Research Article |
Corresponding author: Patrice Bouchard ( ) Academic editor: Miguel Alonso-Zarazaga
© 2017 Pierre de Tonnancour, Robert S. Anderson, Patrice Bouchard, Claude Chantal, Stéphane Dumont, Robert Vigneault.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
de Tonnancour P, Anderson RS, Bouchard P, Chantal C, Dumont S, Vigneault R (2017) New Curculionoidea (Coleoptera) records for Quebec, Canada. ZooKeys 681: 95-117.
The following species of Curculionoidea are newly recorded from the Canadian province of Quebec: Coelocephalapion emaciipes (Fall, 1898); Ischnopterapion virens (Herbst, 1797); Omphalapion hookerorum (Kirby, 1808); Perapion punctinasum (J.B. Smith, 1884) (all Brentidae); Anthonomus robustulus LeConte, 1876; Pseudanthonomus helvolus (Boheman, 1843); Bagous magister LeConte, 1876; Bagous tanneri O’Brien, 1979; Buchananius striatus (LeConte, 1876); Ceutorhynchus bolteri Dietz, 1896; Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus (Marsham, 1802); Ceutorhynchus pauxillus Dietz, 1896; Conotrachelus buchanani Schoof, 1942; Conotrachelus pusillus LeConte, 1878; Conotrachelus recessus (Casey, 1910); Curculio rubidus (Gyllenhal, 1835); Cylindrocopturus longulus (LeConte, 1876); Hadroplontus litura (Fabricius, 1775); Hypera rumicis (Linnaeus, 1758); Lixus terminalis LeConte, 1876; Myosides seriehispidus Roelofs, 1873; Phloeotribus dentifrons (Blackman, 1921); Plocamus echidna (LeConte, 1876); Scolytus muticus Say, 1824; Sirocalodes sericans (LeConte, 1876); Smicronyx sculpticollis Casey, 1892 (all Curculionidae). Among these, Buchananius striatus, Conotrachelus buchanani, Conotrachelus pusillus, and Curculio rubidus (all Curculionidae) are also recorded from Canada for the first time. The latter is also newly reported from Ontario. Collecting data are provided for Lixus punctinasus LeConte, 1876, previously reported to occur in Canada without any further information, and for Choragus sayi LeConte, 1876 (Anthribidae) and Rhyssomatus aequalis Horn, 1873 (Curculionidae), both previously recorded from Quebec, also without further details.
Les auteurs mentionnent pour la première fois la présence au Québec des espèces de Curculionoidea suivantes : Coelocephalapion emaciipes (Fall, 1898); Ischnopterapion virens (Herbst, 1797); Omphalapion hookerorum (Kirby, 1808); Perapion punctinasum (J.B. Smith, 1884) (tous des Brentidae); Anthonomus robustulus LeConte, 1876; Pseudanthonomus helvolus (Boheman, 1843); Bagous magister LeConte, 1876; Bagous tanneri O’Brien, 1979; Buchananius striatus (LeConte, 1876); Ceutorhynchus bolteri Dietz, 1896; Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus (Marsham, 1802); Ceutorhynchus pauxillus Dietz, 1896; Conotrachelus buchanani Schoof, 1942; Conotrachelus pusillus LeConte, 1878; Conotrachelus recessus (Casey, 1910); Curculio rubidus (Gyllenhal, 1835); Cylindrocopturus longulus (LeConte, 1876); Hadroplontus litura (Fabricius, 1775); Hypera rumicis (Linnaeus, 1758); Lixus terminalis LeConte, 1876; Myosides seriehispidus Roelofs, 1873; Phloeotribus dentifrons (Blackman, 1921); Plocamus echidna (LeConte, 1876); Scolytus muticus Say, 1824; Sirocalodes sericans (LeConte, 1876); Smicronyx sculpticollis Casey, 1892 (tous des Curculionidae). Parmi ces espèces, Buchananius striatus, Conotrachelus buchanani, Conotrachelus pusillus et Curculio rubidus (tous des Curculionidae) sont également mentionnés pour la première fois comme étant présents au Canada et, dans le cas de la dernière espèce, également en Ontario. Des données de collecte sont fournies pour Lixus punctinasus LeConte, 1876, déjà répertorié au Canada sans données de capture, ainsi que pour Choragus sayi LeConte, 1876 (Anthribidae) et Rhyssomatus aequalis Horn, 1873 (Curculionidae), dont la présence avait déjà été signalée au Québec, également sans données de capture.
