Checklist |
Corresponding author: Hanno Schaefer ( ) Academic editor: Michael Ohl
© 2017 Julie A. Weissmann, Ana Picanço, Paulo A.V. Borges, Hanno Schaefer.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Weissmann JA, Picanço A, Borges PAV, Schaefer H (2017) Bees of the Azores: an annotated checklist (Apidae, Hymenoptera). ZooKeys 642: 63-95.
We report 18 species of wild bees plus the domesticated honeybee from the Azores, which adds nine species to earlier lists. One species, Hylaeus azorae, seems to be a single island endemic, and three species are possibly native (Colletes eous, Halictus villosulus, and Hylaeus pictipes). All the remaining bee species are most likely accidental introductions that arrived after human colonization of the archipelago in the 15th century. Bee diversity in the Azores is similar to bee diversity of Madeira and Cape Verde but nearly ten times lower than it is in the Canary Islands.
Apidae , Azores, Hylaeus azorae , Hymenoptera , pollination
The Azores are an archipelago of nine islands and several small islets which range in age from 5.5 million years for Santa Maria (
One of the reasons for the lack of pollinator studies in the Azores could be their difficult taxonomy and the challenge to identify wild bee species in the field. Our aim therefore is to provide a comprehensive up-to-date checklist of the bee species of the Azores and highlight characters suitable for field identification, without the need to collect the bee and examine e.g. the male genital apparatus or micropunctures on the scutum. We try to avoid jargon and complicated technical terms as much as possible to allow ecologists and botanists who are not experienced entomologists to identify all bees of the Azores to species- or at least genus-level. In this way, we hope to stimulate more research on bees and pollinators in general in the archipelago, in order to improve conservation management of endangered plants as well as fruit production.
To obtain a comprehensive species list, we combined observation data of almost two decades of fieldwork by all authors with a review of the available literature, discussions with many experts (see acknowledgements) and visits to the bee collections in Linz (Biology Center, Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum Linz) and Munich (Bavarian State Collection of Zoology, ZSM). Most of our field work was done on Corvo, Flores, Faial, Graciosa, Santa Maria, and Terceira, with occasional bee observations on the three remaining islands of the archipelago. We made thousands of bee observations during all these years but did not collect large numbers of voucher specimens. Instead, we just took a few selected individuals every year, often animals found dead on roadsides, in spider webs or in Japanese beetle traps (Azores Agriculture Services monitoring plan for Popillia japonica). These were identified using the latest morphological identification keys for Europe (e.g.,
For all species, except Apis mellifera, Bombus pratorum, Halictus lativentris, Hylaeus azorae, Megachile concinna, Megachile pyrenaica, and Osmia niveata, we used DNA barcoding to obtain some sort of molecular confirmation of the species identity. We extracted DNA from legs or the thorax of up to six dry or ethanol-preserved individuals per species using a NucleoSpin tissue kit (Macherey-Nagel, Germany) following the manufacturer’s protocol. Then we used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify c. 600 nucleotides of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene as described in
In total, we found evidence for occurrence of 18 wild bee species from seven genera (Anthidium, Bombus, Colletes, Halictus, Hylaeus, Megachile, and Osmia) and four families (Apidae, Colletidae, Halictidae, and Megachilidae) plus the domesticated honeybee Apis mellifera in the Azores. For 15 species, we have detailed photographs from the field in the Azores and for 17 species, at least one specimen from the Azores exists in our collections or in other public collections. For one species, Osmia niveata, we found only literature data (see species accounts for details).
We managed to produce COI sequence data for ten species, which we used for comparison with GenBank sequences, mostly those from the study of
ML phylogeny estimate of the bee species of the Azores archipelago based on 657 nucleotides of the COI gene; sequences of Azorean samples in red, those from other regions in black; the phylogeny is rooted on the Azorean invasive Vespula germanica; for sequences downloaded from GenBank, the accession numbers are given, for new Azorean sequences we give the collection number of TUM; the two species Megachile concinna and Hylaeus azorae are missing in the tree because of lack of material from the Azores for sequencing and lack of sequences from other sources.
The current state of knowledge regarding the distribution per island within the archipelago is shown in Table
Species list with distribution per island and presumed status in the archipelago.
