
Omophoita aequinoctialis aequinoctialis (Linnaeus) | CHIS, HGO, MICH, OAX, QROO, SLP, TAB, TAMPS, VER | USNM, AMNH, BMNH, UCB, UCD | ||
Omophoita cinctipennis (Chevrolat) | JAL, OAX, PUE, SLP, VER | USNM | ||
Omophoita octomaculata (Crotch) | OAX, TAB, TAMPS, VER | ZSMC | ||
Omophoita quadrinotata centraliamericana Bechyné | OAX, TAB, VER | USNM, BMNH | ||
Omophoita recticollis (Baly) | CHIS, HGO, OAX, TAB, TAMPS, VER | USNM | ||
Palaeothona chiriquiensis Jacoby | DGF 2010 | |||
Palaeothona rubroviridis Blake | DGO | DGF 2010 | ||
Palaeothona rugifrons (Jacoby) | VER | BYU, UCB, USNM | ||
Palaeothona OM sp. 1 | CDFA | |||
Palaeothona OM sp. 2 | USNM | |||
Palaeothona OM sp. 3 | BYU | |||
Palaeothona OM sp. 4 | BYU | |||
Palaeothona OM sp. 5 | UCB | |||
Palaeothona OM sp. 6 | BYU, CDFA | |||
Pedilia inornata (Jacoby) | OAX, VER | |||
Phrynocepha capitata Jacoby | CHIS?, GRO, JAL, OAX, TAB? | USNM, UCB | ||
Phrynocepha deyrollei Baly | AGS, CHIH, DGO, GRO, GTO, MICH, MOR, OAX, PUE, SLP ? | USNM, UCB | DGF 2010 | |
Phrynocepha pulchella Baly | CHIS, COL, DGO, GTO, JAL, MICH, MOR, OAX, VER | USNM, NHMB | ||
Phydanis bicolor Horn | OAX, TAMPS | USNM | ||
Phydanis nigriventris Jacoby | GRO, OAX, SLP, SON | USNM | DGF 2010 | |
Phyllotreta aeneicollis Crotch | DGF 1997, DGF 2010 | |||
Phyllotreta pusilla Horn | AGS, BC?, CHIH, DF, DGO, HGO, MOR, OAX, ZAC | USNM | DGF 1997 | |
Phyllotreta OM sp. 1 | DGF 2010 | |||
Phyllotreta OM sp. 2 | UCB | |||
Physimerus scabrosus (Clark) | DGO, OAX, VER | MCZ | ||
Physimerus OM sp. 1 | CAS | |||
Platiprosopus pallens (Fabricius) | GRO, HGO, MOR, OAX, PUE, VER | USNM | ||
Plectrotetra clarki Baly | DF, DGO, HGO, MOR, OAX, PUE, SIN, SLP, TAMPS, VER | MCZ, USNM | ||
Plectrotetra guatemalensis Jacoby | MOR | BMNH | ||
Plectrotetra inaequalis Jacoby | OAX, TAMPS, VER | USNM | ||
Plectrotetra multipunctata Jacoby | DGO?, MEX, MOR, OAX, VER | MCZ, USNM | ||
Plectrotetra submetallica Jacoby | OAX, VER | |||
Prasona viridis Baly | VER | USNM | ||
Prasona OM sp. 1 | BYU, USNM | |||
Propiasus fulvus (Jacoby) | GRO | USNM | ||
Pseudorthygia nigritarsis Jacoby | GRO, OAX, TAMPS | USNM | DGF 2010 | |
Psylliodes convexior LeConte | BCS | DGF 1997 | ||
Resistenciana ornata (Jacoby) | PUE, VER | MCZ, BYU, USNM | ||
Rhinotmetus modestus Jacoby | GRO, MOR | MCZ | DGF 1991 | |
Rhinotmetus OM sp. 1 | BYU | |||
Rhinotmetus OM sp. 2 | DGF 1991 | |||
Rhinotmetus OM sp. 3 | DGF 1991 | |||
Scelidopsis rufofemorata Jacoby | TAMPS, VER | USNM, CAS | ||
Sphaeronychus OM sp. 1 | BYU | |||
Sphaeronychus OM sp. 2 | BYU, UCB, USNM | |||
Stegnea OM sp. 1 | TAMU | |||
Strabala rotunda Blake | CHIS, COL, DF, GRO, JAL, NAY, NL, SLP, TAMPS, VER, YUC | USNM, NHMB, ZSMC, UCB | ||
Strabala rufa Illiger | CHIS, COL, DGO, GRO, OAX, PUE, TAB, VER | |||
Syphrea burgessi (Crotch) | MOR, OAX, TAMPS | USNM | ||
Syphrea cyaneipennis (Jacoby) | GRO, HGO, JAL, SLP, TAB, TAMPS | USNM, BYU, CDFA | ||
Syphrea flavicollis (Jacoby) | BCS, GRO, GTO, JAL, MOR, OAX, PUE | MCZ, USNM | ||