Curculionoidea , Anthribidae , Brentidae , Curculionidae , new records, Canada, Quebec, Ontario, weevils
Specimens belonging to species recorded or referred to in the present article were identified (or their identity was confirmed) by recognized specialists listed henceforth under each species name by their name, or if an author of this paper, by their initials.
Label data are provided in chronological order for every species. These data were translated from French to English, and various details (e.g., current regional county municipality [MRC], collecting technique, general habitat), when known, have been added between brackets.
Specimens were either swept or beaten from various plant species, attracted to mercury vapour, ultraviolet or porch lights or handpicked from various substrates or from a flight interception trap made of tulle fabric (~2,5m x 10m) held between two wood piles or set up in a suburban backyard.
Plant family, generic and specific names follow the classification used in Database of Vascular Plants of Canada (VASCAN) (
Acronyms of collections referred to in this article are as follows:
CCCH Claude Chantal Insect Collection (private collection), Varennes, Quebec, Canada
CCOB Charles W. O’Brien Insect Collection (private collection), Green Valley, Arizona, United States
CCTE Claude Tessier Insect Collection (private collection), Quebec, Quebec, Canada
CHMS Henri Miquet-Sage Insect Collection (private collection), Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
CPTO Pierre de Tonnancour Insect Collection (private collection), Terrasse-Vaudreuil, Quebec, Canada
CRVI Robert Vigneault Insect Collection (private collection), Oka, Quebec, Canada
CSDU Stéphane Dumont Insect Collection (private collection), Montreal, Quebec, Canada
CSLA Serge Laplante Insect Collection (private collection), Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2015 and 2016
[Agglomération de Longueuil] Longueuil, 18VII1992, C. Chantal (1, CCCH); [MRC Marguerite-d’Youville] Varennes, 16VII1999, attracted to UV light, C. Chantal (1, CCCH); same except: 29VI2006 (1, CCCH); [MRC Brome-Missisquoi] Saint-Armand, 2VIII2007, understory, on foliage, C. Chantal (1, CCCH); [MRC Marguerite-D’Youville] Île Sainte-Thérèse, 1IX2009, C. Chantal (1, CCCH); [MRC Deux-Montagnes] Parc national d’Oka, La Grande Baie, 19VII2014, beaten from dead branches over forest litter, R. Vigneault (3, CRVI); [MRC Coaticook] Compton, 25VIII2014, C. Levesque (1,
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2016
This native species is easily separated from all other Apioninae known to occur in Quebec by the conspicuous elongate postscutellar spot of white vestiture and spot of dense white scales at the base of elytral interstriae 2 and 3. Nothing is known of its habits or life history, except that adults were collected in August on dock, Rumex L. spp., including golden dock, Rumex persicarioides L. (Polygonaceae) (
[MRC Deux-Montagnes] Parc national d’Oka, composting site, 29V2015, white tulle fabric flight interception trap, R. Vigneault (2, CRVI).
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2015
This Palaearctic adventive species was recorded for the first time in North America in 1993 based on specimens collected in Nova Scotia in 1990 (Peschken 1993 and
[MRC La ValléeduRichelieu] Saint-Charles-sur-Richelieu, 29VI2003, H. Miquet-Sage (3, CHMS; 1, CPTO); [MRC Marguerite-D’Youville] Varennes, 30VI2008, C. Chantal (2, CCCH); [MRC La ValléeduRichelieu] Mont-Saint-Hilaire, 2VII2008, H. Miquet-Sage (2, CHMS); [MRC Marguerite-D’Youville] Varennes, 2V2010, C. Chantal (2, CCCH; 1, CPTO); same except: 20V2010 (1, CCCH), and 9VI2010 (1, CCCH); [MRC La ValléeduRichelieu] MontSaintHilaire, 13VI2010, H. Miquet-Sage (1, CPTO); [MRC Marguerite-D’Youville] Varennes, 30V2011, C. Chantal (1, CCCH); same except 9VI2012 (1, CCCH), and 21V2014 (1, CCCH); [MRC La ValléeduRichelieu] MontSaintHilaire, 12V2014, H. MiquetSage (1, CHMS); same except: 20VI2014 (1, CHMS), and 25VI2014 (1, CHMS); [MRC Marguerite-D’Youville] Varennes, 7VI2015, C. Chantal (1, CCCH).
