Research Article
Research Article
Insights into phylogenetic relationships and gene rearrangements: complete mitogenomes of two sympatric species in the genus Rana (Anura, Ranidae)
expand article infoJingfang Li§, Mei Xie§, Fangpeng Zhang§, Juan Shu|, Jun Zhang|, Zhinuo Zhang|, Hongmei Xiang§, Wansheng Jiang§
‡ Jishou University, Jishou, China
§ Jishou University, Zhangjiajie, China
| Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Zhangjiajie, China
Open Access


Mitochondrial genomes (also known as mitogenomes) serve as valuable molecular markers and have found widespread applications in molecular biology and ecology. There is abundant sequence variation in vertebrate mitogenomes, and occasionally, they exhibit gene rearrangements. In this study, two Chinese endemic Rana species, Rana jiemuxiensis and Rana hanluica, were sequenced and analyzed to obtain their complete mitogenomes. The two species were sympatrically distributed in the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, in Wulingyuan District, Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, China. The mitogenome of R. jiemuxiensis was 17,506 bp, while that of R. hanluica was 17,505 bp, each comprising 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 transfer RNA genes (tRNAs), two ribosomal RNA genes (rRNAs), and a non-coding control region (D-loop). The gene content, nucleotide composition, and evolutionary rates of each mitogenome were analyzed and compared with those of congeners. A phylogenetic analysis based on 22 mitogenomes in Rana revealed that the two sympatric species were in two different lineages, indicating that they were genetically separated to a certain extent. Three types of gene rearrangement patterns were identified when examining the gene orders of the 22 Rana mitogenomes. Most of the species shared a second and dominant gene rearrangement pattern that originated from the first ancient pattern. A “tandem duplication – multiple deletion” hypothesis was proposed to explain the evolution of these different gene rearrangement patterns. This study provided valuable data references and enhanced our understanding of the phylogenetic implications and gene rearrangements of Rana species.

Key words

China, genome, mitochondrial, phylogeny, Ranine, Zhangjiajie


The amphibian genus Rana Linnaeus, 1758, commonly referred to as the “wood frog” or “brown frog,” represents an early-established group typified by the European wood frog, Rana temporaria Linnaeus, 1758. Over the past two decades, there has been significant taxonomic restructuring within the genus Rana and its ranine counterparts. According to the Amphibian Species of the World online database, the currently reclassified Rana encompasses 52 species distributed throughout temperate Eurasia into Indochina (Frost 2024). Notably, China hosts the largest number of Rana species, totaling 28, which are extensively dispersed across almost every province of the country, ranging from the north in the Heilongjiang River basin, to the south in Hainan Island, and from the west in the Tibetan plateau, to the east in the East China coastal plain (AmphibiaChina 2024).

Numerous scientific investigations concerning Rana have focused on taxonomy and phylogeny, as well as the discovery of new species and insights into their ecological behaviors. The first discovery of a Rana species in China took place in the Qinling Mountains during the late 19th century, officially named as Rana chensinensis David, 1875 (Boulenger 1920). However, for a long time, the Chinese wood frog R. chensinensis was often considered a synonym or subspecies of the European wood frog R. temporaria due to their morphological similarities (Liu and Hu 1961). The introduction of new phenotypic techniques and genetic tools, such as microstructure analysis, chromosome karyotyping, cytogenetics, protein analysis, isoenzymes, and DNA sequencing, has helped clarify many problematic species, identify new species, and gradually reveal phylogenetic relationships within wood frog groups (Wu 1981). For instance, Che et al. (2007) identified four well-supported clades of East Asian wood frogs through phylogenetic reconstructions using mitochondrial genes, showing significant geographic separations in the distribution patterns of some clades. Subsequently, Zhou et al. (2017) classified Rana species in East Asia into four species groups: R. japonica Boulenger, 1879, R. maoershanensis Lu, Li & Jiang, 2007, R. chensinensis and R. amurensis Boulenger, 1886. Their research emphasized that the R. maoershanensis and R. japonica species groups formed a monophyletic clade known as the Southern Chinese wood frogs, where the R. japonica species group could be further divided into R. japonica, R. chaochiaoensis Liu, 1946, and other species of the R. longicrus Stejneger, 1898 species group, each linked to distinct geographical regions.

