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Corresponding author: Robin S. Wilson ( ) Academic editor: Greg Rouse
© 2023 Robin S. Wilson, Christopher J. Glasby, Torkild Bakken.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Wilson RS, Glasby CJ, Bakken T (2023) The Nereididae (Annelida) – diagnoses, descriptions, and a key to the genera. ZooKeys 1182: 35-134.
Nereididae is among the most familiar of marine annelid families, common and well-studied in most marine environments but paradoxically no recent key or identification guide exists to the world’s genera. Here updated generic descriptions, a list of characters, a linear key to genera, and minimal diagnoses that distinguish each genus from all others in the family are provided. This information is generated from a Delta database of 186 morphological characters and a link is provided to downloadable software allowing the same data to be interrogated using the open-source Delta program Intkey – a nonlinear multiple entry point computerised interactive key. For each genus the recent literature is also summarised, comments on taxonomic status provided, and published keys to species cited. Nexus format matrices are provided for all 45 genera and 158 Nereididae species, representing all genera, scored for 146 multistate characters from the same character list to facilitate future phylogenetic studies.
Computer taxonomy, diagnosis, identification tools, natural language descriptions, polychaete, taxonomic verification, Taxonomic Information System
The Nereididae is probably the best-known of all the families of marine annelids (“polychaetes”) – the family includes many species that are commonly encountered world-wide, intertidally, and also in diverse habitats from ephemeral freshwaters to abyssal depths (
Taxonomic research on Nereididae is active, with nearly 100 papers published in the past decade, and the family currently comprises 45 genera and 719 species (
Despite this recent taxonomic progress, identification of nereidid specimens remains a challenge, especially to non-specialists. Genus-level identification is difficult because no key to genera has been published since
We used the Delta (Descriptive Language for Taxonomy) suite of programs to create and manage taxonomic data to support objective and quantitative description and discrimination of Nereididae taxa (
Delta comprises several separate applications: the Delta Editor manages taxon by character data and generates outputs via scripts (called Action Sets). For the purposes of this paper, principal outputs are natural language descriptions and diagnoses of taxa (see below and Systematic account of Nereididae genera), linear keys (see below and Key to genera of Nereididae), interactive keys and Nexus files (
For each genus we include two Delta outputs: a description and a diagnosis – terms that have been used loosely in much of the taxonomic literature, where typically “diagnoses” are merely descriptions. Our descriptions are Delta-generated natural language outputs, use all character states known for a genus based on the sources we list as interpreted against our character list. These are concatenations of character states recorded for each taxon.
We concur with
The key was generated by the Delta Confor program with the following settings: RBASE = 2.00 ABASE = 1.00 REUSE = 1.01 VARYWT = 0.80; Number of confirmatory characters = 2. Following the recommendation of
Characters and character states are described and illustrated in the following section. The downloadable Intkey interactive key associated with this paper includes a more comprehensive set of character state illustrations. Two Nexus files are provided as Suppl. materials
Interactive keys are implemented in the Delta suite by the Intkey application (
We identified 186 morphological characters to characterise nereidid taxa. Characters are given as they are described in the Delta Editor with annotations and illustrations as required, elaborating features in more detail. We have illustrated characters that we consider the most useful for identification using specimens lodged with the
Museum & Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (
This character list is also the basis of the Nexus format files provided by
1. Antennae [NEXUS: antennae]
All Nereididae have a pair of antennae excepting Unanereis Day, 1962 in which a single antenna is present as illustrated in
2. Palps [NEXUS: palp orientation]
In most nereidids the palps are anteriorly directed and both palpophore and palpostyles are typically easily seen in dorsal view e.g.,
Prostomium, pharynx A barrel-shaped palps (orange dashed outline) and palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (open arrow) Namalycastis abiuma LNG M16Q3 B subconical palps (orange dashed outline) and palpophore surface with several oblique grooves (filled arrows) Neanthes glandicincta MD165 anterior C caecal glands (filled arrows) in ventral dissection of Perinereis vallata
3. Palpophore [NEXUS: palpophore form]
Although palpophore shape has been considered in recent revisionary works at the generic and species group levels, there has been no convincing arguments identifying particular shapes. At least four characteristic shapes have been documented: oval (Perinereis species complex) sub-ovoid (Composetia, Leonnates), obtusely conical (Leonnates, Parasetia, Potamonereis), and subconical (Parasetia, Neanthes) (
4. Palpophore surface [NEXUS: palpophore surface]
The presence of a transverse groove (Fig.
5. Palpostyles [NEXUS: palpostyles]
A biarticulate palp with a distinct distal palpostyle is present in all Nereididae except members of the genus Micronereis which have an undivided roughly spherical palp that is also ventrally located on the anterior prostomium; see
6. Palpostyles for m [NEXUS: palpostyles form]
Palpostyles (present in all genera except Micronereis) are recognised as having three shapes: spherical, subconical (in most nereidids; could also be referred to as oval-shaped), and acutely conical. The palpostyles are spherical in members of the Namanereidinae, as illustrated by
7. Eyes [NEXUS: eyes]
Two pairs of eyes are present in most Nereididae but they are absent in a number of species found at bathyal and abyssal depths and subterranean and cave-dwelling Namanereidinae. Examples of the former are illustrated by
8. Prostomium anterior margin [NEXUS: prostomium anterior margin]
The prostomium in Nereididae is usually entire on the anterior margin e.g., in Composetia marmorata (
9. Prostomium longitudinal groove [NEXUS: prostomium longitudinal groove]
10. Tentacular belt length [NEXUS: tentacular belt length]
Terminology for characters 10 and 11 follows
11. Tentacular belt [NEXUS: tentacular belt divided]
12. Tentacular cirri comprising [NEXUS: tentacular cirri number]
13. Tentacular cirrophores [NEXUS: tentacular cirrophores]
1. present.
2. absent (cirri undivided).
14. Tentacular cirri extending to chaetiger (number)
Small variations in the length of these cirri on the tentacular belt is often not a useful statistic, but may assist in recognising taxa which have very long tentacular cirri (e.g., Ceratonereis spp. and Platynereis spp.). Generally the posterodorsal pair is the longest.
15. Ventral peristomial flap [NEXUS: ventral peristomial flap]
16. Ventrum of anterior chaetigers [NEXUS: ventrum anterior chaetigers]
17. Oesophageal caeca [NEXUS: oesophageal caeca]
Oesophageal caeca (equivalent terms are caecal glands, oesophageal pouches) are a pair of organs that are prominent and easily visible if present, but only by dissection. The oesophageal caeca are located immediately posterior to the muscular pharynx. at the start of the oesophagus. Their utility in taxonomy was first suggested by
18. Jaws [NEXUS: jaw dentition]
Variation in jaw morphology is as yet not well understood. Some taxa have jaws with smooth or faintly crenulate cutting edge, while others have distinctly or indistinctly toothed jaws. In some taxa the jaws are robust and dark (e.g., Neanthes spp., Perinereis spp.), while others have finer, translucent jaws (e.g., Ceratocephale spp., some Simplisetia spp.). However, many taxa are intermediate between these conditions, and abrasion may falsely result in the appearance of “smooth” jaws. Differences in the chemical composition of nereidid jaws may offer the best opportunity to distinguish taxa, but these studies have yet to be undertaken systematically.
19. Everted pharynx shape [NEXUS: everted pharynx form]
This character was introduced by
20. Maxillary ring of pharynx [NEXUS: maxillary ring of pharynx]
21. Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae [NEXUS: maxillary ring papillae]
22. Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae [NEXUS: maxillary papillae arrangement]
23. Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae number
A count of the total number of papillae on the maxillary ring helps to discriminate taxa and is practical even when the arrangement in discrete Areas is unclear, as is often the case in Gymnonereidinae.
24. Undivided maxillary ring – total number of paragnaths present
Micronereis is the only nereidid genus with paragnaths present on an undivided maxillary ring. In this genus the pharynx is not fully eversible and specimens are small – the number of paragnaths present can only be recorded as a single number, if it can be determined at all.
25. Maxillary ring paragnaths [NEXUS: maxillary ring paragnaths]
26. Maxillary ring of pharynx with P-bar paragnaths (Fig.
Paragnaths A P-bar paragnaths Pseudonereis anomala B conical paragnaths Pseudonereis trimaculata C rod-like paragnaths Platynereis polyscalma D smooth bar paragnaths Perinereis vancaurica E pyramidal paragnaths Perinereis akuna F crown paragnaths Micronereis piccola G shield-shaped paragnaths Pseudonereis trimaculata. Sources: A–E, G emended from
27. Area I conical paragnaths (Fig.
28. Area I conical paragnaths: number
29. Area II conical paragnaths [NEXUS: Area II conical paragnaths]
30. Area II conical paragnaths: number
31. Area II rod-like paragnaths (Fig.
32. Area II rod-like paragnaths: number
33. Area III conical paragnaths [NEXUS: Area III conical paragnaths]
34. Area III conical paragnaths: number
35. Area III conical paragnaths: isolated lateral groups [NEXUS: Area III lateral groups]
In many taxa Area III paragnaths include a few paragnaths positioned as distinct groups on each side of the main group.
36. Area III rod-like paragnaths [NEXUS: Area III rodlike paragnaths]
37. Area III rod-like paragnaths: number
38. Area IV paragnaths [NEXUS: Area IV paragnaths]
39. Area IV conical paragnaths [NEXUS: Area IV conical paragnaths]
40. Area IV conical paragnaths: number
41. Area IV smooth bar-like paragnaths (Fig.
These are the smooth bar paragnaths of
Thus, bar-like paragnaths are distinct from “melted paragnaths” described and illustrated by
42. Area IV smooth bar-like paragnaths: number
Paragnaths on Area IV are typically roughly conical in shape, though variations range from flattened domes of irregular shape to tooth-like paragnaths. In some taxa, particularly species of Neanthes and Perinereis, in addition to cones a separate patch of bar-shaped paragnaths occurs at the maxillary end of Area IV; these bars are counted separately.
43. Area IV rod-like paragnaths [NEXUS: Area IV rodlike paragnaths]
44. Area IV rod-like paragnaths: number
45. Oral ring papillae [NEXUS: oral ring papillae]
46. Oral ring papillae: number
47. Oral ring papillae arrangement [NEXUS: oral ring papillae arrangement]
48. Area V papillae [NEXUS: Area V papillae]
49. Area V papillae: number
In Ceratocephale spp., Area V and VI contain up to three papillae in total; these are here interpreted as all occurring in Area V, with VI = 0,0.
50. Area VI papillae [NEXUS: Area VI papillae]
51. Area VI papillae: number
52. Areas VII-VIII papillae [NEXUS: Areas VIIVIII papillae]
53. Areas VII-VIII papillae: number
54. Areas VII-VIII papillae arranged [NEXUS: Areas VIIVIII papillae rows]
Where a double row of papillae is present, the 2nd (posterior) row may be hard to see unless the pharynx is completely everted.
55. Oral ring paragnaths [NEXUS: oral ring paragnaths]
56. Oral ring paragnaths (discrete or continuous) [NEXUS: oral ring paragnaths arranged]
57. Oral ring paragnaths on Areas V and VI (discrete or continuous) [NEXUS: Areas VVI paragnaths]
58. Oral ring pyramidal paragnaths (Fig.
Pyramidal paragnaths have a quadrangular base and taper to a pointed apex (
59. Crown-shaped oral ring paragnaths (Fig.
60. Crown-shaped oral ring paragnaths: number
61. Area V conical paragnaths [NEXUS: Area V conical paragnaths]
62. Area V conical paragnaths: number
63. Area V conical paragnaths arranged [NEXUS: Area V cones arranged]
64. Area VI paragnaths [NEXUS: Area VI paragnaths]
65. Area VI paragnaths arranged [NEXUS: Area VI paragnaths arranged]
Area VI paragnaths are usually arranged in a circular or irregular compact group (sometimes of only one or two paragnaths). In some species of Neanthes, an alternative arrangement of cones occurs: a distinct line or arc.
66. Area VI conical paragnaths [NEXUS: Area VI conical paragnaths]
67. Area VI conical paragnaths: number
68. Area VI smooth bars (Fig.
69. Area VI smooth bars: number
70. Area VI shield-shaped bars (Fig.
Shield-shaped bars are laterally compressed and have a pointed or rounded apex (
71. Area VI shield-shaped bars: number
72. Area VI rod-shaped paragnaths [NEXUS: Area VI rod paragnaths]
1. present.
2. absent.
73. Area VI rod-shaped paragnaths: number of rows
74. Areas VII-VIII paragnaths [NEXUS: Areas VIIVIII paragnaths]
75. Areas VII-VIII conical paragnaths [NEXUS: Areas VIIVIII cone paragnaths]
76. Areas VII-VIII conical paragnaths: number
Areas VII-VIII typically forms a continuous ventro-lateral band of paragnaths and is recorded as such. In a few taxa the Areas VII-VIII band of paragnaths is extended through the dorsal region and encircles the oral ring of the pharynx; in this case even though the band nominally extends through the dorsal Areas V and VI, they are indistinguishable and the count is recorded for Areas VII-VIII.
