Syntypes slides of S. boneti comb. nov. deposited in MNHN (Paris, France) A–H specimens from the type locality herein designated, Câuda [Cầu Đá, Nha Trang], Vietnam A lectotype designed B–H paralectotypes herein designated I specimens from Pic Lang Biang [Lang Biang Peak, Dalat], Vietnam J specimen from Cua-Be [Cầa Bé, Nha Trang], Vietnam K specimens from Réam [Ream], Cambodia L specimen from Kampot, Cambodia.

  Part of: Godeiro NN, Bu Y, Nilsai A, Deharveng L, Cipola NG (2023) Systematics of Lepidocyrtinus boneti Denis, 1948 (Collembola, Seirinae) reveals a new position for the species within Seirinae. ZooKeys 1152: 97-118.