Research Article |
Corresponding author: Ying-Can Qin ( ) Corresponding author: Ya-Zhen Chen ( ) Corresponding author: Wei-An Deng ( ) Academic editor: Zhu-Qing He
© 2023 Ying-Can Qin, Jing Liu, Xiao-Dong Li, Ya-Zhen Chen, Wei-An Deng.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Qin Y-C, Liu J, Li X-D, Chen Y-Z, Deng W-A (2023) On the specific status of Scelimena spicupennis and a new record of S. discalis from China with mitochondrial genome characterization (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae). ZooKeys 1185: 83-104.
The genus Scelimena Serville (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) from China is reviewed. One species, Scelimena spicupennis Zheng & Ou, 2003 (China: Yunnan) is redescribed, and a new record of Scelimena discalis (Hancock, 1915) from China is given. An annotated identification key for Chinese species of the genus Scelimena is provided. Mitochondrial genes of S. spicupennis and S. discalis were sequenced and annotated. The sizes of the two sequenced mitogenomes are 17,552 bp (S. discalis), and 16,069 bp (S. spicupennis), respectively. All of the PCGs started with the typical ATN (ATT, ATC or ATG) or TTG codon and most ended with complete TAA or TAG codon, with the exception of the ND5 gene, which terminated with an incomplete T. The mitochondrial genomes for these two recorded species are provided, and the constructed phylogenetic tree supports their morphological taxonomic classification. The topology of the phylogenetic tree showed that three species of Scelimena were clustered into one branch and formed a monophyletic and a holophyletic group.
Mitochondrial, morphological systematics, Pygmy grasshopper, phylogenomics, Scelimenini, taxonomy, Tetrigoidea
The genus Scelimena Serville belongs to the subfamily Scelimeninae, tribe Scelimenini (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) with the type species Scelimena producta Serville, date. To date, the genus includes 23 known species distributed mainly in the Oriental biogeographical realm (
PR China is known to be inhabited by at least six Scelimena species, of which five have been assigned to a species group. These are (1) S. guangxiensis Zheng & Jiang, 1994 (S. bellula species group), (2) S. melli Günther, 1938a (S. bellula species group), (3) S. nitidogranulosa Günther, 1938b (S. bellula species group), (4) S. songkrana Zha & Wen, 2017 (S. discalis species group), (5) S. pyrroma Lao, Kasalo, Gao, Deng & Skejo, 2022 (S. producta species group), and (6) S. spicupennis Zheng & Ou, 2003. The original description of S. spicupennis was simple and inaccurate and because no further work was done on this species, it does not have a species group assignment.
Urgent systematic studies were therefore required to address the complex phylogeny of Scelimeninae. Emerging advances in sequencing technology and burgeoning strides in molecular biology have complemented the escalation of research interests in the study of the mitogenome of Scelimeninae. Earlier studies by
The current study aims to investigate two Scelimena species from China:
(1) Scelimena spicupennis Zheng & Ou, 2003, for which almost no data exist.
(2) Scelimena discalis (Hancock, 1915), for which this is the first record from China.
Detailed redescriptions, illustrations, and comparative analyses with closely related species are proffered for these species. Further, the study provides mitochondrial genomes for the identified species and exploits 13 protein-coding genes to construct phylogenetic trees of the related species via Bayesian inference (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML) methodologies.
Taxonomy follows Orthoptera Species File [OSF] (
Terminology of the pronotal projections follows Pushkar’s system (
FM frontomedial projection;
FL1 first frontolateral projections;
FL2 second frontolateral projections;
PM promedial projection;
MM1 first metamedial projection;
MM2 second metamedial projection;
MM3 third metamedial projection;
ML (ML1) first metalateral projections;
ML2 second metalateral projections;
ML3 third metalateral projections;
MML1 first metamediolateral projections;
MML2 second metamediolateral projections;
MML3 third metamediolateral projections;
VL ventrolateral projections.