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2016
Widely distributed through most of the Palaearctic region (
[MRC Haut-Richelieu] Henryville [dike adjacent to Réserve écologique Marcel-Raymond], 29IX2012, C. Chantal (2, CCCH); same except: 3X2013 (3, CCCH); MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Terrasse-Vaudreuil, 15IX2014 (15:00), white tulle fabric flight interception trap, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); same except: 7X2014 (15:00) (1, CPTO) and 12X2014 (17:00) (1, CPTO); [MRC Coaticook] Waterville, 11VII2015, H. Miquet-Sage (1, CHMS); MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Terrasse-Vaudreuil, 21IX2015 (12:30), white tulle fabric flight interception trap, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); [MRC Marguerite-D’Youville] Varennes, 21IX2015, C. Chantal (1, CCCH); MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Terrasse-Vaudreuil, 22IX2015 (15:00), white tulle fabric flight interception trap, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); same except, 22IX2015 (15:00), beaten from Oidium infected foliage of Helianthus strumosus, (1, CPTO); same except: 27IX2015 (11:30, 13:30), white tulle fabric flight interception trap (2, CPTO); same except: 6X2015 (16:15) (1, CPTO), and 7X2015 (14:30–15:30) (3, CPTO); same except: 11X2015 (15:00), beaten from Oidium infested foliage of Helianthus strumosus (1, CPTO); same except: 12X2015 (11:00–15:00), white tulle fabric flight interception trap (8, CPTO; 2, CSDU); same except: 5XI2015 (14:00–15:00), climbing on pale house exterior wall (1, CPTO; 1, CRVI); same except: 6XI2015 (15:00) (1, CPTO), 9XI2015 (15:00) (1, CPTO), 19XI2015 (12:00) (1, CPTO), 26XI2015 (13:00) (1, CPTO), 27XI2015 (12:30) (1, CCCH), 11XII2015 (13:00–15:00) (4, CPTO), and 12XII2015 (12:00) (1, CPTO); Montreal, Parc Zotique-Racicot (45.5427, -73.6903), 11V2106, swept from Trifolium sp., S. Dumont (6, CSDU); same except: 12-V-2016 (3, CSDU); MRC Haut-Richelieu, Henryville, dike adjacent to Réserve écologique Marcel-Raymond], 12V2016 (13:00–16:00), swept from grasses, Equisetum and Solidago, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Notre-Dame-de-l’Île-Perrot, 20V2016 (17:00), swept from Trifolium pratense, P. de Tonnancour (11, CPTO); Montreal, Parc Zotique-Racicot (45.5427, -73.6903), 23V2106, swept from Trifolium sp., S. Dumont (5, CSDU); same except: 24V2016 (2, CSDU); MRC Brome-Missisquoi, SaintArmand, 25V2016 (16:00), swept from Trifolium pratense, P. de Tonnancour (6, CPTO); MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Saint-Lazare, 29VI2013 (16:00–17:00), swept from Trifolium pratense, P. de Tonnancour (2, CPTO); MRC Laval, Laval, rue des Charmes (45.5884, -73.8244), 20VII2016 (15:00), swept from Trifolium pratense, P. de Tonnancour (2, CPTO); MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Terrasse-Vaudreuil, 10XI2016 (15:00), climbing on pale house exterior wall (1, CPTO).
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2016
The occurrence of this small native pale-legged species in the province was expected as it was previously known in Canada from Ontario and the Maritime Provinces. Although this species has been tentatively associated with tick-trefoil, Desmodium Desv. sp. (Fabaceae), based on the very few available data at the time (
[MRC Marguerite-D’Youville] Varennes, 30VI2014, C. Chantal (1, CCCH); same except: 15V2015 (1, CCCH); MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Notre-Dame-de-l’Île-Perrot, 11V2016 (13:00), swept from Scirpus atrovirens (1, CPTO); same except: 14V2016 (15:00) (1, CPTO); [MRC Deux-Montagnes] Parc national d’Oka, 19V2016, swept from herbs in field (2, CRVI); MRC Brome-Missisquoi, SaintArmand, 25V2016 (15:00), swept from Scirpus sp. (2, CPTO).