Species | Corvo | Flores | Faial | Pico | Graciosa | S. Jorge | Terceira | S. Miguel | Sta. Maria | Status |
Anthidium manicatum (Linnaeus) | X | X | introduced | |||||||
Apis mellifera Linnaeus | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | domesticated |
Bombus pratorum (Linnaeus) | X | introduced | ||||||||
Bombus ruderatus (Fabricius) | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | probably introduced |
Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus) | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | probably introduced |
Colletes eous (Morice) | X | X | possibly native | |||||||
Halictus lativentris (Schenk) | X | X | probably introduced | |||||||
Halictus malachurus (Kirby) | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | probably introduced | |
Halictus minutissimus (Kirby) | X | X | X | probably introduced | ||||||
Halictus morio (Fabricius) | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | probably introduced | |
Halictus smeathmanellus (Kirby) | X | X | X | X | X | probably introduced | ||||
Halictus villosulus (Kirby) | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | possibly native |
Hylaeus azorae (Warncke) | X | endemic | ||||||||
Hylaeus pictipes (Nylander) | X | X | X | X | X | X | possibly native | |||
Hylaeus signatus (Panzer) | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | introduced | |
Megachile centuncularis (Linnaeus) | X | X | X | X | X | X | probably introduced | |||
Megachile concinna (Smith) | X | X | introduced | |||||||
Megachile pyrenaica Lepeletier | X | introduced | ||||||||
Osmia niveata (Fabricius) | ? | ? | doubtful |
Our current state of data with regards to foraging is summarized in Table
Bee species | Plant family |
Anthidium manicatum | Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae |
Bombus pratorum | Lamiaceae |
Bombus ruderatus | Aizoaceae, Asteraceae, Boraginaceae, Brassicaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Ericaceae, Fabaceae, Hydrangeaceae, Hypericaceae, Lamiaceae, Myrtaceae, Plantaginaceae, Polygonaceae, Primulaceae, Resedaceae, Rosaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Solanaceae, Tropaeolaceae, Verbenaceae, Zingiberaceae |
Bombus terrestris | Aizoaceae, Asteraceae, Boraginaceae, Brassicaceae, Campanulaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Ericaceae, Frankeniaceae, Iridaceae, Lamiaceae, Myrtaceae, Pittosporaceae, Plantaginaceae, Primulaceae, Resedaceae, Rosaceae, Solanaceae, Tropaeolaceae, Zingiberaceae |
Colletes eous | Asteraceae |
Halictus lativentris | Unknown |
Halictus malachurus | Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Campanulaceae, Ericaceae, Resedaceae, Tamaricaceae |
Halictus minutissimus | Asteraceae (Erigeron karvinskianus) |
Halictus morio | Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Campanulaceae, Fabaceae, Hydrangeaceae, Hypericaceae, Lamiaceae, Lythraceae, Oxalidaceae, Polygonaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Zingiberaceae |
Halictus smeathmanellus | Asteraceae (Solidago azorica), Campanulaceae (Azorina vidalii), Fabaceae |
Halictus villosulus | Asteraceae, Ericaceae, Fabaceae, Frankeniaceae, Gentianaceae, Hydrangeaceae, Hypericaceae, Lamiaceae, Plantaginaceae, Primulaceae, Rosaceae |
Hylaeus azorae | Unknown |
Hylaeus pictipes | Asteraceae (Solidago azorica, Helminthotheca echioides), Ranunculaceae (Ranunculus cortusifolius) |
Hylaeus signatus | Resedaceae (Reseda luteola), Tamaricaceae (Tamarix africana) |
Megachile centuncularis | Asteraceae, Fabaceae |
Megachile concinna | Fabaceae (Lotus corniculatus) |
Megachile pyrenaica | Unknown |
Osmia niveata | Unknown |
In the following, we provide short species accounts for all 19 bee species for which we found evidence that they exist or have existed in the Azores. General distribution data and most information on nesting and social behaviour is based on literature (
Large, hairy, predominantly black, yellow- or white-banded eusocial bees. Nests are built in cavities in the ground, preferably old mouse nests. Females collect pollen with special structures, pollen baskets, on the tibiae of their hind legs. These are absent in parasitic bumblebees of which none are known in the Azores. Three species in the Azores.
Large black bee (wing length 13 mm in queens and 10 mm in workers and males), queens and workers with a bright yellow band on the thorax close to the head, a second one in the middle of the abdomen on tergite 2 (often paler or missing in workers), and orange tip of the abdomen; males with yellow head, large bright yellow band in the upper part of the abdomen, and orange tip of the abdomen (Fig.
Azorean Bombus species: a Bombus ruderatus queen, UK b Bombus terrestris queen, July 2016, Terceira; c) Bombus ruderatus worker on Ballota nigra (Lamiaceae), July 2016, Terceira (Angra do Heroísmo) d Bombus terrestris worker on Azorina vidalii (Campanulaceae), July 2015, Corvo e Bombus ruderatus male on Lantana camara (Verbenaceae), September 2010, São Miguel f Bombus terrestris male, July 2016, Flores g Bombus pratorum male on Prunella vulgaris (Lamiaceae), August 2015, Faial (Miradoura da Caldeira) h Bombus pratorum worker, Norway; photos: Steven Falk (a), Hanno Schaefer (b, c, e, f), Julie A. Weissmann (d), Valter Jacinto (g) and Kjetil Fellheim on wikipedia (creative commons license) (h); scale bars 2 mm.
Smallest bumblebee of the Azores and only bee species with orange tip of abdomen in the archipelago.
From Portugal in the West to Kamchatka in the East, and from northern Scotland in the North to northern Iran in the South.
