Research Article |
Corresponding author: Bo Liu ( ) Academic editor: Gunnar Brehm
© 2024 Bo Liu, Dieter Stüning.
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Liu B, Stüning D (2024) Review of the genus Prochasma Warren (Geometridae, Ennominae, Boarmiini), with description of a new species from Hainan, South China. ZooKeys 1190: 303-317.
The few already published generic features of the genus Prochasma Warren, 1897 are reviewed and new-found characters are added to make the generic description more comprehensive. A new species, Prochasma diaoluoensis Liu & Stüning, sp. nov. is described from Hainan Province, China. It is the only Prochasma species found on this island and exceptional for its conspicuous pattern, vivid coloration and some morphological characters not observed in other species before. Descriptions and illustrations of adults, their venation, and male and female genitalia are presented. An identification key and an annotated checklist of all presently known species of Prochasma are provided. In addition, a DNA barcode sequence is given for the new species, and preliminary phylogenetic estimations of the genus Prochasma are discussed.
Checklist, COI, key, male genitalia, morphology, P. diaoluoensis sp. nov., taxonomic history, taxonomy
The genus Prochasma, now belonging to the tribe Boarmiini in the subfamily Ennominae, was erected by
Recently, many specimens of Prochasma have been collected on Hainan Island, China, which could be confirmed as new to science and will be described here.
All specimens of the new species were collected by light traps on Hainan Island, S. China and currently are deposited in
Coconut Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Wengchang, China (CRICATAS). For long-term preservation, most of the type specimens of the new species, including the holotype, will be transferred to the
Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (
Terminology for wing venation followed the Comstock-Needham System (
Genomic DNA was extracted from the legs of dried adult specimens and the barcode fragments were amplified using primers pairs: LCO-1490 and HCO-2198 (
Prochasma Warren, 1897, Novit. zool. 4: 81. Type species: Prochasma mimica Warren, 1897.
The genus Prochasma Warren currently comprises a total of eight species, including the newly described species presented in this study. These species are united by an apomorphic character, a tuft of well-developed, basally narrow, distally broad and curved, upright scales with metallic gloss on the posterior part of mesothorax in both sexes. This character is unique and distinguishes Prochasma from other genera of the tribe Boarmiini, though curved, light-reflecting scales also occur in a number of other geometrid groups; however, these scales are not arranged as an upright brush and other characters such as antennae, transverse lines, fovea (present), venation, male and female genitalia etc. are quite different. There is no genus comparable in size and pattern known to us, with which Prochasma could be confused.
A generic description was provided, besides the original description by
General appearance. Tiny ennomine moths, wingspan 18–25 mm, forewing length: male 10–15 mm, female 11–16 mm, with colourful, yellow, white and black pattern, medial zone of forewings dark in most species. Head. Male antennae bipectinate, rami arising from basal end of each segment, dorsally unscaled, densely ciliate ventrally, apical one-third of flagellum non-pectinate; female antennae filiform (not “fasciculate”, as mentioned by
Male genitalia. Uncus triangular, base broad, lateral sides almost straight or slightly rounded, with short setae dorsally, apex short and pointed or more or less narrowly elongated and pointed. Gnathos with strong lateral arms, central part strong, elongate rectangular, with rounded tip. Juxta broad, plate-like, sclerotized, with distal incision in some species or rectangular, with apex slightly narrowed. Saccus strong, triangularly more or less extended, tip rounded. Valvae elongated, parallelogram-shaped in some of the species, sclerotized costa not reaching the weak, narrowed distal part of valvae, which is covered with a moderate to weak cucullus, which is reaching widely basad. Tip of valvae rounded, rarely dorsal margin deeply excavated more basally and carrying a tuft of long, modified setae (so far only found in the new species described below). Ventral margin of valvae at 2/3 to 3/5 length with a short, tooth-like process (i.e., distal process of sacculus). The latter is built as a narrow, sclerotized band along ventral margin of valva and may sometimes be weak or even not visible; distal tooth-like process is variable in size and may rarely be short or almost absent. Basal part of valve lamina less setose and more or less membranous, bordered distally by an oblique, sclerotized ridge. Aedeagus short and stout, vesica containing a single massive cornutus, with significant variations of size and shape between different species, an important specific character.