Total genomic DNA was extracted from muscle tissues of the hind femur of each sample using the TIANamp Genomic DNA Kit (TIANGEN) and sent to Shanghai Yaen Biotechnology Co., Ltd. for high-throughput sequencing. Using the mitochondrial sequence of Scelimena melli (GenBank accession number: MW722938) as a seed, the mitochondrial genomes of the S. spicupennis and the S. discalis were assembled using NOVOPlasty 4.2 (
Fourteen specimens were used in the phylogenetic analysis, including the mitogenome newly obtained in this work and 10 other Tetrigidae mitogenomes from GenBank. Mitochondrial genomes of Mirhipipteryx andensis and Ellipes minuta from Tridactyloidea were selected as outgroups (Table
Species and Genbank accession numbers used in this study. Those in bold were generated in this work.
Superfamily / Subfamily /Tribe | Genus | Species | GenBank accession no. |
Scelimeninae | Zhengitettix | Zhengitettix curvispinus | MT162544 |
Scelimeninae | Falconius | Falconius longicornis | MT162543 |
Scelimenini (Scelimeninae) | Scelimena | Scelimena melli | MW722938 |
Scelimena discalis | OP057410 (this study) | ||
Scelimena spicupennis | OR333957 | ||
Discotettigini (Scelimeninae) | Paragavialidium | Paragavialidium sichuanense | MT162549 |
Paragavialidium hainanense | OP650112 | ||
Criotettigini (without subfamily placement) | Criotettix | Criotettix japonicus | MT162542 |
Thoradontini (without subfamily placement) | Eucriotettix | Eucriotettix oculatus | MT162546 |
Loxilobus | Loxilobus prominenoculus | MT162545 | |
Thoradonta | Thoradonta nodulosa | MT162547 | |
Thoradonta yunnana | OP650113 | ||
Tridactyloidea | Mirhipipteryx | Mirhipipteryx andensis | KM657340 |
Ellipes | Ellipes minuta | GU945502 |
Family Tetrigidae Rambur, 1838
Subfamily Scelimeninae Bolívar, 1887
Serville, 1838: 762;
Scelimena producta Serville, 1838, by monotypy.
Members of the genus Scelimena have the following characteristics: hind tibiae and the first segment of hind tarsi strongly lamellate; head not exserted; vertex generally wider than or equal to width of the compound eye, a little oblique or inclined anteriorly, extend up to the eyes in front, slightly depressed anteriorly; lateral carinulae lower to the eyes, inclined anteriorly and reflexed laterally, front margin sub-transverse and lower; frontal costa bifurcate between the paired ocelli, narrowly sulcate between paired ocelli and a little widely forked between antennae; paired ocelli placed below the middle rather than on the inferior margin of eyes. Antennae filiform and located below the inferior margin of eyes, Eyes globular and elevated above the vertex. Pronotum transverse anteriorly, subulate posteriorly and extend beyond the apices of hind femora; dorsum rugose, granulose, small tubercles present on the anterior margin below the eyes and also in between, generally distinct tubercles present on the shoulders and lateral margins, sometimes raised linear callosities present on pronotal process; paranota with two projections; posterior angles of lateral lobes of pronotum with a strong spine projecting outwards with its apex more or less directed forwards. Elytra elongate, punctate, apex narrowly rounded. Wings extend up to the apex of pronotum; fore and middle femora elongate, lobate with serrulate margins; posterior femora elongate, crassate, inferior margin frequently dentate; pulvilli of the first segment of hind tarsi more or less equal in length.
Scelimena Serville, 1838 is morphologically similar to the genera Euscelimena Günther, 1938b, Indoscelimena Günther, 1938b and Paragavialidium Zheng, 1994, as well as to the genera Paramphibotettix Günther, 1938b and Tagaloscelimena Günther, 1938b. Euscelimena, Indoscelimena, Paramphibotettix and Tagaloscelimena are Scelimenini, while Paragavialidium is Discotettigini. In Euscelimena, lack of FL2, dentate lower margin of the fore and middle femora. while in Scelimena, FL2 present on the anterior margin of pronotum below the eyes, the fore and middle femora lobate with serrulate margins. In Indoscelimena, the first segment of hind tarsi is more or less expanded but not lamellated; tubercles weakly developed on the anterior margin below the eyes and in front of the median carina of pronotum, but these are absent on humeral angles and lateral carinae of pronotum. In Scelimena, the first segment of hind tarsi with wide lamellar expansions; small tubercles present on the anterior margin of pronotum below the eyes, in front of the median carina of pronotum, on humeral angles and sometimes on the lateral carinae of pronotum also. In Paragavialidium, FM forms a distinct projection and the humeral angles of the pronotum project outwards. In Scelimena, FM is unrecognizable (except in S. spicupennis), the humeral angles of the pronotum not project outwards. In Paramphibotettix, the first segment of hind tarsi is more or less expanded but not lamellated. while in Scelimena, the first segment of hind tarsi with wide lamellar expansions. In Tagaloscelimena, the first segment of hind tarsi with slightly wide lamellar expansions; narrow vertex, lack of FL2. In Scelimena, the first segment of hind tarsi strongly lamellate, vertex generally wider than or equal to width of the compound eye, FL2 present on the anterior margin of pronotum below the eyes.
