Research Article |
Corresponding author: Johanna Schwartz ( ) Academic editor: Zachary Lahey
© 2023 Johanna Schwartz, Simon Van Noort, Norman F. Johnson.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Schwartz J, Van Noort S, Johnson NF (2023) A taxonomic revision of the Old World genus Dichoteleas Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae). ZooKeys 1182: 183-205.
The genus Dichoteleas Kieffer (Scelionidae: Scelioninae) is known only from the Old World: Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, South Africa, Madagascar, southern India, the island of New Guinea, and eastern Australia. After revision, 10 species are recognized. Four species were previously recognized and are redescribed: D. ambositrae Risbec (Madagascar), D. indicus Saraswat (India: Kerala), D. rugosus Kieffer (Australia: Queensland), and D. subcoeruleus Dodd (Australia: Queensland). Six species are described as new: D. fulgidus sp. nov. (Indonesia: Papua Barat), D. fuscus sp. nov. (Papua New Guinea, Australia: Queensland), D. hamatus sp. nov. (Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, South Africa)., D. rubyae sp. nov. (Madagascar), D. striatus sp. nov. (Madagascar), and D. umbra sp. nov. (Tanzania). Dichoteleas pappi Szabó is treated as a junior synonym of D. rugosus. An identification key to species of the genus is provided.
Egg-parasitoid, Platygastroidea, revision, Scelioninae, taxonomy, tropical
The genus Dichoteleas was first described by Jean-Jacques Kieffer in 1907 on the basis of a single male specimen collected in Mackay, North Queensland, Australia. It was distinguished from Pentacantha Ashmead (a genus of the subfamily Teleasinae) by the “Thorax mit drei spitzen Zähnen” (thorax with three pointed teeth) and the presence of the postmarginal vein on the forewing (Kieffer, 1907). Kieffer did not specify in his generic description on which parts of the mesosoma these teeth occur, but in his description of the sole species, D. rugosus, he indicated that the teeth are found on the sides of the mesoscutellum and medially on the metanotum. After collecting a female of the type species,
In the years since its description, five species have been described in the genus. Three were described from Australia (D. rugosus Kieffer, D. subcoeruleus Dodd, and D. pappi Szabó), one from Madagascar (D. ambositrae Risbec), and one from India (D. indicus Saraswat). Only D. subcoeruleus was described based on more than a single sex, and none of these were based on more than five specimens. In their revision of Australian Scelioninae,
The goals of this paper are to incorporate information from newly collected specimens, revise the circumscription of described species on the basis of these new data, document and describe hypothesized new species within the genus, and to provide a comprehensive identification key for the species of Dichoteleas.
This work is based on specimens from the Australian National Insect Collection (
Each specimen examined in this paper has a unique identifier consisting of a prefix (e.g., “OSUC”) and a number. The associated data for each specimen may be accessed at using this unique identifier. Morphological terminology generally follows
The terminology for the surface sculpture follows (Harris, 1979). Species descriptions and a taxon by data matrix were generated using vSysLab ( These descriptions were exported in the format of “Character: Character state(s).” The states of characters polymorphic for a species are separated by semicolons. Photographs of specimens were captured using a Leica Z16 APOA system and stacked with the Leica Application Suite software. Images of type specimens were provided by Elijah Talamas (Florida State Collection of Arthropods).