77. Areas VII-VIII conical paragnaths arranged [NEXUS: Areas VIIVIII cones arranged]
In a few nereidid species, e.g., Cheilonereis peristomialis Benham, 1916, the paragnaths on Areas VII-VIII are arranged in distinct isolated patches. In other nereidids the arrangement is an irregular but continuous band made up one or more rows deep.
78. Areas VII-VIII conical paragnaths (size distribution) [NEXUS: Areas VIIVIII cones sizes]
Typically the paragnaths on Areas VII-VIII comprise a variety of sizes irregularly arranged. However, in some taxa there is differentiation into an anterior band of paragnaths similar in size to elsewhere on the proboscis, and a separate band of minute paragnaths.
79. Areas VII-VIII P-bar paragnaths (Fig.
80. Areas VII-VIII P-bar paragnaths (interspersed/discrete) [NEXUS: Areas VIIVIII Pbar arrangement]
81. Areas VII-VIII rod-shaped paragnaths (Fig.
82. Areas VII-VIII rod-shaped paragnaths: number of rows
83. Transverse dorsal lamellae (Fig.
84. Transverse dorsal lamellae, commencing chaetiger
85. Transverse dorsal lamellae, last present chaetiger
86. Transverse dorsal lamellae, mid-dorsal papilla [NEXUS: middorsal papilla]
It has been shown by
87. Transverse dorsal lamellae mid-dorsal papilla commencing chaetiger
88. Notopodium [NEXUS: notopodium development]
According to nautical wisdom, boats are defined as vessels able to be carried on ships. Parapodial lobes and ligules are distinguished according to a similar logic: lobes can be carried on ligules, but not vice versa. In general, ligules are larger and flatter than the smaller, conical lobes.
89. Dorsal notopodial ligule (Fig.
Parapodia A transverse dorsal lamellae (filled arrows) Ceratocephale setosa B flattened post-chaetal neuropodial lobe (filled arrow), accessory ventral cirrus (open arrow) anterior parapodium anterior view Ceratocephale setosa C cirrophore of dorsal cirrus enlarged and vascularised (filled arrow), acicular notopodial ligule present (open arrow) posterior parapodium anterior view Ceratocephale setosa D dorsal notopodial ligule (= accessory dorsal cirrus of some authors) (filled arrow) ventral neuropodial ligule (open arrow) Gymnonereis minyami chaetiger 34 anterior view E notopodial acicular process (open arrow) digitiform neuropodial postchaetal lobe (filled arrow) Neanthes tasmani chaetiger 30 anterior view (ventral cirrus missing) F notopodial prechaetal lobe (open arrow) digitiform neuropodial postchaetal lobe (filled arrow) Neanthes tasmani chaetiger 30 anterior view G dorsal notopodial ligule markedly broader on posterior chaetigers (filled arrow) chaetiger 78 Alitta succinea USNM 27799 H dorsal notopodial ligule divided into branchiae (filled arrow) dorsal cirrus (open arrow) Dendronereides heteropoda chaetiger 19 anterior view I dorsal cirrus divided into branchial filaments (filled arrow) Dendronereis sp chaetiger 14 anterior view. Sources: A–D
90. Dorsal notopodial ligule, first present [NEXUS: dorsal notopodial ligule first]
91. Dorsal notopodial ligule, length on anterior chaetigers [NEXUS: dorsal notopodial ligule anterior]
92. Dorsal notopodial ligule, length on posterior chaetigers [NEXUS: dorsal notopodial ligule posterior]
93. Dorsal notopodial ligule, breadth on posterior chaetigers [NEXUS: dorsal notopodial ligule posterior width]
94. Dorsal notopodial ligule, reduction on posterior chaetigers [NEXUS: dorsal notopodial ligule posterior size]
95. Dorsal notopodial ligule (divided into branchiae or not) [NEXUS: dorsal notopodial branchiae]
Only in Dendronereides is the dorsal notopodial ligule divided into numerous branchial filaments. The branchial structures of Dendronereides and Dendronereis are therefore not homologous.
96. Prechaetal notopodial lobe (Fig.
The prechaetal notopodial lobe is here defined as a digitiform process that is anterior to the acicular notopodial lobe and is not supported by the notopodial acicula (see character 100 Notopodial acicular process).
97. Prechaetal notopodial lobe, development [NEXUS: prechaetal notopodial lobe size]
98. Prechaetal notopodial lobe distribution [NEXUS: prechaetal noto lobe location]
99. Prechaetal notopodial lobe, reducing in size posteriorly, last present at approx. chaetiger
100. Notopodial acicular process (Fig.
The notopodial acicular process, if present, is a small digitiform process formed around the tip of the acicula and is located between the acicular and ventral notopodial ligules (see character 97 Prechaetal notopodial lobe development).
101. Notopodial acicular process reducing in size posteriorly, last present on chaetiger
102. Notopodial acicular ligule (Fig.
The acicular notopodial ligule is here considered to be that fleshy ligule ventral to the acicula in the notopodium. It is present in Nereidinae, but absent in Ceratocephale, Gymnonereis, Micronereis and Stenoninereis. Males of some species of Micronereis have a process on the ventral side of the notopodial acicular lobe; this dimorphic character is here considered not homologous with the ventral notopodial ligule of most nereidids.
103. Acicular notopodial ligule development [NEXUS: acicular notopodial ligule form]
104. Dorsal cirrus (divided into branchiae or not) [NEXUS: dorsal cirrus branchiae]
Only in Dendronereis does the dorsal cirrus form numerous branchial filaments. The branchial structures of Dendronereides and Dendronereis are therefore not homologous.
105. Dorsal cirrus (Fig.
106. Dorsal cirrus: sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers, or not [NEXUS: dorsal cirrus subterminal]
107. Dorsal cirrus terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers, or not [NEXUS: dorsal cirrus terminal]
108. Dorsal cirrus terminally attached, or not [NEXUS: dorsal cirrus terminal all]
109. Dorsal cirrus (with/without cirrophore) [NEXUS: dorsal cirrophore]
110. Cirrophore of dorsal cirrus length [NEXUS: dorsal cirrophore development]
111. Cirrophore of dorsal cirrus enlargement [NEXUS: dorsal cirrophore vascular]
112. Cirrophore of dorsal cirrus (expanded and leaflike, or cylindrical) [NEXUS: dorsal cirrophore expanded]
113. Cirrophore of dorsal cirrus expanded commencing approx. chaetiger
114. Neuropodial prechaetal lobe [NEXUS: neuropodial prechaetal lobe]
Terminology after
115. Neuropodial prechaetal lobe present on chaetigers
116. Neuropodial prechaetal lobe development [NEXUS: neuropodial prechaetal lobe form]
117. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe (Fig.
118. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe [NEXUS: neuropodial postchaetal lobe length]
119. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe distribution [NEXUS: neuropodial postchaetal lobe distribution]
120. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe form [NEXUS: neuropodial postchaetal lobe form]
121. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe reducing posteriorly, last present on chaetigers
122. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers [NEXUS: ventral neuropodial ligule anterior]
123. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers development [NEXUS: ventral neuropodial ligule anterior length]
124. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers [NEXUS: ventral neuropodial ligule posterior]
125. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers development [NEXUS: ventral neuropodial ligule posterior length]
126. Accessory ventral cirrus (Fig.
127. Accessory ventral cirrus commencing chaetiger
128. Relative length of paired ventral cirri [NEXUS: accessory ventral cirri length]
In most Ceratocephale the superior cirrus is always the longer of the pair, especially on the first few chaetigers. However, in at least one species, Ceratocephale papillata, the superior cirrus is shorter than the inferior cirrus on anterior-most 10–20 chaetigers.
129. Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 [NEXUS: notoaciculae chaetigers 1 2]
Presence of notoaciculae in chaetigers 1 and 2 is difficult to observe and failure to mention this character in published descriptions cannot be taken as evidence of absence. It is necessary to manipulate the parapodia with transmitted light, or, preferably in small specimens, to remove and mount parapodia on slides. In Ceratonereis mirabilis and related species, notoaciculae of chaetigers 1 and 2 are present, but are short and translucent even though those of subsequent chaetigers are dark and extend to the tip of the acicular ligule. Namalycastis and Namanereis have notoacicula in chaetigers 1 and 2, although like notoaciculae in remaining chaetigers, they sit just above the neuroaciculae in the upper part of the neuropodium.
130. Notochaetae of chaetigers 3 and 4 [NEXUS: notochaetae chaetigers 3 4]
131. Notochaetae: heterogomph spinigers [NEXUS: notochaetae heterogomph spinigers]
Chaetal shaft with heterogomph articulation is illustrated in Fig.
Chaetae A chaetal shaft homogomph articulation Perinereis vallata spiniger
132. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers [NEXUS: notochaetae homogomph spinigers]
Chaetal shaft with homogomph articulation is illustrated in Fig.
133. Notochaetae: sesquigomph spinigers [NEXUS: notochaetae sesquigomph spinigers]
Chaetal shaft with sesquigomph articulation is illustrated in Fig.
134. Notochaetae: homogomph falcigers (Fig.
135. Notochaetae: homogomph falcigers with terminal tendon (Fig.
136. Notochaetae: homogomph falcigers first present at chaetiger
137. Notochaetae: homogomph falcigers articulation [NEXUS: notochaetae homogomph falcigers articulation]
138. Notochaetae: homogomph falcigers with smooth blade (Fig.
139. Notochaetae: homogomph falcigers with bidentate blade and large adjacent terminal and subterminal teeth (Fig.
140. Notochaetae: homogomph falcigers with bidentate blade and large widely-separated terminal and subterminal teeth (Fig.
141. Notochaetae: homogomph falcigers with multidentate blade with ≥ 2 large lateral teeth, first lateral tooth subequal to terminal tooth, subsequent teeth usually decreasing in size (Fig.
142. Notochaetae: homogomph falcigers with multidentate blade with ≥ 2 small lateral teeth, first and subsequent lateral teeth much smaller than terminal tooth (Fig.
143. Notochaetae: sesquigomph falcigers (Fig.
144. Notochaetae: sesquigomph falcigers from chaetiger
145. Notochaetae: sesquigomph falcigers blade form [NEXUS: notochaetae sesquigomph falcigers bifid]
146. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers [NEXUS: neurochaetae dorsal fascicle heterogomph spinigers]
147. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: homogomph spinigers [NEXUS: neurochaetae dorsal fascicle homogomph spinigers]
148. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: sesquigomph spinigers [NEXUS: neurochaetae dorsal fascicle sesquigomph spinigers]
149. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: sesquigomph falcigers [NEXUS: neurochaetae dorsal fascicle sesquigomph falcigers]
150. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: sesquigomph falcigers blades [NEXUS: neurochaetae dorsal fascicle sesquigomph falcigers smooth]
151. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers [NEXUS: neurochaetae dorsal fascicle heterogomph falcigers anterior]
152. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph falcigers on posterior chaetigers [NEXUS: neurochaetae dorsal fascicle heterogomph falcigers posterior]
153. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph falcigers blades [NEXUS: neurochaetae dorsal fascicle heterogomph falcigers smooth]
154. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph falcigers blades with teeth [NEXUS: neurochaetae dorsal fascicle heterogomph falcigers teeth]
155. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph falcigers blades with number of teeth
156. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: simple chaetae (fused falcigers) (Fig.
157. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: simple chaetae (fused falcigers) present from chaetiger
158. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: homogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers [NEXUS: neurochaetae dorsal fascicle homogomph falcigers anterior]
159. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: homogomph falcigers on posterior chaetigers [NEXUS: neurochaetae dorsal fascicle homogomph falcigers posterior]
160. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: sesquigomph falcigers [NEXUS: neurochaetae ventral fascicle sesquigomph falcigers]
161. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: sesquigomph falcigers blade [NEXUS: neurochaetae ventral fascicle sesquigomph falcigers bifid]
162. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers [NEXUS: neurochaetae ventral fascicle heterogomph spinigers]
163. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers in anterior chaetigers with blades [NEXUS: neurochaetae ventral fascicle heterogomph spinigers anterior serrated]
164. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers on posterior chaetigers with blades [NEXUS: neurochaetae ventral fascicle heterogomph spinigers posterior serrated] /
165. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: homogomph spinigers [NEXUS: neurochaetae ventral fascicle homogomph spinigers]
166. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: sesquigomph spinigers [NEXUS: neurochaetae ventral fascicle sesquigomph spinigers]
167. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph falcigers [NEXUS: neurochaetae ventral fascicle heterogomph falcigers]
168. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph falcigers blade [NEXUS: neurochaetae ventral fascicle heterogomph falcigers bowed]
This character was introduced by
169. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades (Fig.
Definitions of blade length of falcigers were introduced by
170. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades (Fig.
The term “extra-long blades” is equivalent to “Type 1” of
171. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades (Fig.
