Research Article
Research Article
Four new species of the genus Hendelia Czerny, 1903 (Diptera, Clusiidae) from China
expand article infoShuai-Lai Yang, Xin-Ming Yin, Yu-Qiang Xi
‡ Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou, China
Open Access


Four new species of the genus Hendelia Czerny, 1903 collected from China, are described as new to science: H. latustigenis sp. nov., H. macrocera sp. nov., H. deltoides sp. nov. and H. flavida sp. nov. An updated key to the species of Hendelia from China is presented.

Key words

China, Clusiodinae, druid flies, identification key, new species, taxonomy


Clusiidae (Diptera, Acalyptratae) are species commonly called “druid flies”, and comprise 14 genera and at least 640 species (Lonsdale 2017; Yang et al. 2021). The genus Hendelia Czerny, 1903 belongs to the subfamily Clusiodinae. Its generic characteristics include small lobate surstyli that are directed towards each other, a male perianal region (desclerotized triangle surrounding the anus) that is longer than wide, an ejaculatory apodeme that is widest apically, and a plumose arista (modified in some species) (Lonsdale and Marshall 2007). Features shared predominantly with its sister genus Clusiodes include strong interfrontal setae, reduced anterior and posterior fronto-orbitals, and highly derived genitalia including a keel-like phallapodeme and a subapical sclerotized disc on the ventral receptacle of the female (Lonsdale and Marshall 2011).

There are 59 described species of Hendelia distributed worldwide; 29 species are distributed in the Palaearctic and Oriental regions; four species are known in Japan: H. plumosa (Sasakawa), H. angulosa (Sueyoshi), H. plumipes (Sasakawa) and H. beckeri Czerny; three species are known in Russia (Far East): H. quatuorsetosa (Mamaev), H. bisetosa (Mamaev) and H. unica (Mamaev) (Sasakawa 1964; Mamaev 1974; Sasakawa 1987; Lonsdale 2017). Three species are known in China: Hendelia beckeri Czerny,1903, H. formosana (Hennig,1938) and H. freyi (Soós,1963); these species were found in Sichuan, Taiwan and Zhejiang provinces (Hennig 1938; Soós 1963; Lonsdale and Marshall 2007; Lonsdale 2017).

In this study, four new species are described from China: Hendelia latustigenis sp. nov., H. macrocera sp. nov., H. deltoides sp. nov. and H. flavida sp. nov. A key to the known species of Hendelia from China and some Palaearctic and Oriental species is presented.

Material and methods

Genitalia preparations were made by removing and macerating the apical portion of the abdomen in glacial acetic acid, then rinsing in distilled water before storage in glycerin-filled microvials. Specimens were examined and photographed using a Leica M205A microscope. After examination, genitalia were transferred to fresh glycerin and stored in a microvial on the pin below the specimen or moved to an ethanol tube together with the wet specimens. The coordinates of the collection site were obtained by asking the collectors. Image plates were post-processed with Adobe PHOTOSHOP CC 2019 Extended.

Specimens examined were deposited in the Entomological Museum of Henan Agricultural University (HAU), Zhengzhou. Terminology follows Lonsdale and Marshall (2006). The M1 ratio is defined as the length of the ultimate section of wing vein M divided by the length of the penultimate section (Lonsdale and Marshall 2006).


