Research Article |
Corresponding author: Helena Shaverdo ( ) Academic editor: Mariano Michat
© 2017 Helena Shaverdo, Michael Wild, Bob Sumoked, Michael Balke.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Shaverdo H, Wild M, Sumoked B, Balke M (2017) Six new species of the genus Exocelina Broun, 1886 from Wano Land, New Guinea (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae, Copelatinae). ZooKeys 665: 93-120.
Six new species of New Guinea Exocelina Broun, 1886 are described in this paper: E. iratoi sp. n., E. likui sp. n., E. pui sp. n., E. pulukensis sp. n., E. tomhansi sp. n., and E. wigodukensis sp. n. Although different morphologically, together with Exocelina ascendens (Balke, 1998), E. bagus (Balke & Hendrich, 2001), and E. ransikiensis Shaverdo, Panjaitan & Balke, 2016, they are found to form a monophyletic clade and be closely related to representatives of the E. ekari-group, based on preliminary analysis of sequence data. An identification key to the species is provided, and important diagnostic characters are illustrated. The present data on the species’ distribution show that most of them are local endemics.
Copelatinae , Dytiscidae , Exocelina , New Guinea, new species, key
This paper is in continuity with our previous taxonomic studies on the New Guinea species of the diving beetle genus Exocelina Broun, 1886 (
Here, the discovery of six new Exocelina species is reported as the result of surveys in the most remote heart of Papua, at the interface of the central highlands and the central Papuan lake plains. The preliminary molecular analysis of these species and old material of Exocelina ascendens (Balke, 1998) from the Star Mountains of the eastern Papua, suggests that they form a monophyletic clade which also includes E. bagus (Balke & Hendrich, 2001) and the recently described E. ransikiensis Shaverdo, Panjaitan & Balke, 2016. As shown on the example of E. bagus and E. ransikiensis (undescribed sp. MB1269) in the phylogenetic trees (Figs
The present work is based on the material from the following collections:
CGW collection of Dr. Günther Wewalka, Vienna, Austria
All methods follow those described in detail in our previous articles (
Exocelina ascendens-group | ||
1. | Exocelina ascendens (Balke, 1998) | P: Pegunungan Bintang |
2. | Exocelina tomhansi sp. n. | P: Puncak Jaya, Puncak |
Exocelina bagus-group | ||
3. | Exocelina bagus (Balke & Hendrich, 2001) | P: Nabire |
Exocelina iratoi-group | ||
4. | Exocelina iratoi sp. n. | P: Puncak |
Exocelina likui-group | ||
5. | Exocelina likui sp. n. | P: Puncak Jaya |
Exocelina pui-group | ||
6. | Exocelina pui sp. n. | P: Puncak |
Exocelina ransikiensis-group | ||
7. | Exocelina ransikiensis Shaverdo, Panjaitan & Balke, 2016 | WP: Manokwari; P: Nabire |
Exocelina wigodukensis-group | ||
8. | Exocelina wigodukensis sp. n. | P: Puncak Jaya |
9. | Exocelina pulukensis sp. n. | P: Puncak Jaya |
Copelatus (Papuadytes) ascendens
Balke, 1998: 322;
(Balke, 1998):
(Balke, 1998):
Papua: Pegunungan Bintang Regency, trek between Aipomek and Diruemna, 04°25'S; 139°57'E, 2600 m a.s.l.
Holotype: male “IRIAN JAYA, 3.9.1992 Aipomek - Diuremna [sic!] 139°57'E 04°25'S 2600m, leg.Balke (35)”, “HOLOTYPUS” [red], “Copelatusascendens Balke des. 1997” [red] (
Beetle large (TL-H 5.3–5.75 mm), elongate; piceous, with dark brown pronotal sites and head anteriorly; submatt, with fine but evident punctation and rather strongly impressed microreticulation; pronotum with distinct lateral bead; male antennae simple, slender (Fig.
Papua: Pegunungan Bintang Regency. The species is known only from the type material (Fig.
Papua: Puncak Jaya Regency, 03°36'42.5"S; 137°31'40.1"E.
