Research Article
Research Article
Six new species of Margattea Shelford, 1911 (Blaberoidea, Pseudophyllodromiidae, Neoblattellini) from China
expand article infoQian-Qian Li, Wen-Wen Yao, Ke Zhang, Zong-Qing Wang, Yan-Li Che
‡ Southwest University, Chongqing, China
Open Access


Six Margattea species are established and described: three are cryptic species, namely, M. parabisignata Li & Che, sp. nov., M. semicircularis Li & Che, sp. nov., and M. forcipata Li & Che, sp. nov. They are distinguished from known species M. bisignata, M. spinifera, and M. paratransversa by their male genitalia with the aid of molecular species delimitation method (ABGD) using COI as the molecular marker. The other three new species are M. pedata Li & Che, sp. nov., M. undulata Li & Che, sp. nov., and M. bisphaerica Li & Che, sp. nov. Morphological and genitalia photographs of these new species of Margattea, as well as a key to the species of Margattea from China, are provided.

Key words

ABGD, DNA barcoding, Margattea, new species


A total of 63 species of the genus Margattea in Neoblattellini have been recorded in Asia, Africa, and parts of Oceania (Beccaloni 2014), and 26 of them are known from China (He et al. 2021). There are twelve genera in Neoblattellini. Margattea is the only genus that is not distributed in the New World, while all the other eleven genera are only present in the New World. Margattea is morphologically similar to the genus Balta in the yellowish brown body, the subelliptical pronotum (sometimes with spots), and wings that usually exceed the end of the abdomen (He et al. 2021). Despite being a relatively well-diversified genus, only four molecular phylogenetic analyses sampled Margattea species (Evangelista et al. 2021, 2023; Liu et al. 2023; Wang et al. 2023). Due to the different molecular data and sampling taxa in molecular analyses listed above, the sister group of Margattea was inconsistently recovered, but Balta was always found phylogenetically distant from Margattea.

At present, members of Margattea are identified by the simple, cylindrical, and symmetrical styli, the usually specialized eighth abdominal tergum, the pronotal disc with symmetrical stripes and maculae, and the median phallomere usually with accessory structure (Roth 1989; Wang et al. 2009; Liu and Zhou 2011; He et al. 2021). However, these diagnostic characteristics can be found separately in other genera; moreover, the styli of Margattea are diverse: asymmetrical in Margattea pseudolimbata Wang, Li, Wang & Che, 2014 (Wang et al. 2014), symmetrical and foot-shaped styli or asymmetrical and spherical styli in other samples we examined. Therefore, it is still necessary to further determine the diagnostic characteristics of Margattea.

DNA barcoding (Hebert et al. 2003) has been widely used in the identification of cockroach species (Knebelsberger and Miller 2007; Evangelista et al. 2013; Wang et al. 2021), the estimation of cockroach species richness (Evangelista et al. 2014), the matching of individuals with sexual dimorphism (Yang et al. 2019; Deng et al. 2020; Han et al. 2022; Luo et al. 2023) and the discovery of cryptic species (Bai et al. 2018; Zhu et al. 2022). In this study, we combine molecular species delimitation methods with morphological characteristics, including male genitalia, to determine species found in China. In addition, the generic diagnosis of Margattea, mainly concerning the styli, left and median phallomere, is redefined after the examination of most Margattea species on the basis of the specimen or the original description (but not for M. beauvoisii (Walker, 1868), M. baluensis (Hanitsch, 1933), M. bipunctata (Hanitsch, 1933), M. buitenzorgensis Caudell, 1927, M. centralis (Gerstaecker, 1883), M. crucifera (Hanitsch, 1925), M. diacantha (Hebard, 1929), M. gulliveri Hanitsch, 1928, M. importata Bey-Bienko, 1964, M. microptera (Hanitsch, 1925), M. nana (Saussure, 1869), M. nebulosa (Shelford, 1907), M. obtusifroms (Walker, 1868), M. philippinensis (Roth, 1990), M. remota (Hebard, 1933), M. sinclairi Hanitsch, 1928, and M. variegata (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1898)).

Materials and methods

Morphological study

All type specimens are deposited in College of Plant Protection, Southwest University, Chongqing, China (SWU). Male genital segments were immersed in 10% NaOH solution and incubated with water at 90 °C for 15 minutes to dissolve the fat. All segments were dissected and stored in glycerol for observation, and preserved along with the remainder of the specimen which is stored in ethyl alcohol. All photos were taken by a Leica DFC digital microscope camera attached to a Leica M205A stereomicroscope, then modified with Adobe Photoshop CC 2019. Specimens examined were measured by Vernier Caliper. Morphological terminology mainly follows Roth (2003). The sclerites of male genitalia mainly follows McKittrick (1964). The terminology of veins follows Li et al. (2018). Abbreviations of veins are as follows:

ScP subcosta posterior;

R radius;

RA radius anterior;

RP radius posterior;

Pcu postcubitus;

M media;

CuA cubitus anterior;

CuP cubitus posterior;

V vannal.

DNA extraction, amplification, and sequencing

Total DNA was obtained from legs and thoracic muscle using the Hipure Tissue DNA Mini Kit, and the remainder of the specimen was stored in ethyl alcohol. The primers were used to amplify the 658 bp cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) fragment (Table 1). The amplification conditions were: initial denaturation at 98 °C for 2 min, followed by 35 cycles for 10 sec at 98 °C, 10 s at 49–51 °C, and 3 min for 72 °C, with final extension of 3 min at 72 °C, then held at 4 °C. The amplified samples showing bands in agarose gels were sequenced by Beijing Tsingke Biotech Co., Ltd.

Table 1.

Primers used in the molecular study.

Primers Base sequence Reference

Sequence processing and molecular analysis

A total of 105 COI sequences were analyzed, of which 53 sequences are obtained in this study and 52 sequences were downloaded from GenBank (Balta vilis, Sorineuchora nigra, and Mantis religiosa were selected as outgroups) (Table 2). All sequences were aligned by MEGA 7 (Kumar et al. 2016) and adjusted after translation into amino acid sequences. The genetic divergence value was quantified based on Kimura 2-parameter (K2P) (Kimura 1980) by MEGA 7. The Maximum Likelihood (ML) tree was constructed in PhyloSuite v. 1.2.2 (Zhang et al. 2020), using IQ-TREE v. 1.6.8 (Nguyen et al. 2015) with 1,000 ultrafast bootstrap replicates (Hoang et al. 2018). The GTR+G4+F model was selected by ModelFinder 2 (Kalyaanamoorthy et al. 2017) according to the corrected Akaike Information Criterion (AICc).

Table 2.

Samples used in the molecular study.

