Research Article |
Corresponding author: Hélcio R. Gil-Santana ( ) Academic editor: Guanyang Zhang
© 2017 Hélcio R. Gil-Santana.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Gil-Santana HR (2017) A new species of Zeraikia Gil-Santana & Costa with taxonomic notes on Zeraikia novafriburguensis Gil-Santana & Costa (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Peiratinae). ZooKeys 716: 105-126.
Zeraikia zeraikae sp. n. is described from the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, based on one male and one female specimens. Some taxonomic notes on Zeraikia Gil-Santana & Costa, 2003 and Zeraikia novafriburguensis Gil-Santana & Costa, 2003 are provided. Detailed descriptions and several figures of the male genitalia of both species are furnished. A key for the species of Zeraikia is presented.
corsairs, Heteroptera , male genitalia, Neotropics, taxonomy
There are 11 genera of Peiratinae in the Neotropics (
Zeraikia Gil-Santana & Costa, 2003 and Zeraikia novafriburguensis Gil-Santana & Costa, 2003 were described based on a single male that was collected in Nova Friburgo, a city located in a mountainous region of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (
Following publication of this species, another male of Z. novafriburguensis was located in the Entomological Collection of the National Museum of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (
Zeraikia zeraikae sp. n. is described from Nova Friburgo, Brazil, based on one male and one female specimens.
A revised diagnosis and description of Zeraikia are presented.
The specimens described here are or will be deposited in the Entomological Collection of the “Museu Nacional da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro”, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (
The photos of the male holotype of Z. novafriburguensis (Figs
All remaining figures were produced by the author. The fixed adults, microscopic preparations, and genitalia were photographed using digital cameras (Nikon D5200 with a Nikon Macro Lens 105 mm and Sony DSC-W830). Drawings were made using a camera lucida. For clarity, the vestiture (setation) was completely or almost completely omitted in the ink drawings of Figs
Observations were made using a Zeiss Stemi stereoscope microscope and a Leica CME compound microscope. Measurements were made using a micrometer eyepiece. The total length of the head was measured excluding the neck, for better uniformity of this measurement. Dissections of the male genitalia were made by first removing the pygophore from the abdomen with a pair of forceps and then clearing it in 20% NaOH solution for 24 hours. Following this procedure, the phallus of each species was firstly recorded without inflation (Figs
General morphological terminology mainly follows
In general, the features already recorded in the description of Zeraikia are not repeated in the descriptions provided for its species.
Gil-Santana & Costa, 2003: 4 [key; description], 7 [discussion];
Zeraikia novafriburguensis Gil-Santana & Costa, 2003: 4–7, by monotypy.
Head somewhat longer than fore lobe of pronotum; transverse sulcus distinct, shallowly impressed. Postocular region in dorsal view converging to neck from a point considerably posterior to eyes. Meso and metapleural sutures curved. Prosternal process ending short of apices of fore coxae. Space between mid coxae and hind coxae slightly smaller and wider than coxal diameter, respectively. Fore and mid tibia with spongy fossa. Spongy fossa of fore tibia occupying somewhat less than half length of the tibia, ventrally; spongy fossa of mid tibia about half size in comparison with that of fore tibiae, occupying approximately distal fourth of mid tibia, ventrally.
