Exocelina damantiensis (Balke, 1998), PNG, median lobe in lateral view, setae are not shown A Madang, Brahman-Bundi, paratype of E. madangensis (Balke, 2001) B Madang, Akameku-Brahman, PNG114 C Madang, Damanti, paratype of E. damantiensis D Morobe, Yakob, PNG74 E Morobe, Lae-Bulolo, paratype of E. patepensis (Balke, 1998) F Morobe, Kwapsanek, PNG25 G, H Morobe, Kobau.

  Part of: Shaverdo H, Sagata K, Balke M (2016) Taxonomic revision of New Guinea diving beetles of the Exocelina danae group, with the description of ten new species (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae, Copelatinae). ZooKeys 619: 45-102. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.619.9951