Research Article
Research Article
Integrative taxonomic study of mononchid nematodes from riparian habitats in Bulgaria. I. Genera Mononchus Bastian, 1865 and Coomansus Jairajpuri & Khan, 1977 with the description of Mononchus pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. and a key to the species of Mononchus
expand article infoStela Altash, Aneta Kostadinova, Vlada Peneva
‡ Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Open Access


The species diversity of the genera Mononchus Bastian, 1865 and Coomansus Jairajpuri & Khan, 1977 was assessed in a study of the mononchid nematodes from a wide range of riparian habitats in Bulgaria. Four species were identified based on morphological and morphometric data: Coomansus parvus (de Man, 1880), Mononchus truncatus Bastian, 1865, Mononchus pseudoaquaticus sp. nov., and Mononchus sp. The first three species were characterised both morphologically and molecularly (18S and 28S rRNA gene sequences) and the integration of these data and phylogenetic analyses provided support for their distinct species status. This paper provides detailed descriptions, morphometric data for multiple species populations, drawings and photomicrographs, and the first taxonomically verified sequences for C. parvus (n = 6), M. truncatus (sensu stricto) (n = 4) and M. pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. (n = 3). Comparative sequence and phylogenetic analyses suggested that the utility of the 18S rRNA gene for species delimitation is rather limited at least for some species complexes within the genus Mononchus. At the generic and suprageneric level, the 18S and 28S rDNA phylogenies both recovered the three genera represented by two or more species (Mononchus, Mylonchulus, and Parkellus) as monophyletic with strong support, the Mononchidae as paraphyletic, the Anatonchidae as monophyletic, and there was no support for a sister-group relationship between Mylonchulus and Mononchus. A key to the species of Mononchus is provided to facilitate the identification of the currently recognised 31 species.

Key words

Distribution, Mononchidae, morphology, phylogeny, riverine, taxonomy, 18S rDNA, 28S rDNA


Riparian zones, i.e., the ecotones between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, represent areas of high biodiversity caused by the diversity of habitats and heterogeneous environmental conditions they provide. Both plant and animal diversity are high in these areas with impressive levels of faunal diversity in riparian soils (Décamps et al. 2009). Soils in these functionally unique ecosystems are also important for sustaining diverse nematode communities, e.g., Décamps et al. (2009) estimated the number of species of nematodes in riparian soils to be greater than 5000. Because soil nematodes are abundant and functionally diverse, they can serve as useful indicators of food-web structure and complexity (Bongers and Ferris 1999; Ferris et al. 2001; Neher 2001; Ferris 2005); nematode communities are also important for ecosystem functions. These features justify the increased interest in studying free-living nematode communities and the ecosystem functions they perform in both undisturbed and disturbed riparian zones and riparian corridors (e.g., Young-Mathews et al. 2010; Briar et al. 2012; Hodson et al. 2014). Notably, nematodes are usually identified to the genus/family level in these ecological studies due to difficulties in the identification based on morphological characters and/or the lack of taxonomic expertise, so there is a lack of species-level assessments on larger-scale processes in riparian zones (Bardgett et al. 2001).

Sequence-based tools such as barcoding have proven successful in accelerating identification of previously characterised species or in detecting cryptic species (Palomares-Rius et al. 2014, 2022; Archidona-Yuste et al. 2023). Currently, two nuclear loci are considered to be most relevant to barcoding of nematodes, the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU or 18S) and the large subunit ribosomal RNA gene (LSU or 28S), the first being the best sampled gene in nematodes, and the second being the subject of increased interest. However, key for the successful application of barcoding for nematodes is the availability of a database of taxonomically verified sequences, i.e., associated with species identification based on detailed morphological characterisation and morphological vouchering (physical and “virtual” vouchers sensu De Ley et al. 2005). Although the number of species of the order Mononchida Jairajpuri, 1969 with sequences available for both nuclear loci indicated above is limited, a recent trend towards building a combined evidence database is promising (Kim et al. 2018; Tabolin and Kolganova 2020; van Rensburg et al. 2021; Vu 2021; Vu et al. 2021a, 2021b; Shokoohi and Moyo 2022).

In a study of the free-living nematodes from a wide range of riparian habitats in Bulgaria, we have collected several species of three families of the order Mononchida. These have been characterised both morphologically and molecularly. This paper presents the results of the integrative taxonomic study of the species of Coomansus Jairajpuri & Khan, 1977 and Mononchus Bastian, 1865 (family Mononchidae Chitwood, 1937), and phylogenetic analyses that delineate the species and establish their relationships within the suborder Mononchina Kirjanova & Krall, 1969 based on partial sequences of the 28S and 18S rRNA genes.

Species of the order Mononchida occur in both aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Species of the genus Mononchus are aquatic nematodes, occasionally occurring in wet terrestrial habitats (Zullini and Peneva 2006; Andrássy 2009) unlike the species of the second genus considered here, Coomansus, which predominantly dwell in terrestrial habitats. Currently, the genus Mononchus contains 30 species (Andrássy 2011a; Shah and Hussain 2016; Gagarin and Naumova 2017; Ishaque et al. 2022). According to Andrássy (2009) the number of valid species of Coomansus is 28. Subsequently, five new species have been described (Andrássy 2011b; Shah and Hussain 2015; Vu 2021). Ahmad and Jairajpuri (2010) transferred the species of the Coomansuszschokkei-group” to the genus Parkellus Jairajpuri, Tahseen & Choi, 2001; however, the validity of Parkellus is not widely accepted (e.g., Zullini and Peneva 2006; Andrássy 2009, 2011b).

In Bulgaria, two species of the genus Coomansus, C. parvus (de Man, 1880) Jairajpuri & Khan, 1977 and Coomansus zschokkei (Menzel, 1913) Jairajpuri & Khan, 1977 have been reported (Iliev and Ilieva 2016). Two further species of the genus Mononchus, M. truncatus Bastian, 1865 and M. aquaticus Coetzee, 1968 have also been recorded; however, morphological data have not been provided (Andrássy 1958; Katalan-Gateva 1962, 1965; Stoichev 1996; Lazarova et al. 2004; Stoichev and Chernev 2011; Stoichev and Varadinova 2011). Only the latter two species have been reported in aquatic habitats.

Materials and methods

Sampling, nematode isolation, and processing

More than 150 soil and litter samples were collected at 76 localities in different riparian zones in Bulgaria. Multiple core soil samples (3 per site) were collected at a depth of 40–60 cm from each habitat (sampling site of 15 × 15 m or along the riverbank) around the roots of the dominant tree species; litter samples were collected simultaneously.

Nematodes were extracted from soil (at least 400 g) and litter (at least 20 g) samples using a decanting and sieving technique and a modified Baerman funnel method with 48 h of exposition and counted alive. Thereafter, the nematodes were gently heated at 63 °C for 2 min and fixed in 4% formaldehyde, 1% glycerine, dehydrated, and mounted on permanent slides in anhydrous glycerine with paraffin as a support for the cover slide (Seinhorst 1959). Morphological examination was carried out and measurement taken under a light microscope (Olympus BX41, Tokyo, Japan) equipped with a digitising tablet (CalComp Drawing Board III) and using the DIGITRAK 1.0 f program (Philip Smith, the John Hutton Institute, Dundee, UK). Drawings were prepared using an Olympus BX51 compound microscope with differential interference contrast (DIC). Photomicrographs were taken with Axio Imager.M2 microscope (Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany) equipped with a digital camera (ProgRes C7) and CapturePro 2.8 software (Jenoptic).

All measurements in the descriptions and tables are in micrometres unless stated otherwise and are given as the mean ± standard deviation followed by the range in parentheses. A standard set of De Man indices was calculated for each specimen as follows: L, body length; V, distance from vulva to anterior end of body as % of body length; a, body length/greatest body diameter; b, body length/distance from anterior end to pharyngo-intestinal valve; c, body length/tail length; c’ tail length/tail diameter at anus; G1 anterior female gonad length as % of body length; G2 posterior female gonad length as % of body length (De Man 1876, 1880).

DNA isolation, amplification, and sequencing

Specimens intended for the molecular study were identified on temporary mounts; a standard set of photomicrographs was taken for each specimen. Genomic DNA (gDNA) was isolated using 5% suspension of deionised water and Chelex®, containing 0.1 mg/ml proteinase K; samples were incubated at 56 °C for 3 h or overnight, boiled at 90 °C for 8 min, and centrifuged at 14,000× g for 10 min. Two genetic markers were sequenced, the small (18S) and the large (28S) ribosomal subunit RNA coding regions.

Partial fragments of the 28S rRNA gene (domains D1-D3; ~ 1000 bp) were amplified using the forward primer LSU5 (5’-TAG GTC GAC CCG CTG AAY TTA AGC A-3’) (Littlewood et al. 2000) and the reverse primer 1500R (5’-GCT ATC CTG AGG GAA ACT TCG-3’) (Tkach et al. 1999). Nearly complete (~ 1600–1700 bp) fragments of the 18S rRNA gene were amplified in two partially overlapping fragments using the primer sets 988F (forward: 5’-CTC AAA GAT TAA GCC ATG C-3’) and 1912R (reverse: 5’-TTT ACG GTC AGA ACT AGG G-3’) for the first fragment, and 1813F (forward: 5’-CTG CGT GAG AGG TGA AAT-3’) and 2646R (reverse: 5’-GCT ACC TTG TTA CGA CTT TT-3’) for the second fragment (Holterman et al. 2006).

PCR amplifications were performed in a total volume of 25 µl using Illustra ™ PuReTaq™ Ready-To-Go™ PCR beads (GE Healthcare, Chicago, USA; Cat. # 27-9559-01). In the case of poor amplification, the PCR reactions were performed with 2× MyFi™ DNA Polymerase mix (Bioline Inc., Taunton, USA; Cat. # BIO-25049) in a total volume of 20 μl, containing 8 pmol of each primer and ~ 50 ng of gDNA. The amplification profile for 28S rDNA comprised an initial denaturation at 94 °C for 5 min (or 3 min when using MyFi™ DNA Polymerase mix) followed by 40 cycles (30 s at 94 °C; 30 s at 55 °C; and 2 min at 72 °C), and a final extension step at 72 °C for 7 min. The following amplification profile was used for 18S rDNA: initial denaturation at 94 °C for 5 min, followed by 5 cycles (30 s at 94 °C; 30 s at 45 °C; 70 s at 72 °C) and 35 cycles (30 s at 94 °C; 30 s at 54 °C; 70 s at 72 °C), and a final extension step at 72 °C for 5 min. PCR amplicons were purified and sequenced directly for both strands using the PCR primers (and in some cases the internal primers 300F, ECD2 and LSU1200R (Littlewood et al. 2000) for 28S rDNA) at Macrogen Europe (Amsterdam, the Netherlands). Contiguous sequences were assembled, quality checked, and edited manually using MEGA7 (Kumar et al. 2016) and subjected to a BLASTn search on the NCBI GenBank database.