Species Voucher number Accession number Location
M. angusta MW970280
M. bicruris EX_1 PP135569 Mengla, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan
EX_2 PP135570
M. bisignata SY_1 PP135579 Dabie Mountain, Huanggang, Hubei
SY_3 PP135580 Tangkou, Huangshan, Anhui
SY_4 PP135581 Jinyun Mountain, Beibei, Chongqing
SY_5 PP135582 Huangtangxi, Quanzhou, Fujian
SY_6 PP135583 Yinshan Park, Jinxiu, Guangxi
SY_7 PP135584 Mangshan Forest Park, Hunan
SY_8 PP135585 Liupan, Jinhua, Zhejiang
SY_9 PP135586 Huanglong Mountain, Lushan, Jiangxi
SY_10 PP135587 Fanjing Mountain, Tongren, Guizhou
SY_11 (F) PP135588 E’mei Mountain, Leshan, Sichuan
M. bisphaerica sp. nov. SP1 PP135563 Shengtang Mountain, Jinxiu, Guangxi
Q5_34 (F) PP135562
M. caudata WB_3 PP135610 Meizi Lake, Pu’er, Yunnan
M. concava AY_1 PP135572 Diaoluo Mountain, Lingshui, Hainan
AY_3 (F) PP135574
AY_4 PP135575
AY_2 PP135573 Menglun, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan
AY_5 PP135576 Maogan, Baoting, Hainan
M. cuspidata MW970300
M. deltodonta ZT_3 PP135609 Dawei Mountain, Pingbian, Yunnan
M. deltodonta ZT_3 MW970295 Dawei Mountain, Pingbian, Yunnan
M. disparilis MW970290
M. forcipata sp. nov. HD_3 PP135604 Golden Gully, Zhaoqing, Guangdong
SHD_1 PP135605
SP8 (F) PP135606
M. limbata MW970281
M2 (F) PP135607 Dushan, Qiannan, Guizhou
M. mckittrickae MS_3 PP135612 Diaoluo Mountain, Lingshui, Hainan
M. multipunctata DB_1 (F) PP135566 Menglun, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan
DB_2 (F) PP135567
DB_3 PP135568
M. nimbata KY349658
M. parabisignata sp. nov. SY_2 PP135600 Limu Mountain, Qiongzhong, Hainan
SP4 PP135598
SP5 (F) PP135599
M. paratransversa MW970262
M. pedata sp. nov. NZ_3 (F) PP135564 Nabang, Yinjiang, Yunnan
NZ_4 (F) PP135565
M. perspicillaris M7 PP135578 Yinggeling, Baisha, Hainan
H_2 PP135577
M. semicircularis sp. nov. CY_7 PP135595 Baishaogou, Zunyi, Guizhou
SP9 PP135596
SP10 (N) PP135597
M. speciosa HL_3 PP135571 Libo, Qiannan, Guizhou
M. spinifera CY_1 PP135589 Diaoluo Mountain, Lingshui, Hainan
CY_2 PP135590
CY_3 PP135591 Wuyi Mountain, Wuyishan, Fujian
CY_4 PP135592 Dayao Mountain, Jinxiu, Guangxi
CY_6 PP135593 Menglun, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan
M1 (F) PP135594 Maolan National Forest Park, Guizhou
M. spinifera M1 (F) KY349639 Maolan National Forest Park, Guizhou
M. spinosa DC_1 (F) PP135611 Wuzhi Mountain, Wuzhishan, Hainan
M. transversa MW970264
M. trispinosa SC_3 (F) PP135614 Butterfly Valley, Honghe, Yunnan
M4 PP135613
M. undulata sp. nov. SP_2 PP135602 Jinyun Mountain, Beibei, Chongqing
Q1_29 PP135601
SP6 (F) PP135603
Balta vilis KT279743
Mantis religiosa KM29415
Sorineuchora nigra MF612149

We used a molecular species delimitation method (ABGD: Puillandre et al. 2012) to delimit Margattea species based on COI sequences. ABGD, compared to GMYC and bPTP, provides more conservative estimates, which did not overestimate the number of entities (Puillandre et al. 2012; He et al. 2021). For ABGD, the analysis result was displayed on a web interface ( The default parameters were used except for the relative gap width set at 1.0 and using the Jukes-Cantor (JC69) distance.


Morphological species delimitation based on external morphology

Combining the external morphological character, we identified 22 morphospecies of Margattea from a large number of samples collected, including three new species, M. pedata Li & Che, sp. nov., M. undulata Li & Che, sp. nov., and M. bisphaerica Li & Che, sp. nov. (Fig. 1A).

Figure 1. 

Maximum likelihood (ML) tree and species delimitation of Margattea based on COI sequence. Branches labels are bootstrap support percentage. Colored bars indicate different species delimitation by different methods A morphology (pink) B ABGD results (blue).

Molecular phylogeny and species delimitation based on COI

In this study, we acquired 105 COI sequences of Margattea representing 22 morphospecies of Margattea. The ML phylogenetic tree showed that samples (including males, females, and nymphs) of the same morphospecies form monophyletic groups, although most of the nodes did not have high bootstrap values (Fig. 1). 24 molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs) were delimited by ABGD (Fig. 1B).

Establishment of three new cryptic species based on molecular data and male genitalia

Eighteen of 22 morphological species were well supported by the ABGD result. M. angusta Wang, Li, Wang & Che, 2014 and M. mckittrickae Wang, Che & Wang, 2009 were considered as one MOTU. He et al. (2021) found some stable morphological differences between the two species, although the genetic distance between them was only ~ 5%. M. spinifera Bey-Bienko, 1958, M. bisignata Bey-Bienko, 1970, and M. paratransversa He & Wang, 2021 were all divided into two MOTUs. These results suggest that it was insufficient and challenging to distinguish the specimens of Margattea only based on the external morphological characters. Therefore, we examined the male genitalia of M. spinifera, M. bisignata, and M. paratransversa carefully. For M. spinifera, the left end of the accessory sclerite of samples CY_7 and SP9 is trigonate (Fig. 2B), while that of samples CY_1, CY_2, CY_3, CY_4, CY_6, KY349628, MW970274, KY349636, KY349639 and MW970278 is expanded with fuzz (Fig. 2A). For M. bisignata, the left phallomere of samples SY_2 and SP4 has a short spiny process (Fig. 2D), while that of samples SY_1, SY_3, SY_4, SY_5, SY_6, SY_7, SY_8, SY_9, SY_10, MW970310, MW970317, MW970315, KY349596, KY349607, KY349603 and KY349604 had a long spine process (Fig. 2C). For M. paratransversa, the apex of median phallomere of samples HD_3 and SHD_1 is enlarged and forceps-shaped (Fig. 2F), while that of samples MW970262 and MW970263 has a slightly curved spine (Fig. 2E). In conclusion, three cryptic new species, M. parabisignata Li & Che, sp. nov., M. semicircularis Li & Che, sp. nov., and M. forcipata Li & Che, sp. nov., are discovered mainly based on the male genitalia with the help of the molecular data.

Figure 2. 

