Review Article |
Corresponding author: Spyros Sfenthourakis ( ) Academic editor: Stefano Taiti
© 2018 Spyros Sfenthourakis, Elisabeth Hornung.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Sfenthourakis S, Hornung E (2018) Isopod distribution and climate change. In: Hornung E, Taiti S, Szlavecz K (Eds) Isopods in a Changing World. ZooKeys 801: 25-61.
The unique properties of terrestrial isopods regarding responses to limiting factors such as drought and temperature have led to interesting distributional patterns along climatic and other environmental gradients at both species and community level. This paper will focus on the exploration of isopod distributions in evaluating climate change effects on biodiversity at different scales, geographical regions, and environments, in view of isopods’ tolerances to environmental factors, mostly humidity and temperature.
Isopod distribution is tightly connected to available habitats and habitat features at a fine spatial scale, even though different species may exhibit a variety of responses to environmental heterogeneity, reflecting the large interspecific variation within the group.
Furthermore, isopod distributions show some notable deviations from common global patterns, mainly as a result of their ecological features and evolutionary origins. Responses to human disturbance are not always traceable, but a trend towards community homogenisation is often found under strong global urbanisation processes.
In general, even though it is still not clear how predicted climate change will affect isopod distribution, there is evidence that mixed effects are to be expected, depending on the region under study.
We still lack robust and extensive analyses of isopod distributions at different scales and at different biomes, as well as applications of distribution models that might help evaluate future trends.
adaptations, biogeography, community assemblage, diversity, ecology, ecomorphs, ecophysiology, Oniscidea
The present global distribution of terrestrial isopods is the result of historical, palaeogeographical, palaeoecological, and evolutionary processes filtered through more recent effects of climatic (mostly temperature and precipitation regimes), topographic, edaphic, and biotic (mostly vegetation providing shelter and food, and controlling microclimate) factors at different scales. Currently, humans exert strong effects on all terrestrial biomes and biota, mainly through habitat fragmentation, elimination and/or change, urbanisation and pollution. At the same time, humans also provide new kinds of anthropogenic shelter sites, which often favour habitat generalists and result in faunal homogenisation.
Some 15 years after the publication of the world list of all species of terrestrial isopods (
Oniscidea exhibit a unique feature among terrestrial animal taxa: it is the only monophyletic unit of relatively low taxonomic rank that has extant species representing almost all the range of evolutionary steps made during the transition from water to land. This becomes even more amazing if one also considers that the origin of the taxon is believed to be very old, possibly Palaeozoic (
Global climate models predict precipitation pattern changes and increase in frequency and severity of droughts by the end of the 21st century (
In the present paper we try to overview the current knowledge on isopod distribution at different scales, as well as related issues such as diversity gradients or their role in invasions, etc. We make an attempt to evaluate climate change effects on isopod diversity, especially in view of their tolerance to humidity and temperature. Nevertheless, we should stress from the start that, despite a relatively large literature on this group, we are still far from a comprehensive understanding of their spatial patterns and the underlying processes. There are still many areas of the world that remain unexplored, especially in the tropics. Exact distributions remain poorly known, even in regions from where good species lists exist (with some exceptions, of course).
Taxonomic nomenclature throughout the text follows
Scale is one of the most crucial factors when it comes to distributional patterns. Environmental change too can be perceived quite differently and its effects can vary widely at different scales. Habitat fragmentation, for example, may lead to very different outcomes when it refers to deforestation within a stand of trees compared to the deforestation within a large forest or even, e.g., within the whole Amazon basin. Similarly, climate change at a global scale does not lead to directly analogous changes at local sites or within isopod micro-habitats. Therefore, it is important to study isopod responses to environmental changes at different scales regarding distribution patterns.
Available information on terrestrial isopod distribution at a global scale is severely limited, though, due to large inequalities in research activity among different parts of the globe. We do know the general distribution of many species but at a low level of accuracy regarding range limits and site occupancy. During the last decade, at least, there is an increasing trend among isopodologists to provide such detailed information, but we are still very far away from a ‘World atlas of Oniscidea’. Nevertheless, even the coarse-grained data at hand can lead to some generalisations.
The latitudinal range of terrestrial isopod distributions is not related with latitude. The inserted map shows the diversity hotspots of endemic isopods (species with mean distributional range smaller than 1 degree of longitude and latitude) (adapted from data in
Furthermore, isopods do not seem to conform to Rapoport’s rule (see Fig.
At a narrower latitudinal zone and an intra-continental scale, however, a significant latitudinal gradient of decreasing species richness can be seen. In fact, even though we do not have detailed maps of species richness at a fine geographical grain, when species richness of European countries (Fig.
