Catalog of the invertebrate type specimens hosted at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador and Escuela Politécnica Nacional natural history collections
expand article infoFernanda Salazar-Buenaño, Diego Guevara, Alvaro Barragán, Vladimir Carvajal§, David A. Donoso§
‡ Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador
§ Museo de Historia Natural Gustavo Orcés, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador
Open Access


This work updates the invertebrate type specimen catalog published by Donoso et al. (2009). The catalog is increased by 2281 type specimens (from 454 species or subspecies) to a total of 4180 type specimens (from 770 species or subspecies) hosted at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador and Escuela Politécnica Nacional natural history collections. The new material adds 307 holotypes, 1910 paratypes, and 64 allotypes. It provides original information from four phyla (Arthropoda, Mollusca, Nemata, and Platyhelminthes), eight classes, 21 orders, 73 families, and 156 genera. This updated catalog includes a map showing the type localities in the country, a list of the 71 new type specimens (from 23 species or subspecies) from other countries hosted at both museums, corrections to the previous catalog published by Donoso et al. (2009), and label information from each new specimen.

Key words

Arthropods, biodiversity, Cajanuma, conservation, insects, Otonga, type localities


In 2009, we published the first catalog of invertebrate type specimens in the collection at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (QCAZI), the largest in Ecuador (Donoso et al. 2009). The catalog provided information on type specimens in the collection up to the year 2008 and explored general patterns of collection biases associated with this type material. Donoso et al. (2009) found that invertebrate type material was associated with roads near Quito (i.e., the country’s capital city with the major international airport). Furthermore, these type specimens were biased towards a few localities not incorporated in the national system of protected areas. Since then, several hundred specimens have accumulated in the QCAZI collection.

The museum at Escuela Politécnica Nacional (MEPN), in Quito, Ecuador, was created in 1946 by the naturalist Gustavo Orcés and manages invertebrate, mammal, amphibian, reptile, and fish collections (Carrera et al. 2020). After QCAZI, the MEPN museum likely holds the second most important invertebrate collection in the country. The MEPN invertebrate collection preserves more than 10 million invertebrates in collection jars. It is well represented by canopy fogging and aquatic invertebrate samples but there is no catalog. Thus, an analysis of the updated QCAZI and the new MEPN catalogs provide us with important insights into the development of the study of invertebrates in Ecuador in the last decade.

Materials and methods

In this work, we update the 2008 dataset to include the new type specimens deposited at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (QCAZI) museum after 2008 and up to 2020 and, for the first-time, list the type specimens stored in the Museum at Escuela Politécnica Nacional (MEPN), in Quito. Type specimens from other countries hosted in both museums have also been included. Errors of type designation that were included in the 2008 dataset have been excluded from the list in this update. Finally, type names misspelled in the 2008 dataset have been corrected.

We compiled specimens for this list by gathering all recent entries of type specimens: holotype, paratypes, and allotypes (i.e., paratypes of the sex opposite to that of the holotype) in the QCAZI and MEPN collections. We also searched all cabinets at both museums for invertebrate type specimens. Additionally, we searched for invertebrate type specimens in the primary literature using online search engines. Coordinates to the localities were extracted; localities with no coordinates or with incorrect information were georeferenced using the Google Earth Engine and the locality database from the QCAZI Museum hosted at Bioweb (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador 2021).


The new list of type material includes 2281 type specimens from 307 holotypes, 1910 paratypes, and 64 allotypes (Table 1). The specimens belong to four phyla, eight classes, 21 orders, 73 families, 156 genera, and 454 species or subspecies. A species accumulation curve of the complete datasets (2008 and 2020) shows a continuing increase in the number of Ecuadorian species described since 1978 (Fig. 1); for example, in the last five years, type specimens of 182 new invertebrate species were deposited at these two museums. We provide verbatim label information for all new type material in the Suppl. material 1.

Table 1.

New type specimens of Ecuadorian species deposited at the QCAZI and MEPN museums. The species are organized by phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, and authority. All the species are preserved at the QCAZI except those with the acronym MEPN with type status as follows: H = holotype, P = paratype, and A = allotype; the bibliographic reference where the type was designated is in parentheses.

