Research Article |
Corresponding author: Gexia Qiao ( ) Academic editor: Elison Fabricio B. Lima
© 2023 Lihong Dang, Yaya Li, Laurence A. Mound, Gexia Qiao.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Dang L, Li Y, Mound LA, Qiao G (2023) The Oriental fungus-feeding genus Azaleothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1964 from China with one new species and four new records (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae, Phlaeothripinae). ZooKeys 1183: 219-231.
Azaleothrips, a genus of fungus-feeding Phlaeothripinae , is easily recognized by the complex sculpture on the body surface. It is species-rich in the Oriental region, with 10 species here recognized from China, including A. sphaericus sp. nov. and four new records. An illustrated key to the species from China is provided.
Identification key, mycophagous, Phlaeothrips-lineage, taxonomy
The fungus-feeding species in Phlaeothripinae belong to the Phlaeothrips-lineage and are usually found in dry, dead leaves, twigs, branches, and grasses (
In the process of identifying slides of Azaleothrips from China, two species were recognized, A. laevigatus and A. dentatus, which seem to be unusual in having the dorsal view of body not heavily reticulate (Fig.
Among the 35 species of Azaleothrips, two species groups have been recognized: the amabilis species group with nine species, and the moundi species group with 26 species (
The objective here is to recognize species of the Oriental genus Azaleothrips in the first author’s thrips collection, to describe a new species, and to provide an illustrated key to 10 Chinese Azaleothrips species, including four new records for A. laevigatus, A. laocai, A. lepidus and A. templeri. The new species, A. sphaericus sp. nov., obviously belongs to the moundi species group because it has two sense cones on antennal segment III (Fig.
The descriptions and photomicrographs were produced from slide-mounted specimens under a Nikon Eclipse 80i microscope with a Leica DM2500 camera and using differential interference contrast illumination. These images were processed with Automontage and Photoshop v. 7.0. The abbreviations used for the pronotal setae are as follows: am – anteromarginal, aa – anteroangular, ml – midlateral, epim – epimeral, pa – posteroangular. The unit of measurement in this study is the micrometre. Most specimens studied here are available in the School of
Bioscience and Engineering, Shaanxi University of Technology (SNUT), Hanzhong, China, the
Australian National Insect Collection (
Ananthakrishnan, 1964: 220. Type species Azaleothrips amabilis
The number of sense cones on antennal segments III–IV is a very diagnostic character in many thysanopteran taxa. Especially in Azaleothrips, two species groups were proposed because of two sense cones on III and two or three cones on IV in the moundi species group, and three and four on antennal segments III–IV, respectively, in the amabilis species group. These numbers vary between species, but are stable within each species. Furthermore, the macropterous forms in this genus are very common, but three species also have micropterae which usually bear three well-developed sub-basal setae, A. moundi, A. simulans and A. sphaericus sp. nov., that all belong to moundi species group. The complex sculptures on the body surface are also various ranged from weakly reticulate to strongly reticulate with wrinkles or tubercles inside or along lines. Therefore, these variations are not helpful to give a clear generic diagnosis, but fortunately an excellent one is available in a recent paper (
A. taiwanus and A. atayal are included in the key based on the excellent original descriptions.
1 | Antennal segment III with two sense cones | 2 |
– | Antennal segment III with three sense cones | 3 |
2 | Antennal segment IV with two sense cones (Fig. |
A. moundi |
– | Antennal segment IV with three sense cones (Fig. |
A. sphaericus sp. nov. |
3 | Fore-femora yellow to pale brown, much paler than head | 4 |
– | Fore-femora brown to dark brown, as dark as head | 6 |
4 | Metanotum longitudinally reticulate on anterior half, and with polygonal reticulations on posterior half (Fig. |
A. templeri |
– | Metanotum longitudinally reticulate or striate, and without polygonal reticulations | 5 |
5 | S1 setae on abdominal tergite IX slightly shorter than half the length of tube in both sexes | A. lepidus |
– | S1 setae on abdominal tergite IX longer than half the length of tube in both sexes | A. formosae |
6 | Pronotum yellowish brown, at least paler than head | A. siamensis |
– | Pronotum uniformly brown, as dark as head | 7 |
7 | Head sculptured with very weak lines of reticulation (Fig. |
A. laevigatus |
– | Head strongly sculptured with reticulation; mouth-cone moderately long that reaches to posterior margin of ferna at most; S2 on tergite IX expanded at apex in female | 8 |
8 | Pronotum sculptured with lines of reticulation as well as many small tubercles along lines | A. taiwanus |
– | Pronotum finely reticulated, but almost smooth along reticles, without tubercles | 9 |
9 | Tergite IX setae S1 much shorter than half of tube length; antennal segment III clearly yellow (Fig. |
A. laocai |
– | Tergite IX setae S1 almost as long as half of tube length; antennal segment III somewhat shaded at apical half | A. atayal |
Azaleothrips atayal Okajima & Masumoto, 2014: 309.