Female genitalia. Ovipositor short, papillae anales narrow, tapering, covered with short setae. A needle-like sclerite, found between the bases of posterior apophyses in two species so far, may also turn out to be a generic feature. Anterior apophyses distinctly shorter than posterior apophyses, the latter almost double in length. Introitus bursae funnel-shaped, often large, slightly sclerotized. Colliculum absent (
: male, China, Hainan Province, Lingshui, Diaoluoshan, 922 m, 20.IV.2023, Bo Liu leg. DNA barcode CRICATAS00001 (CRICATAS/
Prochasma diaoluoensis is distinguished from its congeners by the following characteristics: 1) Valvae with a deep excavation on dorsal side near apex, basally adjacent a brush of modified setae present, absent in other species (
Forewing length
: male 12.2–13.2 mm; female 12.9–13.6 mm. Head. Antennae bipectinate on basal two-thirds in males, rami long, length of longest rami about 9 times the diameter of the flagellum segments, filiform in females. Frons not protruding, covered with short scales, upper half pale, lower half dark. Labial palpus curved upwards beyond frons, covered with intermingled, dark and pale scales and longer hair-scales. Vertex with pale scales, a few dark scales near antennae. Thorax. Patagia and tegulae with lamellar, dark and pale scales, with longer, dark hair-scales on tegulae only, ventrally thorax covered with pale yellow hair-scales. Legs slender, pale, chequered black, hind tibia slightly dilated, with a pale scent brush in males. Forewings with apex angled, termen smoothly curved, without fovea in males. Hindwing with apex rounded. Wings yellow, covered with extensive black scales. Fringes with alternating yellow and smaller black parts. Forewing yellow, with distinct dark markings. Antemedial and postmedial lines both appear as consisting of a few black denticles or dots between M1 and CuA2, bordered by a broad, white band. In females, the denticles are more tooth-like. Submarginal line white, very fine, zigzag-shaped. Area between M3 and CuA1 appears as a yellow, horizontal band, with or without a few small black spots. Discal dot oval, black, faintly visible. Dark band on inner side of postmedial line of hindwing narrow, reaching from discal dot to inner margin. Dark band on outside broader, the width variable between individuals, slightly broader in females. Submarginal line visible, intermittent, weaker in hindwings. Underside similar to upperside, but more blurry and paler. Venation (Fig.
Male genitalia. Uncus triangular, base broad, with short setae dorsally, apex very short, not narrowly elongated. Gnathos with strong lateral arms, central part strong, rectangular, with rounded tip. Juxta rectangular, sclerotized, apex slightly narrowed. Saccus V-shaped, slightly extended. Valvae elongated, apically narrowed ventrally, tip rounded, with a deep excavation on dorsal side. Valve lamina proximally membranous, distally densely covered with setae, without a typical cucullus, with an oblique, sclerotized ridge between both parts. A tuft of long, curved, modified setae, tubular at base, distally flattened, present dorsally near the apex of each valva. Costa straight, sclerotized, basally slightly broadened, distally not reaching tip of valva, ending at excavation. Sacculus sclerotized, distally with a short, tooth-like process, protruding from ventral margin of valva at ¾ of its length. Aedeagus cylindrical, apically broadly elongated and sclerotized on one side. Cornutus short, not stick-like, apex tapering, with bulbous base.