Rana hanluica Shen, Jiang & Yang, 2007 and Rana jiemuxiensis Yan, Jiang, Chen, Fang, Jin, Li, Wang, Murphy, Che & Zhang, 2011 are two species belonging to the R. longicrus species group (Fei et al. 2009; Wan et al. 2020), which constitutes the largest species group within the Southern Chinese Wood Frogs. Recent studies focusing on the R. longicrus species group have revealed the presence of several new species in China, highlighting the incomplete understanding of this particular group of Rana (Pope and Boring 1940; Yan et al. 2011). Although initially discovered in a localized area in Hunan Province, distribution records of R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica exhibit different patterns. Rana jiemuxiensis has a relatively restricted distribution, being found only in the surrounding areas of its type locality, the Jiemuxi National Nature Reserve in Yuanling County (Yan et al. 2011). In contrast, the distribution range of R. hanluica extends beyond its type locality in Yangmingshan, Shuangpai County (Zhu et al. 2018), encompassing neighboring provinces such as Guizhou, Guangxi, Jiangxi, and even Zhejiang Province (AmphibiaChina 2024). Notably, R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica coexist in the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, representing the northernmost distribution zones and likely the only coexisting area for both species to date. The reasons for the coexistence of these closely related species are multifaceted, likely stemming from their long-term evolutionary history. Factors contributing to their coexistence may include reproductive isolation, as well as potential genetic and niche differentiations. One factor facilitating their coexistence could be the non-synchronous breeding seasons. Rana jiemuxiensis typically breeds from late January to mid-March, with a peak breeding period in early March (Yan et al. 2011), whereas the breeding season of R. hanluica typically occurs in October, around the “hanlu” or “Cold Dew Festival” (Xia et al. 2022), one of the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms, which also inspired its species name “hanluica” (Shen et al. 2007).

The genetic differentiations between the two sympatric species, R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica, may play a crucial role in their coexistence, yet this aspect has received limited attention in previous studies. Furthermore, species within the Ranoidae family typically exhibit gene rearrangements in their mitogenomes (Igawa et al. 2008), which could further contribute to genetic differentiation and potentially influence their coexistence. In this study, we employed next-generation sequencing technology to sequence and characterize the complete mitochondrial genome of R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica. We conducted comparative analyses of these mitogenomes with those of closely related species, focusing on mitochondrial structures and features such as nucleotide composition, codon usage, and selection pressures. Additionally, we reconstructed the phylogenetic relationships using all available mitogenomes of the genus Rana obtained from NCBI and analyzed gene rearrangements within this group. The primary objective of this study is to provide novel insights into the phylogenetic implications and gene rearrangements of the two sympatric species, as well as other species within the genus Rana.

Materials and methods

Sample collection and sequencing

Samples of R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica were collected from Zhangjiajie National Forest Park (29°9′39″N, 110°24′58″E), located in the Wulingyuan District of Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, China. Permissions for the field survey were obtained for scientific purposes from the local administrations, and the sample collections and experimental protocols were approved by the Biomedical Ethics Committee of Jishou University (Approval No: JSDX–2024–0083). In accordance with the “3R principle” (Reduction, Replacement, and Refinement) as required by the National Ministry of Science and Technology (No. 398 [2006]), only one sample of each species was utilized. Specimens were euthanized humanely and preserved in 85% ethanol as voucher specimens. These specimens were deposited at the Molecular Ecology Laboratory, Zhangjiajie Campus, Jishou University (R. jiemuxiensis, voucher no. JWS20211037; R. hanluica, voucher no. JWS20211131). A small volume of liver tissue was used for molecular experiments. Total DNA was extracted using the DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). DNA library construction was performed using the VAHTS Universal DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina V3 (Vazyme, Nanjing, China). High-throughput sequencing was conducted on the DNBSEQ-T7 platform (Complete Genomics and MGI Tech, Shenzhen, China), generating approximately 30 Gb of raw reads with a read length of 150 bp for each sample.

Mitogenome assembly, annotation, and character analyses

The complete mitogenomes of R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica were assembled using NOVOPlasty 4.3 (Dierckxsens et al. 2017), based on the raw reads generated through next-generation sequencing (NGS). The complete mitogenome and the CYTB gene (1140 bp) of R. chensinensis (NCBI accession No. KF898356) were used as the “reference” and “seed” sequences for assembling the mitogenomes of both R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica. The positions and orientations of protein-coding genes (PCGs), ribosomal RNA genes (rRNAs), transfer RNA genes (tRNAs), and the control region (D-loop) were annotated using the MITOS Web Server ( (Bernt et al. 2013). The site and secondary structure of tRNAs were predicted using the tRNAscan-SE 1.21 online tool ( (Chan and Lowe 2019). Visualization and circularization of the complete mitogenomes were performed using the CGview online server ( (Grant and Stothard 2008).

The numbers of observed transitions (s) and transversions (v) for all the PCGs were plotted using DAMBE v7.3.11 (Xia 2018). Saturation was determined based on the values of Iss (simple index of substitution saturation) and Iss. c (critical Iss value). Other analyses, such as nucleotide composition, AT and GC skewing, codon usage frequency of PCGs, and determination of sequence genetic distances under the Kimura two-parameter (K2P) model, were conducted in MEGA 11.0. Relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU), nucleotide diversity (Pi), and the ratio of nonsynonymous substitution rate (Ka) to synonymous substitution rate (Ks) were calculated using DnaSP 6 (Rozas et al. 2017), with all stop codons removed before analysis.

