Research Article |
Corresponding author: José Mauricio Barbanti Duarte ( ) Academic editor: Nilton Cáceres
© 2023 Jorge Alfonso Morales-Donoso, Gabrielle Queiroz Vacari, Agda Maria Bernegossi, Eluzai Dinai Pinto Sandoval, Pedro Henrique Faria Peres, David Javier Galindo, Benoit de Thoisy, Miluse Vozdova, Svatava Kubickova, José Mauricio Barbanti Duarte.
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Morales-Donoso JA, Vacari GQ, Bernegossi AM, Sandoval EDP, Peres PHF, Galindo DJ, de Thoisy B, Vozdova M, Kubickova S, Barbanti Duarte JM (2023) Revalidation of Passalites Gloger, 1841 for the Amazon brown brocket deer P. nemorivagus (Cuvier, 1817) (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Cervidae). ZooKeys 1167: 241-264.
Mazama nemorivaga (Cuvier, 1817) is a gray brocket deer that inhabits the Amazon region. An assessment of previous studies revealed inconsistencies in its current taxonomic classification, suggesting the need for an update in its genus classification. A taxonomic repositioning of this species is proposed through the collection of a specimen from its type locality (French Guiana) with subsequent morphological (coloring pattern, body measurements, and craniometry), cytogenetics (G Band, C Band, conventional Giemsa, Ag-NOR staining, and BAC probe mapping), and molecular phylogenetic analysis (mitochondrial genes Cyt B of 920 bp, COI I of 658 bp, D-loop 610 bp), and comparisons with other specimens of the same taxon, as well as other Neotropical deer species. The morphological and cytogenetic differences between this and other Neotropical Cervidae confirm the taxon as a unique and valid species. The phylogenetic analysis evidenced the basal position of the M. nemorivaga specimens within the Blastocerina clade. This shows early diversification and wide divergence from the other species, suggesting that the taxon should be transferred to a different genus. A taxonomic update of the genus name is proposed through the validation of Passalites Gloger, 1841, with Passalites nemorivagus (Cuvier, 1817) as the type species. Future research should focus on evaluating the potential existence of other species within the genus Passalites, as suggested in the literature.
brocket deer, Cervidae, Mazama nemorivaga, new genus, taxonomy
Brocket deer, genera Mazama and Subulo, are widely distributed and occur in almost every tropical and subtropical forest region between south-central Mexico (State of Veracruz) and northern Argentina (
The polyphyletic status of the genus Mazama has been suggested since the early 2000s by studies applying molecular phylogenetic analyses using sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and the nuclear genes MGF and IL16 (
By contrast, M. nemorivaga is a lineage that still deserves a taxonomic assessment. The species is the smallest gray brocket deer occurring in the Amazon region (
The species was originally described as Cervus nemorivagus by
The taxonomic literature on New World deer has historically alternated between validating and synonymizing several species of gray/brown brocket deer of smaller size than red brockets. Mazama nemorivaga has always been considered as a valid taxon in revisions considering more than one species of this morphotype (up to seven species of brocket deer have been recognized) (
To date, 34 synonyms for M. nemorivaga have been listed. Of these, 13 present insufficient descriptions, and their association with either M. nemorivaga or S. gouazoubira is uncertain (
As morphological (
We collected an adult male topotype in the city of Régina, 70 km south-east of Cayenne in French Guiana, allowed by the collection permission document n°2014328-0018 issued by the Prfet de la Rgion Guyane, Direction de l’Environnement, de l’Aménagement et du Logement and by approval n°005433/19 from the UNESP/Jaboticabal ethics committee. In accordance with the Access and Benefit Sharing requirement, a tissue sample is also deposited in French Guiana (collection JAGUARS, Kwata NGO) under the reference number M5865_JAG. The specimen was photographed, and 14 external body measurements were taken using a caliper (head width, distance between the eyes, width from the jaw to its base), a measuring tape (head length, neck, thorax, and abdomen circumference; body, ear, tail, metatarsal and metacarpal length, and height), and a scale (body mass). The complete skeleton and the taxidermized skin were deposited at the Museum of the Deer Research and Conservation Center (NUPECCE - Núcleo de Pesquisa e Conservação de Cervídeos), in Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil, under the catalog number NPC080. Aspects such as general coat coloration, body chromogenetic fields, band pigment pattern on hairs, and the presence of anteverted hairs and tufts were also examined. Additionally, head chromogenetic fields were examined according to the pattern described by
A matrix was constructed with the cranial measurements of the French Guiana topotype and of other Neotropical adult deer deposited in the NUPECCE Museum, corresponding to the species P. nemorivagus, S. gouazoubira, M. americana, M. rufa, M. nana, and M. jucunda (Table
Specimens used in morphological, cytogenetic, and molecular analyses (BD = body measurement).
