Research Article
Research Article
New species of the dancing semislug Cryptosemelus Collinge, 1902 (Eupulmonata, Ariophantidae) from Loei Province, northeastern Thailand with a key to genera of mainland Southeast Asian semislugs and a key to species of the genus
expand article infoSakboworn Tumpeesuwan, Kitti Tanmuangpak§, Chanidaporn Tumpeesuwan
‡ Mahasarakham University, Maha Sarakham, Thailand
§ Loei Rajabhat University, Loei, Thailand
Open Access


In this study, we describe a new dancing semislug from a limestone hill area in northeastern Thailand. Cryptosemelus niger sp. nov. differs from the three recognized congener species from western and southern Thailand, due to differences in their body and shell lobes coloration, appearance of penial caecum, shape and surface texture of penis and epiphallus, and radula formula and morphology.


Genital system, karst topography, limestone hill, mantle extensions, protective behavior, shell lobes


Cryptosemelus Collinge, 1902 is a member of family Ariophantidae. Its common characters comprise a shell with reduced number of whorls, body with well-developed mantle extensions, tail without caudal horn and genitalia without flagellum and amatorial organ. This genus differs from other long-tail semislug genera described from the Malay Peninsula. It differs from Apoparmarion due to more shell whorls and the absence of a caudal horn, flagellum and dart apparatus; and, it differs from Paraparmarion by the presence of both right and left shell lobes, whereas, the latter genus presents only a right shell lobe (Collinge 1902; Pholyotha et al. 2021a) (Table 1).

Table 1.

Comparison of morphological characters among three semislug genera, Cryptosemelus, Apoparmarion and Paraparmarion (data from Collinge 1902; Schileyko 2003; Pholyotha et al. 2021a).

Characters Cryptosemelus Apoparmarion Paraparmarion
Number of shell whorls 3–4 2 3–4
Left shell lobe Present Present Absent
Caudal horn Absent Present Absent
Flagellum Absent Present No information
Dart apparatus Absent Present No information

Cryptosemelus has been referred to as a ‘dancing semislug’ because of its dance-like movement that it makes when it is disturbed or attacked (Collinge 1902). This protective behavior has also been reported in other species, including Laocaia simori Dedov & Schneppat, 2019 in Dedov et al. (2019), Cryptaustenia altatorial Wiktor, 2002 and Cryptaustenia mirabilis Wiktor, 2002, Muangnua arborea Tumpeesuwan & Tumpeesuwan, 2019; Cryptosemelus gracilis Collinge, 1902, C. betarmon Pholyotha, 2021 and C. tigrinus Pholyotha, 2021 in Pholyotha et al. (2021a), Ibycus spp. and Helicarion spp. (Junn Kitt Foon, pers. comm.)

According to a recent study by Pholyotha et al. (2021a), the type species of the genus, Cryptosemelus gracilis, and the recently named species C. betarmon and C. tigrinus were studied and described from their genital anatomy and radula morphology. These three species are characterized by differences in the anatomical details of their penis, epiphallus and spermatophore. We discovered and examined this lovely semislug from a limestone hill in Loei Province, Thailand, and it possesses distinct characters of external shell morphology, mantle lobes coloration, radula and genital organs. Thus, we describe it here as a new species of Cryptosemelus.

Material and methods

Sixty specimens were collected from November to December 2012, June to September 2013, and 12th October 2018 in the Phu Pha Lom limestone area (17°33'62"N, 101°52'31"E), elevation about 380–390 m above mean sea level, in the Mueang Loei District, Loei Province, northeastern Thailand (Fig. 1). The specimens were composed of fifty empty shells and 10 living specimens, which were collected from both leaf litter and the ground surface. The living specimens were photographed in their natural habitat (Figs 2B, 3), and then euthanized and preserved in 70 (v/v) ethanol for morphological and anatomical studies. Specimens were classified and identified from the literature, such as Collinge (1902), Blanford and Godwin-Austen (1908), Solem (1966), Schileyko (2003) and Pholyotha et al. (2021a). For the descriptive study, adult shells were measured for size using a vernier caliper and the number of whorls were counted. Photomicrographs were taken using a scanning electron microscope (JEOL, JSM-6460 LV) housed at the Central Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University, Thailand. Eight specimens were dissected and examined under a stereoscopic light microscope.

Figure 1. 