The term “short blades” is equivalent to “Type 2” of
172. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades [NEXUS: neurochaetae ventral fascicle heterogomph falcigers posterior long]
173. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades [NEXUS: neurochaetae ventral fascicle heterogomph falcigers posterior xlong]
174. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades [NEXUS: neurochaetae ventral fascicle heterogomph falcigers posterior short]
175. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph falcigers blade [NEXUS: neurochaetae ventral fascicle heterogomph falcigers tendon]
176. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph falcigers blade [NEXUS: neurochaetae ventral fascicle heterogomph falcigers bifid]
177. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: homogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers [NEXUS: neurochaetae ventral fascicle homogomph falcigers anterior]
178. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: homogomph falcigers on posterior chaetigers [NEXUS: neurochaetae ventral fascicle homogomph falcigers posterior]
A trilobate pygidium is present in Namanereis while other Namanereidinae, and some Nicon species, have a bilobate pygidium. Other nereidids are commonly described as having a funnel-shaped pygidium, which may be crenulated or multi-incised (perhaps indicating specimens approaching epitoky). For the majority of Nereididae the form of the pygidium is unknown, often because specimens were incomplete posteriorly. Thus, we have not included a character describing the form of the pygidium.
179. Anal cirri form [NEXUS: anal cirri form]
Although some epitokal features may be diagnostic at the genus level (
180. Dorsal cirrophores of chaetigers 5–7 of epitokes [NEXUS: dorsal cirrophores chaetigers 5 7]
181. Natatory region in males commences chaetiger
182. Natatory region in males comprises number of chaetigers
183. Natatory region in females commences chaetiger
184. Natatory region in females comprises number of chaetigers
185. Pygidium of male epitokes [NEXUS: pygidium of male epitokes]
Male epitokes may have the pygidium modified to form a pygidial rosette with multiple rows of short papillae. The unmodified form is illustrated by
186. Oocyte shape [NEXUS: oocyte form]
Oocytes are typically spherical in Nereididae but in many Namanereis species they are ovoid.
It is easy to reach an incorrect identification using a linear (usually dichotomous) key – one always reaches a name, irrespective of errors that may have been made. Thus, it is wise to doubt, and some form of verification is highly desirable. Our recommendation is that after reaching a genus determination using the key below, the next step should be to compare the specimen at hand with the diagnosis of the genus that has been tentatively identified; if specimen and diagnosis match, the user can have increased confidence in the identification. See Methods above for further discussion. As discussed in the Introduction, several Nereididae genera are widely recognised as likely para- or polyphyletic groups. They are polymorphic for characters which distinguish other nereidid genera and therefore key out in more than one couplet.
1(0) | Maxillary ring paragnaths present (Fig. |
2 |
– | Maxillary ring paragnaths absent (Fig. |
24 |
2(1) | Oral ring paragnaths present (Fig. |
3 |
– | Oral ring paragnaths absent (Fig. |
13 |
3(2) | Dorsal notopodial ligule markedly broader on posterior chaetigers (Fig. |
4 |
– | Dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers | 7 |
4(3) | Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle) (Fig. |
Pseudonereis Kinberg, 1865 |
– | Palpophore massive subconical, flattened (palpostyle is minute by comparison) (Fig. |
5 |
5(4) | Ventral peristomial flap present (Fig. |
Cheilonereis Benham, 1916 |
– | Ventral peristomial flap absent; Areas VII-VIII conical paragnaths similar in size, or irregular mix of large and small paragnaths in a single band; prechaetal notopodial lobe (Fig. |
6 |
6(5) | Notochaetae sesquigomph (Fig. |
Nectoneanthes Imajima, 1972 |
– | Notochaetae sesquigomph (Fig. |
Alitta Kinberg, 1865 |
7(3) | Antennae present; palpostyles present; maxillary ring of pharynx divided into discrete Areas (Fig. |
8 |
– | Antennae absent palpostyles absent (palps undivided, minute) maxillary ring of pharynx undivided | Micronereis Claparède, 1863 |
8(7) | Notochaetae homogomph falcigers (fig. 4M–Q) present | 9 |
– | Notochaetae homogomph falcigers absent | 10 |
9(8) | Area II rod-like paragnaths present (Fig. |
Platynereis Kinberg, 1865 |
– | Area II rod-like paragnaths absent; Area III rod-like paragnaths absent; Area IV conical paragnaths present (Fig. |
Nereis Linnaeus, 1758 |
10(8) | Oral ring papillae present; neurochaetae dorsal fascicle heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent | Imajimainereis de León-González & Solis-Weiss, 2000 |
– | Oral ring papillae absent; neurochaetae dorsal fascicle heterogomph falcigers (Fig. |
11 |
11(10) | Area VI smooth bars present | Perinereis Kinberg, 1865 |
– | Area VI smooth bars absent | 12 |
12(11) | Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle simple chaetae (fused falcigers) (Fig. |
Hediste Malmgren, 1867 |
– | Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle simple chaetae (fused falcigers) absent | Neanthes Kinberg, 1865 |
13(2) | Oral ring papillae present | 14 |
– | Oral ring papillae absent | 16 |
14(13) | Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule (Fig. |
15 |
– | Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule (Fig. |
Wuinereis Khlebovich, 1996 |
15(14) | Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle homogomph (Fig. |
Leonnates Kinberg, 1865 |
– | Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle homogomph spinigers absent | Paraleonnates Khlebovich & Wu, 1962 |
16(13) | Notochaetae sesquigomph (Fig. |
17 |
– | Notochaetae sesquigomph spinigers absent; neurochaetae dorsal fascicle homogomph (Fig. |
18 |
17(16) | Area II rod-like paragnaths (Fig. |
Solomononereis Gibbs, 1971 |
– | Area II rod-like paragnaths absent; notochaetae homogomph falcigers absent; Area I conical paragnaths absent | Ceratonereis Kinberg, 1865 |
18(16) | Notochaetae homogomph falcigers present | Nereis Linnaeus, 1758 |
– | Notochaetae homogomph falcigers absent | 9 |
19(18) | Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present (Fig. |
20 |
– | Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent | 23 |
20(19) | Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle simple chaetae (fused falcigers) (Fig. |
Simplisetia Hartmann-Schröder, 1985 |
– | Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle simple chaetae (fused falcigers) absent | 21 |
21(20) | Dorsal cirrus terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule (Fig. |
Unanereis Day, 1962 |
– | Dorsal cirrus not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent; neuropodial postchaetal lobe digitiform (Fig. |
22 |
22(21) | Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 present | Potamonereis Villalobos-Guerrero, Conde-Vela & Sato, 2022 |
– | Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent | Neanthes Kinberg, 1865 |
23(19) | Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle) (Fig. |
Composetia Hartmann-Schröder, 1985 |
– | Palpophore massive subconical, flattened (palpostyle is minute by comparison) (Fig. |
Parasetia Villalobos-Guerrero, Conde-Vela & Sato, 2022 |
24(1) | Prostomium anterior margin entire (Fig. |
25 |
– | Prostomium anterior margin indented (Fig. |
41 |
25(24) | Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present | 26 |
– | Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent | 29 |
26(25) | Neurochaetae ventral fascicle sesquigomph (Fig. |
27 |
– | Neurochaetae ventral fascicle sesquigomph spinigers absent | 28 |
27(26) | Oral ring papillae present; tentacular cirri 3 pairs ventrum of anterior chaetigers smooth (Fig. |
Lycastonereis Rao, 1981 |
– | Oral ring papillae absent; tentacular cirri 4 pairs; ventrum of anterior chaetigers with rows of tubercles extending to the base of each neuropodium (Fig. |
Australonereis Hartman, 1954 |
28(26) | Area V papillae present; dorsal notopodial ligule divided into numerous branchial filaments (Fig. |
Dendronereides Southern, 1921 |
– | Area V papillae absent dorsal notopodial ligule not divided into numerous branchial filaments; ventral neuropodial ligule (Fig. |
Olganereis Hartmann-Schröder, 1977 |
29(25) | Dorsal notopodial ligule (Fig. |
Leptonereis Kinberg, 1865 |
– | Dorsal notopodial ligule (Fig. |
30 |
– | Dorsal notopodial ligule (Fig. |
38 |
– | Dorsal notopodial ligule (Fig. |
40 |
30(29) | Notochaetae homogomph falcigers (Fig. |
31 |
– | Notochaetae homogomph falcigers absent | 33 |
31(30) | Oral ring paragnaths (Fig. |
Eunereis Malmgren, 1865 |
– | Oral ring paragnaths absent | 32 |
32(31) | Dorsal notopodial ligule (Fig. |
Rullierinereis Pettibone, 1971 |
– | Dorsal notopodial ligule (Fig. |
Kainonereis Chamberlin, 1919 |
33(30) | Oral ring paragnaths (Fig. |
Eunereis Malmgren, 1865 |
– | Oral ring paragnaths (Fig. |
34 |
34(33) | Neuropodial postchaetal lobe (Fig. |
35 |
– | Neuropodial postchaetal lobe absent | 36 |
35(34) | Oral ring papillae present | Websterinereis Pettibone, 1971 |
– | Oral ring papillae absent | Nicon Kinberg, 1865 |
36(34) | Dorsal notopodial ligule markedly broader on posterior chaetigers (Fig. |
Leptonereis Kinberg, 1865 |
– | Dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers dorsal cirrus not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers | 37 |
37(36) | Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle homogomph spinigers (Fig. |
Micronereides Day, 1963 |
– | Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle homogomph (Fig. |
Namanereis Chamberlin, 1919 |
38(29) | Dorsal notopodial ligule markedly broader on posterior chaetigers (Fig. |
Leptonereis Kinberg, 1865 |
– | Dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers (Fig. |
39 |
39(38) | Notochaetae homogomph falcigers (Fig. |
Kainonereis Chamberlin, 1919 |
– | Notochaetae homogomph falcigers absent; neurochaetae ventral fascicle falcigers blade tapering, with straight margin (Fig. |
Sinonereis Wu & Sun, 1979 |
40(29) | Dorsal notopodial ligule markedly broader on posterior chaetigers (Fig. |
Leptonereis Kinberg, 1865 |
– | Dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; dorsal notopodial ligule markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers; dorsal cirrus not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers | Typhlonereis Hansen, 1879 |
41(24) | Dorsal cirrus simple, lacking basal cirrophore | 42 |
– | Dorsal cirrus arising from basal cirrophore | 46 |
42(41) | Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present (Fig. |
43 |
– | Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers absent | 45 |
43(42) | Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present; dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers (Fig. |
44 |
– | Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent; dorsal notopodial ligule markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 present | Kinberginereis Pettibone, 1971 |
44(43) | Dorsal notopodial ligule commences chaetiger 1; dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers (Fig. |
Laeonereis Hartman, 1945 |
– | Dorsal notopodial ligule commences chaetiger 3; dorsal notopodial ligule markedly broader on posterior chaetigers (Fig. |
Tylonereis Fauvel, 1911 |
45(42) | Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle) (Fig. |
Tylorrhynchus Grube, 1866 |
– | Palpophore massive subconical, flattened (palpostyle is minute by comparison) (Fig. |
Dendronereis Peters, 1854 |
46(41) | Oral ring papillae present notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent; ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present (Fig. |
47 |
– | Oral ring papillae absent notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 present; ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers absent | 49 |
47(46) | Dorsal notopodial ligule (Fig. |
48 |
– | dorsal notopodial ligule absent | Ceratocephale Malmgren, 1867 |
48(47) | Notochaetae sesquigomph (Fig. |
Gymnonereis Horst, 1919 |
– | Notochaetae sesquigomph spinigers absent; neurochaetae ventral fascicle sesquigomph spinigers absent; neurochaetae dorsal fascicle sesquigomph spinigers absent | Tambalagamia Pillai, 1961 |
49(46) | Neuropodial postchaetal lobe (Fig. |
Stenoninereis Wesenberg-Lund, 1958 |
– | Neuropodial postchaetal lobe absent antennae form subconical (usually shorter than palpophore) (Fig. |
Namalycastis Hartman, 1959 |
Nereis (Alitta) auctt.
Nereis virens Sars, 1835.
Dorsal notopodial ligule markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; palpophore massive subconical, flattened (palpostyle is minute by comparison); ventral peristomial flap absent; notochaetae sesquigomph spinigers absent (minimal diagnosis; secondary diagnosis not attained).
Palpophore massive subconical, flattened (palpostyle is minute by comparison). Palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed) or with several oblique grooves or striae (palpophores well developed); palpostyles subconical. Prostomium anterior margin entire. Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1. Tentacular cirri cirrophores present.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths present. Area I conical paragnaths present (absent occasionally in some specimens of A. virens species complex); II conical paragnaths present; III conical paragnaths present; III rod-like paragnaths absent; IV paragnaths present; IV conical paragnaths present; IV smooth bar-like paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths present; with Areas V, VI, and VII-VIII discrete. Oral ring pyramidal paragnaths absent, or present. Area V conical paragnaths present, or absent; arranged in a longitudinal line, or irregularly. Area VI paragnaths present; paragnaths arranged in a roughly circular group, or in lines or arcs; conical paragnaths present. Areas VII-VIII paragnaths present; conical paragnaths present; P-bar paragnaths absent, or present.