There are 23 species distributed in the tropics and subtropics of India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, China, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Palawan Isl., Philippines, Java, East Sumba, Sulawesi, Flores, and New Guinea with adjacent small islands (
1 | Vertex visibly wider than an eye. Shoulders with ML tubercles | 2 |
– | Vertex as wide as an eye or narrower. Shoulders smooth, without ML tubercles | 4 |
2 | Pronotum smooth, covered in dense granules and without protuberances and notches; lateral carina of pronotum with 1 to 3 pairs of projections (ML1, ML2, ML3), only in the humeral region | S. pyrroma Lao, Kasalo, Gao, Deng & Skejo, 2022 |
– | Pronotum coarse, its surface with protuberances and concavities; lateral carina of pronotum bearing a row of denticles, with more than 8 pairs of tubercles | 3 |
3 | Humeral angle arched; projections of pronotal disc indistinct behind the shoulders; teeth of margins of fore and mid femora indistinct | S. discalis (Hancock, 1915) |
– | Humeral angles distinctly obtusely angled; pronotum with two pairs of large humps behind the shoulders; teeth of margins of fore and mid femora distinct and large | S. songkrana Zha & Wen, 2017 |
4 | In dorsal view, pronotum with weakly triangular anterior margin; ventrolateral spine (VL) red | S. spicupennis Zheng & Ou, 2003 |
– | In dorsal view, pronotum with truncated anterior margin; VL not red | 5 |
5 | FM forming a triangular projection in lateral view; VL directed sidewards | S. guangxiensis Zheng & Jiang, 1994 |
– | FM unrecognizable in lateral view; VL directed forwards | 6 |
6 | Vertex as wide as a compound eye; in lateral view, the prozona of the pronotum very undulated; interhumeral carinae recognizable; pronotum dark brown with many yellow dots | S. melli Günther, 1938a |
– | Vertex visibly narrower than a compound eye; in lateral view, the prozona of the pronotum weakly undulated, almost flat; interhumeral carinae almost absent; pronotum dark brown | S. nitidogranulosa Günther, 1938b |
Eugavialidium discalis Hancock, 1915: 71; Fletcher, 1921: 7.
Scelimena discalis
(Hancock, 1915):
P. R. China: Guangxi: 4♂4♀, Duan, 18 August 2015, in
Female. Body large-sized for the genus. Body surface interspersed with coarse protuberances and notches.
Head. Head not exserted above the pronotal surface. The fastigium of the vertex short; in dorsal view, the width of the vertex between eyes 1.4–1.5× the width of a compound eye; the anterior margin of the fastigium nearly straight, not surpassing the anterior margin of the eye; median carina visible anteriorly; lateral margins slightly elevated; vertex uneven with paired fossulae. In lateral view, the frontal costa straight and invisible before the eyes, protruded anteriorly and broadly rounded between the antennal grooves. In the frontal view, the vertex with U-shaped concavity; the frontal costa bifurcated above lateral ocelli, the longitudinal furrow divergent between antennae, width of the longitudinal furrow of the frontal ridge much narrower than the antennal groove diameter. Antennae long, filiform, antennal grooves inserted far below inferior margins of compound eyes, 15-segmented 14-segmented: 1st large scapus, 2nd stout pedicel, 3rd – 6th elongated basal segments, 7th and 8th very elongated mid segments (~ 10.0–12.0× longer than its width), 9th – 11th long subapical segments, 12th – 14th reduced apical segments. Eyes globose, slightly exserted above the pronotal surface in lateral view. Lateral (paired) ocelli located in between inferior margins of compound eye height.