Voucher ID | Species | Origin | Karyotype | Skull | BD | Mitochondrial DNA | Reference | ||
Cytb | COI | D-loop | |||||||
T359 | P. nemorivagus | Régina, French Guiana (topotype of nemorivaga) | 2n = 69 and FN = 72, XY | X | X | MT008225 | OQ918560 | OQ923298 | This study |
T309 | P. nemorivagus | Amapá, Brazil | 2n = 68 and FN = 72, XY | – | – | MT008223 | OQ918557 | OQ923295 | This study |
T346 | P. nemorivagus | Amapá, Brazil | 2n = 68 and FN = 72, XY | – | – | MZ350867 | OQ918559 | OQ923297 | This study |
T321 | P. nemorivagus | Macapá, Brazil | 2n = 69 and FN = 72, XY | – | – | MT008224 | OQ918558 | OQ923296 | This study |
JN632660 | P. nemorivagus | French Guiana | – | – | – | JN632660 | JN632660 | JN632660 |
T377 | S. gouazoubira | Puerto Galileo, Paraguay (neotype of guazoubira) | – | X | – | MZ350858 | MZ350858 | MZ350858 |
T082 | S. gouazoubira | Camobi, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | – | X | – | MZ350862 | MZ350862 | MZ350862 |
T386 | S. gouazoubira | Matão, São Paulo, Brazil | – | X | – | MZ350865 | MZ350865 | MZ350865 |
KJ772514 | S. gouazoubira | Pantanal, Brazil | – | – | – | KJ772514 | KJ772514 | KJ772514 |
T389 | S. gouazoubira | Puerto Arecutacuá, Paraguay | – | X | – | MZ350866 | MZ350866 | MZ350866 |
NC020682 | B. dichotomus | – | – | – | – | NC020642 | NC020642 | NC020642 |
JN632603 | B. dichotomus | Bolívia | – | – | – | JN632603 | JN632603 | JN632603 |
DQ789193 | O. bezoarticus | Bolívia | – | – | – | DQ789193 | DQ789193 | DQ789193 |
JN632657 | M. americana | Peru | – | – | – | JN632657 | JN632657 | JN632657 |
JN632656 | M. americana | French Guiana | – | – | – | JN632656 | JN632656 | JN632656 |
T358 | M. americana | French Guiana (neotype of americana) | – | X | – | MZ350857 | MZ350857 | MZ350857 |
T253 | M. americana | Juína, Brazil | – | X | – | MZ350856 | MZ350856 | MZ350856 |
T107 | M. nana | Paraguay | – | – | – | MZ350863 | MZ350863 | MZ350863 |
T215 | M. jucunda | P. E. Intervales-SP, Brazil | – | – | – | MZ350859 | MZ350859 | MZ350859 |
T362 | M. temama | Campeche, México | – | – | – | MZ362858 | MZ362858 | MZ362858 |
T366 | M. temama | Veracruz, México (neotype of temama) | – | – | – | MZ350864 | MZ350864 | MZ350864 |
MF784604 | A. alces | – | – | – | – | MF784604 | MF784604 | MF784604 |
MN813763 | C. pygargus | – | – | – | – | MN813763 | MN813763 | MN813763 |
MT753444 | R. tarandus | – | – | – | – | MT753444 | MT753444 | MT753444 | Artyushin et al. 2020 |
CATFAP4 | P. nemorivagus | Captivity, Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
T371 | P. nemorivagus | Pará, Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
T264 | P. nemorivagus | Pará, Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
T265 | P. nemorivagus | Maranhão, Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
T347B | S. gouazoubira | São Paulo, Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
T403 | S. gouazoubira | Santa Catarina, Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
T323 | S. gouazoubira | São Paulo, Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
T409 | S. gouazoubira | Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
T260 | M. americana | Santarém, Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
T259 | M. americana | Santarém, Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
T247 | M. americana | Juína, Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
T251 | M. americana | Juína, Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
T269 | M. americana | Rondônia, Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
T206 | M. americana | Rondônia, Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
T205 | M. rufa | Paraná, Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
T268 | M. rufa | Paraná, Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
T304 | M. nana | Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
NPC114 | M. nana | Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
T412 | M. jucunda | Paraná, Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
T340 | M. jucunda | Paraná, Brazil | – | X | – | – | – | – | This study |
Trichotomy and antisepsis were performed on the inner region of the left thigh, followed by the excision of a 2 × 2 cm skin fragment, which was then preserved in liquid nitrogen as described in
We mapped bovine-derived artificial bacterial chromosome (BAC) probes into the P. nemorivagus topotype. Probes were selected considering the mapped S. gouazoubira karyotype (
The mitochondrial DNA sequences of 24 deer species were used in this study (Table
Genomic DNA extraction from tissue samples (liver and muscle) was performed by proteinase K digestion and a phenol/chloroform extraction through a modified protocol based on the methodology described by
We amplified the following partial gene sequences: 920 bp of cytochrome b (Cyt B) (
Samples were submitted to PCR in a conventional thermocycler “Biometer T1 Thermocycler” for DNA amplification. DNA fragments were amplified using 300 μM dNTPs, 1.5 mM MgCl, 1x Buffer (200 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.4; 500 mM KCl), 1U Taq Polymerase, 15–20 pmol forward primer, 15–20 pmol of reverse primer, 50–100 ng DNA, in a final volume of 30 µL. The amplification program was an initial 5-min cycle at 94° for DNA denaturation; 35 cycles at 94° for 1 min with Cyt-B and COI I hybridization temperature at 54°, and 52° for the D-loop primer, and 45–75 sec at 72° for 1 min, with a final extension of 72° for 30 min.