Phylum Arthropoda
Class Arachnida
Order Araneae
Family Anapidae
Anapis anabelleae Dupérré & Tapia, 2018; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2018)
Anapis carmencita Dupérré & Tapia, 2018; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2018)
Anapis churu Dupérré & Tapia, 2018; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2018)
Anapis mariebertheae Dupérré & Tapia, 2018; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2018)
Anapis naranja Dupérré & Tapia, 2018; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2018)
Anapis nawchi Dupérré & Tapia, 2018; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2018)
Anapis shina Dupérré & Tapia, 2018; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2018)
Family Anyphaenidae
Katissa guayasamini Dupérré & Tapia, 2016; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2016)
Katissa kurusiki Dupérré & Tapia, 2016; H; P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2016)
Katissa puyu Dupérré & Tapia, 2016; H; P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2016)
Katissa tamya Dupérré & Tapia, 2016; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2016)
Katissa yaya Dupérré & Tapia, 2016; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2016)
Patrera hatunkiru Dupérré & Tapia, 2016; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2016)
Patrera philipi Dupérré & Tapia, 2016; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2016)
Patrera shida Dupérré & Tapia, 2016; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2016)
Patrera suni Dupérré & Tapia, 2016; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2016)
Patrera witsu Dupérré & Tapia, 2016; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2016)
Shuyushka achachay Dupérré & Tapia, 2016; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2016)
Shuyushka moscai Dupérré & Tapia, 2016; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2016)
Shuyushka wachi Dupérré & Tapia, 2016; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2016)
Family Caponiidae
Nops cesari Dupérré, 2014; H, P; (Dupérré 2014)
Nops quito Dupérré, 2014; H; (Dupérré 2014)
Nyetnops juchuy Dupérré, 2014; H; (Dupérré 2014)
Family Ctenidae
Chococtenus cappuccino Dupérré, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré 2015a)
Chococtenus cuchilla Dupérré, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré 2015a)
Chococtenus duendecito Dupérré, 2015; H; (Dupérré 2015a)
Chococtenus fantasma Dupérré, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré 2015a)
Chococtenus kashkara Dupérré, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré 2015a)
Chococtenus lasdamas Dupérré, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré 2015a)
Chococtenus luchoi Dupérré, 2015; H; (Dupérré 2015a)
Chococtenus neblina Dupérré, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré 2015a)
Chococtenus otonga Dupérré, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré 2015a)
Chococtenus otongachi Dupérré, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré 2015a)
Chococtenus piemontana Dupérré, 2015; H; (Dupérré 2015a)
Chococtenus suffuscus Dupérré, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré 2015a)
Chococtenus waitti Dupérré, 2015; H; (Dupérré 2015a)
Family Dipluridae
Linothele pukachumpi Dupérré & Tapia, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2015a)
Linothele quori Dupérré & Tapia, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2015a)
Linothele tsachilas Dupérré & Tapia, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2015a)
Linothele yanachanka Dupérré & Tapia, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2015a)
Linothele zaia Dupérré & Tapia, 2015; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2015a)
Family Mysmenidae
Mysmenopsis alvaroi Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H, A, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis amazonica Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis angamarca Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis awa Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H, A; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis baerti Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H, A, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis bartolozzii Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H, A, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis chiquita Dupérré & Tapia, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2015a)
Mysmenopsis choco Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H, A, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis corazon Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis cube Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H, A, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis fernandoi Dupérré & Tapia, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2015a)
Mysmenopsis guanza Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H, A, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis guayaca Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H, A, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis hunachi Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis junin Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H, A, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis lasrocas Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H, A; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis lloa Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis onorei Dupérré & Tapia, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2015a)
Mysmenopsis otokiki Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H, A, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis otonga Dupérré & Tapia, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2015a)
Mysmenopsis pululahua Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H, A, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis salazarae Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H, A, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis shushufindi Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H, A, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis tepuy Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Mysmenopsis tungurahua Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020a)
Family Ochyroceratidae
Ochyrocera callaina Dupérré, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré 2015c)
Ochyrocera cashcatotoras Dupérré, 2015; H; (Dupérré 2015c)
Ochyrocera italoi Dupérré, 2015; H; (Dupérré 2015c)
Ochyrocera losrios Dupérré, 2015; H; (Dupérré 2015c)
Ochyrocera minotaure Dupérré, 2015; H; (Dupérré 2015c)
Ochyrocera otonga Dupérré, 2015; H; (Dupérré 2015c)
Ochyrocera rinocerotos Dupérré, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré 2015c)
Ochyrocera zabaleta Dupérré, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré 2015c)
Psiloochyrocera tortilis Dupérré, 2015; H; (Dupérré 2015c)
Speocera bioforestae Dupérré, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré 2015c)
Speocera musgo Dupérré, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré 2015c)
Speocera violacea Dupérré, 2015; H; (Dupérré 2015c)
Family Oonopidae
Bipoonops lansa Dupérré & Tapia, 2017; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2017a)
Bipoonops pilan Dupérré & Tapia, 2017; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2017a)