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2015
This small native species is characterized by its 6-jointed funicle, compact, short and broad form, and light bluish-gray scales. It is said to occur on goldenrods, Solidago L. spp. (Asteraceae) (
[MRC Brome-Missisquoi] Saint-Armand, 7VI2004, C. Chantal (2, CCCH); same except: 3VII2006 (2, CCCH), and 2VII2008 (2, CCCH); MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Notre-Dame-de-l’Île-Perrot, 31V2011 (13:00), meadow, swept from Solidago/Aster, P. de Tonnancour (2, CPTO); same except: 1VI2011 (14:00) (1, CPTO); [MRC Brome-Missisquoi] Saint-Armand, 3VIII2011, C. Chantal (1, CCCH); [MRC Haut-Richelieu] Henryville [dike adjacent to Réserve écologique Marcel-Raymond], 28V2013, (14:00–17:00), swept from grasses, Equisetum and Solidago, C. Chantal and P. de Tonnancour (1, CCCH; 1, CPTO); MRC HautSaintLaurent, Saint-Anicet (45°0422, 74.4473), 14VI2013 (18:00), beaten from Cornus stolonifera, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); same except: 15VI2013 (13:00), wet meadow, swept from various herbaceous plants, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); [MRC La ValléeduRichelieu] Mont-Saint-Hilaire, 24VI2013, H. Miquet-Sage (1, CHMS); MRC Haut-Saint-Laurent, Franklin, roadside opposite to Réserve écologique du Pin-Rigide, 17VII2013 (14:00), beaten from Lythrum salicaria, P. de Tonnancour (7, CPTO); MRC Haut-Richelieu, Henryville, dike adjacent to Réserve écologique Marcel-Raymond, 8VI2014 (14:00–16:00), swept from grasses, Equisetum and Solidago, P. de Tonnancour (4, CPTO); [MRC Brome-Missisquoi] Saint-Armand, 16VI2014, C. Chantal (1, CCCH); MRC Haut-Richelieu, Henryville, dike adjacent to Réserve écologique Marcel-Raymond, 4VI2015, P. de Tonnancour (16:00–18:00) (1, CPTO); [MRC Brome-Missisquoi] Saint-Armand (45.0199, -73.0838), 25V2016, S. Dumont (1, CSDU).
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2016
This native species is associated with witch hazel, Hamamelis virginiana L. (Hamamelidaceae) (
MRC Deux-Montagnes, Parc national d’Oka (45.4916, 74.0137), 30VI2015 (17:00), beaten from Hamamelis virginiana, P. de Tonnancour & R. Vigneault (4, CPTO; 5, CRVI); same except: 2VII2015 (18:00) (16, CPTO) and 5VII2015 (18:00) (1, CCCH; 6, CPTO); same except: 5IX2015 (17:00), R. Vigneault (1, CPTO) and 20VIII2016 (2, CRVI); same except: 27-VIII-2016 (14:00), P. de Tonnancour (2,
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2015
This record comes three years after the first North American detection of the species in Michigan (
MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Notre-Dame-de-l’Île-Perrot, 10VIII2013 (17:00), beaten from Quercus rubra, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); same except: 8VIII2015 (15:00), beaten from Alnus rugosa (1, CPTO), beaten from Betula populifolia (2, CPTO) or swept from various herbaceous plants in gray birch stand (1, CPTO); same except: 10VIII2015 (13:00), swept from various herbaceous plants in gray birch stand (2, CPTO); same except: 16VIII2015 (15:00), beaten from Betula populifolia (4, CCOB; 5,
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2015
This record is based on two specimens collected ten years apart from low vegetation in two localities. This native species was previously known in Canada only from Ontario (
[MRC Pierre-De Saurel] Saint-Roch-de-Richelieu, 20VI2005, C. Chantal (CCCH, 1); [MRC Deux-Montagnes] Parc national d’Oka, La Grande Baie, 30VI2015 [swept from low vegetation in swampy area], R. Vigneault (1, CRVI).
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2016
This native species is easily separated from other species of its genus by the deep impressions on the prothorax, the elytral pattern created by fuscous and light brown scales with a fascia crossing the suture near middle, and its large size (
MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Terrasse-Vaudreuil, 31V2013 (21:30), UV + porch light, P. de Tonnancour (2, CPTO); same except 30V2013 (1,
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2009, 2016
This native species was previously known in Canada only from Ontario (
[MRC Brome-Missisquoi] Saint-Armand, 2VII2001, attracted to UV lamp, C. Chantal (1, CCCH); [MRC Haut-Richelieu] Henryville, 24VI2003, attracted to UV lamp, C. Chantal (1, CCCH); [MRC Deux-Montagnes] Parc national d’Oka, La Grande Baie, 30VI2015 [swept from low vegetation, edge of swampy bay], R. Vigneault (1, CRVI); same except: 2VII2015 (16:00), beaten from dead branches, edge of swampy bay, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO).