Holotype: male “Indonesia: Papua, Wano Land, S of pass to lake plains, 1700m, 2.ix.2014, -3,6117913 137,5277983, Balke & Wild (Pap022)”, “M.Balke 6512” [green text] (
Beetle medium-sized, oblong-oval, piceous, with brown sides of pronotum, dorsal punctation inconspicuous, microreticulation weakly impressed; pronotum without lateral bead; male antennae simple; male protarsomere 4 with large, thick, strongly curved anterolateral hook-like seta; median lobe evenly curved, pointed in lateral view and evenly tapering, with broadly pointed apex in ventral view, on both lateral sides with numerous short, thick setae situated on anterior half of distal part of median lobe; paramere robust, with notch on dorsal side and very dense, strong setae on subdistal part; proximal setae sparse and fine. The new species is very similar to E. ascendens in shape of the median lobe and in shape and setation of the paramere but distinctly differs from it having smaller body size, shiny dorsal surface due to much more weakly impressed microreticulation, larger anterolateral hook-like seta on the male protarsomere 4, longer setae of the male protarsomere 5 and, especially in absence of the pronotal bead.
Size and shape: Beetle medium-sized (TL-H 4.5–4.75 mm, TL 4.8–5.1 mm, MW 2.35–2.45 mm), with oblong-oval habitus, broadest at elytral middle. Coloration: Dorsally piceous, with reddish brown to brown narrow anterior margin of head and sides of pronotum; one female with head paler; head appendages and legs yellowish red to reddish brown, metathoracic legs darker distally (Fig.
Surface sculpture: Head with sparse punctation (spaces between punctures 2–3 times size of punctures), evidently finer and sparser anteriorly; diameter of punctures smaller than to almost equal to diameter of cells of microreticulation. Pronotum with much sparser and finer punctation than head. Elytra with extremely sparse and fine punctation, almost invisible. Pronotum and elytra with slightly impressed microreticulation, dorsal surface shiny. Head with microreticulation stronger. Metaventrite and metacoxae distinctly microreticulate, metacoxal plates with longitudinal strioles and transverse wrinkles. Abdominal ventrites with distinct microreticulation, strioles, and very fine and sparse punctation.
Structures: Pronotum without lateral bead. Base of prosternum and neck of prosternal process with distinct ridge, smooth and slightly rounded anteriorly. Blade of prosternal process lanceolate, narrow, slightly convex, with distinct lateral bead and few setae; neck and blade of prosternal process evenly jointed. Abdominal ventrite 6 broadly rounded or slightly truncate apically.
Male: Antenna simple (Fig.
Holotype: TL-H 4.75 mm, TL 5.1 mm, MW 2.45 mm.
Female: Pro- and mesotarsi not modified. Abdominal ventrite 6 without lateral strioles.
Papua: Puncak Jaya and Puncak Regencies (Fig.
The species is named in honour of helicopter pilot Tom Hans who has served the Papuan people for many years. The name is a noun in the genitive case.
Copelatus (Papuadytes) speciosus
Balke & Hendrich, 1998: 336;
Copelatus (Papuadytes) bagus
Balke & Hendrich, in
(Balke & Hendrich, 2001):
Papua: Nabire Regency, 54–55 km of road Nabire to Enarotali, ca. 03°29.80'S; 135°43.89'E. Note: the road only goes up to Enarotali, Ilaga is much further in the mountains, therefore, people now refer to the road as Nabire-Enarotali.
Holotype: male “IR90-11: W. New Guinea, Trek Nabire-Ilaga, km55, 19.-25.ix.1990, Balke”, “HOLOTYPUS” [red], “Copelatusspeciosus sp.n. Balke des. 1997” [red] (
10 males, 15 females “IR #91-7 (IR 24). West New Guinea, Nabire-Ilaga km 54, 750m, 25.&27.1991 Balke” (
Beetle medium-sized (TL-H 3.8–4.8 mm), elongate; dark brown, with reddish brown pronotal sites and head anteriorly; submatt, with fine but evident punctation and rather strongly impressed microreticulation; pronotum without lateral bead (Fig.
Papua: Nabire Regency. The species is known only from the Mount Gamey area (Fig.
Papua: Puncak Regency, south from Iratoi, 03°54'20.4"S; 137°12'03.2"E.
Holotype: male “Indonesia: Papua Province, S Iratoi, forest, 378m, 22.v.2015, -3,3904028031975, 137,3201, Sumoked & Balke (Pap037)”, “M.Balke 6984” [green text] (
Beetle small, oblong-oval, piceous, with dark brown head and pronotum, dorsal punctation inconspicuous, microreticulation weakly impressed; pronotum without lateral bead; male antennae simple; male protarsomere 4 with large, thick, strongly curved anterolateral hook-like seta; apex of median lobe with three small prolongations; paramere without dorsal notch, with long, rather dense, thin setae, situated along dorsal margin, not clearly divided into subdistal and proximal.
