Research Article |
Corresponding author: Alessandro Ponce De Leão Giupponi ( ) Academic editor: Chris Hamilton
© 2018 Denis Rafael Pedroso, Alessandro Ponce De Leão Giupponi, Renner Luiz Cerqueira Baptista.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Pedroso DR, Giupponi APL, Baptista RLC (2018) Comments on the genus Diplura C. L. Koch, 1850, with description of two new species (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Dipluridae). ZooKeys 771: 57-71.
Two new species of Diplura C. L. Koch 1850 are described from Brazil: Diplura mapinguari sp. n., from the state of Rondônia in southeastern Amazonia, northern Brazil, and Diplura rodrigoi sp. n., known from southeastern and central west regions of Brazil. Diplura rodrigoi sp. n. is morphologically similar to D. lineata (Lucas, 1857), D. sanguinea (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1896), and D. mapinguari sp. n. Comments on diagnostic characters of Diplura are included. The synonymy of D. maculata (Mello-Leitão, 1927) with D. catharinensis (Mello-Leitão, 1923) is corroborated. A classification of color pattern of the dorsum of the abdomen is given.
Amazonia, Atlantic Forest, biodiversity, Diplurinae , Neotropical
Diplura C. L. Koch, 1850 is a Neotropical mygalomorph genus currently including 17 species distributed from Panama to Argentina (
Herein we describe two new species of Diplura, one from the state of Rondônia, southeastern Amazonia, northern Brazil, and the other from southeastern and central west Brazil, both based on male and female specimens.
The description of color pattern is based on specimens preserved in 75% ethanol. Information and photos of living animals were included, when available. Observations, photographs and measurements were made with a Leica DFC295 camera attached to a Leica M205C stereoscopic microscope. All photos were edited in the Photoshop CS5 software and plates were prepared with CorelDraw X7 software. Measurements are given in millimeters, unless otherwise noted. Scale bars represent 1 mm, unless otherwise noted. Body length was measured from the anterior margin of the chelicerae to the posterior border of the abdomen, without spinnerets. Carapace length was measured from anterior margin of the clypeus to the posterior border. Each article of the pedipalp and legs was measured in retrolateral view, from the basal condylus to the distal one. The receptaculum seminis (spermathecae) was examined through dissection of the genital region of the females, cleaned, and immersed in clove oil for clearing. Geographical coordinates were obtained from
Abbreviations. Institutions (and curators):
CAVAISC Coleção de Artrópodes Vetores Ápteros de Importância em Saúde das Comunidades, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (M. Amorim);
IBSP Instituto Butantan, São Paulo, Brazil (A. Brescovit);
MCN Museu de Ciências Naturais, Fundação Zoobotânica, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (R. Ott);
MCTP Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (R. Teixeira);
MNRJ Museu Nacional, Universidade do Brasil/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (A. Kury);
MZSP Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (R. Pinto-da-Rocha), Brazil;
UFRJ Laboratório de Diversidade de Aracnídeos, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade do Brasil/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (R. Baptista);
UNB Universidade de Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil (P. Mota).
ALE anterior lateral eyes;
AME anterior median eyes;
ITC inferior (unpaired) tarsal claws;
PLE posterior lateral eyes;
PLS posterior lateral spinnerets;
PME posterior median eyes;
PMS posterior median spinnerets;
STC superior (paired) tarsal claws.
ap apical;
p prolateral;
pld prolaterodorsal;
plv prolateroventral;
r retrolateral;
rld retrolaterodorsal;
rlv retrolateroventral;
v ventral.
Holotype: BraZil: RONDÔNIA: Porto Velho, Parque Natural Municipal de Porto Velho, [no date], [no collector] (♂, MNRJ 04414). Paratypes: BRAZIL: RONDÔNIA: Guajará-Mirim, 18.i.2001, Eq. Butantan (♀, IBSP 12336); Porto Velho: Mutum, transecto 5, parcela 400m, 18.xi.2011, Candiani, D. (juvenile, MZSP 44043); Mutum, transecto 7, parcela 650m, 18.iv.2012, Indicatti, R. (juvenile, MZSP 47085); UHE Samuel, Reserva, 17–21.viii.1992, Pontes, G. (juvenile, MCTP 02217).
Etymology: The specific name is taken from the folklore of Amazonian Indian tribes. “Mapinguari” is a magical creature, a huge long-haired animal, with long arms and large claws.
Diplura mapinguari sp. n. shares the same oblique continuous light stripes on the dorsum of the abdomen with other species (D. lineata, D. sanguinea, and D. rodrigoi sp. n.), but differs by having the stripes unequally spaced. The three median stripes of D. mapinguari sp. n are wider, almost touching each other near the middle and merging with the ventral light background (Fig.