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2015
This minute native species (1.4–1.6mm) is easily distinguished from all other Baridinae occurring in Quebec by its extremely wide and convex shape, its tiny size (genus Buchananius Kissinger, 1957, contains the smallest members of Nearctic Baridinae) and its vestiture of sparse but long erect scales. The only other North American congener, Buchananius sulcatus (LeConte, 1876), has been recorded as developing in the fruiting bodies of the fungus Trichoderma peltatum (Berk.) Samuels, Jaklitsch & Voglmayr (Hypocreaceae) growing on American Beech, Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. (Fagaceae), in Maryland (
[MRC Joliette] Joliette, 7IX2013 [swept from forest understory], J.-F. Roch (1, CCCH); [MRC Deux-Montagnes] Parc national d’Oka, La Grande Baie, 28VI2014 [beaten/swept from undergrowth/fallen branches in deciduous stand], R. Vigneault (1, CRVI); same except: composting site, 28-V-2016 (19:00), white tulle fabric flight interception trap, R. Vigneault (1, CRVI); same except: Calvaire d’Oka, 1VII2016, beaten from fallen dead branches of deciduous tree, R. Vigneault (1, CRVI).
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2016
This remarkable native species was previously known in Canada only from Ontario (
[MRC Deux-Montagnes] Parc national d’Oka, composting site, 04VI2015 (18:00), white tulle fabric flight interception trap, R. Vigneault (1, CRVI); MRC Deux-Montagnes, Parc national d’Oka, La Grande Baie, 3VII2016, brushed from trunk of a recently dead Fagus grandifolia, R. Vigneault (18, CRVI); same except: 6VII2016 (12:00), P. de Tonnancour (1, CCCH; 1,
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2014, 2016
This native species was previously recorded in Canada only from British Columbia (
[MRC Haut-Richelieu], Henryville, 28V2013, sweeping, C. Chantal (1, CCCH); MRC Deux-Montagnes, Parc national d’Oka, 29V2015 (18:00–20:00), white tulle fabric flight interception trap, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); MRC Haut-Richelieu, Henryville, dike adjacent to Réserve écologique Marcel-Raymond, 4VI2015 (16:00–18:00), swept from grasses, Equisetum and Solidago, P. de Tonnancour (5, CPTO); same except: 12V2016 (13:00–16:00) (8, CPTO).
Species identification confirmed by PB, 2014
This adventive Palaearctic species, known as the cabbage stem weevil, is reported to attack several Brassicaceae and Resedaceae and is occasionally associated with Cannabis sativa L. (Cannabaceae) (
[MRC Coaticook] Missisquoi Co., Mont le Pinacle, 10VI1984, Larochelle, Larivière (1,
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2014, and Hiraku Yoshitake, 2014
This native species was previously known in Canada from Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba (
[MRC de D’Autray] Lanoraie, 26VIII1986, sweeping Sphagnum bog, L. LeSage, on Prunus pensylvanica Linnaeus (39,
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2016.
This Palaearctic species has been introduced in various parts of North America as a biological control agent against Canada thistle, Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. (Asteraceae) (
Montreal, Parc Zotique-Racicot (45.5427, 73.6903), beaten from Cirsium arvense, P. de Tonnancour and/or S. Dumont, 8VII2015 (13:00) (17, CPTO; 4, CSDU); 9VII2015 (3,
Species identification confirmed by Hiraku Yoshitake, 2014
This native species was previously known in Canada from Manitoba and Ontario (
MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Saint-Lazare, 12VI2013 (14:00), sandpit, beaten from Brassica sp., P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO).
Species identification confirmed by Hiraku Yoshitake, 2014, and RSA, 2016.
This native species is reported to inhabit in the larval stage the galls formed by the apionine weevil Podapion gallicola Riley, 1883, on pine (
MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Notre-Dame-de-l’Île-Perrot, 30IV2013 (16:00), beaten from flowering shoots of Salix sp., P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Mont Rigaud, 31V2013 (13:00), beaten from Asclepias syriaca, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); same except: 5VI2013 (13:00), rocky outcrop, swept from Rumex acetosella (1, CPTO); same except: 2V2015 (15:00), rocky outcrop, beaten from Pinus strobus, P. de Tonnancour (3, CPTO); MRC Collines-de-l’Outaouais, Luskville (Sentier des chutes), 26V2015 (13:00), beaten from small Amelanchier sp., P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO).