Map of type locality of Cryptosemelus niger S. Tumpeesuwan & C. Tumpeesuwan, sp. nov.

Figure 2. 

Cryptosemelus niger S. Tumpeesuwan & C. Tumpeesuwan, sp. nov. Photograph by Kitti Tanmuangpak A shell morphology of holotype NHMSU-00054 B living snail.

Figure 3. 

Cryptosemelus niger S. Tumpeesuwan & C. Tumpeesuwan, sp. nov. Living snail in natural habitats. Photograph by Chanidaporn Tumpeesuwan 12 December 2018 A C. niger crawling on soil in limestone crevice (white circle) B close-up view in living position C, D semislug was moved to green leaf for taking photo C left side represents left shell lobe (lsl) D right side represents right shell lobe (rsl), left shell lobes (lsl), and left dorsal lobe (ldl).

Descriptions of the new species herein are attributed to the first and the third authors, as indicated below. Type specimens and other voucher specimens were deposited in the Natural History Museum of Mahasakham University, Maha Sarakham, Thailand (NHMSU).

The abbreviations used were as defined by Blanford and Godwin-Austen (1908), Solem (1966), Pholyotha et al. (2020) and Pholyotha et al. (2021a, b): ag, albumen gland; at, atrium; e1, portion of epiphallus nearer to penis; e2, portion of epiphallus nearer to retractor muscle; fo, free oviduct; gd, gametolytic duct; gs, gametolytic sac; hd, hermaphroditic duct; ldl, left dorsal lobe; lsl, left shell lobe; ovt, ovotestes; p, penis; prm, penial retractor muscle; pro, prostate gland; rsl, right shell lobe; v, vagina; vd, vas deferens; ut, uterus.

For the description of the genital system; ‘proximal’ refers to the region closest to the genital opening and ‘distal’ refers to the region outermost from the genital opening.


Systematic description

Superfamily Helicarionoidea Bourguignat, 1877

Family Ariophantidae Godwin-Austen, 1883

Subfamily Ostracolethinae Simroth, 1901

Cryptosemelus Collinge, 1902

Cryptosemelus Collinge, 1902: 76. Blanford and Godwin-Austen 1908: 180. Thiele 1931: 640. Zilch 1959: 326. Vaught 1989: 97. Schileyko 2003: 1332. Bank 2017: 53. Inkhavilay et al. 2019: 75. Pholyotha et al. 2021a: 43–65.

Type species

Cryptosemelus gracilis Collinge, 1902. Cryptosemelus has a reduced shell of three to four whorls, well-developed mantle extensions with two dorsal lobes and right shell lobe covering the apex and larger than the left shell lobe. Caudal horn absent. Genital system without flagellum and dart apparatus.

Cryptosemelus niger S. Tumpeesuwan & C. Tumpeesuwan, sp. nov.

Figs 1, 2, 3, 4

Cryptaustenia sp. Tanmuangpak 2016: 109–110.

Cryptaustenia sp. Chimsaeng 2019: 41–42.

Type material

Holotype. NHMSU-00054 (Fig. 3). Phu Pha Lom limestone area, Mueang Loei District, Loei Province, northeastern Thailand, coll. Kitti Tanmuangpak, Nov. 2012. Paratypes. NHMSU-00055. Same locality and same date as holotype.

Type locality

Phu Pha Lom limestone area, Mueang Loei District, Loei Province, Thailand.


Animal with blackish body, shell lobes with blackish reticulated skin (Figs 2, 3). Genitalia with very short cylindrical vagina, smooth elongated cylindrical epiphallus, without penial caecum (Fig. 4). Radula with bicuspid lateral teeth (Fig. 5B, C).

Figure 4. 

Genital system of Cryptosemelus niger S. Tumpeesuwan & C. Tumpeesuwan, sp. nov. (paratype NHMSU-00055) A photograph and B drawing by Kitti Tanmuangpak.

Figure 5. 

Radula morphology of Cryptosemelus niger S. Tumpeesuwan & C. Tumpeesuwan, sp. nov. (paratype NHMSU-00055) A radula plate, teeth rows arranged in wide V-shape B close-up view of middle part of radula C close-up view of right side of radula D close-up view of right side of radula showing marginal teeth. Central teeth indicated by ‘C’; lateral teeth indicated by ‘L’; marginal teeth indicated by ‘M’.


