Research Article |
Corresponding author: Romain Gastineau ( ) Academic editor: Bert W. Hoeksema
© 2023 Romain Gastineau, Przemysław Dąbek, Kamila Mianowicz, Valcana Stoyanova, Artur Krawcewicz, Tomasz Abramowski.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Gastineau R, Dąbek P, Mianowicz K, Stoyanova V, Krawcewicz A, Abramowski T (2023) Complete mitochondrial genome of the abyssal coral Abyssoprimnoa gemina Cairns, 2015 (Octocorallia, Primnoidae) from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, Pacific Ocean. ZooKeys 1183: 81-98.
The Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) in the tropical East Pacific is a region of interest for deep-sea mining due to its underwater deposits of polymetallic nodules containing economically important metals such as nickel, copper, and cobalt. It is also a region of extensive baseline studies aiming to describe the state of the environment, including the biodiversity of the benthic fauna. An abundant component of the abyssal plain ecosystem consists of sessile fauna which encrusts polymetallic nodules and are vulnerable to potential impacts arising from exploitation activities, particularly removal of substrate. Therefore, this fauna is often considered to have key species whose genetic connectivity should be studied to assess their ecological resilience. One such species is Abyssoprimnoa gemina Cairns, 2015, a deep-sea coral from the CCZ whose presence in the Interoceanmetal Joint Organization (IOM) claim area has been confirmed during samplings. In this study, we used next-generation sequencing (NGS) to obtain the 18S nuclear rRNA gene and the complete mitochondrial genome of A. gemina from IOM exploration area. The mitogenome is 18,825 bp long and encodes for 14 protein coding genes, 2 rRNAs, and a single tRNA. The two phylogeny reconstructions derived from these data confirm previous studies and display A. gemina within a highly supported cluster of seven species whose mitogenomes are all colinear and of comparable size. This study also demonstrates the suitability of NGS for DNA barcoding of the benthic megafauna of the CCZ, which could become part of the IOM protocol for the assessment of population diversity and genetic connectivity in its claim area.
Deep sea, environmental baseline studies, IOM, ISA, key species
The Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) is a large abyssal area beyond the national jurisdiction in the northern tropical part of the Pacific Ocean, west of Mexico and California and south-east of Hawaii, and governed by the International Seabed Authority (the ISA). This zone has been the area of scientific and industrial interest since the 1950s and is famous for the largest known deposits of polymetallic nodules—concretions containing various metals, including manganese, iron, copper, nickel, and cobalt (
Due to the growing interest in exploitation for nodules, an increasing number of sampling campaigns have been taking place in this area, all conducted under the legal framework of UNCLOS, the 1994 Agreement, and a set of Exploration Regulations of the ISA (in place since 2000;
The seafloor is inhabited by endemic species, with an increasing number being discovered and taxonomically described as exploration continues. A large majority of them represent invertebrates such as amphipods, annelids, or ophiuroids (e.g.
The CCZ seafloor is also home to an endemic species of deep-water coral, Abyssoprimnoa gemina Cairns, 2015 (
The eastern part of the CCZ is also where the Interoceanmetal Joint Organization exploration area (IOM claim area) is located (Fig.
Upper left: location of the IOM claim area in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, the Pacific Ocean (in orange) (; upper right: bathymetric map of the IOM claim area B1 and B2, with the location of the exploration block H22 in the B2 claimed area (delimited by red lines) and the location of 3515 sampling station (red dot with the number); bottom: a block diagram of seafloor relief in the exploration block H22 (red dot – location of 3515 sampling station).
Based on this method, the presence of A. gemina in the IOM claim area was suggested as early as in 2014 (Figs
During box-corer sampling, undisturbed seafloor sediment, and nodules were retrieved on board of the research vessel and all specimens of benthic mega-, macro-, and nodule fauna were sorted, photographed, registered, and then conserved in ethanol. Attempts were made to taxonomically identify each collected specimen on the basis of its morphology to the lowest level possible. This preliminary identification was planned to be complemented using molecular barcodes (one or more), such as the commonly used genes 18S (of the nuclear small subunit of the ribosomal RNA) or cox 1 (the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene).
Although initially not mandatory (ISBA/19/LTC/8), DNA barcoding of specimens from the key taxonomic group (i.e. in the recommendations limited to the representatives of megafauna size class) is currently included in the 2019 “Recommendations for the guidance of contractors for the assessment of the possible environmental impacts arising from exploration for marine minerals in the Area” (
Following these recommendations, IOM recently developed and implemented a DNA-barcoding protocol, which was first applied to the samples obtained during the two exploration campaigns in 2014 and 2019. Principally based on the amplification and sequencing of the two genes mentioned above (18S and cox1) on all specimens except large Foraminifera, the protocol also tries to use, whenever possible, next-generation sequencing (NGS).
Prior to the current study, there were six sequences of A. gemina in GenBank, all of them being partial genes. These sequences originated from two studies. The first one exemplifies the use of DNA barcoding on the CCZ benthic fauna with a focus on Cnidaria (
A specimen of A. gemina was sampled in the IOM area in 2014 and identified under a stereomicroscope a few years later based on the formal description by
The present article describes these findings and their comparison with existing references. The two phylogeny reconstructions derived from the mitogenome confirm the previous placement. The belonging of A. gemina to key species is introduced, and the interest of the intergenic regions of the mitogenome for population genetic studies on this species is discussed.
The specimen used in this study was sampled during the 2014 IOM cruise on 04/24/2014 at station 3515 (−119.7990, –11.1258), at 4241 m depth (Fig.