Phylogenetic analyses

The newly generated 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA sequences were aligned separately using MUSCLE implemented in MEGA7 (Kumar et al. 2016) with representative sequences available in the GenBank database. First, an exploratory neighbour-joining (NJ) analysis was carried out on an untrimmed 28S rDNA alignment (domains D1-D3), including representative sequences for Mononchus spp. and Coomansus spp. to assess the associations of the newly generated sequences from riparian nematode populations sampled in Bulgaria.

Secondly, two alignments were constructed comprising sequences for species of three families of the suborder Mononchina: Anatonchidae Jairajpuri, 1969, Mononchidae, and Mylonchulidae Jairajpuri, 1969. These alignments were trimmed to the length of the shortest sequence. The 28S rDNA alignment (domains D2-D3) contained 33 sequences for representatives of ten genera of the three families and the 18S rDNA alignment contained 32 sequences for representatives of ten genera of the three families.

Phylogenetic relationships were estimated by conducting maximum likelihood (ML) analyses as implemented in MEGA7. Prior to analyses, the best-fitting models of nucleotide substitution were estimated based on the Akaike information criterion (AIC); these were the Tamura 3-parameter model (T92) including estimates of invariant sites and among-site rate heterogeneity (T92+I+G) for the 18S rDNA alignment and the Kimura 2-parameter model (K2) with among-site rate heterogeneity (K2+G) for the 28S rDNA alignment. Nodal support was estimated by performing 1000 bootstrap pseudoreplicates. Mermis nigrescens Dujardin, 1842 was used as the outgroup in the analyses of both alignments based on the phylogeny published by Holterman et al. (2006). Genetic distances (number of nucleotide positions and uncorrected p-distance) were calculated in MEGA7.


Overview of the morphological identification and the novel molecular and distributional data

A total of 17 populations of Coomansus spp. and Mononchus spp. were collected in soil and litter samples from habitats with various vegetation types along 12 rivers (Arda, Danube, Devinska, Dyavolska, Grafska, Lopushnitsa, Maritsa, Rezovska, Shirokoleshka, Trigradska, Vedena, and Veleka) in eight provinces in Bulgaria (Burgas, Kardzhali, Lovech, Montana, Plovdiv, Silistra, Smolyan, and Sofia). In each locality, the nematode populations were recovered around the roots of the dominant tree species (predominantly Salix spp., but also Alnus glutinosa (L.), Carpinus betulus L., Fagus sylvatica L., Fraxinus excelsior L., Populus sp., Ulmus laevis Pall., and Ulmus sp.) (Table 1).

Table 1.

Summary data for the populations of Coomansus parvus and Mononchus spp. studied in 17 riparian habitats in Bulgaria.

Species River Locality Coordinates Elevation (m)a Associated tree species (habitat) Date (Collector)
Coomansus parvus (de Man, 1880) Lopushnitsa (Balkan Mountains) Near Kaleytsa, Lovech Province 42°55'34"N, 24°38'38"E ~ 440 Acer sp. (litter) 9.05.2021 (VP)
Arda (Rhodope Mountains) Dyavolski Most, Kardzhali Province 41°37'14"N, 25°06'53"E ~ 460 Ulmus sp. (soil) 29.08.2020 (VP)
41°37'22"N, 25°06'54"E ~ 440 Populus sp. (soil)
Vedena (Vitosha Mountain) Near Zheleznitsa, Sofia Province 42°32'05"N, 23°20'57"E ~ 1200 Fagus sylvatica L. (litter) 4.04.2022 (SA, VP)
Devinska (Rhodope Mountains) Near Devin, Smolyan Province 41°45'21"N, 24°20'02"E ~ 880 Carpinus betulus L. (soil) 20.05.2019 (SA)
Mononchus truncatus Bastian, 1865 Shirokoleshka (Rhodope Mountains) Shiroka Laka, Smolyan Province 41°40'26"N, 24°35'51"E ~ 1120 Salix sp. (soil) 23.05.2019 (SA)
Maritsa (Upper Thracian Plain) Near Plovdiv, Plovdiv Province 42°09'N, 25°50'E ~ 153 Salix sp. (soil) 18.10.1995 (VP)
Trigradska (Rhodope Mountains) Teshel, Smolyan Province 41°40'18"N, 24°21'13"E ~ 860 Salix sp. (litter) 23.05.2019 (SA)
Dyavolska (Strandzha Mountains) Near Primorsko, Burgas Province 42°15'34"N, 27°44'18"E ~ 10 Fraxinus excelsior L. (soil) 6.06.2019 (SA)
Rezovska (Strandzha Mountains) Slivarovo, Burgas Province 41°57'N, 27°40'E ~ 240 Ulmus laevis Pall. (soil) 22.10.2008 (RS)
Danube (Southern Dobruja) Vetren, Silistra Province 44°08'24"N, 27°01'47"E ~ 20 Salix sp. (soil) 5.07.2021 (VP)
Veleka Brodilovo, Burgas Province 42°04'53"N, 27°51'33"E ~ 15 Alnus glutinosa (L.) (soil) 4.06.2019 (SA)
Mononchus pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. Shirokoleshka (Rhodope Mountains) Shiroka Laka, Smolyan Province 41°40'26"N, 24°35'51"E ~ 1120 Salix sp. (soil) 23.05.2019 (SA)
Maritsa (Upper Thracian Plain) Near Plovdiv, Plovdiv Province 42°09'N, 25°50'E ~ 153 Salix sp. (soil) 18.10.1995 (VP)
Veleka Brodilovo, Burgas Province 42°04'53"N, 27°51'33"E ~ 15 Alnus glutinosa (L.) (soil) 4.06.2019 (SA)
Danube (Southern Dobruja) Vetren, Silistra Province 44°08'24"N, 27°01'47"E ~ 20 Salix sp. (soil)b 5.07.2021 (VP)
Danube (Southern Dobruja) Komluka Island, Silistra Province 44°08'03"N, 27°03'40"E ~ 20 Populus sp. (soil) 5.07.2021 (VP)
Mononchus sp. Grafska, inflow of River Kopilovtsi (Balkan Mountains) Waterfall “Durshin skok”, near Kopilovtsi, Montana Province 43°19'40"N, 22°51'01"E ~ 1048 Fagus sylvatica L. (soil) 27.07.2000 (VP)

Four species were identified based on morphological data: C. parvus (4 populations), M. truncatus (7 populations), Mononchus pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. (5 populations), and Mononchus sp. (1 population). The geographical distribution of Mononchus spp. (9 localities) did not overlap that of the single species of Coomansus recovered during the study (4 localities) (Table 1). Of note, populations of the two widespread species of Mononchus, M. truncatus and M. pseudoaquaticus sp. nov., co-occurred in four localities (along riverbanks of the rivers Danube, Maritsa, Shirokoleshka, and Veleka).

Although an attempt was made to obtain representative 28S rDNA sequences for all species populations, the success rate was generally low. A total of nine sequences were generated, four for C. parvus (1017–1037 bp), three for M. truncatus (987–1041 bp), and two for M. pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. (910–1042 bp). Four of the sequenced populations were selected for generating representative 18S rDNA sequences (1630–1682 bp; 2 for C parvus, 1 for M. truncatus, and 1 for M. pseudoaquaticus sp. nov.). No sequences were generated for Mononchus sp. The newly generated 28S rDNA sequences showed very low intraspecific genetic divergence (0–2 nt positions, i.e., 0.2% for sequences for C. parvus and M. truncatus, and identical sequences for M. pseudoaquaticus sp. nov.); the two 18S rDNA sequences for C. parvus were also identical.


Genus Coomansus Jairajpuri & Khan, 1977

Coomansus parvus (de Man, 1880) Jairajpuri & Khan, 1977

Figs 1, 2


Female [Based on 10 specimens from 3 localities; see Table 2 for measurements]. Body short, 0.70–1.15 mm, J- or C-shaped upon relaxation, body diameter at mid-body 47–53. Cuticle smooth under light microscope (very faint striation observed in one specimen, Fig. 2H), 2–3 thick along most of body, 3–4 thick in post-anal region. Lip region offset, cephalic and labial papillae prominent, conical, of almost same size. Amphid apertures oval, 5 ± 0.4 (4–5) (n = 6) wide, situated anterior to dorsal tooth apex, at 10–14 from anterior end. Buccal capsule oval, somewhat flattened at base, 1.6–1.9 as long as wide or 0.9–1.2 times as long as lip region width; its ventral wall 1.5–2.5 thick, dorsal wall posterior to dorsal tooth ~ 3 thick. Dorsal tooth small, its anterior margin 3.0 ± 0.5 (2–4) wide, located near middle of buccal capsule, tooth apex at 9 ± 1 (8–11) from anterior end of buccal capsule. Nerve-ring at 97 ± 6 (90–103) (n = 6) from anterior end of body. Excretory pore posterior to nerve-ring, small, well visible. Reproductive system amphidelphic. Genital branches almost symmetrical; anterior branch 134 ± 50 (80–253) (n = 9) long; posterior branch 115 ± 19 (80–133) (n = 9) long. Ovaries well developed; anterior ovary 60–105 (n = 7) long; posterior ovary 70–140 (n = 7) long. Oviduct with marked pars dilatata oviductus, ~ 30 wide. Uteri very short. Two uterine eggs present in one female measuring 81 × 40 and 90 × 38. Vagina with straight walls, its length representing 25–33% of corresponding body width; pars refringens vaginae as 2 oval to drop-shaped smooth sclerotised pieces, 3–4 long and 2–3 wide; pars distalis vaginae ~ 3 long. Vulva a transverse slit; pars refringens vaginae protruding in some specimens (Fig. 2I). Rectum 0.7–0.8 times as long as body diameter at anus. Tail conoid, ventrally arcuate, with finely rounded tip. Caudal glands and spinneret absent. Caudal pores two pairs. Male: Not found.

Figure 1. 

Line drawings of Coomansus parvus (de Man, 1880) Jairajpuri & Khan, 1977. Female specimens from populations collected from riverbanks of the rivers Vedena (A, B, D) and Arda (C): A anterior region B posterior genital branch C, D tail end. Scale bar: 25 µm.

Figure 2. 

Photomicrographs of Coomansus parvus (de Man, 1880) Jairajpuri & Khan, 1977. Female specimens from populations collected from riverbanks of the rivers Lopushnitsa (A, B, E–G, M), Vedena (C, D, H, I, K, L), and Arda (J): A entire body B–D, G anterior region (amphid opening arrowed in G) E, F, I reproductive system (E anterior genital branch F, I vulval region showing pars refringens vaginae) H, J–M tail (cuticle striation arrowed in H; caudal pores arrowed in J and K). Scale bars: 200 µm (A); 20 µm (B–D, F–I, M); 50 µm (E, J–L).

Table 2.

Morphometric data for females of Coomansus parvus collected in four riparian localities in Bulgaria.