(empty shells = 8, living specimen = 4) Shell (Fig. 2A). Shell globose, small size (shell height 6.03 ± 0.71.00 mm, shell width 9.72 ± 1.32 mm), shell imperforate, thin, smooth, dark brown color; transparence, aperture large (aperture height 5.28 ± 0.68 mm and aperture width 5.71 ± 0.81 mm).

Genital system (N = 3) (Fig. 4). Atrium (at) short. Penis rather long and cylindrical, with thin penial sheath covering entire penis. Penial retractor muscle (prm) present, short, thin and attached at junction of e1 and e2. Epiphallus (e1+e2) length is slightly equal to penis length, surface smooth, e1 cylindrical and gradually smaller in diameter, e2 cylindrical and larger than e1. Flagellum absent. Vas deferens long. Vagina is shorter than penis, cylindrical. Gametolytic duct (gd) thickened at base, gametolytic sac (gs) swollen gland at distal end. Free oviduct (fo) is shorter than vagina. Uterus and prostate gland long and stout.

Radula (N = 3) (Fig. 5). Teeth arranged in a wide V-shape with half row formula: 1-7-70+teeth. Central teeth symmetric tricuspid. Lateral teeth and marginal teeth gradually changing from broad to narrow bicuspid.

External appearance (Figs 2B, 3). Living semislug with reticulated skin, blackish to dark body marked by conspicuous grooves running downward. Four mantle extensions well developed and same color body. Shell lobes do not cover entire shell. Caudal horn absent.


The species name “niger” is derived from Latin word, meaning “black” referring to blackish body and mantle extensions.

Distribution, habitat and behavior observations

Cryptosemelus niger sp. nov. is a species restricted to the dry evergreen forest that covers the Phu Pha Lom limestone area, Loei Province, Thailand. We searched after rain and found the specimens normally hiding on the ground and in the leaf litter. When the snails were disturbed, they escaped by quickly flipping and waging their tail. Information on its natural predators is unknown, but the carnivorous land snails, Discartemon sp., Oophana sp. (Streptaxidae), and Sinoennea loeiensis Tanmuangpak & S. Tumpeesuwan, 2015 (Diapheridae) were found in the same locality (Tanmuangpak et al. 2012; Tanmuangpak et al. 2015; Tanmuangpak 2016).


Cryptosemelus niger sp. nov. differ from other Cryptosemelus species by its black body and mantle lobes. The shell seems to have a more rapidly descending whorl than in C. gracilis and C. betarmon, but is similar to C. tigrinus. Cryptosemelus gracilis also lack a penial caecum but differs in the undulated surface patch on the proximal part of e2. The epiphallus and penis are cylindrical without a caecum, diverticulum, and granulate surface. The radula of the new species differs from all Cryptosemelus in having bicuspid lateral teeth, whereas other species have tricuspid lateral teeth (Table 2, Figs 2A, B, 3A–D, 4, 5B–D).

Table 2.

Comparison of shell, genital system and radula of Cryptosemelus spp. (data for C. gracilis, C. betarmon and C. tigrinus based on Pholyotha et al. 2021a).

Characters C. gracilis C. betarmon C. tigrinus C. niger sp. nov.
Shape Less, globose Depressed, subglobose Globose Globose
Shell width Up to 6.6 mm Up to 7.4 mm Up to 10.7 mm Up to 11.04 mm
Shell height Up to 4.2 mm Up to 4.1 mm Up to 7.6 mm Up to 6.74 mm
Whorls number 3 ½ –4 3 ½ –4 4–4 ½ 3–4
Shell color Pale golden amber Pale yellowish with olive tinge Pale yellowish with olive tinge Dark brown transparent
Living snails:
Shell lobes coloration Monochrome blue-gray to blackish Monochrome pale to dark-grayish Pale yellowish-orange banded Blackish reticulated skin
Radula formula 1-(19-20)-38 1-(27-28)-37 1-(38-39)-44 1-7-70+
Central tooth Tricuspid Tricuspid Tricuspid Tricuspid
Lateral teeth Tricuspid Tricuspid Tricuspid Bicuspid
Marginal teeth Tricuspid Bicuspid Bicuspid Bicuspid
Genital system:
Epiphallus e2: Proximal part Enlarged with irregularly undulated surface patch Enlarged and with undulated surface Cylindrical smooth surface Long cylindrical with smooth surface
Epiphallus e2: Distal part Smooth surface Cylindrical and gradually tapering to distal end, smooth surface Cylindrical with prominently granulated surface Long cylindrical with smooth surface
Penial caecum Absent Present Present Absent
Vagina Larger and shorter than penis length Smaller and shorter than half of penis length Long slender and longer than half of penis length Smaller and shorter than penis length