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2016
This adventive species, originally from Asia, has gone undetected for many years in collections under the genus Trachyphloeus Germar, 1817, and was reported by
[MRC Brome-Missisquoi], Saint-Armand, 6VII2015 (afternoon), C. Chantal (1, CCCH).
Species identification confirmed by Hiraku Yoshitake, 2014
Since its accidental introduction and first detection in the United States in 1879 (Chamberlin, 1933), this Palaearctic species has expanded its range considerably in North America. Surveys conducted from 1997 to 1999 in two Quebec vineyards failed to detect its presence (
[MRC Brome-Missisquoi], Saint-Armand, 15VI2003, C. Tessier (1, CCTE); MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Notre-Dame-de-l’Île-Perrot, 3VII2011 (17:00), beaten from Rumex crispus, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Terrasse-Vaudreuil, 6VII2011 (2:00), UV + porch light, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); MRC Haut-Saint-Laurent, Saint-Anicet (45.0425, -74°4459), 15VI2013 (13:00), wet meadow, swept from various herbaceous plants, P. de Tonnancour (2, CPTO); Montreal, Île-Bizard (Parc-nature du Bois-de-l’Île-Bizard), 17VI2013, ≥ 5 cocoons on Rumex sp. (one emergence on 22VI2013), C. Pilon (observation documented by photos); MRC Haut-Saint-Laurent, Saint-Anicet (45.0432, -74°4442), 26VI2015 (15:00), beaten from Rumex crispus, P. de Tonnancour (11, CPTO); MRC Coaticook, Waterville (45.27993 N 71.89987 O), 10VII2015 (20:00), beaten from Rumex crispus, P. de Tonnancour (4, CCCH; 7,
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2015
MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Notre-Dame-de-l’Île-Perrot, 3VII2008 (17:00), handpicked from building wall, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); same except: 23VIII2014 (15:00), small pond margin, beaten from Bidens cernua, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO).
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2015
This species was reported to be associated with Polygonum amphibium L. (now Persicaria amphibia (L.) Delarbre) (Polygonaceae) more than a century ago (
[MRC Deux-Montagnes] Parc national d’Oka, 4V1993, R. Vigneault (1, CRVI); same except: 9V1993 (1, CRVI), 30V1995 (1, CRVI); [MRC Deux-Montagnes] Parc national d’Oka, 26V2002, flowers of Prunus virginiana, C. Chantal (1, CCCH); [MRC Deux-Montagnes] Parc national d’Oka, La Grande Baie, 28V2002, R. Vigneault (1, CRVI); same except: 4V2003 (1, CRVI); [MRC Deux-Montagnes] Parc national d’Oka, Calvaire d’Oka, 15VII2007, R. Vigneault (1, CRVI); [MRC Deux-Montagnes] Parc national d’Oka, 16VI2011, R. Vigneault (1, CRVI); [MRC Deux-Montagnes] Parc national d’Oka, 1VIII2012 (16:00–17:00), swept from Polygonum sp., P. de Tonnancour & R. Vigneault (5, CPTO; 2, CRVI); same except: 19VIII2012 (17:00), swept from Polygonum amphibium, P. de Tonnancour (2,
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2015
This native species was known in Canada only from Ontario (
MRC Haut-Saint-Laurent, Saint-Anicet (45.0425, -74°4459), 15VI2013, wet meadow, swept from various herbaceous plants, P. de Tonnancour & S. Laplante (1, CPTO; 2, CSLA); Montreal, Parc Zotique-Racicot (45.5436, 73.69O3), 8VII2015 (13:00), beaten from Castylegia sepium + Cirsium arvense, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); same except: 9VII2015, S. Dumont (2, CSDU), 24VII2015 (4, CPTO); same except: 26VII2105, beaten from Castylegia sepium + Cirsium arvense, S. Dumont (1,
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2015
This native species is associated with Celtis L. spp. (Cannabaceae) (
Specimens from southern USA were examined and found to be consistently larger than the northern forms from Quebec and northern USA, but dissections failed to reveal any further significant differences between the two groups. The status of the Canadian and northern USA forms needs further study. For the time being specimens reported herein will be considered as C. buchanani.
