Research Article |
Corresponding author: Zhe Zhao ( ) Corresponding author: Haifeng Chen ( ) Academic editor: Dimitar Dimitrov
© 2023 Bing Li, Zhe Zhao, Ken-ichi Okumura, Kaibayier Meng, Shuqiang Li, Haifeng Chen.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Li B, Zhao Z, Okumura K-i, Meng K, Li S, Chen H (2023) Yunguirius gen. nov., a new genus of Coelotinae (Araneae, Agelenidae) spiders from southwest China. ZooKeys 1159: 51-67.
A new genus of the subfamily Coelotinae F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1893, Yunguirius gen. nov. is described, comprising two new species and three species previously described in Draconarius Ovtchinnikov, 1999, all from southwest China: Y. duoge sp. nov. (♀), Y. xiangding sp. nov. (♀), Y. ornatus (Wang, Yin, Peng & Xie, 1990) comb. nov. (♂♀) (the type species of Yunguirius gen. nov.), Y. subterebratus (Zhang, Zhu & Wang, 2017) comb. nov. (♀), and Y. terebratus (Peng & Wang, 1997) comb. nov. (♂♀). Molecular analyses support Yunguirius gen. nov. as a monophyletic group, with the Sinodraconarius clade as its sister group: Yunguirius gen. nov. + (Hengconarius + (Nuconarius + Sinodraconarius)).
Asia, Draconarius, funnel weaver spider, new combination, new species, phylogeny
The subfamily Coelotinae F. O.
Draconarius Ovtchinnikov, 1999 is exceptionally species rich (i.e., currently comprising 274 valid species) and morphologically diverse, but some studies have shown that it is not monophyletic (
Recently, when examining specimens collected from southwest China and comparing them with known species in the literature, we realized that they represent two undescribed species, and suspected that they may belong to a new genus. The two species are closely related to D. ornatus (Wang, Yin, Peng & Xie, 1990), D. terebratus (Peng & Wang, 1997), and D. subterebratus Zhang, Zhu & Wang, 2017. Therefore, morphological and phylogenetic studies were carried out on these closely related species to elucidate their taxonomy.
All specimens studied in this paper were collected from southwest China. Fresh specimens were preserved in 95% ethanol with storage at -20 °C for DNA extraction and 75% ethanol for morphological study. Specimens were examined with a LEICA M205 C stereomicroscope. Photos were taken with an Olympus C7070 wide zoom digital camera (7.1 megapixels) mounted either on an Olympus SZX12 dissecting microscope or on an Olympus BX51 compound microscope. Images from multiple focal ranges were combined using Helicon Focus v. 6.80 photo stacking software program. The epigyne and male palp were dissected from the body for examination. The epigyne was treated in a warm 10% potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution. Images of the left male palp are presented. Measurements were obtained with a LEICA M205 C stereomicroscope and are given in millimetres. Eye diameters were measured as the maximum distance in either dorsal or frontal views. Leg measurements are given as follows: total length (coxa, trochanter, femur, patella, tibia, metatarsus, tarsus). Terminology follows
ALE anterior lateral eye;
ALE–PLE distance between ALE and PLE;
AME anterior median eye;
AME–ALE distance between AME and ALE;
AME–AME distance between AME and AME;
AME–PME distance between AME and PME;
PLE posterior lateral eye;
PME posterior median eye;
PME–PLE distance between PME and PLE;
PME–PME distance between PME and PME.
MHBU Museum of Hebei University.
DNA barcodes were obtained for delimiting the species. A partial fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (CO1) gene was amplified and sequenced for the new and type species using primers LCO1490-oono (5’-CWACAAAYCATARRGATATTGG-3’) and HCO2198-zz (5’-TAAACTTCCAGGTGACCAAAAAATCA-3’), following
Species | Voucher code | GenBank accession number | Sequence length | Collection localities |
Y. ornatus comb. nov. | IZCAS-Ar44406 (YX055) | OQ243292 | 771bp | Kunming, Yunnan, China |
Y. ornatus comb. nov. | IZCAS-Ar44407 (YX366) | OQ243293 | 798bp | Yuxi, Yunnan, China |
Y. duoge sp. nov. | IZCAS-Ar44401 (YX066) | OQ243294 | 780bp | Kunming, Yunnan, China |
Y. xiangding sp. nov. | IZCAS-Ar44408 (CL048) | KY778892 | 1194bp | Luzhou, Sichuan, China |
To perform phylogenetic analyses, part of the molecular data of coelotine spiders from
Phylogenetic relationships were inferred using both maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI). First, the best-fit partitioning schemes and models were selected for the RAxML and MrBayes analyses using PartitionFinder v.2.1.1 (
By examining specimens collected from southwest China, we found that two species with particular external genital morphology could not be placed into existing genera. They are morphologically similar to three Draconarius species, D. ornatus, D. terebratus, and D. subterebratus (
Our different phylogenetic analyses infer similar tree topologies (Fig.