No nests observed in the Azores, elsewhere the species has colonies of 50-120 individuals in existing cavities on the surface or in the soil.
Primitively eusocial.
The only observation in the Azores was on Prunella vulgaris (Lamiaceae), elsewhere the species is polylectic.
One single observation by Valter Jacinto on Faial Island, Miradouro da Caldeira (c. 850 m asl.), 13 August 2015, (
Large black bee; wing length 18 mm and total length up to 22 mm in queens, workers with wing length of 13 mm and total length up to 16 mm, males with wing length of 14 mm; queens and workers with two brownish-yellow bands on the thorax, a narrow yellow band and white tip of the abdomen (Fig.
Of the two bumblebee species in the archipelago, B. ruderatus is the paler species and can be recognized by the different colour pattern (two yellow bands on the thorax vs. one yellow thorax band in B. terrestris).
Madeira; throughout Europe from the Iberian Peninsula to southern Scandinavia; North Africa; Asia to Siberia in the East; introduced and invasive in New Zealand and South America (Chile, Argentina).
All islands.
1865 (
Colonies of up to 50-100 workers in existing holes in the ground.
Primitively eusocial.
Polylectic, visits a wide range of species, including exotic invaders like Lantana camara, Verbenaceae (Fig.
All year.
Faial (Horta), August-September 1930, leg. L. Chopard, det. Benoist (
COI sequences of specimens B63-64 (TUM), acc. no. KX824771-72, are identical to B. ruderatus sequences from Portugal and UK in GenBank (see Fig.
Reports of Bombus hortorum L. by
Large black bee (wing length 18 mm, total length 20–22 mm in queens; wing length 13 mm, total length 11–17 mm in workers; wing length 14 mm, total length 11–17 mm in males) with one strong brownish-yellow band on the thorax close to the head, a second one in the middle of the abdomen (tergite 2), and bright white tip of the abdomen (Fig.
In contrast to B. ruderatus, only one yellowish band on the thorax, which is deeper in colour than in the previous species.
North Africa, Eurasia (Portugal to Norway in the North and Japan in the East), populations on the Canaries and Madeira have been described as distinct species but at least for Madeira, this is not supported (
All islands.
Colonies of several 100 workers in existing holes in the ground.
Primitively eusocial.
Polylectic, visits a wide range of species, including endemics like Azorina vidalii (Campanulaceae, Fig.
All year (queens flying December/January to March).
Graciosa, 1 worker; Flores (Santa Cruz and Lajes das Flores, from Japanese beetle trap), July 2016, 9 queens, 9 workers, all leg. H. Schaefer, coll. TUM (specimens B2, B47, B65-B67, B73-B87).
COI sequences of specimens H. Schaefer B65-B67 (TUM), acc. no. KX824773-75, are identical to a B. terrestris sequence from Denmark and a B. maderensis sequence from Madeira in GenBank but differ slightly from B. canariensisJQ769067 (see Fig.
Medium-sized solitary bees. Most species have conspicuous bright hair bands on the abdomen. Nests are built in light soil, often in aggregation. The chambers are lined with a cellophane-like substance. Females collect pollen on the hind legs and the sides of the propodeum. One species in the Azores.
Medium-sized bee (total length 10–13 mm in both sexes, wing length c. 8 mm in females) with orange brown hairy thorax and dark abdomen with white hairy tergite margins (Fig.
Medium-sized bee with light brown thorax and conspicuously black and white ringed abdomen.
Mediterranean region to Central Asia (
São Miguel and Santa Maria.
See above.
Based on literature polylectic.
Santa Maria (Vila do Porto), July 1972, 1 male, leg. N.L.H. Krauss, coll. Snow Entomological Museum, Lawrence, Kansas; São Miguel (Mosteiros), 24.07.2004, 1 male, leg. A. Kroupa, coll. Kroupa (M. Kuhlmann, pers. comm., 28.09.2016); Santa Maria, July 2001, 1 female, leg. H. Schaefer, det. M. Kuhlmann, coll. TUM (B46).
According to M. Kuhlmann, Kiel (pers. comm., 23.11.2015) earlier reports of C. canescens Smith 1853, from the islands, most likely refer to this species.
DNA barcoding of specimen B46 (acc. no. KX824776) and BLAST search in GenBank resulted in C. eous from Greece as best match (acc. no. EF028501). However, the similarity is only 94%, which means that there are 23 nucleotide differences distributed over the entire COI sequences (see also branch length difference in the ML tree, Fig.
All Azorean Hylaeus species are small black bees with whitish or yellow face patterns, the males with a mask-like pattern (Fig.
Face patterns of the Azorean Hylaeus species; males in the top row, females below: a Hylaeus azorae b Hylaeus pictipes c Hylaeus signatus d Hylaeus pictipes e Hylaeus signatus; photos: Esther Ockermüller (Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum Linz) (a, b, d) and Julie A. Weissmann (c, e); scale bars 0.1 mm.