Syphrea parvula (Jacoby) | JAL, TAB, VER, YUC | USNM, BYU, UCB | ||
Syphrea smithi (Jacoby) | OAX, TAB, TAMPS | USNM | ||
Syphrea sublaevipennis (Jacoby) | OAX, VER | MCZ | ||
Syphrea teapensis (Jacoby) | OAX, SLP, TAB, VER | USNM | ||
Syphrea OM sp. 1 | BYU | DGF 2010 | ||
Syphrea OM sp. 2 | BYU | |||
Syphrea OM sp. 3 | CAS | |||
Syphrea OM sp. 4 | BYU | |||
Syphrea OM sp. 5 | BYU | |||
Syphrea OM sp. 6 | DGF 2010 | |||
Syphrea OM sp. 7 | USNM | |||
Syphrea OM sp. 8 | BYU | |||
Syphrea OM sp. 9 | TAMU, USNM | |||
Systena abbreviata Jacoby | PUE | CDFA | ||
Systena blanda Melsheimer | BC?, CHIH, JAL, MICH, NL, SIN, SLP?, SON, TAB, VER | USNM, UCB | ||
Systena championi Jacoby | GRO, MOR, OAX, VER | USNM | ||
Systena contigua Jacoby | CHIS, GRO, GTO, HGO, OAX, SON?, TAMPS, VER?, ZAC | USNM, CDFA, UCB | DGF 2010 | |
Systena gracilenta Blake | NL | DGF 2010 | ||
Systena nigroplagiata Jacoby | AGS, CHIH, DF, DGO, GTO, GRO, JAL, MICH, MOR, OAX, PUE, VER | MCZ, USNM | DGF 2010 | |
Systena pectoralis Clark | CHIS, GTO, OAX, VER | MCZ | ||
Systena puncticollis Jacoby | OAX | |||
Systena s-littera (Linnaeus) | CHIS, GTO, TAB, VER | MCZ, USNM, UCB | ||
Systena semivittata Jacoby | BCS, GRO, GTO, HGO, MEX, MOR, NL, OAX, SIN | MCZ, USNM, NHMB | DGF 2010 | |
Systena subcostata Jacoby | MICH, MOR, VER | USNM, CDFA, UCB | DGF 2010 | |
Systena sulphurea Jacoby | CHIH, DGO, GRO, MOR, OAX | MCZ, USNM, BYU | DGF 1997 | |
Systena thoracica Jacoby | CAMP, HGO, PUE, QROO, TAB, VER | MCZ, USNM, UCB | ||
Systena variabilis Jacoby | CHIH, CHIS, COL, DGO, GRO, GTO, MICH, MOR, NAY, OAX, VER | MCZ, USNM, ZSMC, UCB | ||
Systena OM sp. 1 | UCB | DGF 2010 | ||
Systena OM sp. 2 | DGF 2010 | |||
Systena OM sp. 3 | UCB | |||
Systena OM sp. 4 | UCB | |||
Systena OM sp. 5 | UCB | |||
Systena OM sp. 6 | UCB, USNM | |||
Systena OM sp. 7 | UCB | |||
Systena OM sp. 8 | UCB | |||
Systena OM sp. 9 | BYU | |||
Systena OM sp. 10 | UCB | |||
Trichaltica zapotensis (Jacoby) | BYU, CDFA, TAMU, UCB, USNM | |||
Trichaltica OM sp. 1 | CDFA, TAMU | DGF 2010 | ||
Walterianella inscripta (Jacoby) | OAX, SLP, VER | MCZ, USNM | ||
Walterianella sublineata (Jacoby) | OAX, TAB, VER, YUC | MCZ, USNM, UCD | ||
Walterianella OM sp. 1 | UCB | |||
New Genus A ? OM sp. 1 | USNM | |||
New Genus B ? OM sp. 1 | UCB |
Mexican States (Abbreviations):
Aguascalientes (AGS); Baja California (BC); Baja California Sur (BCS); Campeche (CAMP); Chiapas (CHIS); Chihuahua (CHIH); Coahuila (COAH); Colima (COL); Distrito Federal (DF); Durango (DGO); Guanahuato (GTO); Guerrero (GRO); Hidalgo (HGO); Jalisco (JAL); Mexico (MEX); Michoacan (MICH); Morelos (MOR); Nayarit (NAY); Nuevo Leon (NL); Oaxaca (OAX); Puebla (PUE); Queretaro (QRO); Quintana Roo (QROO); San Luis Potosi (SLP); Sinaloa (SIN); Sonora (SON); Tabasco (TAB); Tamaulipas (TAMPS); Tlaxcala (TLAX); Veracruz (VER); Yucatan (YUC); Zacatecas (ZAC).
1 Contribution to the 8th International Symposium on the Chrysomelidae, held August 23, 2012, in Daegu, South Korea