Dorsal notopodial ligule markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers, or not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present; smaller than dorsal notopodial ligule on anterior chaetigers, usually reduced or absent posteriorly, or approximately equal to length of dorsal notopodial ligule at least on anterior chaetigers (thus notopodium of three similar sized ligules/lobes); present on all chaetigers. Notopodial acicular process absent. Dorsal cirrus sub-terminally attached to dorsal margin of dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; present throughout all chaetigers; digitiform. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule, or short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 present, or absent. Notochaetae of chaetigers 3 and 4 present. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; dorsal fascicle heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present, or absent. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; spinigers in anterior chaetigers with blades evenly serrated throughout; on posterior chaetigers with blades finely serrated proximally; heterogomph falcigers present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; ventral fascicle heterogomph falcigers blade with recurved terminal tooth and distinct tendon, or lacking distinct tendon on terminal tooth; ventral fascicle heterogomph falcigers blade with a single terminal tooth.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
The modern concept of Alitta is due to
There is no identification guide for all species of Alitta but the four species in the A. virens species complex can be identified using the keys to atokes and to epitokes in
Nereis (Leonnates) ehlersi Augener, 1913.
Ventrum of anterior chaetigers with rows of tubercles extending to the base of each neuropodium (minimal diagnosis). Dorsal notopodial ligule commences chaetiger 1; prostomium anterior margin entire; maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Ventrum of anterior chaetigers with rows of tubercles extending to the base of each neuropodium.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present (sometimes with horny tips); solitary; 50–110 papillae in total. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule present; commences chaetiger 1; not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present; smaller than dorsal notopodial ligule on anterior chaetigers, usually reduced or absent posteriorly; restricted to a limited number of anterior chaetigers. Notopodial acicular process absent. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; digitiform. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; sesquigomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: sesquigomph falcigers present; blades serrated; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; on posterior chaetigers absent. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: sesquigomph falcigers present; heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers absent; sesquigomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers absent.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Australonereis is a monotypic genus. The single species A. ehlersi (Augener, 1913) occurs only in southern Australian estuaries where these large and often locally abundant worms are instantly recognisable by the conspicuous rows of tuberculae on the ventral surface; living specimens are also much more fragile than those belonging to other genera of Nereididae and readily fragment in the field.
Chaunorhychus Chamberlin, 1919.
Pisionura Hartman & Fauchald, 1971.
Ceratocephale loveni Malmgren, 1867.
Transverse dorsal lamellae present; dorsal notopodial ligule absent (minimal diagnosis). Dorsal cirrus arising from basal cirrophore; dorsal notopodial ligule commences chaetiger 3 (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Palpostyles subconical, or acutely conical. Eyes present, or absent. Prostomium anterior margin indented. Tentacular belt equal to or less than length of chaetiger 1.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae present. Oral ring papillae arrangement solitary. Area V three papillae present (close together); VI papillae present, or absent; VII-VIII seven papillae present, arranged in a single row. Oral ring paragnaths absent. In Ceratocephale spp., Areas V and VI contain up to three papillae in total; these are here interpreted as all occurring in Area V, with VI = 0,0.
Transverse dorsal lamellae present (in all species except C. abyssorum); commencing chaetiger 4–10.
Dorsal notopodial ligule absent. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present; present on all chaetigers. Notopodial acicular process absent. Dorsal cirrus arising from basal cirrophore; cirrophore of dorsal cirrus enlarged and vascularised; cirrophore of dorsal cirrus expanded and leaflike.
Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; present throughout all chaetigers; digitiform. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule, or short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule. Accessory ventral cirrus present; commencing chaetiger 1–3. Conspicuous neuropodial prechaetal ligule present.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present; sesquigomph spinigers present, or absent. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; sesquigomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; on posterior chaetigers absent. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present, or absent; heterogomph falcigers absent.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
The definition of Ceratocephale used here follows
Ceratocephale currently includes 12 accepted species recorded from all oceans except the Arctic Ocean and from intertidal to abyssal depths (
Ceratonereis (Ceratonereis) auctt.
Ceratonereis mirabilis Kinberg, 1865.
Notochaetae: sesquigomph falcigers present; dorsal cirrus sub-terminally attached to dorsal margin of dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers (minimal diagnosis). Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: sesquigomph falcigers present; palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle) (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle) (elongate). Palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed). Prostomium anterior margin indented.
Oesophageal caeca absent.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Area I conical paragnaths absent; II conical paragnaths present; III conical paragnaths present; IV paragnaths present; IV conical paragnaths present. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers, or not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe absent. Notopodial acicular process absent. Dorsal cirrus sub-terminally attached to dorsal margin of dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; arising from basal cirrophore; cirrophore of dorsal cirrus short, at most as long as ventral notopodial ligule, or much longer than ventral notopodial ligule; cirrophore of dorsal cirrus not enlarged and vascularised; cirrophore of dorsal cirrus cylindrical throughout.
Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; restricted to anterior chaetigers; digitiform or flattened. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule, or short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule, or short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 present. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers absent; sesquigomph spinigers present; sesquigomph falcigers present; blade distally bifid, or with a single distal tooth. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers absent; sesquigomph spinigers present; sesquigomph falcigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; heterogomph falcigers blade lacking distinct tendon on terminal tooth; heterogomph falcigers blade terminally bifid, or with a single terminal tooth.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Ceratonereis as currently defined follows the concept of
There is no identification guide to the species of Ceratonereis and many nominal species are poorly known and some still may belong to other genera. Distinguishing species relies heavily on differences in chaetae and in parapodial structures; pigmentation pattern in living specimens is often distinctive and would probably be most helpful.
Nereis cyclurus Harrington, 1897.
Ventral peristomial flap present (minimal diagnosis). Areas VII-VIII conical paragnaths differentiated, with a separate band of minute paragnaths also present; dorsal notopodial ligule markedly broader on posterior chaetigers (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore massive subconical, flattened (palpostyle is minute by comparison). Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1. Ventral peristomial flap present.
Oesophageal caeca present.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths present. Area I conical paragnaths present; II conical paragnaths present; IV paragnaths present; IV conical paragnaths present. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths present; with Areas V, VI and VII-VIII discrete; on Area V and VI form distinct groups. Area V conical paragnaths absent. Area VI paragnaths present; paragnaths arranged in a roughly circular group; conical paragnaths present; smooth bars absent. Areas VII-VIII paragnaths present; conical; arranged in isolated patches, or in one or more irregular lines forming a continuous band; conical paragnaths differentiated, with a separate band of minute paragnaths also present (present as patches in C. peristomialis).
Dorsal notopodial ligule markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present; smaller than dorsal notopodial ligule on anterior chaetigers, usually reduced or absent posteriorly; restricted to a limited number of anterior chaetigers. Dorsal cirrus sub-terminally attached to dorsal margin of dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers.
Neuropodial postchaetal lobe absent, or present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; present throughout all chaetigers; flattened. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present; homogomph falcigers present; homogomph falcigers with multidentate blade with two or more small lateral teeth, first and subsequent lateral teeth much smaller than terminal tooth present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present; blades serrated. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades present; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; heterogomph falcigers blade lacking distinct tendon on terminal tooth.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
The genus Cheilonereis has two species, C. cyclurus (Harrington, 1897) from the NW Pacific and C. peristomialis Benham, 1916 from the SE Pacific; both species are commensals of hermit crabs. Cheilonereis species are characterised by the presence of a ventral collar or flap that partly covers the ventral paragnaths of the oral ring when the pharynx is extended (see photo by Dave Cowles, Walla Walla University: also included as part of
Ceratonereis (Composetia) Hartmann-Schröder, 1985.
Nereis costae Grube, 1840.
Neurochaetae ventral fascicle homogomph spinigers present; maxillary ring paragnaths present; oral ring paragnaths absent; Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; oesophageal caeca present (minimal diagnosis; secondary diagnosis not attained).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed). Prostomium longitudinal groove present; anterior region entire, sub-quadrangular, longitudinal groove present; prostomial posterior region subequal to or longer than anterior region. Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Oesophageal caeca present.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths present. Area I conical paragnaths present; II conical paragnaths present; III conical paragnaths present; IV paragnaths present; IV conical paragnaths present. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present; smaller than dorsal notopodial ligule on anterior chaetigers, usually reduced or absent posteriorly; present on all chaetigers, or restricted to a limited number of anterior chaetigers. Notopodial acicular process absent. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers.
Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; restricted to anterior chaetigers. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; on posterior chaetigers absent. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers present; falcigers blade tapering, with straight margin; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; heterogomph falcigers blade lacking distinct tendon on terminal tooth; homogomph falcigers on posterior chaetigers present, or absent.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
The description here follows the revised concept of Composetia of
The only identification guide is the tabular comparisons of
Dendronereides heteropoda Southern, 1921.
Dorsal notopodial ligule divided into numerous branchial filaments (minimal diagnosis).
Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers absent; maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present; prostomium anterior margin entire (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed).
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present; solitary. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae present. Oral ring papillae arrangement solitary. Area V papillae present; VI papillae present; VII-VIII papillae present. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule present. Dorsal notopodial ligule divided into numerous branchial filaments. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers absent. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers absent.
Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present; sesquigomph spinigers present, or absent. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present, or absent; homogomph spinigers present; sesquigomph spinigers present, or absent; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present, or absent; homogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present, or absent. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present, or absent; homogomph spinigers present, or absent; heterogomph falcigers present, or absent; heterogomph falcigers blade lacking distinct tendon on terminal tooth; homogomph falcigers on posterior chaetigers present, or absent.
Dendronereides is the only nereidid genus in which the dorsal notopodial ligule is transformed into “branchial” filaments; the genus contains three species which occur in tropical estuaries of the Indo-Pacific. There is no taxonomic review or identification guide for the species of Dendronereides.
Dendronereis arborifera Peters, 1854.
Dorsal cirrus divided into numerous branchial filaments (minimal diagnosis). Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers absent; palpophore massive subconical, flattened (palpostyle is minute by comparison); prostomium anterior margin indented (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore massive subconical, flattened (palpostyle is minute by comparison). Prostomium anterior margin indented.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present, or absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae present. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present; smaller than dorsal notopodial ligule on anterior chaetigers, usually reduced or absent posteriorly. Dorsal cirrus divided into numerous branchial filaments. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers absent. Neuropodia of branchial chaetigers divided into five lobes, plus ventral cirrus, plus two smaller cirri on ventral neuropodial lobe (not arising from same location as ventral cirri). Posteriorly becoming simpler, eventually with a single neuropodial lobe and ventral cirrus.
Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; on posterior chaetigers absent. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers absent.
Species belonging to Dendronereis are easily recognised as this is the only genus of Nereididae in which the dorsal cirrus is transformed into branchial filaments.
Five species of Dendronereis are known, all occurring in shallow waters of the Indo-Pacific.
Nereis (Eunereis) Malmgren, 1865.
Nereis longissima Johnston, 1840.
Oral ring paragnaths present; maxillary ring paragnaths absent (minimal diagnosis; secondary diagnosis not attained).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed). Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae present, or absent. Oral ring paragnaths present; with Areas V, VI, and VII-VIII discrete, or comprising a continuous ring dorsally and ventrally, discrete groups not recognisable; on Areas V and VI form distinct groups. Area V conical paragnaths present, or absent. Area VI paragnaths present; arranged in a roughly circular group; conical paragnaths present, or absent; smooth bars present, or absent. Areas VII-VIII paragnaths present, or absent; conical paragnaths present; conical paragnaths arranged in isolated patches, or in one or more irregular lines forming a continuous band; conical paragnaths similar in size, or irregular mix of large and small paragnaths in a single band; rod-shaped paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers, or not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present, or absent; smaller than dorsal notopodial ligule on anterior chaetigers, usually reduced or absent posteriorly; restricted to a limited number of anterior chaetigers. Notopodial acicular process present, or absent. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers; simple, lacking basal cirrophore.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe absent, or present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; restricted to anterior chaetigers; digitiform. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present; homogomph falcigers present, or absent. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present; blades serrated. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present; falcigers blade tapering, with straight margin; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades present, or absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present, or absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; heterogomph falcigers blade lacking distinct tendon on terminal tooth.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
The description here follows
Eunereis is the only Nereididae genus with paragnaths present only on the oral ring. Eunereis includes species which in other respects, especially chaetal characters, are similar to either of the genera Neanthes or Nereis suggesting a review is necessary.
Eunereis includes ten accepted species which encompass wide geographic and bathymetric distributions. There is no published identification guide to all species.
Gymnorhynchus Horst, 1919 (replaced homonym).
Gymnorhynchus sibogae Horst, 1918.
Accessory ventral cirrus present; neurochaetae ventral fascicle sesquigomph spinigers present (minimal diagnosis). Notochaetae sesquigomph spinigers present; dorsal notopodial ligule present (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed); palpostyles subconical, or acutely conical. Prostomium anterior margin indented.
Jaws with smooth or slightly crenulate cutting edge or with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae present. Oral ring papillae arrangement solitary. Area V papillae present; VI papillae present; VII-VIII papillae present. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Transverse dorsal lamellae absent, or present.
