A nMDS ordination (stress = 0.16) of the resemblance matrix for Umbilia armeniaca, where shaded ellipses indicate the 95% confidence interval of group (subspecies or population) centroids and plot characters indicate data source B–H Associations between ordination structure and morphometrics influencing this structure, where the green lines illustrate B length C height:length ratio D width:length ratio E height:width ratio F normalised columellar tooth count G normalised labral tooth count, and H relative mass contour lines.

  Part of: Southgate PC, Militz TA (2023) A multivariate approach to morphological study of shell form in cowries (Gastropoda, Cypraeidae): a case study with Umbilia armeniaca (Verco, 1912). ZooKeys 1158: 69-89. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1158.98868