Approximated species richness for selected European countries (Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily are treated separately; Greece and Italy refer to continental parts only). Data from Fauna Europaea (de Jong et al. 2014) plus some additional country lists, corrected following
The latitudinal gradient of decreasing isopod species density (richness per unit area) with latitude among European countries (mean latitude per country). The trend remains highly significant even after the deletion of Crete and/or Sicily that exhibit very high densities. Mean country latitudes were approximated using Google Earth.
If this pattern proves actually true and not an artefact of sampling or other biases, what would it imply for possible effects of predicted climate change on isopod distribution? On one hand, if regions around the Mediterranean become drier, thus more hostile to isopods, then we should expect a significant decrease in diversity, especially regarding locally adapted endemic forms. On the other hand, a plausible explanation for this diversity pattern could be provided by the high levels of habitat heterogeneity in Mediterranean countries, coupled with the semi-isolated and sparsely distributed favorable humid habitats, conditions that enhance allopatric differentiation hence evolutionary divergence of isopod populations. A further increase of such environmental heterogeneity through climate change might not be fatal for isopod diversity, then, but might even act as a trigger for further diversification. At the same time, positive effects could be expected for central and northern European regions, where increased rainfall and temperature might allow for range expansion of southern species, enriching diversity.
In addition to latitudinal patterns of species richness, there is also a clear cline in the contribution of endemics and other chorological categories (
A relatively good part of isopod diversity consists of troglobious species, whose distribution patterns might be particularly interesting from the environmental change point of view. In fact, it is believed that climatic changes are among the major selective stresses that lead to adaptation to a life in caves.
Another attempt towards identification of global scale patterns has been made by
Based on our experience with these organisms, though, we can assume that increased drought will lead to increased extinction rates for the usually small-sized hygrophilous species through the reduction of available habitat. For example, one of us (SS) has documented the apparent extinction of Ligidium cycladicum Matsakis from the island of Kythnos. This is a hygrophilous species endemic on a few Aegean islands where it lives among riparian vegetation. On Kythnos Island it was present at just one freshwater spring till 1990. After a couple of dry years in the ‘90s, the spring dried up and the species went extinct even after the re-appearance of water during subsequent rainy years. An intensification of such phenomena is expected in the near future. On the other hand, in regions where rainfall is expected to increase, the only gain in diversity might come from range shifts and long-distance dispersal (diffusion), but these are slow processes depending also on many other factors (e.g., isolation, distance to be covered etc.). It is interesting to note that this kind of observations provide a direct link between global and local-scale patterns.
Another link between different scales can be found in the exploration of elevational gradients. These are assumed to reflect large-scale latitudinal patterns, given that changes in environmental conditions along altitudinal zones are very similar to changes encountered when one travels to higher latitudes. As already stated, isopods can be found even at very high elevations (< 4,800 m), exploiting thus a broad range of mountainous environments and providing very useful case studies on the effects of elevation gradients.
It is surprising, then, that just a handful of researchers have addressed this issue. The first such study was made on Mt. Cameroon, by
Most scenarios of future climate change effects on species distributions indicate a shift towards higher altitudes, especially concerning upper range limits (
Available information on isopod distribution at geographical scales intermediate between the global and the local are mainly in the form of country lists and, more rarely, evaluations of such lists. A seminal work in this regard is the well-known work of Vandel on the isopod fauna of France (
Another useful approach in the frame of this discussion is offered by biogeographical analyses at an intra-country spatial level, like those presented for Mediterranean island groups (
In another approach, in an analysis of isopod community composition at different scales from local to archipelagic,
Phylogeographic analyses at regional scales have started to appear during the past few years, revealing a strong effect of palaeogeographic history of current distribution of isopod taxa (
Community composition of a certain functional group may depend on local environmental factors and/or on dispersal limitation. Most terrestrial isopods have highly limited dispersal and dispersion abilities. Most of them are ‘prisoners’ of their special demands regarding shelters. The vast majority of ecological studies on isopods focus at the local, community-level scale. There are studies aiming to document the species composition and abundance of isopods at certain biotopes and/or to examine the temporal changes in community structure and dynamics at a seasonal or inter-annual temporal scale. It is not within the scope of this chapter to present an exhaustive review of this body of research, so we shall try to identify general patterns emerging from these studies that might be of interest for the main theme of the present topic.