Dorsal notopodial ligule present; commences chaetiger 1; not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers (but cirrophore of dorsal cirrus is expanded and looks like an expanded notopodial lobe unless progressive change is noted over many chaetigers). Prechaetal notopodial lobe present; smaller than dorsal notopodial ligule on anterior chaetigers, usually reduced or absent posteriorly; present on all chaetigers. Notopodial acicular process present. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers; arising from basal cirrophore.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe present; extending beyond postchaetal lobe (at least in anterior chaetigers). Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; not projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; present throughout all chaetigers; flattened. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule, or short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule. Accessory ventral cirrus present.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present, or absent; sesquigomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present, or absent; sesquigomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: sesquigomph falcigers present, or absent; blades serrated; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; on posterior chaetigers absent. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: sesquigomph falcigers present, or absent; heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present, or absent; sesquigomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers absent.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
The genus Gymnonereis is diagnosed by the presence of accessory dorsal and ventral cirri and notochaetae comprising sesquigomph spinigers (although as discussed by
Gymnonereis is a genus of seven species, predominantly occurring in the southern hemisphere and the tropical Indo-Pacific and from shallow water (~ 60 m or less). There is no published key to all species although several regional keys exist (
Nereis (Hediste) Malmgren, 1867.
Nereis diversicolor Müller, 1776.
Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle simple chaetae (fused falcigers) present; palpophore massive subconical, flattened (palpostyle is minute by comparison) (minimal diagnosis; secondary diagnosis not attained).
Palpophore massive subconical, flattened (palpostyle is minute by comparison). Palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed). Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Area I conical paragnaths present; II conical paragnaths present; III conical paragnaths present; III rod-like paragnaths absent; IV paragnaths present; IV conical paragnaths present; IV rod-like paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths present; with Areas V, VI, and VII-VIII discrete; on Areas V and VI form distinct groups. Area V conical paragnaths absent. Area VI paragnaths present; paragnaths arranged in a roughly circular group, or in lines or arcs; conical paragnaths present; smooth bars absent. Area VII-VIII paragnaths present; conical paragnaths present; conical paragnaths arranged in one or more irregular lines forming a continuous band; conical paragnaths similar in size, or irregular mix of large and small paragnaths in a single band; rod-shaped paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present; smaller than dorsal notopodial ligule on anterior chaetigers, usually reduced or absent posteriorly; restricted to a limited number of anterior chaetigers. Notopodial acicular process absent. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Neuropodial postchaetal lobe absent, or present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; restricted to anterior chaetigers; digitiform. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present; blades serrated; simple chaetae (fused falcigers) present. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present or absent; homogomph spinigers absent; homogomph falcigers present or absent; heterogomph falcigers present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; heterogomph falcigers blade lacking distinct tendon on terminal tooth.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Hediste species are characterised by the “simple” neuropodial falcigers (with fused articulation) which are present in posterior chaetigers and by having paragnaths on both rings of the pharynx. The most recent taxonomic treatments are
Hediste is a genus of estuarine nereidids which occur in the northern hemisphere. Seven species of Hediste are currently described but despite recent publications, the most widespread species, H. diversicolor (O.F. Müller, 1776) still contains cryptic species not yet described (
Imajimainereis pacifica de León-González & Solís-Weiss, 2000.
Oral ring paragnaths present; oral ring papillae present; neurochaetae dorsal fascicle heterogomph spinigers present (minimal diagnosis). Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; Area VI papillae absent; palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle) (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Area I conical paragnaths present; II conical paragnaths present; III conical paragnaths present; III rod-like paragnaths absent; IV paragnaths present; IV conical paragnaths present; IV rod-like paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae present. Oral ring papillae arrangement solitary. Area V papillae absent; VI papillae absent; VII-VIII papillae present. Oral ring paragnaths present; with Areas V, VI, and VII-VIII discrete; on Areas V and VI form distinct groups. Area V conical paragnaths absent. Area VI paragnaths present; paragnaths arranged in a roughly circular group; conical paragnaths present; smooth bars absent. Areas VII-VIII paragnaths present; conical paragnaths present; conical paragnaths arranged in one or more irregular lines forming a continuous band; conical paragnaths similar in size, or irregular mix of large and small paragnaths in a single band; rod-shaped paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present; smaller than dorsal notopodial ligule on anterior chaetigers, usually reduced or absent posteriorly. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; on posterior chaetigers present; blades serrated; blades with teeth only slightly longer proximally than distally. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent.
Imajimainereis contains a single species, I. pacifica de León-González & Solís-Weiss, 2000, which differs from all other Nereididae by having both papillae and paragnaths on the oral ring and neurochaetae including heterogomph spinigers.
Imajimainereis is recorded from the Gulf of California, eastern Pacific Ocean (
Kainonereis alata Chamberlin, 1919.
Dorsal cirrophores of chaetigers 5–7 of epitokes modified into flattened elytriform discs (minimal diagnosis). Notochaetae homogomph falcigers present; maxillary ring paragnaths absent; oral ring paragnaths absent; dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers (secondary diagnosis).
Palps anteriorly directed, or ventrally directed. Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Prostomium the antennae are separate but sometimes basally fused in male epitokes. Tentacular cirri articulated.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule commences chaetiger 3, or chaetiger 4 (from chaetiger 4 in males, 3 in females); not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present (subconical to digitate in atokes, rounded in epitokes). Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; present throughout all chaetigers. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present; homogomph falcigers present (in males, on anterior chaetigers); homogomph falcigers with multidentate blade with two or more small lateral teeth, first and subsequent lateral teeth much smaller than terminal tooth present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present; falcigers blade bowed, with convex margin.
Pygidium bilobate. Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Dorsal cirrophores of chaetigers 5–7 of epitokes modified into flattened elytriform discs. Natatory epitokal modifications in males commence chaetiger 15. Natatory epitokal modifications in females commence chaetiger 15.
Kainonereis was originally described for an epitokous specimen in which dorsal cirri of chaetigers 5–7 were expanded into elytra-like structures. Unless epitokes are available Kainonereis is not separable from Nicon and Websterinereis (this does not imply that Kainonereis is invalid). A revision by
Nereis (Leptonereis) inermis Hoagland, 1920.
Neurochaetae ventral fascicle heterogomph spinigers in anterior chaetigers with blades coarsely serrated proximally; oral ring papillae present; maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent (minimal diagnosis). Prostomium anterior margin indented; prechaetal notopodial lobe approximately equal to length of dorsal notopodial ligule at least on anterior chaetigers (thus notopodium of three similar sized ligules/lobes); antennae form cirriform (usually extending to or past palpophore); maxillary ring paragnaths absent (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle) (elongate). Prostomium anterior margin indented.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge, 20 teeth.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae present. Oral ring papillae number two in total; arrangement solitary. Area V papillae absent; VI papillae present, one papilla (a single fleshy nob on each side); VII-VIII papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule present; markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present; approximately equal to length of dorsal notopodial ligule at least on anterior chaetigers (thus notopodium of three similar sized ligules/lobes); present on all chaetigers. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe present. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; flattened. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 present. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; on posterior chaetigers absent. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; spinigers in anterior chaetigers with blades coarsely serrated proximally; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers absent.
The most recent taxonomic treatment of Kinberginereis is the original description of
Kinberginereis includes a single species, K. inermis (Hoagland, 1920) described from a single specimen from shallow water in the Philippines; the only subsequent reports are unverified occurrence records now in the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History from the Gulf of Mexico.
Nereis culveri Webster, 1879.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae in tufts (minimal diagnosis). Dorsal notopodial ligule commences chaetiger 1; neurochaetae ventral fascicle homogomph falcigers on posterior chaetigers present (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Prostomium anterior margin indented; longitudinal groove present.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present; in tufts. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae present. Oral ring papillae arrangement solitary. Area V papillae absent; VI papillae present; VII-VIII papillae present or absent (may be absent in juveniles). Oral ring paragnaths absent. Papillae triangular or conical on Area VI, rounded on Areas VII-VIII.
Dorsal notopodial ligule present; commences chaetiger 1; not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present; smaller than dorsal notopodial ligule on anterior chaetigers, usually reduced or absent posteriorly; restricted to a limited number of anterior chaetigers. Notopodial acicular process absent. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; restricted to anterior chaetigers. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; on posterior chaetigers absent; homogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present, or absent; on posterior chaetigers present, or absent. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers absent; homogomph falcigers on posterior chaetigers present (with long blades).
Pygidium funnel-shaped, crenulated, or multi-incised, with ventral incision. Anal cirri cirriform or conical.
The description and diagnosis of Laeonereis here is derived from the revision of
Currently eight species of Laeonereis are recognised, largely confined to the Atlantic coasts of North and South America; they can be identified using the key of
Nereis (Leonnates) auctt.
Laevispinereis He & Wu, 1989.
Leonnates indicus Kinberg, 1865.
Oral ring papillae present; maxillary ring paragnaths present; oral ring paragnaths absent; ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule; neurochaetae dorsal fascicle homogomph spinigers present (minimal diagnosis; secondary diagnosis not attained).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle), or massive subconical, flattened (palpostyle is minute by comparison). Palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed). Prostomium anterior margin entire or indented (indented only in L. persicus and L. stephensoni); longitudinal groove present; anterior region sub-quadrangular or sub-rectangular. Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Oesophageal caeca absent.
Jaws with smooth or slightly crenulate cutting edge or with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present, or absent; solitary. Maxillary ring paragnaths present. Area I conical paragnaths present, or absent; II conical paragnaths present; III conical paragnaths present, or absent; III rod-like paragnaths absent; IV paragnaths present; IV conical paragnaths present; IV smooth bar-like paragnaths present, or absent; IV rod-like paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae present. Oral ring papillae arrangement solitary. Area V papillae present, or absent; VI papillae present; VII-VIII papillae present. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present; smaller than dorsal notopodial ligule on anterior chaetigers, usually reduced or absent posteriorly, or approximately equal to length of dorsal notopodial ligule at least on anterior chaetigers (thus notopodium of three similarly sized ligules/lobes); present on all chaetigers, or restricted to a limited number of anterior chaetigers. Notopodial acicular process absent. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; present throughout all chaetigers or restricted to anterior chaetigers; digitiform. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present; homogomph falcigers present, or absent. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present, or absent (present in L. fujianensis); homogomph spinigers present; sesquigomph spinigers present, or absent (present in L. fujianensis); sesquigomph falcigers present, or absent; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present, or absent; on posterior chaetigers present, or absent; homogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present, or absent; on posterior chaetigers present, or absent. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: sesquigomph falcigers present, or absent; blade with a single distal tooth; heterogomph spinigers present, or absent; homogomph spinigers present, or absent; sesquigomph spinigers present, or absent; heterogomph falcigers present, or absent; falcigers blade bowed, with convex margin; heterogomph falcigers blade lacking distinct tendon on terminal tooth; homogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present, or absent; on posterior chaetigers present, or absent. Ventral fascicle neuropodial falcigers apparently vary considerably between species.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
The current description and diagnosis follow
Leonnates includes 13 species with the greatest diversity in the tropical Indo-Pacific.
Nereis (Leptonereis) auctt.
Leptonereis laevis Kinberg, 1865.
Dorsal cirrus terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; maxillary ring paragnaths absent (minimal diagnosis). Dorsal notopodial ligule markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; prostomium anterior margin entire; maxillary ring of pharynx with P-bar paragnaths absent (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle).
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule present; markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Neuropodial postchaetal lobe absent. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae homogomph and heterogomph spinigers and heterogomph falcigers, but their distribution in dorsal and ventral fascicles is unknown.
The description of Leptonereis given here follows the most recent treatment (
Leptonereis includes a single species, L. laevis Kinberg, 1865, based on a single specimen from Guayaquil, Ecuador and now recorded from tropical east Pacific coasts of North and South America.
Lycastonereis indica Rao, 1981.
Tentacular cirri three pairs; palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed) (minimal diagnosis). Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle homogomph falcigers on posterior chaetigers present; maxillary ring paragnaths absent; prostomium anterior margin entire (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed). Prostomium anterior margin entire. Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1. Tentacular cirri three pairs.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae present. Oral ring papillae arrangement solitary. Area V papillae absent; VI papillae present; VII-VIII papillae present, arranged in a single row. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule markedly reduced or absent on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present; restricted to a limited number of anterior chaetigers.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; not projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; digitiform. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; dorsal fascicle heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; on posterior chaetigers absent; dorsal fascicle homogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present; ventral fascicle heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; sesquigomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph falcigers absent; homogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present.
This easily diagnosed genus from estuaries in India includes a single species.
Micronereides capensis Day, 1963.
Tentacular belt represented by two distinct segments each carrying a pair of tentacular cirri (minimal diagnosis). Dorsal notopodial ligule absent; neurochaetae ventral fascicle sesquigomph spinigers present (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Eyes absent. Prostomium with eyes, if not absent, indistinct and likely to be missed. Tentacular belt equal to or less than length of chaetiger 1; represented by two distinct segments each carrying a pair of tentacular cirri.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge, seven teeth.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule absent. Prechaetal notopodial lobe absent. Notopodial acicular process absent.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe absent. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule. Dorsal notopodial ligule elongate, exceeding length of dorsal cirrus.
Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; on posterior chaetigers absent; ventral fascicle heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; sesquigomph spinigers present (possibly, chaetae need re-examination).
Micronereides was erected to contain M. capensis Day, 1963 a small nereidid lacking pharyngeal papillae or paragnaths and in which tentacular cirri arise from two distinct anterior segments (unique among Nereididae). A revised diagnosis was provided by
The genus is still only known from a single species, M. capensis, recorded from shelf depths in the South Atlantic Ocean.
Notophycus Knox & Cameron, 1970.
Phyllodocella Fauchald & Belman, 1972.
Quadricirra Banse, 1977.
Micronereis variegata Claparède, 1863.
Palpostyles absent (palps undivided, minute) (minimal diagnosis). Maxillary ring of pharynx undivided (secondary diagnosis).
Antennae absent. Palps ventrally directed. Palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed); palpostyles absent (palps undivided, minute).
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx undivided.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent; undivided maxillary ring with two paragnaths in total. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths present; on Areas V and VI not recognisably distinct. Crown-shaped oral ring paragnaths present. Area V conical paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule absent. Prechaetal notopodial lobe absent. Notopodial acicular process absent. Acicular notopodial ligule absent.
Neuropodial postchaetal lobe absent. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers absent. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers absent.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent (only confirmed as yet for M. bansei). Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present; homogomph falcigers present or absent; homogomph falcigers with multidentate blade with two or more small lateral teeth, first and subsequent lateral teeth much smaller than terminal tooth present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; homogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers absent.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Micronereis is a genus of small nereidids generally associated with algal turfs in intertidal and shallow (to ~ 30 m) marine waters. Micronereis species differ from other Nereididae in lacking antennae and having a pharynx that is not fully eversible. They are sexually dimorphic and males have distinctive neurochaetae that function as copulatory hooks not found in other Nereididae.
Micronereis currently includes ten accepted species which collectively have a wide global distribution.
Lycastis abiuma Grube, 1872.
Palpophore surface without grooves or striae (palps short, compact); antennae form subconical (shorter than palpophore) (minimal diagnosis). Prostomium anterior margin indented (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Palpophore surface without grooves or striae (palps short, compact) or with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed); palpostyles spherical. Prostomium anterior margin indented; longitudinal groove present. Tentacular belt equal to or less than length of chaetiger 1.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Notopodium strongly reduced, without distinct lobes or ligules. Dorsal cirrus arising from basal cirrophore (weakly developed; only on anterior chaetigers).
Neuropodial postchaetal lobe absent. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers absent. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers absent.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 present. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers absent; sesquigomph spinigers present, or absent. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present (rarely), or absent; homogomph spinigers absent; sesquigomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present, or absent (rarely); on posterior chaetigers present, or absent; blades smooth, or serrated; blades with teeth only slightly longer proximally than distally. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; spinigers in anterior chaetigers with blades evenly serrated throughout, or coarsely serrated proximally (rarely); on posterior chaetigers with blades finely serrated proximally, or coarsely serrated proximally; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present, or absent (rarely); anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent.
Pygidium with three incisions marking lateral and dorsal lobes. Anal cirri form cirriform or conical, or flattened, resembling posterior dorsal cirri.
Oocyte spherical.
Namalycastis currently includes 33 accepted species recorded mainly from intertidal and supralittoral areas, including freshwater, of the tropics and subtropics. Together with sister-group Namanereis, they are one of only a few polychaetes to be found in association with riparian vegetation. Because they have an unadorned pharynx and a simplified parapodia, distinguishing species relies heavily on differences in chaetae, form of sensory organs of the head, and pigmentation patterns in living specimens. The modern concept of the subfamily and genus was introduced by
Cryptonereis Gibbs, 1971.
Lycastella Feuerborn, 1932.
Lycastilla Solís-Weiss & Espinasa, 1991.
Lycastoides Jakubova, 1930.
Lycastopsis Augener, 1922.
Lycastis quadraticeps Blanchard in Gay, 1849.
Palpophore surface without grooves or striae (palps short, compact); prostomium anterior margin entire (minimal diagnosis). Palpostyles spherical; dorsal cirrus simple, lacking basal cirrophore (secondary diagnosis).
Antennae present, or absent (rarely). Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Palpophore surface without grooves or striae (most species; palps short, compact) or with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed); palpostyles spherical. Eyes present, or absent. Tentacular belt equal to or less than length of chaetiger 1. Tentacular cirri four pairs, or three pairs.
Jaws forms with a crenulate cutting edge have 2 teeth proximally, with smooth or slightly crenulate cutting edge or with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Notopodium strongly reduced, without distinct lobes or ligules.
Neuropodial postchaetal lobe absent. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers absent. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers absent.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 present. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers absent; sesquigomph spinigers present (rarely), or absent. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present (rarely), or absent; homogomph spinigers absent; sesquigomph spinigers present, or absent; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present; blades serrated; blades with teeth only slightly longer proximally than distally, or much longer proximally than distally. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present (rarely), or absent; spinigers in anterior chaetigers with blades evenly serrated throughout; on posterior chaetigers with blades finely serrated proximally; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present (some forms with very long blades = pseudospinigers); anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades present, or absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present, or absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent.
Pygidium with three incisions marking lateral and dorsal lobes. Anal cirri form cirriform or conical, or short, stout and appearing as an extension of the pygidium.
Oocyte spherical (rarely), or ovoid.
Namanereis currently includes 27 accepted species recorded mainly from intertidal, supralittoral and terrestrial areas, including the freshwaters of streams, caves, and underground aquifers. Although mainly found in the tropics and subtropics one species, Namanereis quadraticeps (Blanchard in Gay 1849), has a circum-subantarctic/temperate distribution. Together with sister-group Namalycastis, they are one of only a few polychaetes to be found in association with riparian vegetation. Because they have an unadorned pharynx and a simplified parapodia, distinguishing species relies heavily on differences in chaetae and form of sensory organs of the head. The modern concept of the subfamily and genus was introduced by
Nereis (Neanthes) auctt.
Nereis (Neanthioides) Rioja, 1918.
Praxithea Malmgren, 1867.
Neanthes vaalii Kinberg, 1865.
Maxillary ring paragnaths present; neurochaetae dorsal fascicle heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; oral ring papillae absent; notochaetae homogomph falcigers absent; notochaetae sesquigomph falcigers absent; neurochaetae dorsal fascicle simple chaetae (fused falcigers) absent; Area VI smooth bars absent; notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent (minimal diagnosis; secondary diagnosis not attained).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle), or massive subconical, flattened (palpostyle is minute by comparison) (rarely). Palpophore surface without grooves or striae or with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed) or with several oblique grooves or striae (palpophores well developed). Eyes present, or absent. Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Oesophageal caeca present, or absent.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths present. Area I conical paragnaths present; II conical paragnaths present, or absent; III conical paragnaths present, or absent; III rod-like paragnaths absent; IV paragnaths present, or absent; IV conical paragnaths present, or absent; IV smooth bar-like paragnaths present, or absent; IV rod-like paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths present, or absent; with Areas V, VI, and VII-VIII discrete, or comprising a continuous ring dorsally and ventrally, discrete groups not recognisable; on Areas V and VI form distinct groups, or not recognisably distinct. Area V conical paragnaths present, or absent. Area VI paragnaths present, or absent; paragnaths arranged in a roughly circular group, or in lines or arcs; conical paragnaths present; smooth bars absent. Areas VII-VIII paragnaths present, or absent; conical paragnaths present; conical paragnaths arranged in one or more irregular lines forming a continuous band; conical paragnaths similar in size, or irregular mix of large and small paragnaths in a single band, or differentiated, with a separate band of minute paragnaths also present; rod-shaped paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule markedly elongate on anterior chaetigers, or not markedly elongate on anterior chaetigers; markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers, or not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers, or not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present, or absent; smaller than dorsal notopodial ligule on anterior chaetigers, usually reduced or absent posteriorly, or approximately equal to length of dorsal notopodial ligule at least on anterior chaetigers (thus notopodium of three similar sized ligules/lobes); present on all chaetigers, or restricted to a limited number of anterior chaetigers. Notopodial acicular process present, or absent; reducing in size posteriorly, last present on chaetiger 5–25. Dorsal cirrus sub-terminally attached to dorsal margin of dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers, or not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe absent, or present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule, or not projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; present throughout all chaetigers, or restricted to anterior chaetigers; digitiform. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule, or short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present, or absent. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule, or short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present, or absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present, or absent; blades serrated. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present, or absent; homogomph spinigers present, or absent; heterogomph falcigers present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades present, or absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present, or absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades present, or absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades present, or absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present, or absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades present, or absent; heterogomph falcigers blade lacking distinct tendon on terminal tooth.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Neanthes, even after removing some species to Alitta and Pseudonereis, was found by
Nereis (Alitta) oxypoda Marenzeller, 1879.
Dorsal notopodial ligule markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; notochaetae sesquigomph spinigers present (minimal diagnosis). Palpophore massive subconical, flattened (palpostyle is minute by comparison); neurochaetae dorsal fascicle heterogomph spinigers present (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore massive subconical, flattened (palpostyle is minute by comparison).
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Area I conical paragnaths present; II conical paragnaths present; III conical paragnaths present; III rod-like paragnaths absent; IV paragnaths present; IV conical paragnaths present; IV rod-like paragnaths absent. Oral ring paragnaths present; with Areas V, VI and VII-VIII discrete; on Areas V and VI form distinct groups. Area V conical paragnaths present. Area VI paragnaths present; paragnaths arranged in a roughly circular group; conical paragnaths present; smooth bars absent. Areas VII-VIII paragnaths present; conical paragnaths present; conical paragnaths arranged in one or more irregular lines forming a continuous band; conical paragnaths similar in size, or irregular mix of large and small paragnaths in a single band; rod-shaped paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; markedly broader on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present; approximately equal to length of dorsal notopodial ligule at least on anterior chaetigers (thus notopodium of three similar sized ligules/lobes); present on all chaetigers. Dorsal cirrus sub-terminally attached to dorsal margin of dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on anterior or posterior chaetigers.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; present throughout all chaetigers; digitiform. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule. Notopodial dorsal ligule with prominent ovoid lobe medial to the dorsal cirrus in middle and posterior parapodia.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 present. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present; sesquigomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers present; sesquigomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers present (in small specimens); falcigers blade tapering, with straight margin; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Nectoneanthes was treated as a synonym of Neanthes by
Heteronereis Örsted, 1843.
Johnstonia Quatrefages, 1850.
Lycoris Lamarck, 1818.
Naumachius Kinberg, 1865.
Nereis (Nereis) auctt.
Thoosa Kinberg, 1865.
Nereis pelagica Linnaeus, 1758.
Notochaetae homogomph falcigers present; maxillary ring paragnaths present; Area II rod-like paragnaths absent; dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; antennae present; oral ring papillae absent (minimal diagnosis; secondary diagnosis not attained).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed). Eyes present, or absent. Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Oesophageal caeca present, or absent.
Jaws with smooth or slightly crenulate cutting edge or with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths present. Area I conical paragnaths present, or absent; II conical paragnaths present, or absent; III conical paragnaths present, or absent; III rod-like paragnaths absent; IV paragnaths present; IV conical paragnaths present; IV smooth bar-like paragnaths present, or absent; IV rod-like paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths present, or absent; Areas V, VI, and VII-VIII discrete, forming distinct groups. Area V conical paragnaths present, or absent; arranged in a triangle, or in a longitudinal line. Area VI paragnaths present, or absent; paragnaths arranged in a roughly circular group; conical paragnaths present; smooth bars absent. Areas VII-VIII paragnaths present, or absent; conical paragnaths present; conical paragnaths arranged in one or more irregular lines forming a continuous band; conical paragnaths similar in size, or irregular mix of large and small paragnaths in a single band; rod-shaped paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers, or not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present, or absent; smaller than dorsal notopodial ligule on anterior chaetigers, usually reduced or absent posteriorly; restricted to a limited number of anterior chaetigers. Notopodial acicular process absent. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe absent. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule, or short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present; homogomph falcigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present, or absent; on posterior chaetigers present; blades serrated; blades with teeth only slightly longer proximally than distally. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present, or absent; spinigers in anterior chaetigers with blades evenly serrated throughout; on posterior chaetigers with blades finely serrated proximally; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present, or absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades present, or absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present, or absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades present, or absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present, or absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades present, or absent; heterogomph falcigers blade lacking distinct tendon on terminal tooth.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Nereis is the type taxon of the family Nereididae. It is a large assemblage of species, currently with 226 species attributed to the genus, many that probably belong in other genera. There are no revisions of the genus, or parts of it, or any that delineate species into informal subgroups. The description here follows
Species of Nereis have been found from the littoral zone to abyssal areas, and from a wide range of habitats.
No complete identification guide to species is available but several useful keys of restricted scope have been published:
Nicon pictus Kinberg, 1865.