Small sized (maximum length 10.7–12.8). Structure: integument mostly shiny. Head: integument mostly finely granulose and rugulose; on postocular region and lateral tubercles of neck there are larger granules; shorter than pronotum; somewhat longer than fore lobe of pronotum; anteocular portion longer than postocular and elongated. Transverse sulcus distinct, shallowly impressed with a small anterior median depression. Eyes of medium size, somewhat more than half as wide as interocular space in dorsal view, reaching near and far from outline of head dorsally and ventrally, respectively; in lateral view, at level of midportion of labial segment III (second visible). Distance between ocelli approximately or somewhat more than twice diameter of ocellus. Area immediately posteroventral to eyes, somewhat prominent. Antennae inserted near eyes, elongated; segment I shortest and thickest, enlarged toward apex; remaining segments longer and progressively thinner. Labium robust, segment III (second visible) longest; segment IV thinnest, tapering; integument smooth on segments III–IV. Postocular region in dorsal view converging to neck from a point considerably posterior to eyes. Neck with a conspicuous pair of lateral tubercles, integument generally smooth and shiny. Thorax: integument mostly finely or coarsely granulose and rugulose; pronotal collar moderately developed, with prominent lateral lobes. Fore lobe of pronotum longer than hind lobe, lateral margins rounded in dorsal view; hind lobe enlarged toward posterior margin; lateral margins of fore and hind lobe carinate; humeral angles rounded and posterior margin convex; transverse furrow well-marked, curved, subparallel to posterior margin; fore lobe strongly longitudinally depressed in middle of posterior third, with shallow medial sulcus at anterior two-thirds and similar lateral sulci; integument finely granulose on the sulci and mostly shiny and smooth among sulci. Scutellum triangular; apical margin rounded. Prothoracic acetabula broad. Meso and metapleural sutures curved. Prosternal process elongated, tapering, ending short of apices of fore coxae, with stridulitrum occupying its midline, ventrally. Meso and metasternum finely punctuated. Mesosternum with a midlongitudinal shallow crest. Fore coxae thickened, somewhat thinner toward apices, elongated, implanted near each other; space between them smaller than width of each coxa and occupied by the prosternal process. Mid and hind coxae subglobular, progressively more widely separated from each other; space between mid coxae and hind coxae slightly smaller and wider than coxal diameter, respectively. Fore femora thickest, hind femora longest, mid femora somewhat thicker than hind femora. Fore and mid tibiae slightly shorter than respective femora and bearing spongy fossa. Fore tibiae conspicuously enlarged and somewhat curved upwards at approximately apical half; spongy fossa large, occupying somewhat less than half length of the tibia, ventrally, and surpassing its apex approximately to level of basal portion of second tarsomere. Mid tibiae somewhat enlarged at apical third to apical fourth; spongy fossa about half size in comparison with that of fore tibiae, occupying approximately distal fourth of the tibia, ventrally, and surpassing its apex approximately to the level of middle portion of first tarsomere. Hind tibiae slightly longer than femora, almost entirely straight, sometimes somewhat thickened or curved subapically. Hemelytra generally dull, not surpassing tip of abdomen in females but extending somewhat beyond it in males; on extreme base of dorsal surface, laterally, a small, somewhat elevated, translucent, rugulose area present. Abdomen suboval, larger in females; dorsal connexival segments also more prominent in females. Integument very finely rugulose and granulose. Sternite II (first visible) with dull and rugulose integument, granulose on median portion, sometimes also finely granulose on lateral portions. Sternites III–VII with shiny integument, variably rugulose; their median portion generally smoother, mainly in females, in which the segments are more enlarged; on sternite III a shallow median carina, sometimes incomplete, not evident on posterior half of the segment. In males, only posterior margin of sternite VIII visible, in which there is a median posterior elongated subtriangular prolongation with the apex rounded; the remaining segment, i.e., the non-exposed part, less pigmented and less sclerotized; basal margin curved backwards on midportion ventrally. Integument somewhat rugulose on exposed portion of genital segments.
Male genitalia: asymmetrical. Exposed portion of pygophore subquadrate to subrectangular in ventral view; its non-exposed portion almost unpigmented and less sclerotized; basal margin curved backwards on midportion ventrally; median process large, elongated, strongly curved in ventral view, somewhat narrower at basal and apical portions; tip of apex blunt in ventral view and acute in lateral view. Parameres subtriangular, margins rounded; left paramere slightly longer than right paramere, with its apical portion more slender; a subapical process (sp) present on inner surface of both parameres, small on left paramere and larger on right paramere; just below this process, at one side, a longitudinal crest (lc) present on inner surface, somewhat shorter and more prominent on right paramere. Phallus suboval in shape when not inflated. Articulatory apparatus with moderately short basal plate arms (bpa); basal arms and basal plate bridge (bpb) forming a subtriangular set; basal plate bridge somewhat narrower than basal plate arms; pedicel (pd) moderately elongated, curved in lateral view. Dorsal phallothecal sclerite (dps) asymmetrical, twice curved in lateral and dorsal views, elongated; at its approximately median third there is a pair of asymmetrical rounded flat lateral expansions (fle); somewhat depressed at median portion, longitudinally, on dorsal surface of approximately distal half; apex rounded in dorsal view. Endosoma with three main processes: 1 – a globose to elongate subbasal larger process (sbp) formed by diffuse thickening; two processes formed by several to numerous variably sclerotized elements; 2 – an apical, elongated curved process (ap), formed by numerous sclerotized spined elements, in which the tip is surrounded by a globose expansion of endosoma (ge); and 3 – another process, which varies in shape, located basally or apically inside the subapical tubular projection of endosoma (stp). Endosoma wall longitudinally and transversely finely striated; finely rugose in some portions, especially on apical part; sometimes forming a globose small lateral lobe (gl); with a very long, conspicuous, subapical tubular projection (stp) which is apparent only after careful detachment and expansion of it apart from the surrounding tissues; in a resting position, most part of it remains embedded in phallosoma. Length of this tubular projection, when fully stretched, approximately as long as or somewhat longer than anteroposterior length of phallus.