Our concept of species is based on the biological species concept as described by
1 | Interantennal process produced anterodorsally, pinched laterally, surrounded by depression, central keel on frons present (Fig. |
Dichoteleas indicus |
– | Interantennal process flattened against lower frons; central keel absent (Fig, 10) | 2 |
2 | Median carina on T1–T4 present (Fig. |
3 |
– | Median carina on T1–T4 absent, head black (Fig. |
5 |
3 | Median mesoscutal line present (Fig. |
Dichoteleas subcoeruleus |
– | Median mesoscutal line absent (Figs |
4 |
4 | Mesoscutum finely punctate (Fig. |
Dichoteleas fulgidus sp. nov. |
– | Mesoscutum rugulose (Fig. |
Dichoteleas fuscus sp. nov. |
5 | Notaulus incomplete, pronotum xanthic (Fig. |
Dichoteleas ambositrae |
– | Notaulus complete, pronotum red, black, or brown (Fig. |
6 |
6 | Axillular carinae with a laterally compressed, posteroventral hooklike projection (Fig. |
Dichoteleas hamatus sp. nov. |
– | Axillular carinae triangular and pointed posteriorly or slightly curved inwardly (Fig. |
7 |
7 | Mesosoma red dorsally and darkened posteroventrally, areolate-rugose (Figs |
Dichoteleas rubyae sp. nov. |
– | Mesosoma dark brown to black, punctate or with longitudinal striations between notauli beginning posteriorly (Fig. |
8 |
8 | Mesoscutum and scutellum smooth with sparse setation (Fig. |
Dichoteleas striatus sp. nov. |
– | Mesoscutum and scutellum setose and punctate (Fig. |
9 |
9 | Mandibles bidentate; mesoscutual humeral sulcus foveolate; mesoscutum with longitudinal striations between notauli beginning posteriorly (Figs |
Dichoteleas rugosus |
– | Mandibles tridentate; mesoscutual humeral sulcus present as an uninterrupted groove; mesoscutum punctate between notauli with xanthic posterolateral corners (Figs |
Dichoteleas umbra sp. nov. |
Head. Head shape in dorsal view: transverse. Vertex: smooth or rugose. Hyperoccipital carina: present or absent. Occipital carina: present, complete. OOL: lateral ocellus nearly contiguous with inner orbits, OOL < 0.5 OD. Upper frons: convex or with a slight concavity; smooth, striate, or areolate. Frontal depression: undifferentiated. Submedian carina: present or absent. Orbital carina: present. Inner orbits: diverging ventrally. IOS/EH: IOS less than EH. Interantennal process: short, often excavate medially. Central keel: present or absent. Antennal foramen: oriented laterally on interantennal process. Facial striae: present or absent. Malar sulcus: present. Malar striae: present or absent. Setation of compound eye: present or absent. Gena: narrows dorsally behind eye, convex. Clypeus shape: narrow, rectangular, lateral corners not produced. Anterior (or ventral) margin of clypeus: straight. Labrum: narrow, trapezoidal, ventral margin convex or straight. Number of mandibular teeth: 2 or 3. Arrangement of mandibular teeth: transverse. Number of maxillary palpomeres: 4. Shape of maxillary palpomeres: cylindrical. Number of labial palpomeres: 2.
Antenna. Number of antennomeres in female: 12. Number of antennomeres in male: 12. Insertion of radicle into A1: parallel to longitudinal axis of A1. Shape of A1: cylindrical, not flattened. Length of A3 of female: distinctly longer than A2. Number of antennomeres with papillary sensilla in female: 7. Arrangement of sensilla on female clava: in longitudinal pairs. Claval formula: A12–A6:1–2–2–2–2–2–2. Shape of male flagellum: filiform. Sex segment of male antenna: A5.
Mesosoma. Posterior apex of pronotum in dorsal view: bifid apically to articulate with tegula. Epomial carina: absent. Cervical pronotal area: oblique, visible dorsally, short. Lateral face of pronotum: weakly concave ventrally around the pronotal cervical sulcus. Netrion: present. Netrion shape: moderately wide, open ventrally. Anterior portion of mesoscutum: vertical, flexed ventrally to meet pronotum. Mesoscutum shape: pentagonal, excavate at base of wings. Skaphion: absent. Notauli: present, percurrent. Parapsidal lines: present. Antero-admedian lines: absent. Transscutal articulation: well-developed. Mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: present or absent. Mesoscutal humeral sulcus: present as an uninterrupted groove or foveolate. Shape of mesoscutellum: trapezoidal. Lateral mesoscutellar spines: present. Median mesoscutellar spine: absent. Axillular spines: present. Surface of mesoscutellum: convex throughout. Median longitudinal furrow on mesoscutellum: absent. Metascutellum: clearly differentiated. Shape of metascutellum: flattened laterally into a medially spine; flattened dorsoventrally into a triangular plate. Setation of metascutellum: absent. Metapostnotum: fused to propodeum. Lateral propodeal projection: absent. Medial propodeal projection: absent. Mesopleural carina: present. Mesal course of acetabular carina: not separating fore coxae. Mesopleural pit: present. Posterodorsal corner of mesopleuron: rounded.