A M. spinifera Bey-Bienko, 1958, median phallomere, dorsal view (CY_2) B M. semicircularis Li & Che, sp. nov., median phallomere, dorsal view (CY_7) C M. bisignata Bey-Bienko, 1970, left phallomere, dorsal view (SY_3) D M. parabisignata Li & Che, sp. nov., left phallomere, dorsal view (SY_2) E M. paratransversa He & Wang, 2021, subgenital plate and median phallomere, dorsal view (MW970262) F M. forcipata Li & Che, sp. nov., subgenital plate and median phallomere, dorsal view (SHD_1). Scale bars: 0.5 mm.


Margattea Shelford, 1911

Margattea Shelford, 1911: 155. Type species: Blatta ceylanica Saussure, 1868; by monotypy. Rehn 1931: 302; Bey-Bienko 1938: 121; Bey-Bienko 1950: 145; Princis 1969: 862; Roth 1989: 207; Roth 1991: 980; Wang et al. 2009: 51; Liu and Zhou 2011: 936; Wang et al. 2014: 31; He et al. 2021: 121.

Kuchinga Hebard, 1929: 41. Type species: Phyllodromia longealata Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1898; by selection. Hanitsch 1931: 392. Synonymized by Bey-Bienko 1938: 121. Princis 1969: 862.

Theganosilpha Kumar & Princis, 1978: 33. Type species: Theganopteryx perspicillaris Karny, 1915; by monotypy. Asahina 1979: 119. Synonymized by Roth 1989: 207.

Molestella Bruijning, 1948: 74. Type species: Phyllodromia molesta Brunner von Wattenwyl & Bruijning, 1948; by monotypy. Princis 1969: 803. Synonymized by Roth 1991: 980.

Margattina Bey-Bienko, 1958: 675. Type species: Margattina trispina Bey-Bienko, 1958. Synonymized by Liu et Zhou 2011: 936.


Body small, usually yellowish brown. Interocellar distance slightly wider than the distance between eyes, narrower than the distance between antennal sockets. The fifth maxillary palp expanded, the third and fourth palpi both longer than the fifth palp. Pronotum subelliptical, broader than long, the disc usually with symmetrical maculae and stripes. Tegmina and hind wings fully developed, mostly both extending beyond the end of abdomen. Tegmina with M and CuA radial, M straight with 4–7 branches. Hind wings with ScP and RA expanded at apex, CuA with 4–6 complete branches. Anteroventral margin of front femur Type B2 or B3. Four proximal tarsomeres with pulvilli. The pretarsi with arolium, tarsal claws symmetrical and specialized, with minute denticles on ventral margins. Eighth abdominal tergum usually specialized, with a tuft of setae in the middle near posterior margin. Supra-anal plate usually short and transverse, paraprocts similar and flaky. Cerci long, with setae on the ventral surface. Male subgenital plate symmetrical or slightly asymmetrical. Styli symmetrical and cylindrical, rarely asymmetrical or non-cylindrical. Male genitalia. Left phallomere small, irregularly bone-shaped, mostly with spine-like process. Median phallomere slender, rod-shaped, the apex irregular and variable; accessory sclerite complicated, generally arched. Hook phallomere on right side, apex usually curved inwards.

Differential diagnosis

The genus Margattea is supposedly closely related to Chorisoserrata (Wang et al. 2023) and morphologically similar to Balta, but Margattea could be distinguished from Chorisoserrata and Balta by the following characteristics. The genus Margattea can be distinguished from Balta (Asia, Africa, and parts of Oceania) by the following characteristics: 1) anteroventral margin of front femur Type B2 or B3, in contrast to C2 (but rarely B3) in Balta; 2) the tarsal claws symmetrical and specialized, but in the latter, the tarsal claws asymmetrical and unspecialized.

The genus Margattea can be distinguished from Chorisoserrata (parts of Asia and Indonesia) by the following characteristics: 1) anteroventral margin of front femur Type B2 or B3, in contrast to C2 (but rarely B3) in Chorisoserrata; 2) eighth abdominal tergum usually specialized, with a tuft of setae in the middle near posterior margin; while in the latter, abdominal terga unspecialized.

Key to species of Margattea from China

1 Tegmina not extending beyond the end of abdomen 2
Tegmina extending beyond the end of abdomen 3
2 Tegmina reaching the middle of abdomen M. hemiptera Bey-Bienko, 1958
Tegmina extending beyond the middle of the abdomen but not reaching the end of abdomen M. perspicillaris (Karny, 1915)
3 Pronotum without maculae M. immaculata Liu & Zhou, 2011
Pronotum with maculae 4
4 The distance between eyes narrow, nearly half of interocellar distance M. angusta Wang, Li, Wang & Che, 2014
The distance between eyes wide, wider than half of interocellar distance 5
5 Anteroventral margin of front femur Type B3 6
Anteroventral margin of front femur Type B2 15
6 Interstylar region nearly truncate, not produced 7
Interstylar region obviously produced 9
7 Styli conical 8
Styli foot-shaped M. pedata Li & Che, sp. nov.
8 Median phallomere with three spinelike sclerites M. trispinosa (Bey-Bienko, 1958)
Median phallomere with small spines M. mckittrickae Wang, Che & Wang, 2009
9 The trailing edge of interstylar region curls upward M. furcata Liu & Zhou, 2011
The trailing edge of interstylar region no curls upward 10
10 Interstylar margin semicircular produced 11
Interstylar margin not semicircular produced 12
11 Left phallomere with two small spines M. semicircularis sp. nov.
Left phallomere with three spine-like processes M. spinifera Bey-Bienko, 1958
12 Two sides of interstylar protrusion curled 13
Two sides of interstylar protrusion not curled 14
13 Interstylar region convex fishtail-shaped M. caudata He & Wang, 2021
Interstylar region convex irregular M. disparilis He & Wang, 2021
14 Accessory sclerite with a bristle brush at right apex M. cuspidata He & Wang, 2021
Accessory sclerite without a bristle brush at right apex M. flexa Wang, Li, Wang & Che, 2014
15 Head dark brown or reddish brown 16
Head yellowish brown 17
16 Styli dissimilar M. pseudolimbata Wang, Li, Wang & Che, 2014
Styli similar M. limbata Bey-Bienko, 1954
17 Pronotal disc with white maculae M. multipunctata Wang, Che & Wang, 2009
Pronotal disc with brown maculae 18
18 Interstylar region concave 19
Interstylar region not concave 20
19 Styli symmetrical, conical M. concava Wang, Che & Wang, 2009
Styli asymmetrical, the left shorter than the right M. bisphaerica Li & Che, sp. nov.
20 Eighth abdominal tergum unspecialized 21
Eighth abdominal tergum specialized 22
21 Posterior margin of supra-anal plate with sharp protrusions M. producta Wang, Che & Wang, 2009
Posterior margin of supra-anal plate without sharp protrusions M. punctulata (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893)
22 Interstylar region with triangular protrusion M. deltodonta He & Wang, 2021
Interstylar region without triangular protrusion 23
23 Left phallomere without rodlike structure 24
Left phallomere with rodlike structure 25
24 Apex of median phallomere with sparse brush-like structure composed of similar spines M. bisignata Bey-Bienko, 1970
Apex of median phallomere with sparse brush-like structure composed of uneven spines M. parabisignata Li & Che, sp. nov.
25 Body overall length not greater than 9.0 mm 26
Body overall length greater than 12.0 mm 27
26 Median phallomere with spinelike sclerite M. nimbata (Shelford, 1907)
Median phallomere without spinelike sclerite M. spinosa Wang, Li, Wang & Che, 2014
27 Median phallomere with brush structure at apex 28
Median phallomere without brush structure at apex 29
28 Interstylar margin sinuate M. undulata Li & Che, sp. nov.
Interstylar margin not sinuate M. speciosa Liu & Zhou, 2011
29 Accessory sclerite of median phallomere with a transverse rod 30
Accessory sclerite of median phallomere without a transverse rod M. bicruris He & Wang, 2021
30 Apex of median phallomere enlarged, forceps M. forcipata Li & Che, sp. nov.
Apex of median phallomere with a curved long spine 31
31 Left phallomere with three spines M. paratransversa He & Wang, 2021
Left phallomere with four spines M. transversa He & Wang, 2021

