(C) 2011 Teresa Bonacci. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Insects use various types of behaviour, chemical defences, mimetic, aposematic or cryptic appearances as anti-predatory strategies. Among insects, carabid beetles of the genus Brachinus are distasteful prey because they discharge an irritating “cloud” of quinones when threatened. These beetles live in aggregations and adopt warning (conspicuous pattern) colours and chemicals to create a template that is easily learnt by predators. Another carabid beetle, Anchomenus dorsalis, mimics the colours and cuticular profile of Brachinus and is usually found in Brachinus aggregations. In this paper we report results from laboratory observations on feeding choice of the following natural predators - Crocidura leucodon (Insectivora: Soricidae), Ocypus olens (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) and Podarcis sicula (Reptilia: Lacertidae) - on carabid beetle species. Comparing the number of attacks of predators towards aposematic and non-aposematic prey, there was a statistically significant preference towards non-aposematic prey.
Brachinus, Anchomenus, anti-predatory strategies, warning signals, Coleoptera, Carabidae, laboratory tests
Visual and chemical anti-predatory strategies influence
trophic webs, as defensive substances (such as semiochemicals or
ecomones) (sensu
In Europe, Anchomenus dorsalis (Pontoppidan 1763), which produces methylsalicylate from its pygidial gland (
In this study we report results from laboratory observations on the number of attacks of natural insect predators: Crocidura leucodon (Hermann, 1780) (Insectivora: Soricidae), Ocypus olens (Müller, 1764), (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) and Podarcis sicula Rafinesque, 1810 (Reptilia: Lacertidae) towards some species of carabid beetles.
Material and methods The lizard Podarcis siculaEleven hand collected adult male lizards (Podarcis sicula) were used in this study (collected from Cosenza province, southern Italy). Lizards were kept in the laboratory under natural daylight conditions. They were maintained in plastic cages (55 cm length × 34 cm width × 33 cm height) with opaque sides. Prey used were four species of carabid beetles, two of which were conspicuous: Brachinus sclopeta (Fabricius, 1792)(N = 11), Anchomenus dorsalis (N = 11); and two non-conspicuous: Amara anthobia A. Villa & G. B. Villa, 1833(N = 11), Amara aenea (De Geer, 1774) (N = 11). The carabid beetles were collected by hand in the Crati Valley, Cosenza province, southern Italy.
Lizards were tested individually in an open arena (size: 28 cm length × 18 cm width × 16 cm height) with a lamp on a white plaster substrate. During the experiment temperature was maintained at 24–26°C. The trials were performed from June to July 2006. Each lizard was tested once by offering one individual of four prey species (Brachinus sclopeta, Amara dorsalis, Amara aenea, Amara anthobia) at the same time. Each carabid beetle was tested once. Before the beginning of the trial, each lizard was not fed for two days. The lizard to be tested was kept in the arena for 10 minutes before starting the trial. The trial began when the four prey individuals was put into the arena and lasted when the prey was ingested. If no predation occurred, the trial lasted for 30 minutes after the prey was put into the arena.
The behaviour of each lizard during the trial was recorded using a digital camcorder (Sony HDV 1080i). Attack delay and whether the carabid beetles were killed or refused were also recorded. Differences between the occurrences of attacking the different prey species were evaluated using the Chi-square test. Attack delay was evaluated using Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests, using the SPSS v.12.0 statistical package.
The staphylinid beetle Ocypus olensTen adult male staphylinid beetles, Ocypus olens, were collected by hand in the field (Cosenza Province, Italy). Each beetle was kept in the laboratory in a climate chamber at 18–24°C under L/D: 18/6 photoperiod. Each individual was maintained in a plexiglas container (10×8×6 cm) with 2 cm of clayey soil. The trials were performed between September 2003 and July 2004. Each beetle was collected four days before the experiment and maintained until the end of the experiment.
The beetles were not fed the day before the trial. Each beetle was individually tested in the laboratory. During each trial, one staphylinid beetle was placed in an arena (10×8×6 cm), followed immediately by adding one of eight carabid prey species (see below). The observation period started immediately and lasted for 10 minutes (for a total of 80 minutes per staphylinid specimen) without a rest period between the interactions.