Legs. Number of mesotibial spurs: 1. Number of metatibial spurs: 1. Dorsal surface of metacoxa: smooth. Shape of metacoxa: cylindrical, ecarinate. Trochantellus: indicated by transverse sulcus on femur.
Wings. Wing development of female: macropterous. Wing development of male: macropterous. Tubular veins in fore wing: present. Bulla of fore wing R: absent. Length of marginal vein of fore wing: punctiform, R terminating at costal margin. Origin of r-rs in fore wing: arises at the point where R meets costal margin. Development of R in hind wing: complete.
Metasoma. Number of external metasomal tergites in female: 7. Number of external metasomal sternites in female: 7. Number of external metasomal tergites in male: 8. Number of external metasomal sternites in male: 7. Shape of metasoma: lanceolate. Laterotergites: present, narrow. Laterosternites: present. T1 of female: flat; produced anteriorly as a small hump. Relative size of metasomal segments: T2–T3 subequal in length, remaining terga shorter. Metasomal tergites with basal crenulae: T2. Sublateral carinae on tergites: present. Median longitudinal carina on metasomal terga: absent; present on T1–T4. Shape of female T6: slightly convex. Anterior margin of S1: not produced anteriorly, straight. Felt fields on S2: present; obscured by setation. Felt fields on S3: present; obscured by setation. Ovipositor: Scelio-type (
Dichoteleas can be identified by its elongate maxillary palpi, lateral spines on the mesoscutellum, medial spine on the metascutellum, and well-developed postmarginal vein on the forewing. This taxon can be distinguished from Neoscelio by the short (or absent) setation on the eyes and the well-developed postmarginal vein. It may be distinguished from Oxyteleia and Oreiscelio since in Dichoteleas the metascutellum only has a single median spine. The New World genus Pseudoheptascelio may also be interpreted to have a bidentate mesoscutellum. In that group the stigmal vein (r-rs) arises from the submarginal vein before it reaches the costal margin of the fore wing. In Dichoteleas, the stigma vein arises from the costal margin.
Dichoteleas species are known from Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, northeastern South Africa, Madagascar, southern India, New Guinea and Far North Queensland in Australia (Figs
Dichoteleia ambositrae Risbec, 1956: 261 (original description).
Dichoteleas ambositrae: Masner, 1976: 31 (type information); Johnson, 1992: 367 (catalogued, type information).
Color of head: black. Hyperoccipital carina: present. Frontal depression: absent. Malar striae: absent. Facial striae: present. Setation of eyes: absent. Sculpture of frons: primarily smooth with weak transverse striations above the IAP. Setation of frons: mostly glabrous with sparse setation laterally. Submedian carina: absent. Interantennal process: undifferentiated. Central keel: absent. Transverse pronotal carina: absent. Color of pronotum: yellow. Pronotal cervical sulcus: present. Mesepimeral sulcus: present. Sulcus along mesopleural carina: foveolate. Mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: present. Mesoscutal humeral sulcus: present as an uninterrupted groove. Median mesoscutal line: absent. Color of mesoscutum: dark brown to black. Sculpture of mesoscutum: smooth without longitudinal striations. Notaulus: incomplete. Visibility of notaulus: unobscured. Parapsidal line: present. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: smooth. Shape of axillular carinae in lateral view: without a posteroventral hooklike projection. Color of axillular carina: yellow. Sculpture of T3–6: punctate. Median carina on T1–T4: absent.