Key to species of Hendelia of China and nearby countries

1 Two fronto-orbital setae 2
Three fronto-orbital setae 7
2 Cerci large, height is 3.5 times the width H. beckeri Czerny
Cerci small 3
3 Mesontum dark brown without stripes 4
Mesontum with brown stripes 5
4 Vibrissae strongly elongated and thickened, setae on the surface of surstylus dense H. quatuorsetosa (Mamaev)
Vibrissae normal, setae on the surface of surstylus sparse H. bisetosa (Mamaev)
5 Setae completely black, middle part of hypandrium with a finger-like projection H. latustigenis sp. nov.
Setae with brown, hypandrium without finger-like projection 6
6 Legs yellow; postocellar seta smaller than ocellar seta H. angulosa (Sueyoshi)
Legs yellow except fore tarsus and most of fore tibia brownish-black, and hind tibia with pale brown rings near both apices; postocellar seta and ocellar seta almost the same length H. plumosa (Sasakawa)
7 Vibrissae long and strong; interfrontal setae also very strong and nearly parallel H. macrocera sp. nov.
Vibrissae and interfrontal setae normal, no obvious extension 8
8 Face entirely black H. unica (Mamaev)
Face not entirely black 9
9 Setae yellow (at least for the head); mesonotum without stripes 10
Setae black; mesontum with stripes 11
10 Mesonotum yellow, anterior margin and postpronotum brown H. formosana (Hennig)
Mesonotum black, mesonotum pollinose, weakly shining H. plumipes (Sasakawa) (female)
11 Gena with 3 or 4 subgenal setae; thorax with 1 wide brownish-black longitudinal stripe H. freyi (Soós)
Gena not 3 subgenal setae; thorax with 3 thin pale brown stripes 12
12 Front half of the face dark brown and the back half yellow; abdomen mainly dark brown H. deltoides sp. nov.
Frons and face light yellow; abdomen mainly light yellow H. flavida sp. nov.

Hendelia deltoides sp. nov.

Figs 1–6, 31

Type material

Holotype : • 1 ♂; China, Shaanxi, Zhouzhi, Taibai Mt.; 33°57'18″N, 107°45'48″E; 1711 m; 2015. VII. 29; leg. Ning Jinjin. Paratypes: • 1 ♂; same data as for holotype; 2015.VII.30; leg. Li Xuankun; • 1 ♂; China, Chongqing, Yingtiaoling Nature Reserve; 31°28'44.93"N, 109°53'26.19"E; 1373 m; 2022. VI. 26; leg. Xu Rongzhen; • 1 ♂; China, Chongqing, Yingtiaoling Nature Reserve; 31°28'44.93"N, 109°53'26.19"E; 1373 m; 2022.VI.26; leg. GuanYuliang.


Head mostly yellow; palpus white; face dark brown and back half yellow. Thorax mainly yellow; with 3 light brown stripes extending to the scutellum. Surstylus nearly triangular, 1/5 length of genitalia, apex without spines. Hypandrium with 4 setae.

Figures 1–6. 

Hendelia deltoides sp. nov. (male) 1 head, lateral view 2 wing 3 epandrium, cerci, and surstyli, posterior view 4 epandrium, cerci, and surstyli, lateral view 5 hypandrial complex, posterior view 6 hypandrial complex, lateral view. Scale bars: 0.1 mm. Abbreviations: epand – epandrium; cerc – cerci; sur – surstylus; hypd – hypandrium; pregt – pregonite


Male. Body length 4.4–4.6 mm; Wing length 4.2–4.4 mm.

Head (Fig. 1) width 1.49 mm, mostly yellow; palpus white; face dark brown and the back half yellow; frons yellow, 3 fronto-orbital setae, 1 interfrontal seta; occiput yellow; gena yellowish, more than 1/4 height of eye; antenna yellow, pedicel length 0.20 mm, arista very short plumose; 1 ocellar seta and 1 postocellar seta.

Thorax (Fig. 31) width 1.04 mm, mainly yellow; scutum with 3 light brown stripes extending to the scutellum; scutellum yellow, anepisternum yellow with brown spots, katepisternum yellowish; prescutellar seta absent; 1 postpronotal seta, 2 notopleural setae, 1 postsutural supra-alar seta, 1+2 dorsocentral setae, dark brown; intra-alar seta absent, 2 postalar setae, dark brown, the posterior seta tiny; 1 lateral scutellar seta, 1 apical scutellar seta, strong and dark brown; anepisteral seta absent, 1 katepisternal seta. Legs light yellow. Wing (Fig. 2) with light brown spots on distal 1/3 and on M4; the M1 ratio 4.9; halter white.