Female genitalia: simple. Tergites IX and X obliquely directed backwards, clearly separated by a thin line; in posterior view, subtrapezoidal and subrectangular in shape, respectively.
Vestiture: integument generally covered by numerous, short, adpressed, pale to silvery setae, sometimes forming a pubescence; long to very long, darkened, stiff, straight or variably curved setae and stiff, darkened, straight or variably curved moderately short setae. Head covered with pale to silvery pubescence which is somewhat rarer ventrally and in postocular region, and also with scattered long oblique darkened stiff setae. Neck glabrous, except on lateral tubercles which are covered by pubescence. Eyes glabrous. Antenna: segment I less setose; pubescence and sparse, stiff, obliquely curved, short setae more numerous toward apex, with a few, longer, stiff, somewhat curved to straight, darkened setae, one of them, implanted on approximately median portion of dorsal surface, is conspicuously thicker than the others. Segments II and III covered by dense pubescence formed by numerous thin, oblique, short pale setae, and scattered, longer, stiff, oblique, darkened setae. On segment II, some trichobothria present, which are variable in length, some of them very long; a conspicuous, subbasal, strong, stiff, straight, very long, darkened, dorsal seta and a subapical, dorsal, somewhat long, stiff, somewhat curved darkened seta. On segment IV, the setae forming the dense pubescence are even thinner and more adpressed, while the stiff oblique setae are somewhat longer, thinner and more numerous along the segment. Labium less setose, segments III and IV with some scattered stiff long straight setae only. Thorax with short, pale pubescence and variable long, stiff, straight or variably curved setae. Lateral lobes of pronotal collar with a single conspicuous, stiff, long, darkened seta. Integument glabrous on shiny and smooth areas among sulci of fore lobe of pronotum. Femora and tibiae with scattered, conspicuous, long to very long, straight, stiff, darkened setae, with variable areas also covered with pale pubescence. Pubescence on tibiae generally denser, mainly on ventral and dorsal surfaces of mid and hind tibiae; towards apical portion of the segment, tufts formed with very numerous, stiff, short, oblique, yellowish to golden-yellowish setae on ventral surface of fore tibiae, and dorsal and ventral surfaces of mid and hind tibiae. Tarsi densely covered with stiff, pale, yellowish to golden-yellowish, oblique to curved setae of variable lengths, somewhat shorter and more numerous on ventral surfaces of the segments. Hemelytra moderately setose on lateral portions of base and costal area of corium, sparsely on other portions, in which most if not all the setae are implanted on veins, with glabrous areas among them; membrane glabrous. Abdomen: each dorsal connexival segment with a single conspicuous long, stiff, darkened, somewhat curved to straight setae implanted just above posterolateral angle. Pubescence formed by very short and adpressed setae on connexivum and lateral portions of sternites; the latter with variable number of scattered long stiff darkened setae. In males, posterior margin of segment VII with some to several, very long, conspicuous, somewhat curved, stiff, darkened setae. Genitalia covered by short thin setae and longer stiff scattered setae on exposed portions. Parameres glabrous on basal portion; covered by numerous, moderately long, thin setae and a few, conspicuously longer, larger setae scattered on the exposed (outer) surface; inner surface mostly glabrous with a few rows of moderately long, thin setae basally to the inner crest and on the latter, in which the setae are more numerous and longer.
Gil-Santana & Costa, 2003: 4, 7 [description], 5–6 [figures 1–10];
Zeraikia novafriburguensis. Type material. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro, Nova Friburgo Municipality, Cascatinha neighborhood (22°20'S, 42°33'W, ca. 1000 m a.s.l.), Holotype (male): Reduviidae / Peiratinae // Holotipo [red label] // Zeraikia / novafriburguensis. / Hélcio Gil-Santana / &. Luiz A. A. Costa, 2003 // 28-IX-2001 – Casca- / tinha – N. Fribur- / go – RJ – BRASIL // [QR CODE] /
BRAZIL, Santa Catarina, Corupá Municipality, x. 1944, 01 male; Nova Friburgo, Cascatinha neighborhood (22°20'S, 42°33'W, ca. 1000 m a.s.l.), 19.xii.2003, 01 female, (
General coloration blackish to brownish black, sometimes with subtle bluish luster, mainly on sternites. General coloration of corium, clavus and basal portion of membrane of hemelytra orange to reddish orange. Labial segments III and IV, coxae, trochanters, tibiae and tarsi distinctly or extensively marked with pale to yellowish pale markings. Pale markings of connexivum large, occupying approximately basal half of each segment. Several long stiff dark setae on ventral surface of femora, mainly on fore and mid femora, implanted in small rounded tubercles.