Neotrops platnicki Grismado & Ramírez, 2013; H; (Grismado and Ramírez 2013)
Niarchos normani Dupérré & Tapia, 2017; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2017a)
Reductoonops berun Dupérré & Tapia, 2017; H, A, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2017a)
Scaphidysderina chirin Dupérré & Tapia, 2017; H, A; (Dupérré and Tapia 2017a)
Scaphidysderina lubanako Dupérré & Tapia, 2017; H, A; (Dupérré and Tapia 2017a)
Scaphidysderina tsaran Dupérré & Tapia, 2017; H, A; (Dupérré and Tapia 2017a)
Family Paratropididae
Paratropis elicioi Dupérré, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré 2015b)
Paratropis otonga Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020b)
Paratropis pristirana Dupérré & Tapia, 2020; H, A, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2020b)
Family Sparassidae
Anaptomecus paru Guala, Labarque & Rheims, 2012; H; (Guala et al. 2012)
Family Symphytognathidae
Anapistula equatoriana Dupérré & Tapia, 2017; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2017b)
Symphytognatha cabezota Dupérré & Tapia, 2017; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2017b)
Family Telemidae
Kinku turumanya Dupérré & Tapia, 2015; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2015b)
Family Theridiosomatidae
Chthonos kuyllur Dupérré & Tapia, 2017; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2017b)
Naatlo mayzana Dupérré & Tapia, 2017; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2017b)
Ogulnius laranka Dupérré & Tapia, 2017; H, A; (Dupérré and Tapia 2017b)
Ogulnius paku Dupérré & Tapia, 2017; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2017b)
Theridiosoma ankas Dupérré & Tapia, 2017; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2017b)
Theridiosoma esmeraldas Dupérré & Tapia, 2017; H; (Dupérré and Tapia 2017b)
Theridiosoma kullki Dupérré & Tapia, 2017; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2017b)
Theridiosoma sacha Dupérré & Tapia, 2017; H, P; (Dupérré and Tapia 2017b)
Order Opiliones
Family Neogoveidae
Metagovea ligiae Giupponi & Kury, 2015; H, P; (Giupponi and Kury 2015)
Family Cranaidae
Zannicranaus monoclonius Kury, 2012; H, A; (Kury 2012)
Zannicranaus morlaucus Kury, 2012; H; (Kury 2012)
Order Pseudoscorpiones
Family Withiidae
Cystowithius smithersi Harvey, 2004; P; (Harvey 2004)
Order Ricinulei
Family Ricinoididae
Cryptocellus chiruisla Botero & Flórez, 2017; H, P; (Botero and Flórez 2017)
Order Sarcoptiformes
Family Lohmanniidae
Lohmannia vulcania Schatz, 1993; P; (Schatz 1993)
Torpacarus remotus Schatz, 1994; P; (Schatz 1994)
Order Schizomida
Family Hubbardiidae
Surazomus kitu Villarreal, Silva & Giupponi, 2016; H; (Villarreal et al. 2016)
Surazomus palenque Villarreal, Silva & Giupponi, 2016; H, P; (Villarreal et al. 2016)
Order Scorpiones
Family Chactidae
Teuthraustes kuryi Ythier & Lourenço, 2017; H; (Ythier and Lourenço 2017)
Class Chilopoda
Order Geophilomorpha
Family Ballophilidae
Ityphilus grismadoi Pereira, 2018; H; (Pereira 2018b)
Family Schendylidae
Pectiniunguis aequatorialis Pereira, 2018; H; (Pereira 2018a)
Class Copepoda
Order Siphonostomatoida
Family Caligidae
Pupulina mantensis Cruz, Caña, Suárez & Santana, 2018; H, A, P; (Cruz et al. 2018)
Class Diplopoda
Order Polydesmida
Family Platyrhacidae
Barydesmus nangaritza Recuero & Sánchez, 2018; H; (Recuero and Sánchez 2018)
Class Insecta
Order Coleoptera
Family Cantharidae
Maronius papallactae Constantin, 2007; P; (Constantin 2007)
Plectonotum crassicorne Constantin, 2008; P; (Constantin 2008a)
Plectonotum glaber Constantin, 2008; P; (Constantin 2008a)
Plectonotum latithorax Constantin, 2008; P; (Constantin 2008a)
Plectonotum macaraense Constantin, 2010; P; (Constantin 2010)
Plectonotum moreti Constantin, 2008; P; (Constantin 2008a)
Plectonotum nigricorne Constantin, 2008; P; (Constantin 2008a)
Plectonotum onorei Constantin, 2008; P; (Constantin 2008a)
Plectonotum puncticollis Constantin, 2008; P; (Constantin 2008a)
Plectonotum zanjarajunoense Constantin, 2010; P; (Constantin 2010)
Silis barragani Constantin, 2010; H; (Constantin 2010)
Silis elongatipennis Constantin, 2009; P; (Constantin 2009)
Silis gilletti Constantin, 2009; P; (Constantin 2009).
Silis otongae Constantin, 2009; H, P; (Constantin 2009)
Family Carabidae
Balligratus brevis Moret & Ortuño, 2017; P; (Moret and Ortuño 2017)
Balligratus humerangulus Moret & Ortuño, 2017; P; (Moret and Ortuño 2017)
Bembidion ricei Maddison & Toledano, 2012; H; (Maddison and Toledano 2012)
Blennidus amaluzanus Moret, 2005; P; (Moret 2005)
Calleida desenderi Casale, 2011; H; (Casale 2011)
Chlaenius walterrossii Giachino & Allegro, 2018; P; (Giachino and Allegro 2018)
Diploharpus curtulus Moret, 2008; P; (Moret 2008)
Dyscolus aquator Moret & Murienne, 2020; H; (Moret and Murienne 2020)
Dyscolus arauzae Moret & Murienne, 2020; H; (Moret and Murienne 2020)
Dyscolus barragani Moret & Murienne, 2020; H; (Moret and Murienne 2020)
Dyscolus crespoae Moret & Murienne, 2020; H; (Moret and Murienne 2020)
Dyscolus donosoi Moret & Murienne, 2020; H; (Moret and Murienne 2020)
Dyscolus eleonorae Moret & Murienne, 2020; H, P; (Moret and Murienne 2020)
Dyscolus famelicus Moret & Murienne, 2020; H; (Moret and Murienne 2020)
Dyscolus giselae Moret & Murienne, 2020; H, P; (Moret and Murienne 2020)
Dyscolus gobbii Moret & Murienne, 2020; H; (Moret and Murienne 2020)
Dyscolus incommunis Moret & Murienne, 2020; H; (Moret and Murienne 2020)
Dyscolus marini Moret & Murienne, 2020; H, P; (Moret and Murienne 2020)
Dyscolus piscator Moret & Murienne, 2020; H; (Moret and Murienne 2020)
Dyscolus placitus Moret & Murienne, 2020; P; (Moret and Murienne 2020)
Dyscolus ravidus Moret & Murienne, 2020; H, P; (Moret and Murienne 2020)
Dyscolus rivinus Moret & Murienne, 2020; H, P; (Moret and Murienne 2020)
Dyscolus rugitarsis Moret & Murienne, 2020; H, P; (Moret and Murienne 2020)
Dyscolus ruizi Moret & Murienne, 2020; H, P; (Moret and Murienne 2020)
Dyscolus silvestris Moret & Murienne, 2020; H, P; (Moret and Murienne 2020)
Dyscolus sulcipedis Moret & Murienne, 2020; H; (Moret and Murienne 2020)
Dyscolus velox Moret, 2005; P; (Moret 2005).
Hyboptera tiputini Erwin & Henry, 2017; P; MEPN; (Erwin and Henry 2017)
Hyboptera vestiverdis Erwin & Henry, 2017; P; MEPN; (Erwin and Henry 2017)
Loxandrus semperfidelis Will, 2008; P; (Will 2008)
Moriosomus loebli Allegro, Giachino & Picciau, 2018; P; (Allegro et al. 2018)
Tetracha onorei Naviaux 2007; A; (Naviaux 2007)
Trechisibus barragani Deuve & Moret, 2017; H; (Deuve and Moret 2017)
Trechisibus emiliae Deuve & Moret, 2017; H; (Deuve and Moret 2017)
Trechisibus pubescens Deuve & Moret, 2017; H, P; (Deuve and Moret 2017)
Family Chrysomelidae
Beltia awapita Flowers, 2018; H; (Flowers 2018)
Beltia ledesmae Flowers, 2018; H, A, P; (Flowers 2018)
Beltia napoensis Flowers, 2018; P; (Flowers 2018)
Beltia talaga Flowers, 2018; H; (Flowers 2018)
Elytromena constantini Daccordi, 2008; P; (Daccordi 2008)
Family Curculionidae
Akrobothrus ecuadoriensis Dole & Cognato, 2007; H, A; MEPN; (Dole and Cognato 2007)
Camptocerus lucwildi Smith & Cognato, 2017; P; (Smith and Cognato 2017)
Coptoborus ochromactonus Smith & Cognato, 2014; H, P; (Stilwell et al. 2014)
Coptonotus uteq Smith & Cognato, 2016; P; (Smith and Cognato 2016)
Howdeniola margheritae Belló & Osella, 2008; P; (Belló and Osella 2008)
Howdeniola onorei Belló & Osella, 2008; P; (Belló and Osella 2008)
Family Elateridae