Locality Near Kaleytsa, Lovech Province Dyavolski Most, Kardzhali Province Near Zheleznitsa, Sofia Province
River Lopushnitsa (Balkan Mountains) Arda (Rhodope Mountains) Vedena (Vitosha Mountain)
Habitat Acer sp. (litter) Ulmus sp. (soil) Populus sp. (soil) Fagus sylvatica (litter)
n (n = 1) (n = 1) (n = 2) (n = 6)
L (mm) 1.05 0.70 0.90, 1.07 0.96 ± 0.14 (0.83–1.15)
a 18.7 12.9 17, 17 19.0 ± 2.5 (16.2–21.7)
b 3.6 3.7 3.5, 3.5 3.2, 3.4, 3.5 (n = 3)
c 14.8 11.7 12.2, 12.9 12.7 ± 1.1 (11.5–14.0)
c 2.3 2.1 2.4, 2.3 2.3 ± 0.3 (2.0–2.7)
V (%) 62.0 59.9 61.3, 62.2 62.5 ± 1.6 (59.6–64.5)
G1 (%) 9.2 11.4 12.2, 10.5 13.8 ± 2.4 (12.0–17.3) (n = 5)
G2 (%) 12.6 11.3 10.2, 11.4 12.6 ± 1.5 (11.6–15.1) (n = 5)
Buccal capsule length 24 22 23, 26 26 ± 1 (25–27)
Buccal capsule width 14 14 14, 15 15 ± 0.4 (14–15)
Tooth apex from anterior end of buccal capsule 9 11 8, 8 9 ± 0.4 (9–10)
Position of tooth apex (%)a 38 36, 32 35 ± 2 (33–38)
Excretory pore from anterior end 116 110, 113 117 ± 15 (97–131)
Nerve-ring from anterior end 92 90, – 100 ± 4 (94–103) (n = 4)
Pharynx length 294 189 258, 302 303, 324, 324 (n = 3)
Lip region height 8 7 8, 8 8 ± 1 (7–10) (n = 4)
Lip region width 25 23 25, 25 24 ± 3 (22–28) (n = 4)
Amphid from anterior end 11 14 14, 11 10 (n = 2)
Maximum body diameter 56 54 53, – 50 ± 2 (48–53)
Body diameter at pharynx base 49 49 51, – 46 ± 3 (43–50) (n = 5)
Body diameter at mid-body 49 53 51, – 50 ± 2 (48–53)
Body diameter at vagina 56 54 53, – 50 ± 2 (48–53)
Body diameter at anus 31 28 31, 36 33 ± 2 (31–36)
Anterior genital branch length 96 80 110, 112 161 ± 53 (118–253) (n = 5)
Posterior genital branch length 132 80 92, 122 122 ± 11 (106–133) (n = 5)
Anterior ovary length 90 70 60, 80 100, 105, 105
Posterior ovary length 105 75 70, 100 86, 110, 140
Vagina length 17 17 16, 18 14 ± 2 (12–16) (n = 5)
Rectum length 23 21 24; 26 23 ± 2 (21–25)
Tail length 71 60 74; 83 75 ± 8 (66–85)

Voucher material

Ten specimens are deposited in the Nematological Collection of the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria, under the accession numbers IBER-BAS NC 49/1, IBER-BAS NC 51/2, IBER-BAS PN 68/4 litter, IBER-BAS NC 88/4, IBER-BAS NC 88/7-9. Photovouchers for the sequenced specimens are provided in Suppl. material 1: figs S1–S3.

Habitats and localities

Soil around Ulmus sp., Populus sp., and C. betulus and litter around F. sylvatica and Acer sp. along riverbanks of the rivers Arda, Lopushnitsa, Vedena, and Devinska (see Table 1 for details).

Representative DNA sequences

28S rRNA gene (GenBank: PP768895PP768898); 18S rRNA gene (GenBank: PP768899 and PP768900).


Almost cosmopolitan, except in Australia (Andrássy 2009). In Bulgaria, C. parvus has been reported with no morphological evidence supporting identification in soil samples from an oak forest in Burgas Province (Aleksiev et al. 1998), from beech forests in Strandzha Mountain (Strandzha Nature Park, protected zones “Bjalata prust” and “Propada”; Iliev and Ilieva 2014), and from arable lands in Sofia (Katalan-Gateva 1968) and Kazanlak provinces (Katalan-Gateva et al. 1981). Iliev and Ilieva (2016) described and illustrated C. parvus based on a large population of females in soil samples from one habitat in the Rhodope Mountains. The present study provides the second documented record of C. parvus in Bulgaria, the first record of this species in litter samples, and four new localities in three provinces (Tables 1, 2).


Morphologically, the present material belongs to and was identified as C. parvus. Some variation was detected in the present material with single specimens from three populations sampled in the Rhodope and Balkan Mountains showing lower values for L, a, G1, G2, the length of the genital branches, ovaries, and tail, and greater values for the distance of the amphid from anterior end compared with the population from Vitosha Mountain (Table 2). We consider these small metrical differences to represent intraspecific variation; this was confirmed by the very low levels of genetic divergence (see above).

The morphometric data for the present material fall within the range given by Andrássy (2011b), except for the slightly greater values for the width of the buccal capsule (14–15 vs 10–12 µm). Comparisons with published descriptions of C. parvus revealed an overlap with the morphometric data of the present material but also a greater variation with higher upper limits of variation for the published ranges of body length (Zullini et al. 2002; Ahmad and Jairajpuri 2010; Ishaque et al. 2022) and most of the indices, and lower ranges for the width of the buccal capsule in four populations falling below the range recorded in the present specimens (Suppl. material 2: table S1). It is worth noting that there was an overall good agreement with the descriptions and morphometric data for a population of C. parvus collected in Bulgaria by Iliev and Ilieva (2016) and especially with a population used for generating 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA sequences for this species described by Tabolin and Kolganova (2020).

However, the material described by Ishaque et al. (2022) showed little overlap with the published descriptions and the present material, with ranges for a number of characters falling outside the known ranges for C. parvus: outside the upper limits of variation (L, V, buccal capsule length and width, lip region width, and rectum length); and outside the lower limits of variation (G1, G2, and position of tooth apex) (Suppl. material 2: table S1). This material keys down to C. indicus Jairajpuri & Khan, 1982 in the key to species of Coomansus by Andrássy (1993, 2009) and to C. ulsani Choi, Khan & Lee, 1999 in the key by Vu (2021) but does not agree completely with the data for these species. Clearly, the material of Ishaque et al. (2022) does not belong to C. parvus but definite identification is not possible based on the available data and illustrations (also see comments in Suppl. material 2: table S1).

Genus Mononchus Bastian, 1865

Mononchus pseudoaquaticus sp. nov.

Figs 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Mononchus aquaticus sensu Lazarova et al. (2004) (Syn.)

Mononchus sp. 1 sensuMejía-Madrid (2018) (Syn.)


Female [Based on 4 specimens from the type-population and 8 voucher specimens from other populations; see Table 3 for measurements.] Body slender (a = 20.2–33.6), almost straight; body diameter at mid-body 44–71. Cuticle smooth under light microscope, 2–2.5 thick along body, 3–3.5 thick in post-anal region. Lip region rounded, almost continuous with adjoining body, 2.4–3.7 as wide as high; papillae small, conical; cephalic papillae somewhat larger than labial. Body at posterior end of pharynx 1.8–2.5 times as wide as body width at lip region. Amphids caliciform, with oval apertures, 4 ± 0.5 (3.5–5.0; n = 10), at 8–12 from anterior end; amphid position varying from little anterior to tooth apex to level of anterior end of buccal capsule. Buccal capsule elongate-oval, slightly flattened at base, about twice as long as wide (1.8–2.0; n = 10), 1.2–1.3 times as long as the labial diameter; its ventral wall 2–3 thick, dorsal wall posterior to dorsal tooth 3–4 thick. Dorsal tooth strong, its anterior margin 4 ± 0.5 (3–5) wide, located at 6 ± 0.4 (5–6.5) from anterior end of buccal capsule, its anterior margin perpendicular to vertical plane. Buccal capsule with short transverse ridge, small tooth-like projection visible in some specimens in sublateral position (n = 2). Ventro-sublateral transverse ribs of buccal capsule weak, situated just posterior to tooth apex. Nerve-ring at 108 ± 8 (96–125) from anterior end of body. Excretory pore small, not well visible, at level of posterior margin of nerve-ring. Reproductive system amphidelphic. Anterior genital branch 171 ± 35 (116–226) long, posterior genital branch 166 ± 32 (120–205) long. Ovaries well developed, anterior ovary 105 ± 39 (65–125; n = 11) long, posterior ovary 106 ± 26 (70–135; n = 11) long. Oviduct with well-marked pars dilatata oviductus, 20–30 wide. Uterus a short tube with thick walls, 25–35 long. Vagina slightly swollen, with straight walls, its length representing 28–38% of corresponding body width; pars refringens vaginae as two smooth rhomb-shaped sclerotised pieces 3–6 long and 2–3 wide. Two females were recovered possessing a single large, thin-shelled uterine egg measuring 86–94 × 37–46 (specimens from River Maritsa and Komluka Island). Vulva a transverse slit. Vulva-anus distance equals 2.9–4.2 tail lengths. Tail long, slender, initially conoid, then almost cylindrical (10–13 wide) and slightly swollen at the tip, slightly curved ventrally in the third part; tail length represents 10–14% of body length. Caudal glands moderately developed, arranged in group. Tail tip rounded, with terminal spinneret and one small papilla. One female with abnormal tail, very short and almost straight. Male. Not found.

Table 3.

Morphometric data for females of Mononchus pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. collected in five riparian localities in Bulgaria.