After PCR, the amplified product was analyzed by 2% agarose gel electrophoresis and purified by an ethanol protocol without washing (
The sense and antisense sequences of the mitochondrial regions were visually inspected on electropherograms in order to eliminate false polymorphisms and possible ambiguities and a combined into a consensus sequence using the BioEdit Sequence Alignment Editor software (
The evolutionary model with the best fit to our sequence data was estimated through Partitionfinder2 using the CIPRES Science Gateway platform (
General orange-brown coloration, dorsally dark brown uniform. Flanks light brown to brown. Tail, dorsally brown, ventrally white. Head, neck, and chest region from dark to light brown. Absence of anteverted hair strip on nape. White nasal spot, light brown rostral lateral band, deep brown rostral band, brown inferior orbital band over a yellowish spot, orange superior orbital band, whitish pre-orbital gland opening. Mental spot present, yellowish mandibular spot, and white buccal and throat region. White basal auricular spot, white inner auricular surface, and orange-brown outer auricular surface. Presence of a tuft of frontal hair. Absence of tuft of hairs on tarsal region. Whitish inguinal and abdominal region. Brown lateral region of the limbs. Internal distal region of the limbs brown on the hind limbs and orange-brown on the forelegs. Whitish inner proximal region of the limbs. Skull with absent sagittal crest, small tympanic bulla, extended vomerinus septum, two lacrimal foramina at the edge of the orbit, shallow lacrimal fossa, and rectangular pre-orbital region (Fig.
External body measurements obtained from the topotype are listed in Table
Body measurements of the Passalites nemorivagus topotype, collected in French Guiana, measurements in centimeters (cm) and mass in kilograms (kg).
Character | Measurement |
Head length | 20.5 |
Head width | 7.55 |
Ear length | 8.6 |
Between eyes | 4.5 |
Mandible width (basis) | 5.3 |
Metacarpus length | 12.5 |
Height | 48.0 |
Body length | 70.0 |
Tail length | 9.0 |
Metatarsus length | 21.0 |
Neck Circumference | 21.0 |
Thorax circumference | 54.0 |
Abdomen circumference | 63.0 |
Body mass | 14.5 |
Cranial dimension factorial analysis simplified 38 measurements into four factors. Factors 1 and 2 are associated with skull length. Measurements include
total length (TL),
condylobasal length (CBL),
short skull length (SSL),
basefacial axis (BFA),
vicerocranial length (VCL),
nasal lambda (NL),
lambda-prostion (LP),
oral palatal length (OPL), and
short facial length (SFL). Factor 3 is associated with
mean frontal length (MFL),
akrocranium (ACR), and
tooth running distance (TRD). Factor 4 is related to skull width measurements such as the
nasal bone’s most distal region (NBDR),
zygomatic width (ZW),
greater mastoid width (GMW), and
premolar line (PML). Principal component analysis of these cranial measurements showed that PC1 and PC2 (principal components 1 and 2, respectively) represented 95.64% of the data variance, with length measurements influencing PC1 (X axis) and shape measures influencing PC2 (Y axis). The analysis efficiently discriminated the specimens primarily by size, where medium-sized individuals corresponded to M. americana sensu lato, M. rufa, and M. jucunda, and were recovered separately from small individuals corresponding to P. nemorivagus, S. gouazoubira, and M. nana (Fig.