Phylogenetic analysis

The complete mitogenome sequences of the available species of the genus Rana were downloaded from NCBI. Twenty-two species in Rana were involved in the final dataset, including R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica that we sequenced. This dataset represented the most comprehensive set of mitogenome sequences available to date. An additional species, Odorrana jingdongensis Fei, Ye & Li, 2001, was selected as the outgroup. Each of the 13 PCGs was extracted from the dataset of 23 mitogenomes and checked manually. Subsequently, all PCGs were aligned using the inbuilt MUSCLE module in MEGA and then concatenated to create a combined PCGs dataset. The 13 PCGs concatenated dataset was used to reconstruct the phylogenetic tree using Bayesian inference (BI) (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist 2001) and maximum likelihood (ML) (Höhler et al. 2022) methods. The optimal partition scheme and model for BI and ML were identified using PartitionFinder 2 (Lanfear et al. 2017). BI analysis was performed in MrBayes 3.2.6 with a run set to 10 million generations, sampled every 1000 generations. The initial 25% of the tree topologies were discarded as burn-in, and the consensus tree and posterior probabilities were calculated from the remaining trees. ML analysis was conducted using RAxML 8.2.0, and the support values of the tree were assessed by conducting a bootstrap test with 1000 replicates. The phylogenetic tree was visualized, checked, and improved using FigTree 1.4.2 (Rambaut 2009).

Gene rearrangement analysis

Gene rearrangement in Rana was analyzed by comparing the gene orders across the entire mitogenomes of the 22 species in Rana, most of which were assembled using NGS techniques (Van Dijk et al. 2014; Ye et al. 2014). The two species we assembled in this study were compared in detail with each other and within the broader context of gene rearrangement patterns in the Rana mitogenome dataset. Based on the complete mitogenomes downloaded from GenBank, we reidentified the tRNAs of each species using tRNAscan-SE (Chan and Lowe 2019) to further verify the gene orders of tRNAs. TBtools (Chen et al. 2023) was also employed to assist in the gene rearrangement analysis.


Mitogenome assembly and annotation

The complete mitogenomes of R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica were circular DNA molecules with lengths of 17,506 bp and 17,505 bp, respectively (Fig. 1). Both species exhibited a typical mitogenome organization, consisting of 37 genes, including 13 PCGs, 22 tRNA genes, two rRNA genes, and one control region (CR) (Table 1). All genes were encoded by the heavy strand (H-strand), except for eight tRNA genes (tRNAHis, tRNAPhe, tRNAPro, tRNALeu, tRNAVal, tRNAGln, tRNACys, tRNATyr) and one PCG (ND6), which were encoded by the light strand (L-strand). The final complete mitogenomes, along with annotated information for both species, have been deposited in GenBank under accession numbers PP228843 and PP228844.

Table 1.

Characteristics of the mitogenomes of R. jiemuxiensis (RJ) and R. hanluica (RH).

Gene Position Length Strand* Codons Anti codon Intergenic nucleotide
From To From To Start codons Stop codons Start codons Stop codons
tRNALeu (CUN) 1 74 1 74 74 74 H TAG 0 0
tRNAThr 75 144 75 144 70 70 H TGT 0 0
tRNAPro 145 213 145 213 69 69 L TGG 1 1
tRNAPhe 215 286 215 285 72 71 H GAA 0 0
12S rRNA 287 1216 286 1215 930 930 H 0 0
tRNAVal 1217 1285 1216 1284 69 69 H TAC 0 0
16S rRNA 1286 2860 1285 2859 1575 1575 H 0 0
tRNALeu (UUR) 2861 2934 2860 2933 74 74 H TAA 47 47
ND1 2982 3935 2981 3934 954 954 H ATT AGG ATT AGG –41 –41
tRNAIle 3895 3965 3894 3964 71 71 H GAT 1 0
tRNAGln 3967 4037 3965 4035 71 71 L TAA –2 –2
tRNAMet 4036 4106 4034 4104 71 71 H CAT –1 –1
ND2 4106 5140 4104 5138 1035 1035 H ATG TAG ATG TAG –2 –2
tRNATrp 5139 5208 5137 5206 70 70 H TCA –1 –1
tRNAAla 5208 5278 5206 5276 71 71 L TGC 0 0
tRNAAsn 5279 5351 5277 5349 73 73 L GTT 2 2
NCR 5354 5378 5352 5377 25 26 H –2 –2
tRNACys 5377 5442 5376 5441 66 66 L GCA 0 0
tRNATyr 5443 5509 5442 5508 67 67 L GTA 1 1
COX1 5511 7064 5510 7063 1554 1554 H GTG AGG GTG AGG –10 –10
tRNASer (UCN) 7055 7126 7054 7125 72 72 L TGA 1 1
tRNAAsp 7128 7196 7127 7195 69 69 H GTC 135 0
COX2 7332 7884 7196 7883 553 688 H ATG T(AA) ATG T(AA) 0 0
tRNA (Lys|Asn) 7885 7953 7884 7952 69 69 H TTT 1 1
ATP8 7955 8117 7954 8115 163 162 H ATG TAA ATG TAA –8 –7
ATP6 8110 8823 8109 8791 714 683 H ATG AGT ATG AGT –32 –1
COX3 8792 9576 8791 9575 785 785 H ATG TA(A) ATG TA(A) –2 –2
tRNAGly 9575 9644 9574 9643 70 70 H TCC –46 –46
ND3 9599 9948 9598 9947 350 350 H ATG TA(A) ATG TA(A) 35 35
tRNAArg 9984 10053 9983 10052 70 70 H TCG 0 0
ND4L 10054 10338 10053 10337 285 285 H ATG TAA ATG TAA –7 –7
ND4 10332 11703 10331 11702 1372 1372 H ATG T(AA) ATG T(AA) –12 –12
tRNAHis 11692 11759 11691 11758 68 68 H GTG 0 0
tRNASer (AGY) 11760 11826 11759 11825 67 67 H GCT 32 31
ND5 11859 13646 11857 13644 1788 1788 H ATG AGG ATG AGG 624 305
ND6 14271 14765 13950 14444 495 495 L ATG AGA ATG AGA 0 0
tRNAGlu 14766 14834 14445 14513 69 69 L TTC 3 3
CYTB 14838 15980 14517 15659 1143 1143 H ATG TAA ATG TAA 0 0
D-Loop 15981 17505 15660 17505 1525 1846 H 0 0
Figure 1. 

