Data Paper |
Corresponding author: Elena Beatríz Eder ( ) Academic editor: Devin Bloom
© 2017 Elena Beatríz Eder, María Rosa Marín, Mirtha Noemí Lewis.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Eder EB, Marin MR, Lewis MN (2017) Demersal and pelagic species of fish and squid from the Patagonian shelf. ZooKeys 668: 139-145.
Resource citation:
Eder EB, Marin MR, Lewis MN (2016) Demersal and pelagic species of fish and squid from the Patagonian shelf. v1.7. ArOBIS Centro Nacional Patagónico. Dataset/Samplingevent.
The dataset contains 2007 records of occurrence of 39 species of fish and 2 species of squid distributed on the Patagonian continental shelf and slope. This dataset describes a new and revised version of the original data published through OBIS with individual morphometrics. Specimens are representative of pelagic, demersal, demersal-pelagic, demersal-benthic and benthic habits and they were collected by commercial fishing vessels in autumn (May–June, 2001, 51 catches), winter (July–August, 2001, 38 catches) and summer (January-February, 2002, 112 catches). The sampling was carried out with bottom trawls at a depth range of 73–370 m. The survey was located between 39°–52°S and 55°–65°W.
Occurrence, Patagonia, teleosts, elasmobranches, cephalopods, Southwestern Atlantic Ocean, demersal habitat, pelagic habitat
The Patagonian continental shelf, in the Atlantic margin of South America, is characterized by a remarkable productivity accounted by its oceanographic and bathymetric features, promoting ‘hotspots’ of biodiversity and attracting marine top predators, such as sea birds and marine mammals. The objective of this dataset is to provide basic information (location and depth capture, and individual morphometrics) of potential prey species of marine top predators from the Patagonian shelf, representative of pelagic, demersal, demersal-pelagic, demersal-benthic and benthic habits as useful information for ecological and biogeographical studies.
General taxonomic coverage description: All specimens were identified to species level. The dataset included 39 marine species of fish, representative of half the best-known fish species from the Argentine continental shelf (55.7 %,
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Chimaeriformes, Carcharhiniformes, Squaliformes, Torpediniformes, Rajiformes.
Family: Callorhinchidae, Scyliorhinidae, Squalidae, Torpedinidae, Rajidae
Genera: Callorhinchus, Schroederichthys, Squalus, Discopyge, Bathyraja, Dipturus, Psammobatis.
Species: Callorhinchus callorhynchus, Schroederichthys bivius, Squalus acanthias, Discopyge tschudii, Bathyraja brachyurops, Bathyraja albomaculata, Bathyraja scaphiops, Bathyraja macloviana, Dipturus chilensis, Psammobatis scobina, Psammobatis normani.
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Anguilliformes, Gadiformes, Ophidiiformes, Pleuronectiformes, Perciformes, Scorpaeniformes.
Family: Congridae, Macrouridae, Moridae, Merlucciidae, Gadidae, Ophidiidae, Paralychthydae, Achiropsettidae, Scombridae, Centrolophidae, Stromateidae, Pinguipedidae, Carangidae, Serranidae, Bramidae, Cheilodactylidae, Bovichtidae, Nototheniidae, Scorpaenidae, Congiopodidae, Triglidae, Zoarcidae, Psychrolutidae.
Genera: Bassanago, Coelorhynchus, Salilota, Austrophycis, Macruronus, Merluccius, Micromesistius, Genypterus, Paralichthys, Mancopsetta, Scomber, Seriolella, Stromateus, Pseudopercis, Parona, Acanthistius, Brama, Nemadactylus, Cottoperca, Dissostichus, Patagonotothen, Sebastes, Congiopodus, Prionotus, Iluocoetes, Cottunculus.