Abdomen mainly brown; anterior edge of each abdominal segment yellowish, setae and setulae dark brown. Male genitalia (Figs 3–6): epandrium height and width almost equal. Cerci 0.9 times as high as wide, with small setae on outer surface and one long seta at apex. Surstylus nearly triangular, 1/5 length of genitalia, apex without spines. Hypandrium with 4 setae; pregonite slightly chitinized; postgonite with small setae at apex; side of phallus slightly chitinized, distiphallus long, membranous, transparent.

Female. Unknown.


China (Shaanxi, Chongqing).


The specific name “deltoides” refers to the surstylus, which is nearly triangular.


The species is similar to H. angulosa (Sueyoshi), but it can be separated by the face black and the three fronto-orbital setae. In H. angulosa (Sueyoshi), the face is yellow and the head has only two fronto-orbital setae (Sueyoshi 2006).

Hendelia macrocera sp. nov.

Figs 7–12, 32

Type material

Holotype : • ♂; China, Shaanxi, Zhouzhi, Houzhenzi; 33°51'3.056″N, 107°50'37.924″E; 1545 m; 2015. VIII. 2; Leg. Li Xuankun. Paratypes: • 2 ♂♂; same data as holotype.


Head mostly yellowish, including face and frons; palpus yellowish-white; interfrontal seta long and strong; pedicel very long. Scutum with Y-shaped brown stripe extending to scutellum. Surstylus nearly “triangular” in shape. Hypandrium with two pairs of ventromedial setae.


Male. Body length 4.3–4.5 mm, Wing length 4.2–4.4 mm.

Head (Fig. 7) width 1.63 mm, mostly yellowish; palpus yellowish-white; 3 fronto-orbitals, setae small; interfrontal seta long and strong, some small setulae around the interfrontal seta; occiput yellowish with sparse small setae; gena more than 1/3 height of eye; antenna yellow, pedicel length 0.15 mm, twice length of first flagellomere, scape brown, arista sparsely short plumose; 1 ocellar seta and 1 postocellar seta, small; vibrissae very strong.

Figures 7–12. 

Hendelia macrocera sp. nov. (male) 7 head, lateral view 8 wing 9 epandrium, cerci, and surstyli, posterior view 10 epandrium, cerci, and surstyli, lateral view 11 hypandrial complex, posterior view 12 hypandrial complex, lateral view. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Thorax (Fig. 32) width 1.26 mm, mainly yellowish; scutum with brown Y-shaped stripe extending onto scutellum; scutellum yellowish on both sides, anepisternum with pale brown longitudinal stripes, katepisternum yellowish. Prescutellar seta absent; 1 postpronotal seta, 2 notopleural setae, 1 postsutural supra-alar seta, 1+2 dorsocentral setae, dark brown; intra-alar seta absent, 2 postalar setae, dark brown, posterior seta tiny; 2 lateral scutellar setae, 1 apical scutellar seta, strong and dark brown; 1 anepisternal seta, 1 katepisternal seta. Leg yellowish. Wing (Fig. 8) with light brown spots on distal 1/3, along veins R2+3, the M1 ratio 2.8; halter white.

Abdomen brown, setae and setulae dark brown. Male genitalia (Figs 9–12): epandrium 0.8 times as high as wide. Cerci small, the height and width almost equal, slightly separated distally, with small setae on the outer surface and one longer seta at apex. Surstylus nearly triangular in shape, 0.4 times the length of the genitalia, apex without spines. Hypandrium with 2 long setae at the apex. Distiphallus long, membranous.

Female. Unknown.


China (Shaanxi).


The specific name “macrocera” refers to the long antennae.


The new species is similar to H. extensicornis Frey, but can be separated by the long, strong vibrissae; the interfrontal setae are also very strong and nearly parallel. In H. extensicornis Frey, the vibrissae are small and the interfrontal setae are small and crossed (Frey 1960).

Hendelia latustigenis sp. nov.

Figs 13–18

Type material

Holotype : • 1 ♂; China, Shaanxi, Zhouzhi, Taibai Mt.; 1711 m; 33°57'18″N, 107°45'48″E; 2015. VII. 30; leg. Li Xuankun. Paratypes: • 1 ♂; same date as holotype.


