Maximum-likelihood tree of Bolitoglossa (Eladinea) adspersa group showing the phylogenetic position of Bolitoglossa muisca. Vertical bars indicate the two-species hypothesis within Bolitoglossa adspersa with the supported species partitions inferred using genetic data (p-distances, ABGD, and P ID). Support values for well-supported nodes correspond to ML ultrafast bootstrap (> 95) and Bayesian posterior probabilities (> 0.95), respectively. Photograph by JDF.

  Part of: López-Perilla YR, Fernández-Roldán JD, Meza-Joya FL, Medina-Rangel GF (2023) A new Bolitoglossa (Amphibia, Caudata, Plethodontidae) from the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia. ZooKeys 1158: 27-48.