Principal component analysis (PCA) of adult male P. nemorivagus (Cuvier, 1817) (filled diamonds), S. gouazoubira (Fischer, 1814) (filled bars), M. nana (Hensel, 1872) (inverted triangles), M. rufa (Illiger, 1815) (filled triangles), M. jucunda Thomas, 1913 (circles), and M. americana (Erxleben, 1777) sensu lato (filled squares) cranial measurements.
The collected specimen showed a karyotypic constitution with a diploid number (2n) of 69 chromosomes and a fundamental arm number (FN) of 72 (Fig.
A from left to right – homologous Subulo gouazoubira chromosomes (Fischer, 1814) (SGO); chromosomes of the male Passalites nemorivagus topotype (Cuvier, 1817) (PNE) under conventional Giemsa staining; C-banding idiogram, demonstrating heterochromatin blocks; and labeling selected BAC probes from the CHORI-240 library. Arrows indicate Ag-NOR staining B FISH showing the chromosomes involved in the Robertsonian translocation (rob)7;27; and probes 311B9 (pink) and 316D2 (green) on the PNEX C Schematic comparison of the BAC probe markings on the X chromosome between SGO and PNE. Xqprox = proximal X region; Xqmed = medial X region; Xqdist = distal X region; PAR = Psedoautosomal region.
C-banding showed that all autosomal chromosomes had pericentromeric blocks of constitutive heterochromatin. The X chromosome showed a heterochromatic block in the centromeric region, and the Y chromosome was euchromatic. B chromosomes, on the other hand, were heterochromatic. Ag-NOR staining revealed nucleolar organizer regions in the telomere region of the first two chromosome pairs.
G-banding patterns and BAC probe staining were used for comparison with S. gouazoubira (SGO), which retained the ancestral karyotype of the species. We observed that centric fusion in heterozygosis involved pairs 7 and 27 of the topotype. The P. nemorivagus X chromosome (PNEX) differs from SGOX by a pericentric inversion and a change in the centromeric position, resulting in the submetacentric morphology of the PNEX. All other chromosomes matched in terms of morphology, banding pattern, and order of BAC probes when compared with the ancestral karyotype (SGO). The comparative analysis with other P. nemorivagus specimens showed that all individuals have fusions in chromosome pairs 7 and 27. The topotype (T359), and the individual T321 carry the fusion in heterozygosis, while the individuals T309 and T346 carry the fusion in homozygosis. All other chromosomes from the autosomal set have one homologous chromosome. The sexual system was simple (XY) for all individuals analyzed.
The analyses conducted with the three concatenated mitochondrial gene regions (Cyt-B; COI I; D-loop) recovered P. nemorivagus in a very well-supported clade and sister group to the other Blastocerina (Fig.
The designation of a new genus for Mazama nemorivaga (Cuvier, 1817) has been suggested since the first phylogenetic review included this species (
The first description of a New World brocket deer within Linnaeus’s binomial system allocated the red brocket deer to the genus Moschus L. (Moschus americanus Erxleben, 1777), a group that included the other small ungulates already known to science at the time, such as the chevrotains (
The synonymy of Mazama Rafinesque, 1817 is well known and consistent across several studies (
Passalites Gloger, 1841
Etymology of genus name. From the Greek πασσαλος, meaning skewer, which characterizes their simple, unbranched, spiked antlers.
Type species of the genus. Cervus nemorivagus Cuvier, 1817, by monotypy (Gloger, 1841).
Species included in the genus. Only the type species.
Generic synonymy.
Cervus: Cuvier, 1817: 485. Part, not Cervus Linnaeus, 1758.
Mazama: Lydekker, 1898: 303. Part, not Mazama Rafinesque, 1817.
Subulo Smith, 1827: 319. Part, restricted to Subulo gouazoubira (Fischer, 1814) by Bernegossi et al. 2022.
Coassus Gray, 1843: 174. No type species selected.
Dorycerus Fitzinger, 1873: 360. No type species selected.
Cariacus: Brooke, 1878: 918. Part, not Cariacus Lesson, 1842.
Hippocamelus: Elliot, 1907: 50 Part, not Hippocamelus Leuckart, 1816.
Revised diagnosis. Phylogenetically defined as a clade of brocket deer in the Blastocerina sub-tribe, Odocoileini tribe of the Cervidae family (Fig.