In oblong-oval shape of the body, fine dorsal sculpture, and absence of the pronotal bead, the species is similar to many small species of the E. ekari-group but distinctly differs from them in shape of the median lobe and paramere.
Size and shape: Beetle small (TL-H 3.7–3.9 mm, TL 4–4.25 mm, MW 2–2.1 mm), with oblong-oval habitus, broadest at elytral middle. Coloration: Dorsally piceous, with dark brown anterior part of head and sides of pronotum; head appendages and legs yellowish red, metathoracic legs darker distally (Fig.
Surface sculpture: Head with sparse punctation (spaces between punctures 2–3 times size of punctures), evidently finer and sparser anteriorly; diameter of punctures smaller than to almost equal to diameter of cells of microreticulation. Pronotum with much sparser and finer punctation than head. Elytra with extremely sparse and fine punctation, inconspicuous. Pronotum and elytra with slightly impressed microreticulation, dorsal surface shiny. Head with microreticulation stronger. Metaventrite and metacoxae distinctly microreticulate, metacoxal plates with longitudinal strioles and transverse wrinkles. Abdominal ventrites with distinct microreticulation, strioles, and very fine and sparse punctation.
Structures: Pronotum without lateral bead. Base of prosternum and neck of prosternal process with distinct ridge, smooth and rounded anteriorly. Blade of prosternal process lanceolate, relatively narrow, slightly convex, with distinct lateral bead and few setae; neck and blade of prosternal process evenly jointed. Abdominal ventrite 6 broadly rounded apically.
Male: Antenna simple (Fig.
Holotype: TL-H 3.7 mm, TL 4 mm, MW 2 mm.
Female: Pro- and mesotarsi not modified. Abdominal ventrite 6 without lateral strioles.
Papua: Puncak Regency. The species is known only from the type locality (Fig.
Iratoi is a mixed village of both Edofi and Wano people. It is located just beyond the foot hills coming out of Wano land at the northwestern border of their traditional territory. This area is quite low at an elevation of ca. 200 m, which offers many opportunities to easily access the many small streams and puddles which Exocelina inhabits.
The name refers to Iratoi, the type locality. The name is a noun in the nominative singular standing in apposition.
Papua: Puncak Jaya Regency, south from Iratoi, 03°23'12.5"S; 137°14'43.5"E.
Holotype: male “Indonesia: Papua Province, S Iratoi, forest, 220m, 21.v.2015, -3,38095162063837, 137,311441982164, Sumoked & Balke (Pap036)”, “M.Balke 6980” [green text] (
Beetle small, oblong, dark brown to piceous, dorsal punctation dense and coarse, microreticulation distinctly impressed; pronotum without lateral bead; male antennae simple; male protarsomere 4 cylindrical, narrow, with large, thick, strongly curved anterolateral hook-like seta; median lobe slightly curved, with broadly pointed apex in lateral view and abruptly narrowed apically, with apex truncate in ventral view; paramere without dorsal notch, with subdistal setae very dense, strong, long and proximal setae very sparse, thin, small, weakly visible.
In shape of median lobe, the species resembles E. takime (Balke, 1998) but distinctly differs from it in absence of the pronotal bead and strong dorsal sculpture. From E. pui sp. n., it differs in dense and coarse dorsal punctation and in having medial lobe apically more pointed in lateral view, without lateral setae.
Size and shape: Beetle small (TL-H 3.2–3.6 mm, TL 3.8–4.0 mm, MW 1.85–1.95 mm), with oblong habitus, broadest at elytral middle. Coloration: Dorsally dark brown to piceous, with head and pronotum paler; head appendages and legs reddish brown distally (Fig.
Surface sculpture: Head with dense, coarse punctation (spaces between punctures 1–2 times size of punctures), finer anteriorly and posteriorly; diameter of punctures equal to diameter of cells of microreticulation. Pronotum with slightly sparser punctation than head. Elytra with dense, coarse punctation, coarser than on pronotum. Pronotum and elytra with distinctly impressed microreticulation, dorsal surface submatt. Head with microreticulation stronger. Metaventrite and metacoxae distinctly microreticulate, with sparse but distinct punctation, metacoxal plates with longitudinal strioles and transverse wrinkles. Abdominal ventrites with distinct microreticulation, strioles, and sparse, coarse punctation, especially on four last abdominal ventrites.