Locality Vetren, Silistra Province Komluka Island Shiroka Lakа, Smolyan Province Brodilovo, Burgas Province Near Plovdiv, Plovdiv Provincea
River Danube (Southern Dobruja) Danube Shirokoleshka (Rhodope Mountains) Veleka (Strandzha Mountains) Maritsa (Upper Thracian Plain)
Habitat Salix sp. (soil) Populus sp. (soil) Salix sp. (soil) Alnus glutinosa (soil) Salix sp. (soil)
n Holotype Paratypes (n = 3) (n = 2) (n = 1) (n = 3) (n = 2)
L (mm) 1.45 1.52, 1.60, 1.23 1.72, 1.88 1.61 1.60, 1.71, 1.69 1.81, 1.50
a 20.2 28.7, 32.0, 28.0 27.7, 33.6 30.9 27.5, 33.5, 28.6 28.3, 29.4
b 4.0 4.5, 4.5, 4.0 4.6, 4.5 4.4 4.4, 4.6, 4.7 4.6, 4.5
c 7.5 –, 8.4, 7.2 8.5, 9.1 8.9 7.8, 8.3, 8.0 10.2, –
c 5.0 –, 5.8, 5.7 5.3, 5.8 5.3 5.1, 5.8, 5.4 4.7, –
V (%) 48.3 50.7, 49.7, 53.9 49.7, 50.0 50.7 50.8, 50.3, 48.4 48.8, 50.9
G1 (%) 12.9 9.9, 9.7, 9.4 12.8, 11.7 9.1 10.1, 8.0, 9.9 12.5, 11.3
G2 (%) 13.3 13.3, 10.3, 9.9 11.5, 9.9 8.7 7.5, 7.5, 10.0 11.3, 11.1
Buccal capsule length 29 31, 31, 29 29, 33 32 30, 30, 29 31, 30
Buccal capsule width 16 16, 16, 15 15, 16 16 15, 16, 16 16, –
Tooth apex from anterior end of buccal capsule 6 7, 6, 5 6, 7 7 5, 6, 6 6, 6
Position of tooth apex (%)b 21 21, 19, 18 19, 20 20 18, 20, 21 19, 20
Excretory pore from anterior end 118 121, 121, 112 126 129, 131, 124 153, 107
Nerve-ring from anterior end 96 102, 106, 99 108. 125 114 109, 111, 101 117, 110
Pharynx length 365 342, 359, 305 371, 420 369 364, 372, 355 392, 335
Lip region height 7 10, 8, 8 8, 10 8 8, 9, 8 9, 8
Lip region width 25 24, 24, 23 25, 26 26 24, 25, 23 26, 24
Amphid from anterior end 9 11, 11, 9 8, 10 12 10, 12, 11
Body diameter at pharynx base 62 49, 50, 43 50, 49 48 52, 49, 52 56, 47
Maximum body diameter 72 53, 50, 44 62, 56 52 58, 51, 59 64, 51
Body diameter at mid-body 71 53, 49, 44 59, 52 50 58, 50, 59 63, 51
Body diameter at vagina 72 50, 50, 44 62, 56 52 58, 51, 56 64, 50
Body diameter at anus 39 34, 33, 30 38, 36 34 40, 36, 39 38, 33
Anterior genital branch length 187 151, 155, 116 220, 220 146 162, 137, 167 226, 170
Posterior genital branch length 194 203, 165, 122 197, 186 140 120, 128, 168 205, 167
Anterior ovary length 124 94, 65, – 193, 140 85 70, 86, 79 135, 77
Posterior ovary length 135 109, 95, – 133, 135 82 70, 85, 71 130, 117
Vagina length 20 19, 18, 15 –, 16 17 19, 18, 16 19, –
Rectum length 26 28, 31, 29 28, 30 26 28, 26, 28 29, 28
Tail length 195 –, 191, 171 201, 207 180 204, 207, 210 177, –

Type habitat and locality

Soil around Salix sp. along River Danube at Vetren, Silistra Province, North Bulgaria (44°08'24"N, 27°01'47"E; elevation 20 m a.s.l.)

Other localities

Komluka Island (River Danube), rivers Veleka, Shirokoleshka, and Maritsa (see Table 1 for details).

Type material

The holotype female and one paratype female are deposited in the Nematode Collection of the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria, under the accession numbers IBER-BAS NTC 105 and 106. One paratype female is deposited in the Wageningen Nematode Collection (WANECO), Wageningen, the Netherlands (WANECO accession number WT 4037), and one paratype female is deposited in the Nematode Collection of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Beltsville, Maryland, USA (USDA accession number T-8065p).

Figure 3. 

Line drawings of Mononchus pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. Holotype female (A, C, D) and paratype specimens (B, E, F): A, B anterior region C posterior genital branch D tail region E, F tail tip. Scale bar: 25 µm.

Voucher material

Eight voucher specimens are deposited in the Nematode Collection of the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria, under the accession numbers IBER-BAS NC 5/2, IBER-BAS NC 18/3, IBER-BAS NC 16/6, IBER-BAS NC 18/5, IBER-BAS NC 78/1, IBER-BAS NC 80/1. Photovouchers for the sequenced specimens are provided in Suppl. material 1: fig. S4.

Figure 4. 

Line drawings of Mononchus pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. Paratype females from populations collected from riverbanks of the rivers Shirokoleshka (A, H), Maritsa (B, F), Veleka (E, G) and Danube (C, D): A–E anterior region F vulval region G anterior genital branch H vulval region and posterior genital branch. Scale bar: 25 µm.

Representative DNA sequences

28S rRNA gene (GenBank: PP768893 and PP768894); 18S rRNA gene (PP768902).

Figure 5. 

Line drawings of the tail region in females of Mononchus pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. from populations collected in Komluka Island (A) and riverbanks of the rivers Veleka (B), Maritsa (C) and Danube (D). Scale bar: 25 µm.


The species is named Mononchus pseudoaquaticus because of its similarity with M. aquaticus, hence the prefix pseudo- meaning false.

Differential diagnosis and relationships

Females of M. pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. are characterised and distinguished from the congeners by a combination of features: a medium-sized body (1.23–1.88 mm); an elongate-oval, slightly flattened at the base buccal capsule measuring 29–33 × 15–16 µm, 1.8–2.0 as long as wide and distinctly shorter than 2 labial diameters (1.2–1.3 times as long as the labial diameter); amphid openings located from slightly anterior to dorsal tooth apex to level of anterior end of buccal capsule; a strong dorsal tooth situated at 18–21% of buccal capsule length from its anterior end, its anterior margin being perpendicular to the vertical plane; subventral transverse ribs located just posterior to dorsal tooth apex; didelphic (amphidelphic) reproductive system with pars refringens vaginae distinctly sclerotised in the form of two smooth rhomb-shaped pieces; tail (171–210 µm long, c = 7.2–10.2, c’ = 4.7–5.8) slightly curved at its posterior third, spinneret terminal.

Figure 6. 

Photomicrographs of Mononchus pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. Holotype (A–C, E, F, H, I, L) and paratype (D, G, J, K) females: A body, total view B–E anterior region (transverse ridge arrowed in C; amphid opening arrowed in Е) F, G vulval region showing pars refringens vaginae and posterior genital branch (F) H–J tail (caudal glands arrowed in J) K, L tail tip showing one small papilla (arrowed in K) and terminal spinneret (L). Scale bars: 400 µm (A); 20 µm (B–E, G, J, K, L); 30 µm (F, I, H).

Morphologically, Mononchus pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. appears most similar to M. aquaticus, M. pulcher Andrássy, 1993, and M. caudatus Shah & Hussain, 2016. However, M. aquaticus likely represents a composite species (see also Baqri and Jairajpuri 1972) based on the wide ranges of morphometric variation reported in the literature (see comparative data in Suppl. material 2: table S2). However, it is not possible to revise the identification of these materials because in many cases the findings are not documented properly and important characters such as vaginal characteristics (the shape of pars refringens vaginae in particular), buccal capsule shape and length/width ratio, etc., are not described, and the voucher material is inaccessible. Therefore, the species concept for M. aquaticus (sensu stricto) used in the present comparisons is based on the original description of Coetzee (1968) and the data by Baqri and Jairajpuri (1972) who re-examined and provided metrical data for some paratypes of M. aquaticus. This concept was also applied by Andrássy (2011a) in the most recent key to the species of Mononchus (see Suppl. material 2: table S3 for details) and in the updated key to the species of Mononchus provided here.

Figure 7. 

Photomicrographs of Mononchus pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. Females from populations collected from riverbanks of the rivers Veleka (A, G, H), Danube (B, D, E, I, J), Shirokoleshka (C, L) and Maritsa (F, K): A–D anterior region (transverse ridge arrowed in D) E–G vulval region showing an egg (E) vulval opening, subventral view (F) and pars refringens vaginae (G) H, I tail J caudal glands (arrowed) K caudal pores (arrowed) L tail tip. Scale bars: 20 µm (A–G, K); 30 µm (J, L); 50 µm (H, I).

The present material differs from the type material of M. aquaticus (Coetzee 1968; Baqri and Jairajpuri 1972) by having: a smaller buccal capsule length/width ratio (1.8–2.0 vs 2.2–2.5); a different shape of the base of the buccal capsule (flattened vs tapering); a different direction of the anterior margin of dorsal tooth (perpendicular to the vertical plane vs oblique); a different shape of the vaginal sclerotised pieces (pars refringens vaginae) (rhomb-shaped vs drop-shaped); and a longer tail (171–210 vs 94–156 µm (mean 150 µm) (Suppl. material 2: table S3).

The new species differs from M. caudatus by having: a different buccal capsule length/width ratio (1.8–2.0 vs 2.0–2.5); lower a value (20.2–33.6 vs 34–38); more anteriorly situated nerve-ring (96–125 vs 125–134 µm); different arrangement of the caudal glands (in a group vs in tandem); and shorter rectum (26–31 vs 32–36 µm) and vagina (16–20 vs 27–29 µm) (Shah and Hussain 2016; Suppl. material 2: table S3).

Differentiation from M. pulcher is more complicated because the original description of Andrássy (1993) is based on two, geographically largely separated populations from Chile and Hungary. However, Andrássyʼs (1993: fig. 2) illustrations indicate that he probably dealt with different species. Unfortunately, it is impossible to separate the rather incomplete metrical data since Andrássy (1993) provided pooled data for the position of dorsal tooth apex, the length of pharynx, the width of the lip region, the body diameter at mid-body, and tail length (Suppl. material 2: table S3). Still, in addition to the morphological differences (e.g., different shape of the buccal capsule and direction of the dorsal tooth), the Hungarian population is characterised by having a smaller buccal capsule length (and hence length/width ratio) and an overall smaller body length/tail length ratio (c). The size of the buccal capsule is a feature that varies in rather narrow ranges for a given population/species and is one of the most important differentiating characters for all mononchids. These data indicate that the Hungarian population may represent another species. However, it is impossible to identify this material given the scant data provided in Andrássy (2011a). Therefore, our comparisons are based on the morphology and metrical data for the type-population of M. pulcher from Chile. The new species differs from M. pulcher (sensu stricto) by having: a shorter (29–33 vs 35–38 µm) and narrower (15–16 vs 16–18 µm) buccal capsule; lower values for a (20–34 vs 35–39); anterior margin of the dorsal tooth perpendicular to the vertical plane vs oblique, vagina not spotted in its anterior part vs spotted, rhomb-shaped pars refringens vaginae vs drop-shaped; and smaller egg length (86–94 vs 98–100 µm). Additionally, the upper ranges for body length and tail length are greater in both populations of M. pulcher (Suppl. material 2: table S3).