Male 6–7 mm, female unknown; sternite 7 with winged appendages, sternite 8 deeply V-shaped (Fig.
Azorean Hylaeus species: a Hylaeus azorae male, Holotype from Pico, Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum Linz b Hylaeus signatus male in Reseda luteola (Resedaceae), regurgitating nectar, June 2012, Graciosa c Hylaeus pictipes female, dorsal view, on Solidago azorica (Asteraceae), July 2015, Corvo d Hylaeus pictipes male (second male in the background) on Ranunculus cortusifolius (Ranunculaceae), June 2012, Corvo; photos: Hanno Schaefer (a, b, d); Julie A. Weissmann (c); scale bars 2 mm.
Male with +/- rectangular yellowish face pattern (Fig.
Endemic to the Azores.
Pico, Montanha do Pico.
1938 (described in
Unknown, probably in hollow twigs.
Unknown, but probably solitary.
Pico, 10.07.1938, 1 male, leg. Ragnar Storå, coll. Linz.
Small black bee (wing length 3.5 mm, total length c. 5 mm) with elongate face, yellow face patterns, and black mandibles (Fig.
Smallest Hylaeus in the Azores, male with yellow face pattern exceeding insertion point of antennae, female face pattern with two small trapezoidal yellow spots; legs of males mainly yellow.
Eurasia, from Portugal to the Caucasus.
Corvo, Faial, Flores, Graciosa, Pico, São Miguel.
1938 (first mentioned in
Builds nests in pithy stems or uses existing cavities (e.g., hollow twigs, holes of wood-boring beetles).
Polylectic, observed on Ranunculaceae (Ranunculus cortusifolius) (Fig.
Faial (Horta), 30.06.–05.07.1938, 1 female, leg. Richard K. H. Frey; Pico (Madalena), 6–9.07.1938, 1 male, leg. Ragnar Storå; Pico (Madalena), 6–9.07.1938, 1 female, leg. Richard K. H. Frey; S. Miguel (San Roque), 21.07.1938, 1 male, leg. Richard K. H. Frey, all det. and coll. Warncke (Linz). Corvo, 3 males; Graciosa (rim of Caldeira), 1 male; Pico (São Roque), 2 females, all leg. H. Schaefer, coll. TUM (B3-B7, B44).
The COI sequence of specimen H. Schaefer B6 (TUM), acc. no. KX824777, differs in 1–7 positions from the five H. pictipes sequences from Spain and Germany in GenBank (see Fig.
Medium-sized black bee (total length 7–9 mm in both sexes, wing length 4.5–5.5 mm in females and 4–6 mm in males) with roundish face and conspicuous yellowish-white face markings, without curved grooves (fovea) along eye margin; mandibles and legs black; white hair bands on lateral sides of tergite 1 (Fig.
Relatively large; male with mask not exceeding insertion point of antennae (Fig.
Madeira (introduced); North Africa; Eurasia, from Portugal in the West to northern Scandinavia and Uzbekistan in the East.
All islands except São Jorge.
2001 (Santa Maria; H. Schaefer, unpublished data).
In existing cavities (twigs, earth, abandoned nests of other hymenoptera, etc.), sometimes in dense aggregations.
Solitary bee.
Oligolectic, usually Reseda specialist, but in the Azores also observed on Tamarix africana (Tamaricaceae).
Corvo (Vila do Corvo), 04.08.2014, 1 male; Graciosa, June 2012, 3 females, 7 males on Tamarix; Terceira (airport), 08.08.2014, 1 female, 1 male; Santa Maria, 1 female, all leg. H. Schaefer, coll. TUM (B8-B20; B45).
The COI sequence of specimen H. Schaefer B12 (TUM), acc. no. KX824778, is identical to a H. signatus sequence from Germany (KJ837965, see Fig.
All Azorean Halictus species are small brownish bees, often occurring in large numbers and nesting in the ground. Males are elongate bees with long antennae (Fig.
Azorean Halictus species: a Halictus lativentris male, UK b Halictus lativentris female from Faial, leg. P. Wirtz c Halictus malachurus male on Foeniculum vulgare (Apiaceae) with Brassicogethes beetle in the foreground, July 2016, Corvo d Halictus malachurus female on Galactites tomentosus (Asteraceae), June 2012, Graciosa; e Halictus malachurus female on Reseda luteola (Resedaceae), July 2016, Corvo f Halictus malachurus female approaching nest, while another female guards the entrance hole and touches the antennae of the arriving bee to control its scent, July 2016, Corvo; photos: Jeremy Early (a), Esther Ockermüller (Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum Linz) (b), Julie A. Weissmann (c, e, f); Hanno Schaefer (d); scale bars 2 mm.
Halictus lativentris (Schenk), (Lasioglossum lativentre)
Small, dark brown bee (total length 8–9 mm in both sexes, wing length 5,5–6 mm in females and 4,5–5,5 mm in males), with narrow bands of pale hair on the abdomen; stigma light brown (Fig.