Isopod communities from different parts of the world and a variety of habitat types seem to exhibit low equitability, due to dominance of one, usually widespread and/or, synanthropic species. The identity of this species, of course, may differ per geographical region and/or habitat. In Itapuã State Park, southern Brazil, for example,
Another aspect of isopod community structure is the moderate to high levels of nestedness exhibited among associated communities (
A role of biotic interactions with other taxa in shaping isopod communities has not been conclusively shown, but some indirect evidence is suggestive. For example,
The crucial role of key habitats for isopod communities has been shown in detail by
Despite this strong association of isopod communities and habitat diversity, there are several studies that have failed to find significant effects of habitat disturbance on isopod diversity. Even if this sounds counter-intuitive, it is not necessarily so, as we’ll try to explain below. According to
How can we account for this apparent contradiction regarding the role of habitats for isopod diversity? A plausible explanation lies at the scale of environmental heterogeneity exploited by such species of saprophagous animals. There is often significant variation among isopod species encountered at localities separated even by just a few tenths of meters, depending on the mere occurrence of keystone habitats, regardless of the area covered by the latter (
Attention of most lay people that happen to notice terrestrial isopods is mostly attracted by conglobating species, ‘pill-bugs’, large non-conglobating forms, such as several species of Porcellio Latreille, Trachelipus Budde-Lund and Oniscus L., or anthropophilous common species like Porcellionides pruinosus (Brandt) that sometimes can be identified as belonging to the same group. It is difficult for most people, though, to see the connection between these forms and those found in Platyarthridae, Haplophthalminae, or even Ligiidae and Philosciidae. The general body design (‘bauplan’) of Oniscidea can be classified into a small number of forms, which are generally believed to be related to their ecological features. If this is true, then these forms might respond differently to environmental change. In this case, we could study responses at a more inclusive interspecific level beyond taxonomic groups.
A more detailed ecomorphological analysis of isopods is necessary before we can make trustworthy inferences on varying responses to environment among ecomorphs. The ‘non-conformists’ category of
Detritivore soil invertebrates – among them terrestrial isopods – are responsible for turnover of litter and are effective regulators (litter transformers, ecosystem engineers) of that process (
It is already widely acknowledged that climate change has altered the distribution of several invertebrate, vertebrate and plant species. Abiotic environmental factors, first of all humidity and temperature are of basic importance in the life of soil dwelling macro-detritivores, too. Climatic, microclimatic relations strongly influence the abundance, community composition and functioning of soil organisms, including woodlice, and so indirectly decomposition rates and soil macrofauna (
Oniscidea originate from marine ancestors and there is a distinctive gradient within the taxon of increased adaptation to land conditions so that a variety of climatic components could be identified as determinants of species’ occurrence, establishment, survival, or prosperity (
Hygrokinesis and photoreaction of woodlice are of high significance to direct their reactions, movements and demographic strategies, depending on the features of the region where they occur (e.g., in temperate, xeric, mesic, semi-arid or arid environments), but there is an evolutionary trend from strongly water-dependent to more drought-tolerant species (
Woodlice, besides physiological and ecomorphological responses, can protect themselves from water loss by behavioural adaptations. They may show varying seasonal and diurnal patterns of activity, increased nocturnal activity and/or vertical and lateral movements towards sites with increased humidity. There is a correlation between precipitation pattern and isopod surface activity. In one study, aboveground abundance was found to increase about one month after the onset of rainy season in the Mediterranean (
In a recent study,
Conglobating species have the advantage to reduce water loss rate and CO2 release: e.g. the pill-bug Armadillidium vulgare was able to decrease water loss by 34.8%, and CO2 release by 37.1% in a relevant experiment (
Another important behavioural adaptation of isopods towards water loss reduction is the tendency of many species to aggregate (
Temperature values determine also growth rate (with species-specific minima and maxima) and cohort survival rate (mancas proved to be the most sensitive). In one study, the lower lethal temperature (50% mortality) for Porcellio scaber Latreille was below zero, between -1.4 and -4.6 °C, with a super-cooling point at about -7 °C (
Food quality and temperature have important effects on rate of gravid females and on the growth of future offspring. Females become gravid at a smaller size at increased temperature while increased food quality results in larger size (
Climatic changes definitively influence population processes, too. Life history traits such as reproduction (timing, parity, number of potential offspring) are highly influenced by humidity, moisture, and temperature (
A great number of studies prove that there is a general relationship between female size and clutch number. Stochastic environmental changes modify the actual results on different scales (
Despite these variations, duration of gravidity is generally temperature dependent (
Woodlice generally are considered as having restricted dispersal abilities. Many species may hardly be able to expand their distribution ranges but some have been rather successful in colonising new territories. At the same time, distribution patterns of isopods reflect ecological tolerance at a macroecological scale. The activity radius of an individual is species specific, depending on certain ecomorphological, and life history characters, humidity requirements. Hemilepistus reaumurii, for example, was found to cover several meters per day while foraging (