Mononchus truncatus Bastian, 1865

Figs 8, 9


Female [Based on 14 specimens from 6 localities; see Table 4 for measurements.] Body of most specimens straight, with only last part of tail ventrally curved (body C-shaped upon fixation in a few specimens), comparatively slender, body diameter at mid-body 53–71. Cuticle smooth under light microscope, 2–3 thick along most of body, thicker (4–5) in post-anal region. Lip region rounded, continuous with adjoining body, papillae small, cephalic papillae very small and rounded, labial papillae somewhat larger and conical. Body at posterior end of pharynx 1.2–1.4 times as wide as body width at lip region. Amphids with oval apertures, situated at the beginning or middle of buccal capsule, at 11 ± 1 (10–13) (n = 12) from anterior end and 40 ± 3 (37–44) (n = 12) from posterior end of buccal capsule, aperture 4.5 ± 0.5 (4–5) (n = 12) wide. Buccal capsule oval, tapering at base, 2.0–2.3 as long as wide or 1.3–1.7 times as long as lip region width; its ventral wall 2–3 thick, dorsal wall posterior to dorsal tooth ~ 3–5 thick. Dorsal tooth strong, its anterior margin 5 ± 0.6 (4–6) (n = 12) wide, located at 11 ± 0.5 (10–12) from anterior end of buccal capsule. Ventral wall with short, not so well visible rib, ventro-sublateral transverse ribs located at level of tooth apex or slightly more anterior. Nerve-ring at 127 ± 8 (116–144) (n = 12) from anterior end of body. Excretory pore weakly marked, posterior to nerve-ring. Reproductive system amphidelphic. Anterior genital branch 193 ± 14 (175–223) long, posterior branch somewhat longer, 204 ± 16 (187–240) long. Ovaries well developed, not reaching uterus-oviduct junction; anterior ovary 107 ± 17 (75–142) (n = 12) long, posterior ovary 114 ± 18 (95–146) (n = 12) long. Oviduct with marked pars dilatata oviductus, 33 ± 7 (20–45) wide. Uteri thick-walled tubes, 40–60 long, length ranges for anterior and posterior uterus almost identical. Vagina with straight walls, 28 ± 3 in length representing 24–33% of corresponding body width; pars refringens vaginae as two rounded drop-shaped pieces with smooth surface, 3–5 long and 2–3 wide. Vulva transverse, not protruding. Vulva-anus distance equals 2.3–3.3 tail lengths. Tail long, slender, curved ventrally in second part, length representing 11–13% of total body length, 11–13 µm wide at cylindrical part, with rounded and slightly swollen tip. Caudal glands moderately developed, arranged in group, spinneret terminal. Male. Not found.

Table 4.

Morphometric data for females of Mononchus truncatus collected in six riparian localities in Bulgaria.

Locality Shiroka Laka, Smolyan Province Teshel, Smolyan Province Near Primorsko, Burgas Province Slivarovo, Burgas Province Near Plovdiv, Plovdiv Province Vetren, Silistra Province
River Shirokoleshka (Rhodope Mountains) Trigradska (Rhodope Mountains) Dyavolska (Strandzha Mountains) Rezovska (Strandzha Mountains) Maritsa (Upper Thracian Plain) Danube (Southern Dobruja)
Habitat Salix sp. (soil) Salix sp. (litter) Fraxinus excelsior (soil) Ulmus laevis (soil) Salix sp. (soil) Salix sp. (soil)
n (n = 6) (n = 1) (n = 1) (n = 3) (n = 1) (n = 2)
L (mm) 1.94 ± 1.08 (1.83–2.09) 1.89 2.06 1.77, 1.85, 1.84 1.83 1.89, 1.91
a 30.6 ± 2.5 (27–34) 26.5 38.9 32.1, 33.7, 29.2 33.3 33.7, 32.4
b 4.1 ± 0.2 (3.7–4.3) 4.0 3.9 4.0, 4.2, 4.1 4.2 4.0, 4.2
c 8.3 ± 0.2 (8.1–8.7) 8.6 8.2 7.8, 8.0, 8.2 8.2 8.9, 9.3
c 5.5 ± 0.4 (5.0–6.0) 5.5 6.1 6.7, 6.3, 6.2 6.2 5.0, 5.0
V (%) 55.2 ± 1.3 (53.4–57.3) 54.0 53.9 57.6, 53.1, 53.2 52.6 54.3, 53.8
G1 (%) 10.1 ± 0.6 (9.5–10.9) 9.6 10.0 11.3, 9.6, 10.3 10.2 9.7, 9.8
G2 (%) 10.4 ± 0.6 (9.7–11.6) 11.4 11.6 11.8, 10.4, 10.2 10.8 9.9, 10.1
Buccal capsule length 43 ± 2 (40–44) 44 44 42, 42, 41 40 42, 42
Buccal capsule width 20 ± 1 (19–22) 21 21 18, 19, 19 19 19, 20
Tooth apex from anterior end of buccal capsule 12 ± 1 (11–12) 11 11 11, 11, 11 10 11, 12
Position of tooth apex (%)a 27 ± 1 (26–29) 25 25 26, 27, 27 26 26, 27
Excretory pore from anterior end 148 ± 16 (137–176) (n = 5) 150 138, 141, 142 134 156, 146
Nerve-ring from anterior end 126 ± 10 (116–144) (n = 5) 140 138, 141, 142 122 129, 129
Pharynx length 479 ± 34 (423–518) 468 525 439, 443, 446 437 468, 450
Lip region height 9 ± 1 (8–11) 9 10 10, 10, 9 10 9, 11
Lip region width 29 ± 1 (28–30) 26 30 26, 26, 25 26 27, 25
Amphid from base of buccal capsule 40 ± 3 (37–44) 41 44 –, 39, 39 37 41, 38
Amphid from anterior end 12 ± 1 (10–13) (n = 4) 10 11 –, 12, 10 13 12, 11
Maximum body diameter 64 ± 6 (55–70) 71 53 55, 55, 63 55 56, 59
Body diameter at pharynx base 58 ± 4 (51–61) 53 52 51, 55, 58 53 53, 56
Body diameter at mid-body 61 ± 4 (53–65) 71 53 55, 55, 63 55 55, 59
Body diameter at vagina 64 ± 6 (55–70) 71 53 53, 54, 60 55 56, 59
Body diameter at anus 42 ± 3 (38–47) 40 41 34, 37, 36 34 42, 41
Anterior genital branch length 196 ± 18 (175–223) 181 206 199, 179, 189 207 182, 188
Posterior genital branch length 203 ± 13 (190–220) 215 240 208, 193, 187 215 187, 193
Anterior ovary length 98 ± 15 (75–115) (n = 5) 125 120 108, 91, – 142 107, 107
Posterior ovary length 106 ± 16 (95–135) (n = 5) 125 146 100, 109, – 141 101, 120
Vagina length 17 ± 1 (15–17) 17 14 –, 18, 17 17 17, 16
Rectum length 31 ± 1 (29–33) 36 27 29, 32, 31 28 32, 30
Tail length 234 ± 11 (225–254) 218 252 227, 232, 224 211 212, 205

Voucher material

Ten specimens are deposited in the Nematode Collection of the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, under the accession numbers IBER-BAS NC 5/1, IBER-BAS NC 16/1-6, IBER-BAS NC 17/1, IBER-BAS NC 18/3, IBER-BAS NC 30/13, IBER-BAS NC 311/7-9. Photovouchers for the sequenced specimens are provided in Suppl. material 1: figs S5–S7.

Habitats and localities

Soil around roots of F. excelsior, U. laevis, A. glutinosa and Salix sp. and litter around Salix sp. along banks of the rivers Shirokoleshka, Trigradska, Dyavolska, Rezovska, Veleka, Maritsa, and Danube (see Table 1 for details).

Representative DNA sequences

28S rRNA gene (GenBank: PP768890PP768892); 18S rRNA gene (PP768901).


According to the abundant published data for materials reported as M. truncatus, this species appears to exhibit a worldwide distribution. However, we agree with Andrássy (2011a) who doubted that all of the records referring to M. truncatus concern in fact this species. In Bulgaria, M. truncatus has been reported from many localities but with no morphological evidence supporting identification. Andrássy (1958) recorded this species for the first time in Rila Mountains and Varna. Subsequently, M. truncatus was reported from the North Thracian Plain (Katalan-Gateva 1962) and Pazardzhik Province (Katalan-Gateva 1965) associated with cultivated plants. In aquatic habitats, the species has been reported in sediments from 24 rivers and three lakes (Stoichev 1996; Stoichev and Chernev 2011; Stoichev and Varadinova 2011). The present study is the first to provide morphological and morphometric data for M. truncatus in Bulgaria.

Figure 8. 

Line drawings of Mononchus truncatus Bastian, 1865. Females from populations collected from riverbanks of the rivers Shirokoleshka (A, C, D) and Maritsa (B): A, B anterior region C anterior genital branch D tail region. Scale bar: 25 µm.


Morphologically, the present material belongs to and was identified as M. truncatus. However, similar to the situation with M. aquaticus (sensu lato) considered above, M. truncatus also represents a composite species (Andrássy 2011a) based on the wide ranges of morphometric variation reported in the literature (see Suppl. material 2: table S4). Andrássy (2011a) summarised the data from the original description and subsequent re-descriptions of M. truncatus and provided novel data for a population from Hungary. This concept of M. truncatus (sensu stricto) (“real M. truncatus” of Andrássy 2011a) is applied here. Comparative morphometric data for several records deviating from this species concept are also provided in Suppl. material 2: table S4. Typically, these include studies providing data (sometimes pooled, e.g., Nakazawa 1999; Eisendle 2008) for nematodes from different localities (e.g., Botha and Heyns 1992; Nakazawa 1999; Eisendle 2008; Farahmand et al. 2009). Thus, the data by Botha and Heyns (1992) show upper ranges above the upper range (b, c, and V) and lower ranges below the lower range of variation in M. truncatus (sensu stricto) (buccal capsule width, position of tooth apex, anterior end to pharyngo-intestinal valve, body diameter at mid-body and tail length). Almost all of these differences were recorded in a single sample (Crocodile River) likely containing a misidentified specimen. Similarly, both samples studied by Farahmand et al. (2009) contain specimens with largely deviating morphometric data (Suppl. material 2: table S4).

Figure 9. 

Photomicrographs of Mononchus truncatus Bastian, 1865. Females from populations collected from riverbanks of the rivers Rezovska (A, D, F, G, H, K), Danube (B, E, J, L) and Shirokoleshka (C, I, M, N): A body, total view B–F anterior region (ventro-sublateral ribs arrowed in D; amphid opening arrowed in E; transverse ridge arrowed in F) G, H, L vulval region: G vulval opening, ventral view H vulva and part of posterior genital branch (posterior uterus and part of pars dilatata oviductus), lateral view L vulval region showing pars refringens vaginae I–K tail M, N tail tip showing papilla (arrowed in M) and terminal spinneret (N). Scale bars: 400 µm (A); 20 µm (B–H, L–N); 50 µm (I–K).

We are also aware of two other questionable records of M. truncatus, not included in Suppl. material 2: table S4: Koohkan et al. (2014) reported as M. truncatus nematodes of a population from Ghale Asgar, Kerman Province, Iran, that do not correspond to this species because all important morphometric characters are outside the ranges of the “true” M. truncatus sensu Andrássy (2011a). Probably this population represents a yet undescribed species as it cannot be identified using the available keys. Similarly, Rawat and Ahmad (2000) reported M. truncatus as a new geographical record for India and provided a brief description based on five females. However, the measurements of some key characters such as the length of the buccal capsule (37–38 vs 42–50 μm), tail length (172–212 vs 232–283 μm) are outside the ranges of the “true” M. truncatus and the data provided are insufficient to identify the species. We consider that the records listed above are based on composite material.

We agree with Andrássy (2011a) who considered the description by De Bruin and Heyns (1992) to represent the “real M. truncatus” and add to his list of reliable records the data by Coomans et al. (1995). The present material agrees well with the characteristics of M. truncatus (sensu stricto) based on the original description, the description and data for the neotype population by Clark (1960), Coomans and Khan (1981), and Baqri and Jairajpuri (1972), and the description by Andrássy (2011a) except for the shorter tail (205 vs 240–283 µm) in a single specimen from Vetren (Table 4), resulting in a greater value for c (9.3 vs 5.8–8.6) (Suppl. material 2: tables S4, S5).