Phylogenetic trees A, B maximum likelihood (ML) trees obtained by using IQ-TREE C, D ML trees obtained by using RAxML E, F bayesian trees obtained by using MrBayes. Support values for major nodes are shown. Scale bar corresponds to the expected number of substitutions per site. Asterisks express the type species of each genus.
Subfamily Coelotinae F.O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1893
Coelotes ornatus Wang, Yin, Peng & Xie, 1990, from Kunming, Yunnan, China (designated herein).
The generic name is derived from the pinyin word “Yungui”, referring to Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau where the genus is distributed, and “-rius” refers to the genus as part of its sister groups of genera: Nuconarius, Hengconarius, and Sinodraconarius. The gender is masculine.
Morphological characteristics of Yunguirius gen. nov. resemble those of Nuconarius, Hengconarius, and Sinodraconarius, which are distributed in southeastern China, by cymbial furrow short, with a length less than half of cymbium (fig. 3 in
Epigyne and female habitus of Yunguirius duoge sp. nov. A epigyne, ventral B vulva, dorsal C female habitus, dorsal D same, ventral E same, lateral. Scale bar equal for C–E. Abbreviations: A = atrium; CD = copulatory duct; CO = copulatory opening; F = fold; FD = fertilization duct; H = hood; PES = posterior epigynal sclerite; S = spermatheca; SB = spermathecal base; SH = spermathecal head; St = stalk.
Epigyne and female habitus of Yunguirius ornatus comb. nov. A epigyne, ventral B vulva, dorsal C female habitus, dorsal D same, ventral E same, lateral. Scale bar equal for C–E. Abbreviations: A = atrium; CD = copulatory duct; CO = copulatory opening; F = fold; FD = fertilization duct; H = hood; MS = median septum; PES = posterior epigynal sclerite; S = spermatheca; SB = spermathecal base; SH = spermathecal head; St = stalk.
Epigyne and female habitus of Yunguirius xiangding sp. nov. A epigyne, ventral B vulva, dorsal C female habitus, dorsal D same, ventral E same, lateral. Scale bar equal for C–E. Abbreviations: A = atrium; CD = copulatory duct; CO = copulatory opening; F = fold; FD = fertilization duct; H = hood; PES = posterior epigynal sclerite; S = spermatheca; SB = spermathecal base; SH = spermathecal head; St = stalk.
Small to very large spiders, body length 6.00 to 21.80. Carapace brown to black, tonneau-shaped, longer than or as long as abdomen, with longitudinal fovea and dark radial grooves; chelicerae black, with three promarginal and two retromarginal teeth; endites and labium brown to dark brown, anterior white with black hairs; sternum brownish to brown, longer than wide. Abdomen yellowish-brown, nearly oval, posterior widest, with four to six darker chevrons or speckles, or without any pattern. Leg formula 4 > 1 > 2 > 3 or 1 > 4 > 2 > 3. Male palp: patellar apophysis finger-shaped, retrolateral tibial apophysis large, lateral tibial apophysis small, median apophysis spoon-shaped; conductor large, with two branches; embolus thick, beginning at a 7 o’clock position, embolic base swollen; cymbial furrow short, with the length less than half of cymbium. Epigyne: posterior epigynal sclerite varying in shape; atrium very large, wide to narrow, with osteosclerotic lateral margin, inside white osteon, outside with brownish or brown markings and brown or darker folds; copulatory duct membranous, arising posteriorly, extending to anterior, opening anteriorly; spermatheca brown, spermathecal base swollen, spermathecal head long and line-shaped, extending anteriorly, opposite end swollen, lamellar or connected with a stalk.
Guizhou, Hunan, Sichuan and Yunnan, China (Fig.
Holotype ♀ (IZCAS-Ar44401): China: Yunnan Province: Kunming City: Panlong District, Duoge Village, Laohuanglong Cave, 25.4254°N, 102.9259°E, elevation: 2731 m, 4.XII.2014, Y. Li and Z. Chen leg. Paratypes: 4♀♀ (IZCAS-Ar44402–Ar44405): China: Yunnan Province: Kunming City: Panlong District, Duoge Village, Huanglong Cave, 25.4285°N, 102.9244°E, elevation: 2337 m, 8.XII.2019, Z. Chen leg.