Structures: Pronotum without lateral bead. Base of prosternum and neck of prosternal process with distinct ridge, smooth, broadly rounded anteriorly. Blade of prosternal process lanceolate, relatively narrow, very slightly convex, with distinct lateral bead and few setae; neck and blade of prosternal process evenly jointed. Abdominal ventrite 6 broadly rounded apically.
Male: Antenna simple (Fig.
Holotype: TL-H 3.5 mm, TL 3.9 mm, MW 1.9 mm.
Female: Pro- and mesotarsi not modified. Abdominal ventrite 6 without lateral strioles.
Papua: Puncak Jaya Regency. The species is known only from the type locality (Fig.
The species is named after Michael Wild’s best Wano friend Liku who grew up at Iratoi and hunted many times in the area where the species was collected. The name is a noun in the genitive case.
Papua: Puncak Regency, Puluk area, 03°35'56.1"S; 137°27'53.7"E.
Holotype: male “Indonesia: Papua, Wano Land, red clay creek nr cave, 1100m, 3.ix.2014, nr -3.587955 137.5114945, Balke & Wild (Pap024)”, “M.Balke 6518” [green text] (
Beetle small, dark brown to piceous, with paler anterior part of head and sides of pronotum, dorsal punctation fine, microreticulation distinctly impressed; pronotum without lateral bead; male antennae simple; male protarsomere 4 cylindrical, narrow, with large, thick, strongly curved anterolateral hook-like seta; median lobe slightly curved, with truncate apex in lateral view and abruptly narrowed apically, with apex concave in ventral view, having short, thick subdistal setae laterally; paramere without dorsal notch, with subdistal setae dense, strong, long and proximal setae very sparse, thin, small, weakly visible.
In habitus shape, coloration, and absence of the pronotal bead, E. pui sp. n. strongly resembles the small species from the E. ekari-group (one of them is its co-occurring species) but it distinctly differs from them in having different shape of the median lobe and paramere. The shape of the median lobe is very similar to that of E. rivulus (Balke, 1998), also a co-occurring species, from which E. pui sp. n. can be easily distinguished in its smaller size and absence of the pronotal bead. From E. likui sp. n., it differs in distinctly finer dorsal punctation and in having median lobe truncate in lateral view, with lateral setae.
Size and shape: Beetle small (TL-H 3.35–3.6 mm, TL 3.95–4.0 mm, MW 1.95–2.0 mm), with oblong habitus, broadest at elytral middle. Coloration: Head dark brown, almost piceous posteriorly and reddish brown anteriorly. Pronotum and elytra dark brown to piceous, pronotal sides reddish brown; head appendages and legs reddish brown (Fig.
Surface sculpture: Head with fine and relatively dense punctation (spaces between punctures 1–3 times size of punctures), finer and sparser anteriorly; diameter of punctures almost equal to diameter of cells of microreticulation. Pronotum with sparser and finer punctation than head. Elytra with very sparse and fine punctation, often inconspicuous. Pronotum and elytra with distinctly impressed microreticulation, dorsal surface less shiny. Head with microreticulation stronger. Metaventrite and metacoxae distinctly microreticulate, metacoxal plates with longitudinal strioles and transverse wrinkles. Abdominal ventrites with distinct microreticulation, strioles, and very fine and sparse punctation.
Structures: Pronotum without lateral bead. Base of prosternum and neck of prosternal process with distinct ridge, smooth, broadly rounded anteriorly. Blade of prosternal process lanceolate, relatively narrow, very slightly convex, with distinct lateral bead and few setae; neck and blade of prosternal process evenly jointed. Abdominal ventrite 6 broadly rounded apically.
Male: Antenna simple (Fig.
Holotype: TL-H 3.6 mm, TL 4.0 mm, MW 2.0 mm.
Female: Pro- and mesotarsi not modified. Abdominal ventrite 6 without lateral strioles.
Papua: Puncak Regency. The species is known only from the type locality (Fig.