Maxillary ring paragnaths and papillae absent; neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; dorsal notopodial ligule commences chaetiger 3; dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers; oral ring paragnaths absent; notochaetae homogomph falcigers absent (minimal diagnosis; secondary diagnosis not attained).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed). Eyes present, or absent. Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae and paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae and paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule present, or absent; not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present, or absent; smaller than dorsal notopodial ligule on anterior chaetigers, usually reduced or absent posteriorly; restricted to a limited number of anterior chaetigers. Notopodial acicular process absent. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; present throughout all chaetigers, or restricted to anterior chaetigers; digitiform. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present, or absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present, or absent; on posterior chaetigers present, or absent; blades serrated; simple chaetae (fused falcigers) present, or absent; homogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present, or absent. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: sesquigomph falcigers present, or absent; heterogomph spinigers present, or absent; homogomph spinigers present, or absent; heterogomph falcigers present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades present, or absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present, or absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; heterogomph falcigers blade with recurved terminal tooth and distinct tendon, or lacking distinct tendon on terminal tooth; homogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present, or absent.
Pygidium bilobate. Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Nicon is not a species-rich genus: of the 700+ species of Nereididae, only ten belong to the genus Nicon and those ten species are from diverse habitats and widespread regions (
The two most recent studies describing new Nicon species,
Ceratocephala edmondsi Hartman, 1954.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present; dorsal notopodial ligule markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers; ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present (minimal diagnosis). Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule; oral ring papillae present; prostomium anterior margin entire; Area V papillae absent (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present; solitary. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae present. Oral ring papillae arrangement solitary. Area V papillae absent; VI papillae present; VII-VIII papillae present. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule present; commences chaetiger 3; not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present; blades serrated; blades with teeth only slightly longer proximally than distally. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; spinigers in anterior chaetigers with blades evenly serrated throughout; on posterior chaetigers with blades finely serrated proximally; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present; falcigers blade bowed, with convex margin; heterogomph falcigers blade with recurved terminal tooth and distinct tendon.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Ceratocephala edmondsi Hartman, 1954 (misspelling for Ceratocephale) was separated into the new genus Olganereis by
Olganereis is monotypic and the sole species O. edmondsi (Hartman, 1954) occurs in estuaries in southern Australia. The only other Australian nereidid with papillae on both rings of the pharynx is Dendronereides heteropoda Southern, 1921 from tropical estuaries and in which the dorsal notopodial ligule is divided into 'branchial' filaments.
Ganganereis Misra, 1999.
Periserrula Paik, 1977.
Paraleonnates uschakovi Chlebovitsch & Wu, 1962.
Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle homogomph spinigers absent; oral ring papillae present; prostomium anterior margin entire (minimal diagnosis; secondary diagnosis not attained).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed).
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths present. Area I conical paragnaths present, or absent; II conical paragnaths present; III conical paragnaths present; III rod-like paragnaths absent; IV paragnaths present; IV conical paragnaths present; IV rod-like paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae present. Oral ring papillae arrangement solitary. Area V papillae present, or absent; VI papillae present; VII-VIII papillae present. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present; approximately equal to length of dorsal notopodial ligule at least on anterior chaetigers (thus notopodium of three similar sized ligules/lobes). Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers absent. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present, or absent; heterogomph falcigers blade lacking distinct tendon on terminal tooth; homogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present, or absent; on posterior chaetigers present, or absent.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
The most recent taxonomic treatments of Paraleonnates are those of
Nereis irritabilis Webster, 1879.
Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle sesquigomph falcigers present; palpophore massive subconical, flattened (palpostyle is minute by comparison); oral ring papillae absent (minimal diagnosis). Neurochaetae ventral fascicle sesquigomph falcigers present; neuropodial postchaetal lobe not projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore massive subconical, flattened (palpostyle is minute by comparison). Prostomium longitudinal groove present; anterior region entire, hemispherical, longitudinal groove present; prostomial posterior region as long as anterior region. Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Oesophageal caeca absent.
Jaws with smooth or slightly crenulate cutting edge.
Everted pharynx a truncate cone, tapering, greatest width at margin of tentacular belt.
Maxillary ring paragnaths present. Area I conical paragnaths absent; II conical paragnaths present; III conical paragnaths present; IV paragnaths present; IV conical paragnaths present. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present; restricted to a limited number of anterior chaetigers. Notopodial acicular process present, or absent.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; not projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; restricted to anterior chaetigers; digitiform. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; sesquigomph falcigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; on posterior chaetigers absent. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: sesquigomph falcigers present; heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers absent; falcigers blade bowed, with convex margin.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Parasetia was established by
Arete Kinberg, 1865.
Gnatholycastis Ehlers, 1920.
Lipephile Malmgren, 1867.
Nereis (Lipephile) Malmgren, 1867.
Nereis (Perinereis) auctt.
Perinereis novaehollandiae Kinberg, 1865.
Palpophore massive subconical, flattened (palpostyle is minute by comparison); oral ring paragnaths present; Area VI smooth bars present; antennae present (minimal diagnosis; secondary diagnosis not attained).
Palpophore massive subconical, flattened (palpostyle is minute by comparison). Palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed). Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Jaws with smooth or slightly crenulate cutting edge or with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths present. Area I conical paragnaths present or absent; II conical paragnaths present or absent; III conical paragnaths present; III rod-like paragnaths absent; IV paragnaths present; IV conical paragnaths present or absent; IV smooth bar-like paragnaths present, or absent; IV rod-like paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths present; with Areas V, VI, and VII-VIII discrete; on Areas V and VI form distinct groups. Area V conical paragnaths present, or absent; arranged in a triangle, or in a longitudinal line. Area VI paragnaths present, arranged in lines or arcs; conical paragnaths present, or absent; smooth bars present. Areas VII-VIII paragnaths present, or absent; conical paragnaths present; conical paragnaths arranged in one or more irregular lines forming a continuous band; conical paragnaths similar in size, or irregular mix of large and small paragnaths in a single band; rod-shaped paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers, or not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present, or absent; smaller than dorsal notopodial ligule on anterior chaetigers, usually reduced or absent posteriorly; restricted to a limited number of anterior chaetigers. Dorsal cirrus sub-terminally attached to dorsal margin of dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers, or not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe absent, or present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; present throughout all chaetigers, or restricted to anterior chaetigers. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule, or short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present; blades serrated; blades with teeth only slightly longer proximally than distally, or much longer proximally than distally. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present, or absent; spinigers in anterior chaetigers with blades evenly serrated throughout, or coarsely serrated proximally; on posterior chaetigers with blades finely serrated proximally; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades present, or absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present, or absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades present, or absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades present, or absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present, or absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades present, or absent; heterogomph falcigers blade lacking distinct tendon on terminal tooth.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
The genus Perinereis contains 97 species and is thus one of the most species-rich in the family (
Iphinereis Malmgren, 1865.
Pisenoe Kinberg, 1866.
Leontis Malmgren, 1867.
Nectonereis Verrill, 1873.
Uncinereis Chamberlin, 1919.
Nereis (Platynereis) auctt.
Platynereis magalhaensis Kinberg, 1865.
Areas VII-VIII rod-shaped paragnaths present (minimal diagnosis). Notochaetae homogomph falcigers with terminal tendon present (secondary diagnosis).
Palps anteriorly directed, or ventrally directed. Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed). Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths present. Area II rod-like paragnaths present; III conical paragnaths absent; III rod-like paragnaths present; IV paragnaths present; IV conical paragnaths absent; IV rod-like paragnaths present. Oral ring papillae present, or absent. Oral ring paragnaths present; on Area V and VI form distinct groups. Area V conical paragnaths absent. Area VI paragnaths present; conical paragnaths absent; rod-shaped paragnaths present. Areas VII-VIII paragnaths present; conical paragnaths absent; conical paragnaths arranged in isolated patches, or in one or more irregular lines forming a continuous band; rod-shaped paragnaths present.
Dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Dorsal cirrus sub-terminally attached to dorsal margin of dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Neuropodial postchaetal lobe absent. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present; homogomph falcigers present; with terminal tendon present; articulation fused on some chaetigers (present as a simple chaeta), or with blade free throughout. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present; blades serrated; blades with teeth only slightly longer proximally than distally. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; spinigers in anterior chaetigers with blades evenly serrated throughout; on posterior chaetigers with blades finely serrated proximally; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; heterogomph falcigers blade lacking distinct tendon on terminal tooth.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Species belonging to Platynereis are easily recognised by the small rod-like paragnaths in tight rows on the pharynx; 36 species are recognised. No revisions have been published, but regional studies using molecular data to revise species to resolve the complex taxonomy, and taxonomic history of this genus have been appearing (
Composetia kumensis Sato, 2020.
Maxillary ring paragnaths present; neuropodial postchaetal lobe not projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 present; prostomium anterior margin entire (minimal diagnosis; secondary diagnosis not attained).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Prostomium longitudinal groove present; anterior region entire, hemispherical, longitudinal groove present; prostomial posterior region shorter than anterior region. Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Oesophageal caeca absent.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Everted pharynx a truncate cone, tapering, greatest width at margin of tentacular belt.
Maxillary ring paragnaths present. Area I conical paragnaths present, or absent; II conical paragnaths present; III conical paragnaths present; III conical paragnaths isolated lateral groups absent; IV paragnaths present; IV conical paragnaths present. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Prechaetal notopodial lobe absent. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; not projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; restricted to anterior chaetigers; digitiform. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 present. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present, or absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present; falcigers blade tapering, with straight margin.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Potamonereis was established by
Phyllonereis Hansen, 1882.
Pseudonereis gallapagensis Kinberg, 1865.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with P-bar paragnaths present, usually in regular comb-like rows (minimal diagnosis). Area VI shield-shaped bars present (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed). Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths present; of pharynx with P-bar paragnaths present, usually in regular comb-like rows. Area I conical paragnaths present; II conical paragnaths present; III conical paragnaths present; III rod-like paragnaths absent; IV paragnaths present; IV conical paragnaths present; IV rod-like paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths present; with Areas V, VI and VII-VIII discrete; on Area V and VI form distinct groups. Area V conical paragnaths present, or absent. Area VI paragnaths present; paragnaths arranged in lines or arcs; conical paragnaths present, or absent; smooth bars present, or absent; shield-shaped bars present. Areas VII-VIII paragnaths present; conical paragnaths present; conical paragnaths arranged in one or more irregular lines forming a continuous band; conical paragnaths similar in size, or irregular mix of large and small paragnaths in a single band; P-bar paragnaths absent, or present.
Dorsal notopodial ligule markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present, or absent. Notopodial acicular process absent. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe absent, or present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; restricted to anterior chaetigers; digitiform, or flattened. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule, or short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present; homogomph falcigers present, or absent. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present, or absent; homogomph spinigers present, or absent; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present; blades serrated; blades with teeth only slightly longer proximally than distally. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present; heterogomph falcigers blade lacking distinct tendon on terminal tooth.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Pseudonereis species are characterised by presence of both P-bars and comb-like rows of paragnaths in Areas II-IV (
Species in this genus are primarily found in tropical and subtropical waters, in shallow depths. Following the last work including revised species, the genus includes 19 species (
Profundilycastis Hartmann-Schröder, 1977.
Leptonereis zebra Rullier, 1963.
Notochaetae homogomph falcigers present; maxillary ring paragnaths absent; neurochaetae ventral fascicle heterogomph spinigers absent (minimal diagnosis; secondary diagnosis not attained).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae present, or absent. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule present; commences chaetiger 3; not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers (and may be fused with dorsal cirri); not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present; homogomph falcigers present (on posterior chaetigers). Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present; blades serrated; blades with teeth only slightly longer proximally than distally. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades present; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades present.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Rullierinereis is a genus with similarities to Nicon and Typhlonereis but differing in having notopodial homogomph falcigers (
Ceratonereis (Simplisetia) Hartmann-Schröder, 1985.
Nereis (Ceratonereis) aequisetis Augener, 1913.
Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle simple chaetae (fused falcigers) present; palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle); maxillary ring paragnaths present (minimal diagnosis; secondary diagnosis not attained).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed).
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths present. Area I conical paragnaths present, or absent; II conical paragnaths present; III conical paragnaths present; III rod-like paragnaths absent; IV paragnaths present; IV conical paragnaths present; IV rod-like paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers (rarely markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers). Prechaetal notopodial lobe present, or absent; smaller than dorsal notopodial ligule on anterior chaetigers, usually reduced or absent posteriorly; restricted to a limited number of anterior chaetigers. Notopodial acicular process present, or absent. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Neuropodial postchaetal lobe absent, or present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; restricted to anterior chaetigers; digitiform. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule, or short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present, or absent (only in S. lizardensis); homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present; simple chaetae (fused falcigers) present. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers present (only in Simplisetia sp. from Phuket), or absent; heterogomph falcigers present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades present, or absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present, or absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades present, or absent; heterogomph falcigers blade lacking distinct tendon on terminal tooth.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Simplisetia is a genus of estuarine nereidids characterised by the presence of fused neuropodial falcigers in posterior chaetigers and absence of oral ring paragnaths. The fused falcigers are also present in another estuarine genus, Hediste, and the two genera may be related (
Simplisetia currently includes ten species, seven of which occur in Australian estuaries. Significant differences occur among Simplisetia species in the form of the fused falcigers.