Diplura mapinguari sp. n. Juvenile: 1 habitus dorsal (Porto Velho-RO, photo R. Indicatti). Male: left leg I 2 tibial spur, retrolateral 3 tibial spur and metatarsal clasper, ventral 4 left palp, retrolateral; left bulb 5 retrolateral 6 prolateral 7 ventral 8 dorsal 9 maxilla with lyra. Female: 10 receptaculum seminis (dorsal).
Male (holotype, MNRJ 04414): Measurements: Body length 18.2; carapace length 8.8, carapace width 7.6; abdomen length 7.5, abdomen width 3.7. Leg formula 4123, total length: I 36.2, II 31.0, III 30.2, IV 38.7. Carapace: Clypeus tiny, with anterior margin bearing five thick setae, elongated and turned forward. Eye tubercle without thick setae at anterior margin, but with two thick setal insertions and many thin, common setae between the posterior eyes. AME separated from each other by 1/2 their diameter and almost as large as ALE. ALE much longer than wide, just a bit longer than AME. PME oval, around 1/2 the diameter of the AME. PLE longer than wide, a bit smaller than AME. PME and PLE contiguous. Anterior and posterior eye rows slightly recurved and with similar width. Chelicera with eleven promarginal teeth. Plectrum with seven thick and elongated setae. Sigillae ellyptical. Maxillae with 17–25 digitiform cuspules. Lyra (Fig.
Measurements: Body length 28.1; carapace length 11.3, carapace 9.2; abdomen length 12.3, abdomen width 8.7. Leg formula 4123, total length: I 37.3, II 34.7, III 35.2, IV 44.8. Females resemble males, except by the following characteristics. Carapace: Clypeus length around 1/2 the diameter of AME, with anterior margin bearing four thick setae, elongated, and turned forward. Eye tubercle with three elongated setae at anterior margin and five setae between the posterior eyes. Chelicerae with 12 promarginal teeth. Maxilae with 26 cuspules. Lyra with 13 elongated setae, slightly curved medially. Genitalia: Receptaculum seminis (Fig.
Carapace reddish brown, with thoracic sulci a bit darker. Eye region black. In live juveniles, the carapace presents an almost black color and the colors of all body parts are more vivid (Fig.
Known only from Porto Velho and Guajará-Mirim, Rondônia state, Amazon area, northern Brazil (Fig.
Holotype: BRAZIL: RIO DE JANEIRO: Casimiro de Abreu: BR-101, xii.2010, Equipe Herpetologia(♂, MNRJ 7620, ex. UFRJ 0920). Paratypes: BRAZIL: RIO DE JANEIRO: Campos dos Goytacazes: Mata do Mergulhão, 10.iii-05.iv.2004, Teixeira, C. L. (8♂, MCN/FZBRS 43436); Mata do Mergulhão, 10.iii-05.iv.2004, Teixeira, C. L. (8♂, MCN/FZBRS 43437); Casimiro de Abreu: BR-101, xii.2010, Equipe Herpetologia (♂, UFRJ 0920); Barra de São João, Morro de São João, 21–24.iii.2003, Exp. Arachné (♂, MNRJ 4344); Macaé: Terminal Cabiúnas, 25–30.iii.2010, Baptista, R. et al. (♂, MNRJ 4539); 21–26.ii.2013, Pedroso, D. R. and Miranda, G. (♂, UFRJ MAC 3617); 19–24.ii.2016, Pedroso, D. R. and Villarreal, O. (♂, CAVAISC, ex. UFRJ); 19–24.ii.2016, Pedroso, D. R. and Villarreal, O. (♂, CAVAISC, ex. UFRJ); Mendes: Colégio Marista São João das Paineiras, v.2008, Baptista, R. (♀, UFRJ 0102); Rio de Janeiro: Parque Nacional da Tijuca, Bom Retiro, v.2016, Pedroso, D. R. and Baptista, R. L. C. (♂, UFRJ 1360); vi.2016, Pedroso, D. R. and Baptista, R. L. C. (♂, MNRJ 7620, ex. UFRJ 1361).
This species is named after the biologist, Rodrigo de Cerqueira da Costa, who first directed Denis Pedroso and Alessandro Giupponi in their studies of zoology.
Diplura rodrigoi sp. n. differs from other species displaying several oblique continuous light stripes on the dorsum of the abdomen (D. lineata, D. sanguinea, and Diplura mapinguari sp. n.) by its very characteristic stripe pattern. Its elongated oblique stripes are very thin near the median line of the dorsum but continuously widening and approaching each other towards the venter, where they merge in the light background (Fig.