Mitodondrial gene maps of A R. jiemuxiensis and B R. hanluica.

In R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica, 13 distinct but overlapping sites were found in their mitogenomes. Three of these overlapping sites were observed between contiguous PCGs, ATP8 and ATP6, ATP6 and COX3, and ND4L and ND4, respectively. Ten gene intervals were also identified, with the largest one located between ND5 and ND6 in both species, measuring 624 bp and 305 bp, respectively. The shortest interval identified was only 1 bp, found in multiple locations within both species. The lengths of the 13 PCGs varied considerably. The longest gene was ND5, which was identical in length in both species at 1788 bp, while the shortest gene was ATP8, with lengths of 162 bp and 163 bp for R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica, respectively. Both species had ATG as the start codon for most PCGs, except for ND1 (ATT) and COX1 (GTG). Five typical stop codons, including TAG, AGG, AGA, AGT, and TAA, as well as two kinds of incomplete terminal codons (TA-, T-), were found in the PCGs within their mitogenomes.

Nucleotide composition and diversity

The overall base composition of R. jiemuxiensis was as follows: A (24.33%), T (29.11%), G (15.65%), C (30.49%), while that of R. hanluica was A (24.47%), T (29.37%), G (15.65%), C (30.49%). Both species showed an A+T bias with greater A+T than G+C content. Additionally, both species exhibited negative AT skew and GC skew, indicating a predominant bias towards T and C base pairs. The mitogenome sequences of the 22 Rana species compiled in this study ranged from approximately 16,000 bp to 22,000 bp in length, indicating a complex mitogenome evolution among Rana species. However, all species showed a similar A+T content bias and T and C base pair biases that resembled R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica (Table 2).

Table 2.

Basal composition (percentage) of the mitogenomes of R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica and 20 other Rana species.

Name T% C% A% G% Total length (A+T)% GC skew AT skew Accession number
R. hanluica 29.37567 30.49626 24.47528 15.65279 17505 53.85094 –0.32164 –0.091 PP228844*
R. jiemuxiensis 29.11775 30.73639 24.33298 15.81288 17506 53.45073 –0.3206 –0.08952 PP228843*
R. dybowskii 30.53428 29.31434 24.57703 15.57435 18864 55.11131 –0.30609 –0.1081 KF898355
R. chensinensis 30.69457 29.10062 24.94212 15.26269 18808 55.63669 –0.31192 –0.10339 KF898356
R. draytonii 29.67805 30.06937 25.37353 14.87905 17805 55.05158 –0.33795 –0.07819 KP013110
R. huanrensis 30.76512 29.04605 25.06458 15.12425 19253 55.8297 –0.31518 –0.10211 KT588071
R. amurensis 30.9651 29.11325 25.5609 14.36075 18470 56.526 –0.33934 –0.09561 KU343216
R. chaochiaoensis 30.19221 29.76508 24.68411 15.3586 18591 54.87631 –0.31927 –0.10037 KU246048
R. kukunoris 30.70901 29.11663 25.06005 15.11431 18863 55.76906 –0.31657 –0.10129 KU246049
R. omeimontis 29.75714 30.03292 24.16155 16.04839 19934 53.91869 –0.30347 –0.10378 KU246050
R. temporaria 30.66239 29.20228 24.90207 15.23326 16061 55.56446 –0.31437 –0.10367 MH536744
R. uenoi 30.60552 29.439 24.87979 15.07569 17370 55.48531 –0.32266 –0.10319 MW009067
R. johnsi 29.40915 30.72611 25.2981 14.56665 17837 54.70724 –0.35678 –0.07515 MZ571365
R. dabieshanensis 29.61744 30.22242 24.1637 15.99644 18291 53.78114 –0.3078 –0.10141 MW526989
R. hanluica 29.37461 30.5133 24.4907 15.62139 19395 53.86531 –0.32279 –0.09067 MZ680529
R. zhenhaiensis 29.16111 30.59336 24.66862 15.57691 18806 53.82973 –0.32524 –0.08346 OL681880
R. wuyiensis 29.43584 30.66382 25.44937 14.45097 17779 54.88521 –0.35937 –0.07263 OL467321
R. catesbeiana 32.8264 26.68979 25.99609 14.48773 17212 58.82248 –0.29633 –0.11612 ON746668
R. arvalis 30.69122 29.13442 24.81986 15.35451 16143 55.51108 –0.30974 –0.10577 MT872666
R. coreana 29.22448 30.46958 24.7243 15.58164 22262 53.94877 –0.32329 –0.08342 ON920705
R. longicrus 31.33066 28.63373 25.73209 14.30352 17833 57.06275 –0.33375 –0.09811 MZ680528
R. kunyuensis 31.27726 28.63373 25.8834 14.20561 22255 57.16066 –0.3368 –0.09436 KF840516
Avg. 30.24552 29.62343 24.96542 15.16564 18493 55.21094 –0.3228 –0.09564