Head mostly yellowish, palpus yellowish-white. Mesontum with 2 brown stripes extending to the anterior margin of scutellum; hypandrium with medial finger-like projection that has 2 long setae apically.


Male. Body length 4.2–4.5 mm, Wing length 4.1–4.3 mm.

Head (Fig. 13) width 1.28 mm, mostly yellowish; palpus yellowish-white; face and frons yellowish; 2 fronto-orbitals, the posterior seta 4 times longer than anterior seta; the interfrontal seta same length as anterior fronto-orbital; occiput yellowish, with small seta on lower edge; gena yellowish, more than 1/6 eye height; antenna yellow, pedicel length 0.16 mm, arista sparsely short plumose; 1 ocellar seta and 1 postocellar seta.

Figures 13–18. 

Hendelia latustigenis sp. nov. (male) 13 head, lateral view 14 mesothorax, dorsal view 15 epandrium, cerci, and surstyli, posterior view 16 epandrium, cerci, and surstyli, lateral view 17 hypandrial complex, posterior view 18 hypandrial complex, lateral view. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Thorax width 1.22 mm, mainly light yellow; with narrow brown stripe outside dorsocentral row extending to the anterior margin of scutellum (Fig. 14); scutellum, anepisternum and katepisternum yellowish; prescutellar seta absent; 1 postpronotal seta, 2 notopleural, 1 postsutural supra-alar seta, 1+2 dorsocentral setae, dark brown; intra-alar seta absent, 2 postalar setae, brown, with posterior seta tiny; 2 lateral scutellar setae, 1 apical scutellar seta, strong and dark brown; 1 anepisternum seta, 1 katepisternal seta. Leg light yellow; halter white.

Abdomen brown; setae and setulae dark brown. Male genitalia (Figs 15–18): epandrium 1.2 times higher than wide. Cercus height 1.8 times width, separated on distal 1/2, with small setae on outer surface and one long seta at apex. Surstylus 1/4 length of genitalia, apex without spines. hypandrium with medial finger-like projection that has 2 long setae apically, posterior part of hypandrium with 2 or 3 medium setae; pregonite slightly chitinized, with small apical setae.

Female. Unknown.


China (Shannxi).


The specific name “latustigenis” refers to the relatively wide gena.


The new species is distinct from other species in the middle part of the hypandrium with a finger-like projection at the tip of which there are two long setae, and in the lower part of the hypandrium with two or three medium setae. The wings of the type specimen are damaged.

Hendelia flavida sp. nov.

Figs 19–24, 34

Type material

Holotype : • ♂; China, Yunnan, Gongshan, Xianjiudan; 27°56'13.524″N, 98°19'55.250″E; 1679 m; 2013. VII. 3; leg. Li Xuankun. Paratypes: • 2 ♂♂; same data as holotype.


Body mostly yellow. Head and thorax yellowish; palpus white; scutum with 3 indistinct brown stripes. Cerci very small, outline nearly that of an equilateral triangle, fully fused. Pregonite with 4 medial setae, lacking any other smaller setae or setulae.


Male. Body length 3.4–3.6 mm, Wing length 2.2–2.4 mm

Head (Fig. 19) width 0.50 mm, yellowish; palpus white; face yellowish; frons yellowish, 3 fronto-orbital setae, first seta and last seta small, medium seta strong, 1 interfrontal seta, strong; occiput yellowish with small sparse brown setae; gena yellowish, more than 1/5 height of eye; antenna yellowish, pedicel length 0.19 mm, first flagellomere brown apically, arista sparse short plumose; 1 strong ocellar seta, equal in length to interfrontal seta, 1 small postocellar seta, almost as long as anterior fronto-orbital seta.

Figures 19–24. 