West- and Central Europe.
Faial, São Miguel.
1984 (first mentioned by Stöckl 1988).
Probably in light soils.
No observation data from the Azores available, probably polylectic.
São Miguel (Remédios), 10.08.1984, 1 male, leg. La Roche, det. Ebmer (Ebmer, pers. comm., 20.09.2016); Faial (Horta), 22.07.1992, 1 female, leg. P. Wirtz, det. Ebmer, coll. Warncke (Linz).
Halictus malachurus (Kirby), (Lasioglossum malachurum)
Small dark brown bee (total length 7–10 mm in both sexes, wing length 5,5–6,5 mm in females and 4,5–6,5 mm in males); males and females with densely punctuated scutum and top of propodeum with angulate hind corner; males with black or extensively red abdomen, particularly long antennae and extensively yellow legs (Fig.
The largest representative of the genus in the Azores; “shoulders” of the thorax strongly angled (Fig.
North Africa; Eurasia, from Portugal to Iran and North to Denmark.
All islands except Terceira (where probably overlooked).
1930 (first mentioned by
Ground nesting (mostly in compacted soil), often in large aggregations; sentinel bee closes access with her head (Fig.
Eusocial, sometimes polygynous, and sometimes (in warmer environments) with several broods of workers.
Polylectic, observed e.g., on Apiaceae (Foeniculum vulgare), Asteraceae (Galactites tomentosus, Helminthotheca echioides, Solidago azorica, Tolpis azorica) and Resedaceae (Reseda luteola).
São Miguel (Furnas) and Faial (Horta), August-September 1930, leg. L. Chopard, det. Blüthgen (
The COI sequences of specimens H. Schaefer B21 and B23 (TUM), acc. no. KX824763-64, differ in 1–5 positions from the H. malachurus sequences from Spain and Germany in GenBank (see Fig.
Halictus minutissimus (Kirby), (Lasioglossum minutissimum; Evylaeus minutissimus)
Tiny blackish bee (total length c. 5 mm in both sexes, wing length 3,5–4 mm in females and 3–3,5 mm in males); males with entirely dark hind legs (Fig.
Azorean Halictus species (continued): a Halictus minutissimus male on Erigeron karvinskianus (Asteraceae), July 2016, Terceira (Monte Brasil) b Halictus minutissimus female on Erigeron karvinskianus (Asteraceae), July 2016, Terceira (Monte Brasil) c Halictus morio male, UK d Halictus morio female from Graciosa (B29, TUM) e Halictus smeathmanellus male on Solidago azorica (Asteraceae), August 2015, Flores f Halictus smeathmanellus female on Azorina vidalii (Campanulaceae), July 2015, Corvo g Halictus villosulus male from Corvo (B60, TUM) h Halictus villosulus female on Leontodon taraxacoides (Asteraceae), June 2012, Graciosa; photos: Julie A. Weissmann (a, d, e, f, g); Hanno Schaefer (b, h); Steven Falk (c); scale bars 2 mm.
Smallest of the Halictus species in the Azores, behaviour more hectic than other bees.
West- and Central Europe.
Faial, São Miguel, Terceira.
1986 (first mentioned by
Ground nests, sometimes in large aggregations.
Polylectic, observed on Asteraceae (Erigeron karvinskianus).
Faial (Horta), July 1986, 1 female, leg. Aptroot, det. Ebmer, coll. Mus. Leiden (
Halictus morio (Fabricius), (Lasioglossum morio)
Small black bee (total length 7–8 mm, wing length 4 mm), in the sun often shining metallic green; with narrow bands of whitish hair on the abdomen (Fig.
With H. smeathmanellus, one of the two small and greenish representatives of the genus in the Azores, but smaller in size than the former species; thorax and abdomen metallic green; males with entirely black tarsi.
North Africa; Eurasia, from Portugal to Kazakhstan and north to Finland.
All islands except Faial (where probably overlooked).
1930 (first mentioned by
On bare or sparsely vegetated surfaces on south-facing slopes or flat areas (here, the entrance often with small conical tumuli), often in large aggregations.
Primitively eusocial.
Polylectic, observed on Asteraceae (Helminthotheca echioides, Sonchus asper) and Oxalidaceae (Oxalis corniculata).
São Miguel (Furnas), August-September 1930, leg. L. Chopard, det. Blüthgen (
The COI sequences of specimens H. Schaefer B27 and B50 (TUM), acc. no. KX824760-61, differ in 1–2 positions from the closest H. morio sequences in GenBank, which are of German origin (see Fig.
Halictus smeathmanellus (Kirby), (Lasioglossum smeathmanellum)
Small black bee (wing length 4.5 mm in females and 4–4.5 mm in males), in the sun shining metallic green, scutum sparsely punctuated (Fig.