[MRC Brome-Missisquoi], Saint-Armand, 5VI2007, C. Chantal (1, CCCH); MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Terrasse-Vaudreuil, 21V2009 (21:00–22:00), mercury vapour light, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); same except: 18VI2010 (23:00), mercury vapour + UV + porch light, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); same except: 6VII2011 (23:00), UV + porch light, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); MRC Marguerite-D’Youville, Contrecœur, 8VII2012 (0:30), mercury vapour + UV light, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); [MRC La ValléeduRichelieu] MontSaintHilaire, 2-VI-2013, H. Miquet-Sage (2, CHMS); MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Terrasse-Vaudreuil, 21IX2014 (21:00), UV + porch light, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); Montreal, Parc Zotique-Racicot (45.5424, 73.6874), 19VI2015, beaten from Celtis occidentalis, S. Dumont (3,
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2015, 2016
This native species was previously known to occur in eastern North America from New York and Florida to Kansas and Texas (
[MRC Deux-Montagnes] Parc national d’Oka, composting site, 23VII2011, R. Vigneault (1, CRVI); same except: plage d’Oka, 2VIII2011 (1, CRVI); [MRC Marguerite-D’Youville] Varennes, 8IX2015, attracted to UV lamp, C. Chantal (1, CCCH); MRC Deux-Montagnes, Parc national d’Oka, 21VII2015 (1:00), beaten from foliage of Carya ovata, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO).
Species identification confirmed by RSA, 2015
This small Conotrachelus Dejean, 1835 was previously known in Canada only from Ontario (
MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Terrasse-Vaudreuil, 19VI2014 (0:00), attracted to UV + porch light, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO).
> Species identification confirmed by Hume Douglas, 2016
This minute native species (1.2–1.6mm) was previously known to occur in Canada only in the southernmost part of Ontario (all 61
MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Terrasse-Vaudreuil (45.3923, 73.9922), 20IX2013 (18:00), white tulle fabric flight interception trap, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); same except: 20V2016 (16:30) (1, CPTO); Montreal, rue Zotique-Racicot (45.5436, -73.6901), 21VIII2015, beaten from Celtis occidentalis, S. Dumont (1, CSDU); same except: 21V2016 (9, CSDU); same except: 22V2016 (4, CSDU); same except: 23V2016 (7, CPTO); same except: 24V2016 (3, CSDU); same except: 7VI2016 (1, CSDU); MRC Laval, Laval, rue des Charmes (45.5888, 73.8268), 20VII2016 (15:00), beaten from Celtis occidentalis, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Terrasse-Vaudreuil (45.3927, -73.9922), 20VII2016, ex-larva from dead branch of Celtis occidentalis, P. de Tonnancour (3, CPTO); same except: 28-VII-2016 (1, CPTO); same except: 14-VIII-2016 (2, CPTO); same except: 15-VIII-2016 (1, CPTO); same except : 18-III-2017 (8,
Species identification confirmed by Hume Douglas, 2016
As for the above-mentioned Phloeotribus dentifrons, this native species was previously thought to be confined in Canada to the southernmost part of Ontario (all 11
MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Terrasse-Vaudreuil, 14VI2016 (14:00), white tulle fabric flight interception trap, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO); MRC Laval, Laval, rue des Charmes (45.5846, -73.8226), 6VII2016 (15:00), beaten from Celtis occidentalis, P. de Tonnancour (1, CPTO).
The authors thank Serge Laplante (CSLA), Henri Miquet-Sage (CHMS), and Claude Tessier (CCTE) for providing label data of specimens in their collections, and Peter Mason (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Canada) for providing survey data from Quebec. Thanks are also extended to Burke Korol and Claude Pilon for sharing their observations of Curculio rubidus in Ontario and Hypera rumicis in Quebec, respectively. Louise Girard and Marc Lachance are acknowledged for providing access to their property in the Saint-Anicet area, where three of the herein newly recorded species were collected. Hume Douglas (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Canada) and Hiraku Yoshitake (Natural Resources Inventory Center, Tsukuba, Japan) confirmed the identification of the two Scolytinae and of some Curculionidae, as indicated above. We also thank Serge Laplante (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Canada) and Gregory P. Setliff and David Langor for providing helpful comments and suggestions on the manuscript.