Margattea pedata Li & Che, sp. nov.

Fig. 3A–O

Type material

Holotype : China • ♂; Yunnan Province, Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, Yingjiang County, Nabang Town; 282 m; 17 Aug. 2015; Xin-Ran Li, Zhi-Wei Qiu leg; SWU-B-PS000001. Paratypes: China • 1 ♂ & 1 ♀; same data as holotype; SWU-B-PS000002–000003 • 5 ♂ & 2 ♀; Yunnan Province, Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, Yingjiang County, Nabang Town; 282 m; 11 Jul. 2012; Dong Wang leg; SWU-B-PS000004–000010.


(mm). Male (n = 6), pronotum length × width: 2.4–2.7 × 3.4–3.7, tegmina length: 11.8–12.3, body length: 8.8–10.3, overall length: 13.2–13.7. Female (n = 4), pronotum length × width: 2.4–2.9 × 3.2–3.9, tegmina length: 11.2–11.6, body length: 10.9–12.8, overall length: 13.2–14.0.


Male. Coloration. Body pale yellow (Fig. 3A, B). Head yellowish brown. Face pale yellow. Interocular space with a wide brown transverse band. Ocellar spots white, interocellar space with a brown band. Antennal base pale yellowish brown, other segments dark brown (Fig. 3E). Maxillary palpi pale brown (Fig. 3J). Pronotal disc pale yellowish brown with reddish tan stripes, and two lateral borders pale linen-colored and transparent (Fig. 3F). Tegmina pale yellowish brown, hind wings brownish grey (Fig. 3G, H). Legs faint yellow. Abdomen yellowish brown, with black stripes along lateral margins of sterna and reaching the end of abdomen; both sides of each abdominal sternum with one small black spot on the inside of the longitudinal lines (Fig. 3B). Cerci yellowish brown to pale brown (Fig. 3L). Styli yellowish white (Fig. 3N).

Figure 3. 

Margattea pedata Li & Che, sp. nov. A, B, E–O male C, D female A holotype, dorsal view B holotype, ventral view C paratype, dorsal view D paratype, ventral view E pronotum, dorsal view F head, ventral view G tegmen, ventral view H hind wing, ventral view I eighth abdominal tergum, ventral view J maxillary palpi segments 3–5 K front femur, ventral view L supra-anal plate, ventral view M left phallomere, ventral view N subgenital plate and median phallomere, ventral view O hook phallomere, ventral view. Scale bars: 5 mm (A–D, G, H); 1 mm (E, F, I–L, N); 0.5 mm (M, O).

Head. Vertex slightly exposed, interocellar distance slightly wider than the distance between eyes, narrower than the distance between antennal sockets (Fig. 3F). Fifth maxillary palpus expanded, third and fourth maxillary palpi nearly equal in length, both longer than fifth maxillary palpus (Fig. 3J). Pronotum subelliptical, broader than long, anterior and posterior margins nearly straight, and postero-lateral angle blunt and round; disc with symmetrical spots and stripes (Fig. 3E). Tegmina and hind wings. Tegmina and hind wings fully developed, both extending beyond the end of abdomen (Fig. 3A, B). Tegmina with M and CuA radial, M straight with three complete branches and one incomplete branch. Hind wings with ScP and RA expanded at apex, M simple, without branches; CuA with four complete branches (Fig. 3G, H). Legs. Anteroventral margin of front femur Type B3 (Fig. 3K). Four proximal tarsomeres with pulvilli. The pretarsi with arolium, tarsal claws symmetrical and specialized, with minute denticles on ventral margins.

Abdomen and genitalia. Eighth abdominal tergum specialized, with a heart-shaped transparent area and a tuft of bristles in the middle (Fig. 3I). Supra-anal plate symmetrical, middle posterior margin slightly concave. Paraprocts simple, similar, and flaky (Fig. 3L). Cerci long, with setae on the ventral surface (Fig. 3L). Styli similar, foot-shaped (Fig. 3N). Subgenital plate nearly symmetrical, posterior margin truncate (Fig. 3N). Left phallomere small, irregular bone-shaped, with a long spine (Fig. 3M). Median phallomere slender rod-shaped, with base curved, apex with a row of spines; accessory sclerite I arched, accessory sclerite II complicated with an inverted bell-shaped structure covered with fuzz (Fig. 3N). Hook phallomere on the right side, apex curved inwards with a short spine (Fig. 3O).

Female. Similar to the male (Fig. 3C, D).


This species is similar to M. speciosa Liu & Zhou, 2011 in general appearance, but can be differentiated from the latter by the following characters: 1) styli foot-shaped, while in the latter conical; 2) left phallomere with a long, curved spine, absent in the latter; and 3) accessory sclerite I without a brush-like structure at apex, while in the latter, accessory sclerite I with a brush-like structure at apex.


The specific epithet is derived from the Latin word pedatus, referring to the foot-shaped styli.


China (Yunnan).

Margattea bisphaerica Li & Che, sp. nov.

Fig. 4A–O

Type material

Holotype : China • ♂; Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Laibin City, Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County, Mountain Shengtang; 1182 m; 5 Jun. 2014; Shun-Hua Gui, Xin-Ran Li leg; SWU-B-PS000011. Paratypes: China • 3 ♂ & 1 ♀; same data as holotype; SWU-B-PS000012–000015 • 1 ♂; Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Laibin City, Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County, Mountain Shengtang; 400 m; 13 Jul. 2015; Lu Qiu, Qi-Kun Bai leg; SWU-B-PS000016.


(mm). Male (n = 6), pronotum length × width: 2.3–2.5 × 3.0–3.4, tegmina length: 11.8–12.5, body length: 9.8–11.6, overall length: 13.8–14.9. Female (n = 2), pronotum length × width: 2.3–2.5 × 3.3, tegmina length: 10.7–11.4, body length: 10.3–11.0, overall length: 13.8–13.9.


