Research Article |
Corresponding author: Vazrick Nazari ( ) Academic editor: Donald Lafontaine
© 2017 Vazrick Nazari.
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Nazari V (2017) Review of Neopalpa Povolný, 1998 with description of a new species from California and Baja California, Mexico (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae). ZooKeys 646: 79-94.
The monotypic genus Neopalpa was described in 1998 by Czech entomologist Dalibor Povolný based on two male specimens from Santa Catalina Island, California, which he named N. neonata. The female of this species was discovered recently based on a DNA barcode match and is described. In addition, a new species with marked differences in morphology and DNA barcodes from southern California and Baja California Mexico is described as Neopalpa donaldtrumpi sp. n. Adults and genitalia of both species are illustrated, new diagnosis for the genus Neopalpa is provided, and its position within Gelechiidae is briefly discussed.
Microlepidoptera, new species, nomenclature, taxonomy, Donald J. Trump
The tribe Gnorimoschemini currently consists of 44 genera, only six of which have exclusively Nearctic distributions (
In November 2011, a non-descript female gelechiid moth collected by J.-F. Landry from Santa Cruz Island in 1984 (CNCLEP00077350) was submitted for DNA barcoding. This specimen yielded a unique 407 bp fragment COI barcode that, while clustering with other Gnorimoschemini specimens in Neighbour-Joining analyses, morphologically did not match any of the known species of Gnorimoschemini that I had studied. In May 2012 additional matching barcode sequences from a Malaise trap catch in California became available that contained samples from both sexes. The genitalia of the females from this series were identical to the CNC specimen, and dissection of the male revealed its identity as Neopalpa neonata as described and illustrated by Povolný in 1998. Subsequently I examined the holotype and the only paratype of this species and confirmed the identification. Many additional specimens were later collected and barcoded from California and Arizona, mainly through the continuous Malaise trapping initiative by the Biodiversity Institute of Ontario BioBus program.
The new species was initially discovered through dissection of Gnorimoschemini material borrowed from the Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of California, Davis (UCBME). Two males and one female from Algodones dunes in Imperial County, California, showed a unique genitalia and wing pattern that did not match known species of Gnorimoschemini. Based on similarities in genitalia of both sexes I associated these with Neopalpa, and this identification was further supported by DNA barcoding. A few additional male specimens were later discovered among the material borrowed from other institutions. In this paper I provide a new diagnosis for the genus Neopalpa, illustrate the previously unknown female of Neopalpa neonata Povolný, 1998, and describe this newly discovered species.
Collections. Specimens were examined from the following collections:
BIOUG Biodiversity Institute of Ontario, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
CNC Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Albu Research collection of Valeriu Albu, O’Neals, California, USA
UCBME Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of California, Davis, California, USA
Dissections. Genitalia dissections and slide mounts followed procedures outlined in
Photography. Pinned specimens were photographed with a Canon EOS 60D with a MP-E 65 mm macro lens. They were placed on the tip of a thin plastazote wedge mounted on an insect pin, with the head facing toward the pin and the fringed parts of the wings facing outward. This ensured that there was nothing between the fringes and the background. All specimens were photographed over a white background. Lighting was provided by a ring of 80 LED covered with a white diffuser dome (
DNA sequence analysis. DNA extracts were prepared from one or two legs removed from each specimen. DNA extraction, PCR amplification of the barcode region of COI, and subsequent sequencing followed standard protocols at the Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding (
Neopalpa Povolný, 1998a: 141, figs 1, 6.
Neopalpa neonata Povolný, 1998b (by original designation).
Neopalpa can be defined by the combination of the following genitalia characters: male tegumen long and parallel sided, gnathos a short and delicate spine with distinct V-shaped arms, uncus tall and rounded, valvae sigmoid with antler-shaped tip, saccus narrow and nearly as long as tegumen, phallus nearly as long as longitudinal axis of genitalia, with a subovate caecum and a sub-terminal projection. Female with a well-developed antrum and an aviform signum.
Head. Scaled with light-yellow frons, scales on the vertex converging towards middle, often with darker tips, ocelli present, small, located behind the base of antenna. Labial palpi strongly up-curved, segment 3 acute, about 2/3 length of segment 2; antenna with more or less distinct dark and light rings.
Thorax. Grey to brown; wingspan 7–12 mm; forewing slender, discal and apical areas dark brown, termen with black-tipped white scales. Hindwing off-white to greyish with a well-developed tornal lobe and a pointed tip.
Abdomen. Male tergum 8 subtriangular, equilateral, weakly sclerotized and concave anteriorly; sternum 8 more than twice the size of tergum 8, subrectangular, broader than long, posterior margin broadly rounded, anterior margin bilobate with a deep ventral emargination. Female segment 7 trapezoidal, tergum 7 approximately twice the length of other abdominal segments; apodemes in both sexes well developed. Coremata absent.