Hendelia flavida sp. nov. (male) 19 head, lateral view 20 wing 21 epandrium, cerci, and surstyli, posterior view 22 epandrium, cerci, and surstyli, lateral view 23 hypandrial complex, posterior view 24 hypandrial complex, lateral view. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Thorax width 0.98 mm, mainly yellowish with 3 indistinct brown stripes; scutellum, anepisternum and katepisternum yellowish; prescutellar seta absent; 1 postpronotal seta, 2 notopleural setae, 1 postsutural supra-alar seta, 1+2 dorsocentral setae, dark brown, the last long; intra-alar seta absent, 2 postalar setae, dark brown; 1 lateral scutellar seta, 1 apical scutellar seta, strong; 1 anepisternum seta, 1 katepisternal seta. Legs light yellow with tibiae brown. Wing (Fig. 20) clouded on distal 2/5, becoming darker anteriorly, and around middle of M1; M1 ratio 6; halter white.

Abdomen dark yellow and white; setae and setulae brown. Male genitalia (Figs 21–24): epandrium height and width subequal in length. Cerci very small, outline almost that of equilateral triangle, not separated, height 0.9 times width. Surstylus 0.4 times length of epandrium, with many small setae on inner and outer surfaces, apex without spines. Pregonite with 4 medial setae, lacking any other smaller setae or setulae. Distiphallus short, membranous.

Female. Unknown.


China (Yunnan).


The specific name “flavida” refers to the colour of this species, which is mostly pale yellow.


The new species is similar to H. plumosa (Sasakawa), but it differs in having a yellowish head, indistinct stripes on the scutum, and fully fused cerci. In H. plumosa (Sasakawa), the head is yellow, the thorax is more distinctly striped, and the cerci are separated (Sueyoshi 2006).

Hendelia beckeri Czerny, 1903

Figs 25–30, 33

Material examined

•1 ♂; China, Hebei, Xinlong, Wulingshan, Shibatan; 40°33'34.524″N, 117°28'53.187″E; 2019. VI. 12; leg. Yang Ding; • 2 ♂♂; China, Sichuan, Pingwu, Wanglang National Natural Reserve; 32°54'29"N, 104°09'28"E; 2480 m; 2017. VIII. 1; leg. Xi Yuqiang; • 1 ♂; China, Hebei, Xinglong, Wulingshan, Dujuanfeng; 40°31'49.569″N, 117°30'26.503″E; 2019. VI. 11; leg. Yang Ding.


China (Sichuan, Zhejiang, Hebei); central Europe to Norway and Finland; eastern and northern coasts of Black Sea; central and eastern Russia, Japan, South Korea.

Figures 25–30. 

Hendelia beckeri (male) 25 head, lateral view 26 wing 27 epandrium, cerci, and surstyli, posterior view 28 epandrium, cerci, and surstyli, lateral view 29 hypandrial complex, posterior view 30 hypandrial complex, lateral view. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Figures 31–34. 

Mesothorax, dorsal view 31 Hendelia deltoides sp. nov. 32 Hendelia macrocera sp. nov. 33 Hendelia beckeri (male) 34 Hendelia flavida sp. nov.


We are grateful to Prof. Ding Yang (Beijing), Dr Xuankun Li (Beijing), Dr Rongzhen Xu (Beijing), Dr Jinjin Ning (Beijing), Dr Yuliang Guan (Zhengzhou) for their kind help in collecting the specimens.

Additional information

Conflict of interest

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Ethical statement

No ethical statement was reported.


This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Henan (NO. 232300420010), Undergraduate teaching engineering course construction project of Henan Agricultural University (NO. 2023KC03), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31672333), the Special Foundation for National Science and Technology Basic Research Program of China (NO. 2018FY100400), the earmarked fund for CARS (NO. CARS-27) and the Natural Science Youth Innovation Fund of Henan Agricultural University (NO. KJCX 2019A11).

Author contributions

All authors have contributed equally.

Author ORCIDs

Shuai-Lai Yang

Xin-Ming Yin

Yu-Qiang Xi

Data availability

All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text or Supplementary Information.


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  • Mamaev BM (1974) [New species of clusiids (Diptera, Clusiidae) from the Southern Primorye.] In: Mamaev BM (Ed.) [Insects: Destroyers of wood in the forest biocenoses in the southern Primorye]. A.N. Severtsov Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of Animals at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Nauka Publishing House, Moscow, 111–115. [in Russian, 1974]
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