Isopods are excellent objects for anthropochorous distribution and jump dispersal. It is known that a fertilised female can reproduce several times without a successive copulation (
Interesting cases of long-distance dispersal are offered by the small and blind, specialist myrmecophilous isopod species Platyarthrus schoblii Budde-Lund. It probably originated from the Mediterranean region but have been successfully introduced in northern parts of Europe, accompanying Lasius neglectus van Loon, Boomsma and Andrásfalvy. The ant is an aggressive, invasive species that invaded Europe (
At a larger scale, dispersal of isopods may be constrained by climatic and edaphic factors. Annual temperature, amount of daylight and precipitation regimes may condition the existence, dispersal, and activity of isopods. For example,
Distribution of Oniscidea in the European part of the former USSR prove the existence of climatic barrier: no woodlice were found above the line of 120 days/year with a temperature above 10 °C. Black dots – positive samples; grey dots – sample localities without isopods (modified after
The niche of an isopod is determined first of all by microclimatic conditions. Michael R. Warburg, as a postgraduate student of G. Evelyn Hutchinson, made the first studies on isopods’ niches. He partitioned an isopod’s niche into two parts (
Cold adaptation might exist among isopods. Porcellio scaber, a species with worldwide although mainly synanthropic distribution, has proved to be tolerant of temperatures below 0 °C. Its super-cooling point was approximately -7 °C (Tanaka and Udagawa 1993). Active specimens of different woodlice species occur rather often under snow inside the decomposing litter layer in temperate regions. Such kind of abilities might help both the altitudinal and latitudinal dispersal of cold-tolerating species. The expected effect of climatic changes is the shift in distribution limits at least in the case of habitat generalist and synanthropic species. The potential ‘climate change-driven’ northward range expansion of certain terrestrial isopods (and other detritivores) might contribute to the increase of litter decomposition rates. Decomposition rate changes depend mostly not on species composition but on the biomass of macro-decomposers. Increased decomposition facilitates carbon emission (
On the other extreme, a study on Armadillidium vulgare proved that critical thermal maximum decline interrelated with declining oxygen concentration (
Of course, other factors besides climatic ones may also constraint the ability of isopods to disperse or undergo niche shift. These involve ecophysiological requirements, soil pH, soil calcium content etc. (
Climate change has always been a trigger for evolution and for changes in the distribution of all species on Earth. Nevertheless, if one of the various scenarios of global climate change presented by IPCC proves to approximate the actual climate of the next few decades, then the speed of the change will not allow for distributional shifts and evolutionary adaptations of most organisms. Different scenarios forecast global temperature and sea-level rise, and more frequent occurrence of extreme climatic phenomena. The extent of climate change effects on different geographical regions, though, is expected to vary widely.
As far as terrestrial isopods are concerned, we still need to gather more detailed data before we can provide reliable estimates of expected changes in distribution patterns. Based on available evidence, as presented in this paper, though, we may attempt some general tentative hypotheses. Most scenarios predict increased drought in circum-Mediterranean regions, which are assumed to become even more arid than today. Since the highest known species richness of isopods is found in this region, it is very probable that a significant part of isopod diversity, primarily those more dependent on humid habitats (such as riparian etc.), will be negatively affected. Such effects will be more extensive in insular assemblages where water availability is even more restricted. Given that Mediterranean islands host many endemic species, the expected problems will be also of qualitative importance. On the other hand, higher latitudes (and, also, altitudes) may experience an increase in isopod diversity, if species will be able to expand their distribution ranges following increasing annual temperatures. Nevertheless, in most regions that will not experience pronounced habitat alterations, we do not expect to see significant effects on isopod assemblages, given that these animals are not particularly sensitive to intermediate levels of disturbance.
An important relevant process that, till today, has led to an increased isopod diversity in some regions of the world (e.g., North America, Britain), is the human-caused introduction of alien species (
Climate change may also alter vegetation that can lead to changes in litter quality, which in turn may also influence detritivore species like isopods. The processes involved, though, are very complicated, so we cannot make safe predictions at the current state of knowledge.
Climate change, of course, is not the only important factor behind on-going environmental change. Besides chemical and organic pollution that might be important in some places, the most important processes for isopods are the homogenisation of agricultural landscapes and the increased urbanisation in many parts of the world. Such habitats are subject to faunal homogenisation processes that favour a small number of adaptable, habitat generalist, isopod species. Even though we have not been able to document decreased levels of local (alpha) diversity in such habitats, overall diversity is negatively affected by decreasing beta-diversity among such localities. Nevertheless, this process has started to attract the attention of isopod researchers only recently, so we still need more data and also from a wider geographical range, before we can evaluate these processes reliably.
So, which are the most important open questions on the subject that should lead isopod research in the years to come? Herein, we give some answers to this question, but these should not be regarded as a finite list. In fact, we need input from a wide variety of research field in order to be able to draw a good picture of distribution patterns under environmental, including climate, change.