Male genitalia. Characterized by elongate shape, long parallel-sided tegumen and slender, well-rounded uncus; gnathos a short spine; culcitula weakly developed; valva sigmoid, parallel sided with a bifurcating antler-shaped tip; sacculus parabasally located, short and cone shaped; vincular processes variously developed; saccus elongate, nearly as long as tegumen; phallus elongate with a subovate caecum and a distinct subterminal spine.
Female genitalia. Segment 8 with almost evenly sclerotized subgenital plate, moderately to strongly sculpted, ventromedial zone membranous; ostium bursae distinctly edged; antrum wide, tubular and weakly sclerotized, nearly ¾ length of apophysis anterioris; apophysis anterioris thin and parallel sided, about same length as segment 8; ductus bursae same width as antrum and same length as apophysis anterioris; corpus bursae clearly delineated, bulbous; signum aviform with a central spine (hook) and two wide subtriangular lobes.
Western USA (California and Arizona) and Baja California, Mexico.
Both species specialize in xeric habitats. The host plant is unknown, but is probably in the Solanaceae (one specimen of N. neonata “collected in tomato foliage”).
1 | Forewing predominantly dark brown or gray; male genitalia with large bilobate vincular processes 4× length of sacculus; phallus with a curved tip and a distinct subterminal hook; female genitalia segment 8 extensively sculpted with microtrichea, signum aviform with granulated wings | N. neonata |
– | Forewing orange yellow except costal and terminal areas dark brown; male genitalia vincular processes not longer than sacculus, phallus tip acute with a subtle subterminal thorn; female genitalia segment 8 with hardly any microtrichea, signum aviform with smooth wings | N. donaldtrumpi sp. n. |
Neopalpa neonata Povolný, 1998a: 141, figs 1, 6.
Holotype ♂, California: Los Angeles County, Santa Catalina Island, Middle Cyn. 5.ii.1978, J.A. Chemsak, specimen # EMEC82306, genitalia slide Pw1173 (
For a complete list of additional specimens examined from California, Arizona and Mexico (n = 386), see Suppl. material
Distinguishable from the species described below by dark forewing and frons, well-developed vincular processes that are more than 4× as long as sacculus, segment 8 in female genitalia heavily sculpted with microtrichea, and signum heavily granulated with small stubby spines.
Adult (Figs
Adults of Neopalpa species. a–f N. neonata g–j N. donaldtrumpi sp. n. N. neonata: a holotype ♂ EMEC82306 (CA: Santa Catalina Island) b paratype ♂ EMEC342305 (Mexico: Baja California Sur) c ♀ CNCLEP00077350 (CA: Santa Cruz Island) d ♀ EMEC407544 (CA: Santa Cruz Island) e ♂ LACMENT326744 (CA: San Bernardino County) f ♀ EMEC408849 (CA: Modoc County); N. donaldtrumpi sp. n.: g Holotype ♂ UCBMEP0201628 (CA: Imperial County) h Paratype ♀ UCBMEP0201482 (CA: Imperial County) i Paratype ♂ UCBMEP0201629 (CA: Imperial County) j Paratype ♂ EMEC408498 (Mexico: Baja California Sur). For detailed specimen data see Suppl. material
Close up of the head of male Neopalpa species. a, b N. neonata (LACMENT326885, Mexico: Baja California) c, d N. donaldtrumpi sp. n., holotype (UCBMEP0201628, CA: Imperial County). Left: lateral aspect, right: frontal aspect. Scale bar 1 mm.
Variation. Adult size and the intensity of forewing pattern variable. A large female specimen (wingspan=6.3mm, not included in mean wingspan calculation) from Cedar Pass Campground, Modoc County (EMEC408849, dissection VNZ 591, Fig.
Male genitalia (Figs
Male genitalia of Neopalpa species. a–d N. neonata e–h N. donaldtrumpi sp. n. a, b ventral and lateral view of intact genitalia, unmounted, stored in lactic acid (LACMENT326710, CA: Riverside County) c, d Unrolled genitalia and phallus of the Holotype (EMEC82306, dissection Pw1168) e, f ventral and lateral view of intact genitalia, unmounted, stored in lactic acid (UCRC ENT 461717, CA: Riverside County) g, h Unrolled genitalia and phallus of the Holotype (UCBME021628; dissection VNZ241). Scale bar 100 μm.
Tegumen slender, parallel-sided, the anterior margin laterally notched; uncus long and narrow with a round apex, finely setose; gnathos a short delicate spine with distinct V-shaped arms about same width; culcitula weakly developed. Valva sigmoid, long and slender, parallel-sided, bifurcating at about ⅘ length of valva towards tip into two equally-sized acute branches in form of antlers; sacculus parabasally located, short and cone-shaped, finely setose; posterior margin of vinculum with a striking paired bilobate process separated by a deep, narrow excision; this process with a shorter truncate lobe provided with a brush of long, stiff hairs, their tips extending over second (longer) lobe with obtuse upper edge and with rounded lateral side, both armoured with numerous short spinules; lateral side of the paired process fused basally with oblique wall of sacculus; (ventral) wall of sacculus strengthened basally by a distinct, paired, heavily-sclerotized curved ledge; saccus elongate, ligulate, nearly as long as tegumen, with distinctly-sclerotized lateral edge and a moderately rounded tip; phallus nearly as long as the longitudinal genitalia axis, moderately sigmoid, with a strongly-curved, rounded tip, a distinct subterminal hook-like spine, and an irregularly subovate caecum.