Described from Taiwan on dead leaves and branches, this species is a member of the amabilis species group, as indicated by
Azaleothrips formosae Okajima & Masumoto, 2014: 320.
China – Yunnan • 1♀ (SNUT); Puer, Zhenyuan; on dead leaves; 8.vii.2022; Yanqiao Li leg. • 1♂ (SNUT); Lincang, Cangyuan; on dead leaves;; Xia Wang & Chengwen Li leg. • 1♂ (
This species was described on many specimens, including types and non-types, from Taiwan that were collected on dead branches. A female and two males from Yunnan are identified as A. formosae because they show no difference in their morphology. However, they differ in their coloration; the female has the prothorax largely yellow, like non-paratypic specimens from Kenting National Park (Taiwan), and one male has a brownish prothorax (Fig.
Azaleothrips laevigatus Okajima, 2006: 192.
China – Guangxi • 1♀1♂ (SNUT); Chongzuo; on dead wood; 9 & 25.vii.2021; Xia Wang leg.
Described from Japan on dead Casuarina branches, this species is distinguished easily from other Azaleothrips, except for two Philippine species, A. philippinensis and A. bifidius, in having S2 on abdominal tergite IX of males pointed at its apex (Fig.
Azaleothrips laocai Okajima & Masumoto, 2014: 325.
China – Shaanxi •1♀ (SNUT); Hanzhong; on dead leaves; 20.vii.2017; Lihong Dang leg. • 1♀ (SNUT); Yanan; 25.vii.2019; Weiyan Liu leg.
Azaleothrips laocai was described from Vietnam on dead branches. It belongs to the amabilis species group, which bears three and four sense cones on antennal segments III and IV, respectively. Currently, this species has the largest body size of any known Azaleothrips species, with two females from Shaanxi, China about 2270–2350 μm in body length, whereas the body lengths of other Azaleothrips spcies are usually no more than 2000 μm. These two females from Shaanxi show a little difference in antennae coloration; segment IV is brown, with the apex and base pale, as well as the base of V pale (Fig.
Azaleothrips lepidus Okajima, 1978: 386.
China – Yunnan • 1♀1♂ (SNUT); Lincang; on dead branches; 4 &; Xia Wang & Chengwen Li leg. LAOS – Champasak • 4♀1♂ (
Described from Thailand on dead leaves, this species is here newly recorded from China. Azaleothrips lepidus is very similar to A. toshifumii, with which it is sympatric, but they can be distinguished by the coloration of antennae and legs (
Azaleothrips moundi Okajima, 1976: 19.
China – Taiwan • 2♀ (
This species, one of the two species from China that belong to the moundi species group, was described from Japan and Taiwan on dead twigs. It is unique in Azaleothrips because antennal segments III–IV both have two major sense cones (Fig.
Azaleothrips siamensis Okajima, 1978: 389.
China – Guangxi • 1♀ (SNUT); Chongzuo, Daxin; on dead wood; 25.vii.2021; Xia Wang leg. Yunnan • 4♀1♂ (NZMC); Mengla; one dead branch; 10 & 17.iv.1997; Yunfa Han leg. Chongqing • 1♀ (NZMC); one dead branch; 1.viii.1999; Yunfa Han leg.
Described from northern Thailand on dead leaves, this species was first recorded from China, Guizhou, by
, China – Guangxi • ♀ macroptera (SNUT); Chongzuo, Fusui; on dead branch; 8.viii.2021; Xia Wang leg. Paratypes, China – Guangxi • 1♀ macroptera (SNUT); Nanning, Wuming; 18.vii.2021; Xia Wang leg. • 3♀ microptera (SNUT,
Holotype. Female macroptera. Body uniform brown. Antennal segment III clear yellow (Fig.