With H. morio, one of the two small and greenish representatives of the genus in the Azores, but larger in size than the former species.
North Africa (Morocco); in Europe from the Iberian Peninsula to Scotland and SW Germany.
Corvo, Flores, Pico, São Miguel, Terceira.
First mentioned in
Mostly in vertical structures (sparsely vegetated slopes, crevices in cliffs or walls), often in large aggregations.
Probably solitary ( but no observations from the Azores available.
Polylectic, observed on Asteraceae (Solidago azorica).
Pico (Madalena), July 1986, 6 females, 1 male, det. Ebmer, coll. Museum Leiden (Ebmer, pers. comm.). Terceira (airport), 1 female, leg. H. Schaefer, B36 (TUM).
The COI sequence of specimen H. Schaefer B36 (TUM), acc. no. KX824762, is identical to a H. smeathmanellus sequence from England in GenBank (KT074061, see Fig.
Halictus villosulus (Kirby), (Lasioglossum villosulum)
Medium-sized bee (total length 6–9 mm in females and 6–8 mm in males, wing length 4.5–5.5 mm in females and 4–4.5 mm in males,); scutum with unusually large punctures, top of propodeum roundish; head and thorax hairy; abdomen shiny black (Fig.
Medium-sized Halictus (similar in size to H. smeathmanellus but not metallic green); head densely white villous, thorax and abdomen blackish dark with scattered long white hairs.
Madeira, Canaries; North Africa; Eurasia, from Portugal to Nepal and Malaysia in the East and Finland in the North.
All islands.
1930 (first mentioned by
In various substrates on sparsely vegetated slopes, cliffs or flat areas (in the latter, the entrance often with small tumuli); often in large aggregations.
Polylectic, observed on Asteraceae (Helminthotheca echioides, Hypochaeris radicata, Leontodon taraxacoides, Sonchus asper) and Frankeniaceae (Frankenia laevis).
June-September; H. villosulus is known to be bivoltine (two generations per year) elsewhere but no detailed observational data is available from the Azores.
São Miguel (Furnas) and Terceira (Monte Brasil), August-September 1930, leg. L. Chopard, det. Blüthgen (
The COI sequence of specimens H. Schaefer B33, B38, B51, B60-B62 (TUM), acc. no. KX824765-70, are (near) identical to a H. morio sequence from France in GenBank (JF903563), but they differ in at least 15 positions from the remaining H. morio sequences in GenBank (see Fig.
The females of all representatives of this group collect pollen with a pollen brush beneath their abdomen.
The genus is characterised by a specialised nesting behaviour: females build their nests from plant hairs or rarely resin and can be recognised when transporting such balls of plant fibres or resin in their mandibles. The males show territorial behaviour. Solitary. One species with limited distribution in the Azores, likely an introduction.
Total length 11–12 mm in females and 14–18 mm in males, wing length 8–10 mm in females and 9,5–12 mm in males; wings dark, face and legs yellow, body black with yellow spots and bands, tergite 7 of males with five black spine-like extensions (Fig.
Azorean Megachilidae: a Anthidium manicatum male, note the spine-like extensions at the tip of the abdomen, July 2016, Faial b Anthidium manicatum female on Lotus corniculatus (Fabaceae), July 2016, Faial c grapevine, Vitis vinifera (Vitaceae), leaves with oval and circular cuts made by leafcutter bees, probably M. centuncularis, June 2013, Corvo d Megachile centuncularis female resting on leaf of Kahili ginger, Hedychium gardnerianum (Zingiberaceae), August 2015, Flores e Megachile concinna female, July 2016, Flores f Megachile concinna female on Lotus corniculatus (Fabaceae), July 2016, Corvo g Megachile pyrenaica/rufescens, female on its clay nest, 26.04.2010, France (Le Muy) h Osmia niveata, female on Centaurea spec., Israel; photos: Julie A. Weissmann (a, b, d, e, f), Hanno Schaefer (c), Nico J. Vereecken (g), Gideon Pisanty on wikipedia (creative commons license) (h); scale bars 2 mm.
Both sexes with conspicuous yellow-black abdominal patterns; can be confused only with similar looking syrphid flies or species of wasps, especially the introduced Vespula germanica, but differs from all these taxa in flight behaviour and abdominal pollen collection (in females).
Eurasia, North Africa; introduced in the Canaries, North and South America, New Zealand.
Faial, São Miguel.
1857 (
In existing holes; cell walls and closing plugs are built out of plant fibres.
Polylectic; preference for Lamiaceae, where the females also collect plant hairs for their nest, observed on Lotus corniculatus (Fabaceae).
Faial (Horta), September 1952, 1 female (
The genus is known for two different types of specialised nesting behaviour (
Medium-sized (total length 11–12 mm in females and 9–11 mm in males, wing length 7–8,5 mm in females and 7–8 mm in males) dark brown bees with yellowish hair and reddish abdominal pollen collecting brushes (Fig.