Species: Bassanago albescens, Coelorhynchus fasciatus, Salilota australis, Austrophycis marginata, Macruronus magellanicus, Merluccius hubbsi, Merluccius asutralis, Micromesistius australis, Genypterus blacodes, Paralichthys patagonicus, Mancopsetta maculata, Scomber japonicus, Seriolella punctata, Stromateus brasiliensis, Pseudopercis semifasciata, Parona signata, Acanthistius patachonicus, Brama brama, Nemadactylus bergi, Cottoperca gobio, Dissostichus eleginoides, Patagonotothen ramsayi, Pseudopercis, Sebastes oculata, Congiopodus peruvianus, Prionotus nudigula, Iluocoetes fimbriatus, Cottunculus granulosus.
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda
Order: Oegopsida
Family: Ommastrephidae, Onychoteuthidae.
Genera: Illex, Moroteuthis.
Species: Illex argentinus, Moroteuthis ingens.
General spatial coverage: The Argentine continental shelf, in the Atlantic margin of South America (Figure
• The internal and external sectors of the shelf off the Province of Buenos Aires (35° S) to Patagonia (48° S).
• The southern part of the Patagonian-Fuegian shelf and Malvinas/Falkland Islands, along the outer shelf to the North, up to approximately 42° S.
• Deeper waters near the continental slope.
Coordinates: 52°S and 39°S Latitude; 65°W and 55°W Longitude.
Temporal coverage: May 11, 2001–June 26, 2001, July 21, 2001–August 31, 2001, January 11, 2002–February 27, 2002.
The sampling area was located on the Patagonian continental shelf (Figure
Specimens of fish and squid (commercial target and by catch) were taken daily by commercial fishing vessels operating with bottom trawls during autumn (May-June, 2001, 51 catches), winter (July-August, 2001, 38 catches) and summer (January-February, 2002, 112 catches). The fishing company provided the associated data of each fishing haul: date, hour, location (decimal Latitude and Longitude of the position while pulling the net) and depth of the catch (the maximum depth reached by the net). Specimens were frozen on board, and identified at species level at the Ichthyology laboratory of Centro Nacional Patagónico, Puerto Madryn, Argentina. The taxonomical identification of species was made by the specialists Dr A. Gosztonyi and Dr M. Re and the scientific names and their current accurate spelling were also reviewed using suitable literature (
Sex (when possible) and morphometric measures were taken for each specimen: wet mass (g) and wet mass of viscera (g, empty stomach); total and standard length (cm) for fish; mantle, head and fin length and width (cm) for squid; left and right fin length (cm) and maximum fin width (cm) for skates.
Step1: Sampling locality and depth were recorded in each season.
Step2: Specimens were sent to the lab for species and sex identification and morphometric measurements.
The data is published on a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 license.
The star schema used to arrange the data has a DwC Event Core (seasons and catches) and two extensions: Occurrence (species) and ExtendedMeasurementOrFacts (individual morphometrics) ( The Darwin Core terms included in each file are:
Event core: type, eventID, parentEventID, samplingProtocol, eventDate, locationID, waterBody, locality, minimumDepthInMeters, decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude.
Occurrence (extension): modified, institutionCode, collectionCode, basisOfRecord, occurrenceID, catalogNumber, sex, occurrenceStatus, eventID, identifiedBy, scientificNameID, scientificName, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, specificEpithet, scientificNameAuthorship.
ExtendedMeasurementOrFacts (extension): occurrenceID, measurementType, measurementTypeID, measurementValue, measurementUnit, measurementUnitID, measurementDeterminedDate, measurementDeterminedBy.
Object name: Darwin Core Archive Demersal and pelagic species of fish and squid from the Patagonian shelf
Character encoding: UTF-8
Format name: Darwin Core Archive format
Format version: 1.0
Publication date of data: 2016-11-25
Language: English
Licences of use: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License (
Metadata language: English
Date of metadata creation: 2016-09-07
Hierarchy level: Dataset
We are indebted to Harengus S.A. fishing company for the samples provided, and to Centro Nacional Patagónico (CENPAT-CONICET) for institutional support. We thank Dr. A. Gosztonyi and Dr. M. Re for their help with species identification, R. Mazzanti for technical assistance, Dr. M. Degrati and Dr. G. Garaffo for the language assistance and Dr G. Lovrich, Dr. D. Brosens and an anonymous reviewer for their valuable comments.