The interactive key of
Sinonereis heteropoda Wu & Sun, 1979.
Dorsal cirrophores of chaetigers 5–7 of epitokes modified into spherical globular structures (minimal diagnosis). Dorsal notopodial ligule commences chaetiger 4; dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; notochaetae homogomph falcigers absent (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle).
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule present; commences chaetiger 4; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present; present on all chaetigers. Notopodial acicular process absent. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; not projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; present throughout all chaetigers; digitiform. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present; falcigers blade tapering, with straight margin.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Dorsal cirrophores of chaetigers 5–7 of epitokes modified into spherical globular structures. Natatory epitokal modifications in males commence chaetiger 22. Females without natatory modifications.
Sinonereis Wu & Sun, 1979 is a monotypic genus originally based on a single epitokous specimen. An emended description including atokous characters was provided by
Solomononereis marauensis Gibbs, 1971.
Area II rod-like paragnaths present; prostomium anterior margin indented (minimal diagnosis). Notochaetae homogomph falcigers present; dorsal notopodial ligule markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Prostomium anterior margin indented. Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths present. Area I conical paragnaths present; II conical paragnaths absent; II rod-like paragnaths present; III conical paragnaths absent; III rod-like paragnaths present; IV paragnaths present; IV conical paragnaths absent; IV rod-like paragnaths present. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe absent. Notopodial acicular process absent. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Neuropodial postchaetal lobe absent. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 present. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers absent; sesquigomph spinigers present; homogomph falcigers present; homogomph falcigers with multidentate blade with 2 or more small lateral teeth, first and subsequent lateral teeth much smaller than terminal tooth present; sesquigomph falcigers present, or absent. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers absent; sesquigomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; on posterior chaetigers present; blades serrated. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers absent.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Solomononereis is a genus of Nereididae sharing some similarities to members of the larger genus Ceratonereis. Solomononereis, however, can be distinguished by the presence of rod-like paragnaths on the maxillary ring. Solomononereis contains two species, both occurring in the tropical Indo-Pacific to a depth of ~ 30 m.
Stenoninereis martini Wesenberg-Lund, 1958.
Dorsal cirrus arising from basal cirrophore; ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers absent; palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed) (minimal diagnosis). Oral ring papillae absent; maxillary ring paragnaths absent; palpostyles subconical (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Prostomium anterior margin indented; longitudinal groove absent. Tentacular belt equal to or less than length of chaetiger 1.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule present; commences chaetiger 3; markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe absent. Notopodial acicular process absent. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; arising from basal cirrophore; cirrophore of dorsal cirrus much longer than ventral notopodial ligule (and ciliated); cirrophore of dorsal cirrus cylindrical throughout.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; not projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; present throughout all chaetigers; flattened (rounded). Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers absent. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers absent.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 present. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers absent; sesquigomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers absent; sesquigomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; on posterior chaetigers absent. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present; falcigers blade tapering, with straight margin; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent. Neuropodial heterogomph spinigers with blades basally serrate, coarse teeth, larger teeth longer than blade width, 2/3 of the blade edentate and subulate. Neuropodial heterogomph falcigers with very long blades, increasing their length from upper to lower positions in the same fascicle; falcigers with blades smooth.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Stenoninereis Wesenberg-Lund, 1958 was described for a single species, S. martini Wesenberg-Lund, 1958. The genus now includes four small species, all occurring in sinkholes in the Caribbean-Mexico-central America region. Species of Stenoninereis can be identified using the key of
Tambalagamia fauveli Pillai, 1961.
Transverse dorsal lamellae present; neurochaetae dorsal fascicle sesquigomph spinigers absent (minimal diagnosis). Dorsal cirrus arising from basal cirrophore; tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1; notochaetae sesquigomph spinigers absent (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Prostomium anterior margin indented. Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Jaws with smooth or slightly crenulate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae present. Oral ring papillae arrangement solitary. Area V papillae present; VII-VIII papillae present. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Transverse dorsal lamellae present.
Dorsal notopodial ligule present; commences chaetiger 1. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present. Dorsal cirrus arising from basal cirrophore; cirrophore of dorsal cirrus enlarged and vascularised; cirrophore of dorsal cirrus cylindrical throughout.
Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Accessory ventral cirrus present.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; on posterior chaetigers absent. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers absent.
Tambalagamia Pillai, 1961 is similar to Ceratocephale and, especially to Gymnonereis, with double ventral cirri being shared characters.
Tylonereis bogoyawlenskyi Fauvel, 1911.
Dorsal notopodial ligule markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; prostomium anterior margin indented (minimal diagnosis). Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present; dorsal notopodial ligule markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Prostomium anterior margin indented.
Jaws with smooth or slightly crenulate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present; in tufts. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae present. Oral ring papillae arrangement solitary. Area V papillae absent; VI one papillae present; VII-VIII papillae present (in a single row). Oral ring paragnaths absent. Maxillary ring papillae absent on Areas I and II, with double rows on Areas III and IV.
Dorsal notopodial ligule present; commences chaetiger 3; markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule. The neuropodial acicular ligule has three or four distinct lobes; homology of these is unclear, therefore these structures are not scored in this description.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; on posterior chaetigers absent. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers absent.
Tylonereis is one of several genera of Nereididae from tropical estuaries which have papillae on both maxillary and oral rings of the pharynx. The genus contains three species, all known from coastal lagoons and lakes of the tropical Indo-Pacific.
Nereis heterocheta Quatrefages, 1866.
Dorsal cirrus terminally attached throughout, so that dorsal notopodial ligule has appearance of a cirrophore for the dorsal cirrus (minimal diagnosis). Acicular notopodial ligule reduced, much shorter than neuropodial acicular ligule; maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present (secondary diagnosis).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Prostomium anterior margin indented. Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae present. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae present. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule absent. Prechaetal notopodial lobe absent. Notopodial acicular process absent. Acicular notopodial ligule reduced, much shorter than neuropodial acicular ligule. Dorsal cirrus length ~ 5× acicular notopodial ligule at chaetigers 10–20; not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; terminally attached throughout, so that dorsal notopodial ligule has appearance of a cirrophore for the dorsal cirrus.
Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers absent. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers absent. The single notopodial ligule (
Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers absent; sesquigomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers absent; sesquigomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present; blades serrated. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; spinigers in anterior chaetigers with blades coarsely serrated proximally; on posterior chaetigers with blades coarsely serrated proximally; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent.
Epitokes formed by transformation of the anterior part of the body, with the posterior part cast off (
Tylorrhynchus is known from two species, both of which occur in estuarine and fresh waters of the western Pacific Ocean (Japan, China) and the nearby north-east Pacific Ocean (
Typhlonereis gracilis Hansen, 1879.
Notochaetae of chaetigers 3 and 4 absent (minimal diagnosis). Dorsal notopodial ligule commences chaetiger 5; dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers (secondary diagnosis).
Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1. Tentacular cirri extend to chaetiger 2 (longest cirrus).
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule present; commences chaetiger 5; not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe absent. Notopodial acicular process absent. Dorsal cirrus length ~ 1× acicular notopodial ligule at chaetigers 10–20; sub-terminally attached to dorsal margin of dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe absent. Neuropodial postchaetal lobe absent. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae of chaetigers 3 and 4 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers absent; on posterior chaetigers absent. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent.
Typhlonereis is known from a single species represented by six specimens from 2222 m in the far North-east Atlantic Ocean (
Unanereis macgregori Day, 1962.
Dorsal cirrus terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers (minimal diagnosis). Notochaetae sesquigomph falcigers present; prostomium anterior margin entire (secondary diagnosis).
Antennae present (described as having a single antenna but this is here assumed to be a mistake; likely a developmental anomaly or simply missing). Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths present. Area II conical paragnaths present; III conical paragnaths present; III rod-like paragnaths absent; IV paragnaths present; IV conical paragnaths present; IV rod-like paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae absent. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Neuropodial prechaetal lobe present; extending beyond postchaetal lobe (at least in anterior chaetigers). Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; flattened. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present; sesquigomph falcigers present; blade distally bifid. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present; heterogomph falcigers blade terminally bifid.
Unanereis Day, 1962 was described from a single specimen found in the tube of a species of Terebellidae. A second species, U. zghali Ben Amor, 1980, from a vertical rocky substrate including dendrophyllid coral Astroides calycularis and algae Corallina mediterranea but without an obvious host, has been described from the Mediterranean (
Nereis tridentata Webster, 1879.
Oral ring papillae present; neurochaetae dorsal fascicle heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; maxillary ring paragnaths absent; maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent; notochaetae homogomph falcigers absent; oral ring paragnaths absent (minimal diagnosis; secondary diagnosis not attained).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Palpophore surface with a single transverse groove (palpophores well developed). Tentacular belt equal to or less than length of chaetiger 1, or greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths absent. Oral ring papillae present. Oral ring papillae arrangement solitary. Area V papillae absent; VI papillae present; VII-VIII papillae present. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule present; commences chaetiger 3; not markedly elongate on posterior chaetigers; not markedly broader on posterior chaetigers; not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers. Prechaetal notopodial lobe present; smaller than dorsal notopodial ligule on anterior chaetigers, usually reduced or absent posteriorly; restricted to a limited number of anterior chaetigers. Notopodial acicular process absent. Dorsal cirrus not sub-terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached to dorsal notopodial ligule on posterior chaetigers; not terminally attached throughout all chaetigers.
Neuropodial postchaetal lobe present; projecting beyond end of the acicular ligule; present throughout all chaetigers; digitiform. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers similar to length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle: heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present; blades serrated; blades with teeth only slightly longer proximally than distally. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades absent; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades present; anterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with long blades present, or absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with extra-long blades absent; posterior chaetigers heterogomph falcigers with short blades present, or absent; heterogomph falcigers blade lacking distinct tendon on terminal tooth.
Anal cirri form cirriform or conical.
Websterinereis is similar to Rullierinereis in having the anterior margin of prostomium entire, the maxillary ring bare and papillae on the oral ring; Websterinereis differs from Rullierinereis in lacking notopodial homogomph falcigers. There are five species of Websterinereis which are known from the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans, mostly from shallow water (less than ~ 130 m) except for W. glauca, which is recorded to a maximum depth of 3310 m. The genus was revised by
Leonnates simplex Monro, 1939.
Oral ring papillae present; maxillary ring paragnaths present; ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule (minimal diagnosis; secondary diagnosis not attained).
Palpophore barrel-shaped, approximately equal width from base to palpostyle (not overly large compared with palpostyle). Tentacular belt greater than length of chaetiger 1.
Jaws with dentate cutting edge.
Maxillary ring of pharynx with papillae absent. Maxillary ring paragnaths present. Area I conical paragnaths present; II conical paragnaths present; III conical paragnaths present; III conical paragnaths isolated lateral groups absent; IV paragnaths present; IV conical paragnaths present. Oral ring papillae present. Oral ring papillae arrangement solitary. Area V papillae present; VI papillae present; VII-VIII papillae present; VII-VIII papillae arranged in a double row. Oral ring paragnaths absent.
Dorsal notopodial ligule not markedly reduced on posterior chaetigers.
Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule of anterior chaetigers approx. as long as acicular neuropodial ligule. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers present. Ventral neuropodial ligule on posterior chaetigers short, up to half length of acicular neuropodial ligule.
Notoaciculae on chaetigers 1 and 2 absent. Notochaetae: homogomph spinigers present. Neurochaetae dorsal fascicle heterogomph spinigers absent; homogomph spinigers present; heterogomph falcigers in anterior chaetigers present; on posterior chaetigers present. Neurochaetae ventral fascicle: heterogomph spinigers present; homogomph spinigers absent; heterogomph falcigers present; falcigers blade tapering, with straight margin.
Wuinereis was established by
We are very grateful to collection managers Melanie Mackenzie and Chris Rowley (Museums Victoria Research Institute) and Gavin Dally (formerly, The Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory) for their ever-willing support, to Olga Biriukova (The Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory) for her assistance with image editing, and to Leon Altoff (Field Naturalists Club of Victoria) and Dr Dave Cowles (Walla Walla University) for access to photographs of polychaetes and permission to use them. Dr G.D.F. (Buz) Wilson kindly shared shell scripts for manipulating Delta output. We are grateful to Dr Masanori Sato, Dr Greg Rouse, and Dr Nathalie Yonow for comments that helped to improve the manuscript.
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
No ethical statement was reported.
This study was supported in part by Australian Biological Resources Study Research Grant RG18-21 to Drs Chris Glasby and Robin Wilson.
Conceptualization: TB, CJG, RSW. Formal analysis: RSW, CJG. Funding acquisition: CJG, RSW. Methodology: TB, RSW. Writing – original draft: RSW. Writing – review and editing: TB, CJG, RSW.
Robin S. Wilson
Christopher J. Glasby
Torkild Bakken
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text or Supplementary Information.
Nereididae genera Nexus format
Data type: nex
Nereididae species Nexus format
Data type: nex