Research Article |
Corresponding author: Jixing Sui ( ) Academic editor: Greg Rouse
© 2023 Jixing Sui, Dong Dong, Xuwen Wu, Xinzheng Li.
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Sui J, Dong D, Wu X, Li X (2023) A new species of the genus Lindaspio Blake & Maciolek, 1992 (Annelida, Spionidae) from a cold seep near Hainan Island, China. ZooKeys 1153: 105-112.
A new species of the spionid genus Lindaspio Blake & Maciolek, 1992 was collected from a cold seep near the Hainan Island at a depth of 1758 m. Morphologically, Lindaspio polybranchiata sp. nov. differs from the congeners in having a narrow, folded caruncle and more neuropodial branchiae (from chaetiger 20). The 18S, COI, and 16S sequences of the new species have been submitted to GenBank. It is the first record of the genus Lindaspio from Chinese waters. A key to all species of Lindaspio is given.
Cold seep, Lindaspio polybranchiata sp. nov., Polychaeta, taxonomy
Spionidae Grube, 1850 is a group of polychaetes which have a worldwide marine distribution from the intertidal zone to the deep sea, including hydrothermal vent and cold seep environments (
In May 2021, a biodiversity survey in the area of a cold-seep (named “Lingshui”) near Hainan Island was conducted by the
Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (
All the specimens were fixed and preserved in 75% ethanol solution and are deposited in the
Marine Biological Museum of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (MBMCAS)
in the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (
Total DNA was extracted with the DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) and stored at −20 °C. Partial fragments of COI (~700 bp), 16S (~450 bp), and 18S (~1800 bp) genes were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers polyLCO/polyHCO (
Family Spionidae Grube, 1850
Lindaspio dibranchiata Blake & Maciolek, 1992.
(according to
Holotype : Complete, Lingshui cold seep cruise, Faxian Dive 252, 1758 m, 17°37'N, 111°03'E, coll. crew of R/V Kexue, 28 May 2021, MBM 304666. Paratypes: 4 specimens, complete, same collection data as holotype, MBM 304662-MBM 304665.
Non-type : 14 incomplete specimens depositing in one specimen bottle, MBM304661.
Total length 55 mm, maximum width 4 mm, including chaetae. More than 350 crowded chaetigers. Color pale in alcohol.
Prostomium anteriorly bilobed, forming two broadly swollen lobes (Fig.
Lindaspio polybranchiata sp. nov. (Paratype, MBM 304663) A anterior end in dorsal view B anterior segments in ventral view, starting from segment 20 C median segments in ventral view D posterior end in dorsal view E posterior end in ventral view F anterior end in lateral view G parapodium from segment 12 H parapodium from segment 31; I. parapodium from segment 51. Scale bars: 1 mm (A, E); 500 µm (B–D, F); 250 µm (G–I).
Dorsal branchiae fingerlike, appear from chaetiger 2 (Fig.
Notochaetae of chaetigers 2–4 modified into cluster of about 15 heavy spines (Figs
Anterior neurochaetae include row of heavy spines and ventral bundle of thin capillaries (Fig.
GenBank Accession Number: COI OQ582086, 16S OQ592054, 18S OQ592055.
As mentioned above, three species have been reported in the genus Lindaspio. The new species is easily distinguished from L. dibranchiata and L. sebastiena in having a narrow, undulating caruncle, while L. sebastiena has no caruncle and L. dibranchiata has a short, mounded caruncle. The new species resembles L. southwardorum in having similar caruncle, ventral branchiae and dorsal clusters of spines in anterior notopodia, while the latter differs in having first neuro- branchiae from chaetiger 55 (vs. chaetiger 20 in the new species) and having more modified spines on chaetigers 2–4 (20 vs. 15).
The BLAST percent identity of the 18S sequence between the new species and Lindaspio dibranchiata is 99% (1758/1762 bp), suggesting that they are congeneric. Additionally, the COI and 16S sequences of our specimen are identical to those of Lindaspio sp. (GenBank accession number OK032597.1), which confirms that the unverified species of Lindaspio in GenBank is a Lindaspio polybranchiata sp. nov.
The species is so named because it has more neuropodial branchiae than the congeners.
Currently only known from the type locality, near Hainan Island, China, at a depth of 1758 m (Fig.
1 | Caruncle absent | L. sebastiena Bellan, Dauvin & Laubier, 2003 |
– | Caruncle present | 2 |
2 | Caruncle oval | L. dibranchiata Blake & Maciolek, 1992 |
– | Caruncle undulating | 3 |
3 | First neuro- branchiae starting from about chaetiger 55 | L. southwardorum Blake & Maciolek, 1992 |
– | First neuro- branchiae starting from about chaetiger 20 | L. polybranchiata sp. nov. |
Many thanks are due to Dr Qi Kou and Yong Xu (