Thorax. Pronotum coarse, its surface granulose and with sporadic protuberances and concavities. The pronotum very long (macropronotal state), surpassing the apex of the hind tibiae. Disc of the pronotum gently depressed behind the prozona, slightly swollen between the humeral angles and depressed behind shoulders; bear low and short lineate tubercles between the humeral angles; the middle and posterior parts with sparse short carinae and protuberances and notches. In dorsal view, anterior margin of the pronotum truncated; extralateral projections anteriorly armed with strongly projected FL2, which are pale yellow; FM small, FL1 unrecognizable; anterior half of pronotal median carina entire and posterior half obscure; median carina depressed in front, swollen between sulci and behind the shoulders; lateral carinae in the prozona parallel; humeral angle arched, abbreviated carinae absent; external lateral carinae of pronotum behind the shoulders bear a series of yellowish white denticles (approximately eight or nine): ML strong tubercle directed outward, yellowish white, not spine-like; with a tubercle before ML, but smaller than ML; weak ML2 and ML3 on the external lateral carina behind ML. In profile, the anterior half of the median carina of the pronotum undulated and the posterior half straight; FM minute, PM minute and present as a weak and blunt elevation, MM1 distinct and blunt elevation. MML1 and MML2 small and recognizable, present as small elevations on the dorsum. The ventral margin of the lateral lobe of the pronotum finely serrated, curved forwards, VL strongly produced and sharp. Posterior margins of lateral lobes of pronotum with ventral sinus and tegminal (upper) sinus. Tegmina elongate, punctate, acuminate. Hind wings extend upto the apex of the hind pronotal process.
Legs. Fore and mid femora elongated and not compressed laterally; margins finely serrated, with carinated, with one or two indistinct teeth and slightly undulate; fore femora and mid femora equal in width, width of middle femora distinct narrower than the width of visible part of tegmina. Hind femora elongated, 3.4× as long as wide, dorsal margin finely serrated before the middle and after the middle with three distinct large teeth; antegenicular small and obtuse, genicular denticles small and acute; ventral margin with six or seven teeth. The hind tibia is slightly enlarged from the proximal to distal part, with margins finely serrated, outer side with one or two small spines, and the inner side with four small spines. Fore segment of the hind tarsus widened its width 1.1× the width of the mid femur. Length of the first segment of posterior tarsus longer than third, third pulvillus longer than first and second, apices of first and second acute, apices of third obtuse.
Abdomen. Ovipositor narrow and long, length of upper valvulae 4.5× its width, upper and lower valvulae with slender saw-like teeth. Length of subgenital plate longer than its width, posterior margin of subgenital plate with three teeth.
Coloration. Body dark brown or grey or greyish ferruginous. Antenna black, the area between segments pale. Nodules along the median carina of the pronotum are pale yellow. Tubercles of the external lateral carinae of the pronotum behind the shoulders and VL yellowish white. Fore and mid femora dark brown. Fore and middle tibiae are black, with a pale ring in the middle. The hind femur is dark brown with two or three yellow spots. The hind tibia is black, with two pale rings in the middle.
Male. Similar to females, but smaller and narrower. The width of the vertex between the eyes 1.3–1.5× the width of the compound eye; the outer side and the inner side of the hind tibia with 0–1 spine. Subgenital plate short, cone-shaped, apex bifurcated.
Length of body: ♂ 11.5–12.5, ♀ 18.5–19.0; length of pronotum: ♂ 23.0–24.5, ♀ 26.5–27.8; length of hind femur: ♂ 7.5–8.0, ♀ 9.0–9.7.
Northeast India (Assam), Thailand, and China (Fig.
Scelimena discalis is morphologically similar to S. gombakensis Muhammad, Tan & Skejo, 2018 from which it differs in dorsal and ventral margins of fore and mid femora with one or two teeth (dorsal and ventral margins of fore and mid femora without tooth in S. gombakensis); dorsal margin of hind femora after the middle with three distinct large teeth, ventral margin with six or seven teeth (dorsal and ventral margins of hind femora smooth in S. gombakensis).