The species is named after a young Wano man Pu, who grew up in Puluk and accompanied his father (now deceased) on many hunting trips in the area where this species was collected. The name is a noun in the genitive case.
undescribed sp. MB1269:
Exocelina ransikiensis Shaverdo, Panjaitan & Balke, 2016d: 104, figs 1–6.
West Papua: Manokwari Regency, approximately 10 km NW from Ransiki, Kali Way, 01°25'03"S; 134°01'49"E.
Holotype: male “West Papua, ca. 10 km NW Ransiki, Kali Way, 1300 m, 01°25'03"S, 134°01'49"E, 03.III.2007”, “HolotypUS Exocelina ransikiensis sp. n. des. H. Shaverdo, R. Panjaitan & M. Balke, 2016” [red] (
West Papua: 3 males “Indonesia: Papua Barat, Manokwari to Kebar, forest stream, 302m, 3.xi.2013, -0.80058566 133.33216397, Balke (BH023)”, one male with an additional label “M.Balke 6185” [green text] (
Small, with oblong with subparallel sides to broadly oval habitus; coloration red to dark brown; dorsal surface with strong punctation and microreticulation, matt; pronotum with distinct lateral bead; male antennomeres simple; male protarsomere 4 with large, thick, strongly curved anterolateral hook-like seta; median lobe slightly tapering in ventral view and with curved apex in lateral view; paramere without notch on dorsal side, with thin, sparse, inconspicuous setae. For the complete description, please see
Recently discovered beetles from the western part of Manokwari Regency show distinct differences in the size, body shape, and coloration from those of the type series. They are larger: TL-H 3.25–3.7 mm (representatives of the type series: TL-H 2.85–3.2 mm) and have darker coloration: dark brown, with paler anterior margin of the head and sides of the pronotum. Very interesting is the variability of the body shape: the beetles from Ransiki and Nabire are oblong, with subparallel sides, the beetles from the Tamrau Mountains (localities BH023, BH033, and BH034) also have this body shape but they are distinctly larger, whereas the beetles from Kebar-Aibogar have a more rounded habitus, which is distinctly broadly oval in the specimen from Fumato. That represents almost gradual change of the body shape from oblong, parallel-sided in the east to broadly oval in the west. No variability has been found in the shape of the median lobe and paramere, or in the surface sculpture. Therefore, at present, we treat all new material as E. ransikiensis bearing in mind that more material is needed for a final conclusion.
West Papua: Manokwari Regency and Papua: Nabire Regency (Fig.
This group includes two species, which have one unique character: few (usually three) last subdistal setae of the paramere, standing isolated, are modified having indistinct or very evident basal prolongation (Figs
Papua: Puncak Jaya Regency, Wigoduk, 03°38'14.52"S; 137°46'57.78"E.
Holotype: male “Indonesia: Papua, Wigoduk, 1800m, 29.xi.2014, S3°38'14.52", E137°46'57.78", M. Wild (W19)” (
3 males, 10 females “Indonesia: Papua, Mokndoma, 2150m, 5.ix.2014, S3° 38’ 38.94” E137° 46’ 30”, M. Wild”, one female additionally with label “M.Balke 6530” [green text] (
Beetle medium-sized, piceous, with pronotum paler anteriorly and laterally, dorsal punctation dense and coarse, microreticulation strongly impressed; pronotum without lateral bead; male antennae evidently modified: antennomeres 3–4 and 9–10 stout, antennomeres 5–8 distinctly enlarged, larger than other antennomeres; protarsomere 4 with large, thick, strongly curved anterolateral hook-like seta; protarsomere 5 slightly concave ventrally; median lobe slightly curved, narrow, with apex slightly curved downwards as very small “beak” in lateral view; with slightly concave apex and subparallel sides in ventral view; paramere without dorsal notch, subdistal setae numerous, long, dense, strong, proximal setae thin and sparse, inconspicuous.
The species is similar to E. pulukensis sp. n. but distinctly differs from it in having more strongly modified male antennae, thinner and stronger curved apex of the median lobe in lateral view, and three isolated setae of the paramere with very small basal prolongations. Also see under E. pulukensis sp. n.
Size and shape: Beetle medium-sized (TL-H 3.7–4.35 mm, TL 4.05–4.7 mm, MW 1.95–2.3 mm), with oblong-oval habitus, broadest at elytral middle. Coloration: Head piceous, with narrow reddish brown anterior margin. Pronotum piceous on disc and posterior part and reddish brown anteriorly and laterally. Elytra uniformly piceous. Head appendages reddish brown to dark brown. Legs yellowish red proximally and reddish brown distally (Fig.