The new species is named after the type locality (Duoge Village); noun in apposition.
Yunguirius duoge sp. nov. resembles Y. terebratus by having rectangular posterior epigynal sclerite, subrounded atrium and dumbbell-shaped spermatheca at its first half. However, it can be distinguished from Y. terebratus as follows: 1) posterior margin of the epigyne narrow and pointed in the middle (Fig.
Female (holotype) (Fig.
Male. Unknown.
Yunnan Province, China (Fig.
Coelotes ornatus
Wang, Yin, Peng & Xie, 1990: in
Draconarius ornatus
(Wang, Yin, Peng & Xie, 1990): in
(not examined). Holotype ♀ (HNNU): China, Yunnan Province, Kunming City, Xishan District, Xishan Mountain, 25.X.1987, J. Wang leg. Paratypes: 15♀♀ (HNNU): same data as the holotype.
(not examined). 2♂♂ (HNNU): China, Yunnan Province, Kunming City, Xishan District, Xishan Mountain, 8.VIII.1991; 1♀ (MHBU): China, Yunnan Province, Kunming City, Xishan District, Xishan Mountain, 28.IV.2004, Z. Zhang leg.
1♀ (IZCAS-Ar44406): China, Yunnan Province, Kunming City, Xishan District, Xishan Mountain, National Forest Park, Longmen, 24.9511°N, 102.6385°E, elevation: 2437 m, 5.XII.2014, Y. Li and Z. Chen leg.; 1♀ (IZCAS-Ar44407), China, Yunnan Province, Yuxi City, Xinping County, Mopanshan Mountain, National Forest Park, 23.9448°N, 101.9660°E, elevation: 2269 m, 19.III.2019, Z. Chen leg.
Yunguirius ornatus can be distinguished from other species of this genus as follows: 1) atrium inverted trapezoid (Fig.
Male. See
Female (IZCAS-Ar44406) (Fig.
Yunnan Province, China (Fig.
Draconarius subterebratus
Zhang, Zhu & Wang, 2017 in
(not examined). Holotype ♀ (MHBU): China: Guizhou Province: Zunyi City: Daozhen County, Dashahegou Nature Reserve, Xieshiyan Cave to Dashahe River, 18.VIII.2004, Z. Zhang leg. Paratypes: 3♀♀ (MHBU): same data as the holotype.
Yunguirius subterebratus can be distinguished from other species of this genus as follows: 1) atrium cordiform (fig. 245A in
Female: See
Male. Unknown.
Guizhou Province, China (Fig.
Coelotes terebratus
Peng & Wang, 1997 in
Draconarius terebratus
(Peng & Wang, 1997) in
(not examined). Holotype ♀ (HNNU): China: Hunan Province: Zhangjiajie City: Sangzhi County, Tianpingshan Mountain, 16.X.1986, J. Wang leg. Paratype: 1♂ (HNNU): same data as the holotype.
Yunguirius terebratus can be distinguished from other species of this genus as follows: 1) atrium subrounded (fig. 28 in
Male. See
Female: (fig. 27 in
Hunan Province, China (Fig.
Holotype ♀ (IZCAS-Ar44408): China: Sichuan Province: Luzhou City: Gulin County, Shiping Township, Xiangding Village, Huaer Cave, 28.0294°N, 106.0073°E, elevation: 641 m, 22.IV.2014, Y. Lin, H. Zhao, Y. Li, J. Wu and F. Li leg.
The new species is named after the type locality (Xiangding Village); noun in apposition.
Yunguirius xiangding sp. nov. resembles Y. subterebratus by having a cordiform atrium, asymmetric copulatory ducts, arch-shaped spermathecal stalks, fists on both sides, and the unilateral end of spermathecal head exposed. However, it can be distinguished from Y. subterebratus as follows: 1) crevice breaking at lateral margin of the atrium, below its hoods (Fig.
Female (holotype) (Fig.
Male. Unknown.
Sichuan Province, China (Fig.
The manuscript benefited greatly from comments by Dimitar Dimitrov and Alireza Zamani. Danni Sherwood checked English. Xiaoqing Zhang helped lab work and illustrations. This study was supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (NSFC–32170447; NSFC–31970396) and the program of Youth Innovation Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. 2019087).
The species names, DNA sequences and GenBank accession numbers of all Coelotinae samples and outgroups.
Data type: phylogenetic data