Research Article |
Corresponding author: Adrienne Jochum ( ) Academic editor: Thierry Backeljau
© 2018 Adrienne Jochum, Bernhard Ruthensteiner, Marian Kampschulte, Gunhild Martels, Jeannette Kneubühler, Adrien Favre.
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Jochum A, Ruthensteiner B, Kampschulte M, Martels G, Kneubühler J, Favre A (2018) Fulfilling the taxonomic consequence after DNA Barcoding: Carychium panamaense sp. n. (Eupulmonata, Ellobioidea, Carychiidae) from Panama is described using computed tomographic (CT) imaging. ZooKeys 795: 1-12.
Five years ago, the Panamanian evolutionary lineage (EL) C12 was uncovered along with four other ELs in an integrative phylogenetic investigation of worldwide Carychiidae. Since EL C12 lacked shell material post-molecular analysis to serve as a museum voucher, it remained undescribed. Now, after recent collection efforts of C12 and the congener, Carychium zarzaae Jochum & Weigand, 2017 at their original Panamanian sites, C12 is morphologically described and formally assigned the name, Carychium panamaense Jochum, sp. n. In sync with recent taxonomic treatment of the genus, computed tomography (CT) is used in this work to differentiate shells of C. panamaense sp. n. from geographically-proximal, Caribbean, North and Central American congeners. Recent material of topotypic Carychium jardineanum (Chitty, 1853) and undamaged C. zarzaae were additionally CT-scanned and assessed in the comparative analyses.
Hace cinco años, el linaje evolutivo (LE) panameño C12 fue descubierto junto con otros cuatro LEs en un estudio filogenético integrativo mundial de Carychiidae. El LE C12 permaneció sin ser descrito dado que, después de los análisis moleculares, no había conchas disponibles que sirvieran como material de referencia en museos.
Ahora, después de esfuerzos recientes para colectar C12 y el congénere, Carychium zarzaae Jochum & Weigand, 2017 en los sitios panameños originales, C12 es descrito morfológicamente y se le asigna formalmente un nombre, Carychium panamaense Jochum, sp. n. De acuerdo con el tratamiento taxonómico reciente del género, en este trabajo se emplea tomografía computarizada (TC) para diferenciar conchas de C. panamaense sp. n. de congéneres geográficamente cercanos del Caribe, Norte y Centro América. Además, en el análisis comparativo se escaneó con TC y se examinó material reciente del topotípico Carychium jardineanum (Chitty, 1853) y C. zarzaae en buen estado.
microgastropoda, museum voucher, tropical ecology, conservation, Panamanian snails, Central America
In an integrative phylogenetic investigation of worldwide Carychiidae,
Map indicating type localities of the two Panamanian Carychium species, C. panamaense sp. n. and C. zarzaae Jochum & Weigand, 2017 and of the Jamaican allied species, C. jardineanum (Chitty, 1853). The grayscale indicates the local mean elevation. Map downloaded from WORLDCLIM (
Carychium panamaense sp. n. was collected by A. Favre under the permit Ref. Nr. SE/PH-4-18 issued by the Ministerio de Ambiente, Balboa, Ancón, Panama.
Shell measurements include the shell width (sw), shell height (sh), aperture width (aw) and aperture height (ah) expressed in mm (Table
Qualitative aspects of shell morphology include peristome shape; whorl profile (whorl convexity); teleoconch sculpture; development of apertural dentition visible in frontal view; development of the columellar lamella as discernable in the CT images of the ventral, dorsal, side-left and side-right perspectives of the C. panamaense sp. n. adult shell.
Material is housed in the following collections:
AJC Adrienne Jochum Collection: formerly Institute of Ecology, Evolution & Diversity, Phylogeny & Systematics Collection, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Measurement data of Carychium panamaense sp. n., N=7. Abbreviations: sw – shell width, sh – shell height, aw – aperture width, ah – aperture height. All measurements in millimeters (mm).
Carychium specimen | Museum No. | Sample | sw | sh | aw | ah |
C. panamaense sp. n. holotype |
1 | 0,91 | 2,12 | 0,70 | 0,80 |
C. panamaense sp. n. paratype |
1 | 0,84 | NA | 0,64 | 0,77 |
C. panamaense sp. n. paratype |
2 | 0,76 | NA | 0,60 | 0,71 |
C. panamaense sp. n. paratype (damaged) |
3 | NA | NA | NA | NA |
C. panamaense sp. n. paratype, EtOH |
1 | 0,93 | 2,03 | 0,68 | 0,73 |
C. panamaense sp. n. paratype, EtOH |
2 | 0,91 | 1,98 | 0,69 | 0,77 |
C. panamaense sp. n. paratype, EtOH |
3 | 0,97 | 2,09 | 0,74 | 0,83 |
Mean C. panamaense | 0,89 | 2,06 | 0,67 | 0,77 |
Digital images: Carychium panamaense sp. n. (Figs
Micro-CT: The two Panamanian species, C. panamaense sp. n. (Fig.
A–J Carychium panamaense sp. n. holotype (
Comparative material (
Carychium panamaense : Weigand et al., 2013: 3, fig. 1 48|C12; Seq. ID: BARCA142-12, BARCA143-12, BARCA144-12
Holotype (
Paratypes: locus typicus 3 damaged shells (
Shell ca. 2 mm in height, transparent, elongate-pupiform with an oblique, ovate-shaped and unequally thickened peristome, with a palatal callus, pronounced parieto-columellar callus and a prominent parietal denticle. Internal coiling of the lamella about the columellar spindle is wide rather than tight.
Measurements are provided in Table
Internally, a widely spiraling, sinuous lamella starts at the top of the penultimate whorl (dorsal perspective) (Fig.
Differs from congeners presented in
DNA barcode data can clearly delineate Carychium panamaense sp. n. from all other North American, Caribbean and Central American taxa (
The new species is named after Panama, the Central American country of origin.
Only known from the type locality along the short distance, Retoño trail, ca. 50 m before the first river crossing, Parque International La Amistad, Chiriquí Prov., Panama.
In moist broadleaf forest litter and twigs (Quercus and Lauraceae) at the base of trees and palm trees in secondary tropical rainforest (Fig.
In the flat area of the Retoño trail, where water accumulates under trees during rainfall, live Carychium panamaense sp. n. was found in relative abundance, suggesting that it has optimum ecological conditions to survive there. Carychium panamaense sp. n. is only known from Parque International La Amistad, Chiriquí, Panama, a Bi-National Biosphere Reserve (RBA) located between Panama and Costa Rica and designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Despite its being found in a Biosphere Reserve, on a global scale, its current distribution may well be limited to the immediate area of Retoño trail. In conjunction with the Guidelines for the IUCN Red List (IUCN Standards and petitions Subcommittee 2014), it is considered a Critically Endangered narrow range endemic (CR B1) and as such, warrants immediate conservation priority.
The type locality of the first recorded species of Carychium in Panama, C. zarzaae (Boquete), is approximately 97 km southeast of the type locality of C. panamaense sp. n. near the Las Nubes Ranger Station (Chiriquí). From the site of its closest known Central American relative, C. costaricanum (San Gerardo de Dota, San José, Costa Rica) (
We are very grateful to Tina Hoffmann (Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, Panama), Meike Piepenbring (Goethe-University, Frankfurt/M., Germany) and the Ministerio de Ambiente (Chiriquí, Panama) for their kind and expedient help in issuing us the collection permit for Panama. We thank Thomas Inäbnit (Naturhistorisches Museum der Burgergemeinde Bern, Bern, Switzerland (