When examining the average length and nucleotide composition of each PCG (Table 3), there were generally similarities, but differences remained. The shortest PCG was ATP8, and the longest one was ND5. The ND6 gene exhibited distinct differences in AT skew and GC skew compared to other PCGs. After removing the stop codon from each PCG, the total aligned length of the final 13 PCGs dataset was 11,244 bp. Nucleotide diversity analysis of each PCG showed values ranging from 0.18 (COX3) to 0.27 (ND5). In addition to ND5 (0.27), four other PCGs exhibited relatively high nucleotide diversity, namely ND3 (0.24), ATP6 (0.24), ND2 (0.25), and ATP8 (0.26), while the remaining PCGs showed relatively low nucleotide diversity, all less than 0.2.

Table 3.

The average proportion of 13 PCGs in 22 Rana species.

Gene T% C% A% G% (A+T)% Total length GC skew AT skew
ND1 31.8 31.5 23.7 13 55.5 958 –0.41964 –0.14595
ND2 29 32 27.7 11.3 56.7 1029 –0.43921 –0.02293
COX1 29.7 28 24.8 17.4 54.5 1684 –0.26115 –0.08991
COX2 26.3 27.5 29.7 16.5 56 548 –0.22897 0.060714
ATP8 28.9 28.8 32.1 10.1 61 159 –0.48205 0.052459
ATP6 31.5 31.9 25.4 11.2 56.9 682 –0.47541 –0.10721
COX3 30.1 30.4 22.7 16.8 52.8 783 –0.28358 –0.14015
ND3 33.2 31.3 21 14.6 54.2 337 –0.38912 –0.22509
ND4L 30.1 31.8 24.6 13.5 54.7 282 –0.38073 –0.10055
ND4 30.3 31 25.9 12.9 56.2 1363 –0.40278 –0.07829
ND5 30.2 29.8 25.7 14.3 55.9 1779 –0.3573 –0.0805
ND6 34.8 10.7 17.8 36.6 52.6 491 0.02521 –0.32319
CYTB 29.2 32.8 24.1 13.9 53.3 1140 –0.35499 –0.09568

Analysis of codon usage and genetic distance

There are a total of 20 amino acids encoded by the PCGs of R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica. Among these amino acids, Leu, Ser, and Arg had the highest frequency, while Trp and Met had the lowest. According to the RSCU analysis, Leu, Ser, and Arg were encoded by six codons each; Pro, Thr, Val, Ala, and Gly were encoded by four codons each; Phe, Tyr, Cys, His, Gln, Asn, Lys, Asp, and Glu were encoded by two codons each; Trp and Met were encoded by only one codon each. This reflects a significant bias in codon usage in their mitogenomes (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. 

Relative synonymous codon usage in the protein coding genes of A R. jiemuxiensis and B R. hanluica.

Genetic distances were analyzed among 22 Rana species (Fig. 3). Rana jiemuxiensis was found to be closely related to R. zhenhaiensis Ye, Fei & Matsui, 1995, R. longicrus, R. hanluica, R. dabieshanensis Wang, Qian, Zhang, Guo, Pan, Wu, Wang & Zhang, 2017, and R. omeimontis Ye & Fei, 1993, with genetic distances of 0.08327, 0.08529, 0.08547, 0.08932, and 0.09243, respectively. Conversely, R. hanluica was closely related to R. dabieshanensis, R. omeimontis, R. jiemuxiensis, R. zhenhaiensis, and R. longicrus, with genetic distances of 0.07802, 0.07793, 0.08357, 0.08398, and 0.08609, respectively. Rana catesbeiana Dubois, 1992 appeared to be the most genetically distant from all other Rana species, suggesting it may be an ancient ancestor species. Sliding window analysis along the concatenated PCGs dataset showed significant variation in nucleotide diversity (Pi) among different genes (Fig. 4A). Substitution saturation test indicated that Iss < Iss. c in general, and scatter diagrams also suggested that the PCGs substitution was not saturated, making them suitable for phylogenetic analysis (Fig. 4B).

Figure 3. 

Genetic distance heatmap plot within 22 Rana species.

Figure 4. 

A Nucleotide diversities and B substitution saturation plot of the mitochondrial protein coding genes.