Females with conspicuous ventral pollen brushes and strong mandibels.
West- and Central Europe.
Corvo, Faial, Flores, São Jorge, São Miguel, Terceira.
1865 (
In existing holes (e.g. in dead wood, walls, soil or twigs); cell walls and closing plugs are built of leaf sections.
Polylectic, Asteraceae, Fabaceae.
São Miguel (Furnas, Ponta Delgada), August-September 1930, leg. L. Chopard, det. Benoist (
The COI sequences of specimens MF22.1, MF22.2 (EDTP), acc. no. KX824779-80, are identical to a M. centuncularis sequence from Germany in GenBank (KJ838449), and very similar to others from Canada, Croatia, and Germany (see Fig.
Smith; syn.: M. atratula Rebmann (see
Smallest of the leafcutter bees in the Azores (total length 9 mm in females and 7 mm in males). Strongly banded tergites, silvery-brown appearance. Females have a silvery pollen brush underneath the abdomen (Fig.
Smallest of the leafcutter bees on the Azores, silvery-brown appearance; fast flyer.
Mediterranean region.
Corvo, Flores, Faial.
Probably in sandy ground near the coast but no nest observations available from the Azores.
Polylectic, with strong preference for Fabaceae, especially Lotus species (Fig.
Observed in July-August.
None seen; listed in the AMNH database for the Azores -
The M. concinna complex is currently focus of phylogenetic analyses by C. Praz but no Azorean material was included in the study (C. Praz, pers. comm., Sept. 2016).
Megachile pyrenaica Lepeletier, (Chalicodoma pyrenaicum)
Medium-sized (total length 13–16 mm), dark, very hairy bees (Fig.
Only bee species in the Azores that builds large clay nests.
Mediterranean region.
Santa Maria.
Probably oligolectic on Fabaceae (
Santa Maria (near airport), 2 specimens, 2012, det. Kratochwil, coll. Kratochwil (pers. comm., 30.09.2016).
Easily confused with the morphologically very similar C. rufescens, from which it differs mainly by its orange tarsi (M. Aubert, pers. comm., Sept. 2016).
Build their nest in existing cavities in wood or stone. Solitary. One species in the Azores but no recent confirmation.
Osmia niveata (Fabricius), syn. Osmia fulviventris (Panzer)
Small dark bee (total length 8–10 mm; wing length 7–8 mm in females and 6–7 mm in males) with conspicuous orange red pollen collecting brushes on the underside of the abdomen (Fig.
Madeira, West Palaearctic.
Probably São Miguel and Terceira (see below).
1865 (
Probably in existing cavities in wood or stone but no observations from the Azores available.
Oligolectic on Asteraceae, with preference for thistles and relatives (
No specimens seen/known to us.
Records of Osmia emarginaria St. Farg from São Miguel and Terceira (
Honeybees are larger than most wild bees in the islands (total length 11–13 mm in workers, 13–16 mm in males; wing length 9–10 mm in workers and 12–13,5 mm in males) but can be confused with some syrphid flies (e.g., Eristalis tenax). They differ from superficially similar Megachile by their pollen-collecting mode: scopae on the legs (Fig.
Probably native to the Mediterranean region but kept by beekeepers in temperate regions worldwide for honey production.
Apiculture is declining in the Azores (maybe as a result of accidental introduction of Varroa destructor mites) but honeybee colonies are still kept on all islands; in 2010, the number of bee colonies in the Azores was c. 3850, belonging to 255 beekeepers (source: Paulo Miranda at
16th century (
Today, honeybees are not known to occur as escaped/feral bees in the archipelago but
Highly eusocial.
All year.