The order in which the different carabid beetle prey species were introduced to the arena was random. The trials were video-recorded with a Panasonic digital video-camera. We counted the number of attacks towards the different prey species. The model prey consisted of eight species of carabid beetles. Three species possess warning colours and chemical defences (Brachinus sclopeta, Anchomenus dorsalis and Chlaenius velutinus (Duftschmid, 1812)) and five are without these characteristics (Steropus melas (Creutzer, 1799), Calathus fuscipes (Goeze, 1777), Pseudophonus rufipes (De Geer, 1774), Poecilus cupreus (Linné, 1758), and Amara anthobia). Attack frequency differences between species that possess warning colours and chemical defences, and those who do not possess these characteristics were evaluated using the Chi-square test in SPSS v.12.0.
The shrew Crocidura leucodonTwo adult specimens of the shrew, Crocidura leucodon (1 male and 1 female), were collected by long worth traps (Pollino mountain, Calabria, 1200 m a.s.l.) in October 2002. The shrews were kept under laboratory conditions in plastic cages (55 cm length × 34 cm width × 33 cm height) with opaque sides under natural daylight conditions. Nine carabid species were used as prey; Scybalicus oblongiusculus (Dejeani, 1829), Parophonus hispanus (Rambur, 1838), Steropus melas and Calathus montivagus Dejeani, 1831 (without warning colours and chemical defences)and Chlaenius chrysocephalus (Rossi, 1790), Anchomenus dorsalis, Brachinus brevicollis (= peregrinus)(Apfelbeck 1904), Brachinus sclopeta and Brachinus crepitans (Linné, 1758)(withwarning colours and chemical defences). Shrew were tested individually in an open arena (size: 25 cm length × 15 cm width × 18 cm height) with plaster as a substrate and with low-light. Before the start of the trial, each shrew was starved for two days. The order in which the different carabid beetle prey species were introduced into the arena was random. The trials were video-recorded and the number of attacks towards the prey species was evaluated using the Chi-square test.
Carabid beetle nomenclature follows
We found a statistically significant preference towards non-conspicuous prey by the lizard Podarcis sicula. Amara anthobia and Amara aenea were attacked with high frequency (Fig. 1a), while Brachinus sclopeta and Anchomenus dorsalis with low frequency (X2 = 23.76, DF = 3, P < 0.001). Non-conspicuous prey were captured and eaten without difficulty, but when Brachinus sclopeta or Anchomenus dorsalis
were captured, lizards always tossed their heads and then rubbed their
snouts on the soil. This is most likely because of the unpalatability
of aposematic prey (
The staphylinid beetle Ocypus olens reacted differently to chemically protected and unprotected carabids. Aposematic and chemically protected species (Brachinus sclopeta, Anchomenus dorsalis and Chlaenius velutinus) were attacked with lower frequency (X2 = 23.56, DF = 1, P < 0.001) than species without these characteristics (Poecilus cupreus, Pseudophonus rufipes, Calathus fuscipes, Steropus melas and Amara anthobia). Larger carabid species (Calathus velutinus and Steropus melas) were attacked quicker than smaller-sized species (Fig. 1b) (
The shrew Crocidura leucodon attacked and consumed all non-conspicuous and unprotected species of carabids, such as Scybalicus oblongiusculus, Parophonus hispanus, Steropus melas and Calathus montivagus (Fig. 1c). Chlaenius chrysocephalus, Brachinus peregrinus, Brachinus crepitans, Brachinus sclopeta and Anchomenus dorsalis were attacked infrequently (X2 = 35.25, DF = 1, P< 0.001) and with difficulty (Fig. 2) (
a Consumption of Amara anthobia by the lizard Podarcis sicula b attack on Calathus fuscipes by the staphylinid Ocypus olens c consumption of Campalita maderae by the shrew Crocidura leucodon.
Percentage of attacks by Crocidura leucodon (Insectivora: Soricidae) on conspicuous and non-conspicuous carabid beetles. Black bars represent conspicuous species; grey bars represent non-conspicuous species.
Our results support the hypothesis that conspicuous
colouration and defence chemicals in gregarious carabid beetles can
produce a sufficient aposematic signal to limit the attack by ambush and
active predators. We found a statistically significant preference of
predators for non-aposematic prey. Animals protected by chemical defence
are often conspicuously coloured (
Interspecific aggregation of Brachinus sclopeta a Anchomenus dorsalis b and individuals of Poecilus cupreus c. Scale bar = 2 mm.
As suggested by many authors, Müllerian mimicry may influence the diversity of defensive secretions of a species (
Future chemical and behavioural work should attempt to determine whether species of conspicuous and chemical defense systems are recognizable by the constant emission of odours or by the emission of chemicals after contact with predators (Bonacci et al. work in progress).