Standard deviations of Ka and Ks for the 13 PCGs across 22 species showed that the data were generally concentrated, with variances of Ks generally greater than those of Ka (Fig. 5A). ATP8 and ND6 exhibited the highest and lowest standard deviations of Ks, respectively, while ND5 and COX1 showed the highest and lowest standard deviations of Ka, respectively. The average Ka/Ks values from pairs of species among the 22 Rana species fell into the range of 0 to 1. Among the 13 PCGs analyzed, ND6 and ATP8 genes evolved relatively quickly, exhibiting the highest Ka/Ks values. Conversely, COX1 and CYTB had the lowest Ka/Ks ratios (Fig. 5B). However, all 13 PCGs had Ka/Ks values below 0.45, with no signals of positive selection detected.

Figure 5. 

Standard deviation of A Ks and Ka and B the Ka/Ks ratio of 13 protein coding genes.

Phylogenetic analysis

The tree topologies resulting from BI and ML analyses were identical, with only slight differences in the support values of some nodes (Fig. 6). Generally, the support values were high in most branches. Despite their sympatric coexistence, R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica did not cluster together in the same subclade. Rana jiemuxiensis was grouped with R. longicrus and R. zhenhaiensis to form one subclade, while R. hanluica was grouped with R. omeimontis and R. dabieshanensis in another subclade. However, the subclades containing R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica were then grouped together to form a major clade. The phylogenetic tree also revealed five other major clades, with R. catesbeiana and R. draytonii Baird & Girard, 1852 representing the two most ancient clades. Evolutionary branch lengths reflected the evolutionary history of each branch, indicating that earlier clades had longer branch lengths. Sequence lengths, distribution of altitude, and degree of threatened levels, however, did not show strong links to the phylogenetic relationships, indicating a complicated and specific evolutionary history for each species.

Figure 6. 

Phylogenetic tree of Rana species based on BI and ML analyses. Note: samples sequenced in this study are highlighted in red. BRL represents the length of the evolutionary branch and NL represents the length of the nucleotide sequence.

Gene rearrangement analysis

As expected, the mitogenomes of Rana species exhibited substantial gene rearrangements and were categorized into three distinct patterns (Fig. 7A). Only two species, R. draytonii and R. zhenhaiensis, retained the first pattern, which is assumed to be ancient based on its presence in most amphibian species, including the relatively close outgroup species Odorrana jingdongensis used in this study, as well as species from other studies such as Leptobrachium and Boulenophrys species in Anura (Zhou et al. 2023; Xiang et al. 2024) and Tylototriton species in Caudata (Wang et al. 2022). Interestingly, 18 out of the 22 examined Rana species shared the second and also the most dominant pattern, accounting for 82% of the species analyzed. Both R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica, sequenced in this study, belonged to this dominant pattern. Two other species, R. amurensis Boulenger, 1886 and R. coreana Okada, 1928, shared the third, rare pattern, which is similar to the second pattern except that the ND5 gene is transposed to a position behind the control region (D-loop). The transition from the first pattern to the second and third patterns primarily resulted from changes in the positions of tRNA genes. The gene orders of rRNAs remained unchanged, except for the rearrangement of ND5 from the second to the third pattern.

Figure 7. 

A Phylogenetic gene orders within 22 Rana species and B three patterns of mitochondrial gene rearrangement. Note: The icons represent tRNAs as: (1) L1: tRNALeu (CUN), (2) T: tRNAThr, (3) P: tRNAPro, (4) F: tRNAPhe, (5) V: tRNAVal, (6) L2: tRNALeu (UUR), (7) I: tRNAIle, (8) Q: tRNAGln, (9) M: tRNAMet, (10) W: tRNATrp, (11) A: tRNAAla, (12) N: tRNAAsn, (13) O: NCR, (14) C: tRNACys, (15) Y: tRNATyr, (16) S1: tRNASer (UCN), (17) D: tRNAAsp, (18) K: tRNA(Lys|Asn), (19) G: tRNAGly, (20) R: tRNAArg, (21) H: tRNAHis, (22) S2: tRNASer (AGY), (23) E: tRNAGlu.

We proposed a plausible scenario to explain the mitochondrial gene rearrangements within Rana, considering that duplications and losses are more likely to occur among tRNAs than rRNAs and PCGs. According to the principle of parsimony, a “tandem duplication - multiple deletion” event in a sequence region spanning from ND4 to the D-loop likely triggered the transition from the first ancient pattern to the second pattern. Subsequently, a simple transposition of ND5 would have driven the second pattern to evolve into the third pattern (Fig. 7B). In the evolutionary history of Rana, for reasons yet unclear, the second pattern became the dominant pattern within this group. This dominance pattern in mitochondrial gene orders in Rana is distinct from those in other amphibian species.

Species verification based on individual genes

Species verification is crucial for publishing the complete mitogenome of a species. To verify the molecular identification of the species involved in this study, we selected the individual 16S rRNA, ND2, and CYTB genes as target genes because they have abundant resources in NCBI based on previous studies (Djebbi et al. 2018). These genes are also frequently used in DNA barcoding studies (Formenti et al. 2021; Ahmed et al. 2022). Through BLAST homology searching operations, the CYTB, ND2, and 16S rRNA fragments from our samples showed high similarities, 100%, 99.64%, and 99.79%, respectively, with the species named R. jiemuxiensis in NCBI, which was collected from its type locality in Yuanling County, Hunan Province. Similarly, the gene fragments of R. hanluica samples showed nearly 100% similarity with these genes of R. hanluica collected from Lishui City, Zhejiang Province. It is generally accepted that gene similarities between individuals of the same species are usually greater than 98%. Therefore, we conclude that the two species used in this study were correctly identified.