Surface sculpture: Head with dense punctation (spaces between punctures 1–2 times size of punctures), evidently finer and sparser anteriorly; diameter of punctures almost equal to diameter of cells of microreticulation. Pronotum with sparser and finer punctation than head. Elytra with coarse and dense punctation, coarser than on pronotum. Pronotum and elytra with strongly impressed microreticulation, dorsal surface matt. Head with microreticulation stronger. Metaventrite and metacoxae distinctly microreticulate and punctate, metacoxal plates with longitudinal strioles and transverse wrinkles. Abdominal ventrites with distinct microreticulation, strioles, and distinct sparse punctation.
Structures: Pronotum without lateral bead. Base of prosternum and neck of prosternal process with distinct ridge, slightly rounded anteriorly, with small transverse wrinkles. Blade of prosternal process lanceolate, relatively broad, with distinct lateral bead, with small transverse wrinkles on both sides along lateral bead and convex and smooth middle; neck and blade of prosternal process evenly jointed. Abdominal ventrite 6 broadly rounded or slightly truncate apically.
Male: Antenna modified (Fig.
Holotype: TL-H 4.45 mm, TL 4.15 mm, MW 2.2 mm.
Female: Antennomeres stout but thinner than in male. Pro- and mesotarsi not modified. Abdominal ventrite 6 without lateral strioles.
There are three specimens (see “Additional material”) of much smaller size (TL-H 3.8–3.95 mm, TL 3.2–3.6 mm, MW 1.85–1.9 mm; for E. wigodukensis sp. n. from Mokndoma: TL-H 4.05–4.35 mm, TL 4.3–4.7 mm, MW 2.1–2.3 mm) and with slightly different shape of the median lobe (less curved downwards apex) among the beetles of the population from Mokndoma. More material from the region is necessary to conclude whether two distinct but very similar species occur here or it is just a matter of variability.
Papua: Puncak Jaya Regency. The species is known from two localities: Wigoduk and Mokndoma (Fig.
At 2150 m, Mokndoma is an area of high cloud forest. Although this area lies within the territory of the Wano tribe, the word Mokndoma is from the neighboring Dem language. Mok means “flat” and Ndoma means “ground”. So the name of the place is literally “Flat ground”. This is the current home of the second author. In many places at Mokndoma, the ground is boggy with lots of moss and tannin stained streams and ponds. It is an almost mystical place featuring moss tunnels, bog grass, mountain rhododendrons, woody epiphytes, wild ginger and many shrubby small coniferous trees. Upon leaving the open flat area and heading into the thick jungle to the east, west or south, one finds many small streams (Fig.
Wigoduk is the name of a valley system to the northeast of Mokndoma. It is about onehour hike from the second author’s house site in Mokndoma. Wigoduk is located at 1800 m, right on the eastern bank of a wide bend in the Nggoduk River (Fig.
The name refers to Wigoduk, the type locality. The name is an adjective in the nominative singular.
Papua: Puncak Jaya Regency, Puluk area, 03°37'28.5"S; 137°28'35.8"E.
Holotype: male “Indonesia: Papua, Wano Land, S of pass to lake plains, 1700m, 2.ix.2014, -3,6117913 137,5277983, Balke & Wild (Pap022)” (
3 males, 1 female “Indonesia: Papua, Wano Land, Puluk, 1320m, 1.ix.2014, -3.660272 137.5207436, Balke & Wild (Pap020)”, one male with an additional label “M.Balke 6521” [green text] (
Beetle medium-sized, piceous, with pronotum paler anteriorly and laterally, dorsal punctation dense and coarse, microreticulation strongly impressed; pronotum without lateral bead; male antennomeres 3–10 stout; protarsomere 4 with large, thick, strongly curved anterolateral hook-like seta; protarsomere 5 slightly concave ventrally; median lobe slightly curved, with apex rounded, slightly curved downwards in lateral view, in ventral view narrowed subdistally, with subparallel sides and slightly asymmetrical, concave apex; paramere without dorsal notch, subdistal setae numerous, long, dense, strong, three isolated setae of the paramere with distinct basal prolongations, proximal setae thin and sparse, inconspicuous.