Paradrapetes serratus Aranda, 1999; H; (Aranda 1999)
Family Elmidae
Cylloepus bartolozzii Monte & Mascagni, 2012; P; (Monte and Mascagni 2012)
Cylloepus cesari Monte & Mascagni, 2012; P; (Monte and Mascagni 2012)
Cylloepus fabianorum Monte & Mascagni, 2012; P; (Monte and Mascagni 2012)
Cylloepus francescae Monte & Mascagni, 2012; P; (Monte and Mascagni 2012)
Cylloepus mazzai Monte & Mascagni, 2012; P; (Monte and Mascagni 2012)
Cylloepus terzanii Monte & Mascagni, 2012; P; (Monte and Mascagni 2012)
Macrelmis elicioi Monte & Mascagni, 2012; P; (Monte and Mascagni 2012)
Family Hybosoridae
Germarostes otonga Ballerio & Gill, 2008; H, P; (Ballerio and Gill 2008)
Family Leiodidae
Adelopsis azuay Salgado, 2013; H, P; (Salgado 2013)
Adelopsis carolinae Salgado, 2008; P; (Salgado 2008)
Adelopspeleon acuminatum Salgado, 2012; P; (Salgado 2012)
Dissochaetus angustilis Salgado, 2010; P; (Salgado 2010a)
Eucatops tungurahuaensis Salgado, 2010; H; (Salgado 2010b)
Ptomaphagus cubensis Salgado, 2012; H, P; (Salgado 2012)
Family Lepiceridae
Lepicerus pichilingue Flowers, Shepard & Troya, 2010; H, P; (Flowers et al. 2010)
Family Lucanidae
Syndesus luki Onore, Bartolozzi & Zilioli, 2011; P; (Onore et al. 2011)
Family Melyridae
Astylus moreti Constantin, 2011; P; (Constantin 2011)
Melyrodes lojaensis Constantin, 2008; P; (Constantin 2008b)
Family Nitidulidae
Pocadius maquipucunensis Leschen & Carlton, 1994; P; (Leschen and Carlton 1994)
Family Phengodidae
Pseudophengodes onorei Wittmer, 1996; P; (Wittmer 1996)
Family Scarabaeidae
Amithao cotopaxicus Ratcliffe, 2017; P; (Ratcliffe 2017)
Chrysina dzidorhum (Arnaud, 1994); P; (Arnaud 1994)
Cyclocephala guaguarum Dechambre & Endrödi, 1984; P; (Dechambre and Endrödi 1984)
Cyclocephala niguasa Dechambre & Endrödi, 1984; P; (Dechambre and Endrödi 1984)
Eurysternus contractus Génier, 2009; P; (Génier 2009)
Eurysternus lanuginosus Génier, 2009; P; (Génier 2009)
Gymnetis drogoni Ratcliffe, 2018; P; (Ratcliffe 2018)
Gymnetis viserioni Ratcliffe, 2018; P; (Ratcliffe 2018)
Odontolytes tectipennis (Stebnicka & Skelley, 2005); H, P; MEPN; (Stebnicka and Skelley 2005)
Odontolytes waoraniae (Stebnicka & Skelley, 2005); H, P; MEPN (Stebnicka and Skelley 2005)
Onorius inexpectatus Frolov & Vaz de Mello, 2015; H, P; (Frolov and Vaz de Mello 2015)
Palaeophileurus silvestris Neita & Ratcliffe, 2017; P; (Neita and Ratcliffe 2017)
Phanaeus achilles lydiae Arnaud, 2000; P; (Arnaud 2000)
Spodochlamys nazareti Arnaud, 1995; P; (Arnaud 1995)
Family Staphylinidae
Gnathymenus rossii Assing, 2013; P; (Assing 2013)
Leptonia onorei Pace, 2008; P; (Pace 2008)
Order Diptera
Family Anthomyzidae
Mumetopia messor Rohácek & Barber, 2008; P; (Rohácek and Barber 2008)
Family Aulacigastridae
Aulacigaster albifacies Rung & Mathis, 2011; P; MEPN; (Rung and Mathis 2011)
Aulacigaster formosa Rung & Mathis, 2011; P; MEPN; (Rung and Mathis 2011)
Aulacigaster trifasciata Rung & Mathis, 2011; P; MEPN; (Rung and Mathis 2011)
Aulacigaster unifasciata Rung & Mathis, 2011; P; MEPN; (Rung and Mathis 2011)
Aulacigaster vespertina Rung & Mathis, 2011; P; MEPN; (Rung and Mathis 2011)
Family Ceratopogonidae
Forciponyia aidae Hochman, Marino & Spinelli, 2017; H, A; (Hochman et al. 2017)
Forciponyia ivani Hochman, Marino & Spinelli, 2017; H, A, P; (Hochman et al. 2017)
Family Clusiidae
Craspedochaeta argoniae Lonsdale & Marshall, 2006; P; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2006)
Craspedochaeta pollostos Lonsdale & Marshall, 2006; P; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2006)
Hendelia heliconiae Lonsdale & Marshall, 2011; P; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2011)
Sobarocephala archisobarocephala Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012; H; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2012)
Sobarocephala bucki Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012; H; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2012)
Sobarocephala bulbosus Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012; P; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2012)
Sobarocephala dichotomos Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012; P; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2012)
Sobarocephala echinata Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012; P; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2012)
Sobarocephala epeira Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012; P; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2012)
Sobarocephala fuscina Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012; P; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2012)
Sobarocephala hispidifunda Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012; P; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2012)
Sobarocephala leptolineata Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012; P; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2012)
Sobarocephala lita Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012; P; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2012)
Sobarocephala maquipucuna Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012; H; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2012)
Sobarocephala paieroi Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012; H; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2012)
Sobarocephala patina Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012; H; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2012)
Sobarocephala pectinaria Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012; P; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2012)
Sobarocephala sinuata Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012; P; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2012)
Sobarocephala spatulata Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012; P; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2012)
Sobarocephala subtriangulina Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012; H; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2012)
Sobarocephala tinctoalata Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012; H; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2012)
Family Curtonotidae
Curtonotum bivittatum Klymko & Marshall, 2011; H; (Klymko and Marshall 2011)
Family Drosophilidae
Drosophila anthurium Llangarí & Rafael, 2020; H, P; (Llangarí and Rafael 2020)
Drosophila ayauma Peñafiel & Rafael, 2019; H, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2019a)
Drosophila cajanuma Peñafiel & Rafael, 2019; H, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2019b)
Drosophila carchensis Peñafiel & Rafael, 2018; H, A, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2018c)
Drosophila cartucho Llangarí & Rafael, 2020; H, P; (Llangarí and Rafael 2020)
Drosophila carvalhoi Cabezas, Llangarí & Rafael, 2015; H, A, P; (Cabezas et al. 2015)
Drosophila cashapamba Céspedes & Rafael, 2012; H, A, P; (Céspedes and Rafael 2012a)
Drosophila caxarumi Peñafiel & Rafael, 2018; H, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2018b)
Drosophila chichu Peñafiel & Rafael, 2019; H, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2019a)
Drosophila chorlavi Céspedes & Rafael, 2012; H, A, P; (Céspedes and Rafael 2012a)
Drosophila condorhuachana Céspedes & Rafael, 2012; H, P; (Céspedes and Rafael 2012b)
Drosophila cosanga Ramos & Rafael, 2017; H; (Ramos and Rafael 2017)