Male. Coloration. Body brown (Fig. 4A, B). Head and face yellowish brown. Interocular space with a wide brown transverse band. Ocellar spots yellowish white, interocellar space with a brown band. Antennae blackish brown, antennal space with a brown band (Fig. 4F). Maxillary palpi dark brown (Fig. 4J). Pronotal disc pale brown with dark brown spots and maculae but without stripes, and two lateral borders pale linen-colored and transparent (Fig. 4E). Legs yellowish brown. Tegmina pale yellowish brown, hind wings brownish grey (Fig. 4G, H). Abdomen pale brown. Cerci brown (Fig. 4L). Styli yellowish brown (Fig. 4N).

Figure 4. 

Margattea bisphaerica Li & Che, sp. nov. A, B, E–O male C, D female A holotype, dorsal view B holotype, ventral view C paratype, dorsal view D paratype, ventral view E pronotum, dorsal view F head, ventral view G tegmen, ventral view H hind wing, ventral view I eighth abdominal tergum, ventral view J maxillary palpi segments 3–5 K front femur, ventral view L supra-anal plate, ventral view M left phallomere, ventral view N subgenital plate and median phallomere, ventral view O hook phallomere, ventral view. Scale bars: 5 mm (A–D, G, H); 1 mm (E, F, I–K, N); 0.5 mm (L, M, O).

Head. Vertex slightly exposed, interocellar distance slightly much wider than the distance between eyes, narrower than the distance between antennal sockets (Fig. 4E). Pronotum subelliptical, broader than long, anterior and posterior margins nearly straight, and postero-lateral angle blunt and round; disc with symmetrical but irregular spots and maculae (Fig. 4F). Fifth maxillary palpus expanded, third and fourth maxillary palpi both longer than fifth maxillary palpus (Fig. 4J). Tegmina and hind wings. Tegmina and hind wings fully developed, both extending beyond the end of abdomen (Fig. 4A, B). Tegmina M and CuA radial, M straight with six complete branches. Hind wings with ScP and RA expanded at apex, M simple, without branches; CuA with four complete branches (Fig. 4 G, H). Legs. Anteroventral margin of front femur Type B2 (Fig. 4K). Four proximal tarsomeres with pulvilli. The pretarsi with arolium, tarsal claws symmetrical and specialized, with minute denticles on ventral margins.

Abdomen and genitalia. Eighth abdominal tergum specialized, with a tuft of bristles in the middle (Fig. 4I). Supra-anal plate symmetrical, anterior margin straight and truncate, the middle of posterior margin slightly concave. Paraprocts simple, similar, and flaky. Cerci long, with setae on the ventral surface (Fig. 4L). Subgenital plate asymmetrical. Styli dissimilar and spherical, the left stylus significantly smaller than the right stylus (Fig. 4N). Left phallomere small, irregular bone-shaped, with a slender curved spine (Fig. 4M). Median phallomere slender rod-shaped, with a curved spine at apex; accessory sclerite I arched, left end expanded, right end with a cluster of thorns; accessory sclerite II brush-shaped; accessory sclerite III slender rod-shaped (Fig. 4N). Hook phallomere on the right side, apex curved hook-shaped (Fig. 4O).

Female. Similar to the male. Subgenital plate symmetrical, middle posterior margin concave inward (Fig. 4C, D).


This species is similar to M. concava Wang, Che & Wang, 2009 in general appearance, but can be differentiated from the latter by the following characters: 1) styli dissimilar and spherical, the left stylus significantly smaller than the right stylus; while in the latter, styli similar and conical; 2) left phallomere with a slender curved spine, absent in the latter.


The specific name is derived from the Latin words, bi and sphaericus, referring to the dissimilar and spherical styli.


China (Guangxi).

Margattea undulata Li & Che, sp. nov.

Fig. 5A–O

Type material

Holotype : China • ♂; Chongqing City, Beibei District, Mountain Jinyun; 550 m; 12 Jul. 2016; Lu Qiu, Zhi-Wei Qiu leg; SWU-B-PS000017. Paratypes: China • 10 ♂ & 1 ♀; same data as holotype; SWU-B-PS000018–000028 • 2 ♂ & 1 ♀; Chongqing City, Jiangjin District, Mountain Simian; 425 m; 21 Sep. 2007; Wei-Wei Zhang leg; SWU-B-PS000029–000031 • 1 ♂ & 1 ♀; Chongqing City, Liangping District, Dongshan Forest Park; 2 Oct. 2007; Wei-Wei Zhang leg; SWU-B-PS000032–000033.


(mm). Male (n = 4), pronotum length × width: 2.4–2.9 × 3.6–3.8, tegmina length: 12.8–13.6, body length: 10.4–12.1, overall length: 14.9–16. Female (n = 4), pronotum length × width: 2.3–2.5 × 3.3, tegmina length: 10.7–11.4, body length: 10.3–11.0, overall length: 13.8–13.9.


Male. Coloration. Body, head and face yellowish brown (Fig. 5A, B). Interocular space with a brown transverse band. Ocellar spots small, yellowish white. Antennal base yellowish brown, other segments black-brown. The third and fourth maxillary palpi yellowish brown, the fifth palpus maxillary blackish brown (Fig. 5J). Pronotal disc yellowish brown with reddish tan spots and stripes, and two lateral borders pale linen-colored and transparent (Fig. 5E). Legs yellowish brown, with black spots at the base of the tibial spines. Tegmina yellowish brown, hind wings brownish grey (Fig. 5G, H). Abdomen yellowish brown, both sides of each abdominal sternum with one small round black spot on the inside of the longitudinal lines. Cerci yellowish brown (Fig. 5L). Styli pale yellow (Fig. 5N).

Figure 5. 

Margattea undulata Li & Che, sp. nov. A, B, E–O male C, D female A holotype, dorsal view B holotype, ventral view C paratype, dorsal view D paratype, ventral view E pronotum, dorsal view F head, ventral view G tegmen H hind wing I eighth abdominal tergum, ventral view J maxillary palpi segments 3–5 K front femur, ventral view L supra-anal plate, ventral view M left phallomere, ventral view N subgenital plate and median phallomere, ventral view O hook phallomere, ventral view. Scale bars: 5 mm (A–D, G, H); 1 mm (E, F, I–L, N); 0.5 mm (M, O).