The animal described here can be considered a topotype for P. nemorivagus, representing a comparative baseline for future taxonomic revisions. There are indications that the taxidermized specimen from the National Museum of Natural History in Paris was part of the original set used for the formal description of the species and should thus be considered a syntype. The animal presented here is the first specimen analyzed with a reliable origin, having been collected near the type locality in a region of continuous forest. Its morphological description corresponds with the original description by
The coloration and external body measurements of the P. nemorivagus topotype corroborate the described diagnostic characters reported in previous studies, showing that the species corresponds to a small gray deer with large eyes and pointed ears (
Just as coat color is the main differentiating feature between P. nemorivagus and Mazama, external body measurements and craniometry have been reported to be discriminatory with S. gouazoubira (
Regarding the cytogenetic characterization of the species, previous descriptions demonstrated the existence of a variation of 2n = 66 to 70 and FN = 70 to 72 which are associated with centric fusions and/or X-autosomal fusions (
The cytogenetic comparison between P. nemorivagus and S. gouazoubira demonstrated that their autosomal sets present the same morphological and banding pattern; however, the X chromosome of P. nemorivagus has a submetacentric morphology, while the X chromosome is acrocentric in S. gouazoubira (
The phylogenetic analyses in this study with CytB, COI, and DLoop mitochondrial genes follow the results obtained by other authors who also used CytB (
Despite S. gouazoubira and P. nemorivagus having been lumped with each other several times over the course of taxonomic revisions, the species are clearly separated by different approaches (
Some authors suggest the possibility that P. nemorivagus is a cryptic species complex based on molecular (
The present study characterized a Passalites nemorivagus topotype and compared it with other individuals of the same species as well as other Neotropical deer. The phylogenetic results clearly show the need to withdraw this taxon from the genus Mazama, since it is recovered in a phylogenetically distant clade not associated with M. rufa, the type species of this genus. Nevertheless, cytogenetics and morphological analyses revealed differences from the other genera of the Blastocerina subtribe, especially Subulo gouazoubira. Thus, we validate Passalites as a monospecific genus with Passalites nemorivagus as the type species.
We thank colleagues at the Veterinary Research Institute in Brno, Czech Republic, for their collaboration in cytogenetic analysis. We also thank João Airton Boer for his collaboration in the laboratory at NUPECCE/UNESP. Deer illustration in the phylogenetic tree by Natália Aranha Azevedo.
No conflict of interest was declared.
The study was approved by the Ethics Committee on Animal Use of the School of Agricultural and Veterinarian Sciences, São Paulo State University (approval No. 005433/19).
Galindo, D. J. was supported by the National Fund for Scientific, Technological Development and Technological Innovation (FONDECYT), the funding branch of the National Council for Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (CONCYTEC) Peru (Grant Contract No. 116-2017-FONDECYT). The project was supported by FAPESP (process 2017/07014-8 and 2019/06940-1) and CNPq (process 406299/2013-7 and 302368/218-3).
Conceptualization: JMBD. Formal analysis: JAMD, EDPS, GQV, PHFP, AMB. Funding acquisition: JMBD. Investigation: AMB, JAMD, DJG, SK, MV, GQV, PHFP, JMBD. Methodology: SK, PHFP, JMBD, DJG, AMB, EDPS, MV. Project administration: JMBD. Resources: BDT. Supervision: JMBD, BDT. Writing - review and editing: PHFP, EDPS, SK, BDT, MV, GQV, DJG, JAMD, AMB, JMBD.
Jorge Alfonso Morales-Donoso
Gabrielle Queiroz Vacari
Agda Maria Bernegossi
Eluzai Dinai Pinto Sandoval
Pedro Henrique Faria Peres
David Javier Galindo
Benoit de Thoisy
Miluse Vozdova
Svatava Kubickova
José Mauricio Barbanti Duarte
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text or Supplementary Information.
List of BAC clones used in Passalites nemorivagus (Cuvier, 1817) topotype
Data type: table (docx file)
Explanation note: The clones were selected from the CHORI-240 cattle (BTA) library.
Mitochondrial markers utilized in this study
Data type: table (docx file)
Cranial measurements of the Passalites nemorivagus specimen (T359)
Data type: table (docx file)
Explanation note: Cranial measurements of the Passalites nemorivagus specimen (T359), collected in French Guiana and other male specimens of neotropical deer. Measures are in millimeters (mm) according to
Genetic pairwise Kimura 2 parameter distance of Passalites nemorivagus compared to other Neotropical deer
Data type: table (docx file)
Male Passalites nemorivagus topotype (Cuvier, 1817) collected in French Guiana (T359)
Data type: figure (png file)
Explanation note: Ventral view of the body (A), dorsal view of the head (B), and close-up of the head view (C).