Male. Figures
Coloration: general coloration blackish to brownish black, sometimes with subtle bluish luster, mainly on sternites (Figs
Structure and vestiture: generally as in generic description. Tip of scutellum horizontal, directed backwards. Several long stiff dark setae on ventral surface of femora, mainly on fore and mid femora, implanted in small rounded tubercles. Hemelytra covered with numerous adpressed setae on costal area and numerous and longer stiff setae on veins of corium, surpassing abdomen by about half a millimeter.
Male genitalia (in addition to generic characteristics described above) (Figs
Zeraikia novafriburguensis, male genitalia. 8–9 phallus not inflated 8 dorsal view 9 latero-dorsal view 10–11 phallus with endosoma inflated, lateral views. (ap apical process of endosoma; bpa basal plate arm; bpb basal plate bridge; dps dorsal phallothecal sclerite; fle flat lateral expansion; ge globose expansion of endosoma; pd pedicel; sbp subbasal process of endosoma; stp subapical tubular projection of endosoma wall). Scale bars: 0.5 mm.
Zeraikia novafriburguensis, male genitalia. 12–14 phallus with endosoma inflated 12–13 dorsal view 14 lateral view 15 articulatory apparatus and pedicel 16 half-hemispherical process. (ap apical process of endosoma; bpa basal plate arm; dps dorsal phallothecal sclerite; fle flat lateral expansion; ge globose expansion of endosoma; gl small lateral globose lobe of endosoma wall; hhp half-hemispherical process; stp subapical tubular projection of endosoma wall). Scale bars: 0.5 mm (12–14); 0.3 mm (15–16).
Female. Figure
Brazil, in states of Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina.
BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro, Nova Friburgo Municipality (22°17'S, 42°29'W, ca. 1049 m a.s.l.), 05.xi.1997, Holotype (male); iii.1996, Paratype (female).
General coloration black with bluish luster. General color of corium, clavus and basal half of membrane of hemelytra dull blackish. Labium, coxae, trochanters, tibiae and tarsi mostly or completely darkened, without conspicuous pale markings. Pale markings of connexivum relatively small, occupying approximately basolateral third and fifth of segments III–VI and VII, respectively. Long stiff dark setae on ventral surface of femora relatively smaller and not implanted in tubercles.
Male. Figures
Coloration: general coloration black with bluish luster, mostly very shiny, except on hemelytra, which are completely dull (Fig.
Zeraikia zeraikae sp. n., male holotype. 20 distal portion of hemelytra and connexivum, dorsal view (the arrow points to a single conspicuous long, stiff, darkened seta implanted just above posterolateral angle of a connexival segment) 21 distal portion of abdomen, ventral view 22 apical portion of abdomen, posterior view (hemelytra omitted) 23 sternite VIII, ventral view 24–25 pygophore without parameres 24 lateral view 25 ventral view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (20–21); 0.5 mm (22–25).
Structure and vestiture: generally as in generic description. Tip of scutellum directed obliquely upwards. Long stiff dark setae on ventral surface of femora relatively smaller and not implanted in tubercles. Hemelytra with thinner and less numerous setae in costal area and on veins of corium, surpassing abdomen by somewhat more than one millimeter.
Male genitalia (in addition to generic characteristics described above) (Figs
Female. Figures
Zeraikia zeraikae sp. n., male genitalia, lateral views. 31–32 phallus not inflated 33 pedicel and dorsal phallotecal sclerite 34 phallus with endosoma inflated. (ap apical process of endosoma; app appendix; bpa basal plate arm; bpb basal plate bridge; dps dorsal phallothecal sclerite; ep elongated process inside basal portion of subapical projection of endosoma wall; fle flat lateral expansion; ge globose expansion of endosoma; pd pedicel; sbp subbasal process of endosoma; ssa small subapical process of endosoma; stp subapical tubular projection of endosoma wall; stpp visible portion of subapical tubular projection not extended). Scale bars: 0.5 mm (31–32, 34); 0.2 mm (33).