This species can be distinguished from D. subcoeruleus, D. fulgidus, and D. fuscus by the absence of the median carina on T1–T4. It can be distinguished from the other species by its xanthic pronotum and smooth mesoscutum.
Madagascar (Ambositra, Fianarantsoa).
, female: Madagascar: Ambositra,
Color of head: metallic blue. Hyperoccipital carina: present. Frontal depression: absent. Malar striae: absent. Facial striae: absent. Setation of eyes: absent. Sculpture of frons: smooth above interantennal prominence, areolate laterally. Setation of frons: sparsely setose throughout. Submedian carina: absent. Interantennal process: undifferentiated. Central keel: absent. Transverse pronotal carina: present. Color of pronotum: metallic blue. Pronotal cervical sulcus: absent. Mesepimeral sulcus: absent. Sulcus along mesopleural carina: absent. Mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: absent. Mesoscutal humeral sulcus: present as an uninterrupted groove. Median mesoscutal line: absent. Color of mesoscutum: metallic blue. Sculpture of mesoscutum: finely punctate without longitudinal striations. Notaulus: complete. Visibility of notaulus: unobscured. Parapsidal line: present. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: smooth. Shape of axillular carinae in lateral view: without a posteroventral hooklike projection. Color of axillular carina: metallic blue. Sculpture of T3–6: rugulose. Median carina on T1–T4: present.
This species can be identified by the presence of a dorsal median carina on T1–T4 of the metasoma, and it may be distinguished from D. subcoeruleus and D. fuscus by the finely punctate sculpture of the mesoscutum.
The epithet comes from the Latin word for “shiny,” referring to the smooth, metallic luster of the mesosoma. This epithet is treated as an adjective.
Indonesia (Papua Barat).
, female: Indonesia: FakFak S. coast of Bomberai, 100–700m; OSUC 234427 (
Color of head: metallic blue. Hyperoccipital carina: present. Frontal depression: absent. Malar striae: absent. Facial striae: absent. Setation of eyes: absent. Sculpture of frons: smooth above interantennal prominence, areolate laterally. Setation of frons: sparsely setose throughout. Submedian carina: present. Interantennal process: undifferentiated. Central keel: absent. Transverse pronotal carina: present. Color of pronotum: dark brown to black. Pronotal cervical sulcus: absent. Mesepimeral sulcus: absent. Sulcus along mesopleural carina: absent. Mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: absent. Mesoscutal humeral sulcus: present as an uninterrupted groove. Median mesoscutal line: absent. Color of mesoscutum: dark brown to black. Sculpture of mesoscutum: rugulose. Notaulus: complete. Visibility of notaulus: unobscured. Parapsidal line: present. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: rugulose. Shape of axillular carinae: without a posteroventral hooklike projection. Color of axillular carina: brown. Sculpture of T3–6: rugulose. Median carina on T1–T4: present.
This species can be identified by the dorsal median carina (T1–T4 of metasoma) and can be distinguished from D. subcoeruleus and D. fulgidus by the rugulose sculpture of the mesoscutum.
The epithet comes from the Latin word for “dusky,” referring to the darker, metallic color of the mesosoma (in comparison to D. fulgidus). This epithet is treated as an adjective.
Papua New Guinea (Madang, Morobe, Northern, East Sepik), Australia (Queensland).
, female: Papua New Guinea: NE Finisterre Range, Saidor, Gabumi; OSUC 234417 (
Color of head: black. Hyperoccipital carina: absent. Frontal depression: absent. Malar striae: present. Facial striae: present. Setation of eyes: sparse, with few scattered fine hairs. Sculpture of frons: smooth above interantennal prominence, areolate laterally. Setation of frons: sparsely setose throughout. Submedian carina: absent. Interantennal process: undifferentiated. Central keel: absent. Transverse pronotal carina: present. Color of pronotum: dark brown to black. Pronotal cervical sulcus: present. Mesepimeral sulcus: present. Sulcus along mesopleural carina: absent. Mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: absent. Mesoscutal humeral sulcus: present, foveolate. Median mesoscutal line: absent. Color of mesoscutum: dark brown to black. Sculpture of mesoscutum: areolate-rugose. Notaulus: complete. Visibility of notaulus: slightly obscured by mesoscutal sculpture. Parapsidal line: present. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: rugulose. Shape of axillular carinae in lateral view: with a sharp posteroventral hooklike projection. Color of axillular carina: brown. Sculpture of T3–6: rugulose and finely punctate. Median carina on T1–T4: absent.