Female genitalia (Fig.
Female genitalia of Neopalpa species. a N. neonata (CNCLEP00077350, dissection MIC6530; CA: Santa Cruz Island) b N. donaldtrumpi sp. n. (UCBMEP0201482, dissection VNZ241; CA: Imperial County); Close-up of signa c N. neonata (UCBMEP0201495, dissection VNZ239; CA: Imperial County) d N. donaldtrumpi sp. n. (same as b). Scale bar 100 μm.
Povolný’s assumption that this species is a Channel Islands endemic is incorrect, as it seems to have a much wider distribution on the mainland. Examined specimens are from the USA: California (Imperial, Inyo, Los Angeles, Modoc, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, Santa Barbara and Solano counties); Arizona (Cochise and Coconino counties), as well as Mexico (States of Sonora, Baja California, and Baja California Sur).
Adults fly throughout the year, probably in more than one generation. Studied specimens were collected in every month of the year in almost even numbers (the high number of samples collected in March is likely an artefact of high-volume Malaise trapping in one location). The two males that formed the type series of this species were collected in the “xeric maritime habitats extending from California Channel Islands.” Additional specimens examined were collected in a variety of generally dry habitat types in canyons, creeks, campgrounds, microphyll forest, dry bush, dunes and desert habitats. The life history and host plant remain unknown; nearly all specimens examined were collected at light or in Malaise traps, although one specimen (UCREM 4318,
Holotype ♂: [label 1] “USA: CA: Imperial Co. | Algodones Dunes – Niland- | Glamis Rd. 7.4 km NW Glamis”, [label 2] “33°02N 115°08.3W | 21-25 April 2009 AL173 | Bohart Museum Team”, [label 3] “UC BME | P 0201628”, [label 4] “Barcode of Life Project | Leg(s) removed | DNA extracted”, [label 5] “genitalia slide | VNZ240 ♂.” Condition of specimen: double mounted, wings partly spread, left antenna and part of right antenna missing, left hind- and all right legs missing, partly removed for DNA barcoding. Deposited at UCBME.
Paratypes. 5 males, 1 female. 1 ♂ same data as for holotype, specimen # UCBMEP0201629 (CNC); 1 ♀ USA: CA: Imperial Co., Algodones Dunes, Mammoth Wash, Niland-Glamis Rd., 29 km N. Hwy 78, 2008AL20, 6-9.II.2008, Malaise trap, S.L. Heydon & T.J. Zavortnik, specimen # UCBMEP0201482, slide VNZ241 (UCBME); 1 ♂ CA: Riverside Co., P.L. Boyd Desert Research Center, 3.5 miles S. Palm Desert, 13–18.VI.1969, Malaise trap, Saul Frommer & R. Worley, specimen # UCREM 18373, slide VNZ580 (
The new species can be easily distinguished from N. neonata by its external appearance, the yellowish-white scales covering the frons of the adult head, and the distinctive orange-yellow coloration on the forewing dorsum. In the male genitalia, the valvae are strongly curved, the saccus has an acute tip, and the highly-developed bilobed processes of the vinculum, characteristic of N. neonata, are absent. In the female genitalia, the subgenital plate is simpler than in N. neonata and much less sculptured with microtrichea, and the signum wings are smooth.
Adult (Figs
Male genitalia (Figs
Female genitalia (Fig.
The new species is named in honor of Donald J. Trump, to be installed as the 45th President of the United States on January 20, 2017. The reason for this choice of name is to bring wider public attention to the need to continue protecting fragile habitats in the US that still contain many undescribed species. The specific epithet is selected because of the resemblance of the scales on the frons (head) of the moth to Mr. Trump’s hairstyle. The name is a noun in the genitive case.
So far only known from Riverside and Imperial counties in southern California and Baja California in Mexico.
Specimens collected at mercury-vapour light, black-light or Malaise trap in February, April, June and August, in dry or sandy habitats. Life history and host plant unknown.
The two species of Neopalpa fly sympatrically in three localities in southern California (Deep Canyon and P.L. Boyd Desert Research Center in Riverside County, and Algodones dunes in Imperial County) (Fig.
Distribution of Neopalpa species. (Created using, accessed December 2016)
The discovery of this distinct micro-moth in the densely populated and otherwise zoologically well-studied southern California underscores the importance of conservation of the fragile habitats that still contain undescribed and threatened species, and highlights the paucity of interest in species-level taxonomy of smaller faunal elements in North America. By naming this species after the 45th President of the United States, I hope to bring some public attention to, and interest in, the importance of alpha-taxonomy in better understanding the neglected micro-fauna component of the North American biodiversity.
I am indebted to Jerry Powell and Pete Oboyski (
Material examined and GenBank accessions
Data type: species data
Explanation note: Material examined and GenBank accessions.