Diplura rodrigoi sp. n. Juvenile: 11 habitus dorsal (Porto Velho-RO, photo R. Indicatti). Male: left leg I 12 tibial spur, retrolateral 13 tibial spur and metatarsal clasper, ventral 14 left palp, retrolateral; left bulb 15 retrolateral 16 prolateral 17 ventral 18 dorsal 19 maxilla with lyra. Female: 20 receptaculum seminis (dorsal).
Male (Holotype, MNRJ 7620): Measurements: Body length 20.0; carapace length 8.7, width 7.2. Abdomen length 8.3, width 4.8. Leg formula 4123, length: I 33.3, II 30.6, III 27.4, IV 35.0. Carapace: Clypeus about 40% the diameter of AME, partially covered by eye tubercle; frontal margin bearing five thick setae, which are elongated and turned forward. Eye tubercle with four thick setae at anterior margin and two setae between posterior eyes. AME separated from each other by 1/3 their diameter, and a little larger than ALE. ALE longer than wide. PME almost spherical, with around 1/2 the AME diameter. PLE longer than wide, a little shorter than AME diameter. PME and PLE contiguous. Anterior eye row a little recurved, posterior row recurved. Anterior and posterior rows of similar width. Chelicera with 12 promarginal teeth. Plectrum with six thick and elongated setae. Sigillae ellyptical. Maxillae with 12–15 elongated cuspules. Lyra (Fig.
Female (Paratype, UFRJ 0102): Measurements: Body length 26.4; carapace length 9.6, carapace width 8.2; abdomen length 12.3; abdomen width 7.6. Leg formula 4123, length: I 30.4, II 24.8, III 23.7, IV 30.6. Females resemble males, except by the following characteristics. Carapace: Clypeus length similar to AME diameter, with anterior margin bearing five thick setae, elongated and turned forward. Eye tubercle with three thick and long setae and ten smaller setae, of variable size, at anterior margin. Area between posterior eyes with single long and thick setae. AME separated from each other by 80% of their diameter. Chelicera with 12–13 promarginal teeth. Plectrum with five thick and elongated setae. Maxillae with 15–17 cuspules. Lyra (Fig.
Carapace reddish, with thoracic sulci a little darker. Eye region darkened. Chelicerae reddish brown. Labium, sternum and coxae orange brown. Sigillae slightly darker than sternum. Legs light brown. Dorsum of abdomen dark brown with five elongated pale brown transverse stripes, with their width diminishing posteriorly. Stripes continuous, with well-defined borders, thin and far from each other near the midline of the dorsum, but growing wide and closer toward the venter, where they blend into the pale background. When alive, they bear a vivid red carapace and dark brown legs and abdomen.
The female paratype from Mendes (UFRJ 0102) was collected in a short tunnel, with a small silk lined opening, on the slope of an old road through second-growth Atlantic Forest. Other specimens have been collected under rocks and logs on forest floor. Most specimens were caught by pitfall traps in forested areas.
BRAZIL: DISTRITO FEDERAL: Brasília: Reserva Ecológica do IBGE/RECOR: alt. 1077m, -15.939653° -47.879984°, 14–16.v.2015, Kury, A., Pinto, A. and Carvalho, R. (♂, MNRJ 6859); IBGE, mata de galeria, 23.iv.2001, Diniz, D. (2♂, UNB 1142); 01.v.2000, Milhomem, M. (2♂, UNB 3998); ESPÍRITO SANTO: Santa Teresa: ESFA leg. (♂, MNRJ 4339); Sooretama: Reserva Biológica de Sooretama, Porteira Quirinão, 20.iv.2006, Exp. Arachné (♂, MNRJ 4341); GOIÁS: Morrinhos: Parque Ecológico Jatobá, XII.2006-VIII.2007, Santana, R. (♂, IBSP 140891); MINAS GERAIS: Belo Horizonte, Estação Ecológica da UFMG, iii.2001, Maria, M. et al. (♂, IBSP 10739); UFMG, campus Pampulha, 2000, Álvares, E. (♂, IBSP 13824); Itacarambi: Gruta Olhos d´água,, Giupponi, A. and Baptista, R. (♂, MNRJ 3518); Juiz de Fora: ix.2008-iv.2009, Gomide, S. (♂, ♀, IBSP 144024; ♂, IBSP 144025); Viçosa: Mata do Paraíso, 21–24.iii.2001, Azevedo, L. P. (♂, MNRJ 4320); RIO DE JANEIRO: Macaé: Ilha de Santana,, Baptista, R. L. C. (j, UFRJ MAC 2166; j, UFRJ MAC 2246); Parque Municipal do Atalaia,, Baptista, R. L. C. et al. (2 j, UFRJ MAC 2174); Terminal Cabiúnas, Mata da Odebei, 11–16.v.2015, Pedroso, D. R. and Castanheira, P., pitfall (♂, UFRJ MAC 10265); idem, 18–22.ii.2014, Pedroso, D. R. and Castanheira, P., pitfall (♂, UFRJ MAC 7191); SÃO PAULO: Peruíbe: Estação Ecologica Juréia-Itatins, III.1997, Brescovit, A. et al. (♂, IBSP 11577).
Distribution: Widespread and common in a wide area of southeastern and mid-western Brazil, from north Espírito Santo state and central-south Minas Gerais state, reaching west to the Distrito Federal and south, down to southeastern São Paulo state (Fig.
The diagnosis of Diplura in relation to other Diplurinae needs some comments and amendments. The presence of a lyra in the inner face of the palp maxilla is a key character that allows for separation between lyrate (Diplura C. L. Koch, 1850, Harmonicon F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1896 and Trechona C. L. Koch, 1850) and alyrate Diplurinae (Linothele Karsch, 1879). The single line of stiff setae found in lyra of Diplura and Harmonicon is quite different from the plate-like lyra, with several series of setae, in Trechona (
The shape of the stiff setae of the lyra is much more variable than previously pointed out in the literature. In many described species of Harmonicon, including the type-species Harmonicon rufescens F. P.-Cambridge, 1896, the setae in the lyra are strongly hook-shaped, with a strong distal curvature and an acute and not widened tip (F. P.-Cambridge, 1896: pl. 35, fig. 3,
Besides the lyra, there are also other diagnostic characters in the maxilla. On its ventral face, there is a transversal suture just below the lyra. In Diplura, the area just below the basal portion of the maxillar suture is either glabrous or has just some small thin setae (Figs
Specimens of Diplura have relatively short and thin scopula, sometimes almost absent in the metatarsus and tarsus of the legs. Scopulae in the other lyrate Diplurinae are formed by long numerous setae and cover most of the distal articles of the legs. In Diplura, the tarsi of the legs are not pseudosegmented and not very flexible, lacking large and numerous cracks; they have only a few ventral, thin cracks, that allow just a limited bending of the article (
An easy way to separate males of Diplura from other Diplurinae is by the short and incrassate pedipalp tibia (Fig.
The receptaculum seminis of most Diplura species is formed by a short and relatively wide stalk topped by a cluster of many globular to ovoid lobes (fundus), of variable sizes (Fig.
Currently, 17 species of Diplura are considered as valid, distributed from Panama to Argentina (
Most Diplurinae species have a pattern of light stripes or dots over the dark dorsum of the abdomen. The exceptions are Harmonicon, and some species of Diplura, whose abdomen are uniformly dark, without a contrasting light pattern. The light pattern of most Diplurinae may be present only at the sides of the dorsum, but usually extend either to the middle area of the dorsum or to the venter, even merging with the background color in that area. The species of Diplura may be grouped below in six color pattern types following the different markings on the dorsum of abdomen, numbered from I to VI (Figs
Type I (Fig.
Type II (Fig.
Type III (Fig.
Type IV (Fig.
Type V (Fig.
Type VI (Fig.
The only described species of Diplura not listed above is D. garleppi (Simon, 1892), from San Mateo, Bolivia. As its holotype has not been found in the Museum national d´Histoire naturelle, Paris (E. Leguin, pers. comm.), the short description does not give enough detail on the color pattern and we have not examined any specimen ascribable to D. garleppi, we were not able to include it in any of the proposed color pattern types.
We would like to thank all the curators and colleagues that loaned or donated specimens for this study. We are also thankful to Fundação Carlos Chagas de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) process # E-26/202.711/2016 and E-26/202.712/2016 for the postdoctoral fellowship to the first author. We also thank Rafael Indicatti for taking live specimen photographs, Gustavo Miranda for help with the map and Osvaldo Villarreal for help in vectorizing drawings, Suzete Gomes and Eduardo Cinilha (CMIOC–IOC) for help in photographs and measurements. We are also grateful to Chris Hamilton, Laura Montes de Oca, Nadine Dupérré and Rebecca Godwin for the helpful suggestions during the review of the manuscript. We are also grateful to Tom Nguyen (NMNH, Smithsonian Institution) for help with the English language.