This species can be distinguished from D. rugosus by the distinct hooked projections on axillular carinae.
The name hamatus is drawn from the Latin word for hooked, referring to the hooked projections on the axillular carinae. This epithet is treated as an adjective.
Kenya (Coast), Malawi (Mulanje), South Africa (Limpopo), Tanzania (Uzungwa Mts., Tanga Amani Hills).
, female: South Africa: Guernsey Farm, Limpopo Prov.; OSUC 56306 (
Dichoteleas indicus Saraswat, 1982: 350 (original description); Johnson, 1992: 367 (catalogued, type information).
Color of head: black. Hyperoccipital carina: present. Frontal depression: absent. Malar striae: present. Facial striae: present. Setation of eyes: sparse, with few scattered fine hairs. Sculpture of frons: primarily rugulose. Setation of frons: sparsely setose throughout. Submedian carina: present. Interantennal process: produced anteriorly, margined by depression. Central keel: present. Transverse pronotal carina: present. Color of pronotum: dark brown to black. Pronotal cervical sulcus: present. Mesepimeral sulcus: absent. Sulcus along mesopleural carina: absent. Mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: absent. Mesoscutal humeral sulcus: present as an uninterrupted groove. Median mesoscutal line: present. Color of mesoscutum: dark brown to black. Sculpture of mesoscutum: rugulose. Notaulus: complete. Visibility of notaulus: slightly obscured by mesoscutal sculpture. Parapsidal line: present. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: rugulose. Shape of axillular carinae in lateral view: without a posteroventral hooklike projection. Color of axillular carina: yellow. Sculpture of T3–6: strigate and finely punctate. Median carina on T1–T4: absent.
This species can be distinguished by the anteriorly produced interantennal process and the presence of the central keel.
India (Kerala).
Holotype, male: India: School of Entomology, St. John’s College; USNMENT 01109962. India: 1 female, OSUC 875044 (
Color of head: black. Hyperoccipital carina: absent. Frontal depression: present, shallow. Malar striae: present. Facial striae: present. Setation of eyes: absent. Sculpture of frons: smooth above interantennal prominence, areolate laterally. Setation of frons: sparsely setose throughout. Submedian carina: absent. Interantennal process: undifferentiated. Central keel: absent. Transverse pronotal carina: absent. Color of pronotum: red. Pronotal cervical sulcus: present. Mesepimeral sulcus: present. Sulcus along mesopleural carina: foveolate. Mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: present. Mesoscutal humeral sulcus: present, foveolate. Median mesoscutal line: absent. Color of mesoscutum: red. Sculpture of mesoscutum: areolate-rugose. Notaulus: complete. Visibility of notaulus: slightly obscured by mesoscutal sculpture. Parapsidal line: present. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: smooth. Shape of axillular carinae: without a posteroventral hooklike projection. Color of axillular carina: yellow. Sculpture of T3–6: rugulose and finely punctate. Median carina on T1– T4: absent.
This species can be distinguished from D. rugosus by its reddish mesosoma and the smooth mesoscutellum.
The epithet rubyae in honor of the first author’s grandmother, Ruby Thomas. The name also refers to the red coloration of the mesosoma. This epithet is treated as a noun in the genitive case.
Madagascar (Antsiranana, Ranomafana).