Scelimena discalis is similar to S. songkrana Zha & Wen, 2017. It differs in that the humeral angle is arched (humeral angles distinctly obtusely angled in S. songkrana); projections of pronotal disc indistinct behind the shoulders (pronotum with two pairs of large humps behind the shoulders in S. songkrana); teeth of margins of fore and mid femora indistinct (teeth of margins of fore and mid femora distinct and large in S. songkrana).
Scelimena discalis is very similar to S. chinensis (Hancock, 1915) from Vietnam, which may be a synonym of S. discalis. There is a chance ‘S. chinensis’ will be found to be the Chinese ‘S. discalis’ in the future, but before the holotype of S. chinensis is examined, we retain the name ‘S. chinensis’ for this population.
Scelimena spicupennis
Zheng & Ou, 2003: 673;
4♂5♀, China, Yunnan prov., Mengla (Bubang), 21.628269 N, 101.612976 E, 710 m alt., 27–29 August 2022, collected by Lei Xin, Xiaodong Li and Linyuan Lu,
This species can be easily distinguished from other species of the genus by the dorsum of pronotum being all dark brown or black, and VL being red. It is morphologically similar to Scelimena bellula Storozhenko & Dawwrueng, 2015 from which it differs in FM forming a cylindrical projection in profile (FM unrecognizable in S. bellula); dorsum of pronotum is all dark brown or black (external lateral carinae of pronotum are yellow in S. bellula); dorsal margin of fore femora after the middle with one indistinct tooth and undulate (dorsal margin of fore femora smooth and straight in S. bellula); dorsal margin of hind femora with one large projection before antegenicular denticle (dorsal margin of hind femora smooth in S. bellula); sternites of thorax yellow, and sternites of abdomen reddish brown (sternites of thorax and abdomen are reddish brown in S. bellula). It is also similar to S. guangxiensis Zheng, 1993 but differs from the latter by the pronotum with triangular anterior margin in dorsal view (the pronotum with truncated anterior margin in dorsal view in S. guangxiensis); VL red (VL not red in S. guangxiensis); lateral spines of lateral lobes of pronotum directed forwards (lateral spines of lateral lobes of pronotum directed sidewards in S. guangxiensis); the dorsum of pronotum being all dark brown or black (median carina and discus of pronotum with many yellow dots in S. guangxiensis).
Scelimena spicupennis, female A head, frontal view B right fore femur, lateral view C right mid femur, lateral view D right hind femur, lateral view E right hind tibia, lateral view F right hind tibia, dorsal view G right posterior tarsus, lateral view H right posterior tarsus, dorsal view I subgenital plate of female, ventral view.
Female. Body large-sized for the genus. Body surface smooth. Head. Head not exserted above the pronotal surface. Fastigium of vertex short; in dorsal view, the width of the vertex between eyes is nearly equal to the width of compound eye (~ 0.9–1.1×); anterior margin of fastigium narrowly arcuate, not surpassing anterior margin of eye; median carina visible anteriorly; lateral margins turned backward; vertex uneven with paired fossulae. In lateral view, the frontal costa invisible before the eyes, protruded anteriorly and broadly rounded between antennal grooves. In the frontal view, the vertex with V-shaped concavity; the frontal costa bifurcated above lateral ocelli, the longitudinal furrow divergent between antennae, width of the longitudinal furrow of the frontal ridge very narrower than the antennal groove diameter. Antennae long, filiform, antennal grooves inserted slightly below inferior margins of compound eyes (upper margin of the antennal groove at level of inferior margin of the compound eye), 15-segmented, 14-segmented: 1st large scapus, 2nd stout pedicel, 3rd – 6th elongated basal segments, 7th and 8th very elongated mid segments (~ 10.0–12.0× longer than its width), 9th – 11th long subapical segments, 12th – 14th reduced apical segments. Eyes globose, slightly exserted above pronotal surface in lateral view. Lateral (paired) ocelli located slightly below the middle of compound eye height.