Head. Vertex slightly exposed, interocellar distance slightly wider than the distance between eyes, narrower than the distance between antennal sockets (Fig. 5F). Pronotum subelliptical, broader than long, anterior and posterior margins nearly straight, and postero-lateral margin blunt and round; disc with symmetrical spots and stripes (Fig. 5E). Fifth maxillary palpus expanded, third and fourth maxillary palpi nearly equal in length, both twice as long as fifth maxillary palpus (Fig. 5J). Tegmina and hind wings. Tegmina and hind wings fully developed, both extending beyond the end of abdomen (Fig. 5A, B). Tegmina with M and CuA radial, M straight with seven complete branches. Hind wings with ScP and RA expanded at apex, M simple, without branches; CuA with four complete branches (Fig. 5G, H). Legs. Anteroventral margin of front femur Type B3 (Fig. 5K). Four proximal tarsomeres with pulvilli. The pretarsi with arolium, tarsal claws symmetrical and specialized, with minute denticles on ventral margins. Abdomen and genitalia. Eighth abdominal tergum specialized, with a tuft of setae near the distinctly concave middle posterior margin (Fig. 5I). Supra-anal plate symmetrical, anterior margin straight and truncate, posterior margin obtusely round. Paraprocts simple, similar and flaky. Cerci long, with setae on the ventral surface (Fig. 5L) Subgenital plate nearly symmetrical, anterior margin distinctly concave in the middle. Styli similar, slender; interstylar margin sinuate, left side with five or six small spines, right side with 5–7 small spines (Fig. 5N). Left phallomere small, irregular bone-shaped, with a small spine (Fig. 5M). Median phallomere slender rod-shaped, with a bristle brush at apex; accessory sclerite I arched, two ends enlarged, right end with a row of spines; accessory sclerite II with three lamellar structures with small spines; accessory sclerite III sickle-shaped (Fig. 5N). Hook phallomere on the right side, apex curved inwards with a short spine (Fig. 5O).

Female. Similar to the male but body and wings somewhat shorter (Fig. 5C, D).


This species is similar to M. flexa Wang et al., 2014 in general appearance, but can be differentiated from the latter by the following characters: 1) interstylar margin sinuate, left side with 4–6 small spines, right side with 4–7 small spines; while in the latter, interstylar margin strongly produced, whose lateral sides upturned and scattered with spines; 2) left phallomere irregular bone-shaped, without a small spine; while in the latter, left phallomere irregular bone-shaped, with two spines; 3) accessory sclerite II with three lamellar structures with small spines; while in the latter, accessory sclerite II with lamellar structure without small spines.


The specific name is derived from the Latin word undulatus, which refers to the sinuate interstylar margin.


China (Chongqing).

Margattea semicircularis Li & Che, sp. nov.

Fig. 6A–N

Type material

Holotype : China • ♂; Guizhou Province, Zunyi City, Suiyang County, Qingbantang Town, Baishao Ditch; 30 Jul. 2013; Xiu-Dan Wang leg; SWU-B-PS000034. Paratype: China • 1 ♂; same data as holotype; SWU-B-PS000035.


(mm). Male (n = 2), pronotum: length × width 2.3–2.5 × 3.0–3.4, tegmina length: 10.7–11.2, body length: 10.5–11.0, overall length: 12.9–13.2.


Male. Coloration. Body, head and face yellowish brown (Fig. 6A, B). Interocular space with a wide brown transverse band. Ocellar spots small, white, with brown spots beside them. Antennal base pale yellowish brown, other segments brown (Fig. 6D). Maxillary palpi dark brown (Fig. 6H). Pronotal disc yellowish brown with reddish tan spots and stripes, and two lateral borders pale linen-colored and transparent (Fig. 6C). Legs yellowish brown, with black spots at the base of the tibial spines. Tegmina pale yellowish brown, hind wings brownish grey (Fig. 6F, G). Abdomen yellowish brown, with black stripes along lateral margins of sterna and reaching the end of abdomen; both sides of each abdominal sternum with one small black spot on the inside of the longitudinal lines (Fig. 6B). Cerci yellowish brown (Fig. 6K). Styli pale yellow (Fig. 6M).

Figure 6. 

Margattea semicircularis Li & Che, sp. nov. A–N male A holotype, dorsal view B holotype, ventral view C pronotum, dorsal view D head, ventral view E eighth abdominal tergum, ventral view F tegmen, ventral view G hind wing, ventral view H maxillary palpi segments 3–5 I front femur, ventral view J Left phallomere, dorsal view K supra-anal plate, ventral view L median phallomere, ventral view M subgenital plate, ventral view N hook phallomere, ventral view. Scale bars: 5 mm (A, B, F, G); 1 mm (C–E, H, I, K–M); 0.5 mm (J, N).

Head. Vertex slightly exposed, interocellar distance wider than the distance between eyes, narrower than the distance between antennal sockets (Fig. 6C, D). Pronotum subelliptical, broader than long, anterior and posterior margins nearly straight, and postero-lateral angle blunt and round; disc with symmetrical spots and stripes (Fig. 6C). Maxillary palpi slender, fifth maxillary palpus expanded, third and fourth maxillary palpi nearly equal in length, both longer than fifth maxillary palpus (Fig. 6H). Tegmina and hind wings. Tegmina and hind wings fully developed, both extending beyond the end of abdomen (Fig. 6A, B). Tegmina with M and CuA radial, M straight with seven complete branches. Hind wings with ScP and RA expanded at apex; M simple, without branches; CuA with five complete branches (Fig. 6F, G). Legs. Anteroventral margin of front femur Type B3 (Fig. 6I). Four proximal tarsomeres with pulvilli. The pretarsi with arolium, trsal claws symmetrical and specialized, with minute denticles on ventral margins.

Abdomen and genitalia. Eighth abdominal tergum specialized, with a heart-shaped transparent area and a tuft of bristles in the middle (Fig. 6E). Supra-anal plate symmetrical, anterior margin straight and truncate, the middle of posterior margin slightly produced. Paraprocts simple, similar, and flaky. Cerci long, setae on the ventral surface (Fig. 6K). Subgenital plate nearly symmetrical, anterior margin slightly concave in the middle. Styli similar, conical; interstylar margin strongly semicircular produced, both sides with spines (Fig. 6K). Left phallomere small, irregular, bone-shaped, with two small spines (Fig. 6J). Median phallomere curved hook rod-shaped, with a row of spines at apex. Accessory sclerite I arched, two ends enlarged, left end trigonate, right end with a row of spines; accessory sclerite II long transverse (Fig. 6L, M). Hook phallomere on the right side, apex curved inwards with a short spine (Fig. 6N).


This species is similar to M. spinifera Bey-Bienko, 1958a in general appearance, but can be differentiated from the latter by the following characters: 1) left phallomere with two small spines; while the latter, left phallomere with three spine-like processes; 2) accessory sclerite I arched, left end trigonate; while in the latter, accessory sclerite I arched, left end expanded with fuzz; 3) accessory sclerite II long transverse, and with two lamellar structures with a row of spines, while in the latter, without other accessory sclerites.


The scientific name is derived from the Latin word semicircularis, which indicates the interstylar margin has a semicircular protrusion.


China (Guizhou).

Margattea parabisignata Li & Che, sp. nov.