Drosophila cruzloma Llangarí & Rafael, 2018; H, A, P; (Llangarí and Rafael 2018)
Drosophila cuasmali Peñafiel & Rafael, 2018; H, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2018c)
Drosophila cumanda Llangarí & Rafael, 2018; H, A, P; (Llangarí and Rafael 2018)
Drosophila cuyuja Ramos & Rafael, 2015; H; (Ramos and Rafael 2015)
Drosophila deloscolorados Llangarí & Rafael, 2020; H, P; (Llangarí and Rafael 2020)
Drosophila guacamayos Ramos & Rafael, 2017; H, P; (Ramos and Rafael 2017)
Drosophila guajalito Llangarí & Rafael, 2020; H, P; (Llangarí and Rafael 2020)
Drosophila inti Cabezas, Llangarí & Rafael, 2015; H, P; (Cabezas et al. 2015)
Drosophila intillacta Cabezas & Rafael, 2013; H, P; (Cabezas and Rafael 2013)
Drosophila kasha Peñafiel & Rafael, 2019; H, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2019b)
Drosophila kingmani Peñafiel & Rafael, 2018; H; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2018a)
Drosophila kurillakta Peñafiel & Rafael, 2019; H; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2019a)
Drosophila machalilla Acurio, Rafael, Céspedes & Ruiz, 2013; H, A, P; (Acurio et al. 2013)
Drosophila malacatus Peñafiel & Rafael, 2018; H; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2018a)
Drosophila millmasapa Peñafiel & Rafael, 2018; H, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2018a)
Drosophila misi Peñafiel & Rafael, 2018; H, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2018b)
Drosophila napoensis Ramos & Rafael, 2015; H, P; (Ramos and Rafael 2015)
Drosophila neoamaguana Ramos & Rafael, 2017; H, A, P; (Ramos and Rafael 2017)
Drosophila neoasiri Figuero & Rafael, 2013; H, P; (Figuero and Rafael 2013)
Drosophila neocapnoptera Figuero & Rafael, 2013; H, A, P; (Figuero and Rafael 2013)
Drosophila neoprosaltans Ramos & Rafael, 2017; H, A, P; (Ramos and Rafael 2017)
Drosophila neoyanayuyu Ramos & Rafael, 2017; H, A, P; (Ramos and Rafael 2017)
Drosophila nigua Cabezas, Llangarí & Rafael, 2015; H, P; (Cabezas et al. 2015)
Drosophila nina Cabezas & Rafael, 2015; H, A, P; (Cabezas and Rafael 2015)
Drosophila papallacta Figuero & Rafael, 2013; H, A, P; (Figuero and Rafael 2013)
Drosophila papaver Tamayo & Rafael, 2016; H, A, P; (Tamayo and Rafael 2016)
Drosophila pappobolusae Figuero, León, Rafael & Céspedes, 2012; H, A, P; (Figuero et al. 2012a)
Drosophila pichka Peñafiel & Rafael, 2018; H, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2018a)
Drosophila podocarpus Peñafiel & Rafael, 2019; H, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2019b)
Drosophila pseudokorefae Ramos & Rafael, 2018; H, P; (Ramos and Rafael 2018)
Drosophila pseudomorelia Ramos & Rafael, 2018; H, P; (Ramos and Rafael 2018)
Drosophila quijos Ramos & Rafael, 2015; H, P; (Ramos and Rafael 2015)
Drosophila quinarensis Peñafiel & Rafael, 2018; H, A, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2018b)
Drosophila rucux Céspedes & Rafael, 2012; H, A, P; (Céspedes and Rafael 2012a)
Drosophila rusaryu Peñafiel & Rafael, 2018; H, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2018a)
Drosophila sachapuyu Peñafiel & Rafael, 2018; H, A, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2018b)
Drosophila sagittifolii Llangarí & Rafael, 2017; H, A, P; (Llangarí and Rafael 2017)
Drosophila saraguru Peñafiel & Rafael, 2019; H, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2019a)
Drosophila shunku Peñafiel & Rafael, 2018; H, A, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2018a)
Drosophila shunkuku Peñafiel & Rafael, 2018; H, A, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2018a)
Drosophila sisapamba Figuero, León, Rafael & Céspedes, 2012; H, P; (Figuero et al. 2012a)
Drosophila taki Peñafiel & Rafael, 2018; H, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2018a)
Drosophila tinalandia Llangarí & Rafael, 2018; H, A, P; (Llangarí and Rafael 2018)
Drosophila tsachila Llangarí & Rafael, 2020; H, P; (Llangarí and Rafael 2020)
Drosophila valenteae Llangarí & Rafael, 2018; H, A, P; (Llangarí and Rafael 2018)
Drosophila verbesinae Figuero, León, Rafael & Céspedes, 2012; H, A, P; (Figuero et al. 2012a)
Drosophila wachi Peñafiel & Rafael, 2019; H, A, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2019b)
Drosophila warmi Peñafiel & Rafael, 2019; H, A, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2019a)
Drosophila wayta Figuero, León, Rafael & Céspedes, 2012; H, P; (Figuero et al. 2012a)
Drosophila yambe Cabezas, Llangarí & Rafael, 2015; H, P; (Cabezas et al. 2015)
Drosophila yanacocha Tamayo & Rafael, 2016; H; (Tamayo and Rafael 2016)
Drosophila yanaurcus Figuero, Rafael & Céspedes, 2012; H, A, P; (Figuero et al. 2012b)
Drosophila yanayuyu Céspedes & Rafael, 2012; H, A, P; (Céspedes and Rafael 2012a)
Drosophila yurag Figuero & Rafael, 2011; H, A, P; (Figuero and Rafael 2011)
Drosophila yuragshina Figuero & Rafael, 2011; H, P; (Figuero and Rafael 2011)
Drosophila yuragyacum Figuero, Rafael & Céspedes, 2012; H, A, P; (Figuero et al. 2012b)
Drosophila zamorana Peñafiel & Rafael, 2018; H, A, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2018b)
Hirtodrosophila lojana Peñafiel & Rafael, 2019; H, A, P; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2019b)
Hirtodrosophila villonacu Peñafiel & Rafael, 2019; H; (Peñafiel and Rafael 2019b)
Family Hybotidae
Elaphropeza thoracica Raffone, 2010; P; (Raffone 2010)
Family Micropezidae
Cardiacephala aeruginosa Ferro & Marshall, 2018; H; (Ferro and Marshall 2018)
Cardiacephala aspera Ferro & Marshall, 2018; H; (Ferro and Marshall 2018)
Cardiacephala vitrata Ferro & Marshall, 2018; H; (Ferro and Marshall 2018)
Paragrallomya ecuadorensis Ferro & Marshall, 2020; H; (Ferro and Marshall 2020)
Family Neriidae
Longina anguliceps Buck & Marshall, 2004; P; (Buck and Marshall 2004)
Longina semialba Buck & Marshall, 2004; P; (Buck and Marshall 2004)
Family Psychodidae
Sycorax wampukrum Bravo & Salazar, 2009; H, P; (Bravo and Salazar 2009)
Family Sphaeroceridae
Antrops anovariegatus Kits & Marshall, 2013; H, P; (Kits and Marshall 2013)
Antrops aurantifemur Kits & Marshall, 2013; H, P; (Kits and Marshall 2013)
Antrops baeza Kits & Marshall, 2013; H; (Kits and Marshall 2013)
Antrops bellavista Kits & Marshall, 2013; H, P; (Kits and Marshall 2013)
Antrops bucki Kits & Marshall, 2013; H; (Kits and Marshall 2013)
Antrops cotopaxi Kits & Marshall, 2013; H, P; (Kits and Marshall 2013)
Antrops diversipennis Kits & Marshall, 2013; H, P; (Kits and Marshall 2013)
Antrops eurus Kits & Marshall, 2013; H; (Kits and Marshall 2013)
Antrops fuliginosus Kits & Marshall, 2013; H, P; (Kits and Marshall 2013)
Antrops guandera Kits & Marshall, 2013; H, P; (Kits and Marshall 2013)
Antrops papallacta Kits & Marshall, 2013; H, P; (Kits and Marshall 2013)
Antrops pecki Kits & Marshall, 2013; H, P; (Kits and Marshall 2013)
Antrops quadrilobus Kits & Marshall, 2013; H, P; (Kits and Marshall 2013)
Antrops sierrazulensis Kits & Marshall, 2013; H, P; (Kits and Marshall 2013)
Antrops tetrastichus Kits & Marshall, 2013; H, P; (Kits and Marshall 2013)
Antrops variegatus Kits & Marshall, 2013; H, P; (Kits and Marshall 2013)
Aptilotella angela Luk & Marshall, 2014; H; (Luk and Marshall 2014)
Aptilotella ebenea Luk & Marshall, 2014; H; (Luk and Marshall 2014)
Aptilotella gemmula Luk & Marshall, 2014; H; (Luk and Marshall 2014)
Aptilotella pichinchensis Luk & Marshall, 2014; H; (Luk and Marshall 2014)