Thorax. Pronotum smooth, its dorsum and external lateral carinae without projection (except for FM, FL2 and an obscure tubercle before the shoulder). Pronotum very long (macropronotal state), surpassing much the apex of the hind tibiae. Disc of the pronotum is gently depressed between the prozona and behind the shoulders, the rest is flat. In dorsal view, pronotum with weakly triangular anterior margin; extralateral projections anteriorly armed with strongly projected FL2, which are yellow; FM small and recognizable, FL1 unrecognizable; median carina of the pronotum continuous from the anterior margin to the tip; lateral carinae in the prozona parallel and indistinct; humeral angle obtuse, abbreviated carinae absent; ML absent, external lateral carinae of metazona behind the shoulders smooth and without denticle. In profile, the anterior half of the median carina of pronotum undulated and the posterior half straight; FM small and cylindrical. The ventral margin of the lateral lobe of pronotum curved forwards, VL is strongly produced and sharp. Posterior margins of lateral lobes of pronotum with ventral sinus and tegminal (upper) sinus. Tegmina elongate, punctate, acuminate; visible part of the tegmen 3.0× as long as wide. Hind wings extend up to the apex of the hind pronotal process.
Legs. Fore and mid femora elongated and not compressed laterally; margins finely serrated, fore femora and mid femora equal in width; dorsal margin of fore femora after the middle with one indistinct tooth and undulate, ventral margin of fore femora straight; dorsal and ventral margins of mid femora slightly undulate, width of middle femora distinctly narrower than the width of the visible part of tegmen. Hind femora elongated, 4.0× as long as wide, dorsal margin and ventral margin finely serrated, dorsal margin with one inconspicuous projection before antegenicular denticle; antegenicular and genicular denticles small and obtuse. Hind tibia strongly widened at the tip, the margins smooth, and outer side and inner side without a spine. The fore segment of the hind tarsus widened its width 1.2× the width of the mid femur, dorsolaterally flattened and forming a swimming paddle. Length of the first segment of posterior tarsus longer than third, third pulvillus longer than first and second, apices of first and second acute, apices of third obtuse.
Abdomen. Ovipositor narrow and long, length of upper valvulae 4.7× its width, upper and lower valvulae with slender saw-like teeth. Length of subgenital plate longer than its width, posterior margin of subgenital plate with three teeth.
Coloration. Body dark brown or black. Antenna black, the area between segments pale. The dorsum of pronotum all dark brown or black; FL2 yellow; VL red. Fore femora and tibiae black; mid femora black, with two yellow spots. Hind femora black, outer dorsal side with two yellow spots. Hind tibia black. The first segment of the posterior tarsus brown. Sternites of thorax yellow, and sternites of abdomen reddish brown; subgenital plate brown.
Male. Similar to females, but smaller and narrower. Subgenital plate is short, cone-shaped, apex bifurcated, subgenital plate reddish brown.
Length of body: ♂ 13.5–14.0, ♀ 19.5–20.0; length of pronotum: ♂ 24.0–25.0, ♀ 30.5–31.6; length of hind femur: ♂ 8.5–9.0, ♀ 9.5–10.5.
Scelimena spicupennis is herewith assigned to the Scelimena bellula species group due to the dorsum of pronotum being very smooth without recognizable projections, similar to S. bellula and S. guangxiensis. Metalateral tubercles are absent. It is easily separated from other species of Scelimena bellula species group by larger FM and a large depression behind the shoulders of the pronotal disk.