Characteristics of the mitogenomes

Mitochondrial DNAs, or mitogenomes, often serve as valuable molecular markers and have been widely applied in molecular biology and ecological studies. Typically, animal mitogenomes contain 2 rRNAs (12S and 16S rRNA), 22 tRNAs, 13 PCGs, and a control region (also known as the D-loop), with a sequence length usually ranging from 16 to 17 kb (Huang et al. 2016; Tang et al. 2021). Vertebrate mitogenomes are particularly conservative with several unique characteristics, including maternal inheritance, a rapid evolutionary rate, and low levels of recombination. These characteristics make mitochondrial DNA valuable in reconstructing phylogenetic relationships, testing selective pressures, and identifying species using mitochondrial barcoding genes, etc. (Jiang et al. 2023; Lan et al. 2023; Zhang et al. 2023; Xiang et al. 2024).

The utilization of mitochondrial DNA in molecular identification provides a valuable tool in taxonomic studies compared to traditional morphological approaches (Li et al. 2021). In recent years, an increasing number of species identifications have relied on the combination of morphology and molecular evidence. In some cases, such as cryptic species identifications, molecular evidence carries more weight than morphological evidence. Molecular data are commonly used in species identification and phylogenetic studies (Miya and Nishida 2015; Wang et al. 2016; Tan et al. 2018), especially with the rapid advancements in NGS technology. The two sympatric Rana species involved in this study, R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica, are morphologically similar, with a distinguishing characteristic primarily based on the number of bands on the thighs and tibia (5 or 6 in R. jiemuxiensis vs 8 or 9 in R. hanluica). In the field, these two species often seem to completely overlap, as they are sometimes found coexisting in very small areas. However, their genetic distance and phylogenetic position are distinct (Fig. 3 and Fig. 6, respectively), which is also evident in the species verification based on BLAST searches of our sequences against the NCBI database.

The nucleotide composition of both R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica exhibited a distinct A+T rich pattern (Table 3), which is commonly observed in the mitogenomes of other species (Rayko 1997; Françoso et al. 2023). This typical nucleotide composition is highly conserved among vertebrates (Zhou et al. 2006; Hao et al. 2016; Vinogradov and Anatskaya 2017). In Rana species, the A+T content generally exceeds 50% but is less than 60%. The gene structure of both sequenced species was identical and similar to other animal species, with the majority of genes, especially the PCGs, located on the H strand, while only a few are on the L strand (Boore 1999). There were 13 gene overlaps in the mitogenomes of R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica, which is also common in other Rana species (Zyla et al. 2019), indicating the compact nature of mitogenomes in regulating gene expression. However, gene intervals were also commonly present in frog mitogenomes, with the locations varying more than overlapping regions and showing species-specific patterns. For example, for the two Rana species here, the gene interval between tRNALeu and ND1 was 41 bp, whereas there was no interval between 12S rRNA and tRNAVal. In contrast, in the mitogenomes of two Leptobrachium species (Zhou et al. 2023), there was no interval between tRNALeu and ND1 genes, and the interval between 12S rRNA and tRNAVal was 4 bp. The usage of start and stop codons in different mitogenomes also showed species-specific patterns, which have received limited attention (Wang et al. 2022). In the two Rana mitogenomes sequenced here, all genes shared the start codon ATG, except for COX1 (GTG) and ND1 (ATT). In comparison, the start codons of COX1, ATP6, and ATP8 were GTG in the mitogenomes of two Tylototriton species. Three rare types of stop codons (AGT, AGA, and AGG) were also identified in this study, which are less common but have been observed in other Rana species.

The ratio of Ka and Ks is a popular proxy for detecting adaptive evolution, with Ka/Ks > 1 reported in the mitochondrial PCGs of some species (Ye et al. 2017; Bi et al. 2020). However, none of the Ka/Ks values from the PCGs within Rana species exceeded 1 (Fig. 5A), indicating that the overall evolution pattern of Rana mitogenomes tends to be conservative in maintaining the functions of regularly generated proteins. The relatively high Ka/Ks ratios observed in some PCGs may represent higher evolutionary rates, such as those of the ATP6, ND3, ND5, and ND6 genes (Fig. 5B). These mitochondrial PCGs that evolve more rapidly may accumulate advantageous mutations, potentially enhancing the fitness of the species in adapting to environmental changes (Yang et al. 2018).

Phylogenetic implications and gene rearrangement evolution

Mitochondrial DNA sequences, particularly mitogenomes, are increasingly utilized in phylogenetic studies (Dhorne-Pollet et al. 2020). In this study, a phylogenetic tree of the genus Rana was constructed based on 13 mitochondrial PCGs from 22 species, representing the most comprehensive and detailed mitogenomic phylogenetic tree of Rana to date. Although coexisting in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, R. jiemuxiensis and R. hanluica were found in distinct phylogenetic lineages (Fig. 6). Rana jiemuxiensis clustered with R. longicrus and R. zhenhaiensis to form a subclade, while R. hanluica grouped with R. omeimontis and R. dabieshanensis in another subclade. This supports our speculation that the two sympatric species are genetically separated to a certain extent. Despite including more species, our phylogenetic tree was largely consistent with previous studies that also utilized mitogenomes in Rana (Chen et al. 2018; Wang et al. 2020; Zhang et al. 2020).