, female: Madagascar: Prov. Antsiranana, Forêt de Binara, 375m; CASENT 2134207 (
There is some variation in the visibility of the notauli. In most specimens, the notauli were obscured by the mesoscutal sculpture, but one specimen (CASENT 2137863) had clearly defined notauli.
Dichoteleas rugosus Kieffer, 1907: 297 (original description); Kieffer, 1926: 351 (description, keyed); Dodd, 1926: 370 (description); Masner, 1965: 72 (type information); Galloway, 1976: 90 (type information); Johnson, 1992: 367 (catalogued, type information).
Dichoteleas pappi
Szabó, 1971: 319 (original description);
Color of head: black. Hyperoccipital carina: absent. Frontal depression: absent. Malar striae: present. Facial striae: present. Setation of eyes: absent. Sculpture of frons: smooth above interantennal prominence, areolate laterally. Setation of frons: sparsely setose throughout. Submedian carina: absent. Interantennal process: undifferentiated. Central keel: absent. Transverse pronotal carina: present. Color of pronotum: dark brown to black. Pronotal cervical sulcus: present. Mesepimeral sulcus: present. Sulcus along mesopleural carina: foveolate. Mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: absent. Mesoscutal humeral sulcus: present, foveolate. Median mesoscutal line: absent. Color of mesoscutum: dark brown to black. Sculpture of mesoscutum: punctate with longitudinal striations between notauli. Notaulus: complete. Visibility of notaulus: unobscured. Parapsidal line: present. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: punctate. Shape of axillular carinae in lateral view: without a posteroventral hooklike projection. Color of axillular carina: brown. Sculpture of T3–6: rugulose and finely punctate. Median carina on T1–T4: absent.
Dichoteleas rugosus can be distinguished from D. striatus by its setose and punctate mesosoma and other Dichoteleas by its bidentate mandibles.
Australia (Queensland).
, male, D. rugosus: Australia: QLD, Mackay; OCT-1897, B.M. TYPE HYM. 9.496.; Australia: 4 females, 2 males, OSUC 367523, 367536 (
In the original description,
Color of head: black. Hyperoccipital carina: present. Frontal depression: absent. Malar striae: absent. Facial striae: present. Setation of eyes: absent. Sculpture of frons: primarily smooth with weak transverse striations above the IAP. Setation of frons: mostly glabrous with sparse setation laterally. Submedian carina: absent. Interantennal process: undifferentiated. Central keel: absent. Transverse pronotal carina: present. Color of pronotum: dark brown to black. Pronotal cervical sulcus: present. Mesepimeral sulcus: present. Sulcus along mesopleural carina: absent. Mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: present. Mesoscutal humeral sulcus: present as an uninterrupted groove. Median mesoscutal line: absent. Color of mesoscutum: dark brown; black. Sculpture of mesoscutum: primarily smooth with longitudinal striations between notauli. Notaulus: complete. Visibility of notaulus: slightly obscured by mesoscutal sculpture. Parapsidal line: present. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: smooth. Shape of axillular carinae in lateral view: without a posteroventral hooklike projection. Color of axillular carina: brown. Sculpture of T3–6: weakly strigate and finely punctate. Median carina on T1–T4: absent.
This species can be distinguished from D. ambositrae by the longitudinal striations between the notauli and the black/brown pronotum and from D. rugosus by its glabrous mesosoma.
The epithet refers to the longitudinal striations present on the mesoscutum. This epithet is treated as an adjective.
Madagascar (Antananarivo, Antsiranana, Fianarantsoa, Mahajanga, Toamasina).
, female: Madagascar: Prov. Fianarantsoa, 1130m, PN Ranomafana, radio tower; CASENT 2043988 (
There was some variation in the length and the number of the longitudinal striations on the mesoscutum. In fewer than half of the specimens, the striations started anteriorly and terminated around the middle of the mesoscutum. In the majority of the specimens, the striations started anteriorly and terminated at the posterior margin of the mesoscutum.