Female genitalia. Ovipositor short, papillae anales narrow, tapering towards apex, covered with short setae. Anterior apophyses short, about 2/3 length of posterior apophyses. A thin needle-like sclerite, roundly enlarged anteriorly, present between the bases of posterior apophyses. Lamella postvaginalis large, spoon-shaped. Introitus bursae funnel-shaped, slightly sclerotized. Posterior part of bursa elongated, membranous, distally roundly extended on right side; outside with a posteriorly funnel-shaped sclerotized structure formed by a broad sclerite which consists of lamellar plates folded three times, with unknown function (see Figs
Female genitalia of Prochasma diaoluoensis sp. nov. 10 paratype, gen. prep. no. CRICATAS00071 11–14 Close-ups of lamella postvaginalis, introitus bursae and posterior part of bursa 11 ventral view 12 dorsal view 13 lateral view from right side 14 lateral view from left side. Scale bars: 1 mm.
The specific name is derived from the type-locality, Diaoluoshan, Hainan Island, China.
China (Hainan).
A barcode sequence based on the COI (658 bp) was obtained from the holotype of P. diaoluoensis and submitted to BOLD Systems (BIN: BOLD: AFJ0024, Sample ID: CRICATAS00001, Process ID: CCLEP001-23). There are currently 14 (including the one for P. diaoluoensis) Prochasma-associated DNA barcoding records on BOLD Systems. Four of them are private and restricted to use only within BOLD Systems, and the remaining ten published records are available but contain nonidentifications and misidentifications. On the basis of the images of the specimens provided on BOLD, the locality information attached to the records and the provided barcode data, most specimens could be identified to species level. However, three species (P. mimica, P. dentilinea, P. parasqualida) are still not represented on BOLD, so a full phylogenetic analysis of the genus is not yet possible. However, based on the data currently available, the following preliminary conclusions can also be drawn: The neighbour-joining tree of Prochasma (Fig.
Genetic distances (p-distance) within and between species of the genus Prochasma.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | ||
1 | P. diaoluoensis-CRICATAS00001 | ||||||||||
2 | P. albimonilis-BC ZSM Lep 57402 | 6.8% | |||||||||
3 | P. albimonilis-BC ZSM Lep 57403 | 7.3% | 0.6% | ||||||||
4 | P. squalida-BC ZSM Lep 52239 | 7.4% | 7.8% | 7.8% | |||||||
5 | P. squalida-BC ZSM Lep 52240 | 7.8% | 7.8% | 7.4% | 0.3% | ||||||
6 | P. ? sasakiana-BIOUG12334-B09 | 7.3% | 7.8% | 8.2% | 7.6% | 7.6% | |||||
7 | P. ? sasakiana-BIOUG12334-C05 | 7.3% | 7.8% | 8.2% | 7.6% | 7.6% | 0.0% | ||||
8 | P. kishidana or nr.-BC ZSM Lep 69051 | 7.8% | 8.1% | 8.2% | 7.8% | 7.8% | 4.9% | 4.9% | |||
9 | P. kishidana-BIOUG12315-G07 | 7.6% | 7.3% | 7.5% | 8.2% | 8.2% | 5.6% | 5.6% | 3.3% | ||
10 | P. kishidana-BC ZSM Lep 07934 | 8.1% | 7.9% | 8.4% | 8.7% | 8.7% | 5.6% | 5.6% | 2.9% | 2.0% |
1 | Apical region of valva with excavation or incision on dorsal side | 2 |
– | Apical region of valva straight on dorsal side | 3 |
2 | Valva narrow, apex with a deep excavation dorsally, a brush of elongated, modified setae present near excavation; cucullus indistinct | P. diaoluoensis sp. nov. (Hainan) |
– | Valva and costa broad, dorsally near apex with deep incision between both | P. albimonilis (Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam) |
3 | Cornutus on vesica narrow, stick-like | 4 |
– | Cornutus on vesica not stick-like | 5 |
4 | Cornutus long, about half the length of aedeagus; dentate process on ventral margin of valva not prominent | P. mimica (India, Assam) |
– | Cornutus shorter than one-third of aedeagus in length; dentate process on ventral margin of valva prominent | P. kishidana (Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra) |
5 | Apex of uncus stout and short; dentate process on ventral margin of valva rather short | 6 |
– | Apex of uncus slightly elongated; dentate process on ventral margin of valva slightly longer | 7 |
6 | Valva narrow; tapering part of cornutus long; dentate process on ventral margin of valva conspicuous | P. squalida (Taiwan) |
– | Valva broad; tapering part of cornutus shorter; dentate process on ventral margin of valva hardly visible | P. parasqualida (Vietnam, Laos, Thailand) |
7 | Cornutus large, long, base not bulbous, tapering part less than one-third the length of cornutus, with short, acute tip | P. dentilinea (India, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam) |
– | Cornutus smaller, base bulbous, tapering part nearly half the length of cornutus | P. sasakiana (Borneo) |
Prochasma Warren, 1897, Novit. zool. 4: 81. Type species: Prochasma mimica Warren, 1897.