Mononchus truncatus was first reported from Bulgaria by Andrássy (1958) who provided limited metrical data. However, the body length reported by this author is outside the range for M. truncatus; additionally, two largely differing measurements (22.3 and 43.3 μm) were given for the length of the buccal capsule in two females of similar size, suggesting that this report is based on more than one species.

Mononchus sp.

Figs 10, 11


Female [Based on 2 females; see Table 5 for measurements]. Body slender, straight, with strongly ventrally curved tail; body diameter 42 at posterior end of buccal capsule and 45–52 at mid-body. Cuticle smooth under light microscope, 3–3.5 thick along body, thicker (4–5) around vulva and posterior to anus. Lip region rounded, continuous with adjoining body; papillae small, cephalic papillae round and somewhat more visible than labial. Body at posterior end of pharynx twice as wide as lip region. Amphids with oval apertures (5 wide), located between dorsal tooth apex and anterior end of buccal capsule. Buccal capsule oblong, with flattened base, 2.3–2.4 as long as wide or 1.7–1.8 times as long as the labial diameter, its ventral wall around 3 thick, dorsal wall posterior to dorsal tooth 4 thick. Dorsal tooth robust, its anterior margin 4 wide, located at 10–11 from anterior end of buccal capsule. Ventral wall of buccal capsule with short, not well-visible rib, transverse ventro-sublateral ribs located at level of dorsal tooth apex. Excretory pore weakly marked, posterior to nerve-ring. Reproductive system amphidelphic, genital branches short. Ovaries well developed, not reaching uterus-oviduct junction. Oviduct with well-marked pars dilatata oviductus, 25 wide. Uteri short, anterior uterus 30 long, posterior uterus 36 long (n = 1). Oviduct-uterus junction with moderately developed muscular sphincter. Vagina with straight walls and small spots next to pars refringens vaginae, length representing 31% of corresponding body width; pars refringens vaginae as two round drop-shaped sclerotised pieces with smooth surface, 4 × 2 in size; pars distalis vaginae well visible, ~ 4 long. Vulval opening round (Fig. 11E), vulva not protruding; vulva-anus distance equals 2.1 tail lengths. Tail long, cylindrical, strongly curved ventrad, length representing 16–18% of body length; cylindrical part of tail ~ 6 wide. Caudal glands moderately developed, arranged in tandem. Tail tip rounded, somewhat asymmetrical, dorsal part better developed, with terminal spinneret and one large setiform papilla. Three pairs of caudal pores present. Male. Not found.

Table 5.

Morphometric data for females of Mononchus sp. and Mononchus oblongus.

Species Mononchus sp. M. oblongus
Source Present study Andrássy (2011a)
Locality Waterfall “Durshin skok”, near Kopilovtsi, Montana Province Near Ossés, South of France
River Grafska (Balkan Mountains) na
Habitat Fagus sylvatica (soil) Liver moss (soil)
n (n = 2) (n = 6)
L (mm) 1.31, 1.62 1.60–1.88
a 27.9, 30.6 25–29
b 3.5, 4.1 3.5–3.7
c 5.7, 6.2 6.0–7.1
c 7.9, 7.7 7.5–8.8
V (%) 51.2, 56.2 52–54
G1 (%) 7.2, 8.3 7.6–9.4
G2 (%) 8.0, 9.2 7.6–9.4
Buccal capsule length 45, 47 48–51
Buccal capsule width 19, 20 18–19
Tooth apex from anterior end of buccal capsule 10, 11 10.0–11.5
Position of tooth apex (%)a 22, 23 21–23
Excretory pore from anterior end 123, 139
Nerve-ring from anterior end 111, 123
Pharynx length 370, 392 450–504
Lip region height 8, 9 7–9
Lip region width 25, 27 22–23
Amphid from anterior end 12, 19 b
Maximum body diameter 47, 53
Body diameter at pharynx base 47, 53 60–65
Body diameter at mid-body 45, 52 60–68
Body diameter at vagina 46, 51
Body diameter at anus 29, 34 30–36
Anterior genital branch length 94, 135
Posterior genital branch length 105, 149
Anterior ovary length 40, 88
Posterior ovary length 45, 97
Vagina length –, 16 18–21
Rectum length 24, 27
Tail length 230, 263 264–276

Voucher material

Two specimens are deposited in the Nematode Collection of the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, under the accession numbers IBER-BAS NC 316/1.

Habitat and locality

Soil around roots of F. sylvatica near a waterfall (River Grafska, inflow of River Kopilovtsi; see Table 1 for details).


Morphologically, the specimens resemble most Mononchus oblongus Andrássy, 2011 regarding the shape of the buccal capsule, the actual and relative length of the tail (as percent of body length), and the position of tooth apex (Table 5; Andrássy 2011a). However, the present specimens exhibit some differences in other morphometric features and proportions such as the total body length (1.31–1.62 vs 1.60–1.88 µm), the length of the buccal capsule (45–47 vs 48–51 µm) and tail (230–263 vs 264–276 µm), the width of the lip region (25–27 vs 22–23 µm), and the ratios buccal capsule length/width (2.3–2.4 vs 2.6–2.8), buccal capsule length/lip region width (1.7–1.8 vs 2.1–2.3) and body at pharynx base/lip region width (1.9–2.0 vs 2.7–2.9).

Figure 10. 

Line drawings of Mononchus sp. female: A anterior region B vulval region and posterior genital branch C vulval region D tail. Scale bar: 25 µm.

The present specimens also show similarities with M. truncatus and M. himalayensis Rawat & Ahmad, 2000. However, Mononchus sp. differs from M. truncatus in having a shorter body (1.31–1.62 vs 1.7–2.1 mm), a more anterior position of tooth apex (22–23 vs 25–29%), longer tail in relation to body length (16–18 vs 10–13%), smaller vulva-anus length/tail length ratio (2.1 vs 2.4–3.0), a lower c value (5.7–6.1 vs 7.5–8.4) and a different shape of the vulva (round vs transverse) (Andrássy 2011a). Differences between Mononchus sp. and M. himalayensis include a shorter body (1.31–1.62 vs 1.6–1.9 mm), a more anterior position of tooth apex (22–23 vs 25–31%), lower a- and c’-values (28–31 vs 33–38 and 7.7–7.9 vs 8.8–10.4, respectively) and absence of pre-vulval papilla (vs presence) (Rawat and Ahmad 2000). Probably the two females represent a species not yet described; however, additional specimens are needed to confirm the identity of the Bulgarian population.

Figure 11. 

Photomicrographs of Mononchus sp. females: A body, total view B–D anterior region (ventro-sublateral ribs arrowed in C; amphid opening arrowed in D) E vulval opening, subventral view F, G Pars refringens vaginae (small spots next to it arrowed in F) H reproductive system I tail tip J tail K sphincter of the oviduct-uterus junction (arrow). Scale bars: 400 µm (A); 20 µm (B–G, I, K); 50 µm (H, J).

Key to the species of Mononchus

Since the last identification key to the species of the genus Mononchus was published by Andrássy (2011a), eight additional species have been described and one species, M. intermedius Tahseen & Rajan, 2009, was not considered by Andrássy (2011a) (see Table 6 for the main morphometric characters of these species). The key by Andrássy (2011a) was, therefore, modified in order to accommodate all 31 species of the genus known to date, including the new species described here. Examination of recent literature revealed that Mononchus caudatus Gagarin & Naumova, 2017 was preoccupied by Mononchus caudatus Shah & Hussain, 2016. Therefore, for the species described by Gagarin and Naumova (2017) we propose the replacement name Mononchus baikalensis (Gagarin & Naumova, 2017) nom. nov. after the type locality, Lake Baikal.

Table 6.

Main morphometric data for the nine additional species of Mononchus described after 2011 and included in the key to species.