Measurements (holotype female in μm). Body length 1580. Head length 170, width across cheeks 165. Compound eye dorsal length 55. Pronotum length 110, width 200. Fore wing length 550. Tube length 105, width across base 55, apical width 30. Antenna length 270, segments I–VIII length (width) as follows: 30 (30), 40 (30), 35 (28), 40 (28), 37 (25), 37 (25), 30 (20), 20 (15). Postocular setae about 23. S1–S3 on tergite IX 43, 53, 115. Anal setae 115.
Female microptera. Color and structure similar to macropterous female, but tubercles on lines of reticles in most part of head, metanotum, pelta, and posterior median portion of tergites II–VII; metanotum and pelta broad (Fig.
Measurements (paratype micropterous female in μm). Body length 1470. Head length 180, width across cheeks 170. Compound eye dorsal length 45. Pronotum length 125, width 210. Fore wing length 125. Tube length 100, width across base 55, apical width 30. Antenna length 305, segments I–VIII length (width) as follows: 30 (30), 42 (30), 35 (27), 40 (27), 40 (27), 40 (27), 27 (20), 25 (17). Postocular setae about 25. S1–S3 on tergite IX 37, 67, 110. Anal setae 125.
Male microptera. Color and structure very similar to micropterous female, but mid- and hind-tibiae yellow with slightly shaded medially. Pore plate on abdominal sternite VIII distinct, narrow (Fig.
Measurements (paratype micropterous male in μm). Body length 1350. Head length 170, width across cheeks 155. Compound eye dorsal length 45. Pronotum length 120, width 185. Fore wing length 100. Tube length 95, width across base 50, apical width 25. Antenna length 260, segments I–VIII length (width) as follows: 27 (27), 35 (27), 30 (27), 35 (25), 35 (25), 35 (25), 27 (20), 22 (15). Postocular setae 20. S1–S3 on tergite IX 35, 40, 95. Anal setae 105.
Latin, sphaericus, referring to the spherical antennal segment III.
This new species is unusual among Azaleothrips species in having antennal segment III almost spherical and smaller than IV, a condition somewhat similar with some Strepterothrips species. The new species is similar to A. phuketanus and A. simulans in having two and three sense cones on antennal segments III and IV, respectively, but it differs from A. phuketanus in having antennal segment III shorter than IV (Fig.
Azaleothrips taiwanus Okajima & Masumoto, 2014: 342.
Described from Taiwan on dead branches, this species was not satisfactorily distinguished from another Taiwan species, A. atayal, in the original description (
Azaleothrips templeri Okajima & Masumoto, 2014: 342.
China – Guangxi •1♀ (SNUT); Qianzhou, Shiwandashan; 5.viii.2015; Chunfeng Li leg. LAOS – Champasak • 1♂ (
Described from West Malaysia on dead leaves, this species is similar to A. lepidus in having pale pronotum (Fig.
We are grateful to Liyun Jiang (IZCAS) and Kuiyan Zhang (NZMC) for giving access to the collections of NZMC, to Fengchyi Lin of the Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Taichung for arranging the loan of two type specimens of ‘Azaleothrips magnus’, and to Alice Wells, Xia Wang, Yanqiao Li, Chengwen Li, Yuxin Gao, Chunfeng Li, Weiyan Liu, and Xin Li for collecting the specimens. Our special thanks are due to the subject editor, Elison Fabricio B. Lima, and the three reviewers for their valuable comments.
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
No ethical statement was reported.
This work was supported by the Natural Science Basic Research program of Shaanxi Province [2023-JC-QN-0178], the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China [no. 31702042], the Youth Innovation Team of Shaanxi University (2023-77), the Key Collaborative Research Program of the Alliance of International Science Organizations (grant no. ANSO-CR-KP-2020-04), Survey of Wildlife Resources in Key Areas of Tibet (ZL202203601), and the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research (STEP) program [grant no. 2019QZKK0501].
Lihong Dang: writing the original draft. Yaya Li: making slides and preparing images plates, Laurence Mound: reviewing and editing the manuscript and taking images. Gexia Qiao: reviewing final manuscript and funding support. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Lihong Dang
Yaya Li
Laurence A. Mound
Gexia Qiao
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text.