The sizes of the two sequenced mitogenomes were 17,552 bp (Scelimena discalis) and 16,069 bp (Scelimena spicupennis). Two mitogenomes had the same gene arrangement and contained 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, two ribosomal RNA unit genes, and a noncoding region (A + T-rich regions). The sequence length, direction and codons of each gene in the mitochondrial genomes of the two Scelimena species are shown in Tables
Name | Strand | Anticodon | Start | Stop | Size(bp) | Ovl(-)/nc(+) | Codons |
tRNAIle | J | GAT | 1 | 66 | 66 | 0 | |
tRNAGln | N | TTG | 67 | 135 | 69 | -1 | |
tRNAMet | J | CAT | 135 | 201 | 67 | 1 | |
ND2 | J | 203 | 1216 | 1014 | -2 | ATC/TAA | |
tRNATrp | J | TCA | 1215 | 1280 | 66 | -8 | |
tRNACys | N | GCA | 1273 | 1335 | 63 | -1 | |
tRNATyr | N | GTA | 1335 | 1402 | 68 | -3 | |
COI | J | 1400 | 2938 | 1539 | -5 | ATC/TAA | |
tRNALeu2 | J | TAA | 2934 | 2997 | 64 | 0 | |
COII | J | 2998 | 3678 | 681 | 0 | ATG/TAA | |
tRNAAsp | J | GTC | 3679 | 3740 | 62 | 1 | |
tRNALys | J | CTT | 3742 | 3810 | 69 | 1 | |
ATP8 | J | 3812 | 3970 | 159 | -7 | ATG/TAA | |
ATP6 | J | 3964 | 4635 | 672 | -1 | ATG/TAA | |
COIII | J | 4635 | 5423 | 789 | -1 | ATG/TAA | |
tRNAGly | J | TCC | 5423 | 5485 | 63 | 0 | |
ND3 | J | 5486 | 5839 | 354 | -2 | ATT/TAG | |
tRNAAla | J | TGC | 5838 | 5900 | 63 | -1 | |
tRNAArg | J | TCG | 5900 | 5962 | 63 | 0 | |
tRNAAsn | J | GTT | 5963 | 6029 | 67 | 0 | |
tRNASer1 | J | GCT | 6030 | 6096 | 67 | 0 | |
tRNAGlu | J | TTC | 6097 | 6159 | 63 | -2 | |
tRNAPhe | N | GAA | 6158 | 6219 | 62 | 0 | |
ND5 | N | 6220 | 7945 | 1726 | 1 | ATG/T(AA) | |
tRNAHis | N | GTG | 7947 | 8008 | 62 | -1 | |
ND4 | N | 8008 | 9333 | 1326 | -7 | ATG/TAG | |
ND4L | N | 9327 | 9608 | 282 | 8 | ATG/TAA | |
tRNAThr | J | TGT | 9617 | 9680 | 64 | 0 | |
tRNAPro | N | TGG | 9681 | 9743 | 63 | 1 | |
ND6 | J | 9745 | 10245 | 501 | -1 | TTG/TAA | |
CytB | J | 10245 | 11384 | 1140 | -2 | ATG/TAG | |
tRNASer2 | J | TGA | 11383 | 11447 | 65 | 13 | |
ND1 | N | 11461 | 12402 | 942 | 0 | ATT/TAA | |
tRNALeu1 | N | TAG | 12403 | 12467 | 65 | -6 | |
rrnL | N | 12462 | 13734 | 1273 | 38 | ||
tRNAVal | N | TAC | 13773 | 13839 | 67 | -3 | |
rrnS | N | 13837 | 14574 | 738 | 0 | ||
CR | - | 14575 | 16069 | 1495 |
Name | Strand | Anticodon | Start | Stop | Size(bp) | Ovl(-)/nc(+) | Codons |
tRNAIle | J | GAT | 1 | 66 | 66 | 2 | |
tRNAGln | N | TTG | 69 | 137 | 69 | 7 | |
tRNAMet | J | CAT | 145 | 212 | 68 | 0 | |
ND2 | J | 213 | 1226 | 1014 | -2 | ATT/TAA | |
tRNATrp | J | TCA | 1225 | 1289 | 65 | -8 | |
tRNACys | N | GCA | 1282 | 1344 | 63 | 0 | |
tRNATyr | N | GTA | 1345 | 1411 | 67 | -3 | |
COI | J | 1409 | 2947 | 1539 | -5 | ATC/TAA | |
tRNALeu2 | J | TAA | 2943 | 3007 | 65 | 1 | |
COII | J | 3009 | 3683 | 675 | 4 | ATG/TAG | |
tRNAAsp | J | GTC | 3688 | 3748 | 61 | 1 | |
tRNALys | J | CTT | 3750 | 3817 | 68 | 2 | |
ATP8 | J | 3820 | 3978 | 159 | -7 | ATG/TAA | |
ATP6 | J | 3972 | 4643 | 672 | -1 | ATG/TAA | |
COIII | J | 4643 | 5431 | 789 | -1 | ATG/TAG | |
tRNAGly | J | TCC | 5431 | 5497 | 67 | 0 | |
ND3 | J | 5498 | 5851 | 354 | -2 | ATT/TAG | |