Species M. amplus Gagarin & Naumova, 2017 M. baikalensis (Gagarin & Naumova, 2017) nom. nov. M. caudatus Shah & Hussain, 2016 M. intermedius Tahseen & Rajan, 2009 M. labiatus Shah & Hussain, 2016 M. minutus Naumova & Gagarin, 2018 M. oryzae Ishaque et al., 2022 M. prodentatus Shah & Hussain, 2016 M. pseudoaquaticus sp. nov.
L (mm) ♀6.74–7.24 ♂6.90 ♀3.35 ♂ 3.35–3.72 ♀1.73–1.92 ♀1.32–1.65 ♀1.31–1.79 ♀2.38–2.89 ♂2.34–2.83 ♀1.51–1.53 ♀1.69–1.76 ♀1.23–1.88
a 52– 61 50 22 22–26 34–37 20.5–28.8 30–36 26–33 25–33 28.4–31.7 31–33 21–36
b 4.7– 4.8 5.0 3.5 3.4–3.6 4.0–5.0 3.8–4.7 3.0–4.0 3.3–3.7 3.2–3.8 3.6–3.9 4.0–5.0 4.0–4.6
c 11.3–11.6 16.2 9.7 11.2–13.0 9.0–10.0 8.7–10.6 7.0–8.0 12.8–15.1 14.0–16.1 12.3–13.0 8.0–9.0 7.2–10.2
8.9 4.6 5.1 2.9–3.5 5.0–6.0 3.9–5.8 6.0–7.0 3.3–4.4 2.5–3.0 3.9–4.2 5.0–6.0 4.7–5.8
V (%) 59 53 48–51 50–55 56–64 56–61 59–61 53–55 48–54
Lip region width 58–60 63 50 54–60 24–25 20–26 24–25 35–40 34–38 23–24 16–17 23–26
Buccal capsule length 70–78 80 110 105–112 30–33 36–44 29–43 65–74 64–72 34–35 33–34 29–33
Position of tooth apex (%)a 27–29 27 30 28–30 18–21 25–30 27–35 9–14 19–20 24–28 18–21
Tail length 595–625 425 345 275–300 190–195 145–182 193–231 175–208 162–188 117–122 196–200 171–207
Supplements 40 31–32 21–25
Spicule 165 220–235 205–215
1 Large species, body 2.4–7.0 mm long 2
Smaller species, body 0.9–2.1 mm long 13
2 Tail very short, about 2 anal body diameters long 3
Tail longer, (3–) 4–9 anal body diameters long 6
3 Posterior third of tail digitate, ventrally curved M. mulveyi Andrássy, 1985
Posterior third of tail not digitate, more or less straight 4
4 Buccal capsule 100–120 μm long, nearly 3 times as long as wide M. tajmiris Gagarin, 1991
Buccal capsule 50–90 μm long, about twice as long as wide 5
5 Buccal capsule 80–90 μm long; spicule 300 μm long M. angarensis Gagarin, 1984
Buccal capsule about 50 μm long; spicule 120 μm long M. maduei Schneider, 1925
6 Body 5.0–7.2 mm long 7
Body 2.4–3.7 mm long 9
7 Body 5.0–6.4 mm long; tail as long as 5–6 (♂♂ 2.4) anal body diameters M. superbus Mulvey, 1978
Body 6.7–7.2 mm long; tail as long as 9 (♂♂ 4.6) anal body diameters M. amplus Gagarin & Naumova, 2017
9 Buccal capsule > 80 μm long; 10
Buccal capsule 46–74 μm long; 11
10 Buccal capsule 80–84 μm long; tail as long as 3–4 anal body diameters M. agilis Gagarin & Mataphonov, 2004
Buccal capsule 105–112 μm long; tail as long as 5 (♂♂ 2.9–3.5) anal body diameters M. baikalensis (Gagarin & Naumova, 2017) nom. nov.
11 Dorsal tooth apex at up to 16% of buccal capsule length from its anterior end; tail as long as 3–6 anal body diameters 12
Dorsal tooth apex at 28–30% of buccal capsule length from its anterior end; tail as long as 8–9 anal body diameters M. altiplanicus Andrássy, 2011
12 Body 2.8–3.5 mm long; buccal capsule 46–56 × 20–25 μm; spicules relatively short (134–140 μm) M. niddensis Skwarra, 1921
Body 2.4–2.9 mm long; buccal capsule 65–74 × 28–31 μm; spicules longer (205–215 μm) M. minutus Naumova & Gagarin, 2018
13 Monodelphic species M. italicus Andrássy, 1959
Didelphic species 14
14 Tail quite short (as long as 1.5–2 anal body diameters); spinneret subdorsal M. clarki Altherr, 1972
Tail as long as 3 anal body diameters or longer (c’ = up to 15); spinneret terminal 15
15 Buccal capsule small, 18–23 μm long 16
Buccal capsule larger, 26–50 μm long 17
16 Buccal capsule very narrow (nearly 3 times as long as wide); dorsal tooth apex quite close to the anterior end of buccal capsule M. tunbridgensis Bastian, 1865
Buccal capsule wider (twice as long as wide); dorsal tooth apex at 28–33% of buccal capsule length from its anterior end M. loofi Winiszewska, 1998
17 Tail as long as 7–15 (mostly 9–14) anal body diameters 18
Tail as long as 3–8 (mostly 4–7) anal body diameters 20
18 Tail 340–390 μm long, as long as 13–15 anal body diameters M. syrmatus Andrássy, 2008
Tail 220–300 μm long, as long as 8–11 anal body diameters 19
19 Buccal capsule 40–47 μm long; one prevulval papilla present M. himalayensis Rawat & Ahmad, 2000
Buccal capsule 28–35 μm long; prevulval papilla absent M. sandur Eisendle, 2008
20 Pars refringens vaginae not sclerotised M. sinensis Soni & Nama, 1983
Pars refringens vaginae distinctly sclerotised 21
21 Subventral transverse ribs located anteriorly to tooth apex 22
Subventral transverse ribs located at level of or posterior to tooth apex 23
22 Lip region relatively wide (24–28 μm); cylindrical portion of tail 10–12 μm thick M. truncatus Bastian, 1865
Lip region narrower (20 μm); cylindrical portion of tail 5–7 μm thick M. medius Andrássy, 2011
23 Amphid aperture posterior to dorsal tooth M. laminatus Zullini, Loof & Bongers, 2002
Amphid aperture anterior to dorsal tooth 24
24 Tail as long as 3–4 anal body diameters 25
Tail as long as 4–7 anal body diameters 26
25 Body 1.6–2.1 mm long; dorsal tooth apex at 22–24% of buccal capsule length from its anterior end; tail 176 μm M. nudus Gagarin, 1991
Body 1.5 mm long, dorsal tooth apex at 30–35% of buccal capsule length from its anterior end; tail 117–122 μm M. oryzae Ishaque, Iqbal, Dawar & Kazi, 2022
26 Buccal capsule two labial diameters long or longer 27
Buccal capsule conspicuously shorter than two labial diameters 28
27 Buccal capsule oblong, 47–50 μm long, labial diameter 22–23 μm M. oblongus Andrássy, 2011
Buccal capsule barrel-shaped, 33–34 μm long, labial diameter 16–17 μm M. prodentatus Shah & Hussain, 2016
28 Dorsal tooth apex at > 25% of buccal capsule length from its anterior end 29
Dorsal tooth apex at < 25% of buccal capsule length from its anterior end 30
29 Buccal capsule 36–44 μm long, c = 8.7–10.6; tail 145–182 μm long M. intermedius Tahseen & Rajan, 2009
Buccal capsule 29–43 μm long, c = 7–8; tail 193–231 μm long M. labiatus Shah & Hussain, 2016
30 Buccal capsule (33)35–38 μm long, vagina spotted in its anterior part M. pulcher Andrássy, 1993
Buccal capsule 29–33 μm long, vagina not spotted 31
31 Buccal capsule 1.8–2.0 times as long as wide, pars refringens vaginae rhomb-shaped M. pseudoaquaticus sp. nov.
Buccal capsule 2.2–2.5 times as long as wide, pars rrefringens vaginae drop-shaped 32
32 Body 1.2–1.7 mm long, rectum length 24–25 μm M. aquaticus Coetzee, 1968
Body 1.7–1.9 mm long, rectum length 32–36 μm M. caudatus Shah & Hussain, 2016

Molecular phylogenies

To assess the associations of the newly generated sequences (4 for C. parvus and 5 for Mononchus spp.) from the nematode populations sampled in Bulgaria, we carried out an exploratory neighbour-joining (NJ) analysis on an untrimmed 28S rDNA alignment (domains D1-D3), including representative sequences for Mononchus spp. (20 sequences) and Coomansus spp. (15 sequences). Using pairwise deletion of missing data allowed us to include more taxa and sequences, e.g., several sequences of Schenk et al. (2017), including sequences for M. aquaticus, albeit with a short overlap (GenBank codes MF-XXX, D3-D5 region) (Fig. 12). The novel isolates of C. parvus formed a reciprocally monophyletic clade with C. parvus, C. batxatensis Vu, 2021 and Coomansus spp. with maximum support; the clade of Coomansus spp. was recovered as sister to C. gerlachei (de Man, 1904) Jairajpuri & Khan, 1977 (GenBank: KM092524) but with poor statistical support. The isolates of M. pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. clustered with maximum support with Mononchus sp. 1 sensu Mejía-Madrid (2018) within the strongly supported clade of Mononchus spp. comprising the novel and published isolates of M. aquaticus, M. truncatus, M. maduei, M. tunbridgensis, and Mononchus sp. sensu Schenk et al. (2017) to the exclusion of one isolate identified as M. aquaticus (GenBank: MF125523; Schenk et al. 2017). This molecular prospecting analysis confirmed the identification of the novel isolates based on the detailed morphological analysis (see above) and indicated that Mononchus sp. 1 sensu Mejía-Madrid (2018) belongs to the new species described here.

Figure 12. 

Neighbour-joining tree based on the 28S rDNA (domains D1-D3) dataset (1293 nt positions). The newly generated sequences are indicated in bold. Only bootstrap values > 70% are shown.

Next, we assessed the phylogenetic relationships of the novel isolates with representatives of the suborder Mononchina using two alignments. Upon trimming to the length of the shortest sequence, the 28S rDNA (domains D2-D3) alignment comprised a total of 779 nt positions and contained sequences for representatives of ten genera of the families Anatonchidae (Anatonchus Cobb, 1916, Iotonchus Cobb, 1916, Jensenonchus Jairajpuri & Khan, 1982, Mulveyellus Siddiqi, 1984 and Parahadronchus Mulvey, 1978), Mononchidae (Coomansus, Mononchus, Parkellus and Prionchulus Cobb, 1916) and Mylonchulidae (Mylonchulus Jairajpuri, 1969). There were no sequence data for Miconchus spp. and Actus spp., and the available sequences for Clarkus papillatus (Bastian, 1865) Jairajpuri, 1970 (domains D3-D5) could not be used due to the very small overlap. Overall, the topology of the ML tree (Fig. 13) was well resolved with two strongly supported main clades: (i) Mononchus spp. (98% supported); and (ii) a large clade (80% supported) comprising the remaining genera except for Mylonchulus. Within the Mononchus clade, the novel sequences for M. truncatus clustered with four published sequences for M. truncatus with maximum support and M. pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. clustered with a sequence for Mononchus sp. 1 sensu Mejía-Madrid (2018), again with maximum support. The second clade had fully resolved internal topology with two large sub-clades, one (100% supported) comprising Coomansus spp. (C. parvus + C. batxatensis) plus representatives of Jensenonchus, Prionchulus, Mulveyellus, and Parkellus, and one (74% supported) comprising C. gerlachei and representatives of Anatonchus, Iotonchus and Parahadronchus. The relationships of the strongly supported (100%) clade of Mylonchulus spp. remained unresolved.

Figure 13. 

Maximum likelihood phylogeny based on the 28S rDNA (domains D2-D3) dataset (779 nt positions). The newly generated sequences are indicated in bold. Only bootstrap values > 70% are shown.

The 18S rDNA alignment comprised a total of 1636 nt positions after trimming the ends to match the shortest aligned sequences and contained sequences for representatives of ten genera of the families Anatonchidae (Anatonchus and Miconchus Andrássy, 1958), Mononchidae (Actus Baqri & Jairajpuri, 1974, Clarkus Jairajpuri, 1970, Coomansus, Mononchus, Parkellus, and Prionchulus) and Mylonchulidae (Granonchulus Andrássy, 1958 and Mylonchulus). The available sequences for representatives of the genera Iotonchus, Jensenonchus, Mulveyellus, and Parahadronchus were excluded from the analyses because they were too short and did not exhibit sufficient overlap with the alignment. The topology of the ML tree (Fig. 14) exhibited poorly resolved basal nodes and four strongly supported clades: (i) Mononchus spp. (100% supported) (M. tunbridgensis + M. truncatus + M. aquaticus + M. pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. + M. pulcher); (ii) the remaining mononchids (Coomansus + Clarkus + Parkellus + Prionchulus) (97% supported); (iii) Mylonchulus (100% supported); and (iv) Anatonchus + Miconchus (both Anatonchidae) (92% supported).

Figure 14. 

Maximum likelihood phylogeny based on the 18S rDNA dataset (1636 nt positions). The newly generated sequences are indicated in bold. Only bootstrap values > 70% are shown.

At the species level, both phylogenies (18S rDNA and 28S rDNA) supported (i) the identification based on morphology of the novel isolates of M. truncatus and C. parvus both forming strongly supported reciprocally monophyletic clades, and (ii) the exclusion of C. gerlachei from Coomansus; this species was recovered as a sister taxon (74% supported) to the representatives of the Anatonchidae in the 28S rDNA phylogeny and as a basal taxon to the remaining taxa except for Granonchulus in the 18S rDNA analysis. However, in contrast to the clear delineation of M. pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. (100% supported) in the 28S rDNA phylogeny, the 18S rDNA phylogeny did not provide support for the delimitation of M. aquaticus (as M. pulcher sensu van Megen et al. 2009; GenBank: KJ636382) and M. pseudoaquaticus sp. nov.