Zeraikia zeraikae sp. n., male genitalia, lateral views. 35 apical process and basal portion of subapical tubular projection of endosoma wall. (ep elongated process inside basal portion of subapical tubular projection of endosoma wall) 36 small subapical and apical processes of endosoma. (ap apical process; ge globose expansion of endosoma ssa small subapical process) 37–38 endosoma wall projection portions 37 midportion 38 apical portion. (app appendix). Scale bars: 0.3 mm (35, 37–38); 0.1 mm (36).
Measurements | Holotype male | Paratype female |
Body length to tip of hemelytra | 11.9 | - |
Body length to tip of abdomen | 10.8 | 12.8 |
Head length (excluding neck) | 2.0 | 2.0 |
Anteocular portion length | 1.0 | 1.0 |
Postocular portion length | 0.4 | 0.4 |
Head width across eyes | 1.2 | 1.3 |
Interocular distance | 0.5 | 0.6 |
Transverse width of eye | 0.35 | 0.4 |
Antennal segment I length | 0.7 | 0.7 |
Antennal segment II length | 2.4 | 2.0 |
Antennal segment III length | 1.8 | 1.5 |
Antennal segment IV length | 2.0 | 1.8 |
Labial segment II length | 0.6 | 0.6 |
Labial segment III length | 1.0 | 1.0 |
Labial segment IV length | 0.7 | 0.7 |
Ocellar tubercle width | 0.5 | 0.5 |
Fore lobe of pronotum length | 1.5 | 1.6 |
Fore lobe of pronotum max. width | 1.8 | 2.0 |
Hind lobe of pronotum length | 1.0 | 1.0 |
Hind lobe of pronotum max. width | 2.8 | 3.0 |
Scutellum length | 1.0 | 1.0 |
Scutellum maximum width | 1.2 | 1.2 |
Fore coxa length | 1.5 | 1.6 |
Fore femur length | 2.7 | 2.8 |
Fore tibia length | 2.3 | 2.5 |
Spongy fossa of fore tibia length | 1.4 | 1.5 |
Spongy fossa of fore tibia max. width | 0.5 | 0.5 |
Fore tarsus length | 0.9 | absent |
Mid femur length | 2.4 | 2.7 |
Mid tibia length | 2.6 | 2.7 |
Spongy fossa of mid tibia length | 0.7 | 0.7 |
Spongy fossa of mid tibia max. width | 0.2 | 0.3 |
Mid tarsus length | 1.2 | 1.2 |
Hind femur length | 3.4 | 3.6 |
Hind tibia length | 4.4 | 4.5 |
Hind tarsus length | 1.6 | 1.7 |
Abdomen length | 5.2 | 6.5 |
Abdomen maximum width | 3.4 | 4.3 |
The new species is named in honor of my beloved wife, Soraya Orichio Zeraik, who has always stimulated and helped me in my entomological studies.
Brazil, in state of Rio de Janeiro.
The overall similarities in structure and vestiture between Z. novafriburguensis and Z. zeraikae sp. n. justify their placement in the same genus. The characteristics of Z. zeraikae sp. n. also corroborate placement of this species in Zeraikia in accordance with the definition of this genus by
On the other hand, Z. novafriburguensis and Z. zeraikae sp. n. can be unequivocally separated from each other based on several characteristics that are recorded in their respective diagnoses presented above. These and other additional differences, mentioned in their descriptions, are clear-cut enough to undoubtedly consider them to be distinct species.
In the male genitalia, the most striking differences were recorded between the characteristics of the long subapical tubular projection of the endosoma wall (stp) (Figs
The general shape of the exposed portion of the eighth sternite, the pygophore, including its median process and parameres in these species of Zeraikia (Figs
A similar long tubular expansion of the endosoma wall, like that of Z. novafriburguensis (with a roughly uniform diameter) (Figs
On the other hand, because of the lack of more complete data about other structures of the endosome, including its processes, in previous works, further comparisons will require additional studies. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that, in almost all studies on Neotropical Peiratinae (see
1 | General coloration blackish to brownish black, sometimes with subtle bluish luster, mainly on sternites (Figs |
novafriburguensis Gil-Santana & Costa |
– | General coloration black with bluish luster (Figs |
zeraikae sp. n. |
I would like to thank Luiz A. A. Costa (