Boreantrops auranticeps Kits & Marshall, 2015; H, P; (Kits and Marshall 2015)
Boreantrops pollex Kits & Marshall, 2015; H, P; (Kits and Marshall 2015)
Boreantrops subemarginatus Kits & Marshall, 2015; P; (Kits and Marshall 2015)
Bromeloecia abundantia Yau & Marshall, 2018; H, P; (Yau and Marshall 2018)
Bromeloecia aculatus Yau & Marshall, 2018; P; (Yau and Marshall 2018)
Bromeloecia aurita Yau & Marshall, 2018; H, P; (Yau and Marshall 2018)
Bromeloecia balaena Yau & Marshall, 2018; P; (Yau and Marshall 2018)
Bromeloecia brachium Yau & Marshall, 2018; H, P; (Yau and Marshall 2018)
Bromeloecia cercarcuata Yau & Marshall, 2018; H, P; (Yau and Marshall 2018)
Bromeloecia coniclunis Yau & Marshall, 2018; P; (Yau and Marshall 2018)
Bromeloecia pinna Yau & Marshall, 2018; H, P; (Yau and Marshall 2018)
Bromeloecia ponsa Yau & Marshall, 2018; H, P; (Yau and Marshall 2018)
Bromeloecia ramus Yau & Marshall, 2018; H, P; (Yau and Marshall 2018)
Bromeloecia robustora Yau & Marshall, 2018; H, P; (Yau and Marshall 2018)
Bromeloecia triunguia Yau & Marshall, 2018; H, P; (Yau and Marshall 2018)
Bromeloecia undulata Yau & Marshall, 2018; H, P; (Yau and Marshall 2018)
Bromeloecia wolverinei Yau & Marshall, 2018; H, P; (Yau and Marshall 2018)
Coproica bispatha Bergeron, Marshall & Swann, 2015; P; (Bergeron et al. 2015)
Coproica brachystyla Bergeron, Marshall & Swann, 2015; P; (Bergeron et al. 2015)
Coproica diabolia Bergeron, Marshall & Swann, 2015; P; (Bergeron et al. 2015)
Coproica galapagosensis Bergeron, Marshall & Swann, 2015; H, P; (Bergeron et al. 2015)
Coproica novacula Bergeron, Marshall & Swann, 2015; P; (Bergeron et al. 2015)
Leptocera papallacta Buck & Marshall, 2009; H, P; (Buck and Marshall 2009)
Leptocera plax Buck & Marshall, 2009; P; (Buck and Marshall 2009)
Minilimosina sclerophallus Marshall, 1985; P; (Marshall 1985)
Photoantrops echinus Kits & Marshall, 2013; H; (Kits and Marshall 2013)
Poecilantrops stellans Kits & Marshall, 2013; H, P; (Kits and Marshall 2013)
Family Syringogastridae
Syringogaster atricalyx Marshall & Buck, 2009; P; MEPN; (Marshall et al. 2009)
Syringogaster brachypecta Marshall & Buck, 2009; H, P; (Marshall et al. 2009)
Syringogaster plesioterga Marshall & Buck, 2009; P; MEPN; (Marshall et al. 2009)
Family Tachinidae
Erythromelana cryptica Inclan, 2013; P; (Inclan and Stireman 2013)
Family Tanipezidae
Neotanypeza marshalli Lonsdale, 2013; H, P; (Lonsdale 2013)
Neotanypeza plotoplax Lonsdale, 2013; H; (Lonsdale 2013)
Neotanypeza posthos Lonsdale, 2013; P; (Lonsdale 2013)
Neotanypeza vexilla Lonsdale, 2013; H; (Lonsdale 2013)
Family Tephritidae
Anastrepha amaryllis Tigrero, 1998; H; (Tigrero 1998)
Anastrepha anopla Norrbom & Korytkowski, 2012; H, P; MEPN; (Norrbom and Korytkowski 2012)
Anastrepha grandicanina Norrbom & Korytkowski, 2012; P; MEPN; (Norrbom and Korytkowski 2012)
Anastrepha hadracantha Norrbom & Korytkowski, 2012; H, P; MEPN; (Norrbom and Korytkowski 2012)
Anastrepha haplacantha Norrbom & Korytkowski, 2012; H; MEPN; (Norrbom and Korytkowski2012)
Anastrepha hyperacantha Norrbom & Korytkowski, 2012; H, P; MEPN; (Norrbom and Korytkowski 2012)
Anastrepha isolata Norrbom & Korytkowski, 2009; H; MEPN; (Norrbom and Korytkowski 2009)
Anastrepha macracantha Norrbom & Korytkowski, 2012; H; MEPN; (Norrbom and Korytkowski 2012)
Anastrepha neogigantea Norrbom & Korytkowski, 2012; H; MEPN; (Norrbom and Korytkowski 2012)
Molynocoelia erwini Norrbom, 2011; H; MEPN; (Norrbom 2011)
Order Ephemeroptera
Family Leptophlebiidae
Atopophlebia pitculya Flowers, 2012; H, A, P; (Flowers 2012)
Order Hemiptera
Family Coreidae
Onoremia acuminata Brailovsky, 1995; H; (Brailovsky 1995)
Order Hymenoptera
Family Apidae
Oxytrigona huaoranii González & Roubik, 2008; P; (González and Roubik 2008)
Family Dryinidae
Gonatopus sandovalae Guglielmino, Olmi, & Speranza, 2016; H; (Guglielmino et al. 2016)
Gonatopus tapiai Olmi & Guglielmino, 2016; H; (Olmi and Guglielmino 2016)
Family Formicidae
Basiceros onorei Baroni & De Andrade, 2007; H; (Baroni and De Andrade 2007)
Leptanilloides copalinga Delsinne & Donoso, 2015; H; (Delsinne et al. 2015)
Leptanilloides prometea Delsinne & Donoso, 2015; H, P; (Delsinne et al. 2015)
Pachycondyla cernua Mackay & Mackay, 2010; P; (Mackay and Mackay 2010)
Pyramica heterodonta Rigato & Scupola, 2008; P; (Rigato and Scupola 2008)
Strumigenys lojaensis Lattke & Aguirre, 2015; H; (Lattke and Aguirre 2015)
Strumigenys longimala Baroni & De Andrade, 2007; H, P; (Baroni and De Andrade 2007)
Strumigenys nageli Baroni & De Andrade, 2007; H, P; (Baroni and De Andrade 2007)
Strumigenys onorei Baroni & De Andrade, 2007; H, P; (Baroni and De Andrade 2007)
Family Halictidae
Chlerogella euprepia Engel, 2010; P; (Engel 2010)
Chlerogella mourella Engel, 2003; P; (Engel 2003)
Family Sphecidae
Pison arachniraptor Menke, 1988; P; (Menke 1988)
Family Trichogrammatidae
Adryas erwini Pinto & Owen, 2004; H, A; MEPN; (Pinto and Owen 2004)
Pachamama speciosa Owen & Pinto, 2004; P; MEPN; (Owen and Pinto 2004)
Order Lepidoptera
Family Saturniidae
Automeris abdominapoensis Brechlin & Meister, 2011; P; (Brechlin and Meister 2011a)
Automeris abdomipichinchensis Brechlin & Meister, 2011; P; (Brechlin and Meister 2011a)
Automeris isabellae Brechlin & Käch, 2017; P; (Brechlin et al. 2017)
Automeris manzonoi Brechlin, Käch & Meister, 2013; P; (Brechlin et al. 2013)
Automeris parapichinchaensis Brechlin & Meister, 2011; P; (Brechlin and Meister 2011a)
Citheronia kaechi Brechlin, 2019; P; (Brechlin et al. 2019)
Copaxa andorientalis Brechlin & Meister, 2012; P; (Brechlin and Meister 2012c)
Copaxa litensis Wolf & Colan, 2002; P; (Wolfe and Colan 2002)
Dirphia apeggyae Brechlin, Meister & Käch, 2011; P; (Brechlin and Meister 2011c)
Dirphia sachai Brechlin & Käch, 2017; P; (Brechlin 2017)
Gamelia kaechi Brechlin & Meister, 2012; P; (Brechlin and Meister 2012a)
Hirpida kaechi Brechlin, 2019; P; (Brechlin 2019)
Periga barragani Brechlin, Käch & Meister, 2013; P; (Brechlin and Meister 2013)
Rothschildia aricia ariciopichichensis Brechlin, Käch & Meister, 2012; P; (Brechlin and Meister 2012b)
Rothschildia aricia napoecuadoriana Brechlin & Meister, 2010; P; (Brechlin and Meister 2010)
Rothschildia inca incecuatoriana Brechlin & Meister, 2012; P; (Brechlin and Meister 2012b)
Rothschildia lebecuatoriana Brechlin & Meister, 2012; P; (Brechlin and Meister 2012b)
Order Orthoptera
Family Tettigoniidae
Artiotonus tinae Montealegre, Morris, Sarria & Mason, 2011; H, A; (Montealegre et al. 2011)
Supersonus undulus Sarria, Morris, Windmill, Jackson & Montealegre, 2014; H, A; (Sarria et al. 2014)
Order Trichoptera
Family Anomalopsychidae
Contulma paluguillensis Holzenthal & Ríos, 2012; P; (Holzenthal and Ríos 2012)
Phylum Nemata
Class Secernentea
Order Strongylida
Family Molineidae
Neomolineus pierredesseti Guerrero, 2020; P; MEPN; (Guerrero 2020)
Family Strongyloididae
Parastrongyloides neotropicalis Guerrero, 2016; H, A; MEPN; (Guerrero 2016)
Phylum Platyhelminthes
Class Cestoda
Order Phyllobothriidea
Family Phyllobothriidae
Clistobothrium amyae Caira, Hayes & Jensen, 2020; H, P; MEPN; (Caira et al. 2020)
Clistobothrium gabywalterorum Caira, Hayes & Jensen, 2020; H; MEPN; (Caira et al. 2020)
Scyphophyllidium timvickiorum Caira, Hayes & Jensen, 2020; H, P; MEPN; (Caira et al. 2020)
Order Tetraphyllidea
Family Serendipidae
Serendip deborahae Brooks & Barriga, 1994; H, P; MEPN; (Brooks and Barriga 1994)
Figure 1. 