Fig. 7A–O

Type material

Holotype : China • ♂; Hainan Province, Qiongzhong Li and Miao Autonomous County, Mountain Limu; 600 m; 16 May. 2015; Xin-Ran Li, Zhi-Wei Qiu leg; SWU-B-PS000036. Paratypes: China • 2 ♂ & 1 ♀; same data as holotype; SWU-B-PS000037–000039 • 7 ♂ & 3 ♀; Hainan Province, Qiongzhong Li and Miao Autonomous County, Mountain Limu; 600 m; 16 May. 2015; Xin-Ran Li, Zhi-Wei Qiu leg; SWU-B-PS000040–000049.


(mm). Male (n = 7), pronotum length × width: 2.2–2.8 × 3.0–3.6, tegmina length: 11.3–12.2, body length: 10.1–11.1, overall length: 13.0–14.0. Female (n = 5), pronotum length × width: 2.2–2.8 × 3.0–3.6, tegmina length: 10.7–11.4, body length: 9.6–11.7, overall length: 12.9–13.7.


Male. Coloration. Body pale yellowish brown (Fig. 7A, B). Head yellowish brown. Face pale yellow. Interocular space with a brown transverse band. Ocellar spots yellowish white (Fig. 7F). Antennal base pale yellow, other segments yellowish brown. The third and fourth maxillary palpi yellowish brown, the fifth maxillary palpus brown (Fig. 7J). Pronotal disc pale yellowish brown with reddish tan spots but without stripes, and two lateral borders pale linen-colored and transparent (Fig. 7E). Legs faint yellow, with black spots at the base of the tibial spines. Tegmina yellowish brown, hind wings brownish grey (Fig. 7G, H). Abdomen pale yellow, with black stripes along lateral margins of sterna and reaching the end of abdomen. Cerci pale yellow to yellowish brown (Fig. 7L). Styli yellowish brown (Fig. 7N).

Figure 7. 

Margattea parabisignata Li & Che, sp. nov. A, B, E–O male C, D female A holotype, dorsal view B holotype, ventral view C paratype, dorsal view D paratype, ventral view E pronotum, dorsal view F head, ventral view G tegmen, ventral view H hind wing, ventral view I eighth abdominal tergum, ventral view J maxillary palpi segments 3–5 K front femur, ventral view L supra-anal plate, ventral view M left phallomere, ventral view N subgenital plate and median phallomere, ventral view O hook phallomere, ventral view. Scale bars: 5 mm (A–D, G, H); 1 mm (E, F, I–L, N); 0.5 mm (M, O).

Head. Vertex slightly exposed, interocellar distance wider than the distance between eyes, narrower than the distance between antennal sockets (Fig. 7F). Pronotum subelliptical, broader than long, anterior and posterior margins nearly straight, and postero-lateral angle blunt and round; disc with symmetrical spots but without stripes (Fig. 7E). Fifth maxillary palpus expanded, third and fourth maxillary palpi nearly equal in length, both longer than fifth maxillary palpus (Fig. 7J). Tegmina and hind wings. Tegmina and hind wings fully developed, both extending beyond the end of abdomen (Fig. 7A, B). Tegmina with M and CuA radial, M straight with seven complete branches. Hind wings with ScP and RA expanded at apex, M simple, without branches; CuA with four complete branches (Fig. 7G, H). Legs. Anteroventral margin of front femur Type B2 (Fig. 7K). Four proximal tarsomeres with pulvilli. The pretarsi with arolium, tarsal claws symmetrical and slightly specialized, with minute denticles on ventral margins.

Abdomen and genitalia. Eighth abdominal tergum specialized, with a sparse tuft of bristles in the middle (Fig. 7I). Supra-anal plate symmetrical, the middle of anterior margin slightly concave, posterior margin arcuate produced with setae. Paraprocts simple, similar and flaky, obtuse at apex and each with a spiniform process at the base (Fig. 7L). Subgenital plate nearly symmetrical, anterior margin distinctly concave in the middle, left and right margins both produced in the middle, posterior margin truncate. Styli similar, conical. Cerci long, with setae on the ventral surface (Fig. 7N). Left phallomere large, irregular, bone-shaped, and with spines processes, apex curved upwards with rod-like structure (Fig. 7M). Median phallomere slender rod-shaped, apex with sparse brush-like structure composed of spines of various sizes; accessory sclerite I arched; accessory sclerite II with a lamellar structure with small spines (Fig. 7N). Hook phallomere on the right side, apex curved inwards with a short spine (Fig. 7O).

Female. Similar to the male (Fig. 7C, D).


This species is similar to M. bisignata Bey-Bienko, 1970 in general appearance, but can be differentiated from the latter by the following characters: 1) left phallomere with a short spiny process; the latter with a long spine process; 2) median phallomere apex with sparse brush-like structure composed of spines of varying sizes; while in the latter, median phallomere curved at apex, sheet-like, and with brush-shaped structure.


The species name parabisignata reflects its similarity to M. bisignata Bey-Bienko, 1970.


China (Hainan).

Margattea forcipata Li & Che, sp. nov.

Fig. 8A–O

Type material

Holotype : China • ♂; Guangdong Province, Zhaoqing City, Fenghuang Town, Jiukeng River, Gold Ditch; 3 Jul. 2015; Zhi-Wei Qiu, Yong-Quan Zhao leg; SWU-B-PS000050. Paratypes: China • 6 ♂ & 1 ♀; same data as holotype; SWU-B-PS000051–000057 • 1 ♂; Guangdong Province, Zhaoqing City, Fenghuang Town, Jiukeng River, Lakeside Villa; 4 Jul. 2015; Zhi-Wei Qiu, Yong-Quan Zhao leg; SWU-B-PS000058.


(mm). Male (n = 4), pronotum length × width: 2.4–2.6 × 3.2–3.4, tegmina length: 10.5–11.5, body length: 10.4–10.8, overall length: 13.1–13.4. Female (n = 2), pronotum length × width: 2.5–2.7 × 3.4–3.6, tegmina length: 11.1–11.5, body length: 10.6–10.7, overall length: 13.4–13.7.


Male. Coloration. Body, head and face yellowish brown (Fig. 8A, B). Interocular space with a wider brown transverse band. Ocellar spots big and white (Fig. 8F). Antennal base pale yellow, other segments yellowish brown to brown. Maxillary palpi yellowish brown (Fig. 8J). Pronotal disc yellowish brown with dark brown spots and maculae, and two lateral borders pale linen-colored and transparent (Fig. 8E). Legs yellowish brown, with black spots at the base of the tibial spines. Tegmina pale yellowish brown, hind wings transparent, brownish grey (Fig. 8G, H). Abdomen yellowish brown, with black stripes along lateral margins of sterna and reaching the end of abdomen; both sides of each abdominal sternum with one small round black spot on the inside of the longitudinal lines. Cerci yellowish brown (Fig. 8L). Styli yellowish white (Fig. 8N).

Figure 8. 