São Miguel (Furnas) and Terceira (Monte Brasil), August-September 1930, leg. L. Chopard, det. Benoist (
We add nine species to the latest list of
The total number of now 18 wild bee species plus Apis mellifera is similar to Madeira, where
Comparison of species number per genus in the four Macaronesian archipelagos; for Madeira based on
Genus | Azores | Madeira | Canaries | Cape Verdes |
Amegilla | -- | 1 | 3 | 4 |
Ammobates | -- | -- | 2 | -- |
Andrena | -- | 3 | 21 | -- |
Anthidium | 1 | -- | 2 | -- |
Anthophora | -- | -- | 4 | -- |
Apis | [1] | [1] | [1] | [1] |
Bombus | 3 | 2 | 1 | -- |
Ceratina | -- | -- | 1 | -- |
Ceylalictus | -- | -- | -- | 3 |
Chiasmognathus | -- | -- | -- | 1 |
Colletes | 1 | -- | 2 | -- |
Dasypoda | -- | -- | 1 | -- |
Dioxys | -- | -- | 2 | -- |
Dufourea | -- | -- | 2 | -- |
Epeolus | -- | -- | 1 | -- |
Eucera | -- | -- | 2 | -- |
Halictus (incl. Lasioglossum) | 6 | 3 | 16 | 2 |
Heliophila | -- | -- | 3 | -- |
Hoplitis | -- | 2 | -- | -- |
Hylaeus | 3 | 2 | 5 | -- |
Megachile | 3 | 1 | 8 | 2 |
Melecta | -- | -- | 5 | -- |
Melitta | -- | -- | 2 | -- |
Nomada | -- | -- | 5 | -- |
Nomioides | -- | -- | 4 | 2 |
Osmia | 1 | 3 | 14 | -- |
Panurgus | -- | -- | 2 | -- |
Parammobatodes | -- | -- | 1 | -- |
Sphecodes | -- | -- | 6 | 1 |
Stelis | -- | 1 | 2 | -- |
Tetralonia | -- | -- | 4 | -- |
Thyreus | -- | -- | 3 | 4 |
Xylocopa | -- | 1 | -- | 1 |
Total species number (excl. Apis mellifera) | 18 | 19 | 124 | 20 |
When comparing bee species numbers per island in the Azores, it is important to keep in mind that our fieldwork on Pico, São Jorge, and São Miguel was less extensive than in the rest of the archipelago, so species numbers on these four islands are likely an underestimate of the true diversity. So far, it seems that bee diversity is fairly similar on all islands (seven to 14 species) and does not depend on classical biogeographical and ecological variables (island size, amount of natural vegetation, flowering plant diversity or altitude). More fieldwork is needed to confirm distribution per island and also assess altitudinal ranges and habitat preferences of the different bee species in the islands. There is recent evidence from Terceira that many bee species are foraging in disturbed habitats (Picanço et al., unpubl. data) but it is unclear if they can survive without natural vegetation. Further research on the impact of land use changes and the effects of invasive plant species on the long term survival of each of the Azorean bee species seems particularly important.
Five of the wild species (and the domesticated honeybee) are social, Bombus pratorum, Bombus ruderatus, Bombus terrestris, Halictus malachurus, and Halictus morio. The remaining species are solitary but three of them, Halictus minutissimus, Halictus smeathmanellus, and Halictus villosulus nest in aggregations. As pollen sources, most of the Azorean bees seem to visit a broad range of flowering plants. The only exception is Hylaeus signatus, which is mainly found on Reseda but not strictly specialized in the Azores, because it also visits Tamarix africana. None of the species in our list has a parasitic life form, which is remarkable given the high number of parasitic “cuckoo bees” on the mainland. The cuckoo bee Sphecodes pseudofasciatus Blüthgen (historically confused with Sphecodes croaticus Meyer) was listed for the Azores in the AMNH Bees database (, but this entry seems to be an error (J. Ascher, pers. comm., Sept. 2016). However, the occurrence of Sphecodes in the Azores would not be too surprising since several potential host species (halictids) exist and the genus is known from Cape Verde (
The Apidae of the Azores are another case where it seems important to caution against the uncritical use of checklist data. The number of bees in the Azores has been underestimated a lot so far. Moreover, while the latest checklist (
From an evolutionary biology perspective, it is interesting that the percentage of endemic bees in the Azores (one endemic species, 5%) seems to be much lower than in Madeira (six endemic species, 33% (
With 18 wild species plus the domesticated honeybee, the bee diversity in the Azores seems similar to that of Madeira and Cape Verde but much lower than in the Canaries. The small number of endemic/native species suggests that the endemic flora of the Azores might have evolved mainly without presence of pollinating bees and adapted to other pollinator groups but more research is needed to confirm this hypothesis. More generally, we show that detailed taxonomic work and comprehensive fieldwork is needed before any checklist data can be used for macroecological studies (biodiversity comparisons) and ecological studies, e.g. pollination network analyses.
We thank the Direcção Regional do Ambiente of the Azores for research permit no. SAI/DRA/2015/2116, proc. 116.14.06/62, Tânia Pipa (SPEA Açores) for help on Corvo, and the following experts for help with material and identification: Paul Westrich (Tübingen), Fritz Gusenleitner and Esther Ockermüller (Biologiezentrum, Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum Linz), Peter Wirtz (Universidade da Madeira), Michael Kuhlmann (Universität Kiel), Paul H. Williams (Natural History Museum London), John S. Ascher (American Museum of Natural History, New York), Christophe Praz (Université de Neuchâtel), Maximilian Schwarz (Ansfelden), Eyjolf Aistleitner (Feldkirch), Stefan Schmidt (Zoologische Staatssammlung München), Petr Bogusch (Univerzita Hradec Králové), Jakub Straka (Charles University Prague), Holger Dathe (Müncheberg), Andreas W. Ebmer (Puchenau), Valter Jacinto (Faro), Steven Falk (Kenilworth), Jeremy Early (Nature Conservation Imaging) and Nico J. Vereecken (Université Libre de Bruxelles). AP was supported by a Ph.D. grant from Direcção Regional da Ciência e Tecnologia dos Açores (M3.1.2/F/031/2011).