Dichoteleas subcoeruleus
Dodd, 1926: 370, 371 (original description);
Color of head: metallic blue. Hyperoccipital carina: absent. Frontal depression: absent. Malar striae: absent. Facial striae: present. Setation of eyes: absent. Sculpture of frons: smooth above interantennal prominence, areolate laterally. Setation of frons: sparsely setose throughout. Submedian carina: present. Interantennal process: undifferentiated. Central keel: absent. Transverse pronotal carina: present. Color of pronotum: dark brown to black. Pronotal cervical sulcus: absent. Mesepimeral sulcus: present. Sulcus along mesopleural carina: foveolate. Mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: absent. Mesoscutal humeral sulcus: present as an uninterrupted groove. Median mesoscutal line: present. Color of mesoscutum: metallic blue. Sculpture of mesoscutum: rugulose. Notaulus: complete. Visibility of notaulus: unobscured. Parapsidal line: present. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: smooth. Shape of axillular carinae in lateral view: without a posteroventral hooklike projection. Color of axillular carina: yellow. Sculpture of T3–4: rugulose and finely punctate. Median carina on T1–T4: present.
This species can be distinguished by the presence of the median mesoscutual line and can be distinguished from D. indicus by the median carina on T1–T4.
Australia (Queensland)
, female: Australia: Queensland, Mossman,
Color of head: black. Hyperoccipital carina: present. Frontal depression: absent. Malar striae: present. Facial striae: present. Setation of eyes: absent. Sculpture of frons: smooth above interantennal prominence, areolate laterally. Setation of frons: sparsely setose throughout. Submedian carina: absent. Interantennal process: undifferentiated. Central keel: absent. Transverse pronotal carina: present. Color of pronotum: dark brown to black. Pronotal cervical sulcus: present. Mesepimeral sulcus: present. Sulcus along mesopleural carina: foveolate. Mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: absent. Mesoscutal humeral sulcus: present as an uninterrupted groove. Median mesoscutal line: absent. Color of mesoscutum: black with xanthic posterolateral corners. Sculpture of mesoscutum: punctate. Notaulus: complete. Visibility of notaulus: unobscured. Parapsidal line: present. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: smooth. Shape of axillular carinae in lateral view: without a posteroventral hooklike. Color of axillular carina: slighter lighter than mesoscutellum. Sculpture of T3–6: punctate. Median carina on T1–T4: absent.
D. umbra can be distinguished from D. rugosus by the xanthic posterolateral corners of the mesoscutum. This species differs from D. hamatus and D. striatus by the punctate mesoscutum.
The name umbra is from the Latin word for shadow or shade, referring to the dark color. This epithet is treated as a noun.
Tanzania (Uluguru Mts.).
, female: Tanzania: Uluguru Mts. Lupanga, East, 1300m; OSUC 875037 (
There were a few specimens that did not fit into these species descriptions. We have chosen to not formally describe them because all were male and only 1–2 specimens were available.
Unknown 1
Material examined. Madagascar: 1 male, CASENT2042862 (
Diagnosis. This specimen has an anteriorly produced IAP, similar to D. indicus, but it lacks a central keel and submedian carinae on the frons.
Unknown 2
Material examined. India: 2 males, OSUC 875042, OSUC 875043 (
Diagnosis. These specimens have a curved carina in the shape of an inverted “U” present on the frons. It appears to join the facial striae anteriorly. Submedian carinae are present, and there is a blunt medial projection on the mesoscutellum. The specimens were collected in southern India, Tamil Nadu state (Coimbatore and the Anaimlai Hills).
We thank the curators and collectors whose efforts were essential for this study. Special thanks to Luciana Musetti, Lubomír Masner, Kendall King, and Sara Hemly for critical support.
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
No ethical statement was reported.
No funding was reported.
J. Schwartz conducted the bulk of the taxonomic analysis and writing of the manuscript. S. van Noort provided supplementary information, images, and analysis of Afrotropical species. N. Johnson designed the project, guided the execution of the analysis, contributed to writing of the manuscript, and edited the final version.
Simon Van Noort
Norman F. Johnson
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text.