Cumulative number of Ecuadorian species with types in the QCAZI (blue) and MEPN (black) museums. The size and number inside the box correspond to the number of species lodged in both museums in that time period.

A map of type localities (Fig. 2) shows an increase of collection points compared to the ones published in Donoso et al. (2009). The new type specimens are distributed in all 24 provinces of Ecuador. Napo (96 spp.), Cotopaxi (93 spp.), and Pichincha (63 spp.) are the provinces with the highest number of new registered types. However, there are several provinces where more studies are required; this is the case for Bolívar (1 sp.), Cañar (2 spp.), El Oro (1 sp.), and Guayas (3 spp.), among others. Table 2 provides information for 71 type specimens (from 23 species or subspecies) from countries other than Ecuador.

Table 2.

Type specimens from other countries.

Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order Coleoptera
Family Curculionidae
Pandeleteius campbelli Howden, 1976; P; QCAZI; Colombia; (Howden 1976)
Order Diptera
Family Clusiidae
Sobarocephala thrinax Lonsdale & Marshall, 2012; P; QCAZI; Bolivia; (Lonsdale and Marshall 2012)
Family Tachinidae
Erythromelana arciforceps Inclan, 2013; P; QCAZI; Brazil; (Inclan and Stireman 2013)
Erythromelana catarina Inclan, 2013; P; QCAZI; Brazil; (Inclan and Stireman 2013)
Erythromelana distincta Inclan, 2013; P; QCAZI; Brazil; (Inclan and Stireman 2013)
Erythromelana leptoforceps Inclan, 2013; P; QCAZI; Brazil; (Inclan and Stireman 2013)
Erythromelana woodi Inclan, 2013; P; QCAZI; Bolivia; (Inclan and Stireman 2013)
Order Hymenoptera
Family Diapriidae
Turripria woldai Masner & García, 2002; P; QCAZI; Panamá; (Masner and García 2002)
Family Encyrtidae
Anagyrus lizanorum Noyes & Menezes, 2000; P; MEPN; Costa Rica; (Noyes 2000)
Anagyrus paralia Noyes & Menezes, 2000; P; MEPN; Costa Rica; (Noyes 2000)
Anagyrus sinope Noyes & Menezes, 2000; P; MEPN; Estados Unidos y Bahamas; (Noyes 2000)
Blepyrus hansoni Noyes, 2000; P; MEPN; Costa Rica; (Noyes 2000)
Blepyrus zenonis Noyes, 2000; P; MEPN; Costa Rica; (Noyes 2000)
Gyranusoidea amasis Noyes, 2000; P; MEPN; Costa Rica; (Noyes 2000)
Gyranusoidea rhodope Noyes, 2000; P; MEPN; Costa Rica; (Noyes 2000)
Hambletonia pilosifrons Sharkov & Woolley, 1997; P; MEPN; Costa Rica; (Sharkov and Woolley 1997)
Family Formicidae
Simopelta transversa Mackay & Mackay, 2008; P; QCAZI; Colombia; (Mackay and Mackay 2008)
Phylum Mollusca
Class Gastropoda
Order Stylommatophora
Family Bulimulidae
Bostryx bermudezae Weyrauch, 1958; P; MEPN; (Weyrauch 1958)
Bostryx vilchezi Weyrauch, 1960; P; MEPN; (Weyrauch 1960)
Scutalus versicolor lachayensis Weyrauch, 1967; P; MEPN; (Weyrauch 1967)
Family Clausiliidae
Hemicena cerrateae Weyrauch, 1958; P; MEPN; (Weyrauch 1958)
Parabalea omissa (Weyrauch, 1957); P; MEPN; (Weyrauch 1957)
Steeriana celendinensis isidroensis Weyrauch & Zilch, 1954; P; MEPN; (Zilch 1954)
Figure 2. 