tRNAAla | J | TGC | 5850 | 5913 | 64 | -1 | |
tRNAArg | J | TCG | 5913 | 5973 | 61 | 0 | |
tRNAAsn | J | GTT | 5974 | 6039 | 66 | 0 | |
tRNASer1 | J | GCT | 6040 | 6105 | 66 | 0 | |
tRNAGlu | J | TTC | 6106 | 6169 | 64 | -2 | |
tRNAPhe | N | GAA | 6168 | 6229 | 62 | 0 | |
ND5 | N | 6230 | 7955 | 1726 | 1 | ATT/T(AA) | |
tRNAHis | N | GTG | 7957 | 8021 | 65 | -1 | |
ND4 | N | 8021 | 9346 | 1326 | -7 | ATG/TAG | |
ND4L | N | 9340 | 9624 | 285 | 4 | ATG/TAA | |
tRNAThr | J | TGT | 9629 | 9692 | 64 | 0 | |
tRNAPro | N | TGG | 9693 | 9757 | 65 | 1 | |
ND6 | J | 9759 | 10262 | 504 | -1 | TTG/TAA | |
CytB | J | 10262 | 11401 | 1140 | -2 | ATG/TAG | |
tRNASer2 | J | TGA | 11400 | 11464 | 65 | 12 | |
ND1 | N | 11477 | 12418 | 942 | 0 | ATT/TAA | |
tRNALeu1 | N | TAG | 12419 | 12482 | 64 | -23 | |
rrnL | N | 12460 | 13774 | 1315 | 3 | ||
tRNAVal | N | TAC | 13778 | 13845 | 68 | -2 | |
rrnS | N | 13844 | 14584 | 741 | 0 | ||
CR | - | 14585 | 17552 | 2968 |
The total length of 13 protein-coding genes of the two mitogenomes was the same (11,125 bp) in S. discalis and S. spicupennis (Tables
The nucleotide characteristics of the newly obtained mitochondrial genome sequence are shown in Tables
T% | C% | A% | G% | A+T% | AT-Skew | GC-Skew | |
Total | 27.64 | 19.47 | 41.57 | 11.32 | 69.21 | 0.201 | -0.265 |
PCGs | 37.06 | 17.58 | 29.65 | 15.72 | 66.70 | - 0.111 | -0.056 |
tRNA | 35.34 | 12.22 | 36.45 | 15.99 | 71.79 | 0.016 | 0.134 |
rRNA | 45.15 | 9.05 | 27.15 | 18.65 | 72.30 | -0.249 | 0.346 |
CR | 31.97 | 11.97 | 48.49 | 7.56 | 80.47 | 0.205 | -0.226 |
T% | C% | A% | G% | A+T% | AT-Skew | GC-Skew | |
Total | 27.75 | 19.13 | 42.98 | 10.15 | 70.73 | 0.215 | -0.307 |
PCGs | 37.62 | 16.59 | 30.05 | 15.74 | 67.67 | -0.112 | -0.026 |
tRNA | 35.80 | 12.00 | 36.43 | 15.77 | 72.23 | 0.009 | 0.136 |
rRNA | 46.94 | 8.41 | 26.85 | 17.80 | 73.78 | -0.272 | 0.358 |
CR | 30.76 | 14.49 | 48.28 | 6.47 | 79.043 | 0.222 | -0.383 |
Using the mitochondrial genomes of the Mirhipipteryx andensis and Ellipes minuta of Tridactyloidea as outgroups, phylogenetic trees were constructed using BI and ML methods based on the sequences of 13 protein-coding genes from the complete mitochondrial genomes of 12 species of Tetrigidae. The result of the phylogenetic trees, as presented in Fig.
Thanks to Professor Josip Skejo (University of Zagreb, Croatia) for his comments and suggestions.
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
No ethical statement was reported.
The project is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31960111, 32360124), Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi (No. 2023GXNSFDA026037, 2020GXNSFAA159116) and the High-level Innovation team and Outstanding Scholars Program of Guangxi Colleges and Universities.
Conceptualization: Wei-An Deng. Illustrations and measurements: Ying-Can Qin. Species identification: Wei-An Deng. Analysed the data: Jing Liu. Original draft writing: Ying-Can Qin; Ya-Zhen Chen; Wei-An Deng. Review and editing: Wei-An Deng, Xiao-Dong Li.
Ying-Can Qin
Jing Liu
Xiao-Dong Li
Ya-Zhen Chen
Wei-An Deng
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text.