The species is similar to E. wigodukensis sp. n. but differs from it in having less modified antennae, different shape of the median lobe (broader and without apical “beak” in lateral view and narrowed subdistally and with slightly asymmetrical apex in ventral view), and in having three isolated setae of the paramere with distinct basal prolongations.
Size and shape: Beetle medium-sized (TL-H 3.7–4.25 mm, TL 4.1–4.6 mm, MW 2–2.25 mm), with oblong-oval habitus, broadest at elytral middle. Coloration: as in E. wigodukensis sp. n. (Fig.
Surface sculpture: as in E. wigodukensis sp. n.
Structures: as in E. wigodukensis sp. n. Abdominal ventrite 6 broadly rounded apically.
Male: Antenna only slightly modified (Fig.
Holotype: TL-H 4.2 mm, TL 4.6 mm, MW 2.2 mm.
Female: Antennae distinctly more slender than in males. Pro- and mesotarsi not modified. Abdominal ventrite 6 without lateral strioles.
The males from the localities Pap020 and Pap024 (see “Additional material”) have thicker and shorter median lobe, with its apex distinctly broader in lateral view and more concave in ventral view. More material from the region is necessary to conclude whether two distinct but very similar species occur here or it is just a matter of variability.
Papua: Puncak Jaya Regency. The species is known from Puluk area (Fig.
At Puluk (1370 m), there are three permanent Wano families living, and near their houses, the small trees and bushes are kept trimmed back. The soil is dark, and very fertile. Off into the jungle, around their houses in a circumference of approximately 30–50 m, secondary growth is always encroaching on the hamlet site. Outwards to 250 m beyond the secondary growth, the jungle is lush, but somewhat thinned out, since they clear out smaller trees, and underbrush for firewood and materials for building houses and gardens. Their gardens are out beyond that, and are roughly made and maintained. Beyond that, the jungle is pristine. Just in the jungle to the west of the hamlet site is a small stream where Exocelina abound (the villagers nearest drinking and bathing source). To the north of the hamlet in the mountains, there are many smaller streams and puddles coming teeming with beetles.
The name refers to Puluk area where the species were found. The name is an adjective in the nominative singular.
The key is based mostly on the male characters. In many cases females cannot be assigned to species due to similarity of their external and internal structures (for female genitalia see figs 17a and 17b in
1 | Pronotum with lateral bead | 2 |
– | Pronotum without lateral bead | 3 |
2 | Beetle larger, TL-H 5.3–5.8 mm (Fig. |
(1) ascendens |
– | Beetle smaller, TL-H 2.85–3.2 mm (fig. 1 in |
(7) ransikiensis |
3 | Male antennae extremely modified: antennomeres 4-6 excessively large, 3 and 7 strongly enlarged (Fig. |
(3) bagus |
– | Male antennae simple or differently modified | 4 |
4 | Apex of median lobe with three small prolongations (Fig. |
(4) iratoi sp. n. |
– | Median lobe with simple apex, other characters variable | 5 |
5 | Beetle larger, TL-H 3.7–4.75 mm | 6 |
– | Beetle smaller, TL-H 3.2–3.6 mm | 8 |
6 | Beetle shiny, with fine dorsal microreticulation and punctation almost invisible (Fig. |
(2) tomhansi sp. n. |
– | Beetle matt, with strong dorsal microreticulation and punctation. Male antennae modified: antennomeres 3–10 stout or some of them distinctly enlarged. Medial lobe with apex more or less rounded in lateral view | 7 |
7 | Male antennomeres 3–4 and 9–10 stout, antennomeres 5–8 distinctly enlarged, larger than other antennomeres (Fig. |
(8) wigodukensis sp. n. |
– | Male antennomeres 3–10 stout (Fig. |
(9) pulukensis sp. n. |
8 | Dorsal punctation dense, coarse (Fig. |
(5) likui sp. n. |
– | Dorsal punctation very fine (Fig. |
(6) pui sp. n. |
We are grateful Dr. H. Schillhammer (Vienna) for the habitus photos and Prof. D. Bilton (Plymouth) for a linguistic review of the manuscript.
Financial support for the study was provided by the FWF (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung – the Austrian Science Fund) through a project P 24312-B17 to Helena Shaverdo. Michael Balke was supported by the German Science Foundation (DFG BA2152/11-1, 11-2, 19-1).