The absence of a caudal horn is the unique character shared between Cryptosemelus and Paraparmarion (Collinge 1902; Blanford and Godwin-Austen 1908; Solem 1966; Schileyko 2002, 2003; Pholyotha et al. 2021a). Cryptosemelus differs from Paraparmarion in that the left shell lobe is well developed, whereas it is missing in Paraparmarion (Collinge 1902; Pholyotha et al. 2021a).

All previously described species of Cryptosemelus show no epiphallic caecum, flagellum, and dart apparatus. Shell lobes coloration, appearance of the penial caecum, shape and surface sculpture of the epiphallus, and radula morphology are considered as taxonomically informative and these can be used to distinguish the new species from all recognized Cryptosemelus species.

We have improved the key to the genera of mainland Southeast Asian slug-like semislugs provided by Tumpeesuwan and Tumpeesuwan (2019b) for identifying slug-like semislugs in mainland Southeast Asia and provide a key to species of genus Cryptosemelus below.

Key to genera of mainland Southeast Asian slug-like semislugs

1 Finger nail or triangular-shaped shell, always covered by shell lobes 2
Ear-shape, subglobose, or globose-shaped shell, frequently covered by shell lobe 3
2 Finger nail-shaped shell; gametolytic sac long, cylindrical tube Muangnua
Triangular-shaped shell; gametolytic sac stalk, short and stout or moderately long and slender Laocaia
3 Ear-shape shell; caudal horn present; dart apparatus and flagellum present 4
Subglobose; or globose-shaped shell; caudal horn absent; dart apparatus and flagellum absent or no information 5
4 Penis length shorter than half of dart apparatus length Parmarion
Penis length longer than dart apparatus length Apoparmarion
5 Left shell lobe present only; dart apparatus no information Paraparmarion
Both shell lobes present, dart apparatus absent Cryptosemelus

Key to species of genus Cryptosemelus

1 Shell lobes monochrome 2
Shell lobes with black reticulated stripes on pale colour 3
2 Shell globose; body blue-gray; penial caecum absent; vagina large cylindrical C. gracilis
Shell depressed subglobose; body grayish, penial caecum present; vagina cylindrical C. betarmon
3 Body color brownish; vagina long slender; penial caecum present; distal part of epiphallus with prominently granulated surface C. tigrinus
Body color dark brown to blackish; vagina short; penial caecum absent; epiphallus with smooth surface C. niger sp. nov.

Since 2007, an intensive survey on land snail diversity in limestone and non-limestone hills in northeastern Thailand has been continuously conducted and published (Tumpeesuwan 2007; Tumpeesuwan and Tumpeesuwan 2010a, 2010b; Srihata et al. 2010; Tanmuangpak et al. 2012; Jumlong et al. 2013 Tumpeesuwan et al 2014; Tanmuangpak 2016; Sasang 2019; Nahok 2020). In total, 16 species have been described as new to science, comprising 11 species from limestone hills, four species from sandstone hills, and one species from volcanic hills (Tumpeesuwan and Tumpeesuwan 2014, 2017, 2019a, 2019b; Tanmuangpak et al. 2015, 2017; Nahok et al. 2020, 2021a, 2021b; Deeprom et al. 2022; Tanmuangpak and Dumrongrojwattana 2022; Tongkerd et al. 2023). Future studies on the malacofauna of the northeastern part of Thailand require more surveys in overlooked and isolated natural areas.


This research project was financially supported by Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI). We would like to thank Mr. Sophon Thip-Apakul and all the staff from Phu Pha Lom Forest Park, Loei Province, for their help when conducting our fieldwork in 2012–2013. We are deeply indebted to Nual-anong Wichaikul when she worked at the SEM laboratory, Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University, for their help with sample processing and SEM work. We are very grateful to everybody who assisted with the land snail collection. Special thanks to Jolyon Dodgson for kindly checking the manuscript. We thank Edmund Gittenberger, Junn Kitt Foon, and Menno Schilthuizen for their valuable comments and suggestions. Animal Care and Use Protocol Review No. IACUC-MSU–17/2021.


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