Prochasma mimica Warren, 1897, Novit. zool. 4: 81. Type-locality: Khasi Hills, India.
Boarmia flavisecta Hampson, 1898, unnecessary replacement name for Prochasma “minima” Hampson, nec Warren.
Only three specimens are known so far (collection of Natural History Museum, London).
Prochasma albimonilis
Prout, 1927, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 31 (4): 943. Type-locality: Htawgaw, Burma;
Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam.
Psilalcis dentilinea Warren, 1893, Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. (2): 431. Type-locality: Naga Hills, Sikkim, India.
Boarmia dentilinea:
Prochasma dentilinea:
India, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, SW. China (Han H. Beijing, pers. comm.).
Prochasma kishidana Sato, 2019, Tinea 25 (Suppl. 1): 138–149, figs 11–13 (adults of holotype and paratypes, males and female), 32, 38 (genitalia of male and female). Type-locality: Holzweg, Prapat, Sumatera Utara, N Sumatra, Indonesia.
Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo (Brunei, Sarawak), Sumatra.
Specimens from Borneo have earlier been treated as P. dentilinea Warren (
Prochasma parasqualida Sato, 2023, Tinea 26 (4): 379–385, figs 9–12 (adults of male holotype and female paratype), 16, 19 (male and female genitalia of syntypes). Type-locality: Ban Kalo, Phou Khoun, Luang Prabang, Laos.
Prochasma squalida:
Vietnam, Laos, Thailand.
Considered as conspecific with P. squalida in
Prochasma sasakiana Sato, 2019, Tinea 25 (Suppl. 1): 138–149. figs 14–16 (adults of male holotype and female paratypes), 33, 39 (genitalia of male and female). Type-locality: Trus Madi Mt, Sabah, Borneo.
Borneo (Sabah).
Occurring together with P. kishidana on Borneo.
Boarmia squalida Wileman, 1915, Entomologist 48: 282. Type-locality: “Arizan, Formosa” (Alishan, Taiwan, China).
Prochasma dentilinea:
Prochasma squalida Sato, 2019, Tinea 25 (Suppl. 1): 138–149, (stat. rev.), figs 4 (male, holotype), 17, 18 (male, female, Taiwan), 34, 41 (male and female genitalia).
China (Taiwan).
This species had been sunk as a synonym of Prochasma dentilinea by
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Rikio Sato, Niigata, Japan, for providing us with two of his recent articles, essential for the present paper. We also thank him for re-checking some species of Prochasma, not available to us, for uncertain morphological characters. The senior author would like to thank Jiexiong Fu, Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park, Lingshui, China, and Wei Yan, Coconut Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Wenchang, China, for their assistance in collecting specimens.
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
No ethical statement was reported.
This work was supported by the Hainan Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 321QN344) and the Key Research and Development Programs of Hainan Province (No. ZDYF2022XDNY214 and ZDYF2018136).
Conceptualization: BL. Resources: BL, DS. Writing – Original draft: BL. Writing – Review and Editing: BL, DS.
Bo Liu
Dieter Stüning
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text.