The differentiation of species in Rana is possibly associated with geographic isolation and habitat selection. The known distribution altitudes of Rana species were mapped onto the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 6). It revealed that Rana species have a wide altitudinal adaptation, ranging from over 100 meters to more than 2000 meters above sea level. However, no clear correlations were evident between phylogenetic position and distribution altitude ranges. Previous studies have shown that the skin morphological properties of Rana species at high altitudes differ from those at low altitudes (Zhi and Li 2016). It was further inferred that amphibians living at high altitudes, thriving in low temperatures, may have slower evaporative rates (Zyla et al. 2019). Additionally, the degree of threat for each Rana species, acquired from the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species of Amphibians, was also mapped onto the phylogenetic tree. Among the 22 Rana species in this study, five were classified as vulnerable (VN), 15 as least concern (LC), three as data deficient (DD), and four as not evaluated (NE). Generally, the species in Rana are experiencing a medium level of threats.

Previous studies have revealed that interspecies variations in mitochondrial gene orders are prone to occur in certain groups (Shao and Barker 2003; Liu et al. 2017), including species within Rana (Zhu et al. 2018). However, few studies have analyzed mitogenomic gene rearrangements in Rana from a phylogenetic perspective. By examining the gene orders of 22 Rana species in this study, three distinct patterns can be discerned (Fig. 7A). The first pattern represents a very ancient type that is shared with most amphibian species (Wang et al. 2022; Zhou et al. 2023). The second pattern, however, is dominant in Rana species and mainly results from position changes of some tRNAs in their mitogenomes. The third pattern appears to be derived from the second one, with only one PCG (ND5) seemingly transposed. Interestingly, the three patterns of gene arrangements show a trend of parallel evolution, with none of them being confined to a single subclade.

A simple parsimony scenario is proposed to explain the evolutionary process of the three patterns observed in this study (Fig. 7B), which we refer to as the “tandem duplication-multiple deletion” hypothesis. This phenomenon is commonly observed in mitogenomes, where tandem duplications can occur due to strand slippage during replication, followed by gene deletions under selective pressures (Moritz and Brown 1987; Levinson and Gutman 1987). In the case of Rana mitochondrial genes, this duplication and loss event can drive the evolution from the first ancient pattern to the second dominant pattern. The genes involved in this process include 6 tRNAs, 4 PCGs, and a control region, with changes mainly resulting from the tRNAs. Previous studies have indicated that tRNAs in mitogenomes are relatively neutral (Dowton et al. 2009; Lavrov and Pett 2016), suggesting that gene arrangements resulting from tRNA position changes may not significantly alter the conservative functions of mitochondria. Additionally, tandemly duplicated regions often favor genes that utilize stem-loop structures during replication (Stanton et al. 1994), a characteristic typical of vertebrate tRNAs (Macey et al. 1997). The involvement of one PCG (ND5) from the second to the third pattern echoes that changes in tRNAs and PCG positions are frequently observed in mitochondrial gene rearrangements in both invertebrates and vertebrates (Cantatore et al. 1989; Miya and Nishida 1999).

The study of gene rearrangement patterns can provide insights into taxonomy and elucidate the complex evolutionary history among species (Ye et al. 2021; Feng et al. 2023). However, a comprehensive phylogenetic tree comprising most species is necessary to fully understand the evolutionary background that underlies the gene rearrangements in Rana. As more mitogenomes, such as those of the two species in this study, become available in the future, we anticipate that the complete evolutionary history of Rana will gradually be unveiled.

Additional information

Conflict of interest

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Ethical statement

The collection and handling of Rana species in this study were approved by the Biomedical Ethics Committee of Jishou University (Approval No: JSDX–2024–0083).


This work was supported by the Graduate Scientific Research Innovation Project of Hunan Province (CX20231083), National Natural Science Foundation of China (32060128), and Zhilan Foundation (2020040371B/2022010011B).

Author contributions

Conceptualization, H.X. and W.J.; methodology, J.L. and W.J.; software, M.X. and F.Z.; validation, W.J. and J.L.; formal analysis, J.L. and W.J.; investigation, M.X., F.Z. J.S., J.Z. and Z.Z.; resources, J.S., J.Z. and Z.Z.; data curation, J.L.; writing original draft preparation, J.L.; writing review and editing, H.X. and W.J.; visualization, J.L.; supervision, W.J.; project administration, W.J.; funding acquisition, W.J. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

Author ORCIDs

Hongmei Xiang

Wansheng Jiang

Data availability

The final complete mitogenomes, along with annotated information for both species, have been deposited in GenBank under accession numbers PP228843 and PP228844. All the analyses and findings of this study were based on these two sequences and other sequences that were available in GenBank.


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