Geographical distribution of Ecuadorian type localities deposited at the MEPN and QCAZI museums showing the 24 provinces.

With the new additions, 29% of described species of invertebrates were collected in five localities: Reserva Integral Otonga (116 spp.), Pasochoa (35 spp.), Estación Científica Yasuni (25 spp.), Cajanuma (23 spp.), and Las Pampas (20 spp.) (Fig. 3). Most type-rich localities were all found near the major roads of the country; except those found within Yasuni National Park (Fig. 3). 59% of localities provided type specimens for both 2008 and 2020 datasets. 19% of localities are new providers of type specimens, and the remaining 22% of localities provided type specimens for only the 2008 dataset. Insecta and Arachnida are the most abundant classes in the catalog. Insecta comprises eight orders, 43 families, 108 genera, and 327 species. From these, Diptera, with 1,473 type specimens, provides 65% of all types. In particular, Drosophilidae (71 species) and Sphaeroceridae (47 species) are the best-represented families in our catalog. Arachnida comprises seven orders, 20 families, 34 genera, and 111 species. Finally, we corrected information provided in the 2008 dataset, by removing nine species wrongly identified as type material (Table 3) and by correcting spelling mistakes in the names of four species (Table 4).

Table 3.

Species excluded from the 2008 dataset.

Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order Lepidoptera
Family Nymphalidae
Manerebia germaniae Pyrcz & Hall, 2005
Manerebia golondrina Pyrcz & Willmott, 2005
Manerebia inderena clara Pyrcz & Willmott, 2005
Manerebia inderena laeniva Pyrcz & Willmott, 2005
Manerebia inderena mirena Pyrcz & Willmott, 2005
Manerebia inderena similis Pyrcz & Willmott, 2005
Manerebia satura pauperata Pyrcz & Willmott, 2005
Manerebia undulata undulata Pyrcz & Willmott, 2005
Pedaliodes morenoi pilaloensis Pyrcz & Viloria, 1999
Table 4.

Types that were misspelled in the 2008 dataset.

Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order Coleoptera
Family Cerambycidae
Apteraleidion lapierrei Hovore, 1992 should be replaced with Apteralcidion lapierrei Hovore, 1992
Family Curculionidae
Baillytes Bartolozzi Voisin, 1996 should be replaced with Baillytes bartolozzii Voisin, 1996
Family Brentidae
Stereodermus jonathani Mantilleri, 2004 is classified within the Brentidae family, not Rhysodidae.
Order Diptera
Family Sphaeroceridae
Druciatus tricetus Marshall, 1995 should be replaced with Druciatus trisetus Marshall, 1995
Figure 3. 

The twenty-five localities with the most type species registered in the 2008 and 2020 publications. We include a map of the main road system for the country and these 25 type localities.


The updated catalog endorses these two museums as benchmarks in invertebrate conservation at the national and international levels. The four largest orders of Insecta, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera that are highly diverse globally, are the focus of the highest number of studies in the country and are the best-represented insect groups in both collections. For example, Moret and Murienne (2020) described 25 carabid species of Andean Ecuador. Lonsdale and Marshall (2006, 2011, 2012) increased our understanding of Clusiidae dipterans in Ecuador with 21 new species. Since 2011, Adriano Kury, at the Museu Nacional at Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ, Brazil) has considerably curated the Opiliones collection at QCAZI museum (Kury 2012; Giupponi and Kury 2015). Unfortunately, a great number of these specimens were burned in the 2018 fire at the MNRJ (Kury et al. 2018) and it is only recently that some of these losses have been contextualized (Medrano et al. 2022).

The Arachnida collections in Ecuador are currently one of the best-represented and the most exhaustively studied. 90% of the Aranea species were described by Nadine Dupérré and Elicio Tapia in several publications as part of their project on a survey of Ecuadorian spiders (Dupérré 2022; Dupérré and Tapia 2020a). Pichincha, Cotopaxi, and Napo provinces are again reported as the most explored, and the invertebrates of many localities already listed in the 2008 catalog (e.g., Reserva Otonga and Estación Científica Yasuni) continue to be studied (Monte and Mascagni 2012; Erwin and Henry 2017; Flowers 2018). The southern provinces of Ecuador are starting to appear, i.e., Cajanuma, at the Parque Nacional Podocarpus, in Loja, where 19 species of Diptera: Drosophilidae were discovered and described by Peñafiel and Rafael (2018a, b, c; 2019a, b).

Taxonomists’ roles in studying invertebrates is crucial to increase biodiversity knowledge and promote its conservation. The lack of specialists in our country devoted to the study of taxonomy and the diversity of abundant and complex invertebrates prevents the rapid development of this subject needed for our region. In most cases, the specimens need to be sent out for identification to specialists overseas, and their studies can last several years. In this race against habitat loss in Ecuador, it is time to become aware and join efforts with government entities and academia to document and conserve our biodiversity in the hopes to achieve health, food, and clean water security, in other words, attain a place suitable for living.


We thank Steve Paiero, Nadine Dupérré, Ronald Brechlin, Gustavo Ferro, Ernesto Recuero, Gianni Raffone, Horst Kach, Pierre Moret, Luis Alberto Pereira, Tiffany Yau, Cinzia Monte, and Washington Pruna for providing the articles in which species were described and other relevant information about the specimens. Finally, we want to thank invertebrate taxonomists for the increased trust and support in Ecuadorian scientists, and the collections developing in the country.

Additional information

Conflict of interest

No conflict of interest was declared.

Ethical statement

No ethical statement was reported.


No funding was reported.

Author contributions

Conceptualization: DAD, ÁB, FSB. Data curation: FSB, VC. Formal analysis: DAD, FSB. Funding acquisition: ÁB. Investigation: FSB, DAD. Methodology: DAD, FSB. Project administration: FSB. Resources: ÁB. Supervision: DAD. Validation: FSB. Writing – original draft: DAD, FSB. Writing – review and editing: FSB, ÁB, VC, DAD.

Author ORCIDs

Fernanda Salazar-Buenaño

Diego Guevara

Alvaro Barragán

Vladimir Carvajal

David A. Donoso

Data availability

All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text or Supplementary Information.


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Supplementary material

Supplementary material 1 

Type specimen catalog with original information from their labels

Fernanda Salazar-Buenaño, Diego Guevara, Alvaro Barragán, Vladimir Carvajal, David A. Donoso

Data type: text file

Explanation note: Type specimen catalog with original information from their labels. Organized in alphabetical order by class, order, family, genus, and species. The species taxonomic designation given in the initial publications is maintained in this catalog.

This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited.
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