Photographs of the sea bottom (Figs
DNA was extracted using a DNeasy Blood & Tissue extraction kit from Qiagen from a 0.8 cm fragment of A. gemina. DNA was then sent to the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) in Shenzhen (China) where it was sequenced on a DNBSEQ platform. The 60 million 150-bp paired-end reads were assembled using SPAdes v. 3.15.5 (
Two phylogenetic analyses were conducted based on two recent works on octocorals (
The mitochondrial genome and the 18S gene were submitted to GenBank with accession numbers OR197546 and OR192930, respectively. The raw fasta sequence of the mitogenome and 18S gene, the annotated gbk file for the mitogenome, the alignments used for phylogeny and the complete trees in Newick format were deposited on Zenodo (
It was possible to retrieve the complete mitochondrial genome with redundant endings from the contigs file. However, for unknown reasons, the operon of nuclear rRNA appeared in several pieces that failed to merge. Thus, only the complete 18S gene (1,833 bp) was extracted from the contigs file and later deposited in GenBank (Accession number: OR192930).
The complete mitogenome is 18,825-bp long (GenBank: OR197546). It encodes for 14 protein coding genes, 2 rRNAs, and a single tRNA (Fig.
Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree obtained from an alignment of concatenated mitochondrial protein-coding genes of 185 taxa of octocorals. The subtree corresponds to a highly supported clade containing among other the family Primnoidae. The name of the families is indicated next to the brackets. The bootstrap values are indicated at the nodes, and the GenBank accession number of the sequence is indicated before the species name. The scale represents the number of substitutions per site.
Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree obtained from an alignment of 183 MutS encoded protein. The subtree corresponds to the highly supported clade containing among other the family Primnoidae. The name of the families is indicated next to the brackets. The bootstrap values are indicated at the nodes, and the GenBank accession number of the sequence is indicated before the species name. The scale represents the number of substitutions per site.
Comparison of the sequences of the mitochondrial PCG with the references from GenBank showed a complete identity. The sequences concerned were the partial cox1 (MG986971) and MutS (MG986922) genes. For what regards the partial mitochondrial 16S gene (KX384626), there were two polymorphisms found at the nine last base pairs of the 3' ending. There was a single indel in the 5' ending of sequence KX384618, differentiating it from the 18S complete gene obtained in the course of this study. Both sequences, however, differed from MG980108 by the presence of a 9-bp deletion at the 3' ending of the sequence.
As stated above, the mitogenomes of A. gemina and the other six Primnoidae species are colinear, clustering together in both phylogeny reconstructions. The size of the A. gemina mitogenome (18,825 bp) is slightly smaller compared to the other ones, which range between 18,838 bp for Narella hawaiiensis Cairns & Bayer, 2008 (
To our knowledge, A. gemina is so far only the second representative of the CCZ benthic fauna to have its mitochondrial genome sequenced. This can be easily accounted for by the scarcity and small sample sizes, as well as the difficulty to accurately identify them taxonomically. Due to the small size of most benthic macrofauna specimens, obtaining a sufficiently large amount of DNA might result in the destruction of large fragments of their colonies, which may be a problem when depositing voucher specimens. In addition, in the case of the IOM samples, it must be remembered that they had been kept in ethanol for seven years prior to DNA extraction, which could have jeopardized the outcome of the sequencing by lowering the quantity and quality of DNA to be used as a template for the preparation of the library.
During this study, we noticed that an NGS-based approach could be considered when the size of the specimen is large enough and belongs to a known species, even if the biological material is not fresh. In addition to the original aim of performing DNA barcoding on the CCZ samples for comparison with databases, we also obtained the complete mitogenome and obtained phylogeny reconstructions, which provide more evidence for the proximity between A. gemina and the genus Narella Gray, 1870, as already demonstrated by
As mentioned above, A. gemina was not the first organism from the CCZ benthos to be studied using NGS, as five years earlier the mitochondrial genome of the demosponge Plenaster craigi Lim & Wiklund, 2017 (
An additional interest of sequencing a complete mitogenome is that it also includes the non-coding parts. As stated above, the conservation of mitochondrial genes among Anthozoa is reputedly high, leading authors to deem them as less efficient for studies at the population level than the nuclear gene (
In addition, reads such as those obtained in the course of this study can also be processed through pipelines such as HybPiper (
During the exploration phase of the CCZ, the contractors are obliged to gather environmental data (describing the state of environment) to inform the baseline against which possible environmental impacts arising from exploration for marine minerals will be assessed (ISBA/25/LTC/6/Rev.2). Collecting information on “regional distribution of species and communities/assemblages as well as genetic connectivity of key and representative species” is one of the requirements imposed on the contractors by the regulator; however, there is no recommendation with respect to the criteria for identifying key species.
If we refer to existing works, P. craigi, the aforementioned species of demosponge found on polymetallic nodules, was proposed by
Abyssoprimnoa gemina shares at least two (or three if lecithotrophic larvae are confirmed) of these traits (in general coral larvae are considered lecithotrophic (
If A. gemina is to be later considered a key species, it will imply that further genetic investigations will have to be conducted on it, building on the current work. Depending on the results of the next IOM cruises, perhaps additional specimens of A. gemina will become available for sequencing. The other ISA contractors and members of the scientific community working on the CCZ could also participate to improve our knowledge on A. gemina from their own exploration area following the protocol described here.
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
No ethical statement was reported.
No funding was reported.
Conceptualization: RG. Funding acquisition: TA. Investigation: RG, TA, PD, KM, VS. Methodology: PD, RG. Project administration: TA, KM. Visualization: AK. Writing - original draft: RG. Writing - review and editing: VS, KM, PD, TA, AK.
Romain Gastineau
Przemysław Dąbek
Kamila Mianowicz
Tomasz Abramowski
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text.