At the generic level, both phylogenies recovered the three genera represented by two or more species (i.e., Mononchus, Mylonchulus, and Parkellus) as monophyletic with strong support. At the suprageneric level, both phylogenies resolved fewer relationships due to the small number of taxa (10 genera, 5 genera in common) and perhaps the much poorly resolved basal nodes in the 18S rDNA phylogeny. Both phylogenies recovered the Mononchidae as paraphyletic with Mononchus placed in a separate basal clade and Mylonchulidae and Anatonchidae nested within the second clade of the Mononchidae despite the different composition of the taxa included in the analyses. However, this is the only concordant result for the two molecular markers. Thus, the Mylonchulidae (represented by Mylonchulus alone) was recovered as monophyletic in the 28S rDNA phylogeny but as polyphyletic in the 18S rDNA phylogeny (represented by Mylonchulus and Granonchulus). Similarly, the Anatonchidae was monophyletic in the 18S rDNA phylogeny (2 genera: Anatonchus and Miconchus) but paraphyletic in the 28S rDNA phylogeny containing five genera, with Anatonchus + Iotonchus + Parahadronchus recovered in a strongly supported clade (97% supported) and Jensenonchus and Mulveyellus nested within one of the clades of the Mononchidae.

Comparative sequence analysis

The trimmed alignments of 28S rDNA and 18S rDNA allowed a comparative assessment of the genetic divergence at the level of species (intraspecific) and genus (interspecific) as well as between genera (intergeneric) based on pairwise comparisons. As shown in Table 7, the divergence levels for 18S rDNA are much lower for all three categories of comparisons: up to 10-fold for intraspecific variation, up to ~ 4-fold for interspecific variation, and up to ~ 5-fold for intergeneric variation. The interspecific divergence in 18S rDNA sequences for M. pulcher sensu van Megen et al. (2009; GenBank: KJ636382), M. aquaticus, and M. pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. was particularly low (0–1 nt positions; 0–0.1%).

Table 7.

Genetic divergence estimated for the 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA sequence pairs within and between species and between species of different genera compared in this study.

Divergence Taxa 18S rRNA gene 28S rRNA gene
Differences (nt) p-distance (%) Differences (nt) p-distance (%)
Intraspecific Mononchus truncatus 0 0 0–7a 0–1.1a
Mononchus aquaticus 0–2b 0–0.1b 1 0.2
Coomansus parvus 0–1 0–0.1 0–2 0–0.3
Interspecific M. truncatus vs M. aquaticus 13–14 0.8–0.9 59–70 8.9–10.5
Mononchus spp. 13–23b 0.8–1.4b 59–77 8.9–11.8
Coomansus spp. 70–71c 4.3–4.4c 6–8d 0.9–1.2d
Parkellus spp. 24 1.5 34–54 5.1–8.2
Mylonchulus spp. 3–52 0.2–3.2 69 10.1
Intergeneric Mononchus spp. vs Coomansus spp. 76–80 4.7–4.9 140–158d 21.2–22.8d
Coomansus spp. vs Parkellus spp. 27–35e 1.7–2.2e 64–74d 9.7–11.2d

Comparative sequence analyses also provided support for the position in the phylogenies of the isolate identified as C. gerlachei (GenBank: KM092523 and KM092524) by Elshishka et al. (2015). This isolate differed from C. parvus at 70–71 nt positions (4.3–4.4%; 18S rDNA) and from the remaining Coomansus spp. at 135–137 nt positions (20.6–20.8%; 28S rDNA), values well above the genetic divergence between congeners. The isolates identified by Kagoshima et al. (2019) (GenBank: LC457639LC457644; LC457655LC457661) were found to be associated with high support with the isolate of Elshishka et al. (2015) that also represented the best BLAST hit for all isolates.

Genetic divergence estimates in 28S rDNA also indicated that C. batxatensis may be conspecific with C. parvus (difference at 6–8 nt positions, i.e., 0.9–1.2%). This difference is distinctly lower than the ranges of interspecific divergence within the genera Mononchus, Coomansus, Parkellus and Mylonchulus, i.e., 34–77 nt positions or 5.1–11.8%; Table 7). Furthermore, the otherwise unpublished isolate identified as M. truncatus (GenBank: MZ501582) may have been misidentified; this isolate differs from the remaining isolates of M. truncatus by 8–15 nt (1.2–2.0%). Finally, the intergeneric divergence between Coomansus spp. and Parkellus spp. falls within the range of interspecific divergence for both genes (Table 7) and this is in contrast with both model-based phylogenies supporting the distinction of Parkellus spp. at the generic level (Figs 13, 14).


To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first to apply an integrative taxonomic approach to the diversity of mononchid nematodes in European riparian ecosystems. Our extensive, focused sampling in a range of riverine habitats in Bulgaria revealed a wide geographical distribution and altitudinal ranges of three species of the family Mononchidae of which one represents a species new to science; these were also associated with a range of tree species of seven genera (Alnus, Carpinus, Fagus, Fraxinus, Populus, Salix, and Ulmus). The integration of molecular and morphological data for these three species provided support for their distinct species status. Thus, our study is the first to provide taxonomically verified 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA sequences for C. parvus, M. truncatus (sensu stricto), and M. pseudoaquaticus sp. nov.

At the species level, phylogenetic analyses revealed that the newly sequenced isolates of M. truncatus (sensu stricto) and C. parvus consistently clustered together with published sequences for these species irrespective of the ribosomal locus (Figs 13, 14) or region of the 28S rRNA gene (Figs 12, 13). However, the 18S rDNA phylogeny did not allow delimitation of M. pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. and M. aquaticus (Fig. 14). Whereas M. pulcher sensu van Megen et al. (2009) (GenBank: KJ636382) not used in the analysis by these authors and by Holterman et al. (2008) is likely a misidentification, the morphological differentiation of M. aquaticus and M. pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. was strongly supported in the 28S rDNA phylogeny, suggesting that the 18S rRNA gene does not allow reliable differentiation of closely related species at least within the genus Mononchus. Lower resolution of the 18S rRNA gene was reported in a comparative barcoding/metabarcoding study by Schenk et al. (2020); out of 22 nematode species identified using morphology in their study, 20 species were delineated using the 28S rDNA marker and only 12 species were detected using the 18S rDNA marker. Our comparative sequence (Table 7) and phylogenetic (Fig. 14) analyses suggest that the utility of the 18S rRNA gene for species delimitation is rather limited at least for some species complexes within the genus Mononchus.

An alternative hypothesis for the phylogenetic results based on 18S rDNA is that the specimens of M. aquaticus sequenced by van Megen et al. (2009) (GenBank: KJ636382 and KJ636383), Holterman et al. (2006) (GenBank: AY284764 and AY284765) and Oliveira et al. (2004) (GenBank: AY297821) actually represent M. pseudoaquaticus sp. nov. However, because of the lack of sequence data for the 28S rRNA gene and deposited voucher material for these sequenced isolates, neither of these hypotheses can be tested.

We highlight that the new species described here could be clearly distinguished morphologically from M. aquaticus (sensu stricto) and that currently M. aquaticus likely represents a composite species and this may result in misidentifications of the isolates subjected to sequencing. For example, in the 28 rDNA tree of Schenk et al. (2017) the six specimens identified as M. aquaticus (n = 3), M. maduei and Mononchus sp. juv. (n = 3) formed a reciprocally monophyletic clade with high support (97%). However, in the present NJ analysis (Fig. 12) one isolate (GenBank: MF125523) was resolved as clearly distinct from the other two isolates of M. aquaticus sequenced, and in fact, from all isolates of Mononchus spp. (Fig. 12), thus questioning the identification of this isolate. The above considerations highlight the need for generating taxonomically verified 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA sequences for M. aquaticus (sensu stricto).

The isolate of C. gerlachei sequenced by Elshishka et al. (2015) (GenBank: KM092523 and KM092524) was not associated with the C. parvus clade (18S rDNA; Fig. 14) or with C. parvus + C. batxatensis clade (28S rDNA; Fig. 13) and exhibited genetic divergence levels well above the levels observed between species of the mononchid genera Coomansus, Mononchus, Mylonchulus, and Parkellus considered here (Table 7). Taken together, our comparative sequence and phylogenetic analyses strongly suggest that the isolates sequenced by Elshishka et al. (2015) and Kagoshima et al. (2019) should be distinguished at the generic level.

At the generic and suprageneric level, the present 18S and 28S phylogenies both recovered the Mononchidae as paraphyletic (as in Holterman et al. 2008 and van Megen et al. 2009). Further, a comparison with the phylogenies of the Mononchida based on 18S rDNA by Holterman et al. (2008) and van Megen et al. (2009) revealed that all four sub-clades identified by these authors (denoted M1-M4 in Holterman et al. 2008) were supported in the present phylogeny: Mylonchulus (sub-clade M1); Mononchus (sub-clade M2); Clarkus + Prionchulus + Coomansus (sub-clade M3); and Anatonchus (sub-clade M4). The differences between the present and published phylogenetic hypotheses represent (i) the recovery of the Anatonchidae as monophyletic in the present phylogeny vs paraphyletic in Holterman et al. (2008) and van Megen et al. (2009), and (ii) the lack of support for a sister-group relationship between Mylonchulus (sub-clade M1) and Mononchus (sub-clade M2) in the present phylogeny. Finally, the poorly represented Mylonchuldae (2 genera: Mylonchulus and Granonchulus) was recovered as polyphyletic in the present 18S rDNA phylogeny as in Holterman et al. (2008) and van Megen et al. (2009). These results are due to a single sequence for Granonchulus sp. (AY593953) by Holterman et al. (2008). Unfortunately, no voucher specimen exists to support the identification of the sequenced nematode. Further sequencing of Granonchulus spp., and preferably, of species from the other genera of the family, will help develop a natural hypothesis for the relationships within the Mylonchulidae and the Mononchida in general.

Additional information

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Ethical statement

Not applicable.


This study was partially funded by a PhD grant to Stela Altash (Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences).

Author contributions

Stela Altash: Investigation, Formal analysis, Visualisation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review and editing, Funding acquisition. Aneta Kostadinova: Conceptualization, Methodology, Data curation, Formal analysis, Supervision, Writing – review and editing. Vlada Peneva: Conceptualization, Methodology, Data curation, Visualisation, Funding acquisition, Supervision, Writing – review and editing.

Author ORCIDs

Aneta Kostadinova

Data availability

All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published article and its supplementary files. The newly generated sequences were submitted to the GenBank database under the accession numbers PP768899PP768902 (18S rRNA gene) and PP768890PP768898 (28S rRNA gene).


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Supplementary materials

Supplementary material 1 

Photomicrographs of sequenced specimens of Coomansus parvus, Mononchus pseudoaquaticus sp. nov., and M. truncatus

Stela Altash, Aneta Kostadinova, Vlada Peneva

Data type: pdf

This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited.
Download file (3.59 MB)
Supplementary material 2 

Comparative morphometric data for females of Coomansus parvus, Mononchus aquaticus, M. pseudoaquaticus sp. nov., and Mononchus truncatus

Stela Altash, Aneta Kostadinova, Vlada Peneva

Data type: pdf

This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited.
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