Margattea forcipata Li & Che, sp. nov. A, B, E–O male C, D female A holotype, dorsal view B holotype, ventral view C paratype, dorsal view D paratype, ventral view E pronotum, dorsal view F head, ventral view G tegmen, ventral view H hind wing, ventral view I eighth abdominal tergum, ventral view J maxillary palpi segments 3–5 K front femur, ventral view L supra-anal plate, ventral view M left phallomere, ventral view N subgenital plate and median phallomere, ventral view O hook phallomere, ventral view. Scale bars: 5 mm (A–D, G, H); 1 mm (E, F, I–L, N); 0.5 mm (M, O).

Head. Vertex slightly exposed, interocellar distance wider than the distance between eyes, narrower than the distance between antennal sockets (Fig. 8F). Pronotum subelliptical, broader than long, anterior and posterior margins nearly straight, and postero-lateral angle blunt and round; disc with symmetrical irregular spots and maculae (Fig. 8E). Fifth maxillary palpus expanded, third and fourth maxillary palpi both longer than fifth maxillary palpus (Fig. 8J). Tegmina and hind wings. Tegmina and hind wings fully developed, both extending beyond the end of abdomen (Fig. 8A, B). Tegmina with M and CuA radial, M straight with six complete branches. Hind wings with ScP and RA expanded at apex, M simple, without branches; CuA with four complete branches (Fig. 8G, H). Legs. Anteroventral margin of front femur Type B2 (Fig. 8K). Four proximal tarsomeres with pulvilli. The pretarsi with arolium, tarsal claws symmetrical and specialized, with minute denticles on ventral margins.

Abdomen and genitalia. Eighth abdominal tergum specialized, with a tuft of bristles in the middle (Fig. 8I). Supra-anal plate symmetrical, anterior margin straight and truncate, posterior margin produced, slightly concave in the middle. Paraprocts simple, similar, and flaky. Cerci long, setae on the ventral surface (Fig. 8L). Subgenital plate nearly symmetrical, anterior margin slightly concave in the middle. Styli similar, slender, conical; interstylar margin irregular produced (Fig. 8N). Left phallomere complex, irregular bone-shaped, with a long spine and three small spines (Fig. 8M). Median phallomere slender rod-shaped, with a forceps-shaped apex. Accessory sclerite I arched; accessory sclerite II with a transverse rod with denticulate (Fig. 8N). Hook phallomere on the right side, apex slightly curved inwards with a short spine (Fig. 8O).

Female. Similar to the male.


This species is similar to M. transversa He & Wang, 2021 in general appearance, but can be differentiated from the latter by the following characters: 1) left phallomere with a long spine; the latter with three long spine-like processes; 2) median phallomere with a forceps-shaped apex; while in the latter, median phallomere apex with a curved spine.


The specific name forcipatus, derived from Latin, refers to the median phallomere with a forceps-shaped apex.


China (Guangdong).


The intraspecific and interspecific genetic distances are considerably high in Margattea (Suppl. material 1). The maximum intraspecific genetic distance in this genus (6.6%) existed in two samples of M. bisignata, namely SY_1 and SY_7, which showed high similarity in external and genital morphology and were considered conspecific. The interspecific genetic distance (4.8%–33.1%) is much larger than that of other cockroach groups (Blattellidae: Episymploce: 6.9%–9.2%; Blattellidae: Blattella: 6.7% (Che et al. 2017); Blaberidae: Cyrtonotula: 10.6%–13.7% (Wang et al. 2021); Blattidae: Periplaneta: 9.9%–13.1% (Luo et al. 2023)). According to recent dating estimates, Episymploce and Periplaneta diverged from their sister-groups approximately 50 and 40 Ma, respectively, whereas Margattea approximately diverged from its sister clade 100 Ma (Liu et al. 2023). We speculate that the large intrageneric genetic distances of COI in Margattea may be associated with the deep divergence of this genus.

In this study, we initially determined three morphospecies, namely “M. spinifera”, “M. bisignata”, and “M. paratransversa”, whose individuals are almost indistinguishable. In contrast, these morphospecies are each divided into two MOTUs in molecular species delimitation. We hence examined the male genitalia of different samples from each of these morphospecies and found differences in the accessory sclerite I of “M. spinifera” (Fig. 2A, B), the left phallomere of “M. bisignata” (Fig. 2C, D), and the median phallomere of “M. paratransversa” (Fig. 2E, F). With the assistance of male genitalia examination, these MOTUs were determined as different species. This also occurs in other genera in Blattodea, where large genetic distances among closely related species might occur despite small differences in external morphology (Bai et al. 2018; Han et al. 2022; Zhu et al. 2022). Nine Cryptocercus species were extremely similar in external morphology, five of which could be distinguished according to chromosome number and female genital characteristics. The other four species could not be distinguished solely based on chromosome number and female genital characteristics, but they could be distinguished by combining these with molecular species definition (Bai et al. 2018). Anaplecta omei Bey-Bienko, 1958b could be distinguished from the other three species with very similar external morphology by molecular species definition and female genitalia characteristics (Zhu et al. 2022). Pseudoeupolyphaga simila (Qui, 2022) was extremely similar to Pseudoeupolyphaga yunnanensis (Chopard, 1922) in external morphology, but they could be distinguished by combining female genitalia characteristics, oothecae characteristics, and molecular species definition (Han et al. 2022). In Blattodea and even the insect community, there is an increasing occurrence of closely resembling morphologies that do not necessarily belong to the same species. It is no longer possible to determine species only by morphological characteristics; it is also necessary to recognize species from various aspects, e.g., endosymbionts, cytological characteristics, and ecological characteristics.


We would like to express gratitude to all specimen collectors, as well as Xiu-Dan Wang, Xin-Ran Li, Zhi-Wei Qiu, Shun-Hua Gui, Qi-Kun Bai, Yong-Quan Zhao, and Lu Qiu who provided the information about field observations. We are especially grateful to Wen-Bo Deng, Yi-Shu Wang, and Xin-Xing Luo for their suggestions. We also sincerely thank Fred Legendre and Zuzana Varadínová for their valuable suggestions on our manuscript.

Additional information

Conflict of interest

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Ethical statement

No ethical statement was reported.


This study is supported by a Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (2022FY202100) and the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (No. 32070468, 32170458, and 31872271).

Author contributions

Qianqian Li: Data curation (equal); methodology (lead); visualization (equal); writing – original draft (lead); writing – review and editing (equal). Wenwen Yao: Data curation (equal); visualization (supporting); writing – review and editing (supporting); Ke Zhang: Data curation (equal); visualization (supporting);Zongqing Wang: Funding acquisition (equal); methodology (supporting); project administration (equal); supervision (equal); writing – review and editing (equal); Yanli Che: Funding acquisition (equal); project administration (equal); supervision (equal); writing – review and editing (equal).

Author ORCIDs

Qian-Qian Li

Zong-Qing Wang

Yan-Li Che

Data availability

All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text or Supplementary Information.


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Supplementary material

Supplementary material 1 

Interspecific and intraspecific genetic distances

Author: Qian-Qian Li

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