Research Article |
Corresponding author: Hongliang Shi ( ) Academic editor: Achille Casale
© 2018 Hongliang Shi, Hongbin Liang.
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Shi H, Liang H (2018) Revision of genus Pericalus from China, with descriptions of four new species (Carabidae, Lebiini, Pericalina). ZooKeys 758: 19-54.
Nine taxa of the genus Pericalus Macleay from China are revised, with four new species described: Pericalus gibbosus sp. n. (type locality: Putao, Myanmar; one paratype from Mêdog, Xizang), Pericalus elegans sp. n. (type locality: Mêdog, Xizang), Pericalus acutidens sp. n. (type locality: Longchuan, Yunnan), and Pericalus obscuratus sp. n. (type locality: Fanjingshan, Guizhou). Four taxa are newly recorded from China: Pericalus ornatus ornatus Schmidt-Göbel (Yunnan, Hainan), P. obtusipennis Fedorenko (Yunnan), P. amplus Andrewes (Yunnan), and P. dux Andrewes (Yunnan). Pericalus formosanus Dupuis is newly ranked as a subspecies of P. ornatus Schmidt-Göbel. An improved key to world species of the subgenus Pericalus is provided, along with distribution maps and images of habitus and male and female genitalia for all Chinese species.
Carabidae , China, Pericalus , new species, key
The genus Pericalus belongs to the subtribe Pericalina (Carabidae: Lebiini), distributed in the tropical regions of Oriental-Australasian Realm: the easternmost reaches New Ireland (P. novaeirlandiae), and the westernmost reaches south India (P. fascinator). Pericalus is close to the following four Oriental genera: Lioptera Chaudoir, Coptodera Dejean, TrichocoptoderaLouwerens and Gidda Andrewes. These five genera belong to the Pericalus genus-group (
Two distinct subgenera in Pericalus are recognized, distinguished by their different pronotal characters. The subgenus Coeloprosopus, including 20 described species, was well documented with a recent complete review (
The previous study of Pericalus from China was very inadequate. Only one species, P. formosanus, was recorded in Taiwan, and the fauna in the Chinese continent is almost unreported (
The present paper aims to review all nine taxa of the genus Pericalus from China, with the descriptions of the four new species, and to provide an improved key to accommodate all known taxa of Pericalus (s. str.) but two dubious and little known species, which are discussed.
This work is based on the examination of 218 specimens from China and some other Southeast Asian counties. A total of 19 taxa of the subgenus Pericalus were treated, with 15 of them examined. Examined material for species outside of Chinese fauna were cited as well. Most specimens are from the collection of IZAS. Collections cited in the present paper are indicated by the following abbreviations:
CCCC Collection of Changchin Chen, Tianjin, China
CRS Collection of Riccardo Sciaky, Milano, Italy
IZAS Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China
NHML The Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom
NMPC Národní Muzeum Přírodovědecké Muzeum, Prague, Czech Republic
NNML Naturalis Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, Netherland
SNU Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China
ZMMU Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
ZSM Zoologische Staatssammlungen, München, Germany
Body length was measured from the apical margin of the labrum to the elytral apex; head width (HW) was the greatest width including eyes; pronotum length (PL) was measured along its median line; and pronotum width (PW) was the greatest width of the pronotum; elytra length (EL) was measured from elytral base to apex; elytra width (EW) was the combined width of each elytron at its widest points; D2 was the distance of the second elytral discal setigerous pore to elytra base. All measurements were based on examined materials only. Details of methods for dissection, and terminology follow our previous work (
The genus Pericalus is distinguished from other genera of Pericalina by the combination of the following characters: dorsal surface glabrous, except for the eighth and ninth elytral intervals which are generally sparsely and very finely setose; black or metallic in color, elytra either unicoloros or with two groups of yellowish patches; eyes strongly prominent; labrum elongate, apex deeply notched; clypeus with apical margin straight; terminal labial palpomere fusiform in both sexes; labial palpifer with one long seta; mentum without median tooth; paraglossa membranous, longer than ligula; third interval of elytra with two to four setigerous pores, the first one near base, the last one very close to apex; fourth tarsomere simple; claws smooth.
The subgenus Pericalus is different from the subgenus Coeloprosopus Chaudoir by its body size being usually larger; in having the lateral channel of the pronotum widely explanate, with the lateral bead indistinct; and the pronotum subequal to the width of head across eyes.
The subgenus Pericalus containing 19 taxa has an Asia mainland-Sundaland distribution pattern. More than half of them (eleven taxa) are distributed through the Asian continent tropical-subtropical areas, and the most diverse region is located in northern Myanmar, northeast India, southeast Xizang, and west Yunnan. The remaining eight taxa are distributed in the Sundaland region (Greater Sunda Islands and Malay Peninsula). There are no species endemic to the Philippines or islands in the Wallacea region, but one species is widely distributed in each region, P. cicindeloides in the Philippines, and P. baehri in Sulawesi.
Many adults of the subgenus Pericalus were collected in daytime under barks of fallen logs in tropical or subtropical forests. Some others were collected during night, fast running on surfaces of dead logs, or occasionally attracted by lights. Species in this subgenus usually have a rather flat habitus, adapting for living under tree bark.
The most important taxonomic characters in this subgenus are: (1) dorsal coloration, including elytral pattern; (2) number of setigerous pores on the third interval; (3) shape of elytral outer apical angles; and (4) shape of elytral sutural apical angles.
The supposed ground plan for the subgenus is supposed to include two groups of yellowish patches on the elytron (unicolorous in four species); body very flat (but convex in P. gibbosus); elytra with microsculpture consisting of distinct, very transverse meshes (but nearly isodiametric in P. dux and P. elegans); outer apical angles of elytra distinct, acuminate to rounded; elytral sutural angles sharp or blunt; third interval of the elytra with three setigerous pores (but four pores in four species, usually two in P. o. formosanus).
The shape of outer apical angles of elytra can be classified into the following four basal forms: acuminate, apex forming a very sharp angle, strongly projecting, less than 90 degrees (Fig.
Most taxa (15 of 19) of the subgenus have two, the anterior and posterior, groups of yellowish patches on elytra; variation includes four and two pattern forms respectively. For different species or individuals belonging to same pattern form, pale markings on certain intervals may be obsolete or their positions moved.
There are four basic forms for anterior patches: round, in six taxa. Usually a single large round or nearly round spot (Figs
Two basic forms exist for posterior patches: separated, in eleven taxa. The basic pattern is composed of three separate spots (Figs
1 | Third elytra interval with four setigerous pores | 2 |
– | Third elytra interval with two or three setigerous pores | 4 |
2 | Elytra dark with two groups of yellowish patches, the anterior one zigzag, the posterior one separate; elytral outer apical angles rounded; India, Myanmar, Vietnam, China (Yunnan) | P. amplus Andrewes |
– | Elytra unicolorous, black or metallic, without yellowish patch; elytral outer apical angles acute, or obtuse | 3 |
3 | Dorsal surface with strong metallic luster, bluish, greenish or violaceus; Borneo, Sumatra, Java, Malay Peninsula, the Philippines | P. cicindeloides Macleay |
– | Dorsal surface black, with very faint purplish luster; India | P. fascinator Andrewes |
4 | Elytral sutural angles spiniform; the middle setigerous pore placed posterior to the midpoint of elytra (D2/EL > 0.52) | 5 |
– | Elytral sutural angles blunt; the middle setigerous pore placed anterior to the midpoint of elytra (D2/EL < 0.46) or rarely lacking | 9 |
5 | Elytra cupreous green, without patch; elytral outer apical angles rounded (Fig. |
P. elegans sp. n. |
– | Elytra dark with yellowish patch; elytral outer apical angles acuminate (as in Fig. |
6 |
6 | Elytral anterior patch round or zigzag, forming single continues patch | 7 |
– | Elytral anterior patch separate, divided into three to five small spots | 8 |
7 | Elytra metallic blue or green; posterior patch single; Sumatra, Borneo, Malay Peninsula | P. longicollis Chaudoir |
– | Elytra metallic blue-violaceus; posterior patch separate, composed of three to five small spots; Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi | P. baehri Fedorenko |
8 | Elytra metallic blue-violaceus; Malay peninsula | P. violaceus Andrewes |
– | Elytra black, at most with faint metallic luster; Sumatra, Java, Bali | P. guttatus Chevrolat |
9 | Elytral outer apical angles acuminate, acute or obtuse (Figs |
10 |
– | Elytral outer apical angles rounded (Figs |
14 |
10 | Elytral anterior patch composed of two large spots, sometimes partly conjoint; Borneo | P. cordicollis Andrewes |
– | Elytral anterior patch round or zigzag form, forming single continues patch | 11 |
11 | Elytral lateral border strongly incised near anterior third and then expanded; anterior patch strongly transverse and zigzag; Sumatra | P. funestus Andrewes |
– | Elytral lateral border evenly curved; anterior patch round or slightly transverse, sometimes weakly zigzag | 12 |
12 | Median lobe of aedeagus with apical orifice smaller, opened to the left side (Fig. |
P. acutidens sp. n. |
– | Median lobe of aedeagus with apical orifice larger, opened to the left-dorsal side (Figs |
13 |
13 | Elytral anterior patch narrower, usually widely zigzag (Fig. |
P. ornatus formosanus Dupuis |
– | Elytral anterior patch wider, usually nearly round (Figs |
P. ornatus ornatus Schmidt-Göbel |
14 | Elytral posterior patch separate, composed of three to five small spots | 15 |
– | Elytral posterior patch round, of single large spot | 17 |
15 | Elytral posterior patch usually obsolete on the sixth interval, if present, adjacent to the spot on the fourth and fifth intervals (Fig. |
P. ornatus formosanus Dupuis |
– | Elytral posterior patch with a small spot on the sixth interval, well separated from the larger spot on the fourth and fifth intervals (Figs |
16 |
16 | Elytral yellowish patches larger, usually longer than the interval width; pronotum usually narrower (PW/PL = 1.55–1.60); lateral margins distinctly sinuate before posterior angle; median lobe of aedeagus strongly dilated (Fig. |
P. obtusipennis Fedorenko |
– | Elytral yellowish patches smaller, most of them equal or shorter than the interval width; pronotum usually wider (PW/PL = 1.60–1.75); lateral margins barely sinuate before posterior angle; median lobe of aedeagus a little dilated (Fig. |
P. obscuratus sp. n. |
17 | Larger size, 15.0–15.9 mm (largest in the subgenus); elytral posterior patch in intervals 4 to 7; elytra flat; Laos, China (Yunnan) | P. dux Andrewes |
– | Smaller size, 7.2–8.5 mm (smallest in the subgenus); elytral posterior patch in intervals 2 to 5 or 3 to 4; elytra distinctly convex; Myanmar (Putao), China (Mêdog) | P. gibbosus sp. n. |
Pericalus aeneipennis Louwerens and P. distinctus Dupuis are not included in the key. Detailed discussions on these two very little known and dubious species are provided under remarks of their similar species (P. elegans and P. obtusipennis).
Holotype (IZAS): male, body length = 7.2 mm, card-mounted, genitalia dissected and placed in micro vial pinned under specimen, “Myanmar, Kachin state, Putao distr., way btw. Upper Shankhaung to Wasandum; rain forest; 1075 m”; “N27.4765, E97.2060, 2016.XII.11, SHI H.L. lgt. in dead log, CAS-SEABRI exp. 2016”; “HOLOTYPE ♂ Pericalus gibbosus sp. n., des. SHI & LIANG 2018” [red label] (Fig.
Smallest species in the subgenus, body length 7.2–8.5 mm; elytra black with four round yellowish spots, posterior patch in the third and fourth intervals, sometimes expanded onto part of the second and fifth. Pronotum cordiform, lateral margins strongly sinuate before posterior angles; disc with strong wrinkles. Elytra distinctly convex; outer apical angles rounded; sutural angles blunt; third interval with three setigerous pores; striae with large but shallow punctures. Median lobe of aedeagus with apical lamella very long, approximately one-fourth length of median lobe; endophallus with six thumb tack-like spines (Fig.
This species can be readily distinguished from other species in this subgenus. The elytral pattern is similar to that of P. dux and P. longicollis, all with four round yellowish spots, but differs from both species by the elytral posterior patch in intervals 3–4, sometimes also part of 2 and 5 (versus in intervals 4–6 or 4–7); elytra much more convex; pronotum strongly sinuate before posterior angles (versus weakly or moderately sinuate); and much smaller body size.
This species is sympatric with P. elegans sp. n., P. acutidens sp. n., and P. amplus. It can be easily distinguished from these species by the different elytra pattern, smaller size, and very convex body.
Body length 7.2–8.5 mm (male holotype 7.2 mm, female paratypes 8.2–8.5 mm). Coloration. Dorsal surface shiny blackish, with very faint violet hue on elytra; legs, antennae, mouthparts reddish brown; elytral anterior and posterior patches as single round spots, yellow or reddish yellow; the anterior one in intervals 4–7 or 4–6, the posterior one in intervals 2–5 or 3–4 (the male holotype with elytral spots smaller than those of the two females, Figs
Only known from Putao (North Myanmar) and Mêdog (Southeast Xizang, China). (Fig.
The name gibbosus is Latin, meaning humped, referring to the strongly convex elytra of the new species, which are rather flat in all the other species of this subgenus.
In north Myanmar (Putao), P. gibbosus sp. n. was collected under bark of a large fallen log next to a path in subtropical rainforest, elevation of 1075m. This species seems to be very rare, due to only two specimens were collected, cohabitates with P. acutidens and P. amplus. Pericalus acutidens was collected in exactly the same microhabitat together with the new species, but it has a wider elevational range and is much more common. Pericalus amplus is also rare in this area.
The form of the male genitalia makes P. gibbosus the most unique member in the subgenus, and in the genus as well. Unlike all other examined species, P. gibbosus has the apical lamella very long, approximately one-fourth length of median lobe (less than one tenth in the other species); and the endophallus with thumb tack-like spines (only finely scaled in other species). This species may represent an isolated lineage in the genus; however, from the external characters, P. gibbosus perfectly agrees with the subgenus Pericalus. Moreover, we suspect that Pericalus (s. str.) could be paraphyletic, because all diagnostic characters for the subgenus seem to be plesiomorphic. Nevertheless, phylogeny is not the task of the present paper, and this new species is placed in Pericalus (s. str.).
1 female (SNU), “China, Yunnan Prov., Nabanhe N.R., Bengsaihe, Alt.700 m, 20-XI-2008, HU Jia-Yao & TANG Liang leg.”; 1 female (SNU), “Manfei, Nabanhe conv., Yunnan Prov., 10.I.2004, Li & Tang leg”.
Largest size of all species in the subgenus, body length 15.0–15.9 mm; dorsal surface black, elytra with four round yellowish spots; the anterior one in intervals 4–8, the posterior one in intervals 4–7. Pronotum transverse, PW/PL 1.47–1.50; lateral margins gently sinuate and then straight before nearly rectangular posterior angles; disc with fine wrinkles. Elytra flat; apex very faintly curved; outer apical angles rounded; sutural angles blunt or forming very short tooth; third interval with three setigerous pores, the middle one at approximately anterior third; striae shallow and impunctate; eighth and ninth interval with dense fine setae.
This species can be easily distinguished from all other known species in the subgenus by its larger size and distinctive elytral pattern (Fig.
Male genitalia not studied. Female genitalia. Internal reproductive system (Fig.
Laos (Xieng Khouang, Pon Bai, Ban Sai, Muong Pek), China (Yunnan) (Fig.
Holotype (IZAS): male, body length = 10.6 mm, board mounted, left antenna wanting, genitalia dissected and deposited in micro vial pinned under specimen, “CHINA, Xizang, Mêdog, 96km at road Bomê to Mêdog, 1413 m, N29.5837, E95.4674, 2014.VII.20, daytime, YANG X.D. lgt., 14Y0158, CCCC.” [in Chinese]; “HOLOTYPE ♂ Pericalus elegans sp. n., des. SHI & LIANG 2018” [red label] (Fig.
Middle size in the subgenus, body length 10.6–11.6 mm; head and pronotum black, elytra unicolorous, cupreous green with a strong metallic hue. Pronotum strongly transverse, PW/PL = 1.65–1.80; lateral margins weakly sinuate before posterior angles; disc without transverse wrinkle. Elytra flat; outer apical angles rounded; sutural angles sharp, forming short tooth; third interval with three setigerous pores; striae shallow and impunctate. Median lobe of aedeagus evenly curved; apical orifice opened to the left side.
Only three other species in the subgenus have no yellowish pattern on the elytra. This new species can be readily distinguished from P. cicindeloides and P. fascinator by the presence of three setigerous pores on the third elytral interval (vs. four pores in the other two). From P. aeneipennis, which also has three setigerous pores according to the original description (further discussions, see below), this new species is distinguishable by all wrinkles long on vertex, reaching or nearly reaching level of posterior margin of eyes (vs. wrinkles short, only reaching a little beyond mid-eye level); pronotum much wider, PW/PL more than 1.65 (vs. approximately 1.30); pronotal lateral margins weakly sinuate before posterior angles (vs. strongly sinuate); posterior angles not projecting laterally (vs. projecting a little laterally); elytral outer apical angles completely rounded (vs. “hooked but not toothed”); and quite different distribution ranges.
Body length 10.6–11.6 mm (no significant sexual differences). Coloration. Head and pronotum shiny blackish, with very faint metallic hue; elytra cupreous green, with strong metallic hue; mouthparts, antennomeres 2–11 reddish brown; legs dark brown, trochanters and tarsi yellowish brown; ventral side black. Microsculpture faint and isodiametric on vertex and pronotal disc, distinct and isodiametric or slightly transversal on elytral intervals. Head with strong and irregular wrinkles; four to six short wrinkles on each side extending from clypeus to frons, middle area around frontoclypeal sulcus smooth; five to seven subparalleled long wrinkles along each side of inner margin of eye, reaching level of posterior margin of eyes; inner wrinkles forming concentric rings around the smooth vertex. Eyes very prominent; temporae gradually constricted after eyes. Pronotum strongly transverse, PW/PL = 1.65–1.80, subequal to width of head with eyes (PW/HW = 1.00–1.07); posterior margin a little narrower than anterior margin; lateral margins rounded in the middle, slightly sinuate before posterior angles; posterior angles a little more than rectangular angle, not projecting laterally, with a seta very close to the posterior angles; lateral expansions wide; disc weakly convex, with very faint wrinkles, with a pair of reniform shallow pits on each side; sub-anterior impression shallow, median line fine, not reaching anterior nor posterior margin; basal fovea shallow, extending medially merged with sub-posterior impression, extending posteriorly forming short oblique grooves. Elytra ovate, weakly convex; EW/EL = 0.73–0.78; wider than pronotum, EW/PW = 1.45–1.64; apical truncation weakly curved; outer apical angles rounded, sutural angles sharp, forming short tooth; striae shallowly incised, without punctures; third interval with three setigerous pores, the first one at approximately basal tenth, the second near middle, the third one close to apex; the first one adjacent to the third stria, the other two close to the second stria; intervals weakly convex, the eighth interval tumid apically, the eighth and ninth intervals with very sparse and fine setae aside of umbilical series; lateral expansions widely extended, strongly widened near basal third. Male genitalia (Fig.
Only known from Mêdog and Zayü (Southeast Xizang, China). (Fig.
The name elegans refers to the beautiful metallic color of this new species.
In southeast Tibet, this species occurs in montane rain forests, with the dominant trees being Castanopsis spp., Machilus spp., and Elaeocarpus spp. Elevation ranges between 1300 and 1850 m. Adults were collected on/in dead tree trunks, or attracted by light.
According to the original description (Louwerens, 1964), P. aeneipennis from Borneo has only three setigerous pores on the third elytral interval and seems to be very similar to the new species P. elegans. However, we infer that Louwerens’ species has four pores, as he either missed the last pore which is very close to elytra apex or confused it with the umbilical series, same as other species illustrated in the same paper (P. longicollis, P. quadrimaculatus. for example). Moreover, from the original description and illustration, in spite of the pores on the third elytral interval and coloration, P. aeneipennis is very similar to P. cicindeloides which is also recorded in Borneo. We suspect these two species could be conspecific. Unfortunately, no determined material of P. aeneipennis from Borneo was available. Therefore, these two species are retained in their present status, but P. aeneipennis is not included in the key to species. Nevertheless, according to those diagnostic characters mentioned above, the new species P. elegans is quite different from P. aeneipennis.
(7 ex.). China: 1 male (IZAS), “Yunnan, Xishuangbanna, Menglun town, W. reserve station, 2004.II.13, 720 m, Wu Jie leg”. 2 females (CCCC), “Yunnan, Ruili, Bangda village, 1432 m, 2014.IX.16, night, Yang Xiaodong leg.”. Myanmar: 1 male, 1 female (IZAS), “Myanmar, Kachin state, Putao distr., 5km NW. of Upper Shankhaung; rain forest; 666 m, N27.4415, E97.2584, 2016.XII.21, SHI H.L. lgt., in dead log; CAS-SEABRI exp. 2016”. 1 female (IZAS), “Myanmar, Kachin state, Putao distr., way btw. Upper Shankhaung to Wasandum; rain forest; 1075 m, N27.4765, E97.2060, 2016.XII.11, SHI H.L. lgt., in dead log; CAS-SEABRI exp. 2016”. Vietnam: 1 male (IZAS), “TONKIN, Hoa-Binh, leg., A de Cooman”.
Medium size in the subgenus, body length 9.4–10.0 mm; dorsal surface black, elytra without metallic hue; anterior patch zigzag, five intervals wide, in the third to seventh intervals; posterior patch separate, composed of four small spots, in intervals 2–3, 4–5, 6, and 7–8 respectively. Pronotum transverse, PW/PL 1.56–1.65; lateral margins strongly sinuate before posterior angles. Elytral apex slightly curved, outer apical angles rounded; sutural angles blunt; third interval with four setigerous pores, the middle two at approximately anterior two-fifth and two-third; ninth interval with sparse fine setae. Median lobe of aedeagus strongly sinuate on ventral margin.
Only three species in the subgenus have four setigerous pores in the third interval of the elytra, but the other two species P. cicindeloides and P. fascinator have no yellowish patches on the elytra. This species is very similar to P. obtusipennis in elytral pattern. For more detailed comparisons between them, see remarks of the latter species (p. 38).
Male genitalia (Fig.
China (Yunnan), Myanmar (Mogok, Putao), India (Assam), N Vietnam. This species is sympatric with P. acutidens sp. n. in north Myanmar and Yunnan, but much rarer. (Fig.
(in part);
Holotype (IZAS): male, body length = 10.4 mm, board mounted, genitalia dissected and deposited in micro vial pinned under specimen, “Yunnan, Longchuan county, Mangdong, 1770 m, 2016.X.2, night, Yang Xiaodong leg., 16Y, CCCC” [in Chinese]; “HOLOTYPE ♂ Pericalus acutidens sp. n., des. SHI & LIANG 2018” [red label] (Fig.
Medium size in the subgenus, body length 9.2–12.0 mm; dorsal surface black, elytra usually with faint cyan hue; anterior patch round in form, usually slightly transverse and zigzag, three to five intervals wide; posterior patch separate, composed of three small spots, normally on intervals 2–3, 4–5, and 7 respectively. Pronotum lateral margins sinuate before posterior angles, posterior angles nearly rectangular. Elytra plain; apical truncation distinctly curved; outer apical angles acuminate, forming sharp tooth (Fig.
The new species is very similar and close to P. ornatus, but can be distinguished by male genital characters: (1) in P. acutidens, the apical orifice of aedeagus is much smaller and opened exactly to the left side of median lobe; larger and opened to the left-dorsal side in P. ornatus; (2) in lateral view, median lobe of aedeagus a little narrower and less bent in the new species than in P. ornatus; (3) the apical lamella is a little narrower and longer in P. acutidens; (4) in ventral view, apical lamella of P. acutidens is almost straightly pointed to apex; in P. ornatus, the apical lamella is slightly bent to the right.
Externally, these two species are different in: elytral outer apical angles generally acuminate, projected outwards, forming short tooth in P. acutidens (Fig.
The new species is sympatric with P. obtusipennis and P. amplus in SW. Yunnan, and they all have similar elytral patterns. From the latter two, P. acutidens can be easily distinguished by the acuminate elytral apical outer angles and the elytral posterior patches which do not have a separate small spot on the sixth interval.
Body length 9.2–12.0 mm. Coloration. Dorsal surface black, elytra with faint cyan metallic hue, with yellowish patches; mouthparts, antennomeres 2–11 reddish brown; legs blackish, tarsus reddish brown; ventral side black. Elytral anterior patch round in form, generally a little transverse and zigzag, in the fourth to sixth intervals, sometimes also in parts of the third and seventh. Elytral posterior patch divided into three small spots, usually in intervals 2–3, 4–5, and 7 respectively; occasionally the first one only on the third interval, the second one only on the fifth interval or on the fourth, fifth, and sixth intervals. Microsculpture faint and nearly isodiametric on vertex and pronotal disc, strong and linear on elytral intervals. Head densely wrinkled; three or four wrinkles on each side extending from clypeus to frons; seven to ten fine wrinkles along each side of inner margin of eye, reaching level of posterior margins of eyes; wrinkles very weak on vertex, occiput almost smooth. Eyes strongly prominent; temporae gradually constricted after eyes. Pronotum strongly transverse, PW/PL = 1.52–1.61, subequal to the width of head with eyes (PW/HW = 0.96–1.02); posterior margin subequal to the width of anterior margin; lateral margins rounded in the middle, distinctly sinuate before posterior angles; posterior angles nearly rectangular, apex sharp, not projecting laterally; lateral expansions wide and rugose; disc a little convex, with fine wrinkles, with a pair of shallow pits on each side; sub-anterior impression barely visible, median line fine, not reaching anterior nor posterior margin; basal fovea shallow, extending medially merged with the shallow sub-posterior impression, extended posteriorly forming very shallow short oblique grooves. Elytra ovate, weakly convex; EW/EL = 0.65–0.73; much wider than pronotum, EW/PW = 1.50–1.65; apical truncation distinctly curved; outer apical angles generally acuminate, or rarely acute; sutural angles blunt; striae moderately incised, without punctures; third interval with three setigerous pores, the first one at approximately basal eighth, the second one at approximately middle, the third one close to apex; the first one adjacent to the third stria, the other two close to the second stria; intervals slightly convex, the eighth interval tumid apically, the eighth and ninth interval with sparse fine setae aside of umbilical series; lateral expansions narrowly extended, a little widened near basal third. Male genitalia (Fig.
A relatively widely distributed species, known from several localities west to Salween River: Myanmar: Putao, Shan States; China: Xizang (Mêdog), Yunnan (Nujiang, Dehong, Baoshan Prefectures), S. Vietnam (
The name acutidens comes from Latin, referring to the generally acuminate elytral outer apical angles of the new species.
According to the collecting data, this new species prefers tropical forests with the elevational range between 1000m and 1500m. Adults were collected on/in dead tree trunks, or attracted by light at night.
This new species was recorded by
From the examined materials in the present study, the new species is strictly allopatric with P. ornatus in China. The natural boundary in China between them seems to be the Salween River (Fig.
Pericalus ornatus was previously recorded from North India (Assam, Sikkim, Garo Hills), Myanmar (North Shan States, Karin Chebà), Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia. We doubt some of these records are actually P. acutidens sp. n. The record from North Shan States (
(101 ex.). Syntype of Pericalus ornatus, 1 male (NMPC), “MUS. PRAGENSE TENASSERIM COLL. HELFER”; “ornatus Sch.g. COL. HELFER”; “Typus! Teste Dr. J.Obenberger” [red label] (Fig.
Medium size in the subgenus, body length 8.4–12.5 mm; dorsal surface black, elytra usually with faint cyan hue; anterior patch usually nearly round, three to five intervals wide; posterior patch separate, composed of three small spots, in intervals 2–3, 4–6, and 7 respectively, the middle one variable, when narrowest, present on the fifth interval only. Pronotum transverse, PW/PL 1.53–1.63; lateral margins sinuate before posterior angles, posterior angles nearly rectangular; disc with fine wrinkles. Elytra flat; apical truncation distinctly curved; outer apical angles usually acute (Figs
P. o. ornatus is distinguishable from similar taxa by the acute or obtuse elytral outer apical angles and elytral anterior patch usually round. P. o. ornatus is sympatric with P. obtusipennis and P. amplus in China, and all have similar elytral pattern. From the latter two species, P. ornatus can be easily distinguished by the elytral apical outer angles not rounded and without separate spot on the sixth interval.
Male genitalia (Fig.
A relatively widely distributed species, known from localities east to Salween River: China: Yunnan (Xishuangbanna and Honghe Prefectures), Hainan; Myanmar (Tenasserim), Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia (Fig.
We attribute above specimens to P. ornatus based on the descriptions (
The specimens from Hainan are distinctive in having a slightly different elytral pattern: anterior patch generally smaller, usually three or four intervals wide (Fig.
“Moozan” is a misspelling of Hoozan (sometimes also Hozan), referring to Fengshan (N22.61, E120.35) in Kaohsiung county, south Taiwan. Sokutsu refers to Hsiaolin (N23.16, E120.64) in Kaohsiung county.
(13 ex.). 1 male (CCCC), “Taiwan, Pingtung County, Chunri, Dahanshan, 2009.V.3 D”. 1 male, 2 females (CCCC), “Taiwan, Kaohsiung County, Hsiaoguanshan, 1996.X.12, Chou Wen-I leg”. 1 female (CCCC), “Taiwan, Kaohsiung, Tengjhih, 2008.V.24 N”. 2 males, 2 females (CCCC), “Taiwan, Nantou county, Xitou, 1995.III.25”. 1 male, 1 female (CCCC), “Taiwan, Miaoli county, Sanyi, Guandaoshan, 1995.VI.2”. 1 female (CCCC), “Taiwan, Yilan county, Datong, Renze, 1998.IV.11”. 1 female (CCCC), “Taiwan, Taichung county, Heping, Anmashan”.
Medium size species, body length 9.5–10.5 mm; dorsal surface black, elytra usually with faint cyan hue; anterior patch transverse, a little zigzag (more transverse and zigzag than P. o. ornatus), usually in the fourth to sixth intervals; posterior patch separate, composed of three small spots, in intervals 2–3, 4–5, and 7 respectively. Pronotum transverse, PW/PL 1.50–1.58; lateral margins sinuate before posterior angles, posterior angles nearly rectangular; disc with fine wrinkles. Elytra flat; apical truncation distinctly curved; outer apical angles usually obtuse (Fig.
This subspecies is different from the nominate subspecies in: (1) elytral anterior patch generally more or less transverse (width a little more than length), and somewhat zigzag in P. o. formosanus (Fig.
Pericalus o. formosanus is very similar with P. acutidens in elytra pattern, but can be distinguished by two pores on elytral third interval, different male genitalia, and distribution. This subspecies is endemic and the only Pericalus species in Taiwan.
Only known from Taiwan (Fig.
According to our examined specimens, the male genitalia of P. formosanus have no significant differences from those of P. ornatus from the Asian continent. Considering the external differences between P. ornatus as well as their allopatric distributions, it is preferable to assign P. formosanus as a subspecies of P. ornatus rather than synonymize them.
In most examined specimens have only two setigerous pores in the elytral third interval (the middle one missing), except for two specimens with three pores on right elytron only (Fig.
(7 ex.). 1 male (IZAS), “China, Yunnan prov., Nujiang, Lushui county, Pianma town, Gangfang vill., Xiaobadi; 2051 m, 2015.VI.9, light trap, Yang X.D. lgt.”; 2 males (IZAS), “China, Yunnan prov., Lushui county, Pianma township, 1900m”. 1 male (IZAS), “CHINA, Yunnan Prov., Lushui Co., Pianma, Ganheluo, riverside, 26.06210N, 98.61966E, 2100 m, 2005.V.13 day, Liang H.B. collector”. 1 male (IZAS), “CHINA, Yunnan Prov., Tengchong Co., Wuhe, Zhengding Forest station, 24.85458N, 98.73743E”; 1828 m, 2005.V.26 N, Liang H.B. collector”. 1 female (IZAS), “CHINA, Yunnan Prov., Longling Co., Longjiang, Xiaoheishan, riverside, 24.82888N, 98.76001E, 2020 m, 2005.V.26 N, Kavanaugh D. collector”. 1 female (IZAS), “Yunnan, Yingjiang county, Famuchang, 1770 m, 1980.IV.16, Li Hongxing leg”.
Medium body size, length 8.8–10.8 mm; dorsal surface black, elytra with faint cupreous hue; anterior patch zigzag, three to five intervals in width; when widest, occupying the third to seventh intervals; posterior patch separated, composed of four small spots, in intervals 2–3, 4–5, 6, and 7–8 respectively. Pronotum transverse, PW/PL 1.55–1.60; lateral margins sinuate before posterior angles; disc with very fine wrinkles. Elytra flat; apex slightly curved; outer apical angles rounded; sutural angles blunt; third interval with three setigerous pores, the middle one at approximately anterior three-fifth; eighth and ninth intervals with sparse fine setae. Median lobe of aedeagus strongly dilated, total length / greatest width approximately 3.7 (Fig.
This species is most similar with P. obscuratus sp. n. in the genus. For comparisons between them, see Comparison section of that new species. Pericalus obtusipennis is also very similar to P. distinctus from India and Myanmar. Detailed discussions on these two species are provided below.
Pericalus obtusipennis might be confused with P. ornatus or P. acutidens due to their similar elytra pattern and sympatric distribution. But P. obtusipennis is different from the latter two species in several external characters: (1) elytral outer apical angles rounded in P. obtusipennis; acuminate, acute or obtuse in other two species; (2) elytral anterior patch zigzag in P. obtusipennis, always very narrow and strongly transverse (similar to that in P. acutidens); but rounded or nearly rounded in P. ornatus, rarely somewhat zigzag, but wider; (3) in P. obtusipennis, elytral posterior patches always with a separate small spot on the sixth interval, placed much beyond to that in the fourth and fifth intervals (Fig.
From the elytral pattern and outer angle, P. obtusipennis is also similar to P. amplus with which it is sympatric with in Yunnan and N. Vietnam. These two species can be distinguished by: (1) P. obtusipennis with three setigerous pores in elytral third interval; P. amplus with four pores; (2) wrinkles along inner margin of eyes a little coarser and sparser in P. obtusipennis, with 7–8 wrinkles on each side; a little finer and denser in P. amplus, with 9–10 wrinkles on each side; (3) elytra a little more convex in P. amplus; (4) male genitalia very different (Figs
Male genitalia (Fig.
Vietnam (Lao Cai), China (Yunnan) (Fig.
The little known species P. distinctus Dupuis, recorded from India and Myanmar, is very similar to P. obtusipennis. From the very brief original description (
Holotype (IZAS): male, body length = 11.1 mm, board mounted, genitalia dissected and deposited in micro vial pinned under specimen, “CHINA, Guizhou Prov., Jiangkou county, Fanjingshan Mt. S. slope, 4500 steps (Huixiangping) to 5300 steps (ropeway tower); N27.90180 E108.70372 – N27.90784 E108.70052; 1778–1973m, 2012.VIII.24, night, on tree trunk, broadleaf forest; SHI Hongliang, HUANG Xinlei, LIU Yizhou leg., Inst. of Zoo., CAS”; “HOLOTYPE ♂ Pericalus obscuratus sp. n., des. SHI & LIANG 2018” [red label]. (Fig.
Medium size, body length 9.9–11.5 mm; dorsal surface black, elytra with very faint cyan hue; anterior patch zigzag, three to five intervals in width, when widest, in the third to seventh intervals; posterior patch separate, composed of four small spots, in intervals 2–3, 4–5, 6, and 7; pronotum transverse, PW/PL 1.60–1.75; lateral margins barely sinuate before posterior angles; elytral outer apical angles rounded, sutural angles blunt; third interval with three setigerous pores; median lobe of aedeagus a little dilated.
This new species is very similar to P. obtusipennis. It can be distinguished from the latter species by: (1) all elytral yellowish patches smaller than P. obtusipennis, most of patches equal or shorter than the interval width in P. obscuratus sp. n., usually longer than the interval width in P. obtusipennis; (2) elytra with very faint cyan metallic hue; with faint cupreous hue in P. obtusipennis; (3) pronotum usually wider (PW/PL = 1.60–1.75) than in P. obtusipennis (PW/PL = 1.55–1.60); (4) pronotal lateral margins barely sinuate before posterior angles (versus slightly but distinctly sinuate); (5) in P. obscuratus sp. n., median lobe of aedeagus only a little dilated, in lateral view total length / greatest width approximately 4.8 (Fig.
Body length 9.9–11.5 mm. Coloration. Dorsal surface black, elytra with very faint cyan hue, with yellowish patches; mouthparts, antennomeres 2–11 reddish brown; legs dark brown, tarsi yellowish brown; ventral side black. Elytral anterior patch zigzag, in the third to seventh intervals, pale markings in the third and seventh intervals sometimes faint; pale markings in odd intervals anteriorly placed, those in even intervals posteriorly placed; the zigzag patch narrow and a little oblique, usually subequal to single interval width, pale marking in the fifth interval a little anterior to that in the third. Elytral posterior patch separate, composed of four small spots in intervals 2–3, 4–5, 6, and 7; each spot usually shorter than single interval width; from anterior to posterior, the order of four spots: 6, 4–5, 7, 2–3. Microsculpture faint and isodiametric on vertex and pronotum disc, distinct and linear on elytral intervals. Head densely rugose; three to five shallow wrinkles on each side extending from clypeus to frons; eight to ten fine wrinkles along each side of inner margin of eye, reaching level of posterior margin of eyes; vertex and occiput almost smooth. Eyes strongly prominent; temporae gradually constricted behind eyes. Pronotum strongly transverse, PW/PL = 1.60–1.75, sub-equal to the width of head with eyes (PW/HW = 1.00–1.11); posterior margin close to the width of anterior margin; lateral margins rounded in the middle, very weakly sinuate before posterior angles; posterior angles nearly rectangular, not or weakly projecting laterally, with a seta very close to the posterior angles; lateral expansions wide; disc weakly convex, nearly smooth, with very faint wrinkles, with a pair of very shallow pits on each side; sub-anterior impression barely visible, median line fine, not reaching anterior nor posterior margin; basal fovea shallow, extended medially merged with the shallow sub-posterior impression, extended posteriorly forming very shallow short oblique grooves. Elytra ovate, weakly convex; EW/EL = 0.72–0.74; much wider than pronotum, EW/PW = 1.51–1.63; apical truncation weakly curved; outer apical angles rounded, sutural angles blunt; striae moderately incised, impunctate; third interval with three setigerous pores, the first one at approximately basal eighth, the second at approximately apical two fifth, the third one close to apex; the first one adjacent to the third stria, the other two close to the second stria; intervals slightly convex, the eighth interval tumid apically, the eighth and ninth intervals with sparse fine seta aside of umbilical series; lateral expansions narrowly extended, a little widened near basal third. Male genitalia (Fig.
Only known from two isolated localities in southern China: Fanjingshan (Guizhou) and Dayaoshan (Guangxi) (see Fig.
This name obscuratus means indistinct, referring to the elytral pattern of this new species which is much narrower than those of all other allied species, almost indistinct.
In Fanjingshan, this species occurs in evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forests, with dominant trees of Cyclobalanopsis spp. and Fagaus spp., with an elevational range of 1775 to 2078 m. Adults were collected on or under bark of dead trees during the night.
The new species is closest to P. obtusipennis. Their male genitalia, although different in thickness, are of the same form: somewhat dilated, large apical orifice, and small apical lamella.
Pericalus baehri Fedorenko: 1 male (IZAS), “Gunung Leser National Park, Sumatra, local collector, 2014”.
Pericalus cicindeloides Macleay: 22 males and females (IZAS), “Gunung Leser National Park, Sumatra, local collector, 2014”.
Pericalus cordicollis Andrewes: 1 male (IZAS), “Borneo: Sabah, Ranau distr., Kinabalu Park, Liwagu Trail, N6.0239, E116.5500, 1704m; Shi H.L. & Liu Y. leg. Dead log, 2016.V.5d”.
Pericalus funestus Andrewes: paratype, 1 male (NNML), “Gunung Singgalang, Sumatra’s Westkust, 1800M. VII 192, leg. E. Jacobson.”, “Cotype”, “Pericalus funestus Cotype Andr., H.E. Andrewes det.”, “Museum Leiden, Pericalus funestus andr., Det Andrewes”, “type”.
Pericalus guttatus Chevrolat: syntype, 1 male (
Pericalus longicollis Chaudoir: 3 males, 1 female (IZAS), “Gunung Leser National Park, Sumatra, local collector, 2014”; 2 males (IZAS), “Borneo: Sabah, Keningau district, Jungle Girl Camp, N5.4430, E116.4512; 1182m, Shi H.L & Liu Y. leg., light trap, 2016.IV.25N”.
We wish to thank the following curators and colleagues for their help in accessing material under their care: Mr Changchin Chen (CCCC), Dr Riccardo Sciaky (CRS), Prof Lizhen Li and Dr Liang Tang (SNUM), Mgr Jiří Hájek (NMPC), Mr Fred van Assen (NNML), and Mr Darren J. Mann (
Habitus 1 P. gibbosus sp. n., holotype, Myanmar (Putao), male 2 P. gibbosus sp. n., paratype, Myanmar (Putao), female 3 P. dux Andrewes, Yunnan (Jinghong), female 4 P. elegans sp. n., holotype, Xizang (Mêdog), male 5 P. elegans sp. n. paratype, Xizang (Zayü), female 6 P. amplus Andrewes, Myanmar (Putao), male. Scale bars: 2 mm.
Habitus 7 P. acutidens sp. n., holotype, Yunnan (Longchuan), male 8 P. acutidens sp. n., paratype, Myanmar (Putao), female 9 P. ornatus ornatus Schmidt-Göbel, syntype, Myanmar (Tenasserim), male 10 P. ornatus ornatus Schmidt-Göbel, Yunnan (Hekou), male 11 P. ornatus ornatus Schmidt-Göbel, Hainan (Baisha), male; 12 P. ornatus formosanus Dupuis. Taiwan (Yilan), female. Scale bars: 2 mm.
Elytral outer apical angle (left): 21 P. acutidens sp. n., Yunnan (Ruli) 22 P. ornatus ornatus Schmidt-Göbel, Yunnan (Mengla) 23 P. ornatus ornatus Schmidt-Göbel, Vietnam (Tonkin) 24 P. ornatus ornatus Schmidt-Göbel, Hainan (Baisha) 25 P. ornatus formosanus Dupuis, Taiwan (Miaoli) 26 P. ornatus formosanus Dupuis, Taiwan (Nantou) 27 P. obtusipennis Fedorenko, Yunnan (Pianma) 28 P. obscuratus sp. n., Guizhou (Fanjingshan) 29 P. amplus Andrewes, Myanmar (Putao) 30 P. gibbosus sp. n., Myanmar (Putao) 31 P. elegans sp. n., Xizang (Mêdog) 32 P. dux Andrewes, Yunnan (Jinghong).
41–49 Stylomere of right ovipositor, ventral view, 41 P. gibbosus sp. n., Xizang (Mêdog) 42 P. elegans sp. n., Xizang (Mêdog) 43 P. dux Andrewes, Yunnan (Jinghong) 44 P. obscuratus sp. n., Guizhou (Fanjingshan) 45 P. acutidens sp. n., Yunnan (Longchuan) 46 P. ornatus formosanus Dupuis, Taiwan (Miaoli) 47 P. amplus Andrewes, Myanmar (Putao) 48 P. ornatus ornatus Schmidt-Göbel, Hainan (Baisha) 49 P. obtusipennis Fedorenko, Yunnan (Longling) 50–51 Female reproductive system 50 P. obtusipennis Fedorenko, Yunnan (Longling) 51 P. ornatus ornatus Schmidt-Göbel, Yunnan (Mengla). Scale bars: 0.2 mm.
Female reproductive system, 52 P. gibbosus sp. n., Xizang (Mêdog) 53 P. elegans sp. n., Xizang (Mêdog) 54 P. dux Andrewes, Yunnan (Jinghong) 55 P. obscuratus sp. n., paratype, Guizhou (Fanjingshan) 56 P. acutidens sp. n., Yunnan (Longchuan) 57 P. ornatus formosanus Dupuis, Taiwan (Yilan) 58 P. amplus Andrewes